EPA to SDA conversion !!

Hi all,
My scenario is :
1) i have created a transport package from portal to create EPA file,
2) I am using <b>sapmake_util</b> tool to convert EPA to SDA,
3)i have downloaded this tool from SAP NOTE 696084
4)All environment variables are set.
now when i run this tool i am getting error that
What could cause this error, this doesnt generates a log file so i could not find any cause..
Has anybody faced this issue?? how to get rid of this??
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

I resolved this of my own...
in cmd i was typing<b> epa2sda FILE.EPA  FILENEW</b> = this is wrong, where as correct way is <b>epa2sda FILE.EPA  FILENEW.sda</b>
i was also getting error while creation of sca, for this you need to create a folder in sapmake_util folder say MyCollection, now put sda file that you created just now, and now on cmd type
sca MyCollection MyCollectionNew
this will create your business package and an SCA file...
Hope this info will help to others as well..

Similar Messages

  • How to covert EPA to SDA file

    Dear all,
    Can any one help me how to conevert EPA file to SDA.
    Thanks and Regards
    Suresh Kumar

    Check this SAP note out 696084, this contains the links for downloading the sapmake_util.exe , this tool you will be needed in order to convert EPA to SDA, once you download this tool, unzip this into your SAP folder in program files. the blog provided by Harini is very nice one.
    Please not the syntax of converting is
    on cmd you need to type this
    epa2sda <filename.EPA> <SDA filename youwant.SDA>
    dont forget to give .EPA and .SDA as i have shown, else you will get errors.
    Hope this helps,

  • Need Immediate Help **Convert EPA to SDA**

    Hi SDNers,
    I want to convert my epa file to sda.
    I have been followed the sap note to convert. But when i used command line "epa2sda <source file> <development component name> [<result directory>]" in command promt i m getting below error.
    Exception in thread "Main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/Main
    Kindly tell the way to rectify the issue...
    Thansk in advance.

    Harini, here is the content of build.xml
      <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <project name="sapmake" default="build" basedir=".">
    - <!--  task defs: jarSAP, exportSC
      <taskdef name="jarsap" classname="com.sap.sdm.ant.JarSAP" />
      <taskdef name="exportsc" classname="com.sap.sdm.ant.ExportSC" />
      <property name="sapmake.home" value="$" />
    - <!--  central properties file
      <property file="${sapmake.home}/sapmake.properties" />
    - <!--  temporary directory
      <property name="tmp.dir" value="$/tmp" />
    - <!--  default result directory for SDAs & SCAs
      <property name="archive.dir" value="$" />
    - <!--  additional properties for SCA creation
      <property name="SP-Number" value="0" />
      <property name="extendedspnumber" value="true" />
    - <!--  file filter for SCA creation
      <property name="filefilter" value="**" />
    - <!--  build target: calls specific target depending on 'target' property
    - <target name="build">
      <antcall target="$" />
      <antcall target="clean" />
    - <!--  check if the vendor ID is set
    - <target name="check_vendor" unless="vendor_set">
      <fail>Please specify an appropriate vendor ID in the file ${sapmake.home}/sapmake.properties</fail>
    - <!--  initialization: create temporary directory and set timestamp
    - <target name="init">
      <echo>Using vendor ID: $</echo>
    - <condition property="vendor_set">
    - <not>
      <equals arg1="$" arg2="unspecified" />
      <antcall target="check_vendor" />
    - <!--  create temporary dir
      <delete dir="${tmp.dir}" />
      <mkdir dir="${tmp.dir}" />
    - <!--  clean: remove temporary directory
    - <target name="clean">
      <delete dir="${tmp.dir}" />
    - <!--
    target for EPA->SDA transformation: extracts the source EPA archive to the temporary directory
                  and creates single-module SDA via jarSAP; dependency to PortalRuntime Container DC is set to
                  ensure that deployment is possible 
    - <target name="build.sda" depends="init">
      <unzip src="$" dest="${tmp.dir}" />
    - <tstamp>
      <format property="timestamp" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmmss" />
    - <jarsap jarfile="${archive.dir}/$_sda.epa" deployfile="${sapmake.home}/dd-templates/single-module-dd.xml">
      <component name="$" counter="$" />
    - <fileset dir="${tmp.dir}">
      <include name="**" />
      <dependency name="com.sapportals.prt.portalruntime" vendor="sap.com" />
    - <!--
    target for PAR->EAR transformation: copies PAR file to temporary dir, generates appropriate J2EE deployment descriptors
                  and creates J2EE SDA via jarSAP; dependency to PortalRuntime Container DC is set to
                  ensure that deployment is possible 
    - <target name="build.ear" depends="init">
      <copy file="$" toDir="${tmp.dir}" />
      <mkdir dir="${tmp.dir}/META-INF" />
    - <copy toDir="${tmp.dir}/META-INF">
      <fileset dir="${sapmake.home}/dd-templates" includes="application.xml, application-j2ee-engine.xml" />
      <replace file="${tmp.dir}/META-INF/application.xml" token="@display-name@" value="$" />
      <replace file="${tmp.dir}/META-INF/application-j2ee-engine.xml" token="@par-name@" value="$" />
    - <tstamp>
      <format property="timestamp" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmmss" />
    - <jarsap jarfile="${archive.dir}/$.ear" deployfile="${sapmake.home}/dd-templates/j2ee-dd.xml">
      <component name="$" counter="$" />
    - <fileset dir="${tmp.dir}">
      <include name="**" />
      <dependency name="com.sapportals.prt.portalruntime" vendor="sap.com" />
    - <!--
    target for SCA creation: property 'filename' is the source directory,
                  property 'componentname' is the software component in this case
    - <target name="build.sca" depends="init">
    - <exportsc dir="$">
      <SoftwareComponent ppmsnumber="0" name="$" />

  • EAR and EPA to SDA

    Hi all,
    We have to create an EP Business package with web dynpro applications. How can we package the portal contents and web dynpro applications into a single sca/sda package?
    As far as I know, the web dynpro EAR files can be converted into SDA files during the assembly process in CMS. The EPA files can be converted to SDA using command line tools of MAKe utilities. Thus there will be two SDA files. Then these SDA files has to be combined into an SCA archive.
    Is this the right way do this? Can anyone help me with a better option if any?
    Thanks and regards,

    There is no need to convert the .ear files into .sca or .sda as .ear file can also be deployed directly.
    Also regarding the Package, you need to just export the package as a .epa file.
    This would work.
    Plz reward if helpful.

  • Convert .SDA to .SCA

    Hi All,
    I need some clarification.
    Can you please tell me Can we convert .SDA to .SCA ?
    Advance Thanks,

    Hi Namrata
    The following conversions are possible:
    ·        PAR to EAR
    ·        EPA to SDA
    ·        EAR to SDA
    ·        SDA to SCA
    Once go through

  • Sapmake_util, par2sda, ear to sda confusion

    I've been wrestling with the sapmake_util package for a few days now and have several questions. 
    My ultimate goal is to create a SCA containing several PAR, SDA, and EAR files representing portal application/service projects, dictionary projects, and web dynpro projects built within NWDS that can be deployed successfully via JSPM.  I am not using NWDI, I am using sapmake_util (see tech note #696084).
    The help article regarding the creation of SDA and SCA files shows the path a PAR file takes through a combination of archives as:  PAR -> EAR -> SDA -> SCA.
    It goes on to note that:
    The following conversions are possible:
    ·        PAR to EAR
    ·        EPA to SDA
    ·        EAR to SDA
    ·        SDA to SCA
    Which clearly makes it possible to combine a PAR file as illustrated in the graphic.
    However, sapmake_util does not include a command to perform this combination.  My current attempt is to use par2sda which gives me an EAR file "that is in SDA format."
    I've read several posts which seem to confirm that the EAR file is indeed a SDA and needs no conversion to an actual SDA file (which, I can only assume, is why there is no ear2sda command provided in the sapmake_util package).  Why then, does the help article specifically state that:
    The following conversions are possible:
    ·        PAR to EAR
    ·        EPA to SDA
    EAR to SDA
    ·        SDA to SCA
    So, is an EAR actually a SDA?  Can someone please get this story straight?

    An EAR is a SCA.

  • Urgent  urgent  urgent how to convert 20 ear file into  1 sca file

    hi experts, friends
    help me if are intersted with this question  ( its very urgent )_
    my questions is
    1 . how to convert the 20 ear files into 1 sca file
    2 . how can i do that is there any 3rd party tool is there to convert
    descripation :- i have 20 application which are developed by  ui webdynpro java . 20 application are in .ear
    files, that i can see in sdm tool. now i need to pack or bundil all 20 application or .ear files into 1 .sca file.
    plz help me to resolve this issue

    The following conversions are possible:
    PAR to EAR
    EPA to SDA
    EAR to SDA
    SDA to SCA
    Check with this SAP Help to make SDA file first and then
    SDA to SCA.
    [Creation of SDA and SCA Archives|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/EN/a3/782240da03e569e10000000a155106/frameset.htm]
    Check out this SAP Note as well :
    Note 696084 - EP 6.0: How to create SDA files for EPA or PAR files
    You can use the Command Line tool if your environment is SAP NetWeaver 7.1 Composition Environment (CE).
    [Composition Environment Command Line Tool |http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nwce10/helpdata/en/45/5a3613dca22a4ce10000000a11466f/frameset.htm]
    Follow the way mentioned here.
    [Adding Transport Packages to NWDI|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/EN/45/bd060552fd731de10000000a1553f6/content.htm]
    Karthick Eswaran
    Edited by: Karthick Eswaran on Jun 20, 2008 8:50 AM

  • Error while deploying the Adapter Module

    i am getting below error in communication channel:
    Message processing failed. Cause: com.sap.engine.services.jndi.persistent.exceptions.NamingException: Exception during lookup operation of object with name localejbs/WriteExcelFile, cannot resolve object reference. [Root exception is javax.naming.NamingException: Error occurs while the EJB Object Factory trying to resolve JNDI reference Reference Class Name: Type: clientAppName Content: sap.com/WriteExcelEAR Type: interfaceType Content: local Type: ejb-link Content: WriteExcelFile Type: jndi-name Content: WriteExcelFile Type: local-home Content: com.sap.aii.af.lib.mp.module.ModuleLocalHome Type: local Content: com.sap.aii.af.lib.mp.module.ModuleLocal com.sap.engine.services.ejb3.runtime.impl.refmatcher.EJBResolvingException: Cannot start applicationsap.com/WriteExcelEAR; nested exception is: java.rmi.RemoteException: [ERROR CODE DPL.DS.6125] Error occurred while starting application locally and wait.; nested exception is: com.sap.engine.services.deploy.exceptions.ServerDeploymentException: [ERROR CODE DPL.DS.5035] Application [sap.com/WriteExcelEAR] cannot be started. Reason: it has hard reference to resource [com.sap.xi.repository] with type [library], which is not active on the server. Hint: 1) Is referred resource deployed? 2) Is referred resource able to start? at com.sap.engine.services.ejb3.runtime.impl.DefaultContainerRepository.startApp(DefaultContainerRepository.java:315)
    I am also getting the same warning when i am deploying the adapter.
    Reference list in   application-j2ee-engine.xml   is as follows:
    Kindly help.
    Edited by: Priyanka Sharma on Jun 18, 2010 4:29 PM

    com.sap.xi.repository reference is not required,, how are you deploying your module on PI server,
    You must be using some external library for excel conversion, if external library is present in your deployed file, you don't need to add com.sap.xi.repository reference.
    Is EAR to SDA conversion needed for EJB EAR module
    if you opt to use CECLT tool provided with NWDS 7.1, make sure you import SAP EAR File(it will have External library) on your local system.

  • Epa2sda  java.lang.NoClassDefFound error..?

    <b>I am using nwds 7.0.0 and ep 7 and j2sdk1.4.2_07</b>
    I have set all the class path variable as per the blog -
    but when i am writing the command to convert epa file to sda-
    "epa2sda ab.epa abc.sda"
    it gives  <b>Exception in thread "main"java.lang.NoClassDefFound error:</b> org/apache/tools/ant/main.
    what should i do to convert the epa file into sda file.

    hi Harini,
    my ndwd version is "7.0.0"
    This is the "sapmake.bat" file which i have been using.(giving error)
    echo off
    if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto nojavahome
    if "%SAPIDE_HOME%" == "" goto nosapidehome
    goto start
    echo JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set
    goto end
    echo SAPIDE_HOME environment variable is not set
    goto end
    set ANTCLASSPATH=%SAPIDE_HOME%\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\org.apache.ant_1.5.3\ant.jar;%ANTCLASSPATH%
    set ANTCLASSPATH=%SAPIDE_HOME%\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\org.apache.ant_1.5.3\optional.jar;%ANTCLASSPATH%
    set ANTCLASSPATH=%SAPIDE_HOME%\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\com.tssap.sap.libs.xmltoolkit\lib\sapxmltoolkit.jar;%ANTCLASSPATH%
    set ANTCLASSPATH=%SAPIDE_HOME%\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\com.tssap.sap.libs.logging\lib\logging.jar;%ANTCLASSPATH%
    set ANTCLASSPATH=%SAPIDE_HOME%\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\com.sap.ide.eclipse.jarsap\lib\SLUtil.jar;%ANTCLASSPATH%
    set ANTCLASSPATH=%SAPIDE_HOME%\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\com.sap.ide.eclipse.jarsap\lib\SDMutil.jar;%ANTCLASSPATH%
    set ANTCLASSPATH=%SAPIDE_HOME%\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\com.sap.ide.eclipse.jarsap\lib\jar4sap.jar;%ANTCLASSPATH%
    if exist "%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar" set ANTCLASSPATH=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%ANTCLASSPATH%
    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe -classpath "%ANTCLASSPATH%" org.apache.tools.ant.Main -Dsapmake.home="%SAPIDE_HOME%/sapmake_util" -Dbasedir="." -buildfile "%SAPIDE_HOME%/sapmake_util/build.xml" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

  • Coversion Agent Deployment in production server.

    Hi Experts,
    I would like to know the following regarding the Conversion Agent.
    a) Procedure for getting a conversion agent license from SAP.
    b) Minimum requirement/specification of PI box for its deployment like SP level etc...
    c) Approximate cost for one license
    d) Deployment procedure of conversion agent into PI box...
    e) Whether any downloadable available from service market place to PI dev box? If yes, kindly provide the link.
    Please let me know your views and your help will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,

    The Conversion Agent supports the following 32-bit platforms:
    1) Microsoft Windows 2003 (IA, 32 bit)
    2) Linux Red Hat, RedHat EL3 (IA32)
    3) Linux Suse SLES9 (IA-32)
    4) Solaris 9, 10 (64 bit)
    The Conversion Agent has the following additional functions:
    1) Improved Conversion Agent Studio environment with new project assistants, a guided mode, and embedded help.
    2) New data conversion components
    3) Improved functions for schema support, for example, improved XML namespace support.
    deployed all the required component for Conversion Agent in PI system using SDM .
    1. CM_JavaAPI.sda
    2. CM_RemoteSupportInterface.sda
    3. CM_TransformModule.sda
    4. ConversionAgent.sda
    *Conversion Agent Installation  *  & Download from SAP Service Marketplace
    Edited by: Abhishek Agrahari on Jan 14, 2009 7:07 AM

  • Sda to sca conversion

    I need to convert my  SDA files that i created in my J2EE application into a SCA file.
    I referred to SAP Note 696084 and https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/6697. [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] I download the sapmake_util_70 and followed the steps. when i go to command prompt and navigate to sapmake_util folder to check the syntax by  typing the bat file name and press enter. It will prompt this error.and i put all my classpath variable correctly.
    --->The system cannot find the path specified.
    Appreciate for the helps.

    Thanx for your reply Sir,
                                   As your given notes it mention that, using java jdk version 1.5 But currently we are working on jdk  version 1.2 which will supported by SAP server so i cant update my jdk bcoz we will not update on SAP server..

  • Seeburger EDI conversion Vs XI Conversion Agent EDI conversion?

    We have implemented Seeburger's EDI solution at a client, and our another client wants to an EDI solution for them.
    I cam across this weblog, and it is very interesting. I have some questions.
    1. Does Converstion Agent support the converstion of all versions of native EDI X12 and EDIFACT to the corresponding XML verions, and vice versa.
    2. What are the differences between Seeburger's and XI Conversion Agent's EDI soultions?
    Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks a lot.

    Hi Karma,
    SAP Conversion Agent by Itemfield is a data conversion system that enables you to create interfaces between any data formats and XML-based systems. The Conversion Agent can convert unstructured, semi-structured, and structured formats to XML, and the other way around.
    Have a look at these links:
    Seeburger EDI Adapter provides an EDI solution on internet via HTTP or AS2 to replace the expensive VAN. It provides some pre-built mappings for IDOC to ANSI X12(810,850,855,856 etc.,) and Idoc to EDIFACT(ORDERS,DESADV,INVOIC etc.,) and has the ability to build your own. These pre-defined mappings transform the IDOC-XML to EDI-XML format.
    These transformed EDI-XML messages are then converted to EDI specific format using the Seeburger's BIC(Business Integration Converter)adapter. In addition, Seeburger provides adapters like AS2,FTP(EDI specific) and so on to route these EDI messages to external EDI Partners.
    For more i would suggest you to go through these links:
    Seeburger EDI Adapter leverages SAP XI's Adapter Framework. This Adapter is used to perform conversion between EDI and XML format. It also provides some canned EDI layouts and the ability to build your own. It is used to transfer the EDI message via HTTP or AS2 protocols.
    The most direct way of using the Seeburger adapters is to configure the BIC as a module. There is a software component from seeburger called bicmapper which will allow you to do the following:
    1. define or import the inbound message metadefinition in various formats ( edifact, xml,...)
    2. using a mapping create an xml variant as the output metadefinition or edifact in the other direction.
    3. create a one to one mapping between input en output.
    4. export the metadata in xsd or sda format for import in XI.
    5. generate an SDA which can be deployed in XI and used as a module.
    Please go through the following links which clearly explains what you want and it also helps you in understanding the same in depth:
    There are also a few ways to use EDI with the ALE system of R3.
    inbound EDI to R3
    1.use a 3rd party adapter for the EDI protocol(eg.SEEBURDER) from the EDI system,send the produced XML to the XI ,map the xml message to a matching IDoc using the IDoc adapter.
    outbound ALE message from R3 to EDI system
    1. Configure the ALE system to point to the XI the relevant IDoc (SM59,WE21,WE20...)
    2.use a file adapter3rd party EDI adapter and map the fields to the target structure.
    have a look at this example:
    Details on how to configure can be found on SDN
    I hope this helps....

  • How to convert a .jar file to a .sda

    I have a login module which is created in the form of .jar file. I was deploying this login module using the Deploy tool(deploy.bat).
    Now I am looking for deploying my login module using the SDM, which happens to be the recommended mode with NW04.
    I have two questions related to creation of SDA, for which I am looking for urgent help:
    1. How can I create a .sda file from the .jar file? I do not want to create the .sda file directly from the codebase as I already have the command line build process setup to create a jar file from the codebase
    2. How can step1 be accomplished from command line?
    Appreciate if someone can help me out. I searched at many places but could not find anything related to this conversion.

    Tools like zipgenius http://www.zipgenius.it/intweb/features.htm#Innovazione,  Private encryptor http://www.filesweb.com/private-encryptor/ and securefile http://www.devsolutions.net/htmlpages/securefile.html should help you further.

  • SEEburger error in conversion from EDI to EDI-XML

    Dear SAP experts,
    Good day!
    Can i seek your inputs regarding this error i'm getting when i've tried to convert the EDI (D93A_RECADV message) into EDI-XML?
    I am using BIC for this one.
    This is the error i am getting,
    [Error:ID=2099;LEVEL=1] InhouseDocReader doSyntaxCheck(): offset[78167]: the found segment  is not in the message description.
    Conversion error
    Does this mean the source file is in wrong structure?
    Kindly advise.
    Thank you very much!

    Make sure that You used the Source structure in the IR from the External Def of the Seeburger SWCV only.
    And deployed the necessary mappings on XI server by making the .sda file in BIC.
    And the Incoming file should have the valid values while parsing the EDI file inorder to convert the EDI ti EDI_XML
    Check this also

  • Conversion Agent Deployment ?

    I have deployed all the required component for Conversion Agent in PI system using SDM and all successfully.
    1. CM_JavaAPI.sda
    2. CM_RemoteSupportInterface.sda
    3. CM_TransformModule.sda
    4. ConversionAgent.sda
    But then how to deploy my project from Conversion Agent Studio to the PI server. I have went through some of the blog and i have to copy the project directory to ServiceDB in the PI server.
    Could anyone help where i can found the ServiceDB in the PI server ?
    Thank you and Best Regards

    try check this doc

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