Eporting to file in HD (JVC GZ HD7)

Hi everyone, I have a problem that I'm about to go crazy over. I have a JVC GZ HD7 HDD cam and it records in a .tod file. the included software allows me to convert the .tod file into a file that I can edit in PP CS3. once I have the file in PP CS3 to edit, I am trying export the edited movie to a video file on my hard drive. For some reason I cant export the movie so the playback is in HD! Every setting I choose play's it back in a super low quality that doesnt even come close to looking like what I edited in PP.
Can you give me some pointers on what settings I need to change to make this right? I find it hard to believe that I spent a ton of cash on a cam and Adobe Master collection CS3 and I cant even export an edited movie in HD??? Thanks.

Have a look at the "Understanding and using high-definition video" and other tutorials in the PPro Wiki.
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    Not sure why you are going through iMovie first. Sounds like you are in the same boat I am with my hard drive based Sony cam. If your JVC saves clips as MPG, you have to use MPEG Streamclip to convert them. There is a batch save option which allows you to save all your clips in the same format, then you can walk away and let it do the work. Go to http://www.squared5.com to download the free software. Use these settings when you export:
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    FCE is designed to work with DV/HDV files. It cannot work natively with MPEG2 files. You will need something like MPEG Streamclip to convert your files to a format that FCE understands
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    FCE is designed to work with DV/HDV files. It cannot work natively with MPEG2 files. You will need something like MPEG Streamclip to convert your files to a format that FCE understands
    Streamclip is free but you need to buy Apple's MPEG Playback Component to make it work

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    I'm editing HD7 video with CS3 on the Mac.
    The primary problem is Adobe assumes the only HD is HDV. They don't allow you to create a true Custom Preset that uses MPEG-2.
    You can create a DESKTOP 1920x1080 Preset. All will be fine until you need to render. The obvious RENDER codec choice is AIC (on a Mac) since it will work at 1920x1080.
    Unfortunately, AIC renders darker. If you choose "422 Uncompressed" it looks fine, but plays very slowly. Something is wrong with PP. Using a codec shouldn't yield darker video!
    Until I find a fast & non-dark codec, I'm using a 1080i60 HDV PRESET. This automatically uses an I-frame MPEG-2 codec, which sounds just like AIC, for renders. This looks fine and plays fine.
    But, I can't believe HOW SLOW PP is compared to FCP when you don't render. With FCP I can add 3 way CC to clips and use a transition between these clips and the timeline plays in real-time! With PP, the frame rate is very low. Same MBP 2.
    Now, how do you get video into Premiere?
    Use FREE MPEGStreamclip (Mac & PC). Batch convert from the USB drive in the HD7 to your computer. Convert (demux and remux) TOD files to MPEG files. PP will import MPEG files.
    Because you are only remuxing the MPEG-2 you must shoot at the frame size you will edit. So IF I want to use Premiere I must shoot at 1440CBR.
    I'm still working on the workflow so things may change.
    IMHO you were wise to dump the AVCHD camcorder. The AVCHD codec at its very low data rates just don't do well.
    The HD7 gives you the same resolution as the $6000 HVX200 and the color of the $6000 Z1.
    For more: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/forumdisplay.php?f=156

  • How to use .mod files from a JVC camcorder?

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    Hopefully someone has a workable solution for these files.

    Hi all,
    I looked further on this forum and found others that had the same problem. One suggested connecting the cam corder first, then start iMovie, then wait for a few minutes. I did this and it worked!!!!!
    Problem solved.

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    I am able to convert my .tod files either in QTpro (using the JVC provided plugin for QT and simply doing an export) or using MPEG-SC 1.93beta. What I am trying to figure out though, is what has worked for others in getting the best quality from the .tod files, specifically when filming in 1920x1080 and not 1440 cbr mode.
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    Also, this is really stupid, but I have never set up a batch convert for file in MPEG-SC...Can you tell me how this is done so I can start a batch and come back to this machine in a week or so.
    As with most things, the specific workflow may depend on a number of different factors. In this case, it may depend on the specific version of MPEG Streamclip in use and the specific nature/variation in processes required. In all instances, however, batch processing is intiated by selecting the "Batch List" List menu option. If you are using the latest 1.9b3 version, you can then:
    1) If performing a series of the same, simple, basic conversions/Demux operations (e.g., dumux a all of the SG1 season 1 VOBs to elementary streams), then simply press the "Add Files" button in the "Batch List" window and enter the specific information as requested. (I.e., select source files, how to prepare them, what conversion/demux operation is to be performed, specify the target name/destination, etc.)
    2) If you are performing more complex actions (e.g., converting a series of 16 x 9 source files to different cropped/scaled aspect ratios like 1.85:1, 2.35:1, and 2.40:1, then I would use the normal "work" window to select each source file and enter the different/unique settings desired for each and then press the "Batch List" button in the "Work" window to add destination file information and transfer all of your settings to the batch list.

  • IMovie 09 has trouble importing large video files from my JVC HD-40. I am trying to edit files such as these in 09. What should I do? Would buying iMovie 2011 help? I am shooting AVCHD files instead of the other mpeg2 file format.

         I am new into the Apple Community. I have a camcorder known as the JVC GZ-HD40 US and I currently am trying to use iMovie 2009 to edit my movies. With my camcorder, I have the choice to use two different video formats: AVCHD or Mpeg2. All my videos are shot in the AVCHD (HD) file format. This camcorder also has a 120 G Hard Drive built into it. When I plug in the camcorder through USB to my MacPro, the Hard Drive of the camcorder shows up as a icon on the desktop. Many of my video clips are at least thirty minutes in length, inside the camcorder. When I try to import in iMovie my video files, it only imports around ten minutes of the video and skips to the end of the clip. I would greatly prefer to use my MacPro desktop to edit movies instead of my Windows 7 computer which seems to work fine. Is there a solution to this problem? Would the new iMovie 2011 application solve this problem? I also have the Final Cut Express to work with, and also, can't get it to work. What should I try doing?

    Hi all,
    I have the exact same problem. I've just been to Thailand with my girlfriend, and we recorded a lot of stuff with my brand new Sony HD camcorder. And whenever the we ran out of camcorder memory we just emptied everything onto my HP laptop using the supplied Sony software, which produced m2ts files. When we got home, I realized that my Mac Pro/iMovie09 was not able to import this format. What a huge disappointment! Especially considering the fact that I just bought my mac back in March (my first mac ever) only for video editing and music composing (no problems with music composing, however!).
    Well, I needed a solution, so last week I just bought the Voltaic HD converting software (35$), and it works great. No problems. Only thing is that my Mac Pro (quad intel core) had to work 24 hours a day for four straight days/nights in order to finish the converting job - resulting in 434 GB worth of mov-files. This is no problem as such, and the quality is great. BUT it seems rather stupid that this converting has to take place. If I use Sony Vegas on my PC, it works out of the box with my original m2ts-files. And I would really appreciate if Apple would implement a simple import function of m2ts-files in their software - one that would (if necessary) automatically convert the files to mov. Or even better: would work natively with the m2ts-files.

  • Does anyone know if MOV or MP4 files from the JVC GY-HM150U will work with the Camera Connection Kit and then be readable by iMovie or similar apps?

    The JVC GY-HM150U camera and others in it's line say they offer recording in two different formats:
    Native .MOV format
    Fastest HD shoot to edit workflow. Edit immediately on Final Cut Pro™ or Premiere™ without conversion or transcoding
    Native .MP4(XDCAM-EX™) format
    Native File Recording
    Because it uses QuickTime™ as its native file format, the GY-HM150U is the perfect choice for users of Apple's Final Cut Pro™ editing system. Both HD and SD MOV files recorded by the camcorder can be dropped directly into Final Cut Pro™, keeping them first-generation and eliminating the time-consuming process of file conversion.For users of all major NLE systems, including solutions from Adobe, Avid, Grass Valley, Vegas and Apple, the GY-HM150U supports the MP4 file format, which can be brought into your editing system without re-encoding.
    Recording media
    SDHC (Class 6/10), SDXC Slots: x 2
    Video recording
    Video codec: MPEG2 Long GOP
    QuickTime™ File Format for Final Cut Pro™ (HD/SD)/
    MP4 File Format (HD)/AVI type-2 File Format (SD)
    Recording mode
    HQ mode: VBR, 35 Mbps (Max) MPEG-2 MP@HL
    SP mode: CBR, 25 Mbps (1440 x 1080i)/
    19 Mbps (1280 x 720p24/25/30): MPEG-2 MP@H-14
    19 Mbps (1280 x 720p50/60): MPEG-2 MP@HL
    SD Video: DV compression 4:1:1, 8-bit, 25Mbps
    Audio: LPCM 2ch, 48 kHz/16bit
    Video frame rate
    NTSC settings:
    HQ mode: 1920 x 1080/59.94i, 29.97p, 23.98p, 1440 x 1080/59.94i,
    1280 x 720/59.94p, 29.97p, 23.98p
    SP mode: 1440 x 1080/59.94i, 1280 x 720/59.94p, 29.97p, 23.98p
    SD mode: 720 x 480/59.94i
    PAL settings:
    HQ mode: 1920 x 1080/50i, 25p, 1440 x 1080/50i, 1280 x 720/50p, 25p
    SP mode: 1440 x 1080/50i, 1280 x 720/50p, 25p
    Audio recording
    LPCM 2ch, 48kHz/16-bit(Internal stereo mic/External mic input)
    and the files recorded to folders labeled "CQAV" (.MOV) or "BPAV" (.MP4), respectively, located in /PRIVATE/JVC/ off the root.
    So will the Camera Connection Kit see them properly and transfer them over to Photos, and then will iMovie be able to handle them? Or is the CCK restricted to only formats derived from DSLR cameras with "DCIM" folders, as I have heard?
    Any knowledge, especially first hand testing, would be greatly appreciated!
    Message was edited by: dwoodworth
    Changes made to correct the recorded file paths.

    Excuse the late post but just wondering if you came up with a solution for this problem? I experienced the exact same issue but copying the movies from Aperture into iTunes (which worked) still didn't allow them to be played on the iPad. As they had played faultlessly when imported directly from the camera connection kit!

  • Which HDD HD Camcorder Canon HG-10 or JVC  GZ-HD7

    I have been searching these forums an I have a few questions and clarifications. I am trying to decided which camcorder to purchase. My concerns are compatibility with my iMAC(S) I currently have a 2.0 GHz/ 2g of RAM iMac G5 which we have dedicated to Aperture 1.5 and iLife, etc. but not in my I am leaning towards the Canon due to the Fact that it is listed in on the compatible camcorder list and I don't see the HD7 listed, however I see tons of people on this forum use this camera.
    My goal is to be able to take both HD and high quality SD video. I want to be able to plug the camcorder into the computer transfer the video data( for editing/storage/production), unplug and be ready to go quickly, we have Stacks of MiniDV tapes which take forever to upload into the computer(realtime), so I think HDD is the way to go.
    I am confused about the difference between the Formats of the two cameras (AVCHD and MPEG 2) Can some please explain the difference, pros and cons (I am a novice) practically speaking. This is an investment so I would like to purchase a camera that will not be outdated in a few months.
    Lastly, what can you play the HD movies on. I have apple TV, will that work? do I need a Blue ray player of something like that. I great appreciate your assistance.

    SeanMurtha wrote:
    I have been searching these forums an I have a few questions and clarifications. I am trying to decided which camcorder to purchase. My concerns are compatibility with my iMAC(S) I currently have a 2.0 GHz/ 2g of RAM iMac G5 which we have dedicated to Aperture 1.5 and iLife, etc. but not in my I am leaning towards the Canon due to the Fact that it is listed in on the compatible camcorder list and I don't see the HD7 listed, however I see tons of people on this forum use this camera.
    My goal is to be able to take both HD and high quality SD video. I want to be able to plug the camcorder into the computer transfer the video data( for editing/storage/production), unplug and be ready to go quickly, we have Stacks of MiniDV tapes which take forever to upload into the computer(realtime), so I think HDD is the way to go.
    I am confused about the difference between the Formats of the two cameras (AVCHD and MPEG 2) Can some please explain the difference, pros and cons (I am a novice) practically speaking. This is an investment so I would like to purchase a camera that will not be outdated in a few months.
    Lastly, what can you play the HD movies on. I have apple TV, will that work? do I need a Blue ray player of something like that. I great appreciate your assistance.
    First, if you burn a DVD in h.264 format (AVCHD) I think you can play it on a bluray, but NOT in standard DVD. However, you can create a standard DVD (from iDVD) from other editing/authoring software like toast. I am not sure, but I think you can use iDVD for that as well.
    Second, you are right, hard-drive cameras is the way of the future, so you can really just "Plug & Play"
    Third, MPEG 2 is one of the most widely used formats for video enconding, you see it everyday, is what is inside DVD's, every blockbuster or Hollywood DVD has mpeg 2 inside. Much of what you receive in your TV etc, was coded on mpeg 2. There are many video cameras that code in mpeg 2.
    The answer really lies on "where are planning to see the ultimate video result????", AppleTV, burned DVD to carry around, or in your computer??? what are you planning to do with it??
    AppleTV only supports H.264, it will play indeed HD. If you want the family videos etc to be there, that is the way. If you are into DVD production/authoring, mass distribution etc, maybe MPEG 2 is better, however, you can always transcode to mpeg2 from other formats.
    AVHCD or h.264 is MPEG-4, or a type of MPEG 4. No so you know. Although MPEG 2 is usually a small file, when you export to AppleTV (because of the bit-rate), the files are usually even smaller in your new h.264.
    If you are leaning towards mpeg 2
    iMovie 08 is made to import mpeg 2 "only directly from the camera", if you have other mpg's lying around your harddrive you need to do a workaround (we could get into that later, it is easy and free).
    Keep in mind "mpeg 2 is not really meant for editing, but for delivering", it is becasue fo the group of images concept. Anyway, iMovie 08 can hadle them if you need to.
    Also, as long as you have the MPEG 2 component for Quicktime ($19.99 from apple), you should be able to play back, transcode etc, anytime using quicktime, or other MAGNIFICENT, "FREE", EASY TO USE MPEG Streamclip, from squarefive.com. Many people finds streamclip as a more useful interface.
    In summary, both formats would be easy to use, reasonable size, good quality, durable standard, widely available, iMovie 08 can handle both, you can author easily, and the software to handle them is either on you mac already, free, or really cheap anyway.
    Be careful with the fact you have a PPC and not Intel, although if not now, in the future you will move to intel processor.

  • Converting a .mod file from a JVC camcorder

    I have a JVC camcorder that records video in .mod files (their own format). Does anyone know how I can strip the audio from these files to play them on my iphone? Thanks.

    A Google search came up with this: http://www.tipard.com/mod-converter-for-mac.html
    I've no idea what its like but there's a demo to try...

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    I have a JVC GYHM 100U which creates files only for Final Cut Pro. Is there a way to convert the files to be used in FC Express or iMovie?

    FCE does not support natively the HDV format, the one of my Canon HV30 for instance?
    Correct. FCE converts HDV to AIC on ingestion. It does not works with HDV natively. FCP does.
    That means that on import, FCE do some kind of conversions to the AIC format, right?
    My impression was that the JVC camcorder we're talking about was able to write into the AIC codec
    Don't know where you got that impression, but it is incorrect.
    ...and that that codex was the default FCP codec. Then what is the FCP (or FCS now) default codex or at least the codec that this camera support as the default FCS format.
    There is no "default codec" in FCP. FCP works with many formats/codecs natively.

Maybe you are looking for

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