Epson Printer Manager coming at Start-Up

Since a few days without any specific action from my end, the Epson Printer Manager is starting up after booting my MacBook Pro or after logging-in. Tried everything to identify the process in in the System/Library/LaunchAgents or ~/LaunchDaemons. Likewise via the "launchctl list" in launchd - but in vain. Can anybody help to identify this process and describe what needs to be done to kill it for good.

I hesitate to post any of this since it's untested for your specific situation. Proceed at your own risk and *make backups before proceeding.*
I just found this possibly related thread which might offer a fix, but it does require being brave enough to edit a file, suggested here by using Pico,Terminal's built in editor. Another editing option follows. But since I don't know why this would have started behaving like this spontaneously, this may not really be the solution for you.
With pico, navigate around the page using the arrow keys. The mouse won't do anything. To add a line, add a return at the end of the line after which you wish to add the new line. To delete an unwanted line, delete the contents of the line including the carriage return. The shortcuts at the bottom of the screen with the ^ symbol in front of them are activated using the control key. That is, ^X means "hold down the control key and press x." After you're done you just hold down control and X to exit the editor then follow the prompts to "save modified buffer" (buffer = currently opened file, modified buffer = currently opened file with the changes you made). This may require a reboot for these changes to take effect.
You should be able to navigate to +/Library/Printers/EPSON/InkjetPrinter/EPW/EPSON Printer without going through Package Contents.
Without using Terminal/Pico, you might also just try editing it using TextEdit; if this turns out to be a file for which you don't have privileges, open TextEdit with this command:
sudo /Applications/
Enter your password which you will not see echoed, and hit enter.
Highlight the file in question and then open it into the TextEdit window with File>Open. Add the lines and save. Be sure to reboot.
Or you might try trashing the .plist mentioned, which may have become corrupted, reboot and see what happens. You might have to restore your preferences (I don't use Epson, so not sure what they might be.) Remember to make a backup copy first. .plist files are usually recreated automatically, but not sure if this one will be, so, again, *make sure you have a backup copy.*
Or, since I don't know if the Printer Monitor is a necessary piece of this program, you might try trashing it entirely (don't empty the Trash in case you need to put it back.) Since, the Permissions may have changed by moving it to the Trash (and this goes for all the backup copies, as well), reboot and run Permissions Repair from Disk Utility, which will restore the proper Permissions if they have changed. Definitely write down the Permissions first for anything for which you make a backup copy. Do this by highlighting the file, then GetInfo CMD-I, look in Sharing and Permissions. That way you won't have to do any Permissions Repair, which takes a long time in 10.5, if they haven't changed.

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    Cheers that was the issue.
    Originally Posted by ckazzi
    I have had to recreate the print manager with a different name. Now when I restart the server the print manager doesn't start up automatically. Is there a file I need to edit to get this to start. We are using OES11SP1.
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    It may be possible to figure out by watching a Dr.Brown video on the subject of color printing. Adobe tv
    I hope this may help...............

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    Try re-indexing Spotlight.
    Spotlight – Re-index
    If you haven't done so already, try resetting the printing system.
    OS X Mavericks: Reset the printing system  also Yosemite
    Applications/Image Capture or VueScan work?
    VueScan FAQ

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    Is your Photoshop CS5 updated to 12.1?
    Are you on Yosemite 10.10.1 or Yosemite 10.10.2?
    Did you apply the recent Epson software 2.1.9 update?
    What type of file is it (file format)?  What bit depth and what color space?
    Note that this is boilerplate text.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CS6", but something like CS6v.13.0.6) and of Bridge,
    your settings in Photoshop > Preference > Performance
    the type of file you were working on,
    machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, total available HD space, video card specs, including total VRAM installed,
    what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far,
    what error message(s) you receive,
    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
    if you're having printing issues, indicate the exact make and model of your printer, paper size, image dimensions in pixels (so many pixels wide by so many pixels high). if going through a RIP, specify that too.
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster, who is not a Windows user).
    a screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

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    What is your screen resolution?
    What operating system?

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    My second question: Are there others who have this issue? Have any of you resolved them successfully, and if so, how?

    Time for a reality/sanity check for those who complain that "the "prints are too dark from my Epson printer"!
    If you will just reduce your monitor's white-point luminance to the range of 80-90 cd/m2 when you edit your images, it's almost certain that the problem will be solved (assuming you're not making some other error in color management setup). Many people conclude that their problem must be a generic failure or defect of Epson printers (i.e., compared to HP, etc)-- or that the Epson paper profiles are defective. Well, perhaps there's some element of truth to that conclusion--to the extent that Epson printers have evidently been designed with typical professional editing environments in mind (i.e., the low brightness levels to which "serious" printers adjust their monitors and ambient lighting). Why would they do that: Well, who wants to spend many hours each day looking at the glare of a 200 cd/m2 monitor screen (and the reflections from a brighly lighted room)?
    So, for getting "monitor-matching" prints from printers such as the SP 2200, you simply need to work (edit) with your images in a more-or-less "dimly lit" room using a monitor that is properly adjusted for such a low-light environment--(i.e., the screen luminance not higher than 90-100 cd/m2). Of course even with such a reduced screen luminance, the light used for print-viewing must be sufficiently bright(**)
    It's possible that your monitor cannot be adjusted to the necessary (low) luminance level--or that you haven't any means to measure the luminance level. Those are correctable hardware issues, although may require $$.
    (**)please note that a fairly bright viewing light is needed for prints (made as suggested above) to appear to be a reasonably close "match" to the monitor image.

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    Yes, I've tried all of the options: Printer manages color, PSE manages color. All are the same dark prints.
    On another conversation on this forum, I read the following. Very discouraging to think that Adobe knows of this problem but won't give me any tech support because too much time has lapsed.
    I don't know what "plugs" are--sounds like this user figured out a way around it.
    Any advice?
    Re: Color mismatch EpsonR800 and Elements 6
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  • O.T. iMac and Epson Printer Issues

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    Printing old saved PSE3.0 images on my Epson 1290 (1280) they are coming out noticeably darker than when printed under OS 10.3.9. I deliberately did nothing with the saved files in PSE,just clicked print to avoid introducing any screen calibration issues,and the correct .icc profile had been added to Library/Color Sync/ Profiles for the paper I was using (and have always used).
    Is this a known problem with an iMac running Leopard ?

    Perhaps I should have done this before starting my thread,but who wants to reinvent the wheel !
    Having spent many hours this morning,and even more sheets of paper to resolve this problem,I have come to the following conclusions on printing an image from PSE3 in Leopard :
    Leave the printer manage colour - color controls - photo realistic - gamma 1.8
    Make no changes to Color Sync use Automatic
    Do not change the .icc profile (although I did leave it set in PSE3).
    Adjust print quality to max possible.
    Both these options give acceptable prints, Epson perhaps a shade darker.
    I preferred the colour representation in Gutenprint,but that is obviously a personal thing. Whether they'd satisfy someone making a living from photography is another matter.
    In the future I will probably tweak the lightness in PSE to compensate for the slight darkening in the print process,but probably leave the colours alone.
    Two other points -
    The Gutenprint driver seems to print more quickly.
    Adobe and Apple don't seem to care.

  • Since downloading Mtn.Lion my epson printer doesn't work correctly & the entire system seems to be slower plus my iMac now disconnects from my wifi every time the mac sleeps. Can anyone help me with these issues?

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    Issues just since downloading Mountain Lion:
    1)  My Epson R2400 printer is not printing properly.  It wouldnt print at all from CS5 the first 2 days.  Then just started printing.  The prints aren't nearly as good as they used to be.  I just installed Photoshop Elements 10 and have been able to print but the prints are just awful. I printed a test page and it was perfect.  I've triple checked the settings in the print dialogue box to ensure the correct paper is chosen, etc.  I've never let the printer manage the color before but it is the only option that gives a mediocre print at best.
         I've gone to   It says to update driver through Apple for Mtn. Lion.  According to my computer I have no updates.  Printer is connected via USB. Changed the ports, turned printer on & off.  Emailed epson & they said to reset the print queue, which I did.  Restarted the IMac Still no luck.  (The error message I got when trying to print from CS5 is "filter failed." But, as stated before it just started printing today as I was typing this.      
          I print out pics quite a bit and it seems the only time I have ever had problems is when I upgraded the OSX system. Why is that??  When I upgraded to 10.7 is when I first realized my print quality went down.
    2)  Now every time I "wake" up my computer it has become offline and has to go through the steps to reconnect to my wifi.  Never did that before Mtn.Lion.  I purchased the Airport Extreme Dec 2011.  My computer was always connected before the update.  Now I have to scroll down & pick my network & wait for it to connect before proceeding.   I double checked preferences and it is set up to check for updates automatically.  What is that about??
    3)  It just seems that my system overall is slower.  I love my mac but I am frustrated because I don't have the free time needed to do all this problem solving.  I just need it to work properly when I have a few minutes to work on a picture.  I imagine there are other issues, but these are the only  2 areas I've focused on since the upgrade.
    I've read different views/feedback on Mtn Lion but haven't come across the printer issue or the wifi connection issue.
    Can anyone direct me towards a solution? I really appreciate it!

    I just figured out the print quality issue for my wife with her new iMac and new printer.
    She replaced both at once and she couldn't understand why her Artisan 730 was lower quality then her Epson R280 when they had the same specs.
    Turns out the newer printer had the option to connect via wifi which we used during setup.
    The driver options are completely different depending on how you connect.
    Once I connected via USB the correct options were available and the print quality was better.
    Looking at the R2400 it dies not have wifi, but while researching the problem for my wife someone esle was having an issue updating to the latest printer driver.
    If you go into the print utility from the Printer and Scanner system preference and under the general tab you should have driver 5.5.
    One user had to delete the old printer driver before Software Update loaded the newer printer driver.
    On my MacBook Pro (w Snow Leopard) I always had to reconnect my wifi at home when it woke up. I upgraded my router from an old Netgear to a newer N D-Link and stopped having to do that.
    I would be surprised you would have that problem with an Airport Extreme, you might check to see if there is a firmware update for it.

  • Lost Epson print settings in CS5. Help

    When I initiate a print in CS4, I get the Epson options to choose paper settings, etc. In CS5, the file just starts to print. When I click on the button that says Print Settings, nothing happens. I have both CS4 and CS5 still on my computer so I am working in 5 and then printing in 4. Surely there is a fix for this???? Thanks!

    In CS5, the "Print Settings" button has replaced "Page Setup". Click on it before clicking print. If you don't, it'll use the previously used settings.
    If "nothing happens" when clicking the "Print Settings" button, try switching printers or try switching from "Photoshop Manages Colors" to "Printer Manages Colors" (or vice-versa). If all else fails, relaunch Photoshop while holding the command, control, shift and option keys (one of them may not be needed, but I can never remember which, so I just mash them all) to delete the application preferences.

  • Printers undeployed by GPO print management keep reappearing!

    I would really appreciate some help as this is causing major issues. I initially tried deploying printers via print management to the Terminal Servers and it didn't work out. Many printing defaults would not propogate to the Terminal Servers and there was
    no known fix. I went through the steps of undeploying them through print management and let it run overnight. 
    When we log on to the TS', they seem to slowly start coming in. I can delete them but then they'll reappear when GP updates. I cannot get rid of them. Again, it was based on computer config, not user config (if that makes a difference). I need to know how
    to get rid of them permanently please. I've read other forums/threads about removing the GP/OU entirely but I cannot do that so I assume it's a reg key somewhere that I need to delete. Does anyone know? I beg you to please not redirect me to other threads
    and forums as I've spent almost 35 hours doing that already and they either don't apply or do not work.

    Hi Lynnette74,
    Firstly, please run the command Gpupdate /force to apply the GPO settings on  the problematic client. Then, please run the command
    Gpresult /h > C:\temp\gpresult.html  (“C:\temp\” is the path of the gpresult.html, you can set it yourself) on the problematic client to check if the GPO which configured printers still applies.
    In addition, it would be helpful if you could collect the following information:
    Do all the clients or only some clients have the issue?
    How did you set the GPO which configured the printer?
    Lany Zhang

  • Epson Printer problem "Epson Stylus Photo PX710W" - solved!

    Hello All,
    My system: OS 10.6.4
    I am posting this in the hope that it is useful to someone. Firstly, the printer is great. However, I had a really frustrating time trying to print via Iwork, Iphoto or print off an email directly in a web browser. Each time I did this an error appeared stating there was an error with the library and it failed to print. For me, I really wanted to be able to print from, say the Apple word processing programme "Pages", or print of emails with important details etc. So I persevered and finally came to a solution!
    After contacting Epson (and Apple!) a few times one Epson guy gave me the following instructions. Please note I accept no loss or damage directly or indirectly from following this advice if you have the same problem of not being able to print out emails in browsers or print from Iwork, or Iphoto, whether you choose to follow this advice or not is solely your responsibility, however this worked for me:
    From the information you have provided, it would suggest that either a communication problem is present or the Mac is unable to display the EPSON driver in the Printer Browser.
    It is recommended that all EPSON Printers are removed and re-installed and you repair the communications.
    To uninstall your printer:
    1. Make sure that the EPSON printer is connected to the Mac through a direct USB connection (not through a Hub or the Keyboard) and switched on.
    2. Make sure that the Mac is on and booted.
    3. In the Mac Hard Drive/Applications/Utilities open the Printer Set-up Utility.
    4. Remove all the references to the printer model.
    5. Disconnect the printer from the computer.
    6. We will now remove the EPSON Printer driver from the system and delete the drivers that you downloaded.
    Go to the Mac Hard Drive/Library/Printer and move the complete EPSON folder to the trash. Warning this removes all EPSON Printers.
    7. Also remove any drivers that were previously downloaded to the trash if the file name does not match that from our web site.
    8. Restart the Mac.
    9. Empty the trash.
    10. Now we will run a repair utility that may take up to 30 minutes to complete so please plan for this. Go to Mac Hard Drive/Applications/Utilities and open the Disk Utility.
    11. Select Disk First Aid at the top of the dialogue box.
    12. Select the Mac Hard Drive Icon in the left hand pane.
    13. Select Repair Permissions at the bottom of the dialogue box.
    14. When this has completed restart the Mac. Power the printer on and ensure that it is directly connected to a USB port on the Mac and not via a third party device such as a USB hub.
    You will now need to download the driver/s from the Epson website. Please connect to the Epson website via the link below:
    Type in your product in the search field and then select the correct model. Then select your operating system if this is not automatically selected. Then please click the down arrow next to drivers and downloads and download the printer driver for your printer and ensure this starts in the Download Manager. The file may be in a SIT format, which requires Stuffit Expander to expand the compressed files, if you have not installed Stuffit, it is available from:
    Please try the following to install and add the driver:
    1. Locate the downloaded file, if in a SIT format, this requires Stuffit Expander so have Stuffit running.
    2. If the file is a .DMG file, you do not require Stuffit, double-click the downloaded EPSON driver file and this will expand to reveal the dmg file and mounted drive.
    3. Double-click the blue VISE icon when presented.
    4. Follow the on screen prompts to install the driver, restarting the Mac when necessary.
    5. Once restarted the driver needs adding to the printer list. To do this please go into the hard disk, go into the folder called Applications, double click on the folder called ‘Utilities’. You should see in this window the ‘Printer Setup Utility', double click on this icon. This will present the Printer List.
    6. Delete any reference to the printer that may be on this list already as these may not be the genuine EPSON driver.
    7. Click the add icon at the top and a dialogue box will appear, this will be the Printer Browser.
    8. Next highlight the printer and then select add printer. Note: Do not choose a printer from the list of Epson printers. Your printer will not appear here, nor will the genuine Epson driver. You should be able to highlight the printer and choose 'Add'. If 'Add' is not available, leave the Printer Browser open and do not do anything else on the Mac, leave it open for about 10 minutes. When you come back to it, you should now find 'Add' available.
    9. The printer should now be added to the printer list. Test the printer by highlighting it on the Printer List and selecting 'Utility'. The EPSON Printer Utility will appear, ensure paper is loaded and select to print a 'Nozzle Check'.
    If you have an All in One, then to install the scanner component, locate the downloaded EPSON Scan driver and double-click this. The files will unstuff and a window will appear with the EPSON Scan Installer. Double-click this icon to initiate the installation.
    11. Once installed, restart the Mac and the scanner should be ready to use. You can test this by going to: Applications : EPSON Scan.
    If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
    Steven Wood
    e-Service Support Technician

    Here was an easy-ish way which I did it:
    Step 1) Install the bloated, piece of garbage Epson software so that you have a copy of the driver, or alternatively, just install the driver.
    Step 2) go into your router (, user: admin, pass: admin) and set up what's called static ID. Just figure out the MAC address of your printer and assign a unique static ID to it, ie
    Step 3) go into system preferences> printers> add printer (+)> IP> Line Printer Daemon - LPD and as the address give it the static address you assigned ( If you installed the driver, it should automatically detect and select it.

  • Epson Printer Utility2 and a C88+

    Since upgrading to Snow Leopard my MacPro cannot use the Epson Printer Utility2 to manage my Epson C88+ printer. I use it for letters and stuff -
    The Printer Utility2 program crashes on start-up and I am given, instead, Printer Utility Lite...
    That "Lite" program lacks the features that tell me which ink is out - and docks the heads for replacement.
    I tried everything to import Printer Utility2 - but it will not run.
    Anyone ???
    And - the C88+ printer works fine otherwise.

    It sounds like you have the Gutenprint driver installed. Here is how you can uninstall the driver and then get the Epson driver from Apple Software Update:
    First, power off your printer, then download the Gutenprint uninstaller from
    Once you have uninstalled the Gutenprint driver, do the following:
    1. Reboot the computer
    2. Power on the printer
    4. Your system will check for updates. Follow the directions to install the updates.
    Hope that helps.

  • Epson printing out blackish or simply horrible on iMac? Help!!!

    I've recently upgraded to a Canon 7d and an 24" imac from windows hoping apple and my epson printer would be faster and easier to get the colors right on but for some reason i've flipped the world over trying to get the color right, wasted ink and over 60 pages of paper but still not able to get the color normal. It's coming out horrible blackish and magenta in LR. In CS4 it's just too much magenta. Please someone help me? Am I at the right place? I thought this would be a breeze. What happened?

    You don't mention which model Epson printer you are using; but the symptoms sound suspiciously like a Snow Leopard/Epson Driver problem. In a nutshell, Epson (and others) did not provide updated drivers in time for the Snow Leopard launch. It was a mess, and there are hundreds of posts, both here, and on the Apple forums, by people wrong footed by this cockup. A good place to start is the Apple Snow Leopard/Printing Disccussion at
    I believe Epson has in the last week provided - via Apple Software Updates - some new drivers for some of their older printers. I can't tell you much about these as six weeks ago I put myself outside the loop of frustration with Epson by chucking my lovely R800 and getting a new machine. Best of luck in your quest. I am pretty sure the answer can be found.

Maybe you are looking for