Entity OnPropertyChanged don't refresh UI binding

Using RIA Services Entity Framework through Silverlight I surprised when the UI not being updated: I have a simple Entity created through webservices edmx which contains on generated code all the stuff to notify that property of the entity changed; so I
extended the partial entity using to override OnPropertyChanged, and the code will called correctly by the entity but the PropertyChanged not fires.
So the workaround for me is actually using the partial void OnAChanging/ged that fires the event and cause the UI correctly refreshed.
Someone have experienced this ?

I actually have the same problem with WPF 4.5 and EntityFramework 6. When I change Active property to false of a customer in the list which is bound to the collection.where(a => a.Active) it should disappear from there however it doesn't so I have
to refresh the UI manually. Every other aspect of the binding is working as normal !

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  • How to refresh View bind variables or is this a bug in Entity Validation?

    Maybe I am missing something. Here is the scenario:
    1. I got a create/edit form with a field (*tfA*) that is a af:selectInputText that launches a search form pop up.
    2. The form (which is tied to an Entity ADF object) has validations -both attribute specific and global (for lack of better term..) set up in the Entity Object Editor wizard.
    3. I noticed that when a global validation fails, when i launch the search form from tfA, it ignores whatever search criteria I enter (ie it retrieves all rows)
    Otherwise, the pop up search form works perfectly. I am wondering if I need to reset the bindVariable values somewhere or if it has something to do with a refreshCondition. What confuses me though is that it works just fine if the global (ADF Entity) validations don't fail.
    The pop up search form uses the default ExecuteWithParams action listener that calls a view with bindvariables. My JDev version is
    Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

    The issue turns out to be that the Global Entity Validation continues to fire even after you click on the find button on your selectInputText component. The Entity validation is interrupting the call to the View Object in my pop up search window because somehow clicking search on the pop up is submitting the originating form.
    I am still not sure if this is a bug that needs to be addressed or I was doing something odd but the solution is the following:
    in your *<af:selectInputText />,* add the following: *actionListener="#{bindings.Rollback.execute}"*
    This will prevent the validation from firing because it thinks that you are trying to submit the form when all you're doing is actually launching a search pop up.
    Hope that helps.
    Edited by: rrey on Aug 3, 2009 3:58 PM

  • Panels Don't Refresh Fast Enough

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    The user opens a file chooser, selects some files, hits go, and it processes the files. So on the closing of the file chooser, a for loop iterates through the selected files and processes them.
    I have a JTextArea that I want to print a success message to after each file's been processed. But when the file chooser closes, the app starts processing the files and prints all the success messages at once at the end.
    I'm pretty sure it's because the UI components don't refresh, since a System.err.println() call works the way I want the TextArea to work.
    I've tried revalidate() and repaint() on each of the UI components, but they don't seem to update until all the files have finished.

    Some pseudocode:
    File[] files = fileChooser.getSelectedFiles();
    //iterate through selected files and process them
    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++){
    path = checkFile(files);
    textArea.printConsole("Processed file: " + path + "\n");

  • Web Service Data Controls don't refresh properly.

    I am runing JDeveloper Studio Edition
    I have developed several Web Service Data Controls and pages to use them to display output. The pages seem to have a problem refreshing output when the value of the input parameter is changed, but only once data has been successfully fetched once.
    I have tried several settings for the refresh attribute:
    IfNeeded: retrieves data only once. Even if other valid values are put in, displays same data. Values that would retrieve no data show a blank screen UNTIL a data set is retrieved, then goes to same data displayed instead of blank form.Scrolls through multiple records. This is true for every option which has IfNeeded in the name
    Always: retrieves different data every time the parameter value changes. If the parameter value would result in no data being retrieved, the screen displays the last data retrieved with another value instead of blank. Scrolling is broken because every time I hit the navigation buttons, the screen refreshes and puts the current row back at the first record.
    PrepareModel: retrieves different data every time the parameter value changes. If the parameter value would result in no data being retrieved, the screen displays the last data retrieved with another value instead of blank. It will scroll thru records, but every couple of records I get this error:
    JBO-35007: Row currency has changed since the user interface was rendered. The expected row key was oracle.jbo.Key[1 ]
    RenderModel: Same as IfNeeded.
    This is the wsdl I used to build the data control:
    Here are the results from the wsdl:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <definitions name="Rqn" targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Rqn" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:tns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Rqn" xmlns:ns1="http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/top/Rqn" xmlns:plnk="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/05/partner-link/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:client="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Rqn">
    <import namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/top/Rqn" location="RqnService.wsdl" />
    - <types>
    - <schema attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Rqn" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    - <element name="RqnProcessRequest">
    - <complexType>
    - <sequence>
    <element name="input" type="string" />
    - <element name="RqnProcessResponse">
    - <complexType>
    - <sequence>
    <element name="result" type="string" />
    - <message name="RqnRequestMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="ns1:RqnServiceSelect_p_nsnInputParameters" />
    - <message name="RqnResponseMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="ns1:RqnAllTabCollection" />
    - <portType name="Rqn">
    - <operation name="process">
    <input message="tns:RqnRequestMessage" />
    <output message="tns:RqnResponseMessage" />
    - <binding name="RqnBinding" type="tns:Rqn">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" />
    - <operation name="process">
    <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="process" />
    - <input>
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <output>
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <service name="Rqn">
    - <port name="RqnPort" binding="tns:RqnBinding">
    <soap:address location="http://ceres.dscr.dla.mil:8888/orabpel/default/Rqn/1.0" />
    - <plnk:partnerLinkType name="Rqn">
    - <plnk:role name="RqnProvider">
    <plnk:portType name="tns:Rqn" />
    This is the pageDef file for the output page:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <pageDefinition xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/uimodel"
    version="" id="showRqnPageDef"
    <variableIterator id="variables" Refresh="always"/>
    <methodIterator id="processIter" Binds="process.result"
    DataControl="ceresRqn" RangeSize="10"
    BeanClass="ceresRqn.process" Refresh="ifNeeded"/>
    <accessorIterator id="RqnAllTabIterator" RangeSize="10" Binds="RqnAllTab"
    MasterBinding="processIter" Refresh="ifNeeded"/>
    <invokeAction id="qryRqn" Binds="process" Refresh="renderModel"/>
    <methodAction id="process" InstanceName="ceresRqn" DataControl="ceresRqn"
    MethodName="process" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="999"
    <NamedData NDName="p_nsn" NDValue="${processScope.holdNsn}"
    NDType="java.lang.String" NDOption="2"/>
    <attributeValues id="boStatus" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="boStatus"/>
    <attributeValues id="dob" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="dob"/>
    <attributeValues id="docDate" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="docDate"/>
    <attributeValues id="dorraRecTyp" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="dorraRecTyp"/>
    <attributeValues id="extractDate" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="extractDate"/>
    <attributeValues id="matlRcptAcknDt" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="matlRcptAcknDt"/>
    <attributeValues id="modeShp" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="modeShp"/>
    <attributeValues id="nsn" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="nsn"/>
    <attributeValues id="quantity" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="quantity"/>
    <attributeValues id="rdd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="rdd"/>
    <attributeValues id="sapSalesDoc" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="sapSalesDoc"/>
    <attributeValues id="sapSalesDocItm" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="sapSalesDocItm"/>
    <attributeValues id="sapSchdlLin" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="sapSchdlLin"/>
    <attributeValues id="sapSchdlLinDt" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="sapSchdlLinDt"/>
    <attributeValues id="shpdDt" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="shpdDt"/>
    <attributeValues id="shpdQty" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="shpdQty"/>
    <attributeValues id="statusCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="statusCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="suffix" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="suffix"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzdmdCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzdmdCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzfundCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzfundCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zznonStdRdd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zznonStdRdd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzorigDocNbr" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzorigDocNbr"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzpriCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzpriCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzprojCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzprojCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzsigCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzsigCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzsuppAdrs" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzsuppAdrs"/>
    <action id="First" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="12"
    <action id="Previous" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="11"
    <action id="Next" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="10"
    <action id="Last" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="13"
    <action IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator" id="Execute"
    DataControl="ceresRqn" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="2"/>
    Any help would be welcome.

    After adding a refresh condition, RefreshCondition="${adfFacesContext.postback == false}", to the invokeAction for the Execute operation, I was able to query new data when the parameter changed, and maintain correct scrolling behavior. Thanks to Oracle's Chintan Shah for helping me confirm this solution.
    However, I still have a problem. If I get a set of data and then pass a parameter which would cause the web service to return no data (a null result set), the screen displays the old set of data rather than a blank screen. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

  • Portlets don't refresh sometimes...

    When I first deployed a new WSRP portlet, it worked. However, when I redeployed it and went to view it on the portal page, it wouldn't refresh. I put that aside to work on something else (it's been almost a week since then), and today, magically, I redeployed the portlet numerous times and it refreshed without any problems! However, then I had to add some libraries to my portlet provider instance and restart it, and now portlets aren't refreshing again.
    Any ideas what could be happening? I've even tried refreshing the portlet repository and restarting the entire set of app server instances (via Restart All) and that didn't help. It's not browser cache either.

    Well my experiance is that I dont have to refresh the provider everytime.
    I have got my development environment setup like this:
    My pc running JDeveloper
    test server A running OC4J
    test server B running Oracle Portal
    From my pc I deploy to test server A, on test server B I added a remote provider. I only
    need to refresh this if I edit something in the provider.xml. If I change some java code in my
    portlet All I need to do is deploy it to test server A.
    But this is all for PDK, not JSR168, not sure where WSRP fits in, its calling portlets remotely,
    but what standard is it.
    And about adding libraries, I've also done that, adding libraries to my OC4J server. You'll need
    to restart the instance to get the libraries loaded. Btw, you can also check your instance logfiles.
    On my first try adding libraries I discovered through the log that I put them in the wrong path.

  • Varray of Objects "Bind variable not declared" error.. I don't want a bind variable.

    This program is supposed to pull values from a table using a loop, and in the loop, put the values in objects in a varray.  I'm new to objects and am stumped trying to get this program to run.  When I attempt to run it in SQL*Plus  I get the following feedback:
    Type created.
    Type body created
    SP2-0552: Bind variable "MY_VARRAY_EMP1" not declared.
    I don't think I even need a bind variable.  Any feedback would be appreciated.  Here's the program:
    -- Enable screen I/O
    -- begin object spec
      ename CHAR (20 char),
      empno NUMBER (4),
      sal NUMBER (10),
    -- begin object body
      -- gets
      RETURN self.ename;
      RETURN self.empno;
      RETURN self.ename;
      -- sets
      MEMBER PROCEDURE set_ename(SELF IN OUT employee3) IS
      self.ename := ename;
      MEMBER PROCEDURE set_empno(SELF IN OUT employee3) IS
      self.empno := empno;
      MEMBER PROCEDURE set_sal(SELF IN OUT employee3) IS
      self.sal := sal;
      TYPE emp_varray IS VARRAY(10) OF EMPLOYEE3;
      my_varray_emp1 EMP_VARRAY;
      -- List of EMPNO's in order of appearance in EMP table (for cross-referencing, single-line retrieval)
      this_object EMPLOYEE3;
      -- make a variable to store one empno
      thisno NUMBER(4);
      -- make a counter
      counter INT;
      -- query variables for the set calls
      q_ename CHAR(20 CHAR);
      q_empno NUMBER(4);
      q_sal NUMBER(10);
      my_result INT;
      -- Put the first 10 EMPNO's in my cref array
      SELECT empno BULK COLLECT INTO varray_mycref FROM emp WHERE ROWNUM < 11;
      -- Use a loop to retrieve the first 10 objects in the "emp" table and put them in the varray of objects
      q_ename := NULL;
      q_empno := NULL;
      q_sal := NULL;
      my_result := NULL;
      this_object := NULL;
      counter := 1;
      FOR counter IN 1..10 LOOP
      thisno := varray_mycref(counter);
      this_object := my_varray_emp1(counter);
      SELECT ename INTO q_ename FROM emp WHERE empno = thisno;
      my_result := this_object.set_ename(q_ename, NULL);
      SELECT empno INTO q_empno FROM emp WHERE empno = thisno;
      my_result := this_object.set_empno(q_empno, NULL);
      SELECT sal INTO q_sal FROM emp WHERE empno = thisno;
      my_result := this_object.set_sal(q_sal, NULL);
      END LOOP;
      -- Use another loop to display the information in the reverse order.
      FOR counter in REVERSE 1..10 LOOP
      this_object =: my_varray_emp1(counter);
      dbms_output.put_line((this_object.get_ename()) || CHR(9) || (this_object.get_empno()) || CHR(9) || (this_object.get_sal()));
      END LOOP;

    Cleaning up your code for errors and eliminating unnecessary complexity...
    Add a user-defined constructor which takes all attributes and calls the "setter" procedures in one trip:
    -- Enable screen I/O
    set SERVEROUTPUT on size 1000000
    set VERIFY off
    -- begin object spec
    create or replace type employee3 as object
      ename CHAR (20 char),
      empno NUMBER (4),
      sal NUMBER (10),
    constructor function employee3(
        self    in out nocopy    employee3,
        aEname    in        char,
        aEmpNo    in        integer,
        aSal    in        number
      return self as result,
      member function get_ename return CHAR, member procedure set_ename (SELF in out nocopy employee3, ename in char),
      member function get_empno return NUMBER, member procedure set_empno (SELF in out nocopy employee3, empno in integer),
      member function get_sal return NUMBER, member procedure set_sal (SELF in out nocopy employee3, sal in integer)
    -- begin object body
    create or replace type body employee3 as
      constructor function employee3(
        self    in out nocopy    employee3,
        aEname    in        char,
        aEmpNo    in        integer,
        aSal    in        number
      return self as result
      -- gets
      member function get_ename return CHAR is
      return self.ename;
      member function get_empno return NUMBER is
      return self.empno;
      member function get_sal return NUMBER is
      return self.sal;
      -- sets
      member procedure set_ename(SELF in out employee3, ename in char) is
      self.ename := ename;
      member procedure set_empno(SELF in out employee3, empno in integer) is
      self.empno := empno;
      member procedure set_sal(SELF in out employee3, sal in integer) is
      self.sal := sal;
    (Since I don't have EMP handy at the moment, create a simple view instead)
    create or replace view emp
    select    'EMP' || to_char(level) ename
    ,    level + 100 empno
    ,    DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE(25000,75000) sal
    from    DUAL
    connect by
        level <= 20
    Get rid of your loop and individual SELECTs, and replace it with a single SELECT BULK COLLECT INTO...
      type emp_varray is varray(10) of EMPLOYEE3;
      my_varray_emp1 EMP_VARRAY;
      this_object EMPLOYEE3;
      -- No need for a loop. Use SELECT BULK COLLECT INTO, together with a user-defined constructor call (since the
      -- user-defined constructor overrides the default constructor we need to call it using named-parameter notation):
      select    new employee3(
                aEname    => e.ename,
                aEmpNo    => e.empno,
                aSal    => e.sal
      bulk collect into
      from        emp e
      where        rownum <= 10;
      -- Use another loop to display the information in the reverse order.
      for counter in reverse 1..10 loop
      this_object := my_varray_emp1(counter);
      dbms_output.put_line((this_object.get_ename()) || chr(9) || to_char(this_object.get_empno()) || chr(9) || to_char(this_object.get_sal()));
      end loop;
    110    60110
    109    67485
    108    58242
    107    47597
    106    58995
    105    49098
    104    47406
    103    67574
    102    59663
    101    52929
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • Partial Solution:Web Service Data Controls don't refresh properly.

    I am runing JDeveloper Studio Edition
    I have developed several Web Service Data Controls and pages to use them to display output. The pages seem to have a problem refreshing output when the value of the input parameter is changed, but only once data has been successfully fetched once.
    I have tried several settings for the refresh attribute:
    IfNeeded: retrieves data only once. Even if other valid values are put in, displays same data. Values that would retrieve no data show a blank screen UNTIL a data set is retrieved, then goes to same data displayed instead of blank form.Scrolls through multiple records. This is true for every option which has IfNeeded in the name
    Always: retrieves different data every time the parameter value changes. If the parameter value would result in no data being retrieved, the screen displays the last data retrieved with another value instead of blank. Scrolling is broken because every time I hit the navigation buttons, the screen refreshes and puts the current row back at the first record.
    PrepareModel: retrieves different data every time the parameter value changes. If the parameter value would result in no data being retrieved, the screen displays the last data retrieved with another value instead of blank. It will scroll thru records, but every couple of records I get this error:
    JBO-35007: Row currency has changed since the user interface was rendered. The expected row key was oracle.jbo.Key[1 ]
    RenderModel: Same as IfNeeded.
    This is the wsdl I used to build the data control:
    Here are the results from the wsdl:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <definitions name="Rqn" targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Rqn" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:tns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Rqn" xmlns:ns1="http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/top/Rqn" xmlns:plnk="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/05/partner-link/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:client="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Rqn">
    <import namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/top/Rqn" location="RqnService.wsdl" />
    - <types>
    - <schema attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Rqn" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    - <element name="RqnProcessRequest">
    - <complexType>
    - <sequence>
    <element name="input" type="string" />
    - <element name="RqnProcessResponse">
    - <complexType>
    - <sequence>
    <element name="result" type="string" />
    - <message name="RqnRequestMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="ns1:RqnServiceSelect_p_nsnInputParameters" />
    - <message name="RqnResponseMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="ns1:RqnAllTabCollection" />
    - <portType name="Rqn">
    - <operation name="process">
    <input message="tns:RqnRequestMessage" />
    <output message="tns:RqnResponseMessage" />
    - <binding name="RqnBinding" type="tns:Rqn">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" />
    - <operation name="process">
    <soap:operation style="document" soapAction="process" />
    - <input>
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <output>
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <service name="Rqn">
    - <port name="RqnPort" binding="tns:RqnBinding">
    <soap:address location="http://ceres.dscr.dla.mil:8888/orabpel/default/Rqn/1.0" />
    - <plnk:partnerLinkType name="Rqn">
    - <plnk:role name="RqnProvider">
    <plnk:portType name="tns:Rqn" />
    This is the pageDef file for the output page:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <pageDefinition xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/uimodel"
    version="" id="showRqnPageDef"
    <variableIterator id="variables" Refresh="always"/>
    <methodIterator id="processIter" Binds="process.result"
    DataControl="ceresRqn" RangeSize="10"
    BeanClass="ceresRqn.process" Refresh="ifNeeded"/>
    <accessorIterator id="RqnAllTabIterator" RangeSize="10" Binds="RqnAllTab"
    MasterBinding="processIter" Refresh="ifNeeded"/>
    <invokeAction id="qryRqn" Binds="process" Refresh="renderModel"/>
    <methodAction id="process" InstanceName="ceresRqn" DataControl="ceresRqn"
    MethodName="process" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="999"
    <NamedData NDName="p_nsn" NDValue="${processScope.holdNsn}"
    NDType="java.lang.String" NDOption="2"/>
    <attributeValues id="boStatus" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="boStatus"/>
    <attributeValues id="dob" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="dob"/>
    <attributeValues id="docDate" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="docDate"/>
    <attributeValues id="dorraRecTyp" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="dorraRecTyp"/>
    <attributeValues id="extractDate" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="extractDate"/>
    <attributeValues id="matlRcptAcknDt" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="matlRcptAcknDt"/>
    <attributeValues id="modeShp" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="modeShp"/>
    <attributeValues id="nsn" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="nsn"/>
    <attributeValues id="quantity" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="quantity"/>
    <attributeValues id="rdd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="rdd"/>
    <attributeValues id="sapSalesDoc" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="sapSalesDoc"/>
    <attributeValues id="sapSalesDocItm" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="sapSalesDocItm"/>
    <attributeValues id="sapSchdlLin" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="sapSchdlLin"/>
    <attributeValues id="sapSchdlLinDt" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="sapSchdlLinDt"/>
    <attributeValues id="shpdDt" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="shpdDt"/>
    <attributeValues id="shpdQty" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="shpdQty"/>
    <attributeValues id="statusCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="statusCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="suffix" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="suffix"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzdmdCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzdmdCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzfundCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzfundCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zznonStdRdd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zznonStdRdd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzorigDocNbr" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzorigDocNbr"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzpriCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzpriCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzprojCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzprojCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzsigCd" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzsigCd"/>
    <attributeValues id="zzsuppAdrs" IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator">
    <Item Value="zzsuppAdrs"/>
    <action id="First" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="12"
    <action id="Previous" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="11"
    <action id="Next" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="10"
    <action id="Last" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="13"
    <action IterBinding="RqnAllTabIterator" id="Execute"
    DataControl="ceresRqn" RequiresUpdateModel="true" Action="2"/>
    Any help would be welcome.
    Message Header was edited by:

    After adding a refresh condition, RefreshCondition="${adfFacesContext.postback == false}", to the invokeAction for the Execute operation, I was able to query new data when the parameter changed, and maintain correct scrolling behavior. Thanks to Oracle's Chintan Shah for helping me confirm this solution.
    However, I still have a problem. If I get a set of data and then pass a parameter which would cause the web service to return no data (a null result set), the screen displays the old set of data rather than a blank screen. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

  • Detail Reports must be Refreshed if Bind Vars are Changed

    I have several "Master / Detail" reports where the Master has columns that are passed to the detail reports as Bind Variables.
    We've noticed that the Detail reports always return the report for the first bind variables sent to the report. To update the detail report based on the new bind variables, the admin must hit the report refresh button at the top of the page.
    For example:
    Master Report A contains a table with two columns, with the first column linked to a Detail Report
    ColA / ColB
    Clicking on ColA passes ColB to the Detail Report. The Detail report uses the bind variable to run a SQL Query.
    If two rows are in the Master Report
    A1 / B1
    A2 / B2
    Clicking A1 creates a correct URL and Detail Report using B1
    Going back to the Master Report and Clicking A2 quickly shows a Detail Report with B1. Using the Refresh Report button generates a Detail Report with B2. Note that the HTTP GET URL is proper and shows B2 in the second parameter.
    Is it pretty standard practice for a GC Administrator to hit the Refresh button on a report?
    Edited by: user11113565 on Dec 15, 2009 9:21 AM

    I'm not sure what you mean by via "the WebCache".
    I am going from browser directly to the management system with nothing in between (nothing but net).
    This does appear to be a framework problem. I've tried several different approaches. I am currently moving to hand generate the URLs to avoid this problem. I will check back if it works. The good thing is that I do not appear to require the reportId to build the URL.
    The goal is to insert event=refresh into the URL GET parameters ... hacking this into the bind parameters didn't work as the framework escapes the URL so the & gets turned into an innocuous escaped parameter.

  • GW 2012 - RSS-Feeds don't refresh automatically

    Hello everybody!
    Our Novell GroupWise 2012 runs on terminal server. There is no problem in adding RSS-Feeds to your GroupWise system. But if you want to configure a refreshing interval, no refreshing will happen. You must refresh the Feeds manually.
    Installing GroupWise 2012 local on a pc, everthing ist fine even the refreshing interval works.
    I have no idea how to solve this problem and I hope anybody can help me.
    Thanking you in anticipation!

    Originally Posted by I3EDV
    Hello everybody!
    Our Novell GroupWise 2012 runs on terminal server. There is no problem in adding RSS-Feeds to your GroupWise system. But if you want to configure a refreshing interval, no refreshing will happen. You must refresh the Feeds manually.
    Installing GroupWise 2012 local on a pc, everthing ist fine even the refreshing interval works.
    I have no idea how to solve this problem and I hope anybody can help me.
    Thanking you in anticipation!
    I don't know of any setting that you could specifically set for this to work... possibly terminal services disables something that is used by the update mechanism.,
    In any case & good to know, which client version (build number/sp level) are you using on the terminal server?

  • Entitlements don't refresh

    I'm working with Portal 8.1. I have some pages that only authenticated users are
    permitted to see. I set up the typical forms based authentication web flow.
    I have used the admin portal app to set visitor entitlement roles for these pages
    to AuthenticatedVisitor/View.
    Login is successful, but the page tabs do not update to reflect the authenticated
    entitlements on the first render. I read that you must manually redirect to invoke
    a new request. So, I changed the login action to forward to a jsp that does a
    response.redirect("/MyPortalApp"). This does not work either. The only thing
    that has worked is having the jsp do a meta http refresh. This is not an acceptable
    It seems that you must not only redirect for a new request, but you must render
    the current request as well? Would someone shed some light on this, please?
    best regards,

    "laphroaig" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I'm working with Portal 8.1. I have some pages that only authenticatedusers are
    permitted to see. I set up the typical forms based authentication webflow.
    I have used the admin portal app to set visitor entitlement roles forthese pages
    to AuthenticatedVisitor/View.
    Login is successful, but the page tabs do not update to reflect theauthenticated
    entitlements on the first render. I read that you must manually redirectto invoke
    a new request. So, I changed the login action to forward to a jsp thatdoes a
    response.redirect("/MyPortalApp"). This does not work either. The onlything
    that has worked is having the jsp do a meta http refresh. This is not anacceptable
    It seems that you must not only redirect for a new request, but you mustrender
    the current request as well? Would someone shed some light on this,please?
    You need to redirect on the login request because you want to show different
    pages to the authenticated user. This must be done before the response is
    committed (before anything is rendered). This shouldn't require a meta
    but a location redirect, instead, using something like:
    best regards,

  • Refresh a bind to a cfdiv

    Ok so I have made a form to update my legal values
    table.....I have a <cfselect> with a list of the
    fields......I have that select box bound to a <cfdiv> with
    the current legal values populated on select of a field....I have a
    link to this from the field lable in another form which populates
    the <cfselect> with that field label with javascript....this
    all works fine...My problem is that when the <cfselect> is
    populated by javascript the <cfdiv> bind does not populate
    Any ideas on how to force a refresh of the bind on a
    <cfselect id="add_legal_field" name="add_legal_field">
    <option value=""></option>
    <cfoutput query="legal_fields">
    <cfinput name="new_legal_value"/>
    <strong>Current Legal Values:</strong><br
    <cfdiv name="current_legal_values_add"
    'CME', 'VECP_Vendor')" bindOnLoad="true"/>
    function onLegalValues(type){
    document.edit_legal_value.add_legal_field.value = type;
    document.edit_legal_value.add_legal_field.text = type;
    ---End Code---


  • Where is the Log and why my Variables don't refresh?

    Hi everyone!
    My first question is:
    The log of the ODI, where is it? Not the logs of the executions or the Scenarios, when or who, by example: The Odi save when me "SUPERVISOR" start a session, or, if me "SUPERVISOR" delete a commponent, or, the ODI try to connect a database, or something like this, i was explain my point??
    The other question is:
    My Varibles don't take their value, when i create a new one, refresh and choose the agent, and then, have nothing, miss the value, example:
    I have this instruction, i use any database (ORACLE 11g):
    SELECT 'sysdate' FROM DUAL;
    When i refresh the variable the result is this:
    The same behavior happens when use JAVA instruction, i try many things, but i can't resolved the problem, check my enviroment variables, the ODIPARAMS, reainstalling JAVA...

    You right, but the log of the executions is not that i want, the log of the application himsefl, because, the log only save a part of all operation i found logs, but doesn't me something about the actions, i want the behavior of ODI, the reason why is 'cause this do things that i can't explain, one of thoose causes is the many repetitions of sessions, the log only shows that X scenario starts many times but not why, i hope explain myself.
    The other part ... I have two enviroments, one of thoose works perfectly with my variables, but the other one not, i export and import the work and master repository from the first to the second enviroment, but can't work. You say that i will declare and refresh my variable from the package, on the tab behind, i do that but nothing happen, my variable can't be a global variable because it works from the begin, any idea?

  • Rows of XML file don't refresh after changes in the file

    Hi Guys, Greetings!
    I load data from XML to Oracle, use this connection: jdbc:snps:xml?f=C:/xml/test.xml&ro=false&ldoc=true
    It's all ok in first loading - 10000 rows was loaded. Then I deleted from XML file a couple of rows but in the Operator I'v looked the same picture - 10000 rows in Step Load data and 10000 rows in Step Insert new rows. The XML must be refresh every 10 minutes for loading. What shall I do for solving this proplem?
    Tanks for your help

    add dod=true

  • Rss Widget don´t refresh

    I´m using iweb for my music website http://www.montelunai.com and using some Rss Widget for some information. The problem is that the Rss Widget is not refreshing, even after waiting for some days...
    Any help?

    Exactly the same problem here. See www.k-pro.nl.
    I am not sure but this issue may have started after installing Snow Leopard.
    Any help much appreciated.

  • Adf tree don't refresh

    Hi people, I have this code
    <af:inputText value="#{bindings.string.inputValue}"
    maximumLength="#{bindings.string.hints.precision}" simple="true"
    <f:validator binding="#{bindings.string.validator}"/>
    <af:commandButton actionListener="#{bindings.getUsers.execute}"
    <af:tree rendered="true" visible="false" value="#{bindings.WCUserProfileWrapperIT7.treeModel}"
    rowSelection="single" id="t1" >
    <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
    <af:outputText value="#{node.displayName}" id="ot10"/>
    When I get the "search" from getUsers, in the first time that I submit doesn't work, I debug and even not enter in the java method. When I try in the second time, enter in method java but with the parameter that I enter in first time, iif I try the third time the parameter is from the second time...
    Someone have some light to help me?
    Thks in advance

    Where is the parameter? I only see an inputText, a button and a tree.
    I guess you use the value of the inputtext as parameter to your function bound to the button.
    You need to set the autoSubmit property of the inputText to 'true' to make it directly available. And you should add a partialTriggers="search-colab-bt" to the tree to make update itself.

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