Error al asignar valores a columnas!!!

necesito ayuda con esto...tengo un procedimiento que agrega valores a un SAPbouiCOM.Column
Dim RS As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
            Dim Bob As SAPbobsCOM.SBObob
            RS = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
            Bob = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoBridge)
            RS = Bob.GetItemList
            Dim i As Integer = RS.RecordCount
            While RS.EoF = False
                    'oColumn.ValidValues.Add(RS.Fields.Item(0).Value, RS.Fields.Item(1).Value) ' ERROR AQUI ó
                    oColumn.ValidValues.Add("1", "2") ' ERROR AQUI
                Catch ex As Exception
                    MsgBox("Error", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
                End Try
            End While
sin embargo me sale este mensaje de error:
Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto.-
Cual puede ser el error?? El oColumn ya esta instanciado, es lo que recibe el procedimiento ...

Hola Jorge... gracias por la verdad ya solucione el problema.. estaba siguiendo un tutorial con us archivo .srf. Era en el diseño donde estaba el problema ya que la primera columna de la matriz debía ser tipo combobox, lo cual el tutorial no lo decia por ninguna parte.
Ahora el tema es el siguiente: instalo mi Addon en SBO pero no puedo ejecutarlo...
¿¿¿cual es la forma correcta de instalarlo???
mi proceso de instalacion es el siguiente:
tengo mi .exe del Addon en la carpeta X
tengo mi .exe del instalador en la carpeta Y con el .exe del Addon como recurso incrustado.
tengo el archivo .ard en la carpeta Z creado con los datos de las carpetas X e Y.
tengo el .srf en la carpeta donde queda instalado el Addon
y bueno, de esta forma voy al SBO y hago el procedimiento normal de registro... luego intento iniciarlo..y hasta aca no mas llegamos... el error es de tipo
obviamente no encuentra un archivo ¿cual?
¿es esta la forma correcta de instalarlo?

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  • Re: BUG? APEX 4.0: ORA-20503 error editing report with 400+ columns

    Hello Everyone.
    I've run into something quite strange and am hoping you can help me.
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    ORA-20503: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process. current checksum = "598CAA7B68746A66F4B99E1512C36DED" application checksum = "0"If if replace the "*" with a few actual column names, then I am able to access any of these columns without problem.
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    Any idea why I would be getting this error?
    Here is the DDL for my table pvtab:
       (     "MICRO" VARCHAR2(4),
         "PRIM" VARCHAR2(4),
         "UNIT" NUMBER,
         "SEC_REF_1" NUMBER,
         "SECN_1" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_2" NUMBER,
         "SECN_2" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_3" NUMBER,
         "SECN_3" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_4" NUMBER,
         "SECN_4" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_5" NUMBER,
         "SECN_5" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_6" NUMBER,
         "SECN_6" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_7" NUMBER,
         "SECN_7" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_8" NUMBER,
         "SECN_8" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_9" NUMBER,
         "SECN_9" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_10" NUMBER,
         "SECN_10" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_11" NUMBER,
         "SECN_11" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_12" NUMBER,
         "SECN_12" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_13" NUMBER,
         "SECN_13" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_14" NUMBER,
         "SECN_14" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_15" NUMBER,
         "SECN_15" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_16" NUMBER,
         "SECN_16" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_17" NUMBER,
         "SECN_17" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_18" NUMBER,
         "SECN_18" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_19" NUMBER,
         "SECN_19" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_20" NUMBER,
         "SECN_20" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_21" NUMBER,
         "SECN_21" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_22" NUMBER,
         "SECN_22" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_23" NUMBER,
         "SECN_23" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_24" NUMBER,
         "SECN_24" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_25" NUMBER,
         "SECN_25" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_26" NUMBER,
         "SECN_26" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_27" NUMBER,
         "SECN_27" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_28" NUMBER,
         "SECN_28" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_29" NUMBER,
         "SECN_29" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_30" NUMBER,
         "SECN_30" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_31" NUMBER,
         "SECN_31" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_32" NUMBER,
         "SECN_32" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_33" NUMBER,
         "SECN_33" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_34" NUMBER,
         "SECN_34" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_35" NUMBER,
         "SECN_35" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_36" NUMBER,
         "SECN_36" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_37" NUMBER,
         "SECN_37" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_38" NUMBER,
         "SECN_38" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_39" NUMBER,
         "SECN_39" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_40" NUMBER,
         "SECN_40" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_41" NUMBER,
         "SECN_41" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_42" NUMBER,
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         "SECN_43" VARCHAR2(88),
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         "SECN_44" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_45" NUMBER,
         "SECN_45" VARCHAR2(88),
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         "SEC_REF_47" NUMBER,
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         "SEC_REF_48" NUMBER,
         "SECN_48" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_49" NUMBER,
         "SECN_49" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_50" NUMBER,
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         "SEC_REF_52" NUMBER,
         "SECN_52" VARCHAR2(88),
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         "SECN_53" VARCHAR2(88),
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         "SECN_54" VARCHAR2(88),
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         "SECN_55" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_56" NUMBER,
         "SECN_56" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_57" NUMBER,
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         "SEC_REF_58" NUMBER,
         "SECN_58" VARCHAR2(88),
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         "SECN_158" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_159" NUMBER,
         "SECN_159" VARCHAR2(88),
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         "SECN_160" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_161" NUMBER,
         "SECN_161" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_162" NUMBER,
         "SECN_162" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_163" NUMBER,
         "SECN_163" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_164" NUMBER,
         "SECN_164" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_165" NUMBER,
         "SECN_165" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_166" NUMBER,
         "SECN_166" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_167" NUMBER,
         "SECN_167" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_168" NUMBER,
         "SECN_168" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_169" NUMBER,
         "SECN_169" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_170" NUMBER,
         "SECN_170" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_171" NUMBER,
         "SECN_171" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_172" NUMBER,
         "SECN_172" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_173" NUMBER,
         "SECN_173" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_174" NUMBER,
         "SECN_174" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_175" NUMBER,
         "SECN_175" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_176" NUMBER,
         "SECN_176" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_177" NUMBER,
         "SECN_177" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_178" NUMBER,
         "SECN_178" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_179" NUMBER,
         "SECN_179" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_180" NUMBER,
         "SECN_180" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_181" NUMBER,
         "SECN_181" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_182" NUMBER,
         "SECN_182" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_183" NUMBER,
         "SECN_183" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_184" NUMBER,
         "SECN_184" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_185" NUMBER,
         "SECN_185" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_186" NUMBER,
         "SECN_186" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_187" NUMBER,
         "SECN_187" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_188" NUMBER,
         "SECN_188" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_189" NUMBER,
         "SECN_189" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_190" NUMBER,
         "SECN_190" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_191" NUMBER,
         "SECN_191" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_192" NUMBER,
         "SECN_192" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_193" NUMBER,
         "SECN_193" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_194" NUMBER,
         "SECN_194" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_195" NUMBER,
         "SECN_195" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_196" NUMBER,
         "SECN_196" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_197" NUMBER,
         "SECN_197" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_198" NUMBER,
         "SECN_198" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_199" NUMBER,
         "SECN_199" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_200" NUMBER,
         "SECN_200" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_201" NUMBER,
         "SECN_201" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_202" NUMBER,
         "SECN_202" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_203" NUMBER,
         "SECN_203" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_204" NUMBER,
         "SECN_204" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_205" NUMBER,
         "SECN_205" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_206" NUMBER,
         "SECN_206" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_207" NUMBER,
         "SECN_207" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_208" NUMBER,
         "SECN_208" VARCHAR2(88)
       );Thank you for any help/advice.
    Edited by: EEG on Jun 12, 2011 2:09 PM

    So, is there some limit to the number of columns one can have in a "classic" or interactive report?Yes. See Oracle® Application Express Application Builder User's Guide Release 4.0, Appendix B: Oracle Application Express Limits.
    Any idea why I would be getting this error?No, but I've replicated it in APEX on EE using a table of 420 <tt>varchar2(88)</tt> columns:
    ORA-20503: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process. current checksum = "50C9BDC0AA1AEF0EB272E9158B2117B4" application checksum = "0"
    Happens whether using <tt>select *</tt> or including all column names in the query. (I know you don't want to type all the column names, but I'd never use <tt>select *</tt> in a production application: always use a proper column list. You can get one without typing by drag-and-drop of a table in most IDEs, or a query from <tt>user_tab_columns</tt>.)
    I hit the problem at 274 columns. Such an arbitrary number leads me to think that the problem is not one of the number of columns per se, but is due to some other limit (possibly a 32K VARCHAR2/RAW buffer somewhere).
    Updates to the report column attributes are actually being saved, and you can navigate them using the Page Definition tree view as described in Appendix B.
    Getting More Help:
    This is probably a bug. If you have a support agreement with Oracle raise an SR with Oracle Support.
    <li>Search the forum using the "ORA-20503" code and other possible terms to see if there's anything relevant. I had a quick look but the only thread in this context recommended an upgrade on an Oracle 9 DB version that's not compatible with APEX 4.0.
    <li>To get the attention of the Oracle APEX team or anyone else who may know more about this problem than we do, edit your original post and change the Subject to be more specific about the actual nature of the problem: <em>BUG? APEX 4.0: ORA-20503 error editing report with 400+ columns</em>, and include your database version/edition and the definition of the <tt>PVTAB</tt> table.
    Somebody's bound to ask, so we might as well get started:
    <li>Why so many columns?
    <li>What requirement is this trying to fulfil?

  • [Flat File Destination [220]] Error: Failed to write out column name for column "Column 2"

    I am using SSIS to extract fixed width data into a flat file destination and I keep getting below error. I have tried almost everything in this forum but still no solution. can anyone help me out to solve this problem.
    [Flat File Destination [220]] Error: Failed to write out column name for column "Column 2".
    [SSIS.Pipeline] Error: component "Flat File Destination" (220) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202095

    Hi Giss68,
    Could you check the Advanced tab of the Flat File Connection Manager to see whether the InputColumnWidth and the OutputColumnWidth properties of the Column2 has the same value? Please refer to the following link about the same topic: 
    If it doesn’t work, please post the sample data and the advanced settings of Column2 for further analysis.
    Mike Yin
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error While fetching data error on line 2 at column 245:

    This page contains the following errors:
    error on line 2 at column 245: Opening and ending tag mismatch: img line 0 and span
    Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
    I'm not using date column in report.

    at least, isn't this should be in double quotes: 'Stock Order'
    i.e. 'Stock Order' change to "Stock Order"
    seems you either using some customized RMS or you have couple errors in table names and columns names as well.

  • TS1424 All of my books in iBooks have the following message:  "this page has the following errors:  error on line 1 at column 1 document is empty error on line 1 : encoding error..,...". Any advice?

    All of my books in iBooks have the following message:  "this page has the following errors:  error on line 1 at column 1 document is empty error on line 1 : encoding error..,...". Any advice?

    I have the same problem. I've tried to restart my Ipad and downloaded the book again several times but nothing has changed. There aren't any reviews on the book with that problem and I've got the latest version of iBook so I don't know what else I can do to get the book which I've paid for. Does anyone have another idea what I could do? (maybe one of the above might help you, Paul)

  • Ibooks Error This page contains the following errors: error on line 1 at column 1: Document is empty error on line 1 at column 1: Encoding error Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error

    I am getting this error with my latest Ibook,
    This page contains the following errors:
    error on line 1 at column 1: Document is empty error on line 1 at column 1: Encoding error
    Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error
    Can anyone offer a fix?

    I have the same problem. I've tried to restart my Ipad and downloaded the book again several times but nothing has changed. There aren't any reviews on the book with that problem and I've got the latest version of iBook so I don't know what else I can do to get the book which I've paid for. Does anyone have another idea what I could do? (maybe one of the above might help you, Paul)

  • 500 Internal Server Error - java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index

    500 Internal Server Error
    java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index     at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(     at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(     at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(     at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSetImpl.getObject(     at com.stardeveloper.servlets.db.InsertServlet.doPost(     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(     at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(     at Source)     at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(     at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(     at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(     at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]     at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]     at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$     at
    This is the connection part of the java code
         // connecting to database
              Connection con = null;
              Statement stmt = null;
              ResultSet rs = null;
              PreparedStatement ps = null;
              try {
              con=DriverManager.getConnection("host:port:sid, userName, password");
                   String sql;
              sql = "INSERT INTO USERSS(user_id, username) VALUES (?,?)";
                   ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
                   stmt = con.createStatement();
                   // inserting records
                   if(proceed) {
                        ps.setString(1, user_id);
                        ps.setString(2, username);
    desc userss;
    Name Null? Type
    Index_Name table_name
    when I try to insert values, it is inserting, but at the end I am getting the above error. I am using JDeveloper 10g and database [Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production]

    I suggest you should alter the JDBC Driver and select one for Oracle 9i.
    Which version is your JDev10g?

  • SQL*Loader-930: Error parsing insert statement for column

    we upload data on daily basis in application throug apps user and these table are invloved
    1. DEV_RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL(owner is a apps)
    2.RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL(owner is a AR)
    we do steps
    1 delete record from DEV_RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table
    2 delete record from      RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table
    3 load data using sql loader with apps user
    4 insert in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table
    we want to change user i mean these step do dataupload user not apps
    we give the proper rights to dataupload like select,delete and insert rights on these table to dataupload user but when i going to load data throug sql loader we receive error
    SQL*Loader-930: Error parsing insert statement for column APPS.DEV_RA_INTERFACE_
    ORA-00904: "F_ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDR_REF": invalid identifier
    and if i insert data through apps then done.

    make sure that u have no speces left
    between lines.
    give the path of control file path correctly.

  • Apex error - A maximum of 100 columns can be selected

    Oracle 11.2
    Apex 4.1
    I have a dynamic classic report which brings back the result through a function. The report result shows data by week based on the dates selected. When the report has more than 100 columns I am getting the error - 'A maximum of 100 columns can be selected'. Is there a way to avoid the 100 columns limit in the report? Also is it possible to export the report to CSV file directly without getting this error in the report page?
    We are planning to upgrade to 4.2. Has this limitation been fixed in 4.2?

    code78 wrote:
    Oracle 11.2
    Apex 4.1
    I have a dynamic classic report which brings back the result through a function. The report result shows data by week based on the dates selected. When the report has more than 100 columns I am getting the error - 'A maximum of 100 columns can be selected'. Is there a way to avoid the 100 columns limit in the report? Also is it possible to export the report to CSV file directly without getting this error in the report page?Edit your report region > Under region Source > enter a number that matches your requirement into Maximum number of generic report columns
    You can create a custom procedure to generate data in csv format and print it to browser.

  • ODI Agent error: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name

    When running a scenairo on a standalone ODI agent, it hangs on "Wait" state. The ODI agent's log is logging the following errors over and over again.
    We are in Fusion Application Development and are using Middleware D8B4A RC5.
    [2011-01-07T14:35:16.381-08:00] [odi] [WARNING] [] [oracle.odi.agent] [tid: 4215] [ecid: 0000IpYbCrKE8TQRyaJ7D01D8^zE00009o,0] /oraclediagent/[[
    [2011-01-07T14:35:18.341-08:00] [] [ERROR] [ODI-1131] [] [tid: 4214] [ecid: 0000IpYaiZCE8TQRyaJ7D01D8^zE00009n,0] [arg: OracleDiAgent] [arg: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name] Agent OracleDiAgent encountered an error: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name

    Are you sure the datasources point to the right master/work configuration, and that your repository is correctly up-to-date? This looks like the agent trying to connect a repository, but the repository is not updated correctly, or misses some columns. The whole stack (and the name of the missing column) would help of course.

  • Error querying fact: -2417217900 invalid column name

    Dear Xperts
    while validating script logic it gives error"error querying fact: -2417217900 invalid column name P_ACCT"
    P_ACCT dimension created by me.
    problem has started today while creating new script logic.
    as old logic created earlier was sucessfully validated
    new logic was created refering document 330 for bpc,so there is no scripting error
    pls guide me through this.

    thanks  for ur advice
    i was able  to validate logics previously.
    i tried way you sugested but was unable to validate.
    i also  tried updating that dimension members but it was giving me some olap querry error while processing dimension after changing dimension members.
    so finally i deleted that dimension created new one did whole process again
    & was successfull
    but i wanted to know why this error could have occured

  • Errors processing after adding Computed Column to Time.

    Errors in the high-level relational engine. The 'Time' table is based on a named query, and contains one or more computed columns. A table based on a named query cannot contain computed columns. If the computed columns are necessary, add them to the query
    Help me, pls! Thanks!

    Hi CUONGNV0207,
    According to your description, you get this error when processing cube. Right?
    As the error message mentioned, a table based on a named query cannot contain computed columns. If you create a computed column in this table, it will throw this error. In this scenario, please go to the DSV and check if that table is set up with named query.
    You can replace it with a DimTable in your database.
    cryptic error when processing cube
    Errors processing after adding Computed
    Column to Time
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Simon Hou
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error(1,1): Line 1, Column 1 : XML-20108: (Fatal Error) Start of root elem

    Plz tell me the solution of the following error .
    Error(1,1): <Line 1, Column 1>: XML-20108: (Fatal Error) Start of root element expected.
    Error: java.lang.NullPointerException

    Where r u getting the error?

  • What does this error means? "Line 20 column 57: character content of element "language" invalid; must be a string with length equal to 3 (actual length was 7) at XPath /package/book/metadata/languages/language" "

    Hi there.
    I am about to publish a book in English and Chinese.
    What does this error means?
    Line 20 column 57: character content of element "language" invalid; must be a string with length equal to 3 (actual length was 7) at XPath /package/book/metadata/languages/language"
    And where is line 20, column 57?
    Thanks folks!

    Go into iTunes Producer and select from the dropdown, don't type.
    iBooks Author Guide

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