ERROR: "info.plist does not validate against DTD"

Hi! I got this error if anyone has it solved Please HELP.
I am trying to package a WRT widget using Nokia WRT extension for Adobe Dreamweaver. This is the place for info on the extension:
I figure developer from here who use DW to develop mobile content might know the error.
When come to the step of 'Package Nokia WRT Widget' I got this error: info.plist does not validate against DTD
and a page of error info shown like this:
DTD validated at: Wed Jun 17 2009 19:03:00 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)
DTD used for validation:
DTD did not contain element declaration for document type name
Attribute "version" exists, but can not be used for this element.
element "plist" undefined. Did you mean "applet" or "strike"?
element "dict" undefined. Did you mean "strike" or "input"?
element "key" undefined. Did you mean "strike" or "blockquote"?
element "string" undefined. Did you mean "strong" or "strike"?
element "key" undefined. Did you mean "strike" or "blockquote"?
element "string" undefined. Did you mean "strong" or "strike"?
element "key" undefined. Did you mean "strike" or "blockquote"?
element "string" undefined. Did you mean "strong" or "strike"?
element "key" undefined. Did you mean "strike" or "blockquote"?
element "string" undefined. Did you mean "strong" or "strike"?
element "key" undefined. Did you mean "strike" or "blockquote"?
element "true" undefined. Did you mean "textarea" or "tr"?
Can anyone knows what this means and how i can solve it?
Please help. Thankyou.
note: I am new here and knows that keep asking quesion without giving back is not good but I have a deadline here and wanted to finish the job. I will read some other post and try to help in return when I am able to do so.

Hi pziecina,
Thanks for your reply,
I suspect my problem is the installation or setup of my system or software. as the result i tested is not by doing any scripting at all. All I did is following one of their example exactly ( nsion/QuickStart.xhtml) and package strightaway without modifying the code. because I want to make sure i got the extension install correctly. even so by packaging one of their ready make example already yield this error.

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  • Task.toXML() creates xml that does not validate against WorklistTask.xsd

    I am using the worklist API and I am using the toXML() function provided in the Task object to serialize my Task info to XML. It produces XML that looks alot like a "task" Element. But, it does not validate against the WorkflowTask.xsd schema. What is even more odd is that XML looks different than the xml I see when I look at the data in the BPEL Console.
    For example, the first XML document below is from Task.toXML. notice that it's first child element is taskId. According to the xsd, that is not valid. The second xml document in this post is from the console. it appears to be valid.
    Am I doing something wrong or should I just not expect the worklist api to produce valid xml? (correction: should I not expect the worklist api to xml that validates?)
    <task xmlns=""><taskId>0D7B97F1B138EE21E04017AC2B194357</taskId><title>Payment not posted by payee</title><isGroup>true</isGroup><acquiredBy/><owner>bpeladmin</owner><conclusion/><state>ASSIGNED</state><subState>ASSIGNED</subState><processId>ResearchRequestWorkflow</processId><processName>ResearchRequestWorkflow</processName><versionNumber>1</versionNumber><notm>1</notm><taskGroupId/><taskType></taskType><identificationKey>PAULA MERRILL, 2069</identificationKey><priority>3</priority><creator>bpeladmin</creator><creationDate>2006-02-23T14:53:08.000-05:00</creationDate><updatedBy>bpeladmin</updatedBy><modifyDate>2006-02-23T14:53:08.000-05:00</modifyDate><flexString1>1140724383057</flexString1><flexString2>PAULA MERRILL</flexString2><flexString3>PAULA MERRILL</flexString3><flexString4>PaymentId3489</flexString4><flexLong1>0</flexLong1><flexLong2>0</flexLong2><flexDouble1>0.0</flexDouble1><flexDouble2>0.0</flexDouble2><processVersion>1.0</processVersion><instanceId>2304</instanceId><domainId>default</domainId><approvers/><hasSubTasks>false</hasSubTasks><processOwner>bpeladmin</processOwner><pattern>SINGLE_APPROVAL</pattern><taskNumber>10240</taskNumber><systemString1/><systemString2/><systemString3/><versionReason>Task Created</versionReason><assigneeGroups>ResearchManager</assigneeGroups><payload confirmation_number="1140724383057" due_date="2006-02-22-05:00" reason="Payment not posted by payee"><requester xmlns=""><first>PAULA MERRILL</first><last>PAULA MERRILL</last><tax_id/></requester><payment_type xmlns="" number="">insuranceauto</payment_type><record_info xmlns=""><creation app="EU" by="282950" date="2006-02-23T14:53:03.056-05:00"/><updation app="EU" by="282950" date="2006-02-23T14:53:03.056-05:00"/></record_info><payment xmlns="" id="3489"><bank_info bank_id="2" funds_model="RISK"/><payment_info><confirmation_number>5428</confirmation_number><amount formattedValue="77.00" value="77"/><payment_date>2006-01-06-05:00</payment_date><check_number>5851</check_number><funded>false</funded><merged>false</merged><network id="3" status="ACTIVE" type="C">MOORE</network><alert_on_completion>false</alert_on_completion><alert_number_days_before>0</alert_number_days_before><scheduled_info id="2278"><scheduled_for_date formatted="01/06/2006">2006-01-06-05:00</scheduled_for_date><scheduled_on_date formatted="01/06/2006">2006-01-06-05:00</scheduled_on_date><created_user_id>282950</created_user_id><updated_user_id>0</updated_user_id></scheduled_info></payment_info><payee_info id="24958" relationship_id="6004"><payee_account_number>JUNIT123</payee_account_number><nick_name>blahblah</nick_name><name>complexpayeenameforatest</name><address1>123 main street</address1><address2>c/o anybody</address2><city>Dark Cityrandomizer</city><state>CT</state><zip>06512</zip><network id="3" status="ACTIVE" type="C">MOORE</network></payee_info><customer_info id="2069"><name>PAULA MERRILL</name><customer_account_id>8</customer_account_id><customer_account_number>213</customer_account_number><customer_routing_number>111111111</customer_routing_number><address1>Ernest Hemingway Drive</address1><city>Springfield</city><state>IL</state><zip>62703</zip></customer_info><state_info><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>958</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-10-24-05:00</state_date><state formatted="Check Cashed by Payee" id="2">Cleared</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number></state_info><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>0</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>0</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="6">Created</state><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:33-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>0</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="6">Created</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:35-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>0</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="22">Waiting for Decision</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:36-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="12">Ready for Funding</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:01-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="9">Funded</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:01-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>0</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="12">Ready for Funding</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:03-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>958</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="9">Funded</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:43:56-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>958</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="Mailed" id="11">Payment Sent</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:43:59-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>958</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-10-24-05:00</state_date><state formatted="Check Cashed by Payee" id="2">Cleared</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="EU" by="9999999" date="2006-02-03T12:38:08-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:33-05:00"/><updation app="EU" by="9999999" date="2006-02-03T12:38:08-05:00"/></record_info><research_request>false</research_request></payment></payload></task>
    When Im look at the same task in the BPELConsole, the task looks like:
    <title>Payment not posted by payee</title>
    <payload confirmation_number="1140724383057" due_date="2006-02-22-05:00" reason="Payment not posted by payee" >
    <first>PAULA MERRILL</first>
    <last>PAULA MERRILL</last>
    <payment_type number="" >insuranceauto</payment_type>
    <creation app="EU" by="282950" date="2006-02-23T14:53:03.056-05:00" />
    <updation app="EU" by="282950" date="2006-02-23T14:53:03.056-05:00" />
    <payment id="3489" >
    <bank_info bank_id="2" funds_model="RISK" />
    <amount formattedValue="77.00" value="77" />
    <network id="3" status="ACTIVE" type="C" >MOORE</network>
    <scheduled_info id="2278" >
    <scheduled_for_date formatted="01/06/2006" >2006-01-06-05:00</scheduled_for_date>
    <scheduled_on_date formatted="01/06/2006" >2006-01-06-05:00</scheduled_on_date>
    <payee_info id="24958" relationship_id="6004" >
    <address1>123 main street</address1>
    <address2>c/o anybody</address2>
    <city>Dark Cityrandomizer</city>
    <network id="3" status="ACTIVE" type="C" >MOORE</network>
    <customer_info id="2069" >
    <name>PAULA MERRILL</name>
    <address1>Ernest Hemingway Drive</address1>
    <state formatted="Check Cashed by Payee" id="2" >Cleared</state>
    <state formatted="In Process" id="6" >Created</state>
    <creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:33-05:00" />
    <state formatted="In Process" id="6" >Created</state>
    <creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:35-05:00" />
    <state formatted="In Process" id="22" >Waiting for Decision</state>
    <creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:36-05:00" />
    <state formatted="In Process" id="12" >Ready for Funding</state>
    <creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:01-05:00" />
    <state formatted="In Process" id="9" >Funded</state>
    <creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:01-05:00" />
    <state formatted="In Process" id="12" >Ready for Funding</state>
    <creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:03-05:00" />
    <state formatted="In Process" id="9" >Funded</state>
    <creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:43:56-05:00" />
    <state formatted="Mailed" id="11" >Payment Sent</state>
    <creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:43:59-05:00" />
    <state formatted="Check Cashed by Payee" id="2" >Cleared</state>
    <creation app="EU" by="9999999" date="2006-02-03T12:38:08-05:00" />
    <creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:33-05:00" />
    <updation app="EU" by="9999999" date="2006-02-03T12:38:08-05:00" />
    <versionReason>Task Created</versionReason>
    <identificationKey>PAULA MERRILL, 2069</identificationKey>
    <flexString2>PAULA MERRILL</flexString2>
    <flexString3>PAULA MERRILL</flexString3>
    Message was edited by:

    I am using
    that object has a toXML method.
    To get that object, I am using the RemoteWorklistServiceClient.getWorlistTaskById method.
    A word of caution. Not only am I still having the issue above (I had to hack my own WorkflowTask.xsd to make it validate) but I have noticed that the toXML() method actually returns different results when you think it would not. For example, I have something similar to the following code:
    The first and last toXML methods produce strings that do not match (it adds some empty elements to the end of the document). Weird. Very Weird.

  • While creating Update rules -"Error Info source does not exist"

    While creating an update rule I am getting an error that Info source doesnot exist though the inf source is active.
    here is error:
    No communication structure exists in version  abc...   A
    Message no. RSAU251
    In order to be able to maintain the update rules an active communication structure must be available.
    This error message can have two causes.
    No active communication structure exists.
    Activate the communication structure in the Data Warehousing Workbench.
    No communication structure exists for the InfoSource.
    Create a communication structure in the Data Warehousing Workbench for the InfoSource.
    <<text removed>>
    Edited by: Matt on Apr 26, 2010 9:31 AM

    Hi Vasu,
    as it clearly shows below message
    No communication structure exists for the InfoSource.
    Create a communication structure in the Data Warehousing Workbench for the InfoSource.
    Create an info source first and assign it to your datasource and map the fileds in transfer rules and activate it.
    Then try to create the update rules between your target and info source.
    Hope this helps.

  • Uploading AIR for IOS thru Application Loader I get the following error - The package does not contain an Info.plist.

    I'm publishing an .fla in AIR for IOS.
    I'm in CC 2014 so first I need to know which AIR should I publish in?
    newest is AIR for IOS
    IOS deployment type is App Store
    publishes with no error.
    I see the following files included .swf and app.xml
    I convert the .ipa to a zip file
    Upload that thru the Application Loader I get the following error
    The package does not contain an Info.plist.
    Where is the infoplist for this and do I convert the .ipa and the info to a zip file?
    I converted the .ipa to a .zip and the intoplist file is NOT THERE  how do I generate this?
    Any help here?

    Ok this is becoming very very frustrating as I have been at this for hours now. So the only way to explain this is to write what I did step by step as I have to be doing something wrong, just to recap:
    I was publishing from Flash CC 2014 using AIR 14.0 and getting Digital Certificate is not valid message.
    Was instructed to download new AIR 17 , I did this installed into Flash and used to publish.
    I used my previous p12, app ID and distribution certificates all generated properly.
    The file worked ONCE but I got an app ID error ( I understood I used the wrong app ID)
    I changed it to the right app ID and the very next time and after 10 attempts I got the same error  Digital Certificate is not valid
    SO I then downloaded AIR 16.0
    went to publish and I STILL GET THE SAME MESSAGE   Digital Certificate is not valid

  • When ever I reboot my device, I get an error message that says, "runtime error info.plist not found". What is this, how does it effect my ipod and how do I correct this error?

    I have an ipod touch 64gb. Lately, I discovered an error message on the lockscreen that says "Runtime Error Info.plist not found". What is this, will it effect my ipod, how does it effect my ipod and how do I correct the error? (I see the error message when I power up my ipod and when I reboot).

    Follow  this article:
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows

  • How to fix runtime error info.plist not found?

    i have an ipod touch 5G on ios 7.0.6 and I decided to respring the springboard but when it came back on it displayed a box saying "runtime error: info.plist not found with options of continue or exit." I have tried both but none work. please help

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost      
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings                 
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                               
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.                       
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar              

  • I submitted my podcast and I got an email saying error, I checked with the feed validator and got this message: This feed does not validate. line 40, column 6: Undefined item element: itunes:order, how do sort this out, someone help me please.

    I submitted my podcast and I got an email saying error, I checked with the feed validator and got this message: This feed does not validate. line 40, column 6: Undefined item element: itunes:order, how do sort this out, someone help me please.

    Ignore it. 'itunes:order' is a recent addition which FeedValidator doesn't know about. If your podcast is rejected that is unlikely to be the reason. Of course as you haven't posted the feed URL nor the text of the error message I can't make any further comment.

  • Error ACLContainer: 65315 does NOT EXIST in  the Object Cache for parentID:

    I did the following steps to upgrade the OWB repository from 10g to 11g
    • Created a dummy workspace in the 11.2 repository
    • Created users in the destination environment
    • Run Repository Assistant against the 11.1 source database
    • Then selected *“Export entire repository to a file”* and selected the MDL(10g) to import
    After 99% of completing I have got the below error
    Error ACLContainer: 65315 does NOT EXIST in  the Object Cache for parentID: 65314
    Please let me know the solution.

    Hi I had the same error and worked on it for almost a week with no success but there is few work around for this try it it might work for you.
    Step 1>Run a health check on OWB 10.2 enviroment(make sure you clone your OWB 10.2 enviroment and then do this healthcheck ,these checks are tricky )
    Note 559542.1 Health Check of the Oracle Warehouse Builder 10.2 Metadata Repository
    This will give you info about your missing ACL
    Step 2> download these two scripts fixLostACLContainer.sql ,fixAllACLContainers.sql
    please refer :
    Note 559542.1 Health Check of the Oracle Warehouse Builder 10.2 Metadata Repository
    OWB 10.2 - Internal ERROR: Can not find the ACL container for object (Doc ID 460411.1)
    Note 754763.1 Repository Cleanup Script for OWB 10.2 and OWB 11.1
    Note 460411.1 Opening Map Returns Cannot find ACL Containter for Object
    Note 1165068.1 Internal Error: Can Not Find The ACL Containter For for object:CMPPhysical Object
    It might resolve this ACL issue but it did not work for me.
    If none of these work then
    Perform export from design center of OWB 10.2 and import through design center of OWB 11.2.(ONLY OPTION)
    It worked for me.

  • Purchase info record does not exists in purchase organization 1000

    Hi experts,
              I have created a new enterprise structure in SAP. when i am creating a PO its picking the correct info record, but when i am doing GR, its giving the error as 'purchase info record does not exists in purchase organization 1000". I have maintained everything perfect. the only thing i have changed is I have moved the open and close period from 11-2002 to 12-2008 in MMPV.
             Please give me some suggestions, where it can go wrong.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Guys,
              Thanks for all yours responses, Actually what deepak said was right, but in my IDES system i am not able to create new entries in assign plant to std purchase org. I found the database view for that, V_001W_E its for table T001W. So i looked into that table i found that std purchase org was given as 1000. i made direct entries in that table, i thought the reason for this may be due to , that i copied plant from 1000. After making entries , i did not got the error message that was i am previously getting.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Error "Item 000010 does not exist" while creating sales order in VA01

    Dear All,
    As per customer requirement we are trying to validate shipping data( item level) and unloading point( item level)  by customer enhancement.
    Enhancement:       V45A0003
    Function Module:    EXIT_SAPMV45A_003
    INCLUDE:                ZXVVAU05
    Inside include we have written validation code that if user enters any wrong value for shipping data or unloading data
    system will throw error message accordingly.
    It is working fine and we are getting error message if wrong shipping data or unloading data is entered.
    But after the error message is displayed if we try to save the sales order  again system throws a STOP message as a POPUP
    saying "Item 000010 does not exist".
    Now,if we enter proper shipping data or unloading data and try to save the salesorder it is throwing error "Item 000010 does not exist"..
    Please let me know your valuable input on this.
    Edited by: Arindam Ganguly on Mar 11, 2010 1:55 PM

    It sounds like your error routine has prevented the insertion of the data in VBAP or XVBAP internal tables.  Therefore, upon return to the screen and SAVE, SAP is examining the VBAP or XVBAP table, comparing to the 'I' index table probably, and finding that there is supposed to be an item 10, but it's not in the necessary table(s).    This may be resulting because your internal tables are now inconsistent.
    Look at where your inserted error coding is may want to move that to the SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE routine in MV45AFZZ, so that everything will have been built, and a final check of the content will stop the sales order save until the data is corrected.
    Edited by: Breakpoint on Mar 11, 2010 3:29 PM

  • Error: Requested resource does not exist with SAP WebAS..deployed an ear

    i deployed an application using SDM gui deployement manger.   the application is built using struts,spring etc. I have also created a datasource with Oracel 9i succesfully and hav associated it with the application.
    When i try to access the application using the struts based path i get an "<b>ERROR 404:- Error: Requested resource does not exist</b>". I also tried accessing the index.jsp page directly without struts paths but dont know why i get an error "<b>File [appContext/admin/index.jsp] not found in application root of alias [/] of J2EE application [].</b>"
    The same ear is working perfectly fine with IBM WSAD but not in SAP Web AS ?? is there any configuration issues that i need to address ?? Kindly help me ASAP !!

    The Required server log contents are as follows:-[impl:3]_37##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Plain###Runtime error in compiling of the JSP file <C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps/> !
    The error is: TagLibValidator returns error(s) for taglib [/WEB-INF/c.tld]: [ Fatal Error: Unsupported character: a9(:main:, row:739, col:23)(:main:, row=739, col=23) -> Unsupported character: a9(:main:, row:739, col:23)
    Exception id: [000CF1AFC124017A000000000000067000041B1D550F4D94]#[impl:3]_37##0#0#Error##Plain###Processing HTTP request to servlet [action] finished with error. The error is: Internal error while parsing JSP page [C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps/].
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.doForward(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.internalModuleRelativeForward(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processForward(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.doForward(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processForwardConfig(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    Caused by: TagLibValidator returns error(s) for taglib [/WEB-INF/c.tld]: [ Fatal Error: Unsupported character: a9(:main:, row:739, col:23)(:main:, row=739, col=23) -> Unsupported character: a9(:main:, row:739, col:23)
         ... 37 more[impl:3]_37##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server/WebRequests#Plain###Processing HTTP request to servlet [action] finished with error.
    The error is: Internal error while parsing JSP page [C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps/].
    Exception id: [000CF1AFC124017A000000030000067000041B1D550F5C88]#

  • TS2167 I am running OS X 10.8.2 and IWeb 3.0.4 (601) and everytime I try to publish my website I get an unexpected error and it does not publish my changes. My website is pretty simple, mostly made up of iPhoto albums in different categories.

    I am running OS X 10.8.2 and IWeb 3.0.4 (601) and everytime I try to publish my website I get an unexpected error and it does not publish my changes. My website is pretty simple, mostly made up of iPhoto albums in different categories.

    Where are you publishing to?  Can you publish successfully to a folder on your hard drive? Have you read this webpage: Publish iWeb site using FTP. It may have a clue to where the problem is.
    A quick troubleshooting fix is
    Try the following:
    1 - delete the iWeb preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iWeb's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
    User/Home/Library/Caches/ folder (Snow Leopard and Earlier).
    3 - launch iWeb and try again.
    NOTE:  In Lion and Mountain Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    However, when you delete the preference file you probably will have to use the app described below to select and open your domain file with iWeb:
    In Lion and Mountain Lion the Home/Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    To open your domain file in Lion or Mountain Lion or to switch between multiple domain files Cyclosaurus has provided us with the following script that you can make into an Applescript application with Script Editor. Open Script Editor, copy and paste the script below into Script Editor's window and save as an application.
    do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write iWebDefaultsDocumentPath -boolean no"delay 1
    tell application "iWeb" to activate
    You can download an already compiled version with this link: iWeb Switch Domain.
    Just launch the application, find and select the domain file in your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder that you want to open and it will open with iWeb. It modifies the iWeb preference file each time it's launched so one can switch between domain files.
    WARNING: iWeb Switch Domain will overwrite an existing Domain.sites2 file if you select to create a new domain in the same folder.  So rename your domain files once they've been created to something other than the default name.

  • Firefox shows an unknown certificate error while Chrome does not for same site

    On a site at which Credit Card payment info is shown, Firefox is reporting a certificate error while Chrome does not. Prefer to use FF but need to know if warning is right or not. Have cleared the cache and still get the warning. This is new to FF as we've used it on this site for several years.

    HI khetheri,
    In order to better test the certificate may we request the certificate without the private keys? I have some backup from the security team if this is possible.
    There is a temporary work around as well but I don't recommend turning on all certificates to make sure it is not a compatibility error(ish)
    It is possible to check if it is being detected as a bad certificate in Firefox itself to eliminate compatibility issues.
    # In the [[Location bar autocomplete|Location bar]], type '''about:config''' and press '''Enter'''. The about:config "''This might void your warranty!''" warning page may appear.
    # Click '''I'll be careful, I promise!''', to continue to the about:config page.
    # Search for '''browser.xul.error_pages.expert_bad_cert ''' and set it to true to try the certificate normally.
    Looking forward to your reply!

  • Digital signature does not validate with the given key

    We are switching our single-signon provider from openssl to Weblogic's SAML. I am trying to create a test application that will send mock SAML assertions to our test Weblogic SAML server before we begin integration with the client that will send real SAML assertions.
    I have configured a Weblogic 10.3.5 instance to be a SAML Service Provider as well as created an application that creates test SAML assertions to post to the SAML server. I'm currently using a self-signed certificate to sign the SAML assertion. I've imported the self-signed cert into both the DemoIdentiy.jks and cacerts on the Weblogic SAML server.
    The Weblogic SAML server is giving the following error when trying to validate the signature of the assertion:
    <SAML2Assert: Start verify assertion signature>
    <SAML2Assert: The assertion is signed.>
    <SAML2Assert: Digital signature does not validate with the given key
    org.opensaml.xml.validation.ValidationException: Digital signature does not validate with the given key
    at org.opensaml.xml.signature.SignatureValidator.validate(
    I get this error when the SAML assertion includes both the cert and the public key, just the cert, just the public key or neither.
    I'm pretty sure I've configured the SAML instance correctly since I followed the steps provided by another group who got this working with a different client. The only difference is they are using a real signed certificate (Verisign i believe) instead of a self signed cert.
    I'm looking for any help to track down which step in the process I've missed or implemented incorrectly.
    Edited by: 911967 on Feb 6, 2012 12:26 PM

    So I found my own answer to the issue. The error was being caused by an the following xml in the assertion:
    <ds:Reference URI="">
    The value of URI attribute must have a '#' followed by the same value of the ID attribute in the parent 'Assertion' element (in our case a random string):
    <saml:Assertion xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" ID="a5k42vnhsywezqzyufq15c4bb9xuzeozrmbppj38xe" IssueInstant="2012-03-12T14:33:25.986Z" Version="2.0">
    <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
    *<ds:Reference URI="#a5k42vnhsywezqzyufq15c4bb9xuzeozrmbppj38xe">*
    How this is related to the digital signature is beyond me, though I admit I'm very new to saml and digital signing. However I spent a great deal of time investigating my certs and how I was creating the signature, which it seems is unrelated to the actual issue. I also wasn't able to find any docs specifying that this attribute was required, though I might have just missed it.

  • Copy response to FTP Device failing - ERROR: E_NOENT - File Does Not Exist

    I have a asset subscription that encodes and delivers to a FTP server when a checkbox is ticked in an asset's metadata.
    Whilst the clip is transcoded and delivered, the copy response reports a failure with the message: 'ERROR: E_NOENT - File Does Not Exist: <filename>.<eextension>' referring to the transcoded file
    The subscription has 3 responses, A WMV, a FLV and a JPG compression, all of which work if I export the asset manually.
    It doesn't matter which response I put first in the Subscription as they all report the error and stop the other 2 responses.
    I have had a search through the previous discussions, but couldn't find any answers.
    I am running a fresh install of OSX Server 10.5.5 with just Final Cut Server installed, and everything is up to date (Pro Apps and FCSvr, Java etc).
    The only other apps installed are:
    Fibrejet 2.7.3
    Flip4Mac WMV Studio Pro HD
    Adobe CS3 Flash Video Encoder

    I am having a similar issue. All I am trying at the moment is a nuts and bolts copy to an FTP device. I have checked and rechecked remote directories, permissions, and login info. My copy response will transcode to a web-friendly quicktime, then fails trying to copy, saying the file doesn't exist.
    I think I am missing a fundamental part of the process but reading through the manuals hasn't turned up solutions.

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