Erratic Mouse Activity

I've had a MacPro and Logitech mouse running in seamless harmony for about a year. Suddenly today in my programs I can not select specific items without the items shaking violently and not allowing me to select it. In addition, some times it will scroll down to the bottom of the screen and not let me scroll up. In InDesign it scrolls violently horizontally.
I've tried the scroll down while holding control with no success. I've tried resetting PRAM, running disk utility, repair permissions, etc... Nothing is working.
If I hold the control key down it will hold still but I can't actually select the file or setting.
Going crazy! Any help would be appreciated.

Just to throw it out there, since it's common but are you running 3rd party monitor with 4870 video card?
Was this happening in 10.5.7? Perhaps 5.8 is to blame. If you have a clone backup, that would be a good place to start troubleshooting.

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    Captivate 7 has an option to show playbar on hover.  It becomes available when you select Overlay Playbar.  But this only applies to the standard skins that come with Captivate.  It won't help your specific need to have a set of buttons appear on hover over a hit area.
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    The only way I know to have both rollover and rollout events is to use the Infosemantics Event Handler widget:
    Free trial version here:

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    Thanks for your post
    To  help you further on this issue please share more details
    1. erratic mouse cursor movement  is happening  in win 7 or ubuntu
    2.  please share the touchpad driver version   &  bios version

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    Dirt and debris lodged beside or under the keys, button switches, and trackpad can cause erratic operation. Or the battery may be swelling and distorting the trackpad and/or keyboard. It depends upon the model.
    If you have a MacBook with a removable battery, shut down your Mac, remove the battery, reconnect the power adapter, turn the computer on, login, and see if the erratic mouse and cursor problem goes away. If the problem goes away, your battery is likely swelling. If the battery is swelling, it needs to be replaced.

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    Hello , Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More. I have read your post on how ghost circles and erratic mouse behaviour appear on the screen of your desktop computer, and I would be happy to assist you in this matter! To correct this issue, I recommend following the steps in this document on HP All-in-One PCs - Troubleshooting Touch Screen Issues (Windows 8). This should help return the functionality to your touch screen. I also suggest following the steps in this document on HP PCs - Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Troubleshooting, which should help correct the intermittent cursor behaviour. If the circles still appear, and the mouse still behaves erratically, I recommend returning your system back to a previous restore point before the issue occurred. This can be done by following the steps in this document on Using Microsoft System Restore (Windows 8).
    Should the problem continue, I suggest performing a backup and recovery of your operating system. This can be done by following the steps in this resource on Backing Up Your Files (Windows 8), as well as Performing an HP system recovery (Windows 8). This should return your system back to factory defaults.
    If the issue continues, please contact our technical support for further assistance in this matter by clicking the link below to get the support number for your region.
    I hope this helps!

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    Edit: I found this:
    Last edited by Hund (2011-01-03 02:28:09)

    Check your batteries in the wireless hardware.
    For the wired hardware see KB Article & do the necessary:

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    Heat?  Motherboard?  Sounds like hardware since it's across Operating systems...
    If you have a warranty, this is the time to call HP.
    HP Product Warranty Check
    Contact HP - Worldwide
    Contact HP - USA
    If not, I still think you have a HW issue.  It is relatively consistant, too.  Like something is breaking down - physically.  Not a disk - BIOS... notherboard... something that holds everything together.
    Computers are not supposed to warm up and then start doing whatever they want.
    We do not live it in that world, at least not yet.
    You could run some Diagnostics.  The UEFI Diagnostics, if you don't already have them on your system, are very good and provide a decent "human interface".
    HP System Diagnostics (UEFI)
    Description:   This package provides the HP System Diagnostics (UEFI) for the supported notebook/laptop models and operating systems. HP System Diagnostics is a UEFI-based hardware diagnostics program that is used to validate if a system is functional enough to start up the operating system. The diagnostics are accessed during startup by pressing F2 immediately after power on.
    Good Luck!
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    Whenever you see a Helpful Post - Click the Kudos Star on the Left as Thanks!
    Did this Post solve your problem?  Mark it “Accept as Solution”!
    Note: You can find the “Accept as Solution” box on threads started by you.
    2012 Year of the Dragon!
    Kind Regards,

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    How do you have this all plugged together? If the mouse is going into the keyboard I wonder if it isn't getting enough power.

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    I've seen this happen for two reasons.
    1.) My imac is about to overheat and crash. The pointer seems to jump around the edges of the screen and on rare occasion reservse themselves. UP=DOWN LEFT=RIGHT..etc.
    2.) The mouse picked up a hair and the IR light is bouncing off of it and causing erratic movement. (More often the case)
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    To be honest I am wondering you ask this. I know, it sounds now stupid but I will tell you why.
    If you don't like some function it is logic to check all available options for something.
    So if you open Settings for Flash Cards you will find one option there *Allow the mouse to bring up the cards.*
    Just remove the check mark for this option and the Flash Cards will be shown when you use FN key only.
    Bye and if you have more questions you are welcome. ;)

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    thanks for your help.
    macs are imacs.

    Got it !
    While waiting for Apple to come up with a bug fix (if they ever do, since it probably affects only french users.)
    You can always copy the RFBMultiObserveWindow.nib folder from the English.lproj to the French.lproj... (After having made a copy of the original NIB folder first of course...) And this fixes that...
    I have noticed no localization aberration while doing this.
    Good luck !

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    I am about to lose my mind. Any ideas?

    I am having the same problem. It started about 2 weeks ago and it drives my completely nuts. Even my wired mouse does have a noticeable lag. I use a lot of Photoshop and jerkiness is very annoying and it slows me down.
    Anybody has an idea why this is happening?

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    Well, I tried that and it didn't work. I also uninstalled the Intellipoint (Microsoft) software that was controlling the mouse and that didn't work either. I've now got my wired Apple mouse attached to my Apple aluminum keyboard which is attached to my MacPro. Still no luck. It continues to behave very strangely. Any other ideas out there?

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    There is an Apple article that might be of help:
    Portables: Jumpy or erratic trackpad
    See if any of the suggestions in this article are helpful.
    I don't know to what extent trackpad problems would affect the external mouse. But you could go to System Preferences>Keyboard and Mouse>Trackpad and check the box that says "Ignore trackpad when mouse is present" and see if that will at least let you use an external mouse.
    Please post back if none of this helps.
    Good luck!

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    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    Want to add what has been unsucc tried the last day: Completely de-installed QT and iTunes, cleaned with MSI clean-Up-Utility 2, cleaned registry, restarted pc, installed QT stand alone, restarted pc, installed iTunes - and guess what: did not help!
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