Error 10810 when running applescript remotely

So "final" product here. I'm no applescripter so my code is probably inefficient. As such I keep running into a -10810 error and from my googling and research I think it's a runaway process (or a few of them) created by this script. I run it through Casper remote. It's a compiled script for compatibility with Casper Remote. Running as a standalone app (or as a compiled script on the local desktop) it works just fine. It's only through Casper Remote that I get this error and only sometimes. The script works even when no one is logged in. Casper Remote runs as an admin and forces sudo when it needs to.
Any ideas as to what might be causing the failure? The script fails very quickly when it does. It certainly does not get to the point where it gathers all apps on the computer.
(*This script should be run first on a computer to be upgraded.    
It collects the size of the users's homefolder and any folders 
common to all users (Workfolder, PAGEFOLDER, etc).  Common units get
all users transfered. It also collects apps installed in /Applications. It is to
be run again on the new computer to verify that all data and apps were     
copied over correctly. It outputs the data to a log at                       
/netappv2/MacPackaging/FY12MacDAC-UserMigration titled with the
User's username, old mac name          *)
on run argv
  -- Define static variables --
  ---- "\n"
  -- Capture the user's name (passed from Casper Remote)
          set userName to item 4 of argv
  -- if a username was not passed to the script, quit immediately
          if userName = "" then
                         do shell script "echo No username specified! Try again with a valid username"
                         error number -128
          else if userName is in {"Common", "common", "COMMON"} then
                         do shell script "echo **********THIS IS A COMMON UNIT. ALL USERS WILL BE TRANSFERED! **********"
          end if
  -- Capture computer name and current date
          set computerName to computer name of (system info)
          set currentDate to current date
  -- Define file access --
  -- We first have to create a file so we can reference it via Applescript for writing. We do this via the shell
          set shellLogFile to computerName & "-" & userName & ".txt"
          do shell script ("mkfile 10k /private/var/root/Desktop/" & shellLogFile)
  -- Make a directory on the server particular to this user and computer since two reports will be made: one for the old computer and one for the new
          set logFolder to computerName & "-" & userName
          do shell script "mkdir -p -m 777 /Volumes/MacPackaging/FY12MacDAC-UserMigration/" & logFolder
  -- Open a text file for writing the DAC data collection information. Alias it to the file we just created
  -- the file is located on roots desktop, but it is aliased to the current user's desktop (if one is logged in)
          set logFile to (((path to desktop) as string) & computerName & "-" & userName & ".txt") as alias
  open for access logFile with write permission
  set eof of logFile to 0
  -- Write log headers   --
  -- Write relevant user and computer information to the log file
          if userName is equal to "common" then
                         write "**********THIS IS A COMMON UNIT. ALL USERS WILL BE TRANSFERED! **********
" to logFile
       write "
" to logFile
          end if
          write "Report run date: " & currentDate & "
" to logFile
          write "User to be migrated: " & userName & "
" to logFile
          write "Computer to be migrated: " & computerName & "
" to logFile
          write "=========================" & "
" to logFile
  write "
" to logFile
  -- Begin data collection output      --
  -- First check for the existence of partition "work"
          write "Folders on Work partition to be transfered" & "
" to logFile
          write "========================================" & "
" to logFile
          set workPath to "Work" --we are only looking for partition "Work"
          tell application "System Events"
                    if workPath is in (get the name of every disk) then -- list all partitions and check for "Work." If found, set folderList to the contents of Work
                                   set folderList to list folder workPath without invisibles
                                   set workPath to (get the name of every disk) -- if "Work" is not found, list the mounted partitions and exit
                                   write "No Work partition! Available partitions are: " & workPath & ". Exiting." & "
" to logFile
                                   do shell script "echo No Work partition!"
                                   do shell script "echo Available partitions are: " & workPath
       close access logFile
                                   error -128
                    end if
          end tell
  -- Next write the root level contents of the Work partition and their sizes. These main folders and their entire contents (except Users) will be transferred. For user folders, only the /Users/username and Users/Shared folder will be transferred
          set totalSize to 0 --set a count for the size of each folder found. This will be the total size of all data to be migrated
          repeat with aFolder in folderList
                         if aFolder contains "Users" then
                                        set userFolder to "/" & aFolder & "/" & userName -- rename the folder to the explicit path to the users home folder (name provided when the script was run), since we aren't interested in any other user folder
                                        set sharedFolder to "/" & aFolder & "/Shared" -- create another variable to hold the Shared folder since we need to copy this as well
                                        set UNIXFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of userFolder
                                        set folderSize to (do shell script "du -k /Volumes/Work" & UNIXFolder & " | tail -rn1 | awk '{print \"\" $1}'") as integer -- extract the size of the users home folder
                                        set totalSize to totalSize + folderSize
            write userName & " home folder - " & CalcFolderSize(folderSize) & " " & KBMBGB(folderSize) & "
" to logFile
                                        set UNIXFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of sharedFolder
                                        set folderSize to (do shell script "du -k /Volumes/Work" & UNIXFolder & " | tail -rn1 | awk '{print \"\" $1}'") as integer -- extract the size of the Users/Shared folder using the same method as above
                                        set totalSize to totalSize + folderSize
                                        write "Users/Shared - " & CalcFolderSize(folderSize) & " " & KBMBGB(folderSize) & "
" to logFile
                         else if aFolder does not contain "Users" then
                                        set UNIXFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of aFolder
                                        set folderSize to (do shell script "du -k /Volumes/Work" & UNIXFolder & " | tail -rn1 | awk '{print \"\" $1}'") as integer -- extract the size of aFolder if other than "Users"
                                        set totalSize to totalSize + folderSize
            write aFolder & " - " & CalcFolderSize(folderSize) & " " & KBMBGB(folderSize) & "
" to logFile
                         end if
          end repeat
          write "____________________" & "
" to logFile
          write "Total copy size: " & CalcFolderSize(totalSize) & " " & KBMBGB(totalSize) & "
" to logFile
  write "
" to logFile
  -- Record all departmental apps that need to be installed on the new mac
          write "Departmental apps to install on the new mac" & "
" to logFile
          write "===========================================" & "
" to logFile
  -- A pre-defined list of departmental apps. These apps are not included in the AG Core image and need to be installed on the new mac. All relevant transferrable apps are in the Applications and Utilities folders. Apps installed elsewhere are not AG standard and do not get transferred
          set theApps to {"Adobe Acrobat 7.0", "Adobe After Effects", "Adobe After Effects", "Adobe Fireworks", "Adobe Flash", "Adobe Flash", "ColorEyes Display", "ColorThink 2.2.1b2", "Corel Painter", "DiskTracker 2.3.2", "", "", "EPSON", "", "formZ RenderZone", "Google Earth", "Google", "", "Keyspan Serial", "Flash", "Microsoft", "Microsoft Excel", "Microsoft", "Microsoft Word", "Microsoft", "Microsoft PowerPoint", "PhotoZoom Pro", "Product", "Product", "Art", "ProfileMaker", "", "Toast", "", "", "Suitcase Fusion", "Suitcase Fusion", "", "Final Cut", "Pro Tools", "LightWave", "VMware"}
          set appsPath to (path to applications folder)
          tell application "Finder"
                         set appList to name of every application file of entire contents of folder appsPath
          end tell
          repeat with anApp in theApps
                         if appList contains anApp then
                                        set anAppID to id of (application anApp)
                                        if anAppID is not equal to "????" then
                                                  tell application "Finder" to tell (application file id anAppID)
                                                                 set vers to version of application file id anAppID
                                                                 set parentFolder to name of its container
                                                  end tell
                                             if parentFolder is in {"Applications", "Utilities"} then
                                                       set parentFolder to ""
                                             end if
                                                  write anApp & "
" & "Version: " & vers & "
" & parentFolder & "
" to logFile
                                                  write "--------------------------------------" & "
" to logFile
                                                  write "
" to logFile
                                        else if anAppID is equal to "????" then
                                                  write anApp & "
" to logFile
                                                  write "--------------------------------------" & "
" to logFile
                                                  write "
" to logFile
                                        end if
                         end if
          end repeat
  write "
" to logFile
  -- Collect all the printers that need to be installed on the new Mac
          write "Printers to install on the new mac" & "
" to logFile
          write "===================================" & "
" to logFile
  (*tell application "Printer Setup Utility"
                    set printerList to the name of every printer as list
          end tell
          repeat with aPrinter in printerList
                    write aPrinter & "
" to logFile
          end repeat*)
          set printerList to do shell script "lpstat -a | awk '{print $1}'" as text
  write printerList & "
" to logFile
  close access logFile
  -- edit file permissions so everyone can read it
          do shell script "chmod 755 /private/var/root/Desktop/" & shellLogFile
  -- copy the file to macpackaging for later use
          do shell script "ditto /private/var/root/Desktop/" & shellLogFile & " /Volumes/Macpackaging/FY12MacDAC-UserMigration/" & logFolder
end run
-- subroutine for converting folderSize
on CalcFolderSize(KBParam)
          if KBParam ≥ 1048576 then -- convert to GB
                    return (KBParam / 1024 / 1024)
          else if KBParam ≥ 1024 then -- convert to MB
                    return (KBParam / 1024)
                    return (KBParam)
          end if
end CalcFolderSize
-- subroutine for determing KB, MB, or GB
on KBMBGB(paramSize)
          if paramSize ≥ 1048576 then -- 1GB
                    return ("GB")
          else if paramSize ≥ 1024 then -- 1MB
                    return ("MB")
                    return ("KB")
          end if

So AS can't get the physical size of the folder it finds. I think I know the reason though. The script lists the contents of the Work volume in this snippet:
set workPath to "Work" --we are only looking for partition "Work"
          tell application "System Events"
                    if workPath is in (get the name of every disk) then -- list all partitions and check for "Work." If found, set folderList to the contents of Work
                              set folderList to list folder workPath without invisibles
else if
... stuff ...
end if
end tell
Then later I have it doing this:
else if aFolder does not contain "Users" then
                              tell application "System Events"
                                             set folderSize to (physical size of aFolder) div 1024
                              end tell
                              set totalSize to totalSize + folderSize
  write aFolder & " - " & CalcFolderSize(folderSize) & " " & KBMBGB(folderSize) & "
and I get the following from the AS editor events pane:
tell current application
  system info
  --> {AppleScript version:"2.1.2", AppleScript Studio version:"1.5.1", system version:"10.6.7", short user name:"acaldwell", long user name:"AC Andrew Caldwell (8318)", user ID:1.092545022E+9, user locale:"en_US", home directory:alias "Work:Users:acaldwell:", boot volume:"AG2025", computer name:"AG2025", host name:"", IPv4 address:"", primary Ethernet address:"00:17:f2:07:ec:dc", CPU type:"Intel 80486", CPU speed:2660, physical memory:4096}
  current date
  --> date "Wednesday, June 8, 2011 4:24:49 PM"
  path to desktop as string
  --> "Work:Users:acaldwell:Desktop:"
  open for access "Work:Users:acaldwell:Desktop:AG2025-acaldwell.txt" with write permission
  --> 47
  set eof 47 to 0
  write "Report run date: Wednesday, June 8, 2011 4:24:49 PM
User to be migrated: acaldwell
Computer to be migrated: AG2025
" to 47
  write "Folders on Work partition to be transfered
" to 47
end tell
tell application "System Events"
  get name of every disk
  --> {"AG2025", "Work", "home", "net", "Public", "MacPackaging"}
  list folder "Work" without invisibles
  --> error number -10004
end tell
tell current application
  list folder "Work" without invisibles
  --> {"Page4 Folder", "PAGE4BUILDER", "Users", "zz_LastFolder"}
error "Can’t get physical size of \"Page4 Folder\"." number -1728 from «class phys» of "Page4 Folder"
Now I tested the tell system event portion in another editor with this code
set aFolder to path to home folder
tell application "System Events"
          set folderSize to (physical size of aFolder) div 1024
end tell
and got the right result. So I think that I can't get the size because it is not showing the path to each of these items, just the name of them. Is there a way to set a variable to the path to each of the items it finds? I think then it'll get the sizes right....

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    Hi Kanchana,
    Perhaps following link of google search has answer to your query
    ORA-04052. The search result contains some useful articles whose URLs I shan't post in the forums.

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    No, you cannot apply a patch to XE. Basically the XE internal code is the same as for any other edition. That means is there a bug, you have it in XE,too. To get patches you need a licence for metalink/My Oracle Support. But even you would have one, it wouldn't help you, because Oracle does not provide patches for XE.
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         You attempted to access an unassigned field symbol
         (data segment 32995).
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          of active calls from the this short dump.
    How to correct the error
        You may able to find an interim solution to the problem
        in the SAP note system. If you have access to the note system yourself,
        use the following search criteria:
        "CL_UC_COI_ACT_PT==============CP" or "CL_UC_COI_ACT_PT==============CM00P"
        If you cannot solve the problem yourself and you wish to send
        an error message to SAP, include the following documents:
        1. A printout of the problem description (short dump)
           To obtain this, select in the current display "System->List->
           Save->Local File (unconverted)".
    2. A suitable printout of the system log
        To obtain this, call the system log through transaction SM21.
        Limit the time interval to 10 minutes before and 5 minutes
        after the short dump. In the display, then select the function
        "System->List->Save->Local File (unconverted)".
    3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,
        supply the source code.
        To do this, select the Editor function "Further Utilities->
    4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred
        or which actions and input led to the error.
    Information on where terminated
        The termination occurred in the ABAP program "CL_UC_COI_ACT_PT==============CP"
        The main program was "UCUWB000 ".
        The termination occurred in line 722 of the source code of the (Include)
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        of the source code of program "CL_UC_COI_ACT_PT==============CM00P" (when
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    703     exporting
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    705       io_model = do_model
    706     importing
    707       er_data  = lr_t_data.
    708   assign lr_t_data->* to <lt_share_block>.
    709   call method do_inv_net_change->get_block
    710     importing
    711       et_pt_shares = <lt_share_block>.
    713   create data lr_s_data like line of <lt_share_block>.
    714   assign lr_s_data->* to <ls_share_block>.
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    718 * direct shares prior to divestiture
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    720     of structure <ls_share_block> to <lr_th_dsh_old>.
    721   assign <lr_th_dsh_old>->* to <lt_dsh_old>.
    >>>>   create data lr_s_data like line of <lt_dsh_old>.
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    725     of structure <ls_dsh_old> to <pcnt1_7a>.
    727 * change of direct shares in divestiture
    Please provide your suggestions.
    Edited by: VM2727 on Feb 10, 2012 3:27 AM

    Or even these ones:
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    occurs (short dump GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED in the method CREATE_OCI_LIST of the
    class CL_UC_COI_ACT).
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    Did your custom report ever ran successfully in the environment you are getting the error.
    Most of the time not all the report definition and associated definitions are migrated to the next environment.
    Have a look at following doc:
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    Hi Vid,
    Thanks for your suggestion.
    I am using a different patch i.e.
    BI AddOn 7.X (based on 7.10), Support Package 5, Revision 1083
    and it helps to solve my problem.

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    ORA-02063: preceding 3 lines from BIP2S@BIPDRACONN
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Completing Execution UII_D_MAP_SPC_INSTALLATION_SIT
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    Thanks & Regards,

    Good morning Lenin,
    Have you checked the implementation of the connectors and are your locations well registered?
    Has a similar setup ever worked well?
    Can you access the source table using SQL (e.g. with SQL*Plus or TOAD)?
    Regards, Patrick

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    2011-03-21- INFO(5870,4) PI(785156) Program(FSPCSTEP) Beginning processing, Step CURPER in Group NONREVAL for Business Unit NAMER.
    2011-03-21- INFO(5870,4) PI(785156) Program(FSPCSTEP) Beginning processing, Step USD_USD in Group NONREVAL for Business Unit NAMER.
    2011-03-21- SEVERE ERROR IN PGM:(5870,58) PI(785156) Program(FSPCPROC) Edit journal fails for Business Unit NAMER and Step USD_USD.

    Hi 841037,
    We are facing this same issue in our environment. We are on FSCM 9.1 bundle #24.Please let me know how you resolved this issue at your end. Any help or pointers regarding this issue is highly appreciated. Thanks.

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    hi everybody,
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    thnk u

    Check the path to your form. Forms does not like spaces in the path or fmx filename, but the error doesn't explain the problem at all!

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    Thanks & regards

    first u( user id ) have to get the Authorizations to use RFC ?
    object will be  like S_RFC or some thing like this.
    when u get this kind of error just call /NSU53 then u will come to know which Authorization Object is missing from ur User Profile.

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    Try Here  >
    More Info here  >

  • Receiving Error Message when running sh

    Following directions at
    Receiving Error Message when running sh trying to create local yum repositories and configure up2date and yum to install and update packages from them.
    You should be generating xml metadata instead.
    Please see
    After executing following instructions and replacing server name with our server
    Client Setup
    1. Import the GPG key
    rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY
    2. Configure up2date to use the yum repository. Edit /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources. Comment out line
    up2date default
    #up2date default
    and add the following lines. Replace <repository_server> with the hostname of the machine that is hosting the yum repository. Comment and uncomment individual repositories as needed.
    Enterprise Linux 5
    (commented uncommented)yum el5_$ARCH_latest http://<repository_server>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/latest/$ARCH/
    (commented uncommented)yum el5_$ARCH_addons http://<repository_server>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/addons/$ARCH/
    #yum el5_$ARCH_oracle http://<repository_server>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/oracle/$ARCH/
    #yum el5_ga_$ARCH_base http://<repository_server>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/ga/base/$ARCH/
    #yum el5_u1_$ARCH_base http://<repository_server>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/1/base/$ARCH/
    #yum el5_u2_$ARCH_base http://<repository_server>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/2/base/$ARCH/
    #yum el5_u3_$ARCH_base http://<repository_server>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/3/base/$ARCH/
    #yum el5_ga_$ARCH_patch http://<repository_server>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/ga/patch/$ARCH/
    #yum el5_u1_$ARCH_patch http://<repository_server>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/1/patch/$ARCH/
    #yum el5_u2_$ARCH_patch http://<repository_server>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/2/patch/$ARCH/
    #yum el5_u3_$ARCH_patch http://<repository_server>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/3/patch/$ARCH/
    and running additional instructions
    2. Run up2date to install python-urlgrabber.
    up2date -i python-urlgrabber
    Receiving following error
    There was some sort of I/O error: <urlopen error (-2, 'Name or service not known')>
    Further when trying to replace /etc/yum.repos.d/ULN-Base.repo ULN-Base.repo unable to find file, file that is there
    is called public-yum-el5.repo
    Made following changes in that file
    Enterprise Linux 5
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - latest
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - addons
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch - oracle
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever GA - $basearch - base
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever U1 - $basearch - base
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever U2 - $basearch - base
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever U3 - $basearch - base
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever GA - $basearch - patch
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever U1 - $basearch - patch
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever U2 - $basearch - patch
    name=Enterprise Linux $releasever U3 - $basearch - patch
    Then ran following commands
    up2date -u
    There was some sort of I/O error: <urlopen error (-2, 'Name or service not known')>
    yum update
    http://<>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/addons/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (-2, 'Name or service not known')>
    Trying other mirror.
    http://<>/yum/EnterpriseLinux/EL5/latest/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (-2, 'Name or service not known')>
    Trying other mirror.
    Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: el5_latest. Please verify its path and try again
    We would like a simple and correct way of doing this or we will be forced to switch to another os and another provider
    Thanks, for your help

    We purchased Licensed version of Red Hat Linux Oracle for our network server. My boss wanted a simple way of installing Samba on it so that the server can be used for file and printer sharing. We have an active directory on our network and couple of other Windows servers as well as other Red Hat servers. He wants to install Samba on that licensed version so that it can primarily be used for file storage and sharing, he wants to be able to connect with gui type interface to this server from windows machines and linux machines and he wants for this Red Hat Linux Oracle machine to show up in active directory.
    Aparently when we went to Applications, Add Remove Software in Red Hat Fedora Samba was not in there.
    When we go to System, Administration, Server Settings, Services, Samba is also not there.
    Nowhere can we find an easy way of installing samba on this Linux OS.
    I went to your site, signed in, (previously there was only 1 channel available there, I have just recently found and added all the channels that were aplicable to our system) and downloading them now to another version of the same type of Licensed Red Hat Linux Oracle. Hopefully when I use Software Updater in System Tools it will load the packages we are loking for (from the channels I selected on your website). Once that is done I think I could just go to add remove software and install the packages that I need from there.
    I am still not sure why I set out to install repositories on this version of Linux, perhaps I mistakenly thought that once everything is installed (according to directions at on the machine in question I would be able to use that same machine to get the packages for that same machine. We were in such a rush and desperate to put the server on to the network it did not dawn on me that this scenario is designed to have one serve on the network that holds repositories and other machines connect to it for packages.
    I think I am on the right track in my logic, log in to your site with the CSI number, user name and password, select ALL the channels versus only one, save the search, then from the machine update packages, then add new software and Samba Should be in there. I would like to hear your thoughts on this.
    This version of Linux seem like a very reliable version of OS and I would hate to give up on it, especially since we already bought licenses for it, its just that we don't have that much experience with it and I would upreciate all the info that you can give us for it. I am sure that everyone at SMMJ will upreciate you for it.

  • Error message when running Transaction Code = ME84

    i am getting an error message when running Transaction Code = ME84
    Error is 'No processing (error message P5 017), No data for chosen selection'
    can someone please guide me on this ?

    Hi Mahendra,
    There are several reasons for the release not happeneing.
    1. The issue could be in the selection of release type
    2. Scope of selection
    3. Strategy profile
    Please check whether the selection parameters are considered are right for release to happen.

  • Simple Single-Source Replication(error occurred when looking up remote obj)

    I am following the "Simple Single-Source Replication Example"
    In Configure Capture, Propagation, and Apply for Changes to One Table; when I Set the Instantiation SCN for the Table at by following procedure
    2 iscn NUMBER; -- Variable to hold instantiation SCN value
    3 BEGIN
    5 [email protected](
    6 source_object_name => 'scott.emp',
    7 source_database_name => '',
    8 instantiation_scn => iscn);
    9 END;
    10 /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object
    [email protected]
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-02085: database link STR2.NET connects to
    Note also advise where should I have to execute above at (STR1.NET or STR2.NET)

    Good morning Lenin,
    Have you checked the implementation of the connectors and are your locations well registered?
    Has a similar setup ever worked well?
    Can you access the source table using SQL (e.g. with SQL*Plus or TOAD)?
    Regards, Patrick

  • ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT

    Hello everyone,
    When I tried to create a materialized view with refresh fast mode, I encountered following error message.
    The MV log has been created on my_table like this:
    create materialized view log on my_table
    tablespace data3
    with rowid, sequence
    including new values;
    The database link has been created like this:
    CONNECT TO myname
    IDENTIFIED BY mypassword
    USING 'my_db';
    Could anybody please let me know why I can not create MV with refresh fast? What I did wrong?
    Thanks in advance!!!
    MYDB>select count(*) from my_table@my_db;
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    MYDB>create materialized view my_mv
    2 tablespace data4
    3 build immediate
    4 refresh fast with rowid
    5 as
    6 select * from my_table@my_db
    select * from my_table@my_db
    ERROR at line 6:
    ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT@my_db
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 2
    ORA-06544: PL/SQL: internal error, arguments: [55916], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    ORA-06553: PLS-801: internal error [55916]
    ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from my_db
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.29
    MYDB>create materialized view my_mv
    2 tablespace data4
    3 build immediate
    4 as
    5 select * from my_table@my_db;
    Materialized view created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.20

    No, you cannot apply a patch to XE. Basically the XE internal code is the same as for any other edition. That means is there a bug, you have it in XE,too. To get patches you need a licence for metalink/My Oracle Support. But even you would have one, it wouldn't help you, because Oracle does not provide patches for XE.
    That's the 'price' you have to pay for this free edition.

Maybe you are looking for

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