Epic post

IVe been frequenting the forums from other carriers websites (ie T-Mobile, sprint, at@t) and have found that their customers are in the same boat we are regarding preorders and insufficient stock. So those of you threatening to take your 20 yrs of loyalty and 10 lines to another company --> RELAX, it wouldn't have been any different elsewhere. Anyhow I came across this great post by a sprint customer and thought I would share it with my fellow consumers. Substitute "sprint" with "Verizon" and it describes our experience/frustrstion to a t!!!
Dear Sprint Complaint Reader,
On the 12th I was one of those people who was online as soon as the clock struck midnight. The website was down and I refreshed it again and again waiting for Sprint, who had a whole year to prepare for this, to get things going. I finally found a number and dialed it. I was on hold for and hour and thirty-one minutes before someone took my call. Her name was Nona and was talking to me, as best she could, from Manila, Philippines. The poor girl had no idea what was going on and her computer system kept crashing. She couldn't give me the proper information on monthly costs and fees for the different iPhones and plans and it became a guessing game between the two of us.
After another hour and ten minutes on the phone with her I had what I thought settled the deal right about almost four in the morning. I gave it 24 hours and put in the order code she gave me to check my status and it wasn't on file. Turns out there were dashes that needed to be included with the code and through trial and error figured it out on my own. I also got lucky and happened to check my mail and found there were some documents that needed to be signed before it could be processed. None of this was made known to me because I assume Nona didn't have access to any of that information either. So another full day had gone by without my order being fully processed. But not to worry, my credit card had been charged.
When I finally got to look at the contract it appears I'm paying for the 128GB plan which is fine with me except I'm getting the 64GB phone in the contract. So I called and they said that I would need to wait until my phone arrives before they can switch it out for the 128.
Everyone I have spoken with has been very polite and I have been too. My issue comes with the fact that I would've been better off ordering it from Apple and just walking into pick it up on the 20th like my friend did. He's been using his for four days now and mine isn't going to be here for at least another week. My, "pre-order," isn't a pre-order if I don't get when I'm supposed to.
I know you're sorry, I've flipped through the different discussions and read your apologies. Cut and pasted countless times to many an angry and or disappointed customer. And I know that whoever is reading this, you're sick of dealing with this probably more so than me. So you, beleaguered employee of the Sprint machine, pass this up. And you, down trodden middleman with aspirations of upper management, send this up to your boss. And you mid-level boss, make an executive decision and send this up to the guy with the personalized parking space right up front. And you secretary to that guy make sure he sees this and then CC it to his boss and his boss all the way until it reaches Pres. Leopold Von Sprint or whoever runs this beast and tell him to give me my dang phone and get his s*** together. I worked four hours on this can't someone give me four minutes.
P.S. Instead of saying you're sorry you can show it.
P.P.S. Thank you and have a lovely day.

So the grass is rarely greener....

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  • July TechNet Guru Winners Announced

    Below are the results for last month's Guru Competition - TechNet Guru Awards, July 2014
    The full version can be found here:
    We can only show the top three winners below, and images are missing, due to forum post length restrictions, but the link above shows the full version.
    A big thank you also to the other authors who did not make the top three of each category.
     BizTalk Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Steef-Jan Wiggers
    Securing BizTalk endpoints leveraging Sentinet API Management Part 1
    Ed Price: "Incredibly epic with great descriptions and diagrams! Another amazing article from Steef-Jan!"
    Sandro Pereira: "Again good job Steef-Jan! Makes me want to try Sentinet"
    TGN: "Stentinet is a great asset to BizTalk. Thanks for sharing such a great article."
    Idar H
    BizTalk Server 2013: How to publish a REST web service with POST
    TGN: "Great guide, and welcome to the TechNet Wiki Idar!"
    Ed Price: "Wonderfully clear instructions and images on this important topic!"
    Sandro Pereira: "A great example."
    Murugesan Mari Chettiar
    BizTalk: Pattern to on-board increasing business partners
    TGN: "Well done Murugesan, great article with a lot of good tips!"
    Ed Price: "Amazing job on the diagram and orchestrations!"
    Sandro Pereira: "A valid pattern, great job Murugesan, but configuration.xml is probably not the best option."
     Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Scott Eastin
    How to Calculate Manager Reference Value from PeopleSoft SQL View
    PG: "This article is not discussing clasic, traditional way of managing reference/manager attribute. Nor is it discussing why the default way of working might fail. Furthermore this article uses multiple
    un support techniques."
    Ed Price: "Good sample that can be applied to other data as well! Because this article received two negative votes,
    it auto-dropped to Silver. There is an excellent debate about the merit of this unsupported method in the article comments! Thank you to Scott and Peter for adding transparency to this topic!"
     Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Mr X
    How to set up Endpoints to Microsoft Azure VMs
    JH: "Well written with a lot of step-by-step pictures!"
    Ed Price: "Another great "How to" from Mr X! Clear instructions and the images help a ton! It would be good to include Azure overview articles and portals in the See Also section. Great job!"
    Mr X
    How to provide a temporary and secure remote access to Microsoft Azure VMs
    JH: "Great article, especially the recommendations at the beginning."
    Ed Price: "There's a lot of great depth in this article! Remote access to Azure VMs is an important topic!"
    Datatable design view for Azure SQL Database
    Ed Price: "Good introduction and the arrows help make it super clear what to look for in the images! Important topic and good conclusion!"
    JH: "Short but informative article. It would be useful to mention that some networks (especially corprate networks) block the access to this feature."
     Microsoft Visio Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Durval Ramos
    Reverse Engineering a SQL Server Database using Visio
    SR: "Blog mentions that the "Demo will use Visio 2013" but that's not correct information. This feature is CUT from Visio 2013 and available till 2010."
    AH: "It has good details. I like that it gives step by step process to use Reverse engineering using MS Visio. If Anything if the Author can change the screenshots that are in spanish to englisth that would be great."
    Ed Price: "Great article! Durval addressed the issue and updated the article to reference Visio 2010 instead. You can see the conversation in the article comments. It's great to see authors interact in the article comments and make improvements
    like this!"
     Miscellaneous Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Durval Ramos
    Automating a Data Paging using VBA on Excel
    Ed Price: "Wow! The Introduction is great, there's a ton of information in the "Building" section, the red circles and lines on the images help a ton, a video (in Portuguese), and then the icing parts are the
    References, See Also, and Other Languages section. Amazing job on this article!"
    Richard Mueller: "Great links. A well formatted article."
    TGN: "Great article and well explained, I would maybe try to put some effort in to changing the screenshots to english."
    Mr X
    Hyper-V and DHCP Guard feature
    Richard Mueller: "Great documentation of a new feature. I like the images."
    Ed Price: "Great job on the diagram!"
    TGN: "good article, but a short explaination about what the feature do would make it even better!"
    Mr X
    Hyper-V and Router Guard feature
    TGN: "Great article and explaination!"
    Ed Price: "Good information and use of images! Great job!"
    Richard Mueller: "Great documentation of a new feature."
     SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Dan Christian
    How to setup, configure and test SQL 2012 SP1 SSRS with SharePoint 2013
    Ed Price: "This article from Dan is amazing! Fantastic job! Great use of images and great explanations along the way!"
    Benoît Jester: "Another EXCELLENT article by Dan! A complete guide to install SSRS w/ SharePoint 2013!"
    Naveen Sasi
    Retreiving Server Date using SharePoint JSOM
    Jinchun Chen: "Interesting solution!"
    Ed Price: "Good explanation and good to have the See Also section. It would be nice to have the code broken up more and explained. Good job!"
    Benoît Jester: "Thanks for the code,coul be useful!"
    Johnathan Lightfoot
    Web Sensitive Files and SharePoint 2010
    Ed Price: "This is a good article with instructions and images. Thanks for removing the personalization (per the comment from Shanky). It could be improved with headers, a TOC, and a See Also section. The explanations
    near the top are very helpful!"
    Benoît Jester: "Interesting article on "Sensitive Files". Good to know!"
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice"
     Small Basic Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Ed Price - MSFT
    Small Basic Survival Guide
    Michiel Van Hoorn: "Oh the overload!"
    RZ: "Very nicely categorized and organized. Way to go!"
    Nonki Takahashi
    Small Basic: Character Set - Unicode
    RZ: "Very well explained. I wager that many programmers can't quite explain what's unicode and utf-8 :)"
    Michiel Van Hoorn: "Great article on this fundamental element in programming"
    Nonki Takahashi
    Small Basic: Controls
    Michiel Van Hoorn: "Practical topic with good examples"
     SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Firdous S -MSFT
    Getting Started with Forecasting and Hindcasting in Power View
    PT: "Nice demonstration of this functionality using a simple set of data. Well done."
    MR: "Some formatting issue - I fixed some issue in blank lines and too large pictures, but it should bulleted points should be fixed better"
    RB: "Interesting and thorough walkthrough of the new Forecasting/Hindcasting feature in Power View for Office 365. It's based on an publicly available dataset so you are able to experiment yourself with these features"
    NN: "Nice article with very good images"
    DB: "Very Interesting"
     SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Sean Gallardy
    Cell Level Encryption With Always On Availability Groups
    DB: "Interesting"
    Jinchun Chen: "Excellent."
    Ed Price: "Wow, great code and depth! The down side is with the personal "blog-like" tone, it's harder to collaborate on a Wiki article. (What if someone adds a section or a link to a similar article on a newer version? Is it
    still personal?) Anyway, the content is fantastic!"
    NN: "Very interesting article"
    Samuel Lester: "Great write-up, very informative, and outstanding technique when building up the explanation of the problem."
    DRC: "The article contains lot of information and a very clear explanation of each and every steps. It also provides all the necessary links for related topics. An important change which need to be made is : its not Always ON, its AlwaysOn.
    How to Install SQL Server 2012 SP2 on Standalone Instance of SQL Server
    NN: "Nice article"
    Samuel Lester: "Super informative, this will help a lot of people to walk through the process."
    DRC: "<> This article explains the detailed steps of install and uninstall of Service pack. But i'm not sure whether we need such a detailed explanations for applying service pack. <> Considering the number of SP install issues,
    this article would helpa  lot of users overcome the issue. "
    Ed Price: "This is a great "how to" article! It could be improved with a grammar pass. (Feel free to ask me or others in advance so we have time to help.) While this does duplicate some existing Library content, I like how it
    links to the related articles at the bottom and this does add new depth, which can be very helpful! Another great article!"
     System Center Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Mark Scholman
    Orchestrator – Check System Center VM Snapshots
    Ed Price: "Good explanation, and great image and code formatting! It could benefit from explanations of what the code is doing and from a See Also section that links to related Wiki articles. Great job
    on this article!"
    Mr X
    How to use Orchestrator to automatically recover Website failures
    by checking the HTTP status code 
    Ed Price: "What an epic article! Great job on the descriptions, images, and script! In this case, the table really pops for me and helps me understand the scenario better!"
    Mr X
    How to uninstall or remove SCCM client
    Ed Price: "Good! Short and sweet. Could benefit from a See Also section. Good job!"
     Transact-SQL Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Ronen Ariely
    Transact-SQL: Join Order
    Ed Price: "Great topic with an amazing use of code snippets and images! I love the Conclusions section and the Resources section is fantastic!"
    JS: "Good article, well formatted and a good starting point for someone not being familiar with those pieces."
    Samuel Lester: "Great write-up, explanation, and examples! "
    Richard Mueller: "Great information on an advanced topic. Well explained with good examples and references."
    Jinchun Chen: "Great. " 
    Naomi N
    T-SQL: Find the Peak Hour
    Samuel Lester: "Outstanding! Creative solution, nice comment about the importance of a good design, which would have made this a much simpler task. "
    Richard Mueller: "An advanced topic using new techniques."
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice"
    JS: "Please provide the execution plans of you are already comparing the performance results."
    Ed Price: "Great Problem Definition and good See Also section! Also, great code formatting! It could benefit from explaining what the code's doing more. Great article!"
    Get Current Fiscal Year Dates
    JS: "Please provide the parameter instead to pass IN current_timestamp instead of assuming the getdate() values."
    Samuel Lester: "Handy little script to add to your T-SQL developer toolbox! Thanks for sharing!"
    Richard Mueller: "I needed better explanation."
    Ed Price: "Great topic and great job on the code! Could benefit from more explanation of what's happening in the code, as well as a See Also section. The explanations at the end are very helpful!"
     Visual Basic Technical Guru - July 2014  
    MR: "Great article! Well written. Good note on plain text password. Don't forget to disable controls on hidden panels!"
    Ed Price: "Amazing! The formatting is incredibly clean, and great response in the comments by addressing the encryption concern with a great section in the article! It would also be good to have the code sample available on the MSDN Gallery.
    Fantastic article!"
    Richard Mueller: "A very useful article that deserves to win. Could use more comments in the code. The "See Also" should link to other Wiki's."
     Visual C# Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Eyal Shilony
    A Client/Server Application Using Named Pipes
    Peter Laker: "An old technology that is mistakenly overlooked these days. This is a great article that I hope breathes new life into named pipes."
    Ed Price: "Great article and topic! Great explanations and code formatting. Could benefit from more explanations of what the code's doing, a See Also section, and an Additional Resources section. Great job! A lot of wonderful depth in
    this article!"
    NN: "Good article"
    Jaliya Udagedara
    Writing a Very Basic Dynamic Query using Expression Trees
    NN: "Very nice explanation"
    Peter Laker: "Brilliant article, well worth the read, thanks Jaliya."
    Ed Price: "Fantastic job breaking up and explaining the code snippets. Very easy to follow! Great use of linking to (and leveraging) the MSDN Gallery! This is a great article!"
    Ronen Ariely
    C Sharp: Multi-Types Application
    Ed Price: "Great job on the images, code snippets, and diagram! The Introduction, Case Study, and Resources sections are wonderful! Great article!"
    NN: "Very interesting article"
    Peter Laker: "A nice overview of some basic differences. Thanks Ronen."
     Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Durval Ramos
    SQL Server 2014 Portal
    NN: "Great new portal"
    Richard Mueller: "A great portal with useful links."
    Ed Price: "Great job on this portal! It's very important to have a one-stop shop for articles about the latest versions, including SQL Server 2014!"
    Dan Christian
    How to add images to your TechNet Wiki article
    Ed Price: "This is a fantastic end-to-end article, from OneDrive strategies to using tags! Great job on this!"
    NN: "Very useful tips"
    Richard Mueller: "A very well formatted article, on a useful topic."
     Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Authentication using Facebook, Google and Microsoft accounts in Universal
    Apps using MVVM
    JH: "Just amazing! Love the amount of code snippets."
    Ed Price: "Incredible depth! The flow diagrams and code formatting help a lot. Great Description section!"
    Peter Laker: "Excellent and vey useful article from a well respected author."
    Saad Mahmood
    Expression Blend - Playing with Sample Data (WPF , Windows Phone)
    JH: "One of my favorite features when working with XAML. Nice to see an article about it."
    Ed Price: "Great formatting and use of images! The final few sections really give a lot of great information! As you see in the comments, Sandro added it to the TechNet Wiki magazine!"
    Peter Laker: "I'm sure we have otehr examples of this in the Wiki, but gratefully received anyway!"
    WP8.0 vs WP8.1 :All about new package.appxmanifest file at beginners level
    Peter Laker: "Very useful introduction, nicely presented, thanks!"
    JH: "A lot of information and pictures, but needs some reformatting."
    Ed Price: "Good content and great use of images! Could benefit from a grammar pass. Good job!"
     Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Magnus (MM8)
    WPF: Implementing Custom Authentication And Authorization
    KJ: "good stuff!"
    Ed Price: "Great introduction and depth in the code!"
    Peter Laker: "Epic post from Magnus. Pleny of code, just enough comment."
    Andy ONeill
    Thinking outside the box with the Adorner
    KJ: "good stuff!"
    Ed Price: "Wonderful topic! Could benefit from explanations of what the code's doing. Great job!"
    Peter Laker: "Excellent article, as always, from Andy! I adore adorners!"
     Windows Server Technical Guru - July 2014  
    Mr X
    How to prevent rogue DHCP servers on your network 
    JM: "This is an excellent article on preventing and detecting rogue DHCP servers, nice work."
    Ed Price: "Incredible depth in this article!"
    Richard Mueller: "A great Wiki, with good structure and images. A great topic for system administrators."
    Philippe Levesque: "I like the article, as it's a problem I seen a lot of time in real life (dhcp rogue)" 
    Mr X
    How to get the HTTP status code for a Website running on a specific
    Web server using Powershell
    JM: "This is a good article, thanks again for your contributions."
    Ed Price: "Good explanation!"
    Richard Mueller: "Very useful code, giving administrators a great tool to monitor their web sites. Credit should be given to Lee Holmes."
    Mr X
    How to enable and configure DHCP MAC address filtering
    Philippe Levesque: "Really good documentation ! "
    Richard Mueller: "A very good article. Needs a "See Also" section to reference related Wiki articles."
    JM: "This is a good article on how to enable MAC address filtering."
    Ed Price: "Good article. I especially love the table!"
    A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to July's competition.
    Hopefully we will see you ALL again in August 2014's listings?
    If you haven't contributed an article for this month, and you think you can create a more useful, clever and better presented wiki article than the winners above,
    here's your chance! :D
    Best regards,
    Pete Laker
    More about the TechNet Guru Awards:
    TechNet Guru Competitions
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again!
    If you are a member of any user groups, please make sure you list them in the
    Microsoft User Groups Portal. Microsoft are trying to help promote your groups, and collating them here is the first step.

    Congratulation to all of winners.:)
    Lydia Zhang

  • IMac 24' green & magenta vertical Lines will not boot.

    Firstly let me say Hello all ^_^ Secondly, I hope this is posted in the right forum. :Oops:
    The problem started a few days ago when my iMac went into screen saver mode and the whole screen had frozen and become pixlated with squares and a general scrambling of the screen, noise, grain, etc.. It wouldn't awaken from it's slumber so I did a hard restart.
    The familiar friendly chime greeted me but the screen was covered in Vertical Green lines that are full of pixels, moving almost like static. The apple logo appeared and the spinning gear but that stopped spinning after about 20 - 30 seconds.
    When I tried to boot into Safe mode this happened to the Apple logo (after about 3 or 4 mins)
    The apple genius' are booked solid till next Thursday (27th) so I decided research and trial an error were my best options.
    The following are the steps I have tried and where I am currently. Sorry for the lack of punctuation, etc...
    On startup, Chime sounds, green vertical lines with what appears to be static, sometimes with Magenta in.
    Apple logo appears
    spinning lines lock up after about 10 seconds. Freeze.
    Will not boot into Safe mode (by holding Shift after chime)
    Will not boot from Mac OSX disk (by holding C after Chime)
    Tried zapping the Pram (Shift, option, p & r on chime, Wait for 3 chimes)
    Removed RAM 1 at a time tested in other slots, no change.
    WILL enter into single user mode (holding Shift & S after Chime) so ran fsck twice to receive the Hard drive OK message. PHew Hard drive is OK then.
    Reboot from here, same Vertical Magenta and green (sometimes just Green) Lines with static, Apple Logo, Spinning gear and freeze.
    So connected with firewire into target disk mode. (connect mac book pro to imac using firewire cable and hold down the T key on your target computer, in my case my iMac) This essentially makes the imacs hard drive into an external firewire drive. Hard drive OK. Backed up. YAY. (most relieved to get back photos & current work)
    Thanks for bearing with me on this epic post. ;);) and thanks in advance for sharing the knowledge.

    Maybe this is a little late since this was last year but I thought I would post what the actual problem & solution was.
    I took the iMac into see the Genius' and as it turns out it is indeed the graphics card. Luckily enough for me my iMac was just before they started soldering on them onto the logic boards AND it's one of the known faulty Nvidia Cards, which means a free repair, (luckily)
    It took about 2 weeks to repair. when I recieved my iMac back unfortunatly there was lots of fingerprints inside the screen. Let it be said that the Mac store in Oxford street are the fairest of all, as instead of taking the machine and re-repairing, they replaced the whole iMac for a new one.
    I hope anyone with this problem, or any other, has the same level of care from Mac as I have had.

  • "Airport has a self assigned IP address & cannot connect to internet"

    Hi, I'd appreciate any insight at all on this...
    Apologies in advance for this vast post...!
    (but I guess I may as well mention everything I've already tried...)
    I was recently trying to add an Airport Express Base Station to an existing ethernet and wireless network, which has been working flawlessly for 3 years.
    (Network consists of an ethernet-connected G4 Dual 1.42 desktop running OS X.3.3, and two wireless-connected iBooks- one a 12" running OS X.3.5, the other a 14" on OS X.4.2).
    For various reasons, I've now given up with the Airport Express, but ...
    On the wireless 12" iBook- "Safari can't open the page "xxx" because it can't find the server "xxx"- ie, the internet connection is now wonky.(The problem is the same in Firefox, IE, and Camino too).
    The fault must be with configuration on this laptop, as the other two machines on this network are still running and connecting normally with no problems at all.
    What is the cause of this problem? (IP addresses? DNS server?)
    1. First looked at System Preferences --> Network --> Network Status, where I see this;
    "Airport is connected to the network "Fritz!Box SL WLAN". Airport has a self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect to the Internet."
    Alongside it an amber button (which is usually green).
    Then according to JohnHuber1's suggestion in Discussions on May 3rd 2006;
    "Go to System Preferences --> Network and double click on Airport to open its preferences. Click on theTCP/IP tab and select Configure IvP4: "Using DHCP" and click on Apply Changes to save it."
    I tried toggling this (it was already set this way), and then Restarted, but it hasn't helped.
    I also tried clicking the 'Renew DHCP lease' button. Also hasn't helped.
    2. Repaired permissions. It hasn't helped.
    3. Read Apple KB article No:106798- 'Troubleshooting "Server could not be found" messages'.
    From this article, it seems that
    a) The problem cannot be caused by "an actual loss of internet connection", as the other 2 machines are still connecting fine.
    b) Typing instead of http://www.apple.com makes no difference, therefore it doesn't APPEAR to be a DNS server problem. (?)
    4. Tried to reconfigure the Airport settings using Network SetUp Assistant.
    This allows me to select Airport as my connection method, select the network from the list; but once I've entered the network password and pressed 'continue', it then gives me a dialogue box, saying
    "Unable to establish a network connection. Your computer could not connect to the internet. Click OK to go back and change your network settings and try again".
    Returning to Network Prefs, I now see a box saying "Your Network Settings have been changed by another application".
    I can't seem to get out of that vicious circle.
    5. Opened a fresh Test Account, behaviour is the same here as in the regular user account.
    6. Opened Network Utility, tried to 'Ping' on (Apple site). Then tried to Ping my network router (, and then also the other 2 computers on the network. Result in each case was "10 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss".
    What can I do to fix this problem? I suspect it's some small configuration checkbox in Network preferences which I've inadvertently altered.
    But have I got any idea what I've done...?
    Sorry for the epic post. But you get the idea...!
    Thanks for your thoughts...
    G4 Dual 1.42, FW800, 2GB RAM, (OSX.3.3), iBook G4 (1.2ghz, 1GB RAM, OSX.3.5)   Mac OS X (10.3.3)   3 int.HDs, 3 Lacie ext.HDs, Logic Pro 6.4, RME Fireface 800.

    Hi Grant, thanks for jumping in...
    Have you removed the troublesome Airport Express?
    Certainly have, that was Step 1 several days ago!
    Are you using encryption?
    Yes, I have to enter a password every time I've tried to use Network Set Up Assistant. I'm pretty sure I've got it right- it won't accept anything else.
    Have you limited your network to only certain M.A.C. Addresses?
    Not as far as I'm aware. Could I have done it inadvertently?
    Is the Wireless Router set to allow the connection of slower 802.11b devices like the iBook?
    Guess it must be... it worked fine before, and is still ok with the other 14" iBook.
    Are you connecting to a Wireless Router and not to another Macintosh computer?
    Hmm... I ASSUMED I was connecting to the WLAN router. The G4 desktop has no wireless capability itself, could I still be connecting to that regardless?
    Internet access has never been affected in the past by that machine being on or off...
    You will not be able to get anywhere until you have an IP address in the same subnet as your Router
    (generally high octets the same, last octet different). Can you think of any reason why your Router
    should not give you an IP address in this range?
    Err... now I'm lost, sorry! What's an octet?
    I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out Grant... sorry I'm not really up to speed!
    Cheers, Andy.

  • August Power Pivot Guru - Festival of the Awesome Power Pivot

    It's here at last!
    The August round of the TechNet Technical Guru Competition!
    The quality and quantity of entries has been beyond our wildest expectations lately, with epic posts and useful snippets BURSTING out of the seams of TechNet Wiki.
    So please come forth once again, oh mighty techie, and shower us with insight!
    Join us in the August Festival of TechNet Guru!
    Open up your heart and help us feed so many hungry minds!
    For THIS is THE month, when heroes are cut from leather, chiselled from stone, forged in the fire of knowledge. The month when legends are born, and epics are scripted.
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again!
    If you are a member of any user groups, please make sure you list them in the
    Microsoft User Groups Portal. Microsoft are trying to help promote your groups, and collating them here is the first step.

    2 articles now and 2 days to go! Both are SSIS:
    Import SSIS2012 Project From Catalog Using T-SQL Script by Visakh16
    SSIS 2012 new REPLACENULL function by Jan
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
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    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Adobe DESTROYED my Mac Pro, someone help!!!!

    Hello, everyone. This is an epic post but it's an epic situation for me. Please read the whole thing and offer advice, I am petrified with fear right now! My early 2008 Mac Pro (8 core, 2.3 ghz, 4tb, 16gb ram, Quadro 5600 GPU, OS X 10.5.6) has acted like a God since I got her in February '08. Haven't had a single problem with it, -except- when running Adobe CS4, which opens a world of hurt.
    Any time I use Premiere Pro, Soundbooth, Encore, or Media Encoder, I get little windows that say 'null pict handle with error of 0.' There is now way to make them leave. Even when the programs work (rarely), I get those windows. Media Encoder, however, has never worked since I upgraded to CS4. I have run the CS4 clean script several times. There isn't a single trace of CS3 left on my computer.
    That's the history of my Mac Pro CS4 problem. Here's where I ended up:
    This morning I decided to uninstall Master Collection, run the clean script, and reinstall CS4, even though I've done it five or six times already and knew it probably wouldn't make Media Encoder work or the Null Pict Handle windows go away. I guess I'm an optimist. But when I went to uninstall CS4, I was informed that an original copy of the uninstaller didn't exist, leaving me unable to get rid of the buggy software! Then, I noticed when I clicked on Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Fireworks, or Contribute, the icons turned to question marks, and they ceased to appear in my Applications folder.
    So I called Adobe tech support. God help me.
    The tech support guy, name of Kelly, seemed good natured enough. I really felt like he wanted to help. He had me hold shift down while signing in to my Mac Pro, and sign in as 'Root.' I have no idea what any of that means or does, but he said to trust him. Then I was told to delete anything with Adobe affiliation. Then I was told to reset disk permissions on my boot drive. Finally, he told me to reinstall CS4.
    Halfway into the install, he said, and I quote, "Tim it sounds like everything's gonna work out fine for you, there haven't been any snags yet so you should be alright. I'm gonna let you go, just call if you have any problems."
    I wasn't comfortable with him leaving the line until I was sure my computer had been safely worked on, but he insisted he had to help other customers. So like an idiot, I let him go.
    CS4 finished installing. Everything seemed fine. I figured I'd restart the computer just to be safe, and do some After Effects work. I clicked restart and everything went along as expected at first. Computer shut down, turned back on, got the beautiful Mac chime, the Apple logo with the bars scrolling around it, and BAM---- screen goes black and my Mac Pro is off.
    And now... that's all I get. I turn the computer on, get the chime, the Apple logo, and then she turns off. Holding shift down does nothing. Letting the computer cool off doesn't help, either. The people at Adobe won't take responsibility, but I didn't do a single thing they didn't tell me to. Add to that, there hasn't been ONE problem with this computer until I introduced it to CS4. No problems with Final Cut Studio 2, Shake, Logic, or Blender. Just Adobe.
    If anyone has any advice, I will be forever grateful. I am terrified right now that my baby, my 13,000 dollar beast of a computer, is dead on account of Adobe Master Collection, a bunch of programs I've almost completely quit using in favor of FCP.
    -Thankfully, I have most everything of importance backed up on my time capsule.-

    A few things you can try:
    1) I hope you've backed up everything!
    2) Pop in your OS X install DVD, hold down 'd'. Do a hardware test and see if anything is wrong
    3) As above, but let the machine run to the installation screen, then open 'Disk Utility' and repair the main drive.
    4) I hope you've backed up...!
    5) Re-install your OS. Zero out your main boot drive and re-install OS X, then, if everything is working, install CS4.
    6) Did I mention a backup???
    7) If you have a time machine backup you can restore from it to salvage anything you need.
    I have CS4 running on my Mac Pro and it runs OK. Good Luck!
    Message was edited by: Jacques Toerien

  • Help: Is my file permanently broken?!

    Hi all,
    I've got a file that was created by a music sequencer called Digital Performer. I've been opening/saving this file and others from a FireWire HD for months without any problems. Suddenly, when opening my file a get the error message: "An error occurred while reading from the disk. The file 'x' was not loaded. ID = 103"
    I have tried copying it to another drive, in disk utility repaired the FW disk, repaired the startup HD's permissions, run Diskwarrior on the FW drive, run Diskwarrior's 'files and folders' scan and apparently the broken file's "resources overlap and cannot be fixed"!
    Can anyone suggest any other possible fixes? Would it be worth trying any other 3rd party apps like TechTool Pro?

    That's not cool : (
    What I forgot to mention before was my suspicions of what caused this... A couple of weeks ago I had been using a FW hub (between the G5 and an iSight) and found it was corrupting audio that was being recorded (I was getting short digital distortions every couple of seconds). As soon as I unplugged everything was normal again. I had been using the FW hub with a power supply that was below it's maximum capacity (it's max = 2000mA/12V and I was using a 1500mA/12V). The iSight's picture was also stuttering when using this power supply so I got my hands on a 2000mA/12V. The iSight's picture was then fine so I thought the audio issues would be gone too. Then my file died on me. I straight away suspected the hub. I unplugged it straight away too!
    Here's something I'm not sure about -the FWHD is connected via FW800 and the hub/iSight was of course on the FW400 plug. Could I have a dodgy hub that's messing up the whole FW bus? I assume the FW400/800 plugs are 'connected' in some way?
    Since then I've plugged the hub/iSight back in to see if the audio corruption would happen but it didn't. This hub is a 'FireWire Repeater' made by DataFab.
    Sorry about the epic post! I tried to keep it brief...
    I think I'll try TechTool Pro. I really want this file back.

  • August System Center Guru - Festival of the Awesome System Center

    It's here at last!
    The August round of the TechNet Technical Guru Competition!
    The quality and quantity of entries has been beyond our wildest expectations lately, with epic posts and useful snippets BURSTING out of the seams of TechNet Wiki.
    So please come forth once again, oh mighty techie, and shower us with insight!
    Join us in the August Festival of TechNet Guru!
    Open up your heart and help us feed so many hungry minds!
    For THIS is THE month, when heroes are cut from leather, chiselled from stone, forged in the fire of knowledge. The month when legends are born, and epics are scripted.
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
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    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
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    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
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    1 article and 2 days to go:
    Integrating a CMDB with Operations Manager by
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    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Trim Edit Window Issues

    Experiencing some trouble with the Trim Edit window. Here's what's happening.
    I double click an edit point on the timeline to launch the Trim Edit window. Okay. Sometimes it works fine and I get the outgoing clip on the left and the incoming clip on the right, and when I adjust the edit point, it is reflected in the Out/In Shift indicator at the bottom of each window with a +00:00:03 or -00:00:02 or whatever.
    But sometimes I launch the Trim Edit window and both the left and the right windows are black. Sometimes I launch the Trim Window and the incoming clip is correct, but the outgoing clip is cued up wrong, or vice versa. When this is the case, the Out/In Shift counters are also out of whack. For example, an actual adjustment of +2 frames comes out as reading +00:15:03 on the indicator. In addition, sometimes the video clip is correct but the audio that plays comes from somewhere else entirely in the clip. It's pretty frustrating.
    Now, to dig a little further, we are importing these clips with a Kona 2 card using the 1080psf 23.98 DVCPro HD codec and cutting on a 23.98 timeline. Some of the audio coming in on the master tapes isn't usable, so we are also importing audio from a back up system. I find the sync clap on the video and line it up with the sync clap on the backup audio. I hilight the video and audio tracks hit Command+L to link them, and then drag into my browser to make a new master clip.
    I must be doing something wrong in the linking process, because these Trim Edit window problems seem to only occur with the newly linked clips. But the strange part is that it isn't consistent. Yesterday the Trim Edit wasn't working properly on a particular scene. Today I go back to that scene and the Trim Edit function works fine.
    So, after reading this epic post, if anyone has any insight or ideas on how to solve this problem, I'd appreciate it.
    Dual 2.5 G5   Mac OS X (10.4.2)   6 GB RAM

    hello i have the same problem since june 2005
    i'm working for a national broadcast television who produces a sitcom
    we use dv camera in progressive mode (panasonic ag-dvx100a Pal)
    sound is recording on compactflash card in wave format
    and i have to synchronise 2 video tracks (2 cameras shooting simultanely) and one stereo sound track
    i put aux tc on the second video and the stereo pair and link them all
    I'm working on 2 powerbooks
    1. powerbook 1.33Gb with 10.4.4 and quicktime 7.04 andfcp 5.04
    2. powerbook 1.5Gb with 10.4.2 and quicktime 7.xx and fcp 5
    i use a g-raid 500gb firewire 800 to digitalise the clips
    When I use the roll or ripple tool with few tracks selecting I can only work in the timeline.
    When I open the "edit trim" window, the application crash down or more oftently the pictures I get in both sides of the window when I move even one frame forward or backward, aren't the right ones.
    it changes everytime for example: on the left side I get +5:02 shift and the right side +3:10 shift
    i try to create new project or smaller one even by XML export
    i try to trash preferences
    but there's no change
    May be have you a idea or a suggestion?
    it seems that external sound source or/and linking and merging fonction in this case are the problem
    Thanks a lot
    P.S sorry for my english but I used to speak french
    Roland JOSEPH
    Midi 20
    1003 Lausanne
    Tél: ++41(0) 21 312 17 45
    Mobile: 078 746 63 62
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

  • Post-Production with RED Epic 48fps

    OK Premiere Pro: shooting a music video at 48fps, native editing in CS 5.5 for the win? Or conversion to 24fps?  Not making The Hobbit, but I wanted to try sourcing all the RED Epic footage at 48fps with no slow-mo.  Also, can I playback in Redcine-X?  So far it's assuming it's 24fps and playing slow-mo style..

    Here you go...

  • Hp Mini 110-1127NR EPIC FAIL HP

    I bought my HP mini when my old computer finally died. I'm a student, and use my comptuer for both work and school.
    So, when my motherboard died for the first time <3months after purchase, suffice to say I was mad. After dealing with a tech support that was at best pathetic, I was annoyed. When I recieved my computer back from HP two weeks later, you can imagine how screaming mad I was to discover that they had subbed out my 250g HDD for a 150g HDD.
    Think thats it?
    After calling back tech support and having them inform me that my computer doesn't come with a 250g HDD (as I was looking at the NewEgg page I'd purchased it from, which plainly states 250g) they finally agreed that I was right, that it did come with a 250. Two weeks later, my PC was finally back to normal.
    Over. I think not.
    Two months after replacement of mobo, my RAM unit went bad. Replaced that on my own (Didn't want to deal with HP)
    Now, four months after replacement of mobo, seven months after purchase, my computer randomly shuts down, restarts has killed TWO batteries purchased from NewEgg in addition to the one originally purchased with the netbook. It currently is unable to use a battery, as any new one plugged into the unit quickly loses its abliity to recharge.
    I've called HP to try to give me a replacement unit, as I love the Pink Chic coloring, but am met with only resistance. As someone in the computer field, I felt obligated to publicly voice my absolute displeasure with HP, thier tech support, thier products and thier customer service. I, personally will never purchase or reccomend another HP or Compaq product. I hope that the company suffers greatly from it's lack of quality in both its products and support.

    And the very night after I posted this thread, it died again.
    Epic. Fail. HP.

  • Help Needed Configuring Post Set Up For Big Indie Feature:

    We’ve got incredible performances from an amazing cast of well-known character actors from film, TV and stage, a unique and inspiring script, and some truly beautiful, cinematic footage. And now — it’s all about putting it together…
    But I’m having trouble finding an accurate, effective and (most importantly) a DETAILED workflow accommodating the latest version of Premiere, to post a LENGHTY feature film shot on the RED Epic in 5k FF.  I’ve reviewed videos here, but in conducting edit tests, I'm encountering all manner of glitches and problems, and need to ensure that I am properly configuring our post workflow and all of the associated hardware.
    I’ll be dividing the film into project file “reels” to help keep things manageable.  As editor and DP, it's also most important for me to edit on a 4k timeline (to take advantage of reframing and stabilization of the 5k). Footage is on three Pegasus II RAIDS.
    There will be a LOT of FX work done outside of Premiere in AE (and other compositing and graphics programs).  I’m planning to finish in Resolve, outputting at 4k.
    I have the new Mac Pro with:
    - 2.7GHz 12-core Intel Xeon E5 with 30MB of L3 cache
    - 64GB (4x16GB) of 1866MHz DDR3 ECC - 4X16GB
    - 1TB PCIe-based flash storage
    - Dual AMD FirePro D700 GPUs with 6GB of GDDR5 VRAM each
    A Sonnet Echo Express III Desktop 3-Slot (with Thunderbolt upgrade) housing the following:
    - Red Rocket
    - Connection card for HP LTO5 Ultrium 3000 Sas Ext Tape Drive
    If needed, I’m open to acquiring other cards or hardware, too (possibly adding the Red Rocket-X to the mix).  And if the referral of a PAID individual with firsthand knowledge of such a setup – to at least help with the initial set up and configuration – is what I need, I’m open to that, as well.
    We truly have an amazingly powerful compilation of principal photography, and a great story to tell — I just need to overcome this major hurdle of setting up our post.  As a somewhat newbie to Premiere, I greatly appreciate any advice, pointing-me-in-the-right-direction, or suggestions of individuals to help oversee this for compensation and screen credit that anyone can offer me here...
    Many Thanks,

    Oooh...big involved questions and many of them.
    If it helps..
    A few things I know I would do before even starting on the actual film edit
    ..is give the new system a massive shakedown.
    Thrash the hardware  and software with test footage , graphics and audio etc.
    Test the pipelines and workflows.
    Would  NOT do  O.S updates once started with a stable system.
    Me...I would not use a Dynamic Link workflow for FX.  (I would use D.Is)
    Would create a flow chart plan for the edit and post prod to avoid generation losses, efficiencies and scheduling.
    Work toward  lock downs before FX , audio, CC and Grade. (Avoid the trap of being creatively impatient for the benefit of a smooth edit experience)
    Sort this first...
    I'm encountering all manner of glitches and problems, and need to ensure that I am properly configuring our post workflow and all of the associated hardware.
    You might want to specify some of this stuff and see if you get answers here or elsewhere..
    Suggestion - can you wait for next version of PPro ? - coming very soon evidently. Start with latest version so you don't need to update midstream.  A feature takes a long time to post and some cool new  features may help. eg  Master Clip enhanced.
    Have you considered Prelude in the workflow to log and set up your project. ( Never used it myself but I would consider/investigate  it for long form)
    Good luck and enjoy the edit process.

  • Red Epic and Premiere CS6 workflow issues

    I'm looking for some advice or insight regarding working with RED footage in CS6.
    In the past, I've worked with native RED footage on CS5.5 with no hiccups whatsoever. I'm not sure if it's CS6 or my computer's processing power, but RED footage has become uneditable for me.
    After I updated to Yosemite, I began experiencing problems with being unable to import RED Epic footage due to "unsupported or corrupt files," and when I tried to fix the problem with the Adobe Labs plugins, it reported a "generic importer failure."
    I then uninstalled and re-downloaded CS6, and now I can get footage into my project, but I can get no playback at all! Both the source and program monitors remain frozen on a frame and then have the yellow "Media Pending" screen. When I attempt to render a clip in my timeline (RED HD 4K 23.58 sequence) I get an "error compiling movie" box. I've tried other sequence settings, but still no dice.
    I have my source monitor playback set to 1/2 resolution and my program monitor set to 1/4 resolution. Still nothing.
    Here are my computer specs:
    MacPro 2010
    OS X 10.10.1
    2 x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon Processor
    32GB Memory
    ATI Radeon HD 5870 GPU
    Blackmagic Intensity Pro (Desktop Video 10.2.3)
    I know that I can process the footage in REDCINE-X Pro (which will take a million hours), but I have a major project that is all shot with RED Epic footage and I was counting on Premiere's ability to edit natively, since I'm kind of on a tight schedule.
    Am I looking at some hardware upgrades? If anyone has any advice, I'd really appreciate it!

    Hi Hannah,
    I see you posted on Creative Cow too: CreativeCOW
    Update to the most recent version of CS6.
    Make sure your GPU has more than 768 VRAM.
    Try a previously installed version of OS X.

  • EPICS shared string variable padding

    I have a control bound to a network shared variable served by an EPICS server (which is run by labview). If I try to set the variable remotely, to say "test36", in my labview program's control it looks like "test36                                  ". It looks like it is followed by 34 spaces, but if I cut and paste the control value into Notepad, or my browser to post this message, it pastes as "test36". Also, the Trim Whitespace.vi does not recognize these extra characters as whitespace. If I change the control to "'\' codes display", it looks like "test36\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\". I've tried using "search and replace string.vi", but it doesn't work. This is particularly problematic for me, as I am attempting to set a file name.
    Any thoughts?

    Hey dsdale24,
    I was playing around with the Search/Split string.VI and it seemed to remove the whitespace when I wire a constant with \00 into the search string/char input. Let me know if this doesn't work and I'll continue to look into this!
    Matt W.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Unable to install Angry Birds Epic

    GooglePlay message says my Yoga 2 10" tablet is not compatible with the app. I haven't been able to find the reason. Any help ?

    Hi joentisu
    Try to download&install(from the Play Store) the Angry Birds Epic app on a device that is shown as compatible and with a file manager(you can use the built-in file manager or you can install THIS for example) find the Angry Birds Epic .APK file and move that xxxxx.apk file to your Yoga 2->enable ''Unknown sources'' in Settings/Security and install it.
    PS.After you install the xxxx.apk please disable ''Unknown sources'' in Settings/Security.
    This is the only way to find out if it's really compatible or not.
    Let me know how it goes.
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