Encrypted disk image on Jumpdrive?

How can I get Disk Utility to create a 40mb encrypted disk image on a 128mb Lexar Jumpdrive? I have created disk images on a hard drive many times but it doesn't work here.

I realised that in Disk Utility you must not have any of your mounted drives highlighted in the left hand pane.

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  • Unable to create an encrypted disk image in Lion

    disk utility gives the error Unable to create "Volume.dmg." (error - 60008) when creating an encrypted disk image. I am using the following steps:
        1.    Open disk utility
        2.    Select the disk (internal or external) to create the image on
        3.    Select File>New>Blank Disk Image…
        4.    Save As: 'Volume'
        5.    Name: Volume
        6.    Size: 50GB
        7.    Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
        8.    Encryption: 128-bit AES encryption
        9.    Image Format: read/write disk image
        10.    Click the Create button
        11.    Password dialog appears
        12.    When I enter a password the dialog closes after entering only a few characters i.e. before I've finished typing, and the following error message displays:
    Unable to create "Volume.dmg." (error - 60008)
    I have previously, successfully, created encrypted disk images in Snow Leopard, and I don't know why I can't in Lion
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks for this Thomas.
    I've tried naming the image differently, but still received the error, I did however try different permutations for the password.
    The error seems to happen if I use a purely numerical password string and occurs on input of the 10th numerical character, if I start with numerical character but use an alpha before the 9th number I can continue and create a password, and I can create a password  if I start with an alpha and switch to numerals after the first alpha character, purely alphabetical passwords are fine too.
    It seems that Lion doesn't like purely numerical passwords greater than 9 characters, whereas Snow Leopard wasn't so fussy. Seems it's a bit of a bug.
    Thanks for your help

  • Unable to create an encrypted disk image with Disk Utility

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    This is a duplicate post with all the details here: https://discussions.apple.com/message/18469359#18469359
    We haven't had any luck with a solution trying various permissions fixes as helpfully suggested by other readers in response to the error message # (-60008 error), so I'm hoping that someone else has run across a solution from the encrypted disk image perspective and that this tag line will generate some help.
    Thank you!

    Save As: 01 (on Desktop)
    Name: 01
    Size: 100 MB
    Format: Mac OS Encrypted (Journaled)
    Encryption: 256-bit AES
    Partitions: Single partition- Apple Partition Map
    Image Format: read/write disk image
    At the password window that pops up I enter: 1234567890
    This says password strength is "Weak"
    All works fine
    Then I repeated this using:
    Save As: 02 (on Desktop)
    Name: 02
    Size: 100 MB
    Format: Mac OS Encypted (Journaled)
    Encryption: 256-bit AES
    Partitions: Single partition- Apple Partition Map
    Image Format: read/write disk image
    At the password window that pops up I enter: 1234567890 and when I start to enter the next "1" I get the "Unable to create "02.dmg." (error -60008)
    OS 10.7.4
    Disk Utility Version 12.1.1 (353)

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    (because it's a portable drive, I'm nervous I'll lose it and then someone will have access to my stuff).
    So anyway, whenever I mount the sparse bundle disk image, when it comes time to eject the drive (after ejecting the disk image of course), it hangs for a while and then the Finder says it can't eject, but that I can Force Eject the drive.  When I chose to Force Eject, it works, but I don't like having to force it every time.
    Anyone know what's up?

    Open Disk Utility > File > New >Blank Disk Image...
    or use the "Option-⌘-N" Key combo (with Disk Utlity open).

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    Create an encrypted sparse disk image instead of from folder, mount it, and then drag & drop your files into ii.

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    I've tried re-installing 10.8 with no difference.
    Anyone else having trouble with this?  Even a small dmg (~200MB) doesn't seem to work.
    Unencrypted images seem to work OK (if not a little slow).
    I realize that the encryption process will be slower but something is definately wrong with 10.8 disk utility in this regard.  I have 1TB+ free space.  I have tried with another user account as well.
    My task was: (new disk image, read-write, 128bit encryption)
    2012-09-03 08:59:59 -0400: Initializing…
    2012-09-03 09:00:00 -0400: Creating…
    2012-09-03 09:03:28 -0400: Copying…  <<< seems to be stuck here...

    Good morning,
    Have you tried using Disk Utility from within the recovery mode? (Hold down CMD and R when booting)
    I used to have this problem but creating them this way really improved the time.
    Give it a go...

  • Creating an Encrypted Disk Image on an External (USB) Drive

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    I store this external drive away from my home (in the office) and since I cannot guarantee physically locking away the drive I would like to logically lock the drive by placing all the backup data into an encrypted disk image created on that volume.
    I have tried creating an encrypted disk image on my USB volume in Disk Utility (Apple's instructions here) but I experience a number of issues not documented in the Apple article:
    1) I am not presented with a drop-down option for the size of the disk image.
    2) When I go ahead and try to creat the image I am told that the creation was impossible "file or folder does not exist".
    Is it possible to create disk images on USB volumes (I cannot create such a large disk image on my iMac HDD as I do not have sufficient space).
    thanks in advance

    I realised that in Disk Utility you must not have any of your mounted drives highlighted in the left hand pane.

  • Corrupted files within encrypted disk images

    Greetings Apple Hivemind:
    I've run across a repeatable problem when using encrypted disk images from Disk Utility.  Essentially, I'll create an image using settings like are shown below:
    The disk image is then used for storing data.  In my case, this is usually data for Adobe Lightroom.
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    The result was that all old data seemed intact, but I could no longer write new data to the volumes without major data corruption issues.  I thought that this was isolated to one volume in particular, but it soon started happening on ALL of my encrypted volumes eventually.  Including those which were not, and never had been, housed on my NAS, but were on my local hard drives.
    I've since "evacuated" all my data from these images, since the ones created by Disk Utility appear to be useless, and am seeking an alternative.
    Is this something that anyone else has encountered when using encrypted disk images?  It seems like this is something I should really open a support ticket for, but I can't say I've ever tried it, so I don't know how successful it would be to do so.

    bbonn wrote:
    I should add that I've tried using the "Repair" and "Verify" functions of Disk Utility on the volumes, and despite the obvious issues that exist in them, the utility doesn't find (or fix) any inconsistencies.
    Are you repairing/verifying the actual disk images, or just the partition they're on?  If the partition, it won't look inside them.
    Drag one to Disk Utility's sidebar, select it, then use Verify or Repair.  Note: the usual messages may not appear on the DU window.  Click the Log icon in the toolbar or select Window > Show Log from the menubar to see them.

  • Indexing of encrypted disk images permanently disabled in 10.8?

    In the past, I've had no trouble forcing Spotlight to index my encrypted disk image, using the command in Terminal:
    sudo mdutil -i on /Volumes/Encrypted_Data
    After entering that command, my encrypted disk image was indexed and searchable using Spotlight.
    A couple weeks ago I updated from Lion to Mountain Lion. Today I noticed Spotlight wasn't showing any results from my encrypted disk image. So went back to Terminal and entered the above command. Instead of successfully activating indexing, Terminal gives me this message:
                Indexing disabled.
    Is this procedure now impossible in Mountain Lion?
    Is there any way to enable indexing of this encrypted disk image? I can't get it to work.

    I appear to have solved the problem to get Spotlight to index a disk image.  My image was an encrypted disk image.  I was able to get spotlight to work when it was new, but now Spotlight won't index it.  Here is the solution that I found:
    After double clicking and mounting disk the image, open Disk Utility, select the disk image file, then click unmount in the Toolbar.  Wait until it is unmounted, then click mount again.   Then go to terminal and try mdutil -sa .  If it is still not enabled, try to sudo mdutil -i on option.  The unmounting and remounting must be done everytime the image is opened.

  • HT1578 Labels (Mavericks) not working in encrypted disk image?

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    I placed a file in the opened encrypted disk image, and labeled it with "test".
    If I open a finder window and look for files labelled "test" the file doesn't appear.
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    Where I used the word label I did mean tag

  • Even though I have LCD font smoothing disabled, Mountain Lion still uses it in PDF views, Safari's location bar, Mail's message view, and the dialogs for mounting encrypted disk images.

    Even though I have LCD font smoothing disabled, Mountain Lion still uses it in PDF views, Safari’s location bar, Mail’s message view, and the dialogs for mounting encrypted disk images. Is there any solution to this problem? Also diabled the Smoothing in the SystemPrefs and also via Terminal. Font smoothing is still there. Very annoying, especially in PDF attachments in Apple Mail.

    Try feeding Safari a user-defined CSS file with font-smoothing tweaks (including none). The filename and its filesystem location are arbitrary. Use your favorite coding editor.
    Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Style Sheet:
    Here is an example with all elements uncommented. Pick the one that works best for your Safari viewing and comment out the others:
    Preview. Try Preview > Preferences > PDF > Smooth text and line art (uncheck)

  • Time Machine Backups of Encrypted Disk Images, Part 2

    If Time Machine is backing up a hard drive that contains a subset encrypted disk image as part of its contents, and this encrypted disk image is mounted (in an unencrypted state) where the enclosed data has been changed/manipulated in any fashion, what and when does Time Machine backup?
    In other words, does the data in the encrypted disk image only change when the encrypted disk image is unmounted? Or is it somehow backed up real time even when the encrypted disk image is mounted on the desktop in an unencrypted state while Time Machine is working?
    Sorry I can't explain this very well, but hopefully the gist is clear.
    (OS 10.8.2)

    Time Machine doesn't back up a disk image file while it's mounted, whether encrypted or not.

  • Encrypted Disk Image

    Is there any way to have an encrypted disk image warn other users, upon mounting, that it has already been opened or is currently open by someone else? If not, then anything comparable?
    This whole situation arose based upon the need of having a password protected folder on the network. Someone then chose as a solution to have an encrypted disk image.
    Wouldn't several people mounting and writing to such an image simultaneously cause corruption?
    Any workarounds?

    Hi flimps,
    A couple of things...
    1. How did you create the disk image? Did you do it through Disk Utility or a 3rd party program?
    2. Are you checking the box "remember this password in my keychain" when you're creating the password or authenticating? If so, your keychain will automatically store that information and "auto fill" each time you want to access the image.

  • Encrypted Disk Image Won't Partition After Resize

    I have a 10 GB encrypted disk image on my macbook (type OS Extended (journaled)). I've pretty much filled up the space so I want to resize. I go into disk utility with the disk unmounted and 'Resized' it to 20GB. Then I mount it and go into the Partition tab. I drag the corner all the way down to fill up the space and hit Apply. It goes through the motions without error but it does not actually extend the partition to the resize. On the right next it then says something to the effect that the disk is read only and cannot resize the partition. The write status is read/write until I click apple....then it switches to 'Unmounted, read-only'. Any ideas on how to fix this? It's driving me crazy. I can provide screenshots when I'm home from work if necessary.

    Here are some screenshots of before and after I try to partition (after the resize):
    After attempting to resize the partition it says 'The disk is not writable and can't be partitioned' and 'The disk is too small to contain partitions'. The disk write status also changed to read only. Doesn't make sense to me...anyone know how to fix this?

  • Encrypted Disk Image creation slow?

    I just got a new MBP with Leopard. I have created a number of encrypted disk images in the past using Tiger and a MBP and have not had any trouble. This weekend I tried a few times to create a 50 gig encrypted disk image (128 AES) on an external drive and after going through the process of setting it up and waiting for it to be created, (and watching the progress bar as it was being created), after about 45 minutes NO progress was showing on the progress bar. I ended up having to cancel the creation a few times because I thought something was going wrong. I’m not sure if there is a problem creating the disk image, or leopard is slow, or what.
    Does anyone know how long, on average, it would take to create an encrypted disk image of this size using leopard? I just want to know if there is a problem doing this on my MBP. Thanks for the help.

    A regular 50 GB disk image takes 50GB of space, no matter if it is full of files or empty.
    A 50 GB sparse disk image only takes up the amount of space equivalent to that of its enclosed files. So if the 50GB sparse image only has 1 GB of files inside, the image won't be much bigger than 1GB.
    A sparse bundle is similar to a sparse image, but instead of a single file it is a folder package with many, many enclosed files called bands. A new file added to the sparse bundle will tend to modify only a few bands. This makes incremental backups of a sparse bundle more efficient because only the changed bands need to be backed up again. Any change to a sparse or regular disk image will mean that the entire image will need to be backed up again.
    If you regularly add/remove files to a disk image, and you intend to back up that disk image with Time Machine, a sparse bundle is definitely the way to go. The other types will fill up your TM volume very quickly.

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