End of 5.1(x) signature support

I'm planning my 5.x to 6.0 migrations for the year and was looking for any official Cisco statements on the End of Life/End of Sale for 5.1(x) without success. How much longer can we expect to receive 5.x signature support?

Cisco has not yet announced an End of Life or End of Sale (EOL/EOS) dates for 5.1(x).
What this means is that End of Signature support is longer than a year away.
End of signature support will be at least a year after Cisco announces EOL/EOS.
So you still have at least 1 year and possibly longer before you are forced to upgrade to 6.x for signature updates.

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    Cannot say what might have caused it but one check you can perform.
    Open your transformation in change mode and you can see a button next to create end routine button, titled ' Update Behavior of End Routine Change', click on that and say all fields.
    Hope it helps...

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    I'm not sure what anyone here can do
    Nothing. These are user to user forums, of which Apple employees do not take part in.
    Does anyone know who I can EMAIL about this,
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    My id is :
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    Its urgent.

    check the following:
    Edited by: INDRANIL BHATTACHARYYA on Jun 19, 2008 2:48 PM

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    These are two unicode pkcs #12 files. one created by openssl, another one created by Acrobat.
    I used this code to sign to the PDF file.
            try    {
                // This example will upload an XDP file to the LiveCycle Repository
                ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(LCCommonUtil.getConnectionProps());
                // Create a SignatureServiceClient object
                SignatureServiceClient signClient = new SignatureServiceClient(myFactory);
                // Specify a PDF document to sign
                FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(
                Document credDoc = new Document(fileInputStream);
                // Specify the name of the signature field
                String fieldName = "SignatureField1";
                // Create a Credential object
                Credential myCred = Credential.getInstance("BLC_CHINA"); // LC Server: Local Credentials
                // Specify the reason to sign the document
                String reason = "The document was reviewed";
                // Specify the location of the signer
                String location = "New York HQ";
                // Specify contact information
                String contactInfo = "Tony Blue";
                // Create a PDFSignatureAppearanceOptions object and show date information
                PDFSignatureAppearanceOptionSpec appear = new PDFSignatureAppearanceOptionSpec();
                // Set revocation checking to false
                java.lang.Boolean revCheck = new Boolean(false);
                // Create objects to pass to the sign method
                OCSPOptionSpec ocspSpec = new OCSPOptionSpec();
                CRLOptionSpec crlSpec = new CRLOptionSpec();
                TSPOptionSpec tspSpec = new TSPOptionSpec();
                // Sign the PDF document
                Document signedDoc = signClient.sign(
                // Save the signed PDF document
                File outFile = new File("C:\\ConferenceReg_flatten_signed.pdf");
            catch (Exception ee) {

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    Signature Updates
    MCTS-Microsoft Exchange Adminstrator,2010

    The Antimalware activity report cover your 1 request.
    The Computer Endpoint Protection status covers the other two request, it is a drill through for the other reports and it is within a hidden folder.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

  • IDS 4230 - End of Software Support = No Signature Update?

    I have one question regarding to Product Bulletin, No. 1772 - "End-of-Sale Announcement for Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4230 Platform"
    According to the bulletin, the date of End of software support is July 31, 2005. Does it mean the signate update for this platfrom will not be available after July 31, 2005 or it just mean that the new version of the IDS sensor software will no longer support this platform.

    As for your first question about replacing EOL equipment with another EOL equipment.
    Ordinarily this would not be done, except that the IDS-4230 has hardware issues and were eligible for a no cost replacement program.
    Under ordinary circumstances a failed IDS-4230 would only have been replaced with a refurbished IDS-4230.
    But because of the hardware issues a failed IDS-4230 will be replaced with a IDS-4235.
    RMA processes are not meant to be used for free upgrades to the newest products. The RMA process is only for replacing of failed products with either the original product or a suitable replacement. The IDS-4235 is a suitable replacement for the IDS-4230 because it has higher performance and a longer period of support.
    Customers wanting to purchase a new IDS-4230 or IDS-4235 are directed to purcahse an IPS-4240 instead.
    As for signature support on the IDS-4230.
    The IDS-4230 signature support is tied to the End of Signature support for the version 4.1 software.
    I have yet to see an official notification on CCO for the end of signature support for the IDS 4.1 software.
    What this tells you is that the end of support is still more than six months away.
    The posting of the notification will give you a minimum 6 months notice.
    So as of the end of November you can feel comfortable that signature support for 4.1 will extend beyond end of May 2006.
    Unofficially I have heard end of signature support for 4.1 being around August/September 2006, but that is still subject to change until a formal notice is posted on CCO.

  • Acrobat not validating signature with three pairs of ByteRange values

    I have created a PDF with a Digital signature, when opened with Acrobat Reader 10 i see the signature not bieng validated with a message saying, "There are errors in the formatting or information contained in this signature (support information: SigDict /ByteRange value)". My signature's byterange  contains three pairs of integers(/ByteRange[0 569 6417 400 6817 1013]) which seems to be causing this problem. Will appreciate any input regarding this.

    Hi SindhuCT,
    I can't speak for PDF-XChange Viewer as to whether or not they are correctly processing the signature. The only thing I can point out is you are hashing the bytes from the beginning of the file (byte 0) to byte 569. Then you are leaving a hole for the signature from byte 570 through byte 6416. You are then hashing from byte 6417 and marching off another 400 bytes which gets you to byte 6817. Finally you are telling Acrobat/Reader to leave a hole from byte 6817 to the end of the file at byte 7830. The problem is your got byte 6817 on both sides of the fence, as part of the signed data and as part of the second unsigned portion of the file. That's probably where your problem lies.
    Yes, the PDF specification does say you can include other ranges, but it also says that it's not recommended because you are not going to be checking for all changes to the document. The specification says you should sign the entire file, less the hole for the signature contents.

  • 2651XM IPS Signature Update?

    I have a 2651XM 256MB/32MB running 12.4(25) and I would like to update the IPS signature file.  I see that the last update for 256MB.sdf was from Aug 2008.  The latest IPS I found is IPS-sig-S518-req-E4.pkg from
    I've tried the command
    ip ips sdf location flash:\\IPS-sig-S518-req-E4.pkg
    ip ips sdf location flash:IPS-sig-S518-req-E4.pkg
    but when I apply IPS to an interface and run 'show ip ips all' no signatures load and I get a message 'invalid token'.
    I also tried seeing if the latest SDM will help but nothing.
    My question is, what is it that I am doing wrong or missing?  Is my router too old to be able to get the latest signature files?
    Any advice or guidance to the right direction is much appreciated.

    You have a version of IOS that includes the older version of the IOS IPS feature (referred to as v4).  This release only supports signature updates using the SDF formatted files.  These files are no longer updated.
    The signature update file you found (ending in .pkg) is the signature update package supported by Cisco's IPS appliances and is not compatible with the IOS IPS feature set.
    The current IOS IPS feature (referred to as v5) also makes use of .pkg files.  You will need to upgrade the IOS of your 2651 to a release in the T train such as 12.4(24)T2 to obtain the latest IOS IPS feature release.
    You can find out more about the IOS IPS feature set here:
      For starting with IOS IPS v5:

  • RE: Upgrading IDS4210 to Signature S289

    With regard to the Upgrading of the above IDS device, just reading through the "Cisco IPS Active Update Bulletin: 06-05-2007" that was emailed to me it states:
    "The S289 signature update can ONLY be applied to version 5.1(5)E1 or later sensors as follows:
    This signature update is supported on the IDS-4210, IDS-4215, IDS-4235, IPS-4240, IDS-4250, IPS-4255 and IPS-4260 Series Sensor Appliances"
    But reading the Readme file on the Website it states:
    "The IPS-sig-S289-req-E1.pkg upgrade file can be applied to
    the following sensor platforms:
    - IPS-42xx Cisco Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) sensors
    - IDS-42xx Cisco Intrusion Detection System (IDS) sensors (except the IDS-4210, IDS-4220, and IDS-4230)"
    Which one is right?
    Slightly confused.

    It is a grey area.
    The IDS-4210 was End-of-sale back on Dec 6, 2003:
    By Cisco's Policy it will support signature updates on an End-of-sale sensor for a minimum of 3 years from the End-of-sale. So Signature Update support was guaranteed by policy only up till this past Dec 3, 3006.
    However, nothing has been done to intentionally prevent signature udpates newer than Dec 2006 from being installed on an IDS-4210.
    I am not aware of any plan at this point to intentionally prevent installation of siganture updates on an IDS-4210.
    In addition understand that the policy is a minimum of 3 years, but I am not sure how much longer than 3 years it would be officially supported.
    IPS 5.1 software will continue to receive signature updates for another 18 months, and it is possible these 5.1 sig updates will continue to be installable on an IDS-4210.
    This confusion is likely why the 2 documents are not in sync.
    In addition the E1 signature update readme was originally written for 6.0 updates and IDS-4210 is not supported in 6.0. The 5.1 versions did not switch to E1 until later. When the readme was updated to cover both 5.1 and 6.0 it is possible that the supported platform list change (to add back in IDS-4210) was just overlooked. So I am not sure if it was intentionally put in not to support the IDS-4210 or if it was an editing mistake.
    Personally I would recommend going ahead and installing it (save off your config before upgrading just in case).
    If it installs OK (no bugs pop up during installation), then you should be fine running it on your IDS-4210.
    But if problems do arise in installation of a future signature update, then you hit that grey area. And I am not sure what the response would be if that were to happen.
    I will send an email out to our internal team and see what the "official" word is on IDS-4210 sig update support.
    I would, however, recommend that you go ahead and see about upgrading to a newer sensor model.

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