Enable/view subs - pre-scripts or button properties?

You have a number of ways in DVDSP to enable/disable subtitles for a Track.
Mostly, I use SetSystemStream in a pre-script for a Track, and then I use SPRM8/GPRM5.
But, given that you have separate buttons (play with subs, play without subs) you can also use button properties for the subs.
Somewhere way back, I was told by HalMcLean that pre-scripts sometimes can cause problems - but I don't remember if that was particularly with subs or rather other parameters.
What way would you guys go? Script or button?

Nice to see you again.
So, what do you suggest? Setting the subs in the button properties, or rather use a script with a jump to the Track (where you set the system stream before the jump)?
For this qick job I actually used a pre-script in the single Track (systemstrrem sub on/off) and it seemed to work fine in both Simulator, Apple DVD player and three different hardware DVD players.
Fingers crossed....

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    Makes perfect sense to me! How many menus are we talking about here? If it isn't a great many, then simple scripting is all you need to worry about!
    There is one more way to go about this, and that is to use the DVDSP values for menus. In DVDSP3, for example, the first menu in the outline view (at the top of the stack) would have had a value of 32 attached to it. The second a value of 64, and so on. Using this information would then allow you to identify any menu in a script simply by knowing the order in the outline view. It is somewhat harder in V4 to do this as menus can get placed within different VTS, so I wouldn't recommend going that route either.
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    Thanks for your reply.
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    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
    __CRYSTALSTATEviewer:{"0":{"rptViewLabel":"Ana Rapor", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duZwUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICBQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIC", "pageNum":2}, "common":{"width":"100%", "Height":"100%", "enableDrillDown":true, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", 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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • How to view the DDL script prior to object deployment in OWB 10g R2?

    How to view the DDL script prior to object deployment in OWB 10g R2?
    Here is what I' looking for: in 10gR2, let's say I've built dimension X, but it's not deployed yet. I've selected one of the deployment options, let's say: "Deploy to Catalog only". Now, I'd like to see a DDL script that will be executed at the deployment time. Where can I find this script? What screen? What menu?

    Viewing the Scripts
    After you have generated scripts for your target objects, you can open the scripts and
    view the code. Warehouse Builder generates the following types of scripts:
    ■ DDL scripts: Creates or drops database objects.
    ■ SQL*Loader control files: Extracts and transports data from file sources.
    ■ ABAP scripts: Extracts and loads data from SAP systems.
    To view the generated scripts:
    1. From the Generation Results window, select an object in the navigation tree on the
    left of the Generation Results dialog.
    2. Select the Scripts tab on the right of this dialog.
    The Scripts tab contains a list of the generated scripts for the object you selected.
    3. Select a specific script and click the View Code button.

  • How do I enable the top row of touch buttons on Pavilion dv6000?

    How do I enable the top row of touch buttons on Pavilion dv6000, they're turned off.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Make sure that the HP Quick Launch SW is installed.
    Click the White Kudos Star to say Thanks
    Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem

  • Need a JavaScript to enable/view Multi-line option for Text fields.

    Hello All,
    I need a JavaScript to enable/view Multi-line option for all the Text fields in PDF Form.
    Assume that I have a PDF form of Fields from F1 to F100 and it contains 25 Checkboxes, 25 Combo Box and 50 Text Fields. Now i need a javascript for which i need to enable Multiline for only Text Fields. So Is there any JS for which i can enable the Multiline option for only Text fields and not for ComboBox or Checkbox.

    Hi timo,
    Thanks for your help. iam trying to use the iteraor approch to do this. but i don't know how to fetch the data entered in the form that was built by the iterator. can you please tell me .

  • How can you enable back the Android native Menu button in AIR 2.7?

    I've noticed in AIR 2.7 for Android, that now the bottom icons in Android 3.0 Honeycomb are hidden (replaced by small dots) in AIR 2.7, whereas in AIR 2.6 they were always visible. That's cool. Since the bottom bar can never be hidden in Android 3, at least now those icons are less visible (unless you intentionally touch the bottom bar, then the icons show up for a few seconds).
    BUT I also noticed in AIR 2.7 compiled apps, the native "Menu" icon is not visible anymore, even after touching the bottom bar. In AIR 2.6 you could see and press that button (which can be captured from AIR so you can show a custom settings menu or whatever).
    So, quoting the subject --> How can you enable back the Android native Menu button in AIR 2.7?

    There is a work around and a reason for the menu issue.  Honeycomb doesn't natively support a menu softkey, it is only to support old apps comiled in phone API levels.  If you compile a Honeycomb app in 2.7 or 3.0, it is expected you manage the settings within the larger tablet UI framework.  See below link for more info and work around. 

  • Why can't I see an export value option in my radio button properties? I am using Acrobat X pro.

    Why can't I see an export value option in my radio button properties? I am using Acrobat X pro.

    Thanks so much. Thought it was just the name of the button and did not realize it was the value. Now able to use them for calculations.

  • How to use views in sql script report?

    All all
    Can any one tell how to use views in sql script report?

    Most of the views are based on tables (or other views which are based on tables).
    The view typically shows one org at a time based on the context that is set.
    If you need records for all orgs, you need to use the underlying tables. Oracle typically names the tables with a _all suffix.
    e.g. PO_HEADERS will show records for one org at a time. PO_HEADERS_ALL will show records for all orgs.
    Hope this answers your question,
    Sandeep Gandhi

  • I need to apply for a job but I'm told I need to enable cookies and java script, how do I do that?  I can't find it in system preferences

    I need to apply for a job but I'm told I need to enable cookies and java script, how do I do that?  I can't find it in system preferences
    I just updated to the new operating system which i'm starting to think was a bad idea, because it reset all my settings and I don't know how to fix them.

    so when I go to safari>preferences>security>uncheck box labled enable java script  links on webpages don't work and pictures and links son't want to appear on websites.  this made it so webpages don't want to work past loading the content in text format.  I have to check enable java script to go the webpages to work right so images and links work again but when I try to apply for this job the error message pops up saying I need to enable cookies and java script.

  • Script single button to play frames, then skip some, and continue play?

    Just as the topic says, I want to script a button to go to
    and play through a motion tween, but then skip some frames to then
    play another motion tween all in one button press. For example,
    play frame 1 which plays the tween and ends at frame 10 (I have
    that part down fine) but then for it to skip ahead to continue to
    play frame 20 and then of course stop once it finishes that motion
    Tried a few searches but its too many words to explain so I
    wasnt finding anything. Its probably a simple command im just not
    familiar with yet. Can anyone help?

    I probably should have been more specific. I cant add
    anything to the timeline because I have multiple buttons using the
    first tween, which is a fade out. Thats why I need a script to add
    to each button only to play through that first common tween, and
    then skip to play an individual tween set for each button. Like
    button 1 goes through the first common tween, a fade out (plays
    frames 41 - 53) and its individual tween is frames 54 - 66. This
    works fine of course because the tweens are next to each other.
    Button 2's individual tween starts on frame 67, so it needs to play
    through the common tween fade (41 - 53) skip Button 1's frames, and
    continue play on 67. These buttons are located on frame 1 (main
    menu) so is it even possible to script a button to do such a thing?
    I figured there would be but nothing im trying or seeing online is
    working. Heh... does this make sense? :o
    The only other way I know it will work is if I copy and paste
    all the information in the layers before each section but that
    causes me to have to push a lot of information further down the
    timeline, kinda making a big mess and causing me to rescript all
    frames there.

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