Error when entering sales order in procurement scenario

I am trying to run the procurement demo using our DS. At step 1, I logged in as proc_sales, and trying to create a sales order. Got the following exception:
Error: Exception: Server Error C6120 123 null T20000 40
Any body knows what went wrong and how to fix it?
Best Regards,

I got this error for the product T20010.
Solved with the solution described on note 1023661 point 3.
- Goto TCode MM02. 
- Change material T20010 with the following organizational levels data:
         Plant               BP01
         Sales Org.           BP01
         Distr. Channel       01
- Open the view Sales: Sales Org 1.                                            
- Change Delivering Plant to 'BP01'.

Similar Messages

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    I have created enterprise structure, xd01, mm01, ovkk but I count't post stock.
    When create sales order getting error is that
    1.This material is not defined for sales area 1000, 10, 00.
    And if i use this T.Code MB1C,
    2. Parameters for plant 1000 not maintained in Inventory Mgt.,
    *3. Unit *** is not created in language EN.*
    Thanks in advance

    Dear selvi sankaran
    1)  Compare the sales organization, distribution channel and division of customer and material.  In your case, either of that should have been created differently.  Maintain the same sales area and retry
    2)  Go to omi8 and maintain the required parameters to your plant
    3)  Go to Material Master, select "Additional data" and click on "Descriptions".  There maintain "EN" under language.
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Error when replicate sales order from crm to r3

    Hello Guys,
    When I replicate a sales orders from a CRM system to R3 system the system does the following error in the smw01:
    queue name: R3AD_SAL_ERR
    Please enter sold-to party or ship-to party
    Nº mensagem VP112
    Sales document XXXX was not changed
    Nº mensagem V4219
    Any idea, why this happens?

    Hello guys,
    I have solved my problem by my own.
    The problem was in the distribution of partner functions from crm to R3 (spro -> CRM->Basic Functions-> Partner processing->Data Transfer-> distribution of partner functions from crm to R3).
    The partner functions assigned to sales orders in R3 was the AG, WE, RE and RG, and in the CRM was SP, SH, BP, PY, the partner functions map wasn't correct
    I have had to map the correct partner functions between crm and r3. I have put in CRM the same partners functions that R3.
    Best regards

  • Dump Error when creating sales order

    Dear Friends,
    When I am creating sales order after entering order quantity field value in item table giving dump error.
    INCLUDE LV03VFB4 inside below code trigger error.

    Hello Praveen,
    checked this program in other systems.
    The weird thing in your code is the final parameter 0, it should not be there.
    The call should be:
    Hope it helps.

  • Error when creating sales order using BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2

    I am using BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 for creating the Sales order. But I have a problem when Iu2019m trying to create configuration. I think that parameter order_items_in-material should be generated before calling BAPI described above. I try to use order_items_in-mat_entrd, but BAPI return error message id = V1, number = 320 (No item category available (Table T184 ZAPC  TEXT )).
    Help me please, How I can solve this problem?

    <P><STRONG>  DEFINE fill_prizn.<BR>    IF is_cost_order-&amp;1 IS NOT INITIAL.<BR>      CLEAR: ls_cfgs_value-charc,<BR>             ls_cfgs_value-value.<BR>      ls_cfgs_value-charc = &amp;2.<BR>      ls_cfgs_value-value = is_cost_order-&amp;1.<BR>*      ls_cfgs_value-valcode = '1'.<BR>      APPEND ls_cfgs_value TO lt_cfgs_value.<BR>    ENDIF.<BR>  END-OF-DEFINITION.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>DATA: ls_header_in TYPE bapisdhd1,<BR>      ls_header_inx TYPE bapisdhd1x,</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>      lt_partners TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr,<BR>      ls_partners TYPE bapiparnr,</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>      lt_items_in TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm,<BR>      lt_items_inx TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx,</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>      ls_items_in TYPE bapisditm,<BR>      ls_items_inx TYPE bapisditmx,</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>      ls_cfgs_ref TYPE bapicucfg,<BR>      lt_cfgs_ref TYPE TABLE OF bapicucfg,</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>      lt_cfgs_value TYPE TABLE OF bapicuval,<BR>      ls_cfgs_value TYPE bapicuval,</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>      lt_schedules_in TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl,<BR>      ls_schedules_in TYPE bapischdl,</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>      lt_schedules_inx TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx,<BR>      ls_schedules_inx TYPE bapischdlx,</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>      lt_cfgs_inst TYPE TABLE OF bapicuins,<BR>      ls_cfgs_inst TYPE bapicuins,<BR>      lt_cfgs_partof TYPE TABLE OF bapicuprt,<BR>      ls_cfgs_partof TYPE bapicuprt,</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>      lv_vbeln TYPE bapivbeln-vbeln,<BR>      lt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>* fill header<BR>  ls_header_in-doc_type = 'ZAPC'.<BR>  ls_header_in-sales_org = is_cost_order-vkorg.<BR>  ls_header_in-distr_chan = is_cost_order-vtweg.<BR>  ls_header_in-division = '01'.<BR>  ls_header_in-sales_off = '1011'.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>  ls_header_inx-updateflag = 'I'.<BR>  ls_header_inx-doc_type = 'X'.<BR>  ls_header_inx-sales_org = 'X'.<BR>  ls_header_inx-distr_chan = 'X'.<BR>  ls_header_inx-division = 'X'.<BR>  ls_header_inx-sales_off = 'X'.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>* fill partners<BR>  ls_partners-partn_role = 'AG'.<BR>  ls_partners-partn_numb = '1000000031'.   " фиктивный заказчик<BR>  APPEND ls_partners TO lt_partners.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>*  ls_items_in-material = is_cost_order-matnr.<BR>  ls_items_in-mat_entrd = is_cost_order-matnr.<BR>  ls_items_in-target_qty = '1'.<BR>  ls_items_in-itm_number = '000001'.<BR>  ls_items_in-po_itm_no = '000001'.<BR>  ls_items_in-item_categ = 'ZCRM'.<BR>  SELECT SINGLE meins INTO ls_items_in-target_qu<BR>    FROM mara<BR>    WHERE matnr = is_cost_order-matnr.<BR>  APPEND ls_items_in TO lt_items_in.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>  ls_items_inx-itm_number = '000001'.<BR>  ls_items_inx-item_categ = 'X'.<BR>  ls_items_inx-po_itm_no = 'X'.<BR>*  ls_items_inx-material = 'X'.<BR>  ls_items_inx-mat_entrd = 'X'.<BR>  ls_items_inx-target_qty = 'X'.<BR>  ls_items_inx-target_qu = 'X'.<BR>  ls_items_inx-updateflag = 'I'.<BR>  APPEND ls_items_inx TO lt_items_inx.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>* fill configuration<BR>  ls_cfgs_ref-posex = '000001'.<BR>  ls_cfgs_ref-config_id = '000001'.<BR>  ls_cfgs_ref-root_id = '00000001'.<BR>  APPEND ls_cfgs_ref TO lt_cfgs_ref.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG> ls_cfgs_value-config_id = '000001'.<BR>  ls_cfgs_value-inst_id = '00000001'.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>  fill_prizn kod_prod 'KOD_PROD'.<BR>  fill_prizn tlot_min 'TLOT_MIN'.<BR>  fill_prizn tlot_max 'TLOT_MAX'.<BR>  fill_prizn shot_min 'SHOT_MIN'.<BR>  fill_prizn shot_max 'SHOT_MAX'.<BR>  fill_prizn dlot_min 'DLOT_MIN'.<BR>  fill_prizn dlot_max 'DLOT_MAX'.<BR>  fill_prizn marka 'MARKA'.<BR>  fill_prizn stndrt_marka 'STNDRT_MARKA'.<BR>  fill_prizn stndrt_prod  'STNDRT_PROD'.<BR>  fill_prizn tprk 'TPRK'.<BR>  fill_prizn grot 'GROT'.<BR>  fill_prizn vityazhka 'VITYAZHKA'.<BR>  fill_prizn krom 'KROM'.<BR>  fill_prizn chisl_st_pokr 'CHISL_ST_POKR'.<BR>  fill_prizn kls_tol_pokr  'KLS_TOL_POKR'.<BR>  fill_prizn proch_izg_t_lic_max 'PROCH_IZG_T_LIC_MAX'.<BR>  fill_prizn priz_zasch_pov 'PRIZ_ZASCH_POV'.<BR>  fill_prizn vid_pokr  'VID_POKR'.<BR>  fill_prizn mark_pokr 'MARK_POKR'.<BR>  fill_prizn mat_pokr_lic 'MAT_POKR_LIC'.<BR>  fill_prizn plsk 'PLSK'.<BR>  fill_prizn vid_postavki 'VID_POSTAVKI'.<BR>  fill_prizn dressir 'DRESSIR'.<BR>  fill_prizn travl   'TRAVL'.<BR>  fill_prizn fsfr_min 'FSFR_MIN'.<BR>  fill_prizn fsfr_max 'FSFR_MAX'.<BR>  fill_prizn krmn_min 'KRMN_MIN'.<BR>  fill_prizn krmn_max 'KRMN_MAX'.<BR>  fill_prizn mrgn_min 'MRGN_MIN'.<BR>  fill_prizn mrgn_max 'MRGN_MAX'.<BR>  fill_prizn almn_min 'ALMN_MIN'.<BR>  fill_prizn almn_max 'ALMN_MAX'.<BR>  fill_prizn cugl_min 'CUGL_MIN'.<BR>  fill_prizn cugl_max 'CUGL_MAX'.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>  ls_schedules_in-itm_number = '000001'.<BR>*  ls_schedules_in-req_date = sy-datum.<BR>  ls_schedules_in-sched_line = '0001'.<BR>  ls_schedules_in-req_qty = '1'.<BR>  APPEND ls_schedules_in TO lt_schedules_in.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>  ls_schedules_inx-itm_number = '000001'.<BR>  ls_schedules_inx-sched_line = '0001'.<BR>*  ls_schedules_inx-req_date = 'X'.<BR>  ls_schedules_inx-req_qty = 'X'.<BR>  ls_schedules_inx-updateflag = 'I'.<BR>  APPEND ls_schedules_inx TO lt_schedules_inx.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>  ls_cfgs_partof-parent_id = '00000001'.<BR>  ls_cfgs_partof-inst_id = '00000001'.<BR>  ls_cfgs_partof-class_type = '300'.<BR>  ls_cfgs_partof-obj_type = 'MARA'.<BR>  ls_cfgs_partof-obj_key = is_cost_order-matnr.<BR>  APPEND ls_cfgs_partof TO lt_cfgs_partof.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>  ls_cfgs_inst-config_id = '000001'.<BR>  ls_cfgs_inst-inst_id = '00000001'.<BR>  ls_cfgs_inst-obj_type = 'MARA'.<BR>  ls_cfgs_inst-class_type = '300'.<BR>  ls_cfgs_inst-obj_key = is_cost_order-matnr.<BR>  APPEND ls_cfgs_inst TO lt_cfgs_inst.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>  CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2'<BR>    EXPORTING<BR>      order_header_in               = ls_header_in<BR>      order_header_inx              = ls_header_inx<BR>*      testrun                       =<BR>    IMPORTING<BR>      salesdocument                 = lv_vbeln<BR>    TABLES<BR>      return                        = lt_return<BR>      order_items_in                = lt_items_in<BR>      order_items_inx               = lt_items_inx<BR>      order_partners                = lt_partners<BR>      order_schedules_in            = lt_schedules_in<BR>      order_schedules_inx           = lt_schedules_inx<BR>      order_cfgs_ref                = lt_cfgs_ref<BR>      order_cfgs_inst               = lt_cfgs_inst<BR>      order_cfgs_part_of            = lt_cfgs_partof<BR>      order_cfgs_value              = lt_cfgs_value<BR>            .</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG>  READ TABLE lt_return TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY type = 'E'.<BR>  IF sy-subrc = 0.<BR>    CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'<BR>              .<BR>  ELSE.<BR>    CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'<BR>      EXPORTING<BR>        wait          = 'X'<BR>              .<BR>  ENDIF.</STRONG></P>
    <P><STRONG></STRONG> </P>
    <P><STRONG></STRONG> </P>

  • Getting Error when creating sales order

    Hello expert,
    When i ma creating sales order In productive environment, not getting any error.
    While creating sales order in Quality system The Error is"Order Type ZSOS has not defined in sales area 0201,02.00.
    I checked customizing and both the system Quality and Productive system having following configuration and that is identical.
    Combine sales Org
    Sales Org                              Ref Sales org
    0201                                        Blank
    Combine Distribution Channel
    Sales Org                 D.Channel            Ref dist Channel
    0201                            02                            02
    Combine Division
    Sales org             Division            Ref Divison
    0201                      10                      00
    Assign permitted order type to he sales areas.
    Ref Sales org         Ref Distribution              Ref Division   Sales doc type
    0201                        02                                   00                     ZSOS
    Please can anyone assist me where we are missing.
    Ajit jaiswal

    Hi Ajit,
    you have to make these assignments in img
    Combine sales organizations(ova0)
    Combine distribution channels(ovam)
    Combine divisions(ovan)
    Assign sales order types permitted for sales areas(ovaz)
    after these assignments the mentionwed error will be resolved
    Revert if helpful
    Mohit Singh

  • Delivery Deleted, Showing error when deleting sales order. R3, Oracle9i

    Hi experts,
    One of my users deleted delevery document and when he is trying to delete sales order it is giving error.
    Also it is showing delivery archived. How to retrieve the document.
    Thnx in advance

    Hi Dhanush,
    I suppose there is no need to run any consistency jobs for this issue(as per my understanding).
    As specified above by Senthil just try first running //CCR for the LOC_PRODUCT with category as Sales Order (also tick the VBBE table option) and Purchase Order. I think this will solve your purpose. Also please make sure that the IMs for the LOC_PRODUCT is active.
    Do let us know your findings on the same.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Ship to party error whils entering sales order

    After putting sales area (1234/14/00) for order type OR on main screen VA01, received an error on the overview screen as Ship tp party AB1234 in not defined for sales area 1234/14/01 though we have already maintained common division for conditions and customer as 00 for 01.
    please guide.

    Please check that
    1)You have assigned the sales area to the sales document type in SPRO.

  • Invalid total  [ORDR.DocTotal] Error when loading sales order

    Hi Experts,
                     Our cutomer hass upgraded to SAP B1 2007A from SAP B1 2005A.When the customer is trying to load data into salesorder object using our add-on we are getting the following error called "Invalid total  [ORDR.DocTotal]" and also "Invalid BP Code" even though tthe corresponding Business partner is available.
                     Please help me in finding the issue. What may be the possible reason for this. This is a critical customer issue kindly help.
    Ranjani Sampath.

    First of all check with the addon vendor whether the addon is compatible with 2007.
    Some changes might be required in the Addon to be compatible with 2007 version.
    If its your own addon kindly check it in the test system,after verifying the functionality of the addon proceed with the live system,untill then i suggest you not to use that addon.
    Also check note:[781944|],[978706|] might be related to your issue.

  • Error when creating sales order

    Hi Gurus,
    Please help me resolve the below error.
    "Invalid combination of Business Area   and Mat.Acc.Det.Group 01"
    Thank You


  • Error message when updating Sales Orders

    Hi Experts
    Following an issue over the weekend when I was forced to perform a  hard reset we are now experiencing error message when trying to update some sales orders. 
    This entry already exists in the following tables " ADO1 (ODBC - 2035) [Message 131 - 183]
    it is not happening on all orders - i think only ones which were on the system prior to the reset.
    We also use webtools and the B1SyncService seems to be causing the SAP B1 system to become unusable - following each attempt to sync there is an error in the event log:
    Event Type:     Error
    Event Source:     B1SynchService
    Event Category:     None
    Event ID:     0
    Date:          29/06/2009
    Time:          13:42:38
    User:          N/A
    Computer:     SQL01
    A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)
       at SQL, String connectionstring)
       at NetPoint.SynchSBO.SBOObjects.SBOUtility.SetCompany(Company TheCompany, SecurityTicket securityTicket)
       at NetPoint.SynchSBO.Synch.SetCompany()
       at NetPoint.SynchSBO.Synch..ctor(SecurityTicket ticket)
       at NetPoint.SynchSBO.Synch..ctor(SecurityTicket ticket, Int32 pricinginterval)
       at NetPoint.SynchService.NPSynchService.Synch(String profile, Mutex mutex)
       at NetPoint.SynchService.NPSynchService.Main(String[] args)
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    For now I have had to stop the SyncService to prevent B1 from becoming unusable (users are unable to start any AR module), but even after I have stopped the syncservice I still have the error when updating sales orders.

    Dear Johnny,
    the error reported sounds like a DB Corruption. I would advise you to log a message to SAP Support including all the details in order to obtain the error message. It is also a good idea and it will speed up the process if you include some print screens showing exactly the error message.
    Hope my reply helps you to solve the issue.
    Wesley Honorato

  • RE; when a sales order is posted error in Md04

    When a sales order posted for 10 nos, the order shown in stock requirement list it is exhibiting the order for 120.Basically it is the integration problem despite that sd people claim it is the setting problem of pp or mm consultant. Can anybody clear my problem.
    Edited by: Vachanala Rajasekhar on Dec 27, 2007 3:28 AM

    If possible; kindly change the order qty to either 9 or 11 and then check the order qty proposed by the system.
    Is this appearing for any particular material or a common error??
    If for any particular material, u need to check the material master but first do some change in order qty and then see the behaviour
    Please revert with your findings

  • Customer error message in sales order on save

    Hi Friends,
    as per requirement i have to raise the error message and system should enable the field to change values. This should happen when condition is not met on Saving of Sales order.
    For this, i have used the user exit USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE. But the problem is system throwing error message and all r in display mode only. as per my requirement system should allow to change the error value field.
    i have verified many posting in this SDN, but nothing is working out.
    Please guide me, how to raise the error message and system should enable that filed.
    My doubt is where should i raise the error message in sales order (MV45AFZZ)??? if any badi to raise the error message also fine for me. I tried many ways like... message with display like..... and set / get parameters and badis....  but not able to find the correct solution.
    Thanks in Advance.

    You need to use check for enahcement spot, which will be help to you.
    Bcz you are throwing custom error message in the standard transaction, once the error is display, you could not able to change the values. your prob can be solved by using the enhancement sport.
    This is include name (Include:MV45AF0B_BELEG_SICHERN).
    In the above include, you need to create a enhancement spot after this spot (ENHANCEMENT 16  OI0_COMMON_SAPMV45A.)  
    write your custom code and while displaying an error message. set flag = 'x', then use below code. It will display error message once you press ENTER, you will get the sale order in change mode, you change the values.
      IF flag = 'X'.
              fcode = fcode_gleiche_seite.
              perform fcode_bearbeiten.
              ch_subrc = 4.

  • Material Determination when creating Sales Order referencing Contract

    Hi Experts,
    Is ther any way to force material determination when creating a sales order with reference to a contract?
    When I create a sales order from scratch, the material determinations works fine, but when the sales order is created referencing a contract, the material is copied from the contract without material determination.
    I've checked control copy at item level, without sucess.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Nuno,
    Material determination is triggered by the material entered in the line item of the sales order.
    You can carry out new Material determination/Product selection by copy cotrol configuration when creating with reference.
    For your scenario of creating SO with reference to Contract the "product selection field should be blank" at item level copy control.
    Blank --> Carry out new product selection
    A --> Copy result of product selection
    B --> like A, but the product selection is never cancelled afterwards
    C --> Reserve
    Hope this helps you.

  • When copying sales order, its coming as booked (Using custom workflow)

    While copying sales order using custom workflow, if the source sales order is booked, the new sales order is also coming as booked only.
    But in standard workflow, its coming as Entered. Any idea which parameter I need to check?

    Hi Asit Garg,
    Correct me if i am "X".
    You want to trigger the workflow for two different scenario that is 1. when the sales order is changed 2. when the sales order is created with delivery block.
    For the 1. As you said it is working fine.
    For the 2. sales order created with delivery block.
                 Make your workflow to work like this, Whenever the sales order is created trigger the workflow and at first step check for the condition weather the sales order have the delivery block or not if not terminate the workflow through terminating event if not proceed as you wish.
    Hope it will helps you,
    Balaji E.

Maybe you are looking for