Enabling ACL on 8510 MSR

Hello all,
I am trying to apply an extended ACL on an interface of C8510 MSR with IOS Version 12.1(27b)E3.
This is what i get
C8510_CYB(config-if)#ip access-group 102 out
Warning: Could not apply ACLs on FastEthernet0/0/4
I reapply the access-group command no Warning message pops up but the ACL is not functional.
Any workarounds for this.
Thanks in advance
Kapil Chandran

Your problem is that your 8510 does not have an ACL Daughter card. You can configure control-plane acls, but not data-plane acls without the ACL Daughter card. I think you need acl daughter card on this device in order to do so.

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    Are you using xSAN 2 or 1.4? With v2, you can stop the volume and open it's settings, checking ACL's. Oddly, I'm curious to why ACL's would make your permissions management easier. It generally in my experience has made it far more difficult to deal with permissions from different macs when enabled since there are additional "layers" of users above those assigned by XSAN directly.
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  • Enabling ACLs on existing sharepoint

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    If anyone has suggestions for me (besides re-reading Gerrit's ACL Tips posts, which I will do anyway), I'd appreciate it.
    G5 iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    ACLs are enabled at the volume level, but only applied to the folders you choose. For example, we use a volume (Data) that contains multiple folders (Homes, Shared, and Web). We use ACLs only in the Shared directory and continue to rely on POSIX for the others. It works fine.
    One caveat: we don't use XRAID.

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    Do you see a n "Old Firefox Data" folder on the desktop in case Firefox got reset?
    Do you have more than one profile folders present if you check that?
    You can use this button to go to the current Firefox profile folder:
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder (Linux: Open Directory; Mac: Show in Finder)
    Go one level up to the Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ folder in case a new profile got created.

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    Please can any body tell be why this is not working. Tanx.

    You'll need to add the apex engine owner to the ACL (Access Control List). Depending on your version of apex the user name varies. i.e. 4.0 is APEX_040000
    See Joel's blog for info about the ACL and APEX.

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    According to:
    you required the Enhanced ATM ROuter Module to support MPLS on the 8510MSR.
    Hope that helps - pls rate the post if it does.

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    By default Access Control Lists (ACLs) are enabled on Leopard Server (10.5). The situation was different on Tiger Server (10.4) as you had to enable ACLs for each mounted volume.
    To disable ACLs on Leopard Server you have to use the command line:
    sudo fsaclctl -p path -d disable
    to disable and to enable:
    sudo fsaclctl -p path -d enable
    As with 10.4 you its a good idea to restart the server after disabling or enabling ACLs, otherwise ACLs won't take. Strictly speaking this should only be true of the Boot volume although in my view its worth doing it for any other mounted volume you are going to be using for sharing.
    To display ACL status for all mounted volumes issue this command:
    fsaclctl -a
    for a specific volume its:
    fsaclctl -p path
    where path is the name of the volume - you can drag drop the desired volume into the terminal window to show its full path. For example you could have:
    fsaclctl -p /
    / is terminal shorthand for the boot volume. Regardless of how you do it you should see something like this:
    Access control lists are supported on /Volumes/Data HD

  • IpSec VPN and NAT don't work togheter on HP MSR 20 20

    Hi People,
    I'm getting several issues, let me explain:
    I have a Router HP MSR with 2 ethernet interfaces, Eth 0/0 - WAN ( and Eth 0/1 LAN ( /24). I have configured a VPN site to site thru the internet, and it works really well. The other site has the subnet and i can reache the network thru the VPN Ipsec. The issue is that the network /24 needs to reach internet with the same public address, so I have set a basic NT configuration, when I put the nat configuration into Eth 0/0 all network can go to internet, but the VPN goes down, when I remove the NAT from Eth 0/0 the VPN goes Up, but the network Can't go to internet.
    I'm missing something but i don't know what it is !!!!, See below the configuration.
    Can anyone help me qith that, I need to send te traffic with target thru the VPN, and all other traffic to internet, Basically I need that NAT and VPN work fine at same time.
    Note: I just have only One public Ip address.
    version 5.20, Release 2207P41, Standard
    sysname HP
    nat address-group 1
    domain default enable system
    dns proxy enable
    telnet server enable
    dar p2p signature-file cfa0:/p2p_default.mtd
    port-security enable
    acl number 2001
    rule 0 permit source
    rule 5 deny
    acl number 3000
    rule 0 permit ip source destination
    vlan 1
    domain system
    access-limit disable
    state active
    idle-cut disable
    self-service-url disable
    ike proposal 1
    encryption-algorithm 3des-cbc
    dh group2
    ike proposal 10
    encryption-algorithm 3des-cbc
    dh group2
    ike peer vpn-test
    proposal 1
    pre-shared-key cipher wrWR2LZofLx6g26QyYjqBQ==
    remote-address <Public Ip from VPN Peer>
    nat traversal
    ipsec proposal vpn-test
    esp authentication-algorithm sha1
    esp encryption-algorithm 3des
    ipsec policy vpntest 30 isakmp
    connection-name vpntest.30
    security acl 3000
    pfs dh-group2
    ike-peer vpn-test
    proposal vpn-test
    dhcp server ip-pool vlan1 extended
    network mask
    user-group system
    group-attribute allow-guest
    local-user admin
    password cipher .]@USE=B,53Q=^Q`MAF4<1!!
    authorization-attribute level 3
    service-type telnet
    service-type web
    undo cwmp enable
    interface Aux0
    async mode flow
    link-protocol ppp
    interface Cellular0/0
    async mode protocol
    link-protocol ppp
    interface Ethernet0/0
    port link-mode route
    nat outbound 2001 address-group 1
    nat server 1 protocol tcp global current-interface 3389 inside 3389
    ip address dhcp-alloc
    ipsec policy vpntest
    interface Ethernet0/1
    port link-mode route
    ip address
    interface NULL0
    interface Vlan-interface1
    undo dhcp select server global-pool
    dhcp server apply ip-pool vlan1

    ewaller wrote:
    What is under the switches tab?
    Oh -- By the way, that picture is over the size limit defined in the forum rules in tems of pixels, but the file size is okay.  I'll let it slide.  Watch the bumping as well.
    If you want to post the switches tab, upload it to someplace like http://img3.imageshack.us/, copy the thumbnail (which has the link to the original)  back here, and you are golden.
    I had a bear of a time getting the microphone working on my HP DV4, but it does work.  I'll look at the set up when I get home tonight [USA-PDT].
    Sorry for the picture and the "bumping"... I have asked in irc in arch and alsa channels and no luck yet... one guy from alsa said I had to wait for the alsa-driver-1.0.24 package (currently I have alsa-driver-1.0.23) but it is weird because the microphone worked some months ago...
    So here is what it is under the switches tab

  • Problem with ACL in CSS-to-CSS redundancy configuration

    I have two CSSes - first is master, second is backup. When I enable ACL on master CSS, it can't see more the backup CSS. My first rule is to allow all traffic between both CSSes. I have CSS 11050 with 4.10 Build 10.
    Here is a part of my config:
    --- begin ---------------------------------------------------
    !************************* INTERFACE *************************
    interface e8
    bridge vlan 254
    description "css1 <-> css2 (net"
    !************************** CIRCUIT **************************
    circuit VLAN254
    ip address
    !**************************** NQL ****************************
    nql n_csw_to_csw
    ip address
    ip address
    !**************************** ACL ****************************
    acl 1
    clause 1 bypass any nql n_csw_to_csw destination nql n_csw_to_csw
    apply circuit-(VLAN254)
    --- end ---------------------------------------------------
    Where is the problem? Is it a bug in my current version or an error in my configuration?
    Thomas Kukol

    at first step read http://www.cisco.com/warp/customer/117/css_packet_trace.html
    and trace your unworking configuration
    if you give flow option 0xffffff you should see why ACL didn't pass app traffic..
    second idea is to use normaln acls w/o nql....
    with permit keyword...
    share expirience here again 8-)

  • Photoshop files & ACLs?

    I am going out of my mind here trying to figure this out. First my needs. I have two users on a 10.4 machine that need to be able to create, save and edit Photoshop files (their own and each others) in the same folder. Until now, the only way I could figure it out was to create a second volume and "ignore" ownership on that volume. I know that I could go into the "file info" permissions everytime one of us creates a new file and modify the permissions to allow the other to edit the file but what a pain that is.
    I thought my answer would lie in enabling and using Access Control Lists (ACLs) so I used Tinkertool system to enable ACL support on my main volume and then grant full access with inheritance enabled to both users. This works great for any file (MS Word, Excel, etc.) but not photoshop files. The Word, Excel and any other file created by one user correctly inherits the permissions from it's parent folder's ACL settings but not the Photoshop files. They don't seem to inherit them at all.
    I can go into Tinkertool System and propagate the settings and the files seem to pick up the settings but when one users tries to edit another's photoshop files, it shows up as a locked file. I can use the "get info" dialog to confirm that the file does possess the ACL settings but it is almost as though Photoshop CS & CS2 don't recognize the ACL properties of the file.
    In summary, my two issues are:
    1. Photoshop files are not automatically inheriting the ACL permissions.
    2. Even after manually propagating the ACL permissions to a photoshop file, it shows up as being locked (from within photoshop, not the finder) when the non-owner user tries to edit it.
    Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on here.

    I'm suspecting that we are using ACL differently. On tiger, you have to enable them specifically. The e flag on ls will show ACL's and from your post - you don't seem to have ACL installed.
    Please have a look at the first page of this article. It describes ACL's and shows you how to manipulate them:
    You can accomplish what you need with traditional groups - if you want that - simply post the id for each user and I'll send back steps to make a group for this folder. (Or someone else here might just guess and propose something)
    Also - have you contacted Adobe to see if the version of Photoshop you are using even supports ACL? I honestly don't know what layer of command they use to access the disks - it's not unlikely that their application might not support reading the meta data if it accesses the files directly. It's unlikely (but not impossible) that they used high level API from Apple that would enable them to simply work with ACL out of the box.

  • Can't connect to router / Error says router uses ACLs which it doesn't

    I'm having troubles connecting my MacBook (10.4.10) to my WLAN-Router (Siemens Gigaset SE551).
    I switched from WEP to WPA encryption today and all windows machines work just fine, however my MacBook refuses to connect.
    The dialog says:
    "The selected network uses an Access Control List to restrict access and this computer is not in the list.".
    This is wrong. MAC Filtering is not enabled and the MacBook connects flawlessly using Bootcamp.
    I already tried to clean up my network settings (no default entries, etc.) and updated the routers firmware. Nothing works.
    Any ideas?
    MacBook Mac OS X (10.4.10) Airport, Siemens Gigaset, SE551, WPA, MAC, ACL
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    It works under Bootcamp, so the router settings can't be the problem, right?
    Well, no, Macs & Routers don't exactly agree on "standards", and most likely everybody's Router was tested or fixed to work with Windows® "standards"!
    Yet I don't "think' that were the problem is yet. Most referemces to SSIDs are kept either in Keychain, or...
    With cross references used between them too!
    Crazy Idea®... maybe try enabling ACL on the Router as a test with the mac's MAC in it?

  • WGM no longer able to create ACL

    I have created some users and wanted to adjust ACL settings - but when I try to drag&drop a user into the ACL list, it just does not work.
    Has anyone an idea where I can look ?
    I even have removed all created users (maybe I had made a mistake there), but still the same. I'm not able to create a ACL.

    I have solved the problem by myself:
    ACL were not enabled, or better said, they were disabled for unknown reason.
    I enabled it by opening WGM, tab "Sharing", "All", click at the volume and enabling "Enable disk quotas on this volume" and "Enable ACL on this volume".
    But I ask me, why they were disabled ? Have I just missed to enable them overall (I try to configure two servers and so may have really mixed up things) ? I thought that both (quotas and ACL) are enabled by default, aren't ?
    I tried to created some users via the WGM and got some error messages, may this be affiliated with ?
    Can anyone explain the different permissions in my previous post of the /Users directories ? Here I'm quite sure that I haven't changed them, at least not without knowledge.
    I look forward to any hints on this ghost issue

  • XSAN, ACLs and new OD users.

    I have xSAN FS with enabled ACLs and OD.
    If i create ACL for existing folders and assign groupe(A) permissions to it. Rules work perfect. But only for usesr in this group (A) which was added before ACL was assigned.
    If i create new OD user and add it into group A after ACLs was configured. User have no group permisions to this folder.
    Anybody meet this issue?

    So do you want to have this new server running alongside the old one - or set up the new server for a subset of users and then decommission the SL server? If alongside, is it for redundancy or to provide a sperate set of services for a subset of users?
    If alongside for redundancy, thne it makse sense to let it use the existing OD.
    If it's for one of the other purposes, you'll need to:
    1. Set the new server up in islation from the old one (this allows you to create a new OD master)
    2. Configure services
    3. If you need to copy/move user data from the SL server, you'll have to take services on the SL server offline for the time it takes to copy/move.

Maybe you are looking for

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