Error when trying to retrieve Document Library in Sharepoint Hosted App using REST

I have created the following REST request in order to retrieve the root folder of a Document Library added to a Sharepoint Hosted App
getProductDocumentFolder: function () {
url: _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl +
type: "GET",
headers: {
"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
success: function () {
error: function (err) {
alert("Oops, error!");
The Document Library was added to the App from the Add > New Item menu in Visual Studio. I selected List and Selected Document Library from the Create a customizable list... dialog. The list is defined as shown in the picture below.
I get the generic error "Value does not fall within the excepted range".
I have tried both 
for the Document Library URL both I get the same error in both cases.
What am I missing here?

Problem solved. 
It turns out there should be NO leading '/' in the relative URL despite the example shown in with "/Shared Folder".
The correct GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl-parameter in my case is 'Lists/Productdocuments'.
Unsure whether example is wrong or if it applies to other cases than mine.

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    I have tried mp4 and wmv formats. I at first thought it had to do with the codec used in Camtasia to create the video, so I encoded it in Microsoft Encoder to a wmv and it still fails. All of the videos I upload fail for other users. If someone else uploads
    a video, I get the error and cannot play the video.  If I look at the library in Explorer, the video file is missing but the subdirectories for additional content and thumbnails are present. For the videos I upload and can play but everyone else
    gets the error, I see those subdirectories as well as the video file itself.

    private,max-age=0; Expires: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 21:58:26 GMT
    GET /submissions/Compiled%20Videos/AutoCAD%20-%20Multiple%20Profile%20Icons/AutoCAD%20-%20Multiple%20Profile%20Icons.wmv HTTP/1.1
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; Zune 4.7; AskTbAD2/
    If-Modified-Since: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 19:07:33 GMT
    If-None-Match: "{8A07B719-341D-4BEE-BD61-F364394C3E98},2"
    DNT: 1
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Cookie: databaseBtnText=0; databaseBtnDesc=0; stsSyncAppName=Outlook; stsSyncIconPath=%2F%5Flayouts%2F15%2Fimages%2Fmenuoutl%2Egif; __utma=95027589.2092965952.1364844931.1393356332.1393429315.524; __utmz=95027589.1393268194.522.68.utmcsr=SilverpopMailing|utmccn=TE%20-%20St.%20Louis%20MCAD%20(12)|utmcmd=email;
    __qca=P0-1092250856-1367500502168; km_ni=joyvoltenburg; km_uq=; km_lv=x; km_ai=joyvoltenburg; grvinsights=3a306cce826491ec77d9a195a63f57f2; __avc_32508=045-8a-724d-ee8f13e900daac4; Persistent_id_HgixPXFYDDdj0w=0C78ABCB2F34:1392388341; optimizelySegments=%7B%22178845731%22%3A%22false%22%2C%22178855892%22%3A%22ie%22%2C%22179190226%22%3A%22direct%22%7D;
    optimizelyEndUserId=oeu1379624626946r0.0872463653920379; optimizelyBuckets=%7B%7D; __utmc=95027589; StorefrontCookie=cmen-US=en-US&bm=US; WSS_FullScreenMode=false; Ribbon.Read=1920886|-1|0|-687423497; Ribbon.DocLibListForm.Edit=682788|-1|0|1882364446;
    Ribbon.Library=1920886|-1|710|-687423497; Ribbon.Permission=1920886|-1|1725|1598418443; Ribbon.ListForm.Display=1920886|-1|1620|-1006461573; previousLoggedInAs=; loginAsDifferentAttemptCount=
    Authorization: Negotiate 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
    HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND
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    Expires: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 21:58:26 GMT
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
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    SPRequestGuid: 1826789c-0589-80e7-31cd-3c1038ea29f6
    request-id: 1826789c-0589-80e7-31cd-3c1038ea29f6
    SPRequestDuration: 1132
    SPIisLatency: 1
    WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate oYGyMIGvoAMKAQChCwYJKoZIgvcSAQICooGaBIGXYIGUBgkqhkiG9xIBAgICAG+BhDCBgaADAgEFoQMCAQ+idTBzoAMCAReibARqhLWFbGbcecrn5kQ/ScMjrsqhag2XcrWQQ7g0Mb6ilZ+kFIPC6XJsH7+ldzTk3eQF/4C1f2nzJxENlP2M+75fOiRZGU/r0nvjgX5MdswmrBQkRg8iqKwcwJeE/3/P7nLWVitRs21hnB19oQ==
    Persistent-Auth: false
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    X-MS-InvokeApp: 1; RequireReadOnly
    Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 21:58:25 GMT

  • How to Upload the files into the SiteAssets Library by SharePoint Hosted App Model

    I want to upload the Jquery and supported files in to the Site Assest library by SharePoint Hosted Apps,
    I have created a SharePoint Hosted App, added the files in the Modules
    <Module Name="ZoneTabsFiles" Url="SiteAssets">
    <File Path="ZoneTabsFiles\jquery-1.11.2.min.js" Url="jquery-1.11.2.min.js" ReplaceContent="TRUE" />
    <File Path="ZoneTabsFiles\jquery-ui.css" Url="jquery-ui.css" ReplaceContent="TRUE" />
    <File Path="ZoneTabsFiles\jquery-ui.min.js" Url="jquery-ui.min.js" ReplaceContent="TRUE" />
    <File Path="ZoneTabsFiles\ZoneTabs.js" Url="ZoneTabs.js" ReplaceContent="TRUE" />
    The Apps is successfully getting activated but the files are not visible,
    Similarly I want to upload the .webpart file to webpart catalogs.
    <Module Name="ZoneTabsWebpart" List="113" Url="_catalogs/wp" Path="lists\wplib" RootWebOnly="TRUE">
    <File Url="ZoneTabs.webpart" ReplaceContent="TRUE" />
    The Functionality I can achieve Provider Hosted app, but Can it be done by SharePoint Hosted apps,
    Currently the app has the permission of Full Control on Site and Web 
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Ashok,
    you can use JSOM to provision the webpart files in SharePoint hosted app.
    Please see the below article for more details.
    My Blog-|
    If a post answers your question, please click Mark As Answer on that post and Vote as Helpful

  • User getting error when creating a new Document Library

    The user is getting the following error when trying to create a new Document Library in SharePoint 2010:
    Cannot complete this action.
    Please try again.
    Correlation ID: 37ecd5eb-6129-4fa3-84bd-c6f0ad8115d5
    Has anyone come across this error and know how to resolve it?

    According to your post, my understanding is that the user could not create a document library.
    To narrow down whether the issue is related to the user permission, you can check which permission the user has.
    You can also assign the user full control to check whether it works.
    What’s more, did the issue occur in other sites? You can check with other sites or create a new site to check whether it works. Maybe the site has been corrupted.
    To quickly and accurately find the issue, I recommend you can check the event log and ULS log to see if anything unexpected occurred.
    For SharePoint 2010, by default, ULS log is at
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\LOGS
    You can check the ULS log by the methods here:
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error when email enabling a document library

    Hi - I've checked through other threads re errors when email enabling a doc library, but our scenario is a bit different. We have some custom code that creates sites based on a site template and uses data from a 3rd party system to define the site
    name, permissions etc. I don't think that the process for creating the sites is relevant to the issue, but mentioning that anyway to be complete. As part of the site creation workflow, one of the document libraries is email enabled. However, on one specific
    site, the document library was not email enabled. When I try and do this manually, I get the following error:
    Error in the application.   at
    Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList.UpdateDirectoryManagementService(String oldAlias,
    String newAlias)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList.Update(Boolean
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList.Update()
    sender, EventArgs args)
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
       at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler
    sourceControl, String eventArgument)
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint,
    Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
    Other tests/observations:
    On the problem site, I get the same error when trying to email enable other document libraries
    Other sites on the same site collection have been created using the same process/site template, and the appropriate document library was email enabled automatically (sites created both before and subsequent to this problem site)
    I have successfully managed to manually email enable a document library on an different existing site
    I have manually created a new site using the same site template and successfully managed to manually email enable a document library on that site
    So I am fairly certain that it is nothing to do with permissions as other posts relating to this issue have suggested. Does anyone have any ideas on what is happening, how to resolve or further checks I can make? Many thanks

    Hi qaaweb,
    based on my experience, the issue itself may be caused by some triggers, 
    the permission is one of them only, 
    to narrow down usually, we try to update credential first, that at some environment may less impact.
    based on:, to configure email, if already configured then skip.
    make sure that application pool account that is used for central admin to be the same for central admin, site and the web application.
    make sure SQL server and granted DBCreator , Serveradmin, Setupadmin on service account. 
    remove old database and sync:
    C:\program files\common files\Microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\bin>stsadm -o sync -listolddatabases 0
    C:\program files\common files\Microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\bin>stsadm -o sync -deleteolddatabases 0
    Update farm credentials, 
    if needed: central administration > Operation > Authentication provider and changed Kerberos to NTLM on central admin site.
    Login service account on the SharePoint server and enable IncomingEmail settings on the web application 
    please let us know if the workaround is not applicable
    Microsoft Online Community Support
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Error when trying to sign documents

    I started getting the following message when trying to sign documents:The Windows Cryptographic Service Provider reported an error: Key not valid for use in specified state. Error Code 2148073403 . Any help would be appreciated Thank you

    ahh, here is a problem. u made changes to the and packed the jar file. u have to sign the jar file again.
    let me know if u need futher assistance

  • Error when trying to retrieve files from 1Tb Seagate hard drive

    15" MacBookPro mid 2009 OS 10.8.4.
    I can copy small files individually but get this error message for large files or folders. "The operation can’t be completed because the (filename) is in use".
    Some of these files were saved through Time Machine and some just copied across, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
    I have tried many fixes (including Lgof etc. in terminal) but none work.  I have no applications open when trying to retrieve.  I have set my permissions properly, I have used Disk Utility to check permissions and repair them if necesarry.  I have read and write access to the drive.
    This has been going on for ages.  If I can't fix it, some of my files will be irretrieveable and I will have to copy small ones individually.
    Any ideas?
    P.S.  First time I've ever posted on an issue, so apologies if not enough information

    From the menu bar, select
     ▹ System Preferences ▹ Energy Saver ▹ Power Adapter
    and uncheck the box labeled Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible, if it's checked.
    If the drive has more than one interface (USB, FireWire, Thunderbolt, eSATA), try one of the other interfaces.
    Check that the data cable is securely inserted at both ends.
    Try a different cable.
    If you're connecting the drive through a hub, connect it directly to a built-in port on the Mac.
    If you're connecting it directly, try a different port.
    Disconnect all other devices on the bus, or as many as possible.
    Test the drive with another Mac. Test another drive with this Mac.
    If the drive is bus-powered, but has an AC adapter, connect the adapter.
    Start up in Safe Mode and test.
    If the drive doesn't work under any of the above conditions, and if another drive does work with the same Mac, then the drive has failed. You may be able to salvage the mechanism by removing it from the enclosure and installing it in another one, or in a drive dock.

  • Window pops up stating"browser error" when trying to access documents using google doc's. Holding shift key and refresh does not clear window. What's next?

    Shut down and restarted computer, "browser error" still pops up when trying to access documents using Google doc's.
    Holding shift key and clicking refresh does not clear window.
    What else can be done to clear the window and gain access to my documents?

    Found a note explaining the significance of these errors.
    It says:
    "NZE-28862: SSL connection failed
    Cause: This error occurred because the peer closed the connection.
    Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing on both sides and examine the trace output. Contact Oracle Customer support with the trace output."
    For further details you may refer the Note: 244527.1 - Explanation of "SSL call to NZ function nzos_Handshake failed" error codes
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sindhiya V.

  • Unsupported File System Error When Trying To Upgrade iPhoto Library on QNAP

    I upgraded to iLife11 from iLife08. My iPhoto Library is stored on a QNAP server and has worked just fine for many years. When iPhoto[9] tries to upgrade the library it gives an error "The library could not be opened because the file system of the library's volume is unsupported."
    Other iLife11 applications such as iMovie recognize files from the QNAP just fine.
    I have tried moving the original iPhoto Library into another folder and then creating a new library on the server but get the same message.
    I have upgraded to iPhoto 9.0.1 already.
    Any ideas?
    Appreciation In Advance.

    my NAS backup is going to see the whole disk image as a 'new file' and
    I don't think that will be the case if you use a sparse bundle disk image.
    +A sparse bundle is essentially the same as a sparse disk image. The difference is that a sparse image is one giant file on your disk and a sparse bundle is lots of small files (8 megabytes each). They work and look the same way, but you can right-click on a sparse bundle, select "show package contents" and see the individual 8 meg sections.+
    If the backup software can do incremental backups and work on packages I think it will work on the sparse bundle disk image. Might be worth a try.
    Happy New Year

  • Error when trying to retrieve UserName from MySAPSSO2 cookie

    I tried to retrieve the UserName from MySAPSSO2 cookie using the dotnet toolkit, but I keep getting the error "User Not Aunthenticated". I have placed the verify.pse files in a folder called psefiles in the same location as the bin folder of my application.
    I then also tried to directly use Convert.FromBase64String() to read the username from the cookie, but during conversion I get the error "Invalid character in a Base- 64 string"
    Any help is highly appreciated.
    Kantishree D.

    From the menu bar, select
     ▹ System Preferences ▹ Energy Saver ▹ Power Adapter
    and uncheck the box labeled Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible, if it's checked.
    If the drive has more than one interface (USB, FireWire, Thunderbolt, eSATA), try one of the other interfaces.
    Check that the data cable is securely inserted at both ends.
    Try a different cable.
    If you're connecting the drive through a hub, connect it directly to a built-in port on the Mac.
    If you're connecting it directly, try a different port.
    Disconnect all other devices on the bus, or as many as possible.
    Test the drive with another Mac. Test another drive with this Mac.
    If the drive is bus-powered, but has an AC adapter, connect the adapter.
    Start up in Safe Mode and test.
    If the drive doesn't work under any of the above conditions, and if another drive does work with the same Mac, then the drive has failed. You may be able to salvage the mechanism by removing it from the enclosure and installing it in another one, or in a drive dock.

  • Mail delivery error when trying to send document to hpeprint. I know the email address is correct

    I just got the HP8600.  I set up eprint according to the instructions.  When I email a document to the printer, I get a Mail Delivery error:
    This message was created automatically by the mail system (ecelerity).
    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
    >>> [email protected] (reading confirmation): 550 5.7.1 Command
    >>> rejected
    I know the email address is correct.  I don't know what to do to get this to work.

    The provider seems to have issues sending to our servers for some reason. Other email providers will work fine like you've found with your gmail account. The best workaround at this time is to send from your gmail account if possible.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” on the post that solves your issue to help others find the solution.
    Click the KUDOS STAR on the left to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Casting error when trying to retrieve an EJB home interface from a servlet

              I am trying to call a method on a session bean from a servlet. I am receiving a Class Cast exception when trying to use the narrow method. I have this code working from an external java client. Is there something specific I have to do?

              You must check the following rules :
              1) In JAR Files ( of your EJB ) check if there are remote mehods that return
              any class that is already used in servlets
              This classes must be remove from the servlet package ( if you are using WAR
              files ).
              2) Please read the BEA WebLogic Enterprise Java Beans Manual about the class
              loader and related problemas such as ClassCastException and
              Good Luck !
              Steve Schaber <[email protected]> escribió en el mensaje de noticias
              39ee4996$[email protected]..
              > I am trying to call a method on a session bean from a servlet. I am
              receiving a Class Cast exception when trying to use the narrow method. I
              have this code working from an external java client. Is there something
              specific I have to do?

  • C020 errors when trying to open documents after Mass Document Operation

    I am in the process of changing security rights (adding a user to all
    documents) using the Mass Document Operation, the following is now
    - A user tries to open a document in the Library that was in process
    of MDO.
    - User gets a C020 error and is unable to open the document.
    (note - Document can be viewed with a R-Click on the
    Doc Reference)
    - The backend POA agent (version 6.5.7 by the way) shows the following
    Error: Numeric overflow (GT upper bound) converting
    to numeric type [C020] User:
    I unloaded and reloaded the POA agent (NetWare) - no change
    I have run Validate, Recovere & Rebuild System Maintenance on the post
    office databases. no change
    I am in the process of an Analyze/Fix Library with the following items
    Verify Library
    Fix document/version/element
    Verify document files
    Validate all document security
    Synchronize user name
    Any ideas? I haven't ever seen this before.
    Thanks in advance,
    Marshall Major

    I just found a TID that I am going to try
    Error: "C020" opening documents
    (Last modified: 12Feb2003)
    This document (10057141) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the
    end of this document.
    Novell GroupWise 5.5
    Error: "C020" opening documents
    Can't open documents on a specific partition
    Documents that end in a specific number such as "2" cannot be opened.
    Documents 2, 12, 352, 5892, etc. give C020 errors.
    Any operations that require a write operation to the specific
    partition will fail.
    Property field changes, opens, checkin's or checkout's fail.
    The Quick Finder Indexer is not running or completing.
    The database can only track 65575 changes in the index queue. If the
    indexer has not run, the limit can be reached. The partition is shut
    down so that changes are not made without being indexed.
    Run the indexer on the POA. When the indexer finishes, the partition
    will open back up.

  • Pages 5.1 error when trying to open documents

    Hey everyone,
    So I'm running Pages 5.1 and today, for the first time and seemingly out of nowhere, Pages has decided it will not open any files I have stored in iCloud or saved to my desktop barring one exception. If I send a document from iCloud via iMessage to myself (on my iPhone) and open it on my Mac, Pages opens it. Any other .pages file will not open and provides the error "The file "Document Name" could not be opened" with no explanation. It appears there are more than a few of you experiencing the same issue. Anyone have any luck?
    Now, PeterBreis0807, before you paste in your form response that I've seen all over the discussion forums I would like ot say that I am aware of the difference between Pages 5.1 and Pages 5 and Pages '09 and all of my documents are updated to the current standard and open and are editable on my iPhone and iPad and up until this evening were openable and editable on my iMac too. The only way I can get Pages 5.1 on my iMac to open a .pages file (one that has been opened on my iMac in Pages 5/5.1 previously and recently) is to send it to myself in an iMessage (or possibly an email, I haven't tried that) and extract the file from the .zip that iOS houses it in when sending via iMessage before opening it in Pages 5.1. Then the document is editable and and I can save it and everything. As soon as I close the document and try to open it again, "The file "Document Name" could not be openend".
    What. Gives?

    I was not going to post that because you made it clear what you were dealing with. For most people it is the 2 versions problem (amazingly they don't notice the obvious differences).
    You have given a work around which we can suggest to the next person to have the problem.
    Beyond that, all I can say is Pages 5.1 is extremely buggy and I would not trust it for any real work. I just play with it and answer posters' queries.
    I have no doubts as to what the root of the problem is, and that is the complexity of what both Apple is attempting to do and the file format with which they are doing it. They are not meet their own KISS standards and inevitably the house of cards topples every time someone opens the door.
    Why are you persisting with Pages 5.1? That's inviting trouble.

  • File not found error when tried to open Document ID settings page

    when i open sitesettings>site collection administratin >Document
    ID settings
    it shows
    file not found error

    first we need to figure out the error. change the web.config so that you can see the error on browser
    1) Obtain the complete call stack instead of the default error page:
    <SafeMode MaxControls="200" CallStack="false"/>
    <SChangeafeMode MaxControls="200" CallStack="true"/>
    2) CustomeErrors mode value (in the system.web section) is set to Off:
    <customErrors mode="On">
    <customErrors mode="Off">
    Change these value in "c:\inetpub\wssroot"  CA dirctory web.config and
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\web.config .
    now again try to do the action. you will get the error on screen.
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