Error when ordering Verizon Domain Services to keep email address

I get the following message when trying to order the 19.95$ option to keep email adddress's for 1 year.
"User account is not eligible to complete order." I have read my account needs Broadband essitials but this makes no sense. Verizon Tech support is no help. I have talked so many different people with no luck. Please help.

Hi jflogerzi,
Sorry you are having difficulty. An agent with access to your account will reach out to you directly by email, private message in the Forums and/or the billing telephone number on your Verizon account for more information or to help you resolve your issue. Please remember to check your spam/junk folder if you do not hear from an agent.

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    Now for an answer - your remote session doesn't have the same object you have on the server itself.  Notice it says this is an array list, not a ProxyAddressCollection.  If you need to work around this, you'll need to massage the addresses another
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    Edited by: RonKoudijs on Aug 26, 2010 6:28 PM

    Hello Taylan,
    I think the error that you received was due to packaging issues.I placed the file under a directory called data which was present under
    the project directory.
    When you want to access a java class, you can either place the compiled
    class file in the WEB-INF/classes folder or you can place the java file
    under the project directory.
    I have attached the sample project that I created with your files.
    Let me know if you have any other questions.
    Raj Alagumalai
    WebLogic Workshop Support
    "taylan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3d6351b0$[email protected]..
    I am trying to write a simpe web service in WebLogic Workshop, but havingan error
    which I could not understand. Could you please help me? Thanks in advance.
    My web service code is like belows:
    import weblogic.jws.control.JwsContext;
    import data.*;
    public class WebService1
    /** @jws:context */
    JwsContext context;
    * @jws:operation
    public UtilClass testType(UtilClass tTest){
    UtilClass returnObj=new UtilClass();
    if(tTest.getName()!= null){
    return returnObj;
    and my UtilClass is placed in the data directory under the same directorywith
    my web service code. It is a simpe class as belows:
    package data;
    public class UtilClass
    private String name;
    public void setName(String name){;
    public String getName(){
    return name;
    However I got an error when I try to compile the webservice class. Theerror is
    like belows:
    File Line Message
    WebService1.jws 0 Resource found on system classpath: data.UtilClass
    Build complete - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

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    Problem solved

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    hi there philnj,
    could you help the community narrow troubleshooting by providing a little more information? Particularly what model printer are we dealing with?
    You can say thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in my post. If my post resolves your problem, please mark it as Accepted Solution so others can benefit too.

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    everyone face this issue, nothing in event viewer, its easy to reproduce error at ur end also.. 
    just you need to use below web service in infopath and populate some data on form load like id = 1 pull the title and try to set in form any field...the
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    Roger, thank you.  I wish I had sent out this question a month ago, when I committed the folly of creating another apple id with my alternate email address.  Since then, I had realized that I didn't seem to need it, hence today's post.
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    The organization has several public domains (Different departments require different domains) with one overarching domain.
    The default Email Address Policy is the only email address policy set up which has the following:
    [email protected] (PRIMARY)
    [email protected]
    Therefore all users are getting these two addresses. For the users who require another domain email address Helpdesk staff are going into their accounts in EMC and manually adding the email address required and setting it to primary (Leaving the
    Automatically update email address based on recipient policy ticked...)
    I have a few issues here:
    Issue 1: Office 365 DirSync Readiness Check is complaining that I have proxyAddresses that are not publically routable (domain.local). How do I go about resolving this? Does editing a Email Address Policy cause everything to be re-evaluated? I am thinking
    I could go in and remove the domain.local entry (I am assuming it is not needed?) but then would simply applying it cause issues?
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    Any help would be appreciated...

    Here are my answers you can refer to:
    1. As far as I know, the name domain.local cannot be published externally by any CA. Then I recommend you create a accepted domain for example and a related Email Address policy.
    2. We can add multiple email addresses for one mailbox and set one email address as the primary address.
    3. Based on my knowledge, we can manually select the primary email address.
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

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    what shall i do when call a remote service which need to be authenticated at

    it's ok now,i made a stupid mistake.:)
    "Anthony Fryer" <[email protected]> дÈëÏûÏ¢ÐÂÎÅ
    :[email protected]..
    What you should do is configure DOMAIN gateways between the remote tuxedodomain
    and your own local domain. Then you don't need to call tpinit at all fromthe
    local service that calls the remote service.
    "fish" <[email protected]> wrote:
    i have to call a remote tuxedo service in my local service,and the remote
    service need to be authenticated when use tpinit. when i use tpinit in
    service,it will be error, i think maybe the application does not know
    tuxedo service i will call(local or remote),so,it may think my tpinit
    for my local service,then some error here.
    what shall i do when call a remote service which need to be authenticated

  • Error when consuming a web service in CF 11

    I am consuming a web service in ColdFusion what was written in .NET.  Some methods of the web service work fine, but some we get the below error.  We have identified the issue is the name of one of the properties in the web service appears to be the issue.  The property name is ID.  This is a very common property name so I would think someone has run across this before.  It appears that maybe ID is a default property for Axis?  I can dump the method that works and I see there is a getID() method with a return type of org.apache.axis.types.Id.
    If we change the name of the property to something other than ID it works, but this will cause us to refactor a lot of code.
    Here is the error I get when I try to call GetRoles method, which contains an ID property:
    Cannot perform web service invocation GetRoles. The fault returned when invoking the web service operation is:
    faultCode: {}Server.userException
    faultString: org.xml.sax.SAXException: For input string: "i1"
    java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "i1"
    {}stackTrace:org.xml.sax.SAXException: For input string: "i1"
    java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "i1"
    at org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializer.onStartElement(
    at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializerImpl.startElement(
    at org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializer.startElement(
    at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.startElement( 1048)
    at org.apache.axis.message.SAX2EventRecorder.replay(
    at org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement.publishToHandler(
    at org.apache.axis.message... ''
    I am running CF 11 Update 4.

    I am not passing any parameters to the method (it has no parameters).  On the ColdFusion side I do not use i1 anywhere.  I will check with the .net developer on Monday to see if he is using it anywhere in his code.  If he is he is using in consistently as the only methods that work from his service are those that do not have an ID property.  All services with an ID property give me the same error message.

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      We created the virtual interface (Z_VI_CUSTOMER_BAPI)and the web service definition (Z_WSD_CUSTOMER_BAPI)from SE80. When we try to release the web service definition from WSCONFIG, we get an error saying:
    "Error when creating web service(Web Service Definition Z_WSD_CUSTOMER_BAPI for SOAP application unbekannt)"
    Please help...

    I think I must clarify my question.
    The Web Service is not called inside SAP R/3 but externally. For testing pourpose I actually use WS Navigator and XMLSpy.
    The method inside ABAP Server Proxy which is exposed as a Web Server in SAP R/3 system is the following. Note that the Web Service is Asynchronous.
    METHOD zpi_ii_test_ws_4_in~test_ws_4_in.
      DATA: lwa_zpi_test TYPE zpi_test.
      lwa_zpi_test-mandt = input-mt_test-record-client.
      lwa_zpi_test-bukrs = input-mt_test-record-company.
      lwa_zpi_test-belnr = input-mt_test-record-document.
      lwa_zpi_test-gjahr = input-mt_test-record-year.
      INSERT zpi_test FROM lwa_zpi_test.
    I have created another Web Service in SAP R/3 which is Synchronous, and the error does not occurs. The following is the method inside ABAP Server Proxy which is exposed as a Web Service in SAP R/3 system.
    METHOD zpi_ii_test_ws_3_in~test_ws_3_in.
      DATA: l_bukrs      TYPE bukrs,
            l_belnr      TYPE belnr_d,
            l_gjahr      TYPE gjahr,
            lr_belnr     TYPE RANGE OF belnr_d,
            lwa_zpi_test TYPE zpi_test.
      l_bukrs = input-mt_req-msg+0(4).
      l_gjahr = input-mt_req-msg+4(4).
      SELECT MAX( belnr ) INTO l_belnr
        FROM zpi_test
        WHERE bukrs EQ l_bukrs
          AND belnr IN lr_belnr
          AND gjahr EQ l_gjahr.
      IF l_belnr IS INITIAL.
        l_belnr = '4700000000'.
        l_belnr = l_belnr + 1.
      lwa_zpi_test-mandt = sy-mandt.
      lwa_zpi_test-bukrs = l_bukrs.
      lwa_zpi_test-belnr = l_belnr.
      lwa_zpi_test-gjahr = l_gjahr.
      INSERT zpi_test FROM lwa_zpi_test.
      output-mt_resp-msg = l_belnr.
    I hope to have clarified my question.
    Rafael Rojas.

  • Error when calling the business services with Encryption - MustUnderstand h

    I was getting this error when i invoke my business service through Oracle Service Bus Console:
    *MustUnderstand headers:[{}Security] are not understood*
    <soapenv:Envelope      xmlns:soapenv="">
         <soap:Header      xmlns:soap="">
         <ger:gerarHashSenha      xmlns:ger="">
         <soapenv:Envelope      xmlns:soapenv="">
         <soap:Header      xmlns:soap="">
         <wsse:Security      soap:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
         <ns1:EncryptedKey      Id="FLTGqSbFbsmt2Q2l" xmlns:ns1="">
         <ns1:EncryptionMethod      Algorithm=""/>
         <ns2:KeyInfo      xmlns:ns2="">
         <wsse:SecurityTokenReference      wsu:Id="str_a6QZHoS8oRqxbtgS" xmlns:wsu="">
         CN=SerasaACGlobal,OU=Serasa Autoridade Certificadora Global,O=Serasa,C=BR
         <ns1:DataReference      URI="#Ak1K01RK8B6RKDn3"/>
         <ns1:EncryptedData      Id="Ak1K01RK8B6RKDn3" Type="" MimeType="text/xml" Encoding="UTF-8" xmlns:ns1="">
         <ns1:EncryptionMethod      Algorithm=""/>
         Response Document      
    The invocation resulted in an error: Internal Server Error.
         <S:Envelope      xmlns:S="">
         <SOAP-ENV:Fault      xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
         MustUnderstand headers:[{}Security] are not understood
         Response Metadata      
         <con:metadata      xmlns:con="">
         <tran:headers      xsi:type="http:HttpResponseHeaders" xmlns:http="" xmlns:tran="" xmlns:xsi="">
         <tran:user-header      name="Set-Cookie" value="JSESSIONID=YypvL1RGdHs3fRGs3RSwvGrdQpzhTyY6FJ0z6VK1tRtLhR5L9V7S!-778340443; path=/"/>
         <tran:user-header      name="X-Powered-By" value="Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1"/>
         <http:Date>Fri, 28 May 2010 00:41:40 GMT</http:Date>
         <tran:response-code      xmlns:tran="">2</tran:response-code>
         <tran:response-message      xmlns:tran="">Internal Server Error</tran:response-message>
         <tran:encoding      xmlns:tran="">utf-8</tran:encoding>
         <http:http-response-code      xmlns:http="">500</http:http-response-code>
    Edited by: victorjabur on May 27, 2010 5:48 PM

    I've the same issue... did someone come across. OTN moderators please answer to this.

  • Error when calling Java Web Services from ABAP.

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        In my project, I will call Java Web Services with ABAP coding. With WSDL, I generated a proxy class and created a HTTP connection (t-code: SM59) and a logical port (t-code:lpconfig) for this proxy class. But when running, I would receive the folllowing errors:
       SOAP:1.023 SRT: Processing error in Internet Communication Framework: ("ICF Error when receiving the response: HTTP COMMUNICATION FAILURE")
       If I used HTTPS, there is no problem.

    Hi Bob,
    It might be the possibility that your java web server is configured to listen only on HTTPS.
    If your HTTPS is working fine, then first check with your JAVA server for HTTP connectivity, then try it calling through ABAP.

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    Appreciate if someone can help me to resolve it.
    Thanks in advance

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