ER changing an order of open windows

It would be very useful to be able to change an order of open windows in the Visual Editor by dragging its tabs. Thanks in advance.

You can't change the order of the photos in the built in photos app. There are other apps that give you much more flexibility than what the photos app allows. You may want to do a search in the App Store for one that suits your needs.
Read this to learn about the photo sorting order on the iPad. The gist of the article is this .... Copied from the article.
By default, photos sort according to the date modified (in ascending order).
An app that you can look at....

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    Hi Pravesh,
      When you open the Form (SE71), Enter the Language as 'DE' instead of 'EN'  then click on will allow you to change the layout. Then you change it & activate it.
    Reward points if it solves your problem.
    Shailesh Jadhav

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    Works fine here. Check System Preferences / Keyboard - Keyboard Shortcuts.
    Perhaps you have a modified shortcut that's causing the problem.
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    Adam, unfortunately at this time this is not a feature of Firefox for Android. To move the tabs you would have to close it out and open them in the order you wanted them to appear.
    If this is a desired feature however, I would recommend leaving feedback about this in

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    Message was edited by: Mgibeault

    * System Preferences
    * Java
    * Click on Security
    * The site exceptions list Edit in list of sites ...
    * Enter the name of the site URL
    * Click on the add button
    * Click OK
    * Click OK and Done! already have close your browser and try to enter again.

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    You can use the Menu Editor add-on to rearrange or remove menu items -

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    Recently got a HP Pavilion g6 2213sa which came with Windows 8 (spit!) and this disgusting UEFI BIOS replacement (double spit!).
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    There is the same problem in HP 2000 laptops (in my case specifically, HP 2000-2D22DX). I did some investigation using trial and error, and this is what I found out:
    There is some sort of a "recovery feature" or so that on every boot sets the very first UEFI load option to point to one of the two locations, in this order:
    This option is displayed as "OS boot Manager" (for the first path) and something akin to "UEFI partition" for the second path, completely ignoring the actual name given to it (when you look at the EFI variables through efibootmgr, you can see that what is displayed as "OS boot Manager" actually is set to the name "Windows Boot Manager"; why anyone would do such renaming is beyond me). If you try to change the boot order so that this slot isn't the first, the UEFI will overwrite the BootOrder variable on next boot and reset it to point to "OS boot Manager" anyway.
    By default, both of the paths above contain the same Microsoft bootloader (if you check the md5sum of both, you'll see they match).
    So, until HP releases an updated UEFI that allows turning this "feature" off or rearranging boot options through the F10 UEFI setup, this is what you can do to get dual boot with the least amount of hackiness:
    In Windows, mount the UEFI partition (mountvol S: /S mounts it as the S: drive) and copy the file \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi to use some other name (for example, I copied it to "\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi~", but you can change the name to anything else).
    In the Windows command prompt, update the Windows UEFI entry to point to the new name: bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi~ (adapt to your set name accordingly).
    Optionally, change the name of the Windows boot loader so that you would be certain that it points to the new file location: bcdedit /set {bootmgr} description "Fixed Windows path"
    Install the other OS. In my case the bootloader was installed into \EFI\opensuse\grubx64.efi.
    Delete the two files, \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi and \EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi.
    Use efibootmgr to delete the "OS boot Manager" entry: sudo efibootmgr -b 0000 -B
    Set the new OS bootloader to be the default bootloader by using efibootmgr with the -o option. In my case, I had an entry called "opensuse" in slot Boot0001 and the updated path Windows entry in slot Boot0002, so I had to do sudo efibootmgr -o 0001,0002
    Update GRUB to point the Windows entry to your renamed file (you'll have to create a new file in /etc/grub.d and rerun grub-mkconfig).
    And that's it, now the UEFI will boot GRUB by default (it won't regenerate the "OS boot Manager" entry since it won't be able to find either of the two hardcoded paths and will "fall back" to properly reading the BootOrder variable), and the F9 menu will still allow choosing to boot Windows directly.

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    The windows listed in the Window menu are in chronological order starting with the oldest window near the top and the newest window at the bottom.
    The problem might be that you've opened a new tab in an old window. The windows are still listed in the same order but now they have the name of the newest tab.
    In my screenshot I opened this question in a new tab in my oldest window.

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    It is probably a JavaScript link.
    You can probably force it where you want it with a keyboard shortcut
    either "Ctrl+click" or "Ctrl+Shift+click". see
    * Firefox and other Browser Keyboard Shortcuts (Comparison Table)<br>
    ''Did that work?''
    Some styles that provide a warning as to the type of link:
    * No Follow links, mouseover id of other links -<br>
    * Change cursor on some links with JS. -<br>
    * Link Warning - Themes and Skins for Mozilla -<br>
    * Link warning (cursor hover) - various filetypes -<br>
    * Red hand cursor for .pdf links -<br>

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    Vetscheriascha to validate the software you will want to resolve the connection error between the computer and our activation server.  Please see Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CC, CS6, CS5.5 - for information on how to resolve the connection error.

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    Trying to migrate to Safari

    Try bug489729 (Disable detach and tear off tab):

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