Erase with Zero Out: Takes too long!

So I've just bought a Seagate 400GB External USB2 HD. Connected it to the mac via USB and opened Disc Utility > Erase > Format to Mac Journaled Format with Zero Out.
It takes ages....:eek: Its been running for over 2hrs. Is this normal
I've got Panther Mac OS 10.3.9

I was just worried because I started it aroun 6pm and it was still going like half way through arounf midnight. So I left it running all night so I can tell when it finished but I do know it is more the 6hrs at least.
I would say 12hrs.
for a 400GB drive at USB2 is that normal? it was FAT32 before so I set it for HFS+ with simgle pass

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    Dear All,
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    imp userid=bill/till fromuser=bill touser=bill FILE=/tmp/bill.dmp IGNORE=y COMMIT=y LOG=/tmp/bill.log STREAMS_INSTANTIATION=y
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    Regards, Imran

    misterimran wrote:
    Dear All,
    I am in process of implementing streams between 2 10gR2 databases on Linux.
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    imp userid=bill/till fromuser=bill touser=bill FILE=/tmp/bill.dmp IGNORE=y COMMIT=y LOG=/tmp/bill.log STREAMS_INSTANTIATION=y
    If the export from the source database takes one hour, its import takes almost 11 hours, is this normal with these parameters?
    Please if there is a faster way to do this, do let me know.
    Regards, Imran11 hours is not normal, it is consuming too much time generally.
    Why are you using "stream_instantiation" parameter whynot without steams?? what benefit will you get from this parameter. .. this is consuming your sga memory and somehow leads to long during import operation.

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    Daniel:  I took a look at your code and don't see any problem with it.  However, doing the math:
    19,200 BAUD = 19,200 BITS per second.
    10 BITS per BYTE ( 1 BIT start + 8 BITS data + 1 BIT stop = 10)
    19,200 BAUD = 19,200/10 BITS per BYTE = 1,920 BYTES per second
    1,920 BYTES per second / 1000 milliseconds per second = 1.92 BYTES per millisecond (ms)
    Now the above would not be a problem since you are only waiting for one character (which should only take 0.52 ms), however, you are sending 5 bytes.  That's a total of 6 bytes round trip or 6 * 0.52 ms = 3.12 ms.
    In addition, having "Enable Terminating Char" on your VISA Configure Serial Port can't be helping unless your serial LIN device requires it because having to wait for a teminating character on a read or write (in your case it appears you are using a 0x0A or line feed) increases the number of characters that need to be transmitted. 
    Another thought just came to me:  If your serial device is sending a terminating character, it is possible you may have a second read operation each cycle due to the 0x0A (line feed) and the fact that your code only reads one byte at a time from the serial port.  This may also add some time to your response.
    I hope this helps.
    Message Edited by Bill_in_Detroit on 03-18-2010 09:16 AM

  • Loop with WMI Query taking too long, need to break out if time exceeds 5 min

    I've written a script that will loop through a list of computers and run a WMI query using the Win32_Product class. I am pinging the host first to ensure its online which eliminates wasting time but the issue I'm facing is that some of the machines
    are online but the WMI Query takes too long and holds up the script. I wanted to add a timeout to the WMI query so if a particular host will not respond to the query or gets stuck the loop will break out an go to the next computer object. I've added my code
    $Computers = @()
    $computers += "BES10-BH"
    $computers += "AUTSUP-VSUS"
    $computers += "AppClus06-BH"
    $computers += "Aut01-BH"
    $computers += "AutLH-VSUS"
    $computers += "AW-MGMT01-VSUS"
    $computers += "BAMBOOAGT-VSUS"
    ## Loop through all computer objects found in $Computes Array
    $JavaInfo = @()
    FOREACH($Client in $Computers)
    ## Gather WMI installed Software info from each client queried
    Write-Host "Querying: $Client" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    $Online = (test-connection -ComputerName ADRAP-VSUS -Count 1 -Quiet)
    IF($Online -eq "True")
    $ColItem = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -ComputerName $Client -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | `
    Where {(($ -match "Java") -and (!($ -match "Auto|Visual")))} | `
    Select-Object Name,Version
    FOREACH($Item in $ColItem)
    ## Write Host Name as variable
    $HostNm = ($Client).ToUpper()
    ## Query Named Version of Java, if Java is not installed fill variable as "No Java Installed
    $JavaVerName = $
    {$JavaVerName = "No Installed"}
    ## Query Version of Java, if Java is not installed fill variable as "No Java Installed
    $JavaVer = $Item.Version
    {$JavaVer = "Not Installed"}
    ## Create new object to organize Host,JavaName & Version
    $JavaProp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
    "HostName" = $HostNm
    "JavaVerName" = $JavaVerName
    "JavaVer" = $JavaVer
    ## Add new object data "JavaProp" from loop into array "JavaInfo"
    $JavaInfo += $JavaProp
    {Write-Host "$Client didn't respond, Skipping..." -foregroundcolor "Red"}

    Let me give you a bigger picture of the script. I've included the emailed table the script produces and the actual script. While running the script certain hosts get hung up when running the WMI query which causes the script to never complete. From one of
    the posts I was able to use the Get-WmiCustom function to add a timeout 0f 15 seconds and then the script will continue if it is stuck. The problem is when a host is skipped I am not aware of it because my script is not reporting the server that timed out.
    If you look at ZLBH02-VSUS highlighted in the report you can see that its reporting not installed when it should say something to the effect query hung.
    How can I add a variable in the function that will be available outside the function that I can key off of to differentiate between a host that does not have the software installed and one that failed to query?
    Script Output:
    ## Name: JavaReportWMI.ps1 ##
    ## Requires: Power Shell 2.0 ##
    ## Created: January 06, 2015 ##
    <##> $Version = "Script Version: 1.0" <##>
    <##> $LastUpdate = "Updated: January 06, 2015" <##>
    ## Configure Compliant Java Versions Below ##
    <##> $java6 = "6.0.430" <##>
    <##> $javaSEDEVKit6 = "" <##>
    <##> $java7 = "7.0.710" <##>
    <##> $javaSEDEVKit7 = "" <##>
    <##> $java8 = "8.0.250" <##>
    <##> $javaSEDDEVKit8 = "" <##>
    ## Import Active Directory Module
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    $Timeout = "False"
    Function Get-WmiCustom([string]$computername,[string]$namespace,[string]$class,[int]$timeout=15)
    $ConnectionOptions = new-object System.Management.ConnectionOptions
    $EnumerationOptions = new-object System.Management.EnumerationOptions
    $timeoutseconds = new-timespan -seconds $timeout
    $assembledpath = "\\" + $computername + "\" + $namespace
    #write-host $assembledpath -foregroundcolor yellow
    $Scope = new-object System.Management.ManagementScope $assembledpath, $ConnectionOptions
    $querystring = "SELECT * FROM " + $class
    #write-host $querystring
    $query = new-object System.Management.ObjectQuery $querystring
    $searcher = new-object System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher
    $searcher.Query = $querystring
    $searcher.Scope = $Scope
    trap { $_ } $result = $searcher.get()
    return $result
    ## Log time for duration clock
    $Start = Get-Date
    $StartTime = "StartTime: " + $Start.ToShortTimeString()
    ## Environmental Variables
    $QueryMode = $Args #parameter for either "Desktops" / "Servers"
    $CsvPath = "C:\Scripts\JavaReport\JavaReport" + "$QueryMode" + ".csv"
    $Date = Get-Date
    $Domain = $env:UserDomain
    $HostName = ($env:ComputerName).ToLower()
    ## Regional Settings
    ## Used for testing
    IF ($Domain -eq "abc") {$Region = "US"; $SMTPDomain = ""; `
    $ToAddress = "[email protected]"; `
    $ReplyDomain = ""; $smtpServer = ""}
    ## Control Variables
    $FromAddress = "JavaReport@$$SMTPDomain"
    $EmailSubject = "Java Report - $Region"
    $computers = @()
    $computers += "ZLBH02-VSUS"
    $computers += "AUTSUP-VSUS"
    $computers += "AppClus06-BH"
    $computers += "Aut01-BH"
    $computers += "AutLH-VSUS"
    $computers += "AW-MGMT01-VSUS"
    $computers += "BAMBOOAGT-VSUS"
    ## Loop through all computer objects found in $Computes Array
    $JavaInfo = @()
    FOREACH($Client in $Computers)
    ## Gather WMI installed Software info from each client queried
    Write-Host "Querying: $Client" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    $Online = (test-connection -ComputerName ADRAP-VSUS -Count 1 -Quiet)
    IF($Online -eq "True")
    $ColItem = Get-WmiCustom -Class Win32_Product -Namespace "root\cimv2" -ComputerName $Client -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | `
    Where {(($ -match "Java") -and (!($ -match "Auto|Visual")))} | `
    Select-Object Name,Version
    FOREACH($Item in $ColItem)
    ## Write Host Name as variable
    $HostNm = ($Client).ToUpper()
    ## Query Named Version of Java, if Java is not installed fill variable as "No Java Installed
    $JavaVerName = $
    {$JavaVerName = "No Installed"}
    ## Query Version of Java, if Java is not installed fill variable as "No Java Installed
    $JavaVer = $Item.Version
    {$JavaVer = "Not Installed"}
    ## Create new object to organize Host,JavaName & Version
    $JavaProp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
    "HostName" = $HostNm
    "JavaVerName" = $JavaVerName
    "JavaVer" = $JavaVer
    ## Add new object data "JavaProp" from loop into array "JavaInfo"
    $JavaInfo += $JavaProp
    {Write-Host "$Client didn't respond, Skipping..." -foregroundcolor "Red"}
    #Write-Host "Host Query Count: $LoopCount" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    ## Sort Array
    Write-Host "Starting Array" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    $JavaInfoSorted = $JavaInfo | Sort-object HostName
    Write-Host "Starting Export CSV" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    ## Export CSV file
    $JavaInfoSorted | export-csv -NoType $CsvPath -Force
    $Att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($CsvPath)
    Write-Host "Building Table Header" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    ## Table Header
    $list = "<table border=1><font size=1.5 face=verdana color=black>"
    $list += "<tr><th><b>Host Name</b></th><th><b>Java Ver Name</b></th><th><b>Ver Number</b></th></tr>"
    Write-Host "Building HTML Table" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    FOREACH($Item in $JavaInfoSorted)
    Write-Host "$UniqueHost" -foregroundcolor "Yellow"
    ## Alternate Table Shading between Green and White
    IF($LoopCount++ % 2 -eq 0)
    {$BK = "bgcolor='E5F5D7'"}
    {$BK = "bgcolor='FFFFFF'"}
    ## Set Variables
    $JVer = $Item.JavaVer
    $Jname = $Item.JavaVerName
    ## Change Non-Compliant Java Versions to red in table
    IF((($jVer -like "6.0*") -and (!($jVer -match $java6))) -or `
    (($jName -like "*Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6*") -and (!($jName -match $javaSEDEVKit6))) -or `
    (($jVer -like "7.0*") -and (!($jVer -match $java7))) -or `
    (($jName -like "*Java SE Development Kit 7*") -and (!($jName -match $javaSEDEVKit7))))
    $list += "<tr $BK style='color: #ff0000'>"
    ## Compliant Java version are displayed in black
    $list += "<tr $BK style='color: #000000'>"
    ## Populate table with host name variable
    $list += "<td>" + $Item."HostName" + "</td>"
    ## Populate table with Java Version Name variable
    $list += "<td>" + $Item."JavaVerName" + "</td>"
    ## Populate table with Java Versionvariable
    $list += "<td>" + $Item."JavaVer" + "</td>"
    $list += "</tr>"
    $list += "</table></font>"
    $End = Get-Date
    $EndTime = "EndTime: " + $End.ToShortTimeString()
    #$TimeDiff = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime
    Write-Host "Total Hosts:$HostCount"
    ## Email Function
    Function SendEmail
    $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $msg.From = ($FromAddress)
    $msg.ReplyTo =($ToAddress)
    $msg.Subject = ($EmailSubject)
    $msg.Body = $Body
    $msg.IsBodyHTML = $true
    ## Email Body
    $Body = $Body + @"
    <html><body><font face="verdana" size="2.5" color="black">
    <p><b>Java Report - $Region</b></p>
    <html><body><font face="verdana" size="1.0" color="red">
    <p><b> Note: Items in red do not have the latest version of Java installed. Please open a ticket to have an engineer address the issue.</b></p>
    <html><body><font face="verdana" size="2.5" color="black">
    Run date: $Date<br>
    ## Send Email

  • Having lagging problems with YouTube videos, it simply takes so long for the red bar to completely load and the videos frequently pause and take too long to restart playing again.

    I have been having lagging problems with YouTube videos for a number of months now. It simply takes so long for the red bar to completely load and the videos frequently pause and take too long to restart playing again. Even with little 2 and 3 minute videos.
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    Does anyone have any idea how I can speed up YouTube?

    The forums are customer to customer in the first instance, Only the mods (BT) will ask for personal information through a email link. Would you mind posting your Hub stats & BT speed test results this will help all with diagnosis-
    To post the full stats from your router
    for home hub -
    Navigate to ADSL Settings or use the A-Z at the top right
    Click on More Details and then post the results.
    Run BT speed tester and post the results from
    If possible it would be best to connect to the BT master socket this will rule out any telephone/broadband extension wiring also consider the housing of the hub/router as anything electrical can cause problems as these are your responsibility, if these are found to be the case Openreach (engineer) will charge BT Broadband, which will be passed onto you, around £130.00.
    Noisy line! When making telephone calls, if so this is not good for your broadband, you can check-
    Quite line test dial 17070 option 2 and listen - should hear nothing best done with old type analogue phone digital (dect) will do but may have slight hiss If you hear noise- crackling pops etc, report it as a noisy line on your phone, don’t mention broadband, Bt Faults on 151.
    As for your FTTC its available in some areas between 40% & 80% of customers in enabled areas can receive it!
    Mortgage Advisor 2000-2008
    Green Energy Advisor 2008-2010
    Charity Health Care Provider Advisor 2010-
    I'm alright Jack....

  • Sometimes my computer takes too long to connect to new website. I am running a pretty powerful work program at same time, what is the best solution? Upgrading speed from cable network, is it a hard drive issue? do I need to "clean out" the computer?

    Many times my computer takes too long to connect to new website. I have wireless internet (time capsule) and I am running a pretty powerful real time financial work program at same time, what is the best solution? Upgrading speed from cable network? is it a hard drive issue? do I only need to "clean out" the computer? Or all of the above...not to computer saavy.  It is a Macbook Pro  osx 10.6.8 (late 2010).

    Almost certainly none of the above!  Try each of the following in this order:
    Select 'Reset Safari' from the Safari menu.
    Close down Safari;  move <home>/Library/Caches/ to the trash; restart Safari.
    Change the DNS servers in your network settings to use the OpenDNS servers: and
    Turn off DNS pre-fetching by entering the following command in Terminal and restarting Safari:
              defaults write WebKitDNSPrefetchingEnabled -boolean false

  • AME CS6 rendering with AE and Pr takes too long

    Hi Guys,
    Need some help here. i have rendered a 30 secs mp4 video with 1920 x 1080 HD format 25 frames w/o scripting in AME for 4 hours!
    Why does it take too long? I have rendered a 2 minute video with same format w/ scripting but only spare less than 30 minutes for rendering.
    Im using After Effects and Premium Pro both CS6 and using Dynamic Link in AME.
    What seems to be wrong in my current settings?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    This may be a waste of time, but it won't take a minute and is something you should always do whenever things go strangely wrong  ............ trash the preferences, assuming you haven't done it already.
    Many weird things happen as a result of corrupt preferences which can create a vast range of different symptoms, so whenever FCP X stops working properly in any way, trashing the preferences should be the first thing you do using this free app.
    Shut down FCP X, open PreferenceManager and in the window that appears:-
    1. Ensure that only  FCP X  is selected.
    2. Click Trash
    The job is done instantly and you can re-open FCP X.
    There is absolutely no danger in trashing preferences and you can do it as often as you like.
    The preferences are kept separately from FCP X and if there aren't any when FCP X opens it automatically creates new ones  .  .  .  instantly.

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    More information would be helpful.

  • RTF export takes too long

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    you know why a report with a lot of data and many pages (about 300 pages), if I export this in PDF format using short time (1 min) and if I export this in PDF format takes too long (even 10 minutes) and sometimes even times out.
    Have an idea?

    re: Paul.  Not true, or shouldn't be.  XDCAM HD timeline, XDCAM HD output.
    re: Michael.  Well, close.  I mixdown the edited timeline, then place that into another sequence where I apply a Broadcast Safe filter and hit it with a bit of audio compression.  I render that, ridding myself of the dreaded "red lines".  However, when I splat-E, I get red lines all over again while I'm exporting.  When the export is done, the red lines disappear.  Now as an aside, I do experience actual "missing" render files, but that occurs when I quit a project and then re-open it later...they sometimes don't seem to re-link.  As I mentioned in this post, I have a feeling that's because this system is set up in the worst way possible (a single RAID5 which acts as system drive and media storage).
    Don't blame me, I'm just trying to work within the confines of what I'm given. My major concern here is that it seems to be getting worse.

  • OIM11g managed server startup takes too long

    I am running a OIM11g managed server using weblogic on windows xp; in development mode
    My managed server takes too long to startup; averaging atleast an hour at the minimum.
    I am attaching the logs from the server between the time frame when it took the longest time.
    Can someone please help me to improve the startup.
    Edited by: 838243 on Feb 20, 2011 10:22 AM

    <9:32:14 PM> <Info> <EJB><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-010008> <EJB Deploying file: iam-ejb.jar>
    <9:45:06 PM> <Info> <JDBC><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '23' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-001128> <Connection for pool "mds-oim" closed.>
    <9:45:07 PM> <Info> <Common><oim1> <MDSPollingThread-[oim, jdbc/mds/MDS_REPOS]> <anonymous> <BEA-000628> <Created "1" resources for pool "mds-oim", out of which "1" are available and "0" are unavailable.>
    <10:00:06 PM> <Info> <JDBC><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '14' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-001128> <Connection for pool "mds-oim" closed.>
    <10:00:07 PM> <Info> <Common><oim1> <MDSPollingThread-[oim, jdbc/mds/MDS_REPOS]> <anonymous> <BEA-000628> <Created "1" resources for pool "mds-oim", out of which "1" are available and "0" are unavailable.>
    <10:15:11 PM> <Info> <JDBC><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '14' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-001128> <Connection for pool "mds-oim" closed.>
    <10:15:41 PM> <Info> <Common><oim1> <MDSPollingThread-[oim, jdbc/mds/MDS_REPOS]> <anonymous> <BEA-000628> <Created "1" resources for pool "mds-oim", out of which "1" are available and "0" are unavailable.>
    <10:30:11 PM> <Info> <JDBC><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '19' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-001128> <Connection for pool "mds-oim" closed.>
    <10:30:15 PM> <Info> <Common><oim1> <MDSPollingThread-[oim, jdbc/mds/MDS_REPOS]> <anonymous> <BEA-000628> <Created "1" resources for pool "mds-oim", out of which "1" are available and "0" are unavailable.>
    <10:32:44 PM> <Info> <Deployer><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-149060> <Module iam-ejb.jar of application oim [Version=] successfully transitioned from STATE_NEW to STATE_PREPARED on server oim_server1.>
    <10:32:44 PM> <Info> <Deployer><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-149059> <Module dataobjects-ejb.jar of application oim [Version=] is transitioning from STATE_NEW to STATE_PREPARED on server oim_server1.>
    <10:33:08 PM> <Info> <J2EE><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-160166> <References were found in deployment plan for module 'dataobjects-ejb.jar' with uri, 'META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml'. The plan was merged.>
    <10:33:14 PM> <Info> <EJB><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-010008> <EJB Deploying file: dataobjects-ejb.jar>
    <10:38:10 PM> <Info> <Deployer><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-149060> <Module dataobjects-ejb.jar of application oim [Version=] successfully transitioned from STATE_NEW to STATE_PREPARED on server oim_server1.>
    <10:38:10 PM> <Info> <Deployer><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-149059> <Module iam-async-mdb.jar of application oim [Version=] is transitioning from STATE_NEW to STATE_PREPARED on server oim_server1.>
    <10:38:10 PM> <Info> <J2EE><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-160166> <References were found in deployment plan for module 'iam-async-mdb.jar' with uri, 'META-INF/ejb-jar.xml'. The plan was merged.>
    <10:38:11 PM> <Info> <J2EE><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-160166> <References were found in deployment plan for module 'iam-async-mdb.jar' with uri, 'META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml'. The plan was merged.>
    <10:38:11 PM> <Info> <EJB><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-010008> <EJB Deploying file: iam-async-mdb.jar>
    <10:38:13 PM> <Info> <Deployer><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-149060> <Module iam-async-mdb.jar of application oim [Version=] successfully transitioned from STATE_NEW to STATE_PREPARED on server oim_server1.>
    <10:38:13 PM> <Info> <Deployer><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-149059> <Module xlWebApp of application oim [Version=] is transitioning from STATE_NEW to STATE_PREPARED on server oim_server1.>
    <10:38:13 PM> <Info> <J2EE><oim1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <WLS Kernel> <BEA-160166> <References were found in deployment plan for module 'xlWebApp.war' with uri, 'WEB-INF/web.xml'. The plan was merged.>
    Edited by: 838243 on Feb 20, 2011 10:22 AM

  • Update statement takes too long to run

    I am running this simple update statement, but it takes too long to run. It was running for 16 hours and then I cancelled it. It was not even finished. The destination table that I am updating has 2.6 million records, but I am only updating 206K records. If add ROWNUM <20 to the update statement works just fine and updates the right column with the right information. Do you have any ideas what could be wrong in my update statement? I am also using a DB link since CAP.ESS_LOOKUP table resides in different db from the destination table. We are running 11g Oracle Db.
    FROM [email protected] LKP

    matthew_morris wrote:
    In the first SQL, the SELECT against the remote table was a correlated subquery. the 'WHERE LKP.DOC_NUM = IPM.XIPM_APP_2_1 AND IPM.XIPMSYS_APP_ID = 2" means that the subquery had to run once for each row of DEV_OCS.DOCMETA being evaluated. This might have meant thousands of iterations, meaning a great deal of network traffic (not to mention each performing a DISTINCT operation). Queries where the data is split between two or more databases are much more expensive than queries using only tables in a single database.Sorry to disappoint you again, but with clause by itself doesn't prevent from "subquery had to run once for each row of DEV_OCS.DOCMETA being evaluated". For example:
    SQL> set linesize 132
    SQL> explain plan for
    2 update emp e
    3 set deptno = (select t.deptno from dept@sol10 t where e.deptno = t.deptno)
    4 /
    SQL> @?\rdbms\admin\utlxpls
    Plan hash value: 3247731149
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | Inst |IN-OUT|
    | 0 | UPDATE STATEMENT | | 14 | 42 | 17 (83)| 00:00:01 | | |
    | 1 | UPDATE | EMP | | | | | | |
    | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP | 14 | 42 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | | |
    | 3 | REMOTE | DEPT | 1 | 13 | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 | SOL10 | R->S |
    Remote SQL Information (identified by operation id):
    3 - SELECT "DEPTNO" FROM "DEPT" "T" WHERE "DEPTNO"=:1 (accessing 'SOL10' )
    16 rows selected.
    SQL> explain plan for
    2 update emp e
    3 set deptno = (with t as (select * from dept@sol10) select t.deptno from t where e.deptno = t.deptno)
    4 /
    SQL> @?\rdbms\admin\utlxpls
    Plan hash value: 3247731149
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | Inst |IN-OUT|
    | 0 | UPDATE STATEMENT | | 14 | 42 | 17 (83)| 00:00:01 | | |
    | 1 | UPDATE | EMP | | | | | | |
    | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP | 14 | 42 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | | |
    | 3 | REMOTE | DEPT | 1 | 13 | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 | SOL10 | R->S |
    Remote SQL Information (identified by operation id):
    3 - SELECT "DEPTNO" FROM "DEPT" "DEPT" WHERE "DEPTNO"=:1 (accessing 'SOL10' )
    16 rows selected.
    As you can see, WITH clause by itself guaranties nothing. We must force optimizer to materialize it:
    SQL> explain plan for
    2 update emp e
    3 set deptno = (with t as (select /*+ materialize */ * from dept@sol10) select t.deptno from t where e.deptno = t.deptno
    4 /
    SQL> @?\rdbms\admin\utlxpls
    Plan hash value: 3568118945
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | Inst |IN-OUT|
    | 0 | UPDATE STATEMENT | | 14 | 42 | 87 (17)| 00:00:02 | | |
    | 1 | UPDATE | EMP | | | | | | |
    | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EMP | 14 | 42 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | | |
    | 3 | TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION | | | | | | | |
    | 4 | LOAD AS SELECT | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6603_1CEEEBC | | | | | | |
    | 5 | REMOTE | DEPT | 4 | 80 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | SOL10 | R->S |
    |* 6 | VIEW | | 4 | 52 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | | |
    | 7 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6603_1CEEEBC | 4 | 80 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | | |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
    6 - filter("T"."DEPTNO"=:B1)
    Remote SQL Information (identified by operation id):
    5 - SELECT "DEPTNO","DNAME","LOC" FROM "DEPT" "DEPT" (accessing 'SOL10' )
    25 rows selected.
    I do know hint materialize is not documented, but I don't know any other way besides splitting statement in two to materialize it.

  • Why finding replication stream matchpoint takes too long

    I am using bdb je 5.0.58 HA(two nodes group,JVM 6G for each node).
    Sometimes, I found bdb node takes too long to restart(about 2 hours).
    When this occurs, I catch the process stack of bdb(jvm process) by jstack.
    After analyzing stack,I found "ReplicaFeederSyncup.findMatchpoint()" taking all the time.
    I want to know why this method takes so much time,and how can I avoid this bad case.
    帖子经 liang_mic编辑过

    2 hours is indeed a huge amount of time for a node restart. It's hard be sure without doing more detailed analysis of your log as to what may be going wrong, but I do wonder if it is related to the problem you reported in outOfMemory error presents when cleaner occurs [#21786]. Perhaps the best approach is for me to describe in more detail what happens when a replicated node is connecting with a new master, which might give you more insight into what is happening in your case.
    The members of a BDB JE HA replication group share the same logical stream of replicated records, where each record is identified with a virtual log sequence number, or VLSN. In other words, the log record described by VLSN x on any node is the same data record, although it may be stored in a physically different place in the log of each node.
    When a replica in a group connects with a master, it must find a common point, the matchpoint, in that replication stream. There are different situations in which a replica may connect with a master. For example, it may have come up and just joined the group. Another case is when the replica is up already but a new master has been elected for the group. One way or another, the replica wants to find the most recent point in its log, which it has in common with the log of the master. Only certain kinds of log entries, tagged with timestamps, are eligible to be used for such a match, and usually, these are transaction commits and aborts.
    Now, in your previous forum posting, you reported an OOME because of a very large transaction, so this syncup issue at first seems like it might be related. Perhaps your replication nodes need to traverse a great many records, in an incomplete transaction, to find the match point. But the syncup code does not blindly traverse all records, it uses the vlsn index metadata to skip to the optimal locations. In this case, even if the last transaction was very long, and incomplete, it should know where the previous transaction end was, and find that location directly, without having to do a scan.
    As a possible related note, I did wonder if something was unusual about your vlsn index metadata. I did not explain this in outOfMemory error presents when cleaner occurs but I later calculated that the transaction which caused the OOME should only have contained 1500 records. I think that you said that you figured out that you were deleting about 15 million records, and you figured out that it was the vlsn index update transaction which was holding many locks. But because the vlsn index does not record every single record, it should only take about 1,500 metadata records in the vlsn index to cover 15 million application data records. It is still a bug in our code to update that many records in a single transaction, but the OOME was surprising, because 1,500 locks shouldn't be catastrophic.
    There are a number of ways to investigate this further.
    - You may want to try using a SyncupProgress listener described at to get more information on which part of the syncup process is taking a long time.
    - If that confirms that finding the matchpoint is the problem, we have an unadvertised utility, meant for debugging, to examine the vlsn index. The usage is as follows, and you would use the -dumpVLSN option, and run thsi on the replica node. But this would require our assistance to interpret the results. We would be looking for the records that mention where "sync" points are, and would correlate that to the replica's log, and that might give more information if this is indeed the problem, and why the vlsn index was not acting to optimize the search.
    $ java -jar build/lib/je.jar DbStreamVerify
    usage: java { | -jar je-<version>.jar DbStreamVerify }
    -h <dir> # environment home directory
    -s <hex> # start file
    -e <hex> # end file
    -verifyStream # check that replication stream is ascending
    -dumpVLSN # scan log file for log entries that make up the VLSN index, don't run verify.
    -dumpRepGroup # scan log file for log entries that make up the rep group db, don't run verify.
    -i # show invisible. If true, print invisible entries when running verify mode.
    -v # verbose

  • Ipod takes too long to connect

    I just bought an 80 gb 5.5 gen ipod last week and everything was great, but now when i plug it into the PC it takes too long to detect it as a disc drive and once i open the itunes it takes too long to show the info i have stored, and sometimes only shows the music folder (no movies, tvshows, podcasts, etc) Is something wrong with my ipod?
    Maybe is because of the songs and videos i already have... but i have more than 60 gb free.
    It has also crashed twice while using the search feature, it just resets for itself.
      Windows XP Pro   1.5 Ghz, 512 mb RAM

    Alright so I found the answer to part of my question just now. Thinking when I first got my iPod Touch, I remembered that backups weren't as long. Then I thought to when things started getting worst, and I figured out that it started when I put too many apps on my iPod. So i removed all of them and my backup was the fastest I've seen in a while. Then I just but back the ones I really wanted and everything seems fine....for now.

  • Takes too long to hibernate when I close the lid - Also random device noise when it boots up

    Hello guys.
    Ever since i've wiped the machine, i've been having these two problems. When I close the lid, it used to go to sleep straight away, but now I can see the sleep light (and the power button) flash and flash, then it goes to sleep.
    When waking up it goes through the lenovo startup screen and resuming windows, then it asks for a password, before I used to open the lid and it would ask me for the password straight away. I know it was going to sleep because I could hear the beep straight away when I closed and opened it, but now it just takes too long.
    Also, everytime I boot up into windows or resume into windows from a sleep state, I can hear the device noise, like something is being plugged in/out. But there is nothing being plugged in or out at the time. I can't get to device manager quick enough to see what it is that is causing it. 
    But all drivers seem okay.
    Thanks in advance.
    EDIT: Also noticed, when the lid is closed, randomly the laptop turns off (hear the beep) an then turns back off again.
     T420 model number: 4180-PR1 with OS: Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
    T420 4180-PR1 - OS: Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Sam,
    is this to do with the T420 model number: 4180-PR1 with OS: Windows 7 64 bit installed on it as in another thread you posted in?
    Maybe you could pop the information into your signature; members like to know which system and OS are involved.  At the top next to Sign Out choose   My Settings > Personal Profile > Personal Information - Signature
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  • [SOLVED] initramfs takes too long to load

    Using systemd-analyze I found out that initramfs takes too long to load:
    463ms (kernel) + 11875ms (initramfs) + 6014ms (userspace) = 18353ms
    My HOOKS array in mkinitcpio.conf is the following:
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block encrypt lvm2 filesystems usbinput fsck"
    I suspect that the long loading time of initramfs is caused by partitions decryption (I am using dm-crypt / LUKS on top of LVM).
    Is there any tool that can report loading times of HOOKS seperately, just like systemd-analyze plot does for userspace?
    Last edited by nasosnik (2013-01-21 14:45:28)

    cfr wrote:
    In what sense is it "too long"?
    I'm just wondering: suppose that you find out that it is because you are using encryption. Would you then switch to a non-encrypted system? Would you make better use of the extra seconds you might save on those rare occasions when you reboot? Even if you reboot twice a day, you might save what? Suppose you would even save 5s per boot. That will give you a whole extra 1 minute and 10 seconds a week. Assuming you don't multitask. Obviously if you multitask, the gain will be less. Would that make it worth risking the security of your data?
    EDIT: I didn't mean this to sound as confrontational as it does now I read it back. It just always puzzles me that people are so concerned about shaving a few milliseconds here and there. I always hope that they put the time they save to good use but then I realise that the time they spent shaving the milliseconds off will obviously outstrip the time saved.
    I really don't care about the boot time because of the reasons you have already mentioned. I just want to figure out if there is any misconfiguration. I am just investigating why initramfs takes significant longer to load compared with my desktop Arch installation (non-encrypted) 1316ms for initramfs. My desktop has a Pentium 4 CPU and laptop has a quad-core i7.
    roentgen wrote:11875ms (initramfs)  means the time it takes you to type the password.
    systemd-analyze is not counting the time is spent to type the password.

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