Error : The label 'http' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.

Hi all,
    I have created one SP for sending mail with formatting the HTML code inside script whenever i am individually declaring it and printing its expected but the problem at time of executing SP its giving error like this
Msg 132, Level 15, State 1, Line 47
The label 'http' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
what is the possibilities to overcome this problem follwing is my stored procedure code 
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_DataLoadMailsend_essRules]
DECLARE @packagelogid INT
DECLARE @batchlogid INT
DECLARE @packagestatus CHAR(2)
select @batchlogid =19870
DECLARE @mailheader VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE @recipients1 VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE @subject1 VARCHAR(200)
Declare @UserId varchar(Max)
Declare @Information varchar(max)
Declare @TableHTML1 varchar(max)
Declare @TableHTML2 varchar(max)
SET @mailheader = ''
SET @mailheader = (select case
WHEN FileUpload = 'F'
THEN 'BussinessRules is Aborted'
WHEN (InRule = 'S')
SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
) > 0
THEN 'BussinessRules is Processed with Errors'
WHEN InRule = 'F'
THEN 'BussinessRules is Failed'
WHEN (InRule = 'S')
SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
) = 0
THEN 'BussinessRules is Succeeded'
from abc..BatchStatus bts where BatchId=@batchlogid)
/* Selecting Person Mail as Recipient */
SELECT TOP 1 @recipients1 = EmailId FROM abc.PersonEmail
WHERE PersonId = ( SELECT TOP 1 personid FROM abc.FileUploadSummary WHERE BatchId = @batchlogid )AND EmailTypeId = 1
/* Selecting UserId*/
select top 1 @UserId=loginid from abc.FUS where BatchId=@batchlogid
/*Selecting Information about the Status */
Set @Information=
(select case
WHEN FileUpload = 'F'
THEN 'BussinessRules is Aborted'
WHEN (InRule = 'S')
SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
) > 0
THEN 'BussinessRules is Processed with Errors'
WHEN InRule = 'F'
THEN 'BussinessRules is Failed'
WHEN (InRule = 'S')
SELECT sum(isnull(ErrorRecords, 0)) tot
FROM abc.FileUploadSummary z
WHERE z.BatchId = bts.BatchId
) = 0
THEN 'BussinessRules is Succeeded'
end + N' <br> <B>BatchId= '+ convert(varchar(250),(select @batchlogid)) +'</B>'
from abc..BatchStatus bts where BatchId=@batchlogid )
/*Selecting the Error Reason*/
if exists (select 1 from BatchStatus where BatchId=@batchlogid and ( InRule='f'))
set @TableHTML1 = '<table border=1><tr><th>Sr.No.</th><th><P>Error Reason :</th></tr>'+
cast((select td= ROW_NUMBER()over (order by (select 1)),'',
td=isnull(e.ErrorDescription, '')
from abc.x.tbPackageErrorLog e --50594
join abc.x.tbPackageLog p -- 10223
on p.PackageLogID=e.PackageLogID
where p.BatchLogID= @batchlogid FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE )
as NVarchar(max)) +'</table>'
-- print @tableHTML
if not exists (select 1 from BatchStatus where BatchId=@batchlogid and ( InRule='f'))
set @TableHTML2 = 'Error Reason :N/A'
-- insert into #tmp values ( @TableHTML1)
--select * from #tmp
Set @tableHTML= 'Hello '+@UserId+', <br>Information:'+isnull(@Information,'') +
'<Table Border=1><Tr><th>Sr No</th><th>Uploaded files </th>:'+
CAST ((select td= ROW_NUMBER()over(order by f.FileUploadId), '',
td = f.TableName , ''
from abc.FileUploadSummary F where BatchId=@batchlogid
'Error Reason :'+isnull(isnull(@TableHTML1,'')+ isnull(@TableHTML2,''),'N/A')+ --concat (isnull(@TableHTML1,''),isnull(@TableHTML2,'')
'<br> Please login to Your Account for further Details..!'
+'<br>@Note: This is system generated message, Do not reply to this mail. <br>Regards,<br>'+
print @tableHTML
SET @sql = ' EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = ''DBA_mail_test''
,@recipients = ''' + isnull(@recipients1,'''') + ''',@subject = ''' + isnull(@mailheader,'''') + ''',
@body = ''' +isnull(@tableHTML,'''')+ ''',
@body_format = ''HTML'''
PRINT error_message()
-- Test whether the transaction is uncommittable.
-- IF (XACT_STATE()) = - 1
-- ROLLBACK TRANSACTION --Comment it if SP contains only select statement
DECLARE @ErrorFromProc VARCHAR(500)
DECLARE @ErrorMessage VARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE @SeverityLevel INT
,@ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE()
,@SeverityLevel = ERROR_SEVERITY()
--INSERT INTO dbo.ErrorLogForUSP (
-- ErrorFromProc
-- ,ErrorMessage
-- ,SeverityLevel
-- ,DateTimeStamp
-- @ErrorFromProc
-- ,@ErrorMessage
-- ,@SeverityLevel
please help me to solve this problem
Niraj Sevalkar

This is no string http in your procedure. Then again the error message points to a line 47 outside a stored procedure. I can't tell it is outside, since there is no procedure name.
But I see that you have this piece of dynamic SQL:
SET @sql = ' EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = ''DBA_mail_test''
,@recipients = ''' + isnull(@recipients1,'''') + ''',@subject = ''' + isnull(@mailheader,'''') + ''',
@body = ''' +isnull(@tableHTML,'''')+ ''',
@body_format = ''HTML'''
Why is this dynamic SQL at all? Why not just make plain call to sp_send_dbmail?
 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'DBA_mail_test'
,@recipients = @recipients1, @subject = @mailheader, @body = @tableHTML
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    For troubleshooting your issue, please take steps as below:
    1. Try to crawl your content source using farm admin account.
    Disable loopback check .
    3.Add reference  SPS3s://WEB into your content source start addresses.
    For more information, please refer to these blogs:
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Upgrade 4.5B to 4.7 -- ERROR: "VBAK has already been declared".

    Dear Friends,
    After upgrade 4.5B to 4.7, there is the same ERROR when executing most of SD transaction and creating/displaying/modifying PO and GR.
    This error is related to SD pricing procedure. In the ABAP error dump said that: VBAK has already been declared. I have tried to look for SAP Notes but cannot find one.
    I think this problem is a common problem in upgrading from 4.X to 4.7. Need help from you guys who ever have upgrading experience.. : )
    Does anyone know on how to FIX this problem?
    THE ABAP DUMP is as below:
    Syntax error in program "SAPLV61A ".
    What happened?
    The following syntax error occurred in the program SAPLV61A :
    ""VBAK" has already been declared."
    Error in ABAP application program.
    The current ABAP program "SAPLMEPO" had to be terminated because one of the
    statements could not be executed.
    This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program.
    What can you do?
    Please eliminate the error by performing a syntax check
    (or an extended program check) on the program "SAPLV61A ".
    You can also perform the syntax check from the ABAP/4 Editor.
    If the problem persists, proceed as follows:
    Print out the error message (using the "Print" function)
    and make a note of the actions and input that caused the
    To resolve the problem, contact your SAP system administrator.
    You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP Dump Analysis) to view and administer
    termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion
    Error analysis
    The following syntax error was found in the program SAPLV61A :
    ""VBAK" has already been declared."
    How to correct the error
    Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.
    If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the
    following documents to SAP:
    1. A hard copy print describing the problem.
    To obtain this, select the "Print" function on the current screen.
    2. A suitable hardcopy prinout of the system log.
    To obtain this, call the system log with Transaction SM21
    and select the "Print" function to print out the relevant
    3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,
    supply the source code.
    To do this, you can either use the "PRINT" command in the editor or
    print the programs using the report RSINCL00.
    4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred
    or which actions and input led to the error.
    Information on where terminated
    The termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLMEPO" in "REFRESH_TABLES".
    The main program was "RM_MEPO_GUI ".
    The termination occurred in line 35 of the source code of the (Include)
    program "MM06EF0R_REFRESH_TABLES"
    of the source code of program "MM06EF0R_REFRESH_TABLES" (when calling the
    editor 350).

    Check OSS Note 133433 is exactly axplain your problems
    will resolve your problems

  • Error Message: "One of the base documents has already been closed".

    Hello everyone
    I would appreciate very much if someone can help me.  The following error message prompts up when trying to create a Credit Note BASED on a A/R Invoice: "One of the base documents has already been closed". it is necesssary to say that we are not changing anything in between the two documents.
    We are running SAP Business One 2007A PL49.
    Thanks very much

    Please read this SAP Note: [854781 Error message "Invoice is already closed or blocked".||Click here to view].
    This issue could be related to decimal places in amounts.
    This could be caussed by changing the decimal places for amounts, prices, etc. in General Settings.

  • 7.1 Error: transaction type SMIN has already been included in the categoriz

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    I'm getting the following error while running a program AI_CRM_CREATE_CAT_SCHEMA:
    Error: transaction type SMIN has already been included in the categorization schema - SAP_SOLUTION_MANAGER_TEMPLATE.
    Please remove SMIN from application area of SAP_SOLUTION_MANAGER_TEMPLATE and then run this report again.
    Can you please advice how to resolve this?
    Thank you,

    I invite the colleagues that if they do not have a solid answer to a question, please do not bother on answering it.   Even the guide does not say how to get rid of that error.  The guide on page 17 says "Please ensure that there is no active categorization schema for the transaction types listed above before you run the report".   Well, how do you do that?   Also the guide says to create a version of the schema, and release that new schema, but that still does not work.  You go into the new schema version to delete all entries related to SMIN, but even after that you still get the same error trying to run the report AI_CRM_CREATE_CAT_SCHEMA.
    I am writting all this because from the answers above:
    Answer 1, the SAP Note:  They do not mention anything about schema.
    Aswer 2 and 3.                 Already answered.  The implementation guide does not help as mentioned above.
    Answer 4.                        This error has nothing to do with copying SMIN into ZMIN.
    Please accept my complaint and do not get offended.  We all know we are trying to help one another, although it is nicer to save time getting to the correct answer faster.

  • Error: One of the base documents has already been closed (-10)

    I have a web service to get and set pick lists and add delivery notes via DI Server. but I have one scenario that causes the error 'Error: One of the base documents has already been closed (-10)':
    i have a pick list with item A1 with a quantity of 10. I pick and delivery 3. now the pick list is closed and in the picklist creation dialog I can choose the remaining 7 of A1 for another picklist. but if I do so and then try to pick and delivery the remaining 7, I'm getting that error. The sales order, that is the base document of the pick list and the delivery, is still 'open'. so, what base document is meant here?

    I found the error. I tried to add the DocumentsAdditionalExpenses to the second delivery, too, and this is not possible.

  • SharePoint Search Service upgrade to 2013 fails: "Inner Exception: An item with the same key has already been added."

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    Upgrading a SharePoint Server 2010 Search Service Application dB to our SharePoint 2013 SP 1 development environment, using the Management Shell
    Running the following commands: 
    $applicationPool= Get-SPServiceApplicationPool -Identity 'SearchService_AppPool'
    $searchInst = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance -local
    Restore-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication -Name 'SearchServiceApplication' -applicationpool $applicationPool -databasename 'SearchServiceApplicationDB' -databaseserver SERVERNAME -AdminSearchServiceInstance $searchInst
    Creates the search dBs (crawl, links, analytics) successfully; however, in the end, I get....
    "Exception: Action of Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Upgrade.SearchAdminDatabaseSequence failed."
    Looking at the ULS logs, I find the following:
    Inner Exception: An item with the same key has already been added.
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.OOTBSchemaDefinition.FindAndFixExistingManagedProperties()     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.OOTBSchemaDefinition.InstallManagedProperties(Boolean
    upgrade)     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.OOTBSchemaDefinition.Upgrade()     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Upgrade.UpdateAllOOTBProperties.Upgrade()     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPActionSequence.Upgrade()
    Exception: Action of Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Upgrade.SearchAdminDatabaseSequence failed.
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPActionSequence.Upgrade()     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPDatabaseSequence.Upgrade()     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Upgrade.SearchDatabaseSequence.Upgrade()     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.Upgrade(Object
    o, Boolean bRecurse)
    Anyone encounter anything like this during their search upgrade process? I'm not honestly even sure what duplicate value to look for at this point, if I were to run a SELECT Id, ClassId, ParentId, Name, Status, Version, Properties FROM Objects on
    "SharePoint_Config" in SSMS. Any insight or opinions on the matter are welcome; and thanks to those who choose to reply to this, in advance.

    Hi ,
    You can enable the ULS log on verbose level (note, remember to reset to default level after finished troubleshooting) for more information per the following article, then check there should be more useful message for helping solve the issue.
    Daniel Yang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected] 
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Unable to load the tables in the Power Pivot Window – An Item with the Same Key has already been added

    Hi there,
    I recently had the following situation, where I changed the source of my CSV file in Power Query.
    Once I had reloaded the file, it would then not load into Power Pivot. So I disabled the loading from Power Query into Power Pivot. I then enabled the loading to the Data Model. Which then successfully loaded the data into Power Pivot.
    But once I went into Power Pivot, had a look, then saved the Excel file. Once saved I closed the Excel file. I then opened the Excel file again and all the sheets that interact with the Power Pivot data work fine.
    But if I go and open Power Pivot I get the following error: Unable to load the tables in the Power Pivot Window – An Item with the Same Key has already been added.
    This is what I get from the Call Stack
       at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
       at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Common.LinguisticModeling.SynonymModel.AddSynonymCollection(DataModelingColumn column, SynonymCollection synonyms)
       at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Common.LinguisticModeling.LinguisticSchemaLoader.DeserializeSynonymModelFromSchema()
       at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Common.SandboxEditor.LoadLinguisticDesignerState()
       at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Common.SandboxEditor.set_Sandbox(DataModelingSandbox value)
       at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.XLHost.Modeler.ClientWindow.RefreshClientWindow(String tableName)
    I would assume that the issue is with the synonyms and for some reason, when I disabled the loading of my data into the Power Pivot Model, it did not remove the associations to the actual table and synonyms.
    If I renamed the table in Power Pivot it all works fine. So that was my work around. Fortunately I did have a copy of the Excel workbook before I made this change. So I could then go and add back in all the relevant data to my table.
    Has anyone had this before and know how to fix it?

    Hi there
    I can share the work book, if possible to send me an email address. As the workbook size is about 9Mb.

  • Method "GET_CHANGE_HISTORY" has already been declared

    During the "EXECUTION OF REPORTS AFTER PUT" phase in a SAINT upgrade to ERP 6.0 EHP 3 (on the way to EHP 4), we got a TP_STEP_FAILURE error.  After digging through the logs, the underlying cause seems to be a syntax error in CL_WER_EXP_METHOD_CALL that was stopping the program RDDEXECL.  The error message is "Method "GET_CHANGE_HISTORY" has already been declared".  We can run a check of the class in the ABAP Editor, which gives the above error message, but there does not appear to be a way to edit the class through the ABAP Editor (Change/Display button is grayed out), and we wouldn't know what to do even if we could.  We are using a 32-bit RHEL4 system.  Any advice would be appreciated.

    We managed to implement the note.  In order to get around the "modification/enhancement mode" error, we clicked "Check" with the alias selected, and it showed the "has already been declared" message.  We double-clicked the message and deleted the lines about GET_CHANGE_HISTORY, then clicked Save and it asked us if we wanted to delete the alias.  We did that for all six classes (without activating any of them--this caused errors), and then, after all the aliases had been deleted, activated all of them at once.  To do that, we went to the main screen of SE24, entered one of the classes, hit activate, and clicked on "Entire Workspace" or some such button, then selected all of the components and activated.  Now SAINT is running past the point it had stopped before, so I believe this issue has been resolved.  Thanks, Peter!  I will award you some points.

  • How to tackle the error - " The Lead Selection has not been set in view "?

    Hi Guys,
    I'm getting this error " The Lead Selection has not been set in view " . If any one has faced the same problem , then please guide me . I am new to WD ABAP so finding it difficult to track the reason.

    Hi Pradeep,
    I have already checked  "Initialisation Lead Selection" property . I have faced the same problem in another view also there it got solved by changing the cardinality.  In this case, I had tried both cardinality and Lead selection property  but nothing  is working.

  • Please note that the quote/cart has already been placed as an order and cannot be modified.

    Hi All,
    Currently we are trying to create an istore order and while doing so when we add an item to the cart, the shopping cart throws the error "please note that the quote/cart has already been placed as an order and cannot be modified". This is happening with a particular user alone. We had created an order earlier and this got converted from quote to order. Now when we created a new one this error is appearing. Also  there are no records in the table IBE_ACTIVE_QUOTES_ALL for that user for any active carts.  Please provide the suggestions. I have cleared the cache bounced the istore server and logged out and logged in and still the issue is existing.

    Please confirm there is no active cart
    Confirm data in ibe_active_quotes_all 
    SQL>select active_quote_id, order_header_id, quote_header_id
    from ibe_active_quotes_all
    where party_id = &partyid
    and cust_account_id = &cust_id;
    To get values -
    select customer_id from fnd_user where user_name = <iStore username >    ==> value 1
    select person_party_id from fnd_user where user_name = <iStore username>
    select object_id from hz_relationship where subject_id = <above person_party_id>
    select cust_account_id from hz_cust_accounts where party_id =<above object_id>   ==> value 2
    Confirm data is in synch in the Quoting table aso_quote_headers_all :
    SQL> select order_id from aso_quote_headers_all
    where quote_header_id = &from above;
    If an active cart is found you can delete -
    delete from ibe_active_quotes_all where party_id = <value 1> and cust_account_id = <value 2> and record_type= 'CART';
    >> this will remove the active cart of the user, hence you can proceed with next cart.
    Reference related discussion:
    How To Delete Active iStore Shopping Cart For An User (Doc ID 1261926.1)
    Thank you,

  • The Resource Pool has already been destroyed - File to JDBC Scenario

    Error : "Error when attempting to get processing resources: The resource pool has already been destroyed"
    Scenario : This error is occurring for the File to JDBC Scenario .
    Could you please let me know why am getting this error and solution to resolve this error..
    Thanks in Advance!!

    Hi ,
    Thanks for the replies..
    Just to add to have more clarity on the error for the scenario
    Scenario : This error is occurring for the File to JDBC Scenario
    The Scenario has a BPM involved.The synchronous send step within the BPMsends the data to the JDBC receiver adapter.The response from the JDBC
    adapter is throwing the below error.

  • 8Z 775 Error Asset ... has already been revaluated; no futher postings can

    Hi gurus,
    I wrote because I have a problem with transaction J1AI.
    I'm from Chile and I'm working with 8.928 assets in SAP R/3 6.0.
    My problem is when I run J1AI transaction just 7.600 assets are
    revaluated, but 1.328 have the following message:
    Asset xxxxx has already been revaluated; no futher postings can be made
    Message no. 8Z775
    +You have already revaluated asset xxxx (subnumber xxx). You cannot make
    a difference posting in the period you have chosen, either because the
    asset has already reached the end of its useful life or you have changed
    the useful life in the asset master.+
    +The values that you are trying to post would lead to inconsistencies in
    the system. It is possible that you may have recently changed the
    Customizing data or asset master data. However, if you still wish to
    proceed with the posting, reverse the accounting documents for the period
    in question and execute the Asset Revaluation program again.+
    The problem is that I've not made changes in the Customizing or in the
    asset master data.  
    I've been looking a SAP Note but I didn't find anything. Somebody of you can give me a hand?
    Greetings Marco

    Dear Marco,
    Please check few things as under:
    1. Normally the document which get posted appears in Asset Exploer AW01N.
    2. Transaction J1AI has a optioon to post directly or through batch input, in case of batch input it creates a batch input session which one has to execute in transaction SM35. If you no one has executed SM35 session would essentially mean, no entry got posted.
    3. If someone has posted directly without batch input then you can check the postings througn table ANEK by inputing Company Code and user who has posted it.
    4. Also similarly you can check BKPF table for FI postings.
    5. You can also check SM35 about the sessions as it is available even after the transaction got posted thourgh sessions execution.
    Not withstanding the above, it appears that no documnets have been posted yet otherwise it would have appear in the asset.
    If the above does not resolve your issue then perheps one need system access to check the possibility, advise you to raise with SAP through OSS message.
    Murlidhar Khatri

  • Need to make changes to the iMovie that has already been shared into iDVD

    Can anyone tell me if it's possible to "update" or "reimport" the iMovie into the DVD project that has already had all the menus/buttons/text/dropzones formatted? I got almost to the end and realized I forgot to change the order of a couple clips. I really don't want to start all over in iDVD if it's possible to update it.
    Thanks so much!

    Can anyone tell me if it's possible to "update" or "reimport" the iMovie into the DVD project that has already had all the menus/buttons/text/dropzones formatted?
    Yes, it's possible however iDvd doesn't always take well to rearranging any of the video assets.
    Here's a very good practice directly from iDvd's Help Menu:
    Moving or renaming project files on your hard disk
    If you move or rename a file (for example, movie, slideshow, or a song) that’s used in your iDVD project while the project is open, the project will not be updated to reflect the change. As a result, when you burn the project to a disc, the moved or renamed file will not be included. However, if you close your iDVD project before moving or renaming project source files, iDVD can help you locate the files again when you reopen the project.
    To find a project file that you moved or renamed:
    Open your project.
    A warning dialog indicates that one or more files are missing and asks you to find the missing items.
    Click Find File and select a missing file.
    If other missing files are in the same location, iDVD will find and relink these files as well.
    To remove a missing file from your project, delete the reference to it in the menu, slideshow, or movie button, and save your project.
    Hope this helps but if not just come on back.
    Message was edited by: SDMacuser

  • HT204370 My computer says "the disk Im trying to save to is full", which Im assuming is my computer.  So, I tried to redeem a movie on my ipad, however, the movie code has already been redeemed so I cant redeem it again.  How can I get the movie saved to

    I just redeemed a movie through iTunes, however, my computer says "the disk I'm trying to save to is full", which I'm assuming means my computer is full.  I tried to go on my iPad and just redeem the movie through that, but now it says the code has been redeemed, so I cant redeem it again.  How can I put this movie on my iPad or iCloud?

    Hello johnciti123,
    Thank you for ordering a PlayStation Network currency card from Best Buy's eBay store.  I am sorry to hear of the trouble you have had with it when you recently attempted to use it.
    While I recognize this may not be what you were hoping to hear, I regret to inform you that Best Buy is unable to support currency cards after they have been sold.  After we activate the cards for use we have no way to verify if or when they ever are, as this information is only available to the company for which the currency card is sold.  In this case that is Sony and PSN.  If there was anything that could be done, it would need to be from Sony.  In this case it sounds like they are likewise taking the stance that they cannot verify who was authorized to use the code so they do not provide support either.
    I am sorry there is not something else we can do.  Please let us know if you have any additional questions in the future.
    Mike|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

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