Error 87 repair tool is it legit? and safe to run?

i keep getting error 87 when trying to update  itunes and quicktime   i came across an error 87 repair utility. is this legit?  and safe to run?

Hi there,
I would recommend following the troubleshooting guide below.
Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
-Griff W.

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    Try to uninstall the software again and you have to manually
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    After that try to run the cleaner tool as mentioned by kglad.
    Restart machine and then try to install again.
    *** Make sure , you only delete these folders if there is no other adobe applications installed on the machine. As if you have any other Adobe application of the suite ( not free applications ) then it will be a problem.

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    I can give a few suggestions on Photoshop CC 2014, but Lightroom is a separate forum and you should ask Lr questions there.
    First close Photoshop.
    Then start Photoshop by double-clicking on it's icon and very quickly after that, hold down the ctrl-alt-shift keys until you see the reset dialog. answer "Yes" to delete settings, and let Photoshop continue to load.
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    That one's consistent with disk/file damage. The first thing I'd try with that is running a disk check (chkdsk) over your C drive.
    XP instructions in the following document: How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP
    Vista instructions in the following document: Check your hard disk for errors
    Windows 7 instructions in the following document: How to use CHKDSK (Check Disk)
    Select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors, or use chkdsk /r (depending on which way you decide to go about doing this). You'll almost certainly have to schedule the chkdsk to run on startup. The scan should take quite a while ... if it quits after a few minutes or seconds, something's interfering with the scan.
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    that leaves
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    c) "Copying off whatever files you can salvage" has gone by, and you cannot copy anything off a drive that will not mount. You may be able to use "rescue" programs such as prosoft engineering Data Rescue to copy files to another drive, but that sounds a lot better than its reality. You may get many files, but not get ANY filenames.

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    Have you tried to repair the Office for the user?
    If that won't work, open the Explorer, and navigate to
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    And then open folder
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    Save it and quit Notepad, restart the Computer.
    See if we can get rid of it.
    Max Meng
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as
    answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

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    Thank you!  My solution was different.  I had turned off services in MSCONFIG and did not turn them back on.  After I turned services back on, Acrobat started  working again without the nag error and impedance to use the program.  I appreciate your input!  Adobe customer service/tech support was dismally disappointing.

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    Double post
    Please mark my post as SOLVED if it has resolved your problem. It helps others with similar situations.

  • Office 2007 Inbox repair tool for Outlook

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    If you open your Outlook and receive this message, you may need to use the Inbox Repair Tool to repair your PST file. Follow these steps:
    On the Start menu, click Run.
    In the Open box, type
    drive:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Mapi\LocaleID\scanpst.exe
    where LocaleID is the locale identifier (LCID) for your installation of Microsoft Office. For example, the LCID for English (United States) is 1033. For a list of LCIDs, see Microsoft Office Help.
    Click OK.
    In the Enter the name of the file you want to scan box, type the path and file name given in the error message above.
     Note   You may not be able to use the
    Browse button to locate this file because it is located in a hidden folder.
    To change the options for logging errors during the scan, click Options. If you choose
    Replace log or Append to log, the log file is saved to the same directory as the .pst file.
    Click Start.
    When the file scan is completed, select the Make a backup of scanned file before repairing check box.
    Click Repair.
    If the file is successfully repaired, you will see a Repair complete message. If the Inbox Repair Tool was unable to repair the file, you will need to use a backup of your file.
    Hope that helps.

  • Regarding to Outlook facing the problem. error show check online for a solution and close the problem

    Dear Team,
    Please solve this problem.
    Open the outlook then show below error.
    1. Check online for a solution and close the problem
    2. Close the program
    Please do the needful as well as possible.
    Thanks & Regards.
    Devesh Yadav

    So Outlook has failed to launch and an error dialog (error reporting) pops up. A lot of things can cause this issues.
    One of the main causes is a corrupt Navigation Pane settings file. You might need to start Outlook using the /resetnavpane
    switch. Just run command (Windows key + R), type or paste:
    outlook.exe /resetnavpane  (Please note that you will lose any customizations on the navigation pane)
    In certain cases, a corrupted data file will also cause this problem. So, if the /resetnavpane switch doesn't really work, please try to repair your data file with
    scanpst.exe tool:
    If these cannot fix your issue, please be more specific on the error. Please click the button at the bottom of the error pop ups and copy the
    Problem signature here.
    Ethan Hua CHN
    TechNet Community Support

  • Repair tool needed after every send/receive

    So this problem has been consistent for more than 3 months now. I can open my Outlook just fine and I can do just about anything I need to. I can send, receive, schedule meetings and reminders etc.... But every time I try to remove a message from my .pst,
    I get the error "Errors have been detected...." and I have to run the repair tool. This happens if I move a message from one PST to another or when I try to delete a message. After I run the repair tool and open Outlook, it works fine... then I receive
    a new email and it's the same story all over again. I have literally run the repair tool 2 or 3 times a day for the last few months. 
    I have tried creating a new .PST file and I get the same issue. I have tried disabling all Add-Ins, and the problem is still there. Any suggestions on how to correct this issue?

    Which version of Outlook are you using?
    What’s the file size of your Outlook data file? If the data file size exceed the limit, it may cause some unexpected issue. If so, please delete some unwanted items to reduce the pst file size and then check the result. More information about Outlook pst
    file size limits, please refer:
    Besides, if you installed any security programs, please temporarily turn off them to check the result. Make sure there’s no security program integrated with your Outlook.
    If above not working, please back up your data file on an external drive and then run a scandisk and defrag on the hard drive where you store your pst files. After that, test the issue again.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error when REPAIRING DISK

    And repair disk does not seem to fix this. Any ideas what this mean and should I be worried?

    Yup and in fact it's entirely possible NDD made it worse than helped. That's one of the worst pieces of software for OSX every to hit the market, I've never seen anything so incompetent and useless.
    That said, What I think you ought to do before running any further repairs, is at the very least copy your data files onto another drive or a DVD or what ever. Backup what you have regardless of what you think may or may not be corrupted. The last thing you need is any of these tools fixing the drive and ending up with unreadable sectors where your files sit, then you're looking pretty stuck.
    Forget cloning and all that, just drag and drop files onto a CD-RW and burn them. You can figure out later which ones are busted, and if you drive does get fixed, then you can toss those.
    At this point, I think you have an issue with the drive itself, I think it's more than just corrupted files. So I would seriously consider a replacement drive too. I have only seen a drive not fixable by Disk Utility or DW once, and after formatting it, I could not even install the software on it because of errors the drive was totally kaput.
    How old is your drive/machine anyway? Over 3 years?

  • Is there a Lightroom Catalog Repair Tool?

    I think my Lightroom catalog is fine but I did notice that the integrity check and optimization process took a really long time at one point.  Seems to be back to normal now, and there were never any error messages.
    Catalog has about 35,000 images in it and the backup is about 650 MB.  A normal integrity check/backup/optimization routine takes about 3 minutes, tops.  So when the integrity check by itself was taking 10 minutes, I was getting concerned.
    I'm curious if there is a separate repair tool for the Lightroom catalog.  Microsoft has this type of tool for Microsoft Outlook- called ScanPST it is designed to scan through and repair most problems with the Outlook database.  It would be great if Adobe had a similar tool for the Lightroom database that did not require running Lightroom.
    I can't believe the developers don't have an internal tool that they wrote for that purpose... trick would be getting them to release it to the general public.  (If anyone knows where I can make such a suggestion where it might actually take flight, lemme know.)

    MarloPix wrote:
    I'm curious if there is a separate repair tool for the Lightroom catalog.
    There is not. If catalog goes bad, your only recourse is a backup (I mean, other than ad-hoc repair, or giving to somebody at Adobe..), and if you're smart (er, I mean "concerned enough"), you'll save (xmp) metadata too, as you edit, to supplement a saved catalog backup, should the need arise. That's just my opinion - some people are comfortable relying solely on catalog backups, and don't bother with xmp.
    Suggestion box: Recently active topics in Photoshop Family about Photoshop Lightroom
    Keep expectations low: most suggestions go unacknowledged for years..

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