Error message i keep getting with my new mac (YOSEMITE), trying to install my CS6 software

"You can’t use this version of the application “Adobe After Effects CS6” with this version of OS X." is the error message! help!

anna123456789, Please do update your After Effects CS6 to version 11.0.4 to work in Yosemite from here : Adobe - After Effects : For Macintosh : Adobe After Effects CS6 11.0.4 Update : Thank You

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    Java NewBie
    public class Ticket
         private double ticketPrice;//price of the ticket
         private String ticketType;//Type of ticket this is
         private int ticketNumber;//ticket number
         private String feature;//features the ticket offers
         public void Ticket()
              ticketNumber= 10000001;
              feature=" Ticket is void after one use";     
         public void Ticket(double tprice, String tType, int tnumber,String fTicket)
         // Set Methods for the Class
         // reset the ticket price
         public void setTicketPrice(double price)
              ticketPrice = price;
         // set the type of ticket
         public void setType(String type)
         // set the ticket number
         public void setTicketNumber(int numbero)
         // save the features of the ticket
         public void setTicketFeature(String feat)
              feature = feat;
         // reset the ticket price
         // Get method for the Class
         //get the ticket price
         public double getTicketPrice()
              return ticketPrice;
         // get the type of ticket
         public String getType()
              return ticketType;
         // get the ticket number
         public int getTicketNumber()
              return ticketNumber;
         // get the features of the ticket
         public String getTicketFeature()
              return feature;
         //method to print out information about Ticket
         public void printTicketInfo()
              System.out.println(getTicketNumber()+" " getType()": $"+ getTicketPrice());
              System.out.printf("/n/nFeatures: /n",getTicketFeature());
    }// end class Ticket
    import java.util.*;
    public class TicketSales
         //create Scanner to obtain input from command window
         //Scanner input= new Scanner(;
         //create Ticket Objects for each Ticket type
         static Ticket premium = new Ticket();
         static Ticket choice= new Ticket();
         static Ticket basic= new Ticket();
         static Random generator1 = new Random(2000000);
         static int r = generator1.nextInt();
         //process money exchange
         //Varibles to help collect and process User choices
         double userTotalTicketCost;
         double Useramount;// Cost of Ticket User would like to purchase and amount of money user has
         double userChange;//calculated change user recieves back, if any
         static String userTicketChoice;//choice of ticket user would like to purchase
         static int numTickets;//number of tickets user would like to purchase
         // free variable for use
         static char x;
         //this method is designed to obtain Users ticket choice
         // where input obtain is a character stored in a variable x
         public static void getTicketChoice()
              //Select Ticket Type
              System.out.println("Please Select the type of Ticket you would like to purchase");
              System.out.println("Please enter A, B, or C");
              //print out the information for each of the ticket types
              //System.out.println("A. "+ premium.printTicketInfo());
              //System.out.println("/nB. "+ basic.printTicketInfo());
              //System.out.println("/nC. "+ choice.printTicketInfo());
              System.out.println("/nD. if you want to quit the transaction/n"+"/n");
              //call method to get user information and save the information as userTicketChoice
              confirm();//confirm that User wants to go ahead with choice
         }//end getTicketChoice() method
         public static void selection()
         {// get and process user selection     
              //create Scanner to obtain input from command window
              Scanner input= new Scanner(;
              //x = input.nextChar();          
              for( int i = 0; i < 3;i++)
                   //verify User selection to know which Ticket was selected
                   if(x=='A' || x=='a')
                        userTicketChoice = "premium";
                   if(x=='B' || x=='b')
                        userTicketChoice = "basic";
                   if(x=='C' || x=='c')
                        userTicketChoice = "choice";
              }//end for loop
              //display greeting and than exit program
         }//end selection
         public static void confirm()
              //create Scanner to obtain input from command window
              Scanner input= new Scanner(;
              char b;
              System.out.println("You have selected to purchase the "+ userTicketChoice +" Ticket. Y/N?");
              b = input.getchar();
              //Process user response
                   processEntry("userTicketChoice".getTicketPrice());//exits this method
                   getTicketChoice();// this starts over to receive valid input from user
         }//end confirm
              public static void greeting()
              System.out.println("Thank you for Using Our Carmike Cinema Ticket Machine/n");
              System.out.println("We hope you have a nice Day!!!/n");
              //exit program here
         public void processEntry(double ticketCost)
              //use a do while loop to process payment
              //Inquire as to how many tickets user is willing to purchase
              Scanner input= new Scanner(;
              int i = 1;
                   System.out.println("How many Tickets would you like to purchase?");
                   numTickets = input.nextInt();
                   //display the total cost of tickets that user would like to purchase
                   userTotalTicketCost= (numTickets *ticketCost);//userTotalTicketCost happens to be the total cost of the ticket
                   //display calculated cost for User to see
                   System.out.println("The Total Cost of Tickets you have Ordered is: " + userTotalTicketCost+"/n");
                   System.out.println("Enter the Amount of Money you have to pay for Tickets: ");
                   Useramount = input.nextDouble();//Useramount happens to be total money user enters
                   //compare userTotalTicketCost and z to be sure that User entered the right amount of money
                   if (userTotalTicketCost > Useramount)//User did not enter sufficient funds
                        System.out.println("you have entered an invalid amount");
                   //User enter sufficient funds or even more
                   else if(userTotalTicketCost == Useramount || userTotalTicketCost < Useramount)
                        //process ticket printing
                        for(i=0; i> numTickets; i++)
              } while( (i < 4)&& (userTotalTicketCost > Useramount));//close of do while loop     
         }//end processEntry
         public void processPayment()
         {// this processes payment and issues ticket
              //Calculate users return
              if ( userChange> 0)
                   System.out.println("Your Change is $"+ userChange +"/n/n/n/n/n");
         }//end processPayment method     
         public void printTicket()
              // Simulate the printing of a ticket.
              // use the Ticket Class method to print the Ticket information
              System.out.println(String.valueOf(userTicketChoice).printTicketinfo());// convert to the saved ticket choice
         //main method begins program execution
         public static void main()
              //set the properties of the choice ticket
              choice.setTicketFeature("Access to viewing of 10 movies, at any of the hundreds of/n of Carmike movie theatre's nationwide./nYou also get 5 free refills on your drinks and 20 tubs of/npopcorn/n");
              //set the properties of the basic ticket
              basic.setTicketFeature("Ticket is only good for one use. You get a free Cup of Soda/n and a tub of Popcorn at the food counter./n");
              //set the properties of the premium ticket
              premium.setTicketFeature("Access to viewing of 25 movies,at any of the hundreds of/nthe 300 Carmike Cinema around the country./n You get free refills at the food counter for up to 50/ndrinks and 10 tubs of popcorn/n");
              //Select Ticket Type
              System.out.println("How many "+ numTickets +" tickets would you like to purchase? ");
         }//end main
    }//end class TicketSales

    cannot find Symbol- method getChar()That means you're trying to call a method that doesn't exist.
    When you post code, please use[code] and [/code] tags as described in Formatting tips on the message entry page. It makes it much easier to read.

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    What version of Numbers?What version of Mac OS X?
    Have you tried restarting Numbers?
    Have you tried restarting your computer?
    Can you export other documents to pdf?
    Have you tried printing the docmment to pdf using the built-in print dialog?  To do this select the menu item "File > Print", then click the print button, then select the "Open in Preview" select from the PDF button in the bottom left corner:

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    Try to go to Settings and then Store. Tap to your Apple ID and select View Apple ID. Now choose to check your payment information and when you're done tap Done. I had to rewrite my three digit code of the credit card and now it works.
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    I believe Firefox 4 is Intel only. That means it will not install on a PPC Mac. You can get TenFourFox, which is made for PPCs.

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    PS. Would the archboot iso help?
    Last edited by Denethor (2011-08-30 19:05:29)

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    Run Apple Hardware Test first.
    Backup / clone your hard drive before making changes.
    Once cloned to new drive, and run Repair Permissions and insure it works properly, pull the original drive and keep off line for now.
    Don't import G5 PPC applications, reinstall (if they have installers).
    Test it works with Apple RAM before pulling.
    Make changes one at a time so you know if something isn't right.
    It could take awhile to really know if something needs updating, and assume your PCIe cards are Leopard + Mac Pro compatible and you have the latest drivers handy if you need to apply updates (very common with new systems and new OS like Leo).
    Plug in the power cord last.
    Once you know everything works, import your personal settings to your new OS.

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    I can't even get into Firefox to troubleshoot

    I don't know if this helps, but I'm still working on this problem and took a screen shot of my Console Message errors:
    What's happening here is opening the program, trying to save and it crashes. Then trying to open the program again and it crashing before it even opens.  Finally opening the program a third time and trying to save it using "save as" instead of "save" (which I found one forum recommending) and it crashing again. 

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    when I launch Photoshop CC, I get an error message
    and what exactly is the text of that error message?

  • I am trying to re-install Creative Suite 5.5 Design Standard on my Widows 7 Professional computer after I had to replace the hard drive. I keep getting error message and I get "Exit Code 15: Media DB Sync failed". I have run C Cleaner with same results. H

    I am trying to re-install Creative Suite 5.5 Design Standard on my Widows 7 Professional computer after I had to replace the hard drive. I keep getting error message and I get "Exit Code 15: Media DB Sync failed". I have run C Cleaner with same results. Have Disabled UAC and Startup items and Services with no success. Please help - frustrated to no end. Can someone help me?

    make sure you're using the adobe cleaner, not crap cleaner, Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    copy the installation files to a desktop folder and install from there.

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    I keep trying to download Photoshop CS3 and a get a 404 error page, does Photoshop CS3 not working with a new Mac operating system?

    you must also use a browser that allows cookies.  try a different browser or download from
    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.5 (win), 5.5 (mac) | 5.4 (win), 5.4 (mac) | 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

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    1. Every iPod, since the first generation model back in 2001 (of which I am proud to be an original owner) has always scratched on all surfaces – front, back, you name it, but basically everything scratches and this is nothing new. If you toss your shiny new cell phone into your pocket with your car keys it is also bound to be scratched. Just because the iPod costs about ten times more than your cell phone doesn't mean that the iPod is scratch-proof or will stop a bullet.
    If you go out and buy a brand new, scratchless BMW are you going to expect it to never get a scratch or fingerprint on it? Excuse me, but get real or get a case for it.
    2. Transferring video to the iPod was meant to be "easy" for videos that you have purchased over iTunes. It gets more complicated when you want to "back up" your DVDs or avi files that you have on your computer. Unfortunately, QuickTime Pro is not the fastest option for converting to m4v format. There are dozens of applications out there that will rip your DVDs to your hard drive and a handful more which will take this file and convert it to an iPod-friendly format.
    3. It's possible to use your iPod with more than one computer without it being erased. When you connect the iPod to a computer which isn't the first one you used it with, it will say that the iTunes library is not the same one on your iPod and whether or not you want to overwrite the iPod. Obviously you can click no. In the iPod's preferences (found in iTunes), click "manually transfer songs and playlists". You can now take single songs or entire albums from your secondary computer and put them on your iPod.

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