End to End Testing

We are going to connect our R/3 Systems with our Supplier network.
We are planning to install ARIBA Adapter as our B2B adapter. We are going for an end to end testing soon just to check the connectivity ( Just we will be sending a messgage from a File to our Supplier Network and viceversa)
What are all the fundamental points to be noted down or what are all the fundamental construction needed for this process?

- you need to check if all ports (firewalls)
are opened for the adapters
- you need to check if you have correct passwords for
everything (adapters etc)
- you need to check the IP addresses for the endpoints
- you need to find if you will need
any secure connections (DMZ, web dispacher)
to assure security
these are a few for the connectivity test

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    I am student of MSc Network Security and as for my project which is " Comparison between MPLS L3 VPN and VPLS VPN, performance monitoring by end to end testing " I have heard a lot of buzz about VPLS as becoming NGN, I wanted to exppore that and produce a comparison report of which technology is better. To accomplish this I am using GNS3, with respect to the MPLS L3 VPN lab setup that is not a problem but I am stuck at the VPLS part how to setup that ? I have searched but unable to find any cost effective mean, even it is not possible in the university lab as we dont have 7600 series
    I would appreciate any support, guidence, advice.

    Hi Shahbaz,
    I am not completely sure I understand your request.
    MPLS VPN and VPLS are 2 technologies meant to address to different needs, L3 VPN as opposed as L2 VPN. Not completely sure how you would compare them in terms of performance. Would you compare the performance of a F1 racing car with a Rally racing car?
    From the ISP point of view there is little difference (if we don't want to consider the specific inherent peculiarities of each technology) , as in the very basic scenarios we can boil down to the following basic operations for both:
    Ingress PE impose 2 labels (at least)
    Core Ps swap top most MPLS label
    Egress PE removes last label exposing underlying packet or frame.
    So whether the LSRs deal with underlying L2 frames or L3 IP packets there is no real difference in terms of performance (actually the P routers don't even notice any difference).
    About simulators, I am not aware of anyone able to simulate a L2 VPN (AtoM or VPLS).

  • End to End Testing Steps.

    Hi All,
    Kindly guide me to test a scenario in general and also for a scenario (RFC to JDBC) also.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Sreedhar,
    Just this will give an idea of testing the scenariou2026..
    The testing varies from scenario to scenario. Lets take a scenario: RFC to JDBC. (Creating Customer in R/3, while creating customer you are fetching the Jurisdiction code from (3rd party application/JDBC) for that particular Customer by using RFC_DETERMINE_JURISDICTION and saving the same.)
    Lets imagine you have developed the scenario in XI and configured it. The scenario is required to test.
    1.     Create Customer in R/3, call the RFC to fetch the data from 3rd party. Imagine the call got failed to process.
    2.     Goto XI, SXMB_MONI check the message processed or not. Lets imagine the message is not reached to MONI.
    3.     Check the Communication Channel Monitoring for sender Channel. Imagine the message is not reached to CC.
    4.     Check RFC destinationu2026 etc
    5.     Now lets take the message is reached to MONI, then check the message transformation.
    6.     Check the CC for JDBC receiver toou2026 if any issue.
    7.     Over all your test will be successfully if you get a proper data for the particular customer from the 3rd party application/JDBC. You can confirm that for your self by checking the data of 3rd party in the database tableu2026.
    Like that go on testing until you get the actual data which is required to fetchu2026.  Once testing is done then prepare test case document. Which will include:Test Case ID,Perquisite test case, Steps for execution, Expected Results, and Actual Result for every scenario.
    Venu V

  • Scheduled Powershell task not ending

    I've set up a PS script to email users who are with in 14 days of their password expiring.  When I run it in PS it's self it runs fine, the notices go out and it ends.  However when I set it as a scheduled task it doesn't stop.  It starts,
    sends the emails then Task scheduler says that it's still running an hour and a half later.  Normally it's a 5 min job.  I have it set to force stop after an hour, but it's ignoring that for some reason.  The job runs twice a day, and the action/program
    is set as "Powershell noprofile -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -file C:\PasswordNotification.ps1"
    THe scrip is as follows:
    # Version 1.1 May 2014
    # Robert Pearman (WSSMB MVP)
    # TitleRequired.com
    # Script to Automated Email Reminders when Users Passwords due to Expire.
    # Requires: Windows PowerShell Module for Active Directory
    # For assistance and ideas, visit the TechNet Gallery Q&A Page. http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Password-Expiry-Email-177c3e27/view/Discussions#content
    # Please Configure the following variables....
    $expireindays = 14
    $from = "Password Notice <[email protected]>"
    $logging = "Disabled" # Set to Disabled to Disable Logging
    $logFile = "<D:\autoemail.csv>" # ie. c:\mylog.csv
    $testing = "Disabled" # Set to Disabled to Email Users
    $testRecipient = ""
    $date = Get-Date -format ddMMyyyy
    # Check Logging Settings
    if (($logging) -eq "Enabled")
        # Test Log File Path
        $logfilePath = (Test-Path $logFile)
        if (($logFilePath) -ne "True")
            # Create CSV File and Headers
            New-Item $logfile -ItemType File
            Add-Content $logfile "Date,Name,EmailAddress,DaystoExpire,ExpiresOn"
    } # End Logging Check
    # Get Users From AD who are Enabled, Passwords Expire and are Not Currently Expired
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    $users = get-aduser -filter * -properties Name, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordExpired, PasswordLastSet, EmailAddress |where {$_.Enabled -eq "True"} | where { $_.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false } | where { $_.passwordexpired -eq $false }
    $maxPasswordAge = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge
    # Process Each User for Password Expiry
    foreach ($user in $users)
        $Name = (Get-ADUser $user | foreach { $_.Name})
        $emailaddress = $user.emailaddress
        $passwordSetDate = (get-aduser $user -properties * | foreach { $_.PasswordLastSet })
        $PasswordPol = (Get-AduserResultantPasswordPolicy $user)
        # Check for Fine Grained Password
        if (($PasswordPol) -ne $null)
            $maxPasswordAge = ($PasswordPol).MaxPasswordAge
        $expireson = $passwordsetdate + $maxPasswordAge
        $today = (get-date)
        $daystoexpire = (New-TimeSpan -Start $today -End $Expireson).Days
        # Set Greeting based on Number of Days to Expiry.
        # Check Number of Days to Expiry
        $messageDays = $daystoexpire
        if (($messageDays) -ge "1")
            $messageDays = "in " + "$daystoexpire" + " days."
            $messageDays = "today."
        # Email Subject Set Here
        $subject="Your password will expire $messageDays"
        # Email Body Set Here, Note You can use HTML, including Images.
        $body ="
        Dear $name,
        <p> Your Password will expire $messageDays.<br>
        <p>To change your password on a FR owned computer connected to the company network press CTRL, ALT, Delete and chose Change Password.<br>
        After your password has been changed please LOG OUT of citrix and windows and log back in using the new password.
        <p>For outside users, log into mail.Forestriverinc.com, and in the upper right corner select Options,
        then Change Your Password in the drop down menu, when the page loads enter your old and new password. <br>
        <p>Thank you, <br>
        <p>Forest River IT Dept.<br>
        # If Testing Is Enabled - Email Administrator
        if (($testing) -eq "Enabled")
            $emailaddress = $testRecipient
        } # End Testing
        # If a user has no email address listed
        if (($emailaddress) -eq $null)
            $emailaddress = $testRecipient    
        }# End No Valid Email
        # Send Email Message
        if (($daystoexpire -ge "0") -and ($daystoexpire -lt $expireindays))
             # If Logging is Enabled Log Details
            if (($logging) -eq "Enabled")
                Add-Content $logfile "$date,$Name,$emailaddress,$daystoExpire,$expireson"
            # Send Email Message
            Send-Mailmessage -smtpServer $smtpServer -from $from -to $emailaddress -subject $subject -body $body -bodyasHTML -priority High  
        } # End Send Message
    } # End User Processing
    # End

    Rather than picking through your code, I figured I'd just post what I use:
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    $users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties PasswordLastSet,EmailAddress -SearchBase 'OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=com' | ForEach {
    If ($_.PasswordLastSet -and $_.EmailAddress -and $_.GivenName -and $_.Surname) {
    If ($_.DistinguishedName -notlike '*,OU=System,*' -and $_.DistinguishedName -notlike '*,OU=Administrator,*' -and $_.DistinguishedName -notlike '*,OU=Shared Resources,*' -and $_.SamAccountName -ne 'thebigboss') {
    $passwordAge = ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).Days
    If ($passwordAge -ge 106) {
    If (120 - $passwordAge -ge 0) {
    $props = @{
    Name = $_.Name
    GivenName = $_.GivenName
    Surname = $_.Surname
    Username = $_.SamAccountName
    EmailAddress = $_.EmailAddress
    PasswordLastSet = $_.PasswordLastSet
    PasswordExpiresOn = (Get-Date $_.PasswordLastSet).AddDays(120)
    DaysRemaining = 120 - $passwordAge
    New-Object PsObject -Property $props
    } | Sort Name
    foreach ($user in $users) {
    $daysLeft = $user.DaysRemaining
    $emailBody = @"
    Hello $($user.GivenName),
    IMPORTANT REMINDER: Your *company* password will be expiring in $daysLeft days ($($user.PasswordExpiresOn.DateTime)).
    Please change your password at your earliest convenience.
    1 - Press Control+Alt+Delete on your keyboard (or Control+Alt+End if connected via VPN).
    2 - Select 'Change a password...'.
    3 - Type your current password and your new password twice.
    4 - Press Enter or click the arrow button.
    If you have any questions, please contact the helpdesk: [email protected]
    Thank you.
    *company* IT Department
    If ($daysLeft -eq 14 -or $daysLeft -eq 10 -or $daysLeft -le 7) {
    Send-MailMessage -To $user.EmailAddress -From [email protected] -Subject 'Password Expiration Notification' -Body $emailBody -SmtpServer smtp.domain.com -Bcc [email protected]
    Send-MailMessage -To [email protected] -From [email protected] -Subject 'Password Expiration Notification Script Complete' -Body 'Script completed' -SmtpServer smtp.domain.com
    Scheduled Task Action Properties:
    Program/Script: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
    Add arguments: -File C:\Archive\Scripts\PasswordExpirationNotification\PasswordExpirationNotification.ps1
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,950+ strong and growing)

  • 전월의 ENDING BALANCE 와 당월의 BEGIN BALANCE 가 다를때의 조치 방법.

    제품 : FIN_GL
    작성날짜 : 2004-11-04
    전월의 ENDING BALANCE 와 당월의 BEGIN BALANCE 가 다를때의 조치 방법.
    몇몇 Account에 대한 전월 Ending Balance 와 당월의 Begin Balance 가 다를때의 조치 방법에 대해 설명한다.
    Problem Description
    간혹 전월 Period 를 Closing 처리 후 당월 Period 를 Open하고 Balance 를 살펴 보면 몇몇 Account에 대한 전월의 Ending Balance 와 당월의 Begining Balance 가 차이가 나는 경우가 있다.
    이런 경우 원칙은 전월의 Actual Balance 를 모두 Rollback 하고 다시 Posting 하는 것이지만 좀 더 간단히 처리 할 수 있는 방법을 제공하고자 한다.
    Year End 에 대한 Test 는 하지 않았으므로 Year End 에 대해서는 적용하지 않기 바라며 동일 Fiscal Year 내에서 몇몇 계정에 대해 문제가 생겼을 경우 적용하다록 한다.
    1. 차이가 나는 계정과 금액을 확인한다.
    SELECT Init_per.Name,
    Init_per.period_name First_Per_name,
    Foll_per.period_name Second_per_name,
    DECODE( NVL(Foll_per.Opening_Dr_Bal, 0) -
    NVL(Init_per.Clsng_Dr_Bal, 0),
    0, NULL,
    NVL(Foll_per.Opening_Dr_Bal, 0) -
    NVL(Init_per.Clsng_Dr_Bal, 0)) Debit_adjustment,
    DECODE( NVL(Foll_per.Opening_Cr_Bal, 0) -
    NVL(Init_per.Clsng_Cr_Bal, 0),
    0, NULL,
    NVL(Foll_per.Opening_Cr_Bal, 0) -
    NVL(Init_per.Clsng_Cr_Bal, 0)) Credit_adjustment,
    cck.concatenated_segments Acc_Code_Combination
    FROM (SELECT glsob.NAME,
    bal.set_of_books_id sob_id,
    glsob.currency_code sob_currency_code,
    bal.currency_code bal_currency_code,
    bal.code_combination_id ccid,
    bal.period_net_dr + bal.begin_balance_dr Clsng_Dr_Bal,
    bal.period_net_cr + bal.begin_balance_cr Clsng_Cr_Bal
    FROM gl.gl_balances bal, gl.gl_sets_of_books glsob
    WHERE ((bal.set_of_books_id = glsob.set_of_books_id)
    AND (bal.actual_flag = 'A')
    AND bal.TEMPLATE_ID is null
    AND (Period_Name = '&FirstPeriodName')
    AND glsob.NAME = '&&GL_SOB_Name')) Init_per,
    (SELECT bal.set_of_books_id sob_id,
    glsob.currency_code sob_currency_code,
    bal.currency_code bal_currency_code,
    bal.code_combination_id ccid,
    bal.begin_balance_dr Opening_Dr_Bal,
    bal.begin_balance_cr Opening_Cr_Bal
    FROM gl.gl_balances bal, gl.gl_sets_of_books glsob
    WHERE ((bal.set_of_books_id = glsob.set_of_books_id)
    AND (bal.actual_flag = 'A')
    AND bal.TEMPLATE_ID is null
    AND (Period_Name = '&SecondPeriodName')
    AND glsob.NAME = '&&GL_SOB_Name')) Foll_per,
    gl_code_combinations_kfv ccK
    WHERE foll_per.ccid = init_per.ccid
    AND ccK.Code_combination_id = init_per.ccid
    AND foll_per.sob_id = init_per.sob_id
    AND foll_per.bal_currency_code = Init_per.bal_currency_code
    AND (foll_per.Opening_Dr_Bal != Init_per.Clsng_Dr_Bal
    OR foll_per.Opening_Cr_Bal != Init_per.Clsng_Cr_Bal)
    ORDER BY Init_per.Name,
    2. 조정 journal을 생성한다.
    차이가 나는 금액만큼에 대한 Journal 을 해당월에 대해 생성한다.
    즉 전월 Ending이 1200이고 당월 Begin 이 1000 인 경우에는 -200 만큼 해당 account에 대해 journal을 생성한다.
    3. Period status 를 확인하고 해당월을 Future Period 로 정정한다.
    SELECT ps.period_year,
    FROM gl_sets_of_books glsob,
    gl_period_statuses ps
    WHERE glsob.set_of_books_id = &GLSoBID
    AND ps.set_of_books_id = glsob.set_of_books_id
    AND ps.application_id = 101
    AND ps.period_name = '&PeriodName';
    CREATE TABLE gl_temp_current_per_statuses
    SELECT ps.set_of_books_id,
    FROM gl_period_statuses ps
    WHERE ps.set_of_books_id = &SetOfBooksId
    AND ps.application_id = 101
    AND ps.effective_period_num >= (&periodyear * 10000 + &PeriodNumber)
    AND ps.closing_status NOT IN ('N', 'F');
    UPDATE gl_period_statuses ps
    WHERE (ps.set_of_books_id, ps.effective_period_num) IN
    (SELECT cps.set_of_books_id, cps.effective_period_num
    FROM gl_temp_current_per_statuses cps)
    AND ps.application_id = 101;
    4. 생성한 Journal을 Posting 처리한다.
    이때 전월의 Period status 가 'close'였기때문에 GL Open Period 화면에 들어가 9월 Period 를 open후 posting한다.
    5. Period Status 를 원래 대로 update 한다.
    UPDATE gl_period_statuses ps
    SET ps.closing_status =
    (SELECT tcps.closing_status
    FROM gl_temp_current_per_statuses tcps
    WHERE tcps.effective_period_num = ps.effective_period_num
    AND ps.set_of_books_id = tcps.set_of_books_id
    AND ps.application_id = tcps.application_id)
    WHERE (ps.effective_period_num,
    (SELECT tcps.effective_period_num,
    FROM gl_temp_current_per_statuses tcps);
    6. 4번 단계에서 Posting한 journal을 reverse 처리한다.
    7. 3번단계에서 생성한 temporary table 을 drop한다.
    8. Balance 가 바르게 정정 되었는지 확인한다.
    Solution Description
    Reference Documents
    Note 277809.1

  • How to test 'Max. Reschedules per Message' in standard program RSXMB_RESTART_MESSAGES

    Hi Experts,
    I have changed the variant value 'Max. Reschedules per Message' in the starndard program RSXMB_RESTART_MESSAGES from 20 to 10., in order to reduce the alerts in case of failuer happend in mapping. Current problem is for a particular BPM interface if we get mapping error, we are getting 20 alerts now we want to minimise to 10. Please let me  know if we required to configured any other parameters.
    Can you please advise me how to check this particular varient is working or not? Is it possible to test this without end to end testing?

    Can you please let me know how I can find out the duplicate record.
    you need to split the records from flat file structure into your internal table ans use a delete ADJACENT duplicates comparing fields
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  • Help!Jdbc test suite problem

    we have developed a jdbc driver for our DBMS.we used jdbc test suite which we downloaded it from sun web site to test our driver.when jdbc test run,we found many exception logged in jdbc-tests.log file,such as:
    Beginning Test: testAddBatch01
    Fatal: Problem with connection: java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://localhost:8000/servlet_vehicle/servlet_vehicle
    End Test: testAddBatch01...........FAILED
    I use jdbc-tests-suite1.2.1 version.do you encouter the problem?I am looking for your response!

    I think you haven't start the server.So the program is trying to connect to the server and is raising the exception.
    For a complete list of steps to be taken for installation and to run the tests, please visit our web site at http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/jdbctestsuite-1_2_1.html#Steps to Install and Run the Tests
    Hope this helps.
    Good Luck.
    Gayam.Srinivasa Reddy
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun Micro Sysytems

  • How do you test any SAP objects before a transport to the production server

    How do you test any SAP objects before a transport to the production server?

    Hi Rama Krishna,
       The actual process is develop the object in development system and unit test there with the available data.
      Then move it to Quality server where the data will be the actual replica of production and where the integration testing and ened to end testing happens and also the user acceptance testing  happens there.
    and once everything is found fine there then it is moved to production system.
    Award points if this is helpful.
    Ravi G

  • How to test an scenario

    After completing a scenario(eg:file to filr),how to test it...whether it is working fine or not..
    Thanks in advance.

    In order to test you file to file scenario,
    First test whether your mapping is working fine in the integration repository(Design) by going into your message mapping test tab, then provide the necessary values there and test it.
    If it is correct it will display the output, if not it will throw some errors.
    Next to test the interface with configuration go to test configuration in Integration directory and provide the necessary values of sender and receiver details along with payload and test it.
    To do an end to end testing, you need to place the input file in the source directory.
    For the input file, go to message mapping and go to test tab and provide the details and select the src(xml) file and place it in source directory along with the file name and extension you have provided in the integration directory sender communication channel.
    If the file is not picked up the goto RWB and check the communication channel monitoring for your sender channel.
    If file is picked and it has error it will display when you enter the tcode sxmb_moni.
    If file is processed successfully and file has not reached target directory then check your receiver cc in rwb.
    I hope it clears your query.

  • Problem in testing the Webservice interface?

    Hello All,
    I created and deployed one webservice in the Xi system and SAP communication done using the RFC.
    same like below link.
    but now problem is the external system is not ready to test the interface, i need to test the interface from the XI end.
    How to test the scenario using other then XMLspy and SOAPUI?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Dear Chinna,
    Is your requirement to make full end-to-end test or make a simulation?
    If you need simulation only, then PI's functionality available in Runtime Workbench and Test Confiuration tool available in Integration Builder and mentioned by Abhishek is OK.
    In case the requirement is to make end-to-end test, I would suggest to use external SOAP client software in order to generate SOAP requests and send them to PI. Please advise why XML Spy and soapUI do not suit you? Actually, you can use any software which can generate SOAP request, send it to the specific endpoint and handle response.
    My regards,

  • Best way to Unit Test Controller Layer

    Hi, I was hoping to get the opinion on this matter. My group is currently discussing which method would be the best to Unit test the Controller Layer (using StrutsTestCase). Basically with StrutsTestCase, you can test your Action methods and verify that the action forwards to the correct place, or that certain errors come up. The problem is that these Action classes will make Model layer calls that affect the DB. Whats the best way to test the Action classes? Some possibilities are:
    #1) Make a mock model layer that instead of hitting the DB uses a "switch" statement to return the correct value.
    #2) Use a test DB to test this. The problem with this is that after running tests, you want to leave the test DB in the same state as when you started the test. This is not very easy to do if your web application only does inserts to the DB. In addition, the Model layer Unit testing will be designed such that it will insert, select, update, select, and delete (in that order), so the state of the DB will remain the same after the test is run (unless JUnit crashes halfway).
    #3) Use a copy of a test DB on your local computer. This is beneficial because you can do anything to the DB, and then just delete it because a "master" copy is located elsewhere. The problem with this is, we also hoped to do performance testing of the model layer by running multiple threads of the Model layer unit tests. This won't work now because each thread would make a copy of the master DB....
    Thanks for any suggestions you might have!

    I have never unit tested just a controller. I have always done end to end testing with the systems I have worked on, so I am coming from a different viewpoint than yourself. I would tend to think that just running a full unit test all the way to your database would be the best test. You will be more likely to find the issues with your program if you are testing with an environment as similar to production as possible.
    After running a test you can either purge the data you entered from your test by having sql scripts run against the db, or if this is difficult just reload the database from its original backup. You would probably be able to purge the data quicker than reloading the database from my experience, but it depends on your complexity of the sql scripts.
    best of luck.

  • Best way to Unit test Modules?

    I am working on a Project where the main app is a separate Flex project and then there are several Modules each having their own unit tests. What is the best recommended way of setting up something like this in terms of test runners? I would like to have one test runner that loads all others?

    I have never unit tested just a controller. I have always done end to end testing with the systems I have worked on, so I am coming from a different viewpoint than yourself. I would tend to think that just running a full unit test all the way to your database would be the best test. You will be more likely to find the issues with your program if you are testing with an environment as similar to production as possible.
    After running a test you can either purge the data you entered from your test by having sql scripts run against the db, or if this is difficult just reload the database from its original backup. You would probably be able to purge the data quicker than reloading the database from my experience, but it depends on your complexity of the sql scripts.
    best of luck.

  • XI Unit Test Not Equal IDOC SEG

    I have made a mapping change in XI. When I unit test, within XI only, on the test tab, my results are what I want, which includes an extra segment appended to the idoc.
    However, my end-to-end test, meaning XI into SAP the additional segment is not being added to the incoming idoc?
    Am I missing an additional config change somewhere, because I do not see why the added segment is not making it to the idoc.
    Any suggestions are welcomed....Thank-You.

    Hello Jin,
    Actually I get the desired result - within XID only - by copying in the actual payload for this one file into the test tab as SRC in XID where my mapping change exists.
    It creates the desired Tender segment in the Retail Line Item. Also, we currently create tender segments for other scenarios, just not this one. So I checked IDX2 anyway, and if course, as I expected it is there.
    I just expect BW to receive this file with the tender segment added per my unit test in XID, but it is not there in BW when it picks up the file via FTP...Thank-You.

  • CIDX  Testing

    We are using CIDX as a receiver side adapter, can anybody tell me how to test this, I mean where exactly will this message be seen , Do we need a CIDX client at the receiver end to test the scenario?
    Also I would like to know about the chemXML transaction information which is given while creating a communication channel using CIDX adapter.

    Hi Arvind,
    To unit test the CIDX Design and Config, you can leave the URL in the Receiver CIDX Adapter blank. The messages will show up in the SMXB_MONI or RWB as not delivered.
    For end-to-end testing, in the Receiver CIDX Adapter:
    1) In the URL, give the partner URL as:
    This will connect to the CIDX compliant EAI or other system of the partner. That means that you need a CIDX client at the receiver end.
    2) The chemXML specific configuration is available at:
    Note that this link gives some examples from the V3.0 of CIDX standards. You just have to use the names corresponding to your CIDX version. For example, if you use V4.0, in the 'Version' enter '4.0'. In the
    Document Schema Specification, if you use OrderCreate, enter CIDX_CeS_v4.0_Message_OrderCreate.xsd
    If this helps, please remember to award points.
    Good luck,

  • Junit testing of WLI BMP 2.1

    Does anyone know where I can find an example of Junit test scripts for testing
    a Workflow Scenario. Not just the individual java classes (activity or task)
    but from end-to-end testing.

    You create two ObjectOutputStreams. I don't know if that can cause problems. I think it does write two stream headers to the socket, which could mess up the protocol. Any exceptions at the other end of the connection? Put logging there to see if it gets the object and sends a response.
    Just for paranoia I'd move the ObjectInputStream creation to before writing anything on the output stream.
    Hit control-\ (Unix) or control-break (Windows). Where is it stuck? Show us the stack trace for that thread.

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