Error en traslado IVA diferido

el programa RFUMSV50 no nos genera los documentos SA de traslado de IVA diferido si el documento original factura tiene dos tipos de IVA, falla en la FB05 al seleccionar partidas ya que selecciona todas las que tiene para el mismo documento y claro, descuadra.
Debería seleccionar solo la de mismo importe.
Es tan de cajón que me debo haber olvidado de alguna nota específica del RFUMSV50, alguien puede ayudarnos,
Saludos y gracias!!

Si lo he intentado, solo con clave de superusuario lo puedo hacer, no quiero pensar que un ERP de clase mundial como es SAP se caiga en algo tan simple y que posse para los perfiles de usuario una gran cantidad de autorizaciones , y peor aun que nadie pueda responderme o ayudarme  a resolver el problema me preocupa , ya que solo llevamos 1 año con SAP y no se que me espera en un futuro.
Ojala me puedan ayudar.

Similar Messages

  • Error Pago Recibido

    Alguien me podria indicar porque me sale el siguiente mensaje al realizar un pago recibido aplicado a notas de crédito y facturas:
    [SQL native client] COUNT field incorrect or sintaxis de error 'Transacciones de IVA' (OTAX) (Tables list:OTAX,TAX1).

    Buenas tardes.
    Hay una nota de SAP 1251100 que menciona un eror de aplicación relacionado, cuando existen transacciones de reconciliación interna (como las que se generan tras la migración) que tienen algún problema.
    Sería conveniente revisar si existe alguna reconciliación interna incorrecta para el Socio de Negocio que realizó el pago.
    Menciona además que la solución de este problema la libera SAP en el siguiente PL; por lo que sugiero, descargar e instalar el último PL y verificar el funcionamiento.
    De seguir presentándose el error, es mejor generar un ticket de soporte.
    Espero se solucione el inconveniente.

  • IVA - Portugal  - Novo Regime de IVA nos Transportes

    Bom dia
    Como  fazer em SAP  para deduzir o IVA apenas com o recibo ?
    Podem comentar como fizeram ?

    Boa tarde a Carolina
    Desde já agradeço a resposta .
    A criação de codigos de IVA  diferidos ,  já foi tida em conta e nao minha opinião não se adequa  ,isto porque  a legislação trata o recibo como o ponto chave para a dedução do IVA ,  este apenas pode ser deduzio quando tivermos a nossa posse o recibo e na sua data .
    Assim   diferir o IVA apenas com a data do nosso pagamento não chega , isto porque nessa data não temos o recibo nem garantia que ele virá com a data do meu pagamento . ( em maior parte dos caso o recibo tem a data da recepão do cheque ou transferencia , nao da emissao .....)  se isso ocorrer por exemplo no final do mês , a dedução do IVA pode passar para o mês seguinte .
    Por isso o recibo é a referencia para deduzir o IVA  e teremos que encontrar uma forma de  acusar a recepção do recibo .


    Passing these values to header data and item data
    e_header-invoice_ind     = 'x'.
      e_header-doc_date        = sy-datum.
      e_header-pstng_date       = sy-datum.
    e_header-comp_code        = '1505'.
      e_header-currency         = 'USD'.
      e_header-gross_amount    = '25.31'.
       e_header-calc_tax_ind    = 'X'.
    e_header-ref_doc_no   = 'Teste BAPI'.
    e_header-currency     = 'USD'.
    t_itemdata-invoice_doc_item = '000001'.     " Item
    t_itemdata-po_number        = '4500472005'. " Pedido
    t_itemdata-po_item          = '0010'.       " Item Pedido
    t_itemdata-tax_code         = 'I0'.         " Taxa IVA
    t_itemdata-item_amount      = '25.31'.     " Montante
    t_itemdata-quantity         = '432'.      " Quantidade
    t_itemdata-po_unit          = 'PCS'.         " Unidade
    t_itemdata-item_text        = 'VAN-C21740'. " Texto
    append t_itemdata.
    Getting error  System error: Error in routine MRM_DRSEG_FILL(SAPLMRMH)
    Can anybody tell me what is the cause,appreciate quick response.

    Populate the same data in MIRO..And check if you able to manually create the invoice..

  • Error when updating data in a form based in a view

    i have 5 tables for enterprise data (telephone, fax and so on). i want to create a form based in all those tables, so i create a view over all the 5 tables and create the form. but when calling the portlet and trying to alter (update, insert, etc.) the data i get this error. Seems that i missed to do something with my tables but i don't know what does that non key-preserved thing mean.The error is the following:
    Error: Cannot link to the module: 1901051912 ORA-01445: cannot select ROWID from a join view without a key-preserved table (WWV-16062)
    An unexpected error occurred: ORA-01445: cannot select ROWID from a join view without a key-preserved table (WWV-16016)
    Any help will be welcomed.
    Thanks in advance.
    Regards. Urko.

    You cannot update, insert, or delete records from a form that's based on a view. That is because rowid is not in the view, so it cannot lock records.

  • Error in XML process generated

    please, I need your help. I have an XML develped in APEX 4.1.1. but I have a problem, because the "SRI_COMPRAS" table has 38 columns with 950 rows, and the xml is generated only when considering the first 14 columns of this table with all existing records. But I need generate this XML with all the columns of "SRI_COMPRAS".
    The process is:
    select xmlElement(
    xmlElement("mes", J.MES),
    "compras", (
    select xmlAgg(
    xmlElement("codSustento", K.COD_SUSTENTO),
    xmlElement("tpldProv", K.TPLD_PROV ),
    xmlElement("idProv", K.ID_PROV ),
    xmlElement("tipoComprobante", K.TIPO_COMPROBANTE),
    xmlElement("fechaRegistro",to_char(K.FECHA_REGISTRO, 'DD/MM/YYYY') ),
    xmlElement("establecimiento", K.ESTABLECIMIENTO ),
    xmlElement("puntoEmision", K.PUNTO_EMISION ),
    xmlElement("secuencial", K.SECUENCIAL),
    xmlElement("fechaEmision", to_char(K.FECHA_EMISION, 'DD/MM/YYYY') ),
    xmlElement("autorizacion", K.AUTORIZACION ),
    xmlElement("baseNoGraIva", K.BASE_NO_GRA_IVA ),
    xmlElement("baseImponible", K.BASE_IMPONIBLE ),
    xmlElement("baseImpGrav", K.BASE_IMP_GRAV ),
    xmlElement("montoIce", K.MONTO_ICE ),
    xmlElement("montoIva", K.MONTO_IVA ),
    xmlElement("valorRetBienes", K.VALOR_RET_BIENES),
    xmlElement("estabRetencion1", K.ESTAB_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("ptoEmiRetencion1", K.PTO_EMI_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("secRetencion1", K.SEC_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("autRetencion1", K.AUT_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("fechaEmiRet1", to_char(K.FECHA_EMI_RET_1,'DD/MM/YYYY')),
    xmlElement("docModificado", K.DOC_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("estabModificado", K.ESTAB_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("ptoEmiModificado", K.PTO_EMI_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("secModificado", K.SEC_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("autModificado", K.AUT_MODIFICADO)
    "air", (
    select xmlAgg (
    xmlElement (
    xmlForest (
    P.COD_RET_AIR as "codRetAir",
    from SRI_COMPRAS K
    ) )).getClobVal()
    into l_clob_XML
    from ...
    buffer := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(l_clob_XML, text_1, text_2);
    EXIT WHEN buffer IS NULL;
    text_1 := text_1 + text_2;
    The error generate is: "error on line 2 at column 1: expect '>'"
    Edited by: JohannaCevallos07 on Sep 28, 2012 6:37 AM

    Actually the problem occurs when the xml file is generated with all the columns of the tables. Not seeing any data in th xml file and includes that message of error.
    When in the xml code I determined display all the information of the tables considering only specific columns (14 columns for example) the xml file is generated successfully with all the information contained in the table only for those columns. but I need this xml file is generated with all the information for the tables columns describes in the first post publicated. : (
    Do you have any idea of the cause for this error? Can you help me, please?

  • Error generating XML in Apex 4.1.1

    please, I need your help. I have an XML develped in APEX with this process:
    select xmlElement(
    xmlElement("mes", J.MES),
    "compras", (
    select xmlAgg(
    xmlElement("codSustento", K.COD_SUSTENTO),
    xmlElement("tpldProv", K.TPLD_PROV ),
    xmlElement("idProv", K.ID_PROV ),
    xmlElement("tipoComprobante", K.TIPO_COMPROBANTE),
    xmlElement("fechaRegistro",to_char(K.FECHA_REGISTRO, 'DD/MM/YYYY') ),
    xmlElement("establecimiento", K.ESTABLECIMIENTO ),
    xmlElement("puntoEmision", K.PUNTO_EMISION ),
    xmlElement("secuencial", K.SECUENCIAL),
    xmlElement("fechaEmision", to_char(K.FECHA_EMISION, 'DD/MM/YYYY') ),
    xmlElement("autorizacion", K.AUTORIZACION ),
    xmlElement("baseNoGraIva", K.BASE_NO_GRA_IVA ),
    xmlElement("baseImponible", K.BASE_IMPONIBLE ),
    xmlElement("baseImpGrav", K.BASE_IMP_GRAV ),
    xmlElement("montoIce", K.MONTO_ICE ),
    xmlElement("montoIva", K.MONTO_IVA ),
    xmlElement("valorRetBienes", K.VALOR_RET_BIENES),
    xmlElement("estabRetencion1", K.ESTAB_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("ptoEmiRetencion1", K.PTO_EMI_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("secRetencion1", K.SEC_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("autRetencion1", K.AUT_RETENCION_1),
    xmlElement("fechaEmiRet1", to_char(K.FECHA_EMI_RET_1,'DD/MM/YYYY')),
    xmlElement("docModificado", K.DOC_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("estabModificado", K.ESTAB_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("ptoEmiModificado", K.PTO_EMI_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("secModificado", K.SEC_MODIFICADO),
    xmlElement("autModificado", K.AUT_MODIFICADO)
    "air", (
    select xmlAgg (
    xmlElement (
    xmlForest (
    P.COD_RET_AIR as "codRetAir",
    from SRI_COMPRAS K
    into l_clob_XML
    from ...
    buffer := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(l_clob_XML, text_1, text_2);
    EXIT WHEN buffer IS NULL;
    --proceso para preparar la informacion
    text_1 := text_1 + text_2;
    but I have a problem, because the "SRI_COMPRAS" table has 38 columns with 950 rows, and the xml is generated only when considering the first 14 columns in that table with all existing records. But I need generate this XML with all the columns of "SRI_COMPRAS".
    The error generate is: *"error on line 2 at column 1: expect '>'"*
    Edited by: JohannaCevallos07 on Sep 27, 2012 3:25 PM

    AdamQ wrote:
    Why is apex_application.add_validation_error deleted in Apex 4.1?What version were you using?
    I thought this was a supported API.Why? It wasn't documented. Off the map there be dragons:
    Always better to seek clarification before tickling their tails:
    (I'm waiting patiently...)
    Re: How to create an Apex 3.1 a session context programmatically? contributes to the confusion: that kind of thing is interesting and helpful (unit test package code that references APEX collections) but you use it at your own risk, with appropriate circumspection when it comes to inclusion in production code.
    In my opinion it's bad practice on Oracle's part to include private/unpublished methods in the same packages as public/published APIs. Instead of the {noformat}<tt>apex_*</tt>{noformat} APIs consisting of synonyms on {noformat}<tt>wwv_*</tt>{noformat} objects they should be wrapper packages that only expose public, documented methods&mdash;and preferably these public packages should be in their own schema. Wouldn't hurt performance too much would it? (Guess I'll have to benchmark that...)
    Another question is why not all of the {noformat}<tt>wwv_*</tt>{no format} package bodies are wrapped to limit off-road exploration and subsequent exposure of undocumented methods?

  • MIRO balance error in case of invoice reduction - Brazil

    Dear experts,
    we would like to use the "invoice reduction" functionality in MIRO in Brazil. This is possible without problems in case there are no taxes.
    If there are taxes we get balance errors due to the fact that the 2 FI-documents which should be posted do not balance to 0 (only the total balance is 0).
    Does anybody know how to treat this problem?
    Edited by: Andreas Sturm on Sep 17, 2010 2:50 PM

    Moderator message:
    Hi Andreas, Portuguese forum, please post it in that Language. May help you to read and post.
    I've translated this one for you.
    Caros experts,
    Gostariamos de usar a funcionalidade "invoice reduction" na MIRO no Brasil. Isto funciona sem problemas se impostos não existirem.
    Se existem impostos então recebemos um erro de saldo pois 2 documentos de FI são postados e o saldo não é 0 (somente o saldo total é 0).
    Alguem sabe como tratar este problema?
    Andres, a thread IVA Revenda com ICMS, IPI, PIS e COFINS para não contribuinte do IPI pode ser útil.
    Atenciosamente, Fernando Da Ró

  • DTW - oVatGroups error message

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to update the vat groups table through DTW. Many of the tax rates must be changed from 21% to 20% and doing it manually would take a lot of time.
    What happens is that i'm always getting an error message:
    "Can not find this object in B1Application-defined or object-defined error65171"
    Anyone can help me with this?
    Pedro Santos

    Ok Gordon, here it is. The columns are RecordKey, AcquisitionReverse, Category, Correction, EU, Name and VatCorrection. This happens with all th fields.
    3;      D10;     N;          Input Tax;      N;          N;          Iva Dedutivel O.B.S. 20% M.Nac;                         R18;
    Pedro Santos
    Edit: Sorry, just to put the commas to separate the columns.
    Edited by: Pedro Santos on Feb 9, 2010 5:28 PM

  • FF 708 - Error in account determination: table T030R key PCOM INX

    Hello All!!
    I´m utilizing a IVA for service purchase.
    This problem only occurr in purchase with IVA of service and not for material.
    To my knowledge for customizing of service IVA, the key PCOM INX is not necessary.
    Why the system is considering mandatory the customization of key PCOM INX?

    It might be due to note 1126157 - Balance error because of tax exchange rate
    Check information in note  1177493 - MIRO: Tax rate diff. line despite no alternative rate

  • InternalError: Error in CachedJarFile entries

    Our Java Web Start application (using jar indexing) blocks with the following error when loading a certain jar from the cache. Uninstalling and clearing the webstart cache fixes the problem for one execution, but then the same exception starts being thrown. After the exception has occurred the application often freeze.
    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.InternalError: Error in CachedJarFile entries
    at com.sun.deploy.cache.CachedJarFile$2.nextElement(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader.validIndex(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader.getResource(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader.getResource(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.URLClassPath.getResource(Unknown Source)
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at com.sun.jnlp.JNLPClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at$000(Unknown Source)
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at com.sun.jnlp.JNLPClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
    the problem has been reproduced on:
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04)
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_18-b07)
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_23-b07)
    on the following o.s. :
    Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    Microsoft Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]

    One important note: the error occurs when the jar is found in the cache, so the first time the application is executed the app works fine.
    To reproduce the problem you need to restart the application one second time, because in the first execution the jar is downloaded without problems and only in the second execution the jar is found in the cache and the error occurs.
    Here is the console with deployment.trace.level=all and deployment.trace=true in
    Java Web Start 1.6.0_23
    Uso della versione JRE 1.6.0_23-b05 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    Directory principale utente = C:\Users\Fabio
    basic: Java part started
    basic: jnlpx.jvm: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.6.0_23\bin\javaw.exe
    basic: jnlpx.splashport: 51049
    basic: jnlpx.remove: true
    basic: jnlpx.heapsize: NULL,512M
    network: Caricamento della configurazione proxy definita dall'utente ...
    network: Fine.
    network: Browser is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -requestPending -osint -url "%1"
    network: Browser is Firefox
    network: Caricamento della configurazione proxy da Netscape Navigator ...
    network: Fine.
    network: Caricamento della configurazione proxy diretta ...
    network: Fine.
    network: Configurazione proxy: Nessun proxy
    security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.
    security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,com.sun.javaws
    security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,com.sun.javaws
    security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy
    security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy
    security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp
    security: property package.definition value null
    security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws
    security: property package.definition value com.sun.javaws
    security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy
    security: property package.definition value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy
    security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp
    security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp
    security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp,org.mozilla.jss
    security: property package.definition value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp
    security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp,org.mozilla.jss
    basic: Running JVMParams: [JVMParameters: isSecure: true, args: -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx512m]
         -> [JVMParameters: isSecure: true, args: -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx512m]
    network: Created version ID:
    network: Created version ID: 1.6
    temp: new XMLParser with source:
    temp: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jnlp codebase="http://t:50080" href="/client/sicraweb_manziana.jnlp" spec="1.0+">
    <vendor>Saga S.p.A.</vendor>
    <homepage href="Sicraweb.html"/>
    <icon href="/client/web/logo32.png"/>
    <icon href="/client/web/splash.png" kind="splash"/>
    <update check="always"/>
    <j2se java-vm-args="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m" max-heap-size="512M" version="1.4+"/>
    <jar download="eager" href="/client/signed-jars/" main="true"/>
    <extension href="/client/saga-index.jnlp" name="saga-index"/>
    <extension href="/client/sicraweb-resources-ver260.jnlp" name="sicraweb-resources"/>
    <extension href="/client/acme-capi.jnlp" name="acme-capi"/>
    <extension href="/client/jboss-client.jnlp" name="jboss-client"/>
    <extension href="/client/gnome-javatwain.jnlp" name="gnome-javatwain"/>
    <extension href="/client/bouncy-castle.jnlp" name="bouncy-castle"/>
    <application-desc main-class="">
    returning ROOT as follows:
    <jnlp codebase="http://t:50080" href="/client/sicraweb_manziana.jnlp" spec="1.0+">
    <vendor>Saga S.p.A.</vendor>
    <homepage href="Sicraweb.html"/>
    <icon href="/client/web/logo32.png"/>
    <icon href="/client/web/splash.png" kind="splash"/>
    <update check="always"/>
    <j2se java-vm-args="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m" max-heap-size="512M" version="1.4+"/>
    <jar download="eager" href="/client/signed-jars/" main="true"/>
    <extension href="/client/saga-index.jnlp" name="saga-index"/>
    <extension href="/client/sicraweb-resources-ver260.jnlp" name="sicraweb-resources"/>
    <extension href="/client/acme-capi.jnlp" name="acme-capi"/>
    <extension href="/client/jboss-client.jnlp" name="jboss-client"/>
    <extension href="/client/gnome-javatwain.jnlp" name="gnome-javatwain"/>
    <extension href="/client/bouncy-castle.jnlp" name="bouncy-castle"/>
    <application-desc main-class="">
    temp: returning LaunchDesc from XMLFormat.parse():
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://t:50080/" href="http://t:50080/client/sicraweb_manziana.jnlp">
    <vendor>Saga S.p.A.</vendor>
    <homepage href="http://t:50080/Sicraweb.html"/>
    <icon href="http://t:50080/client/web/logo32.png" kind="default"/>
    <icon href="http://t:50080/client/web/splash.png" kind="splash"/>
    <update check="always" policy="always"/>
    <java max-heap-size="536870912" java-vm-args="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m" version="1.4+"/>
    <jar href="http://t:50080/client/signed-jars/" download="eager" main="true"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/saga-index.jnlp" name="saga-index"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/sicraweb-resources-ver260.jnlp" name="sicraweb-resources"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/acme-capi.jnlp" name="acme-capi"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/jboss-client.jnlp" name="jboss-client"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/gnome-javatwain.jnlp" name="gnome-javatwain"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/bouncy-castle.jnlp" name="bouncy-castle"/>
    <application-desc main-class="">
    basic: new Launcher:
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://t:50080/" href="http://t:50080/client/sicraweb_manziana.jnlp">
    <vendor>Saga S.p.A.</vendor>
    <homepage href="http://t:50080/Sicraweb.html"/>
    <icon href="http://t:50080/client/web/logo32.png" kind="default"/>
    <icon href="http://t:50080/client/web/splash.png" kind="splash"/>
    <update check="always" policy="always"/>
    <java max-heap-size="536870912" java-vm-args="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m" version="1.4+"/>
    <jar href="http://t:50080/client/signed-jars/" download="eager" main="true"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/saga-index.jnlp" name="saga-index"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/sicraweb-resources-ver260.jnlp" name="sicraweb-resources"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/acme-capi.jnlp" name="acme-capi"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/jboss-client.jnlp" name="jboss-client"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/gnome-javatwain.jnlp" name="gnome-javatwain"/>
    <extension href="http://t:50080/client/bouncy-castle.jnlp" name="bouncy-castle"/>
    <application-desc main-class="">
    network: prepareToLaunch: offlineOnly=false
    network: Voce cache trovata [url: http://t:50080/client/sicraweb_manziana.jnlp, versione: null] prevalidated=false/0
    temp: new XMLParser with source:
    temp: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jnlp codebase="http://t:50080" href="/client/sicraweb_manziana.jnlp" spec="1.0+">
    <vendor>Saga S.p.A.</vendor>
    <homepage href="Sicraweb.html"/>
    <icon href="/client/web/logo32.png"/>
    <icon href="/client/web/splash.png" kind="splash"/>
    <update check="always"/>
    <j2se java-vm-args="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m" max-heap-size="512M" version="1.4+"/>
    <jar download="eager" href="/client/signed-jars/" main="true"/>
    <extension href="/client/saga-index.jnlp" name="saga-index"/>
    <extension href="/client/sicraweb-resources-ver260.jnlp" name="sicraweb-resources"/>
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    temp: returning LaunchDesc from XMLFormat.parse():
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    temp: returning LaunchDesc from XMLFormat.parse():
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    network: ResponseCode per http://t:50080/client/sicraweb-resources-ver260.jnlp : 304
    network: Codifica per http://t:50080/client/sicraweb-resources-ver260.jnlp : null
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    network: Downloaded extension: http://t:50080/client/sicraweb-resources-ver260.jnlp
         codebase: http://t:50080/client/
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    temp: new XMLParser with source:
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    <description>Jars usati da Sicraweb</description>
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    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.controls.grid.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="eager" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.messages.client.jar"/>
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    <jar download="eager" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.controls.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="eager" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.commonDataTypes.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="eager" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.common.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="eager" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.baseForms.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="eager" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.logging.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.controls.editableGrid.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.expressionBuilder.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.objectview.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.controls.grid.client.jar"/>
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    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/pvxAll.jar"/>
    <nativelib href="/client/signed-jars/lib/native/it.saga.extern.javatwain.native.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/jdev-rt.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.anagrafeUnica.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.pagamenti.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.tributi.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.tributi.reports.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.protocollo.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.organigramma.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.configuration.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.controllogestione.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.check.version.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.importExport.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.documentiCollegati.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.digitalsignature.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/hibernate/hibernate3.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/hibernate/antlr.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/hibernate/asm.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.bonifiche.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.paginator.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.chart.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/chartdirector_s.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.anagrafe.export.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.elettorale.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.serviziDemografici.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.alboPretorio.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.anagrafeUnica.core.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/NCSO.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/Notes.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.finanziaria.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.finanziaria.reports.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.finanziaria.tesorieri.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/saxon.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.ici.client.jar"/>
    <jar download="eager" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/j2ee/ejb.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/j2ee/jms.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/j2ee/jta.jar"/>
    <jar download="lazy" href="/client/signed-jars/lib/j2ee/servlet.jar"/>
    <!-- Inizio null -->
    <!-- Fine null -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.workflow.core.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Workflow -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.anagrafeMinimale.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Anagrafe Minimale -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.activation.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Activation -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.calendario.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Calendario -->
    <!-- Inizio catastoImportazione -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.catasto.importazione.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine catastoImportazione -->
    <!-- Inizio CommonDataTypes -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/" download="eager"/>
    <!-- Fine CommonDataTypes -->
    <!-- Inizio Hibernate -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/lib/hibernate/hibernate3-core.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/lib/hibernate/hibernate2-wrapper.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Hibernate -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.cimiteri.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine CIM -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.censimentoImmobili.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Censimento Immobili -->
    <!-- Inizio OpenOffice -->
    <!-- Fine OpenOffice -->
    <!-- Inizio Contratti -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.contratti.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Contratti -->
    <!-- Inizio OpenSignPDF -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/lib/opensignpdf.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/lib/log4j.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <nativelib href="/client/signed-jars/lib/native/it.saga.extern.opensignpdf.native.jar"/>
    <!-- Fine OpenSignPDF -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.elettorale.reports.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Inizio Sistema informativo geografico -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.library.gis.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Sistema informativo geografico -->
    <!-- Inizio JOGL -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/lib/gluegen-rt.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/lib/jogl.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <nativelib href="/client/signed-jars/lib/native/it.saga.extern.jogl.native.jar"/>
    <!-- Fine JOGL -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/" download="lazy"/>
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.giudiciPopolari.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Giudici Popolari -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.iva.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Iva -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/" download="lazy"/>
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.leva.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Leva -->
    <jar href="/client/signed-jars/it.saga.pubblici.magazzino.client.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <!-- Fine Magazz
    Trace message truncated for length over 10K

  • Hola, Tengo un grave error con mi iPod Touch 4G.

    Bueno hace unas semanas me compre mi primer iPod Touch 4G, todo iva bien hasta que lo quise Actualizar, bueno lo actualize pero antes de terminada me salio un Error, no recuerdo el número del error, y mi iPod se actualizaba pero se ponia muy lento, al ponerlo horizontalmente en las canciones, este se ponia lento al deslizar mi dedo y aveces me "tiraba" fuera de las canciones, luego cambie el ipod por otro igual, lo actualize y me paso exactamente lo mismo.
    Luego de este ultimo lo cambie y este que conservo aun no lo eh actualizado.
    Quisiera saber que es lo que pasa, eh querido actualizar bien mi iPod, me da miedo de que le ocurra denuevo lo mismo.
    Muchas gracias de antemano, Adios

    Me no speak spanish! But I is learning at school!

  • Macbook pro mid 2010 nvidia gt330m errore s4088

    Vorrei sapere se a qualcuno è capitato l'errore TS4088 ovvero il crash della scheda video nvidia dedicata gt 330m, provocando frequenti kernel panico ed altri problemi al vostro Mac.
    La mia esperienza chiusasi oggi negativamente con il mondo apple è questa:
    L'errore in argomento, appurato presso un centro apple al quarto anno di vita del mio Mac, non è riparabile in garanzia sebbene di fatto errore di fabbrica riconosciuto (sostituzione della scheda logica).
    Apple ha esteso la garanzia per questo tipo di problema fino a tre anni pur sapendo che il problema si presenta dopo un enne uso del mac. Quindi chi non lo usa per professione ha rischiato come me che l'errore sia puntualmente arrivato dopo i tre anni di vita.
    La riparazione ovvero la sostituzione dell'intera scheda logica presso un centro apple costa 500 euro iva esclusa mentre in laboratorio riparano (alla meglio) la scheda video per 200 euro.
    Inoltre il Macbook, contrariamente a quanto riferitomi dal genius della apple non è da buttare perché grazie ad un programma di terze parti gfxcardstatus è possibile disabilitare la scheda video dedicata facendolo funzionare perfettamente con qualche limite oggettivo, solo con quella integrata.
    Attendo le vostre esperienze,
    grazie Raffaele

    You need to make an appointment to bring this into the Apple store. From what you're saying this looks like it has the high potential to be a hardware problem and only Apple can resolve it. Looking at the video it reminds me of my 2007 MacBookPro that had an nvidia problem. That required a motherboard replacement from Apple.

  • Error 1015.... Keeps coming up half way restoring my iphone 3g and i dont no why? help??

    cn someone please help me?? i am really stuck as now cnt use my phone??

    I translated..
    El problema -> El itunes me dijo que habían como 12 canciones que tenían mejor calidad. yo decidí intercambiar las canciones que tienen mejor fidelidad en itunes.
    Itunes me pregunto si quería que ponga las canciones que iva a remplazar en “desk top” a lo cual yo respondí que si. El itunes hizo algo.. no puso las canciones viejas en el desk top pero cuando fui a sincronizar recibí el error 13019.
    La solución para los usuarios de Windows.. busca todas las canciones *.m4a que se han modificado en tu compu durante el día del incidente.. toma nota de los nombres de las canciones.
    En itunes busca estas canciones y deselecciona las canciones.. (con suerte veras que las canciones están seleccionadas dos veces.. deselecciona todas las canciones que fueron modificadas en ese día. Al final asegurase que tienes seleccionado la opción de solo sincronizar las canciones que están seleccionadas en tu lista.) y trata de sincronizar con itunes..

  • Creating CreditNote throw  Internal error -5002

    Hi experts,
    I have a problem creating CreditNote via DI.
    thorw error: "Returncode: -5002:: Se produjo un error interno (-5002)"  (internal error)
    Anybody could help me? Its extrange this error because the same code had work fine times ago
    My code is:
    oAbono.CardCode = oDev.CardCode
                        oAbono.DocType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDocumentTypes.dDocument_Items
                        oAbono.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oInvoices
                        oAbono.DocumentSubType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDocumentSubType.bod_None
                        oAbono.DocDate = oDev.DocDate
                        oAbono.SalesPersonCode = oDev.SalesPersonCode
                        'amm 20081014 forzar % a cero oAbono.DiscountPercent = oDev.DiscountPercent
                        oAbono.Comments = "Viene del albarán: " + oDev.DocNum.ToString
                        oAbono.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FGIMAR").Value = oDev.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FGIMAR").Value
                        oAbono.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FGIDEMAR").Value = oDev.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FGIDEMAR").Value
                        oAbono.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FGIName2").Value = oDev.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FGIName2").Value
                        strProducto = "Select [U_FGIVIAB] as Via, [U_FGICONB] as Cond from [@FGIPAR]"
                        oAbono.PaymentMethod = orecordset.Fields.Item("Via").Value
                        oAbono.PaymentGroupCode = orecordset.Fields.Item("Cond").Value
                        oAbono.HandWritten = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                        'Linea de factura
                        strProducto = "Select [U_FGIPRD] as Prod, [U_FGIPRD1] as Prod1,[U_FGIPRD2] as Prod2, [U_FGIPRD3] as Prod3 from [@FGIPAR]"
                        If oDev.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FGIMAR").Value = "101" Then
                            oAbono.Lines.ItemCode = orecordset.Fields.Item("Prod").Value.ToString
                        End If
                        If oDev.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FGIMAR").Value = "103" Then
                            oAbono.Lines.ItemCode = orecordset.Fields.Item("Prod1").Value.ToString
                        End If
                        If oDev.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FGIMAR").Value = "104" Then
                            oAbono.Lines.ItemCode = orecordset.Fields.Item("Prod2").Value.ToString
                        End If
                        If oDev.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_FGIMAR").Value = "102" Then
                            oAbono.Lines.ItemCode = orecordset.Fields.Item("Prod3").Value.ToString
                        End If
                        strIva = "Select [U_FGIIVAR] as Iva from [@FGIPAR]"
                        oAbono.Lines.VatGroup = orecordset.Fields.Item("Iva").Value.ToString
                        ' Para los albaranes  tomamos el total del albarán.
                        oAbono.Lines.Quantity = 1
                        Dim precio As Double
                        precio = (oDev.DocTotal - oDev.VatSum)
                        Dim neto As Double
                        neto = precio
                        oAbono.Lines.Price = CDbl(neto)
                        lRetCode = oAbono.Add()
                        If lRetCode <> 0 Then
                            vCompany.GetLastError(lErrCode, sErrMsg)
                            GuardarLog("InsertarOfertaEspecialAbono: Failedu2026; Returncode: " + CStr(lErrCode) + ":: " + sErrMsg)
                            Return False
                        End If

    Solved problem!.
    The Origin of then problem is a PaymentMethod.
    My AddOn set PaymentMethod ='C' and this paymentMethod is not set in BP Card.
    I hope this trhead would be useful for the future for another person

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