Task.toXML() creates xml that does not validate against WorklistTask.xsd

I am using the worklist API and I am using the toXML() function provided in the Task object to serialize my Task info to XML. It produces XML that looks alot like a "task" Element. But, it does not validate against the WorkflowTask.xsd schema. What is even more odd is that XML looks different than the xml I see when I look at the data in the BPEL Console.
For example, the first XML document below is from Task.toXML. notice that it's first child element is taskId. According to the xsd, that is not valid. The second xml document in this post is from the console. it appears to be valid.
Am I doing something wrong or should I just not expect the worklist api to produce valid xml? (correction: should I not expect the worklist api to xml that validates?)
<task xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/taskservice/task"><taskId>0D7B97F1B138EE21E04017AC2B194357</taskId><title>Payment not posted by payee</title><isGroup>true</isGroup><acquiredBy/><owner>bpeladmin</owner><conclusion/><state>ASSIGNED</state><subState>ASSIGNED</subState><processId>ResearchRequestWorkflow</processId><processName>ResearchRequestWorkflow</processName><versionNumber>1</versionNumber><notm>1</notm><taskGroupId/><taskType>http://blade-11.payveris.com:9700/orabpel/default/ResearchRequestWorkflow/1.0/taskConfigResearchRequest.xml</taskType><identificationKey>PAULA MERRILL, 2069</identificationKey><priority>3</priority><creator>bpeladmin</creator><creationDate>2006-02-23T14:53:08.000-05:00</creationDate><updatedBy>bpeladmin</updatedBy><modifyDate>2006-02-23T14:53:08.000-05:00</modifyDate><flexString1>1140724383057</flexString1><flexString2>PAULA MERRILL</flexString2><flexString3>PAULA MERRILL</flexString3><flexString4>PaymentId3489</flexString4><flexLong1>0</flexLong1><flexLong2>0</flexLong2><flexDouble1>0.0</flexDouble1><flexDouble2>0.0</flexDouble2><processVersion>1.0</processVersion><instanceId>2304</instanceId><domainId>default</domainId><approvers/><hasSubTasks>false</hasSubTasks><processOwner>bpeladmin</processOwner><pattern>SINGLE_APPROVAL</pattern><taskNumber>10240</taskNumber><systemString1/><systemString2/><systemString3/><versionReason>Task Created</versionReason><assigneeGroups>ResearchManager</assigneeGroups><payload confirmation_number="1140724383057" due_date="2006-02-22-05:00" reason="Payment not posted by payee"><requester xmlns="http://www.pp.com/schema"><first>PAULA MERRILL</first><last>PAULA MERRILL</last><tax_id/></requester><payment_type xmlns="http://www.pp.com/schema" number="">insuranceauto</payment_type><record_info xmlns="http://www.pp.com/schema"><creation app="EU" by="282950" date="2006-02-23T14:53:03.056-05:00"/><updation app="EU" by="282950" date="2006-02-23T14:53:03.056-05:00"/></record_info><payment xmlns="http://www.pp.com/schema" id="3489"><bank_info bank_id="2" funds_model="RISK"/><payment_info><confirmation_number>5428</confirmation_number><amount formattedValue="77.00" value="77"/><payment_date>2006-01-06-05:00</payment_date><check_number>5851</check_number><funded>false</funded><merged>false</merged><network id="3" status="ACTIVE" type="C">MOORE</network><alert_on_completion>false</alert_on_completion><alert_number_days_before>0</alert_number_days_before><scheduled_info id="2278"><scheduled_for_date formatted="01/06/2006">2006-01-06-05:00</scheduled_for_date><scheduled_on_date formatted="01/06/2006">2006-01-06-05:00</scheduled_on_date><created_user_id>282950</created_user_id><updated_user_id>0</updated_user_id></scheduled_info></payment_info><payee_info id="24958" relationship_id="6004"><payee_account_number>JUNIT123</payee_account_number><nick_name>blahblah</nick_name><name>complexpayeenameforatest</name><address1>123 main street</address1><address2>c/o anybody</address2><city>Dark Cityrandomizer</city><state>CT</state><zip>06512</zip><network id="3" status="ACTIVE" type="C">MOORE</network></payee_info><customer_info id="2069"><name>PAULA MERRILL</name><customer_account_id>8</customer_account_id><customer_account_number>213</customer_account_number><customer_routing_number>111111111</customer_routing_number><address1>Ernest Hemingway Drive</address1><city>Springfield</city><state>IL</state><zip>62703</zip></customer_info><state_info><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>958</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-10-24-05:00</state_date><state formatted="Check Cashed by Payee" id="2">Cleared</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number></state_info><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>0</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>0</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="6">Created</state><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:33-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>0</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="6">Created</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:35-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>0</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="22">Waiting for Decision</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:36-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="12">Ready for Funding</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:01-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="9">Funded</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:01-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>0</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>0</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="12">Ready for Funding</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:03-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>958</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="In Process" id="9">Funded</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:43:56-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>958</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-01-06-05:00</state_date><state formatted="Mailed" id="11">Payment Sent</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:43:59-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><state_history><failed_reason_code>0</failed_reason_code><money_batch_id>824</money_batch_id><good_funds_batch_id>1817</good_funds_batch_id><network_batch_id>958</network_batch_id><state_date>2006-10-24-05:00</state_date><state formatted="Check Cashed by Payee" id="2">Cleared</state><trace_number>211170100000003</trace_number><record_info><creation app="EU" by="9999999" date="2006-02-03T12:38:08-05:00"/></record_info></state_history><record_info><creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:33-05:00"/><updation app="EU" by="9999999" date="2006-02-03T12:38:08-05:00"/></record_info><research_request>false</research_request></payment></payload></task>
When Im look at the same task in the BPELConsole, the task looks like:
<title>Payment not posted by payee</title>
<payload confirmation_number="1140724383057" due_date="2006-02-22-05:00" reason="Payment not posted by payee" >
<first>PAULA MERRILL</first>
<last>PAULA MERRILL</last>
<payment_type number="" >insuranceauto</payment_type>
<creation app="EU" by="282950" date="2006-02-23T14:53:03.056-05:00" />
<updation app="EU" by="282950" date="2006-02-23T14:53:03.056-05:00" />
<payment id="3489" >
<bank_info bank_id="2" funds_model="RISK" />
<amount formattedValue="77.00" value="77" />
<network id="3" status="ACTIVE" type="C" >MOORE</network>
<scheduled_info id="2278" >
<scheduled_for_date formatted="01/06/2006" >2006-01-06-05:00</scheduled_for_date>
<scheduled_on_date formatted="01/06/2006" >2006-01-06-05:00</scheduled_on_date>
<payee_info id="24958" relationship_id="6004" >
<address1>123 main street</address1>
<address2>c/o anybody</address2>
<city>Dark Cityrandomizer</city>
<network id="3" status="ACTIVE" type="C" >MOORE</network>
<customer_info id="2069" >
<name>PAULA MERRILL</name>
<address1>Ernest Hemingway Drive</address1>
<state formatted="Check Cashed by Payee" id="2" >Cleared</state>
<state formatted="In Process" id="6" >Created</state>
<creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:33-05:00" />
<state formatted="In Process" id="6" >Created</state>
<creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:35-05:00" />
<state formatted="In Process" id="22" >Waiting for Decision</state>
<creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:36-05:00" />
<state formatted="In Process" id="12" >Ready for Funding</state>
<creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:01-05:00" />
<state formatted="In Process" id="9" >Funded</state>
<creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:01-05:00" />
<state formatted="In Process" id="12" >Ready for Funding</state>
<creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:40:03-05:00" />
<state formatted="In Process" id="9" >Funded</state>
<creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:43:56-05:00" />
<state formatted="Mailed" id="11" >Payment Sent</state>
<creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T12:43:59-05:00" />
<state formatted="Check Cashed by Payee" id="2" >Cleared</state>
<creation app="EU" by="9999999" date="2006-02-03T12:38:08-05:00" />
<creation app="BPEL" by="0" date="2006-01-06T11:14:33-05:00" />
<updation app="EU" by="9999999" date="2006-02-03T12:38:08-05:00" />
<versionReason>Task Created</versionReason>
<identificationKey>PAULA MERRILL, 2069</identificationKey>
<flexString2>PAULA MERRILL</flexString2>
<flexString3>PAULA MERRILL</flexString3>
Message was edited by:

I am using oracle.tip.pc.services.hw.task.impl.Task
that object has a toXML method.
To get that object, I am using the RemoteWorklistServiceClient.getWorlistTaskById method.
A word of caution. Not only am I still having the issue above (I had to hack my own WorkflowTask.xsd to make it validate) but I have noticed that the toXML() method actually returns different results when you think it would not. For example, I have something similar to the following code:
The first and last toXML methods produce strings that do not match (it adds some empty elements to the end of the document). Weird. Very Weird.

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    Hi pziecina,
    Thanks for your reply,
    I suspect my problem is the installation or setup of my system or software. as the result i tested is not by doing any scripting at all. All I did is following one of their example exactly (http://www.forum.nokia.com/Tools_Docs_and_Code/Tools/Runtimes/Web_Runtime/Dreamweaver_Exte nsion/QuickStart.xhtml) and package strightaway without modifying the code. because I want to make sure i got the extension install correctly. even so by packaging one of their ready make example already yield this error.

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    Yes you can...
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    Hi Vladimir,
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    Edited by: billzheng2004 on Jun 18, 2009 12:12 PM

    Thank you for your response, I think we need to go back to my original question, is it possible to create an OAF page that does not need login, how can I do that.
    I think I said too much and led us to go to a different direction I did't want to. But I am still glad to texplain why I need a custom password reset process, that is all about business requirement, here it is:
    ----I am not sure that "company issues" (such as what you described) can be solved by software -
    I already have a solution for that. Create a custom OAF page, ask user to input his SSN / Date of Birth.... then I can figure out what his real username easily. And I can reset his password as his SSN or something which only this particular user knows. Then he can login.
    ----you may have to impart training to end users.
    As I mentioned, most of our users use only Benefit self service. They only login several times a year, even they are trained this year, most of them will forget next year, this is just human nature. And because the nature of our business, thousands of employees may change at the end of a year. It does not make any business sense for company to prepare trainers every year.
    ----In any case, the functionality you require is already built into the product.
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    Could any one help me out with that? Is it possible at all?
    I'm running Exchange 2010.
    Thank you very much in advance.

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    closed today", then does NOT offer to the caller to record a message. It can hang up, or simply stay silent until the caller hangs up, that doesn't really matter.
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    I have found this article on technet blog which goes exactly in the direction I want:
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    <Message>LookupAccountNameW failed with error</Message> "
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    B,C and D are all in same level,they are child of A domain.
    There are two way transitive trusts between A and all the child Domain.
    But there is no trust in between B and C and so on.
    Our CRM server is in B domain and B domain's user can access CRM but users of Domain C,D and so on can not access CRM.
    If this post answers your question, please click &quot;Mark As Answer&quot; on the post and &quot;Mark as Helpful&quot;

  • Creating a page that does not exist

    Hi everyone,
    Is it possible to create a page that does not exist based on the user input?
    By does not exist I mean that it is not stored in your computer and JSP will generate the page based on the user input. For example, in forums the user can create a new topic and based on the options selected a page will be created and stored that was not present before. The same thing happens when a message has a large number of replies, in which a new page will be created and attached to the previous page. I hope that I am not misunderstanding the concept of creating pages in forums.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Basil Mahdi

    what happens in the forums is that you type in a message and that message is stored in a database. Along with your message the number of thread, forum number and message number is stored. Next time somebody wants to read your message, this message is taken from the db and shown to you by the jsp. The JSP ofcourse does more thant taht it shows also other messages and static HTML.

  • How can I create a template that does not have automatic formatting but my own?

    I have just switch to a Mac from a PC and am having a terrible time with pages.  All I want to do is create my own template that has NO AUTOMATIC FORMATTING so I can do my own.
    There is nothing in the HELP sections on how to delete the automatic formatting.  I do not want to use any of their Outline Templates just make up my own.
    I would be so so grateful if someone could help me with this.  I took a one-on-one and his idea of how to get rid of formatting in my own template DID NOT WORK!
    Thanks, Deborah

    Hard to see your problem, and if there is something THAT DOES NOT WORK! it would obviously be useful to know WHAT that is and WHY you believe it does not work, so we can ACTUALLY RECOMMEND A SOLUTION.
    Just select any text and change it to whatever you want using the toolbar and/or the Text inspector.
    The Outlines are just a view of your text, in a form that lets you easily organise and move it around.
    Menu > View > Show Styles Drawer
    Reveals whatever style has been applied to a heading or text and you can update or create new styles by clicking on the small triangle next to it > Redefine style from selection
    When you are finished just save it as a Template.

  • Getting error "Cannot create a BACPAC from a file that does not contain exported data." from SqlManagementClient.Dac.ImportAsync

    We're trying to import a dacpac to azure via the new SqlManagementClient DacOperations ImportAsync api I get an exception with the error: "Cannot create a BACPAC from a file that does not contain exported data."
    This same dacpac imports fine using an alternate but less friendly API from sql server's tooling. We'd like to use the new management SDK instead for various reasons.

    Hi Kyle A Wilt,
    I am trying to involve someone more familiar with this topic for a further look at this issue. Sometime delay might be expected from the job transferring. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

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