Error message when transferring to new!!!!

I've made 4 long attempts now to transfer from my macbook 2ghz to a new macbook pro 2.2 ghz using migration assistant and after about 3 hours, I always get this error message:
*Transfer Error*
*An error has occurred that prevents the transfer process from continuing. Click skip to continue through the setup process. To try again first check that all of the firewire and power cables are properly connected and click Try Again.*
Any help is surely appreciated.
Message was edited by: FJ42

If MA refuses to work your only option is to transfer your data by hand. use this [post|] as a guide on what to copy.

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    apple_master New Delhi, India
    This solved my questionRe: Unable to Purchase 
    Apr 16, 2012 10:22 PM (in response to eight4seven)
    This worked for someone
    I had this problem for about six weeks. I was following this forum but was too unsure of what might happen to try the fixes that were suggested.
    About two weeks ago I decided to delete the downloads.28.sqlitedb file (usingDiskAid(a free program), on a PC running Windows 7). The original downloads.28.sqlitedb was 936 KB. The new one that the system created is 80 Kb., and has stayed at about that size. After about four days I also deleted all the other contents of the Download folder. Ten days later and still no more problems. Downloads are much quicker, nothing greys-out (as was happening frequently before).
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    Deleting downloads.28.sqlitedb and the contents of Downloads worked for me.

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    Try signing out of your account, restart the iPad and then sign in again and see if that works for you.
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    Are you willing to try other ways to do the same? (Distributed queries)
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

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    lr_core = cl_crm_bol_core=>get_instance( ).
          gr_gmsg = lr_core->get_global_message_cont( ).
          gr_gmsg->add_bapi_messages( it_bapi_messages = lt_return
                                      iv_show_only_once = 'X' ).
          lv_object_id =  lr_bp->get_object_id( ).
          lr_msg_cont ?=  lr_bp->get_message_container( ).
                           iv_object_name   = me->tv_object_name
                           iv_object_id     = lv_object_id
                           it_bapi_messages = lt_return
                           iv_show_only_once = abap_true ).
    Nawal Kishore

    Hi Nawal,
    What is happening now is, the error messages are set to be displayed only once in the Web UI after the message is
    added to the message container. In the next round trip these messages will get cleared since you have passed
    the parameter 'iv_show_only_once' as true in both the add message methods. You should pass this parameter
    value as false in order to retain the error messages on the UI across the round trips. You can simply remove that
    parameter from the method as by default this parameter takes the value as 'false'.
    [SAP Community Network Forums on mobile|]

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    Hello spk15,
    The only suggestion I have to offer is to take a look at this Apple support document if you haven't done so yet.
    [iTunes displays a -69 error when syncing iPod|]

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    This message usually indicates the file does not meet ipod specifications. For many making their own conversions, this could be incorrect formatting during conversion. However, since these files were supposedly processed by professionals, would assume target format was correct but the video content pushed the video data rate above the 1,500 kbps maximum limitation. Most of my tests using QT Pro produced files with average video data rates between 1524 and 1536 kbps and in one case had to adjust brightness and contrast to make the file acceptable for iTunes sync to iPod. That is why I requested that Baseline LC profile access be added to the MPEG-4 export option to allow manual custom conversions. In any case, be sure to report your inability to sync specific files to ensure they are properly "re-mastered."

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    Apple Support contacted me and instructed me to update my Apple ID. A simple change in my username seemed to fix the issue.

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    ...iTunes.exe - Bad Image ...iTunes c:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Apple Apple Application Support\CoreADI.dll is not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error .....
    Taken at face value, you're having trouble with an Apple Application Support program file there. (Apple Application Support is where single copies of program files used by multiple different Apple programs are kept.)
    Let's try something relatively simple first. Restart the PC. If you're using Vista or 7,now head into your Uninstall a program control panel, select "Apple Application Support" and then click "Repair". If you're using XP,head into your Add or Remove Programs control panel, select "Apple Application Support", click "Change" and then click "Repair".
    If no joy after that, try the more rigorous uninstall/reinstall procedure from the following post. (If you've got XP, although the procedure is for Vista and 7, just read "Computer" as "My Computer", read "Uninstall a program control panel" as "Add or Remove programs control panel" and assume the system is 32-bit, and you'll be doing the right things.)
    Re: I recently updated to vista service pack 2 and I updated to itunes 10.2.1 and ever

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    Isn't the error message displayed by iTunes?  Can you check your Mac to see if there are actually duplicate files?
    I'd recommend searching for an answer in the Apple Support Communities.
    Community: iTunes for Mac
    Please do let us know if the problem has started since the new update to Adobe Reader (version 11.3.0 or 11.3.1).  Thank you.

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    downloaded album from itunes to my pc. some tracks are cut short.
    Those that are cut short will not transfer to both cd and itouch
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    Hello lcoyote and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Do you get the error on all media files or just one in particular? From where are you trying to delete files?
    Is your media card formatted? 
    If you aren't able to add/remove media, try formatting the card as shown in KB10527
    If you currently have photos on the card, try to move them to the computer first as formatting the card will delete all data.
    Let me know how you make out
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    I just bought the iPhone 4 and it did not have the new operating system.  When I try to download it my itunes goes through the whole process and then tells me there was an error and to make sure to check my network settings are correct and my network connection is active.  Any ideas??

    Hi there! I'm new to Apple Discussions but I'm willing to help in anyway I can. Please correct me if I am wrong.
    Try turning off your firewall, something could be blocking it. I also suggest a restart of your computer system, it may fix a few of those pesky bugs. It usually works with my other application problems.
    Hope I helped.

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    Has anyone else experienced these errors? What did you do to fix it's
    It is taking me absolutely ages to transfer tracks at this rate.
    Please help!

    Connection problems can be due to a lot of reasons.
    Have a look through the list here in the Zen FAQ at

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