Error while CIF'fing Sales order to APO

While I tried to CIF a Sales order from R3 to APO, there is ablicked Q in SMQ1 which reads
"Too many parameters specified with perform" in the FM /SAPAPO/CIF_SL_DOC_INBOUND.
Any ideas on what mightbe causing this issue and how to resolve this issue ?

In SMQ1 I had executed blocked Q (F6) and system shows an information at the bottom left hadn corner as "Function module does not exist or EXCEPTION raised"
Even deleting Q and Reciffing SO didnt work..Application log in CFG1 doesn't show any exceptions. As the Q is blocked, I didn't see any meesages in APO log.
R3 SMQ1 log is displayed as below.
Function Module                 Queue Name                Status                                    
/SAPAPO/CIF_SL_DOC_INBOUND      CFLDERPCLNT020_3316       Too many parameters specified with PERFORM.
CFG1 extended Log for FM CIF_SL_DOC_INBOUND while Ciffing SO to APO
Parameter: IS_APOINF
Table: IT_REQX Entries:                   4
No.,U,U,U,U,M,U,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,Schd,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,
1   , ,X, ,X,N,X,0000057680  ,000010,0001,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X, ,
2   , ,X, ,X,N,X,0000057680  ,000010,0002,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X, ,
3   , ,X, ,X,N,X,0000057681  ,000010,0001,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X, ,
4   , ,X, ,X,N,X,0000057682  ,000020,0001,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X, ,
Table: IT_SDDOC Entries:                   3
No.,Pmnt,P,Matl No. ,Matl No.                                ,Matl Grou,Prod.Hier.        ,Ma,Ac,Re,Co,Val. Type ,Profit Ctr,Mat
1   ,DCLF, ,MATERIALXYZ  ,                                        ,100   ,                  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,          ,Z001DU
2   ,DCLF, ,MATERIALXYZ  ,                                        ,100   ,                  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,          ,Z001DU
3   ,DCLF, ,MATERIALXYZ  ,                                        ,100   ,                  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,          ,Z001DU
Table: IT_ATPFIELD Entries:                  83
No.,Number      ,MRP it,Field    ,Char                                    ,
1   ,0000057680  ,000010,LTIMEZONE     ,EST                                     ,
2   ,0000057680  ,000010,LZONE     ,0000000001                              ,
3   ,0000057680  ,000010,UEBTK     ,X                                       ,
4   ,0000057680  ,000010,PRREG     ,AE                                      ,
5   ,0000057680  ,000010,QNTY     ,31.000                                  ,
6   ,0000057680  ,000010,RESMOD     ,X                                       ,
7   ,0000057680  ,000010,RESMOD_BATCH     ,B                                       ,
8   ,0000057680  ,000010,SCHED_BWLPROCESS     ,E                                       ,
9   ,0000057680  ,000010,EXT_MATNR     ,MATERIALXYZ                       ,
10  ,0000057680  ,000010,UNAME     ,USERV                                 ,
11  ,0000057680  ,000010,/LPRIO     ,01                                      ,
12  ,0000057680  ,000010,POSGUID     ,                                        ,
13  ,0000057680  ,000010,BOP_FLAG     ,N                                       ,
14  ,0000057680  ,000010,BOP_SUPPORT     ,Y                                       ,
15  ,0000057680  ,000010,LREGIO     ,NC                                      ,
16  ,0000057680  ,000010,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
17  ,0000057680  ,000010,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
18  ,0000057680  ,000010,APO_SD_GID_EXT0001GOISSUE_DATE,20081002195959                          ,
19  ,0000057680  ,000010,APO_SD_GID_EXT0002GOISSUE_DATE,20081010200000                          ,
20  ,0000057680  ,000010,APO_SD_WMENG0001     ,31                                      ,
21  ,0000057680  ,000010,BPROC     ,ZAP1                                    ,
22  ,0000057680  ,000010,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
23  ,0000057680  ,000010,LOGSYS     ,ERPCLNT020                              ,
24  ,0000057680  ,000010,LLAND     ,US                                      ,
25  ,0000057680  ,000010,LAND1     ,US                                      ,
26  ,0000057680  ,000010,KZAZU     ,X                                       ,
27  ,0000057680  ,000010,APO_SD_REQ_EXT0002RECEIVE_DATE,20081012140000                          ,
28  ,0000057680  ,000010,APO_SD_REQ_EXT0001RECEIVE_DATE,20081006040000                          ,
29  ,0000057680  ,000010,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
30  ,0000057681  ,000010,LZONE     ,0000000001                              ,
31  ,0000057681  ,000010,BOP_FLAG     ,N                                       ,
32  ,0000057681  ,000010,PRREG     ,A                                       ,
33  ,0000057681  ,000010,UEBTK     ,X                                       ,
34  ,0000057681  ,000010,SCHED_BWLPROCESS     ,A                                       ,
35  ,0000057681  ,000010,RESMOD_BATCH     ,B                                       ,
36  ,0000057681  ,000010,RESMOD     ,X                                       ,
37  ,0000057681  ,000010,QNTY     ,21.000                                  ,
38  ,0000057681  ,000010,BOP_SUPPORT     ,Y                                       ,
39  ,0000057681  ,000010,EXT_MATNR     ,MATERIALXYZ                       ,
40  ,0000057681  ,000010,UNAME     ,USERV                                 ,
41  ,0000057681  ,000010,POSGUID     ,                                        ,
42  ,0000057681  ,000010,/LPRIO     ,01                                      ,
43  ,0000057681  ,000010,LTIMEZONE     ,EST                                     ,
44  ,0000057681  ,000010,APO_SD_GID_EXT0001GOISSUE_DATE,20081014195959                          ,
45  ,0000057681  ,000010,APO_SD_WMENG0001     ,21                                      ,
46  ,0000057681  ,000010,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
47  ,0000057681  ,000010,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
48  ,0000057681  ,000010,BPROC     ,ZAP1                                    ,
49  ,0000057681  ,000010,APO_SD_REQ_EXT0001RECEIVE_DATE,20081015040000                          ,
50  ,0000057681  ,000010,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
51  ,0000057681  ,000010,LREGIO     ,NC                                      ,
52  ,0000057681  ,000010,LOGSYS     ,ERPCLNT020                              ,
53  ,0000057681  ,000010,LLAND     ,US                                      ,
54  ,0000057681  ,000010,LAND1     ,US                                      ,
55  ,0000057681  ,000010,KZAZU     ,X                                       ,
56  ,0000057681  ,000010,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
57  ,0000057682  ,000020,LZONE     ,0000000001                              ,
58  ,0000057682  ,000020,/LPRIO     ,01                                      ,
59  ,0000057682  ,000020,POSGUID     ,                                        ,
60  ,0000057682  ,000020,BOP_SUPPORT     ,Y                                       ,
61  ,0000057682  ,000020,BOP_FLAG     ,N                                       ,
62  ,0000057682  ,000020,PRREG     ,A                                       ,
63  ,0000057682  ,000020,QNTY     ,11.000                                  ,
64  ,0000057682  ,000020,UNAME     ,USERV                                 ,
65  ,0000057682  ,000020,UEBTK     ,X                                       ,
66  ,0000057682  ,000020,SCHED_BWLPROCESS     ,A                                       ,
67  ,0000057682  ,000020,RESMOD_BATCH     ,B                                       ,
68  ,0000057682  ,000020,RESMOD     ,X                                       ,
69  ,0000057682  ,000020,EXT_MATNR     ,MATERIALXYZ                       ,
70  ,0000057682  ,000020,LTIMEZONE     ,EST                                     ,
71  ,0000057682  ,000020,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
72  ,0000057682  ,000020,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
73  ,0000057682  ,000020,APO_SD_GID_EXT0001GOISSUE_DATE,20081007175230                          ,
74  ,0000057682  ,000020,APO_SD_WMENG0001     ,11                                      ,
75  ,0000057682  ,000020,BPROC     ,ZAP1                                    ,
76  ,0000057682  ,000020,APO_SD_REQ_EXT0001RECEIVE_DATE,20081006040000                          ,
77  ,0000057682  ,000020,/UNTTO     ,0.0                                     ,
78  ,0000057682  ,000020,/UEBTO     ,0.0                                     ,
79  ,0000057682  ,000020,KZAZU     ,X                                       ,
80  ,0000057682  ,000020,LAND1     ,US                                      ,
81  ,0000057682  ,000020,LLAND     ,US                                      ,
82  ,0000057682  ,000020,LOGSYS     ,ERPCLNT020                              ,
83  ,0000057682  ,000020,LREGIO     ,NC                                      ,
Table: IT_REQ Entries:                   4
No.,M,EinkBeleg   ,Positi,Eint,MatNr                     ,Werk                ,AT,Charge    ,,Offen              ,Menge ,Pla
1   ,N,0000057680  ,000010,0001,MATERIALXYZ                      ,LOC10                ,BM,       ,    ,31.000
2   ,N,0000057680  ,000010,0002,MATERIALXYZ                      ,LOC10                ,BM,       ,    ,0.000
3   ,N,0000057681  ,000010,0001,MATERIALXYZ                      ,LOC10                ,BM,       ,    ,21.000
4   ,N,0000057682  ,000020,0001,MATERIALXYZ                      ,LOC10                ,BM,       ,    ,11.000
Table: IT_QUOT_VB Entries:                   0
No.,Number      ,MRP it,PlanObj no            ,TSTAMP             ,ConfirmQty       ,Uni,ConfirmQty      ,Item ind.
Table: IT_CCV Entries:                   0
No.,Table                         ,CharValObj                                   ,Class    ,Char.                         ,Valid
Table: IT_DOC Entries:                   3
No.,M,EinkBeleg   ,Positi,V,,
1   ,C,0000057680  ,000010,C,TA  ,
2   ,C,0000057681  ,000010,C,ZOR,
3   ,C,0000057682  ,000020,C,ZOR,
Table: IT_GID Entries:                   0
No.,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,GUID                  ,
Table: IT_DOCX Entries:                   3
No.,M,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,
1   ,C,0000057680  ,000010,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,
2   ,C,0000057681  ,000010,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,
3   ,C,0000057682  ,000020,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,
Table: IT_ENQUEUE_ARGS Entries:0
No.,Cli,Model     ,LogSystem ,APOAppl   ,Created on,Changed ,ObjectType,Segm,S,BlockN,Created by  ,A,Lengt,Vector
Table: EXTENSIONOUT Entries:                   0
No.,Structure                     ,Data
Table: IT_DOC_TPDS Entries:                   0
No.,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,Location            ,API ,Purc,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,
Table: IT_DOC_CUS Entries:                   0
No.,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,
Table: IT_REQ_CUS Entries:                   0
No.,Purch.doc.  ,Item  ,Schd,Date      ,
Table: IT_QUEUE_NAMES Entries:                   0
No.,Q Name                  ,Dest.           ,
Table: IT_SD_MON_ITM Entries:                   0
No.,M,Number      ,Item  ,G,CustFacLoc          ,CusF,Location            ,Loc.,Re,RJ,NO,RE,HighLe,Numera,Denom.,Uni,Numera,Deno
Table: IT_SD_MON_SCH Entries:                   0
No.,M,Number      ,Item  ,Schd,GI Dt/Time,UE,
Edited by: SCM_Func on Oct 6, 2008 7:19 PM

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    I would expect that KOTN521 would be a Database table defined in the ABAP Dictionary that relates to the condition implemented in 521 for the usage specified in that record.
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    Dear SAP SD 007
    I can confidently tell that an enhancement or an user exit has been applied in your scenario
    You have to check that
    Normally when creating a sales order with respect or referring billing documents the qty will be in editable mode and it is standard problem
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    Best Regards,
    Rogerio Prado.

    Hi Rogerio,
    You should put mobile sales related messages in the forum "CRM Mobile applications"
    This error message is coming because the language table SMOT002 might be empty in your mobile client OR it does not have all the values which have been customized in the system.
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    Hi Manoj,
    Account Key assigned to the pricing condition hasn't been configured completely.
    Please check the appropriate account key and speak to your FI team.
    Pl award me points if it is helpful.
    Let me know if you need more details.

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    Dear SAP SD 007
    I can confidently tell that an enhancement or an user exit has been applied in your scenario
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    Normally when creating a sales order with respect or referring billing documents the qty will be in editable mode and it is standard problem
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    As fas as I know, this is standard system behaviour. The reason - you have done PGI (which has created a material document as well as accounting doc) and invoiced & reversed (which again has created accounting documents & rversal documents). All these documents are referencing the sales order.
    If you delete sales order, sales order number gets deleted from VBAK /VBAP tables.
    Hence, in relational data base scenario (meanin SAP in this context), deletion of sales order after creation of subsequent documents is not feasible.
    Hope it clarifies the issue.


    When creating the sales order i am entering "mode of transport"in TSW details and while trying to save it im getting a message saying "Express document "update was terminated"" recieved from the author "Rahul". If i dont enter the TSW detail while creating i am able to save the order and later in change mode i can enter the mode of transport.
    When i check the inbox, it says "definately cannot transfer message to node SMTP due to connection error".
    This is hapenning for only one user.
    What could be the problem?

    Hi Rahul,
    I think you need to enter the mode of transport in external details where it will take for further processing. TSW is different process.

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    hari challa.

    Please check if storage location is populated for the material. Also may be this material is a non-stock material and not relevant for storage location check.. If you have any non-stock items in your order and if you are populating the storage location in the order automatically, then this happens. Please check your code and bypass the check for non stock items.
    Hope this helps

  • Run time error while creating a sales order by va01

    hi ,
         while  i am creating a sales order a runtime error occurs as i fill entry for sole to party and then material and quantity and as i press enter. the run time error is:
    error in current abap program "saplv61z"  had to be terminated because it has come across the statement that unfortunately can not be executed.
    kindly solve my problem.

    Hi Agrawal
    As you are getting run-time error after entering the sold to party and material and the error is in SAPLV61Z ,
    close the session for sometime and open again and then create sales order and then enter sold to party and material and then check wheather you are getting or not. If you are still facing the problem then take the help of the ABAP & BASIS consultant's.

  • Error while creating manual planned order in apo

    Dear expert
    While I am creating manual planned order i am getting error as message /sapapo/rrp251
    Every thing is correct BOM and PV's no error after consistency check and it getting succesfully transffered to APO and it is also visible in APO
    But while creating manual planned orders planned order are not getting generated  I am using BLock planning with PPDS
    Please help How to resolve it

    The error message /SAPAPO/RRP251 - Error occurred while creating order means While creating an order, the system encountered problems, such as, for example, no available components or components that are available late, orders that could not be scheduled, and so on.
    I think system attempted to solve the availability problems by using alternative procurement options. This was not successful. The order could not be created. Check the exceptional situations in the planning protocol, under Goto -> Planning log, and deal with the causes of the exceptional situations if this is possible or necessary.

  • Error while creating a Sales Order

    Hi ,
    I have created a material master for a material Y-350 in my system.I have defined it for the Plant 1100 (Berlin), Sales Org 1020 , Distribution channel 22.When i try to create a sales order for a customer in Dusseldorf,Germanyy , i get an error saying "Material Y-350 is not defined for sales org 1020,distr.chann 22,language DE".It means that a short text with the appropriate language exists(a short text must be available in the language of either the customer or the sales organization).I had it maintained in English.From where do i go and maintain it in German ?Kindly let me know.Thanks.

    First check what's the sales area assigned to your customer in Dusseldorf,Germany. It has to be Sales Org 1020 , Distribution channel 22.
    To check that go to XD02 & enter customer number there and press "Customer Sales Areas" button. There you can view all sales areas available for your customer. Check whether Sales Org 1020 , Distribution channel 22. exists there. If not, from XD01, you have to extend your customer for that sales area again.
    If that's there, then check the language in Material Master.
    What you have to do is, go to MM02, give the Material number and go in by selecting Basic Data view.
    Once go in, select "Additional Data" button option from the top.
    Under "Descriptions" tab, maintain language "DE", since customer is from Germany.
    Now try & see.
    Best regards,

  • Error while raising a sales order.

    I am doing intecompany billing and has assigned internal customer of original company code to the delivering plant. the stocks are also maintained correctly in the delivering plant and linked to the original plant. But when I am creating a new sales order the error showing is:"ship to party zaaa is not defined for sales area znnn zn zo". Please note Zaaa is the customer for Znnn/Zn/Zo

    HI aditya
        You have to create the internal  customer to the from which goods are going to be delievered ( delevering plant)
    2)You will be assigning this internal customer to the for which the customer is placing an order.(By doing so intercompany billing document is possible.
          you try like this, you will not get the error.
         reward points if helpful.

  • Error while posting a sales order created with reference from contract for

    I am posting a sales document( Type: WA)  created with reference from contract document(  type wk2) for delivery.  The item category in the sales order of the Item is WAN. On posting this document for delivery I am getting the error as "Item category WAN is not defined".  Please help me out how to resolve this issue.

    Hi Jayant,
    I think its value contract releated error,
    You suppose to check material item category group through T.code-MM02 into sales2 tab and maintain VCIT,
    and do item category assignment through T.code- VOV4.
    plz.maintain like that,
    WK2 -          -VCIT-         -           - WAN(contract item category),
    wk2  -          -        -VCTR-          - WAN((contract item category),
    you should also maintain same against your standard Sales Document type and for Standard Item category into VOV4,
    WA(standard docu.type) -VCIT-                             -                -TAN(your standard docu.type item category),
    WA(standard docu.type) -         -VCTR(item usage)-              -TAN(your standard docu.type item category),

Maybe you are looking for