Error sending draft emails on iPhone

I have draft emails saved in the drafts folder on iCloud. If I open one and send it from my Mac, everything works fine. On my iPhone 4 the email will open but when I touch Send I get an error: Cannot Send Mail: Check the settings for the outgoing servers in Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Funny thing is that the draft email disappears from the Drafts folder. I have checked in Settings and the Primary Server is set to iCloud SMTP Server, and this works fine for all other email functions. Just not Drafts. Any ideas?

anyone try it? any use?

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    <Email Edited by Host>

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    You're welcome.
    If the account an Exchange account, or an IMAP account?
    If an IMAP account, you should have an Advanced selection with a Mailbox Behaviors selection for storing the account's Drafts, Sent, and Deleted mailboxes on the server or locally on the iPhone.
    I don't access an Exchange account, so I don't know if the same is available with an Exchange account or where the selection is located with the account settings.

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    I have solved this (thanks to apple telehpone support line). I am UK based used on O2 account.
    You need to enter your aol account details manually, not through aol preset option.
    So delete existing aol account (go in via settings then mail then follow prompts).
    Then create new account - settings - mail - accounts - add account - other -. Ensure IMAP is selected. Enter your name, email address. Under incoming server enter host name "", username, enter your aol account user name and password. Under outgoing mail server: host name "", username and password shoudl be optional. Then presss save. It will ask you if you want to go ahead without ssl settings - select yes. Keep waiting. It worked and I have sent several emails without problems. Hope this solves problems for others.

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    Settings->Mail, Contacts,Calendars->Mail->Default Account should be set to the one you want to use.
    You can also, when attaching Pics, Tap on the CC/Bcc From Line and then on From to choose an account to send the pictures from.

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    Make sure that your router is setup to not block any ports.
    as well check with your ISP to ensure those servers are not blocked.
    you shouln't have any issues with receiving mail. the outgoing would be the only issue you should be having.
    make sure you add an alternate SMTP server (using your ISP's server) to send email when on wifi

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    Ya - I am have the same problem. I have 4 accounts that are set-up on my phone. 3 Gmail - I can receive but not send out replies - all settings are matched up with gmail sever information. I have 1 Yahoo account which I can send and receive from no problem. Why??

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    This is because the SMTP server you have configured does not permit connections from off the ISP's network. When you are connecting via EDGE this is off-network from the perspective of the ISP.
    Here are some hints from Apple on this problem:
    You didn't say who your ISP is, but here are some common settings ISPs in various countries:
    As a last resort in the US you can set the outgoing SMTP server to with no user ID or password. This will work on EDGE only, not on WiFi.

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    Hi there 
    Hope everyone is doing well
    I am having some problems with my latest user registration pages for my site
    I am havving problems sending the
    activation email
    I have set up my server to relay emails and it works ok      I use a linux server and  cpenel and outlook expres as my mail client...... I configured an email account in my cpanel called     admin      I used the automatic configure outlook express to configure outlook    
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    I then created the user registration pages for my site with email activation .........
    All wen well then I tried to test and got the following error ....
    Developer Details:
    E-mail couldn't be sent. Error returned: Failed to connect to [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Connection timed out (code: -1, response: )]. (EMAIL_FAILED)
    So I looked at my email settings in my control panel........      I have tried every possible combination of information to get it to work and I still get the same error
    I have tried     
    mail server                                    This is the same info that is described in the manual settings for my email config in cpanel
              port       25
       username     [email protected]                               This is the email account I set up in cpanel    web mail
       password      **********
    default sender  [email protected] 
    This is the same info that is described in the manual settings for my email config in cpanel 
    This is the email account I set up in cpanel    web mail         
    I have changed all the information Mannnnnnny times for hours and hours and still no luck
    I have tried      mail server = , my mail server IP address , . etc etc etc
    I have tried to     username / paassword        the cpanel username & password    /    my email account username and password ... etc etc etc
    nothing works
    I can find nothing to help at all on the net
    I did read that the settings should be exactly the same as the working settings from outlook express....... so I checked the settings in outlook express, that work, and put all the same settings in my email settings in ADDT control panel .....
    And it still does not work
    I still get the same error
    The  strange thing is that I can send and recieve email from outlook using the email [email protected] , using the mail server
    but when I use exactly the same info in addt I get the error
    Is driving me crazy
    Can someone please tell me the correct information to fill in on my email settings ......?    in detail ........
    I have read the help documentation and  is no help at all
    I am lost
    Any help would be great
    Have a great day
    oh one thing........ any idea why you cannot search withing forum topics anymore ...... ?

    So Mysite is your ISP.  They should be able to describe on their website what settings you need.
    (1) Mail Server - the name of their mail server ([email protected]?)
    (2) Port - you may need to specify the actual port to be used, I know I do.
    (3) Username - The user name you use when you log into your Mysite account
    (4) Password - The password you use
    Both username and password are case sensitive.
    This information should be on one of their admin pages for explanation.
    Sorry, this may not help you much.

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    Make sure that your router is setup to not block any ports.
    as well check with your ISP to ensure those servers are not blocked.
    you shouln't have any issues with receiving mail. the outgoing would be the only issue you should be having.
    make sure you add an alternate SMTP server (using your ISP's server) to send email when on wifi

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    Also same here.  If it's any consolation the iCloud and mail forums are awash with this problem.  I am most disappointed that the service status is showing all ok since 9.37am UTC yesterday when it is obvious that the mail poblems they posted as resolved are are not in fact resolved.  I am sorry I cannot offer any solutions, as many of those suggested by others (which I have tried) either only work temporarily, slow your mail down interminably or fail to work at all.  It should work the way Apple say it should and not require work-arounds.  What I find most disappointing is the lack of an ackowledgement somewhere that there is a problem and it is being addressed. Perhaps then tens of thousands of people (or more) wouldn't be wasting hours and hours trying to get it to work to no avail.

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    I am using Active Sync. Pop and IMAP are disabled. The disclaimer is applied by Ninja Email Security for Exchange by Sunbelt Software. The disclaimer is policy based against a users mailbox. It works with everything we have tested except the iPhone. It is like the iPhone is sending a plain text message and the disclaimer is not applied to a plain text message. However, OWA sends as plain text and it is applied as html from OWA. We are using Exchange 2003 SP2 and server 2003 SP2.

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    You might try to go in and reset your password for you Yahoo account in your iPhone. If that doesn't fix it, the quickest way to make sure that all of the settings are set correct is to delete your Yahoo account from your iPhone. recreate your account on your iPhone and that should fix any problem your having.

  • IPad mail client is sending draft emails without permission

    On several occasions, my iPad has sent emails drafted on my gmail account when I never actually sent it. You can imagine how much this can suck if you've saved a sensitive email to work on later, only to find that it was already sent. Not only that, the app frequently mismatches recipient addresses with the wrong message in the draft folder in a random fashion. Another catastrophic disaster waiting to happen. If any of you know what is happening, I'd appreciate being enlightened. If this is a systemic issue, I'd say this qualifies as a major bug.
    I believe this happens most when a message is saved more than once in the draft folder. There something unreliable in ehte way the app keeps track of emails.
    Message was edited by: q0j0p

    Did you ever get this figured out?  We are seeing a very similar issue using Outlook 2011 for Mac connected up to Exchange 2010.  Sometimes emails get merged together on send where you end up with something like the subject and body of one email, but the To/CC line of another email.  In each instance both emails that get merged together were originally saved as drafts and oftentimes drafts that have been created and modified a couple of times while going offline and then back online again before being sent.
    We have not been able to reliably reproduce the issue or figure out exactly what was causing it.  Posted something similar under the Outlook for Mac forum, but didn't get any hits.
    Anyone able to figure out what was causing this or a fix?

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