Error : The value is not set for parameter number"

Hello All,
I am getting an error message when I tried modifying a program by adding a new ID column to a database table.
All DML is working except the Delete. So to look at the delete method, I am setting the parameter correctly as can be seen in the code belwo.
Can someone please take a quick look and let me know where I need to tweak the code further.
The piece of code is given below.
/* File Modified */
* Generated by the MDK DAO Code Generator
package com.harris.mercury.setups.standard.emailsetup;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.harris.mercury.dao.CreateException;
import com.harris.mercury.dao.DAO;
import com.harris.mercury.dao.DataField;
import com.harris.mercury.dao.Holder;
import com.harris.mercury.dao.LocalResultProxy;
import com.harris.mercury.dao.RemoveException;
import com.harris.mercury.dao.ResultProxy;
import com.harris.mercury.system.DatabaseHelper;
import com.harris.mercury.system.database.dialect.Dialect;
* The EmailSetupDao class
public class EmailSetupDao implements DAO
protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EmailSetupDao.class);
/* This method is called by ResultProxies when they need
* the data they have retrieved in a ResultSet mapped
* to a holder.
public Holder createHolder(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException
EmailSetupHolder holder = new EmailSetupHolder(); // THE CODE GENERATOR NEEDS THIS VARIABLE
/* Assign the data into the new holder */
holder.setEmail_address( rs.getString("email_address") );
holder.setLogin_id( rs.getString("login_id") );
holder.setUser_name( rs.getString("user_name") );
holder.setSmtp( rs.getString("smtp") );
holder.setId(rs.getString("id") );
catch(SQLException sqle)
logger.error(sqle, sqle);
throw sqle;
return holder;
/* The findAll method returns a ResultProxy containing all the
* records in the pucemailr table, unless an extended where clause
* has been defined.
public ResultProxy findAll(Connection con) throws SQLException
LocalResultProxy result = null; // THE CODE GENERATOR NEEDS THIS VARIABLE
result = new LocalResultProxy(this,con, "select email_address, login_id, user_name, smtp, id from pucemailr"+makeOrderBy());
return result;
/* Inserts a record into the pucemailr table using a EmailSetupHolder.
* An exception is thrown if it is not sucessful.
public void insert(Connection con, EmailSetupHolder holder) throws CreateException
CreateException ce = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null; // THE CODE GENERATOR NEEDS THIS VARIABLE
// Insert into the data base
     ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into pucemailr (email_address, login_id, user_name, smtp) values(?, ?, ?, ?) ");
/* Assign the variables in the holder to their corresponding
* indexes in the prepared statement
ps = assignPreparedStatementValues(ps, holder, true) ;
// Try the insert
catch (SQLException se)
ce = new CreateException(se.getMessage());
catch (Exception ex)
ce = new CreateException(ex.getMessage());
} finally {
// Throw exception if error occurred
if (ce != null) {
throw ce;
/* This method will update a pucemailr record using the
* supplied EmailSetupHolder. If an error occurs, an exception
* is thrown.
public void update(Connection con, EmailSetupHolder holder) throws Exception
RuntimeException re = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null; // THE CODE GENERATOR NEEDS THIS VARIABLE
     ps = con.prepareStatement("update pucemailr set email_address=?, login_id=?, user_name=?,smtp=? where id=?");
/* Assign the variables in the holder to their corresponding
* indexes in the prepared statement
ps = assignPreparedStatementValues(ps, holder, false) ;
// Try the insert
int ret = ps.executeUpdate();
if (ret != 1)
re = new RuntimeException("Update failed on table pucemailr in EmailSetupDao");
catch (SQLException se)
re = new CreateException(se.getMessage());
catch (Exception ex)
re = new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
} finally {
// Throw exception if error occurred
if (re != null) {
throw re;
/* Using the EmailSetupHolder, this method locates records in the pucemailr table.
* Null values found in the holder are not used in the search.
* An exception is thrown if an error occurs.
public ResultProxy find(Connection con, EmailSetupHolder holder) throws SQLException
ResultProxy result = null;
int needAnd = 0;
StringBuffer selectStatement = new StringBuffer();
selectStatement.append("select email_address, login_id, user_name, smtp, id from pucemailr ");
if(holder.getId() != null)
if ( needAnd > 0)
selectStatement.append(" and ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
selectStatement.append("id like ");
selectStatement.append("'"+ Dialect.getSafeDialect(con).escape(holder.getId())+"%'");
if(holder.getEmail_address() != null)
if ( needAnd > 0)
selectStatement.append(" and ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
selectStatement.append("email_address like ");
selectStatement.append("'"+ Dialect.getSafeDialect(con).escape(holder.getEmail_address())+"%'");
if(holder.getLogin_id() != null)
if ( needAnd > 0)
selectStatement.append(" and ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
selectStatement.append("login_id like ");
selectStatement.append("'"+ Dialect.getSafeDialect(con).escape(holder.getLogin_id())+"%'");
if(holder.getUser_name() != null)
if ( needAnd > 0)
selectStatement.append(" and ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
selectStatement.append("user_name like ");
selectStatement.append("'"+ Dialect.getSafeDialect(con).escape(holder.getUser_name())+"%'");
if(holder.getSmtp() != null)
if ( needAnd > 0)
selectStatement.append(" and ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
selectStatement.append("smtp like ");
selectStatement.append("'"+ Dialect.getSafeDialect(con).escape(holder.getSmtp())+"%'");
result = new LocalResultProxy(this, con, selectStatement.toString()+makeOrderBy());
return result;
/* Creates an Order by clause */
public String makeOrderBy()
String result = "";
result = " order by smtp";
return result ;
/* This method deltes a single record that matches all the
* variables found in the EmailSetupHolder.
* An exception is thrown if an error occurs.
public void delete(Connection con, EmailSetupHolder holder) throws RemoveException
RemoveException re = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null; // THE CODE GENERATOR NEEDS THIS VARIABLE
boolean hasVars = false;
StringBuffer deleteSQL = new StringBuffer();
deleteSQL.append( "delete from pucemailr where " );
if (hasVars)
deleteSQL.append(" and ");
if (holder.getEmail_address() != null) {
deleteSQL.append("email_address=?") ;
} else {
deleteSQL.append("email_address is null");
hasVars = true;
if (hasVars)
deleteSQL.append(" and ");
if (holder.getLogin_id() != null) {
deleteSQL.append("login_id=?") ;
} else {
deleteSQL.append("login_id is null");
hasVars = true;
if (hasVars)
deleteSQL.append(" and ");
if (holder.getUser_name() != null) {
deleteSQL.append("user_name=?") ;
} else {
deleteSQL.append("user_name is null");
hasVars = true;
if (hasVars)
deleteSQL.append(" and ");
if (holder.getSmtp() != null) {
deleteSQL.append("smtp=?") ;
} else {
deleteSQL.append("smtp is null");
hasVars = true;
if (hasVars)
deleteSQL.append(" and ");
if (holder.getSmtp() != null) {
deleteSQL.append("id=?") ;
} else {
deleteSQL.append("id is null");
hasVars = true;
     ps = con.prepareStatement(deleteSQL.toString());
/* Assign the variables in the holder to their corresponding
* indexes in the prepared statement
int index = 1 ;
/* if( holder.getEmail_address() != null) {
ps.setString(index, holder.getEmail_address() );
index ++;
if( holder.getLogin_id() != null) {
ps.setString(index, holder.getLogin_id() );
index ++;
if( holder.getUser_name() != null) {
ps.setString(index, holder.getUser_name() );
index ++;
if( holder.getSmtp() != null) {
ps.setString(index, holder.getSmtp() );
index ++;
if( holder.getId() != null) {
ps.setString(index, holder.getId() );
index ++;
// Try the insert
int ret = ps.executeUpdate();
if (ret != 1)
re = new RemoveException("Delete failed on table pucemailr in EmailSetupDao");
catch (SQLException se)
re = new RemoveException(se.getMessage());
catch (Exception ex) {
re = new RemoveException(ex.getMessage());
} finally {
// Throw exception if error occurred
if (re != null)
throw re;
/* This method finds records in pucemailr table that match the
* supplied where clause.
* An exception is thrown if an error occurs.
public ResultProxy advancedFind(Connection con, String whereclause) throws SQLException
StringBuffer selectStatement = new StringBuffer();
selectStatement.append("select email_address, login_id, user_name, smtp, id from pucemailr ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
return new LocalResultProxy(this,con, selectStatement.toString()+makeOrderBy());
/* This methods returns a Vector of DataField objects that
* map the columns in the pucemailr table for the
* advanced find Where Clause Generator in the client. The extended
* where clause will be applied if one exists for this DAO.
public Vector<DataField> getQueryFields() {
Vector<DataField> v = new Vector<DataField>() ; // THE CODE GENERATOR NEEDS THIS VARIABLE
v.addElement( new DataField( "email_address", "Email address", DataField.STRING ) ) ;
v.addElement( new DataField( "login_id", "Login id", DataField.STRING ) ) ;
v.addElement( new DataField( "user_name", "User name", DataField.STRING ) ) ;
v.addElement( new DataField( "smtp", "Smtp", DataField.STRING ) ) ;
v.addElement( new DataField( "id", "Id", DataField.STRING ) ) ;
return v;
     * Jira Issue NS 30679 - Faiz Qureshi March 7, 2013
     * @param ps
     * @param holder
     * @param isInsert - Added Boolean parameter so the id parameter does not get passed for Insert DML statements
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
public PreparedStatement assignPreparedStatementValues(PreparedStatement ps, EmailSetupHolder holder, boolean isInsert)
throws Exception
if( holder.getEmail_address() != null)
ps.setString(1, holder.getEmail_address() );
ps.setNull(1, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
if( holder.getLogin_id() != null)
ps.setString(2, holder.getLogin_id() );
ps.setNull(2, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
if( holder.getUser_name() != null)
ps.setString(3, holder.getUser_name() );
ps.setNull(3, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
if( holder.getSmtp() != null)
ps.setString(4, holder.getSmtp() );
ps.setNull(4, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
if (!isInsert){
     if( holder.getId() != null)
     ps.setString(5, holder.getId() );
     ps.setNull(5, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
return ps;
/* Do not delete this tag, it is reserved for adding new methods to the DAO */
* Returns the table names used in this DAO
* @return the table names used in this DAO
public String[] getTableNames() {
String[] tableNames = new String[] {"pucemailr"};
return tableNames;
* Using the EmailSetupHolder, this method locates records in the pucemailr table.
* Null values found in the holder are not used in the search.
* An exception is thrown if an error occurs.
* @param con The database connection
* @param holder holder containing the values to generate a query upon
* @param orderBy The order by clause. Note, you must specify the "ORDER BY". If you forget to add a
* space in front of the order by, it will be automatically handled. Specify null to use the default
* or empty string for no ordering.
* @return The result of the search
* @throws SQLException if an error occurs in the search.
public ResultProxy find(Connection con, EmailSetupHolder holder, String orderBy) throws SQLException
ResultProxy result = null;
int needAnd = 0;
StringBuffer selectStatement = new StringBuffer();
selectStatement.append("select email_address, login_id, user_name, smtp, id from pucemailr ");
if(holder.getEmail_address() != null)
if ( needAnd > 0)
selectStatement.append(" and ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
selectStatement.append("email_address like ");
selectStatement.append("'"+ Dialect.getSafeDialect(con).escape(holder.getEmail_address())+"%'");
if(holder.getLogin_id() != null)
if ( needAnd > 0)
selectStatement.append(" and ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
selectStatement.append("login_id like ");
selectStatement.append("'"+ Dialect.getSafeDialect(con).escape(holder.getLogin_id())+"%'");
if(holder.getUser_name() != null)
if ( needAnd > 0)
selectStatement.append(" and ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
selectStatement.append("user_name like ");
selectStatement.append("'"+ Dialect.getSafeDialect(con).escape(holder.getUser_name())+"%'");
if(holder.getSmtp() != null)
if ( needAnd > 0)
selectStatement.append(" and ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
selectStatement.append("smtp like ");
selectStatement.append("'"+ Dialect.getSafeDialect(con).escape(holder.getSmtp())+"%'");
if(holder.getId() != null)
if ( needAnd > 0)
selectStatement.append(" and ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
selectStatement.append("Id like ");
selectStatement.append("'"+ Dialect.getSafeDialect(con).escape(holder.getId())+"%'"); }
result = new LocalResultProxy(this, con, selectStatement.toString() + (orderBy == null ? makeOrderBy() : com.harris.mercury.system.utils.StringUtils.padLeft(orderBy)));
return result;
* The findAll method returns a ResultProxy containing all the records in the pucemailr table,
* unless an extended where clause has been defined.
* @param con The database connection
* @param orderBy The order by clause. Note, you must specify the "ORDER BY". If you forget to add a
* space in front of the order by, it will be automatically handled. Specify null to use the default
* or empty string for no ordering.
* @return The result of the search
* @throws SQLException if an error occurs in the search.
public ResultProxy findAll(Connection con, String orderBy) throws SQLException
LocalResultProxy result = null; // THE CODE GENERATOR NEEDS THIS VARIABLE
result = new LocalResultProxy(this,con, "select email_address, login_id, user_name, smtp, id from pucemailr" + (orderBy == null ? makeOrderBy() : com.harris.mercury.system.utils.StringUtils.padLeft(orderBy)));
return result;
* This method finds records in pucemailr table that match the supplied where clause.
* @param con The database connection
* @param whereclause The where clause for the select statement - do not include the "where" - it
* will be automatically prepended
* @param orderBy The order by clause. Note, you must specify the "ORDER BY". If you forget to add a
* space in front of the order by, it will be automatically handled. Specify null to use the default
* or empty string for no ordering.
* @return The result of the search
* @throws SQLException if an error occurs in the search.
public ResultProxy advancedFind(Connection con, String whereclause, String orderBy) throws SQLException
StringBuffer selectStatement = new StringBuffer();
selectStatement.append("select email_address, login_id, user_name, smtp, id from pucemailr ");
selectStatement.append(" where ");
selectStatement.append((orderBy == null ? makeOrderBy() : com.harris.mercury.system.utils.StringUtils.padLeft(orderBy)));
return new LocalResultProxy(this,con, selectStatement.toString());

First thing to do is to edit the post and use some tags to format the code as it is unreadable and too much!
Read the FAQ ( to find out how to do this.
Next we need to know the jdev version you are using!
As the code is generated I would first try to generate it again after the db change.

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    This problem is a result of a limitation in Windows 9x regarding the size of an image that you can send to the printer. The problem does not occur on Windows 2000/NT. This problem appeared with the increased color options of LabVIEW 6.0 on which the BB1.2 is based.Although it is not immediately obvious, your video driver and settings play a role in printing.
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    Please check the check box in front of the field config material is checked?
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    Configurable materials have a super bill of material (BOM) that contains all the components for producing every variant of the material. Similarly, they have a super task list that contains all the operations. When a material is configured, only the components and operations needed for a variant are selected.
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         FROM dbo.ImportBBxFbcci a LEFT OUTER JOIN Archive.dbo.ArchiveBBxFbcci b
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    Please let me know where am going wrong?
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    What happens if you hit Preview button in OLE DB Source Editor? Also you can use the same query by selecting SQL Command option and test.
    Could you try set the Delay Validation = True at Package and re-run ?
    If set the query in variable expression (not in value), then Set Evaluate As Expression = True.
    -Vaibhav Chaudhari

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    Base image URI: /u01/r12/ebssnd/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/oracle/apps/media/XXSLI_SONY_LIFE_LOGO.gif
    Image file directory: /u01/r12/ebssnd/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/oracle/apps/media
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    2) Click the Preview.
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    First thing to do is to edit the post and use some tags to format the code as it is unreadable and too much!
    Read the FAQ ( to find out how to do this.
    Next we need to know the jdev version you are using!
    As the code is generated I would first try to generate it again after the db change.

  • Error: The document is not relevant for billing

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    I am creating a service order have already done pricing procedure, copy control setting all and condition record but when I tried to do billing with reference to the sales order it prompts me the message saying that the document is not relevant for billing. I really have no idea where went wrong as I used the default billing type F2 only. I have maintained F2 as order related billing.
    Appreciate all of your inputs in this.

    First goto VOV8 T.Code and select your order type.Details.
    Maintain the order related billing as F2 and remove the value in delivery related billing if there is any thing.
    Next goto VOV7 T.Code.
    Select your item category.Details.
    Maintain the billing relevance as "B/C/F".If you are using billing plan then maintain it as "I".
    And ensure that the correct copy control settings are done in VTFA for your order combination.

  • Billing Error - The item is not relevant for billing

    we face a problem when creating billing document which the error said "The Item is not relevant for billing"
    Check the item category from original SO, the Item category is set "billing relevant".
    But the DN detail, it indicates this item was "not billing relevant".
    Can anyone introduce us how I find the possible reason?
    Many thanks!

    In two areas you need to check.  They are
    -  In VOV7, select your item category and see what is maintained for the field "Billing Relevance".  If you are trying to generate billing against delivery, then the field should have been set for "A"; otherwise, it should have been "C"
    -  In VTFL, for the combination of your delivery type and billing type, you should have maintained item category.  Again this is applicable if you are doing delivery related billing.  If it is order related billing, then you need to check in VTFA
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Error "Lead selection not set for context node"

    Hi everyone,
    I've got a Tree control in WebDynpro ABAP and I've implemented an "expand all" button.
    Here's the coding:
    METHOD expand_node_rec.
      DATA lo_el_child TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
      DATA lo_node_children TYPE  wdr_context_child_map.
      DATA wa_lo_node_children LIKE LINE OF lo_node_children.
      DATA lo_nd_child TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
      DATA lo_kschl TYPE klschl.
      DATA lv_has_children TYPE boolean.
      lo_el_child = node->get_element( ).
      lo_node_children = node->get_child_nodes( ).
      node->get_attribute( EXPORTING name = 'KSCHL' IMPORTING value = lo_kschl ).
      node->get_attribute( EXPORTING name = 'HAS_CHILDREN' IMPORTING value = lv_has_children ).
      IF lv_has_children = abap_true.
        node->set_attribute( name = 'IS_EXPANDED' value = abap_true ).
      LOOP AT lo_node_children INTO wa_lo_node_children.
        lo_nd_child = wa_lo_node_children-node.
        me->expand_node_rec( node = lo_nd_child  ).
    However I'm getting the error above: "Lead selection not set for context node".
    Any suggestions?
    Edited by: DEVELOPMENT THEMIS on Jul 7, 2011 6:34 PM

    hi developement Themis,
    I think u didn't diclare "node" as context node. So declare it as a context node before using as a context below
    DATA node  TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
    or u can use  "lo_nd_child " as ur context node in ur program in place of "node"
    then I think this error will be removed.

  • Report Builder Error: [BC30455] Argument not specified for parameter 'DateValue' of 'Public Function Day(DateValue As Date) As Integer'.

    Hi there!
    I'm trying to calculate the difference between two days using DATEDIFF (). I use following code for this:
    =DATEDIFF(DAY, CDate(Fields!Eingang_Kundenanfrage.Value),CDate(Fields!Ausgang_Angebot.Value))
    Every time I try to save the report, I get this error message:
    [BC30455] Argument not specified for parameter 'DateValue' of 'Public Function Day(DateValue As Date) As Integer'.
    The DataSource is a SharePoint List and the Date is given in the following format: 23.05.2014 00:00:00 (DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS).
    I've googled for a working solution for a long time now, but I had no success.
    Is there someone who can help me?

    Hi Lucas,
    According to your description, you want to return the difference between two date. It seems that you want to get the days. Right?
    In Reporting Services, when we use DATEDIFF() function, we need to specify the data interval type, for days we can use "dd" or DateInterval.Day. So the expression should be like:
    =DATEDIFF(DateInterval.Day, CDate(Fields!Eingang_Kundenanfrage.Value),CDate(Fields!Ausgang_Angebot.Value))
    =DATEDIFF("dd", CDate(Fields!Eingang_Kundenanfrage.Value),CDate(Fields!Ausgang_Angebot.Value))
    Expression Examples (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • CWSerial/CWGPIB on Win7 :"The subject is not trusted for the specified action"

    I'm currently trying to migrate a VBA software from WinXP + Excel2000 to Win7 + Excel2010 and I'm encountering a big problem. The software is using activeX control such as CWSerial and CWGPIB but when I'm trying to add them I get the following error "The subject is not trusted for the specified action".
    I'm more or less certain it's a permission problem, I just can't figure out how to solve it. I'm also pretty sure it's not a VBA version problem because I tried to do the same manipulation on a Win7 + Excel2000 machine and got the same error, so it must be related to the OS.
    What I have already tried:
    Regsvr32 on cwinstr.ocx.
    Downgrading the Microsoft Office version to 2000 again.
    Set Excel's Trust Center to enable all controls without restriction.
    Fiddle with the registry keys following instructions on internet for similar problems.
    Re-install everything on a new machine.
    Did anybody face the same problem and/or has a solution? I'm working on a Virtual Machine so I can test every idea without fearing data loss.
    Thank you for your help!

    The only way to know what is going on is to retrieve the certificate and check who is the issuer.<br />
    It is always possible that the server doesn't send the full certificate chain (intermediate certificates), so it might help to post a link to this website
    Check the date and time in the clock on your computer: (double) click the clock icon on the Windows Taskbar.
    Check out why the site is untrusted and click "Technical Details to expand this section.<br>If the certificate is not trusted because no issuer chain was provided (sec_error_unknown_issuer) then see if you can install this intermediate certificate from another source.
    You can retrieve the certificate and check details like who issued certificates and expiration dates of certificates.
    *Click the link at the bottom of the error page: "I Understand the Risks"
    Let Firefox retrieve the certificate: "Add Exception" -> "Get Certificate".
    *Click the "View..." button and inspect the certificate and check who is the issuer of the certificate.
    You can see more Details like intermediate certificates that are used in the Details pane.
    If "I Understand the Risks" is missing then this page may be opened in an (i)frame and in that case try the right-click context menu and use "This Frame: Open Frame in New Tab".
    *Note that some firewalls monitor (secure) connections and that programs like Sendori or FiddlerRoot can intercept connections and send their own certificate instead of the website's certificate.
    *Note that it is not recommended to add a permanent exception in cases like this, so only use it to inspect the certificate.

  • Error : This balancing segment value is not valid for the current ledger

    Dear friend,
    Error : This balancing segment value is not valid for the current ledger.
    when I click Account Assignment in Budget Organization.
    I used R12
    Thank you
    Best regards,
    Hareyuya, Junior.

    Please see these documents.
    Note: 756765.1 - Cannot Use Parent Balancing Segment Values In Massbudget or MassAllocation Formula
    Note: 790339.1 - Cannot Select Parent Values In Mass Budgets
    Note: 437588.1 - Rel 12: Balancing Segment Value Is Not Valid For Current Ledger

  • Argument not specified for parameter error.(IIF) Report Builder 3.0

    Hi, Im trying to set the font colour of text dynamically dependant upon the date. 
    This is using report builder 3.0 expressions. -I'm new to using expressions. 
    I want my expression to do this:
    If less than or equal to today, RED, 
    If greater than today but less than today+30 days, yellow, (this is the confusing bit)
    else Black.
    My expression is this:
    =IIF(Fields!Standard_Licence_Expiry.Value =< TODAY(),"Red",
    IIF(Fields!Standard_Licence_Expiry.Value BETWEEN TODAY() and (DATEADD(DateInterval.DAY,30,GETDATE())),"Purple","Black")
    However I keep getting the error:
    The Color expression for the textrun ‘Standard_Licence_Expiry.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ contains an error: [BC30455] Argument not specified for parameter 'FalsePart' of 'Public Function IIf(Expression As Boolean, TruePart As Object, FalsePart As Object)
    As Object'.

    Hi BlakeWills,
    Unlike T-SQL, there is no BETWEEN keyword in
    SSRS expressions. So we can try the expression like below to achieve your requirement:
    =IIF(Fields!Standard_Licence_Expiry.Value <=TODAY(),"Red", IIF(Fields!Standard_Licence_Expiry.Value > TODAY() and Fields!Standard_Licence_Expiry.Value < DateAdd(DateInterval.Day,30,Today()),"Yellow","Black"))
    Please note that the Standard_Licence_Expiry field should be a date type data in the expression above. If it is a string type, we should use the expression below to replace the Fields!Standard_Licence_Expiry.Value:
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Xslt error: the expression does not evaluate to a node-set

    hi guys - i'm really down because i cannot find / understand my xsl error and i have to finish my work very very soon
    the error message (by using xalan to create from the xml file my html output) is the following:
    xslt error: the expression does not evaluate to a node-set
    and the code fragement is:
    <xsl:template name="getNext">
    <xsl:param name="currentKnoten" />
    <xsl:for-each select="$currentKnoten"> //error is in this line
    </xsl:template>please... help me....

    ok thanks!!! this saved me some time ;-)
    now i go back to the origin problem... my main idea is the following xsl code... may u can see here the problem with the node site.. but i think u need the xml file or?
    however this is my relevant xsl code:
    <xsl:template match="DATA">
              <xsl:element name="process">
                   <xsl:attribute name="name">
                        <xsl:value-of select="@name" />
                   <xsl:apply-templates select="INSTANCE"/>
    <xsl:template match="INSTANCE[@class='Data']">
              <xsl:element name="node">
                   <xsl:attribute name="name">
                        <xsl:value-of select="@name" />
                   <xsl:attribute name="class">
                        <xsl:value-of select="@class" />
                   <xsl:call-template name="copyAttributes" />
                   <xsl:variable name="nextNodes">
                        <xsl:value-of select="key('keyGetData', key('keyFrom', @name)/../TO/@instance)" />
                   <xsl:call-template name="getNext">
                        <xsl:with-param name="currentNode" select="$nextNodes" />
    <xsl:template name="getNext">
              <xsl:param name="currentNode"/>
              <xsl:for-each select="$currentNode">
                   <xsl:element name="node">
                        <xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></xsl:attribute>
                        <xsl:attribute name="class"><xsl:value-of select="@class"/></xsl:attribute>
                        <xsl:variable name="nextNodes">
                             <xsl:value-of select="key('keyGetData', key('keyFrom', @name)/../TO/@instance)"/>
                        <xsl:call-template name="copyAttributes"/>
                        <xsl:call-template name="getNext">
                             <xsl:with-param name="currentNode" select="$nextNodes"/>
         <xsl:template name="copyAttributes">
              <xsl:for-each select="descendant::*">
                        <xsl:copy-of select="@*|node()"/>
         <xsl:template match="@*|node()">

  • Business Rule err The following value is not valid for the run time prompt.

    Hyperion Planning v 9.3.3
    I have created a new BR with 2 local variables (created at the time of the BR), Variables are set as run time prompts. They are created as "Member" (not Members). The BR basically does a calc dim on dense and Agg on Sparce other than the prompt on Entity and Version dimensions. The entity variable has a limit on level 0 of the dimension. The Version variable limits to the input (Submit and Sandboxes)
    The BR is associated in Planning with an input web form. Entity and Version are in the page. Is set to Run on Save and Use members on form.
    If the run time prompts Hide boxes are checked, an empty Prompt pops up with only a Submit button. Click the button and an error comes up: "The following value is not valid for the run time prompt it was entered for:. But it does not indicate what member - just ends in the :.
    The BR will run sucessfully only if the Run-time prompt is not hidden - "Hide" in the BR is unchecked. So the syntax and logic of the BR is correct and security should not be an issue.
    The client wants no prompt. In production we have similar situations in which the BR works with the Web Forms without a prompt.
    What am I doing wrong - I have tried restarting the Planning service and the EAS service.

    My preferred method of doing this is:
    1. In business rule, do not hide the run-time prompts. This makes it easy to validate the business rule as you are building it. I only use Global Variables.
    2. On the form, have business rule set to run on save, use members on data form and hide prompt.
    Check that in the business rule, for the variables (Run-Time prompts), that they are all in use. If not, delete them from the business rule. Are all your variables global? Are some local and some global? This could be the issue.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • How to call Oracle sqlldr in Java

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  • Connection between two AEs VERY slow

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  • OS X 10.8.5 causes external disk to eject improperly

    Ever since updating to 10.8.5 I'm having a problem with my external Time Machine drive when my iMac goes to sleep.  When I return to the computer, the folling warning pops up on the screen: I'm not doing anything differently than I've always done.  T

  • Planned Vs Other Key Figues

    Hi, I have the following requirement: User Selections: 0CALMONTH Plan Value   Keyfig1    keyfig2   keyfig3... The user enters the plan value for the month he choses. When he enters the plan values the kefig1 should be diplayed for the month 0CALMONTH