Error while initializing OLAP BAPI query extract

   I am getting a error while scheduling a job thru RSCRM_BAPI:
Has anybody faced this error before and/or know what to do about it?

Just incase if you have not looked at note '526173'
Namespace /BIC/ is set to not editable but a file extract should be created anyway. To create extracts the RSCRM internally generates a structure in customer name space. On this structure the whole creation of the extract is build. So this structure is needed and can't be removed.
The standard way is that the RSCRM checks if the name space /BIC/ is editable. If not the structure won't be generated and the extract is aborted.
The following modification will ignore this check. The extract could be generated anyway.
Other terms

Similar Messages

  • Getting error while calling this BAPI:Field MATNR has been transferred inco

    I have a rquirement to upload material master data into sap for Plant 1251.(For plant 1251 we need to upload both Basi veiw and Extended View).
    I am getting the following error while calling this BAPI.Field MATNR has been transferred inconsistently or is blank
    the errror is :Field MATNR has been transferred inconsistently or is blank.
    I have written the below logic in the program to upload material master data into SAP.
    Please help me out to resolve this issue.
    Thanks in advance.
    Program logic which i have wriiten in the program is
    LOOP AT it_rpt.
        CLEAR lwa_return.
        v_tabix  = sy-tabix.
        IF ( it_rpt-werks EQ p_werks AND
           it_rpt-matnr IS INITIAL ).
    retrieve internal number
          PERFORM get_internal_number USING lc_mtart
                                   CHANGING it_rpt-matnr.
        IF NOT it_rpt-matnr IS INITIAL.
          PERFORM convert_field_input CHANGING it_rpt-matnr.
    Header data
        CLEAR lwa_headdata.
        lwa_headdata-material                = it_rpt-matnr.
        lwa_headdata-ind_sector              = lc_mbrsh.
        lwa_headdata-matl_type               = lc_mtart.
        lwa_headdata-basic_view              = 'X'.
        IF NOT it_rpt-vkorg IS INITIAL.
          lwa_headdata-sales_view            = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-purchase_view           = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-mrp_view                = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-storage_view            = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-forecast_view           = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-work_sched_view         = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-account_view            = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-cost_view               = 'X'.
    *Client data
        CLEAR: lwa_clientdata, lwa_clientdatax.
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          lwa_clientdata-matl_group          = it_rpt-matkl.
          lwa_clientdata-old_mat_no          = it_rpt-bismt.
          lwa_clientdata-base_uom            = it_rpt-meins.
          lwa_clientdata-manu_mat            = it_rpt-mfrpn.
          lwa_clientdata-mfr_no              = it_rpt-mfrnr.
        lwa_clientdata-division              = it_rpt-spart.
        lwa_clientdata-unit_of_wt            = lc_gewei.
        lwa_clientdata-trans_grp             = lc_tragr.
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          lwa_clientdatax-matl_group         = 'X'.
          lwa_clientdatax-old_mat_no         = 'X'.
          lwa_clientdatax-base_uom           = 'X'.
          lwa_clientdatax-manu_mat           = 'X'.
          lwa_clientdatax-mfr_no             = 'X'.
        lwa_clientdatax-unit_of_wt           = 'X'.
        lwa_clientdatax-trans_grp            = 'X'.
        lwa_clientdatax-division             = 'X'.
    Material Description
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          lt_matdesc-langu           = sy-langu.
          lt_matdesc-matl_desc       = it_rpt-maktx.
          APPEND lt_matdesc.
    *Plant data
        CLEAR lwa_plantdata.
        lwa_plantdata-plant                  = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_plantdata-availcheck             = lc_mtvfp.
        lwa_plantdata-mrp_type               = lc_dismm.
        lwa_plantdata-mrp_group              = lc_disgr.
        lwa_plantdata-auto_p_ord             = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdata-proc_type              = 'F'.
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          it_rpt-prctr  = lc_prctr.                 "1252
        ELSEIF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1261.
          it_rpt-prctr  = lc_prctr1.                "1262
        lwa_plantdata-profit_ctr             = it_rpt-prctr.
        lwa_plantdata-period_ind             = lc_perkz.
        lwa_plantdata-max_stock              = it_rpt-stawn.
        lwa_plantdata-countryori             = it_rpt-herkl.
        lwa_plantdata-sloc_exprc             = it_rpt-lgfsb.
        CLEAR lwa_plantdatax.
        lwa_plantdatax-plant                 = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_plantdatax-availcheck            = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-mrp_type              = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-mrp_group             = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-auto_p_ord            = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-proc_type             = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-profit_ctr            = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdata-period_ind             = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-max_stock             = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-countryori            = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-sloc_exprc            = 'X'.
    *Valuation data
        CLEAR lwa_valuationdata.
        lwa_valuationdata-val_area           = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_valuationdata-price_ctrl         = lc_vprsv.
        lwa_valuationdata-price_unit         = lc_peinh.
        lwa_valuationdata-val_class          = it_rpt-bklas.
        CLEAR lwa_valuationdatax.
        lwa_valuationdatax-val_area          = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_valuationdatax-price_ctrl        = 'X'.
        lwa_valuationdatax-price_unit        = 'X'.
        lwa_valuationdatax-val_class         = 'X'.
    *Storage location
        CLEAR lwa_storagelocation.
        lwa_storagelocation-plant            = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_storagelocation-stge_loc         = it_rpt-lgort.
        CLEAR lwa_storagelocationx.
        lwa_storagelocationx-plant           = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_storagelocationx-stge_loc        = it_rpt-lgort.
    *Tax Classifications
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          it_rpt-tatyp = lc_tatyp.       "u2018MWSTu2019
        ELSEIF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1261.
          it_rpt-tatyp = lc_tatyp1.      "u2018UTXJu2019
        lt_taxclass-tax_type_1              = it_rpt-tatyp.
        lt_taxclass-taxclass_1              = lc_taxkm.
        lt_taxclass-tax_ind                 = lc_taxim.
        APPEND lt_taxclass.
    *Sales data
        CLEAR: lwa_salesdata, lwa_salesdatax.
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          it_rpt-vkorg = lc_vkorg.
        ELSEIF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1261.
          it_rpt-vkorg = lc_vkorg1.
        lwa_salesdata-sales_org           = it_rpt-vkorg.
        lwa_salesdata-distr_chan          = lc_vtweg.
        lwa_salesdata-cash_disc           = lc_sktof.
        lwa_salesdata-item_cat            = lc_mtpos.
        lwa_salesdatax-sales_org          = it_rpt-vkorg.
        lwa_salesdatax-distr_chan         = lc_vtweg.
        lwa_salesdatax-cash_disc          = 'X'.
        lwa_salesdatax-item_cat           = 'X'.
    *Forecast parameters
        CLEAR: lwa_forecast, lwa_forecastx.
        lwa_forecast-plant                = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_forecast-fore_model           = lc_prmod.
        lwa_forecast-fore_pds             = lc_anzpr.
        lwa_forecast-hist_vals            = lc_peran.
        lwa_forecastx-plant               = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_forecastx-fore_model          = 'X'.
        lwa_forecastx-fore_pds            = 'X'.
        lwa_forecastx-hist_vals           = 'X'.
    Purchasing long text
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          IF it_rpt-tdline1 <> ' '.
            lv_tdobject = 'MATERIAL'.
            lv_tdid     = 'BEST'.
            lv_tdname   =  it_rpt-matnr.
            PERFORM fill_longtext TABLES lt_longtext
                                  USING  lv_tdobject
    Basic long text
          IF it_rpt-tdline2 <> ' '.
            lv_tdobject = 'MATERIAL'.
            lv_tdid     = 'GRUN'.
            lv_tdname   =  it_rpt-matnr.
            PERFORM fill_longtext TABLES lt_longtext
                                  USING  lv_tdobject
    *Units of measure
          CLEAR : lt_uom,lt_uomx.
          lt_uom-alt_unit     = it_rpt-meins.
          lt_uom-alt_unit_iso = it_rpt-meins.
          lt_uom-unit_of_wt   = it_rpt-gewei.
          APPEND lt_uom.
          lt_uomx-alt_unit      = it_rpt-meins.
          lt_uomx-alt_unit_iso  = it_rpt-meins.
          lt_uomx-unit_of_wt    = 'X'.
          APPEND lt_uomx.
            headdata             = lwa_headdata
            clientdata           = lwa_clientdata
            clientdatax          = lwa_clientdatax
            plantdata            = lwa_plantdata
            plantdatax           = lwa_plantdatax
            forecastparameters   = lwa_forecast
            forecastparametersx  = lwa_forecastx
            storagelocationdata  = lwa_storagelocation
            storagelocationdatax = lwa_storagelocationx
            valuationdata        = lwa_valuationdata
            valuationdatax       = lwa_valuationdatax
            salesdata            = lwa_salesdata
            salesdatax           = lwa_salesdatax
            return               = lwa_return
            materialdescription  = lt_matdesc
            unitsofmeasure       = lt_uom
            unitsofmeasurex      = lt_uomx
            materiallongtext     = lt_longtext
            taxclassifications   = lt_taxclass
            returnmessages       = it_messages.

    Can you check with below code .
              INPUT        =  it_rpt-matnr       
              OUTPUT       =  it_rpt-matnr
              LENGTH_ERROR = 1
              OTHERS       = 2.
          IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    Move  it_rpt-matnr to    lwa_headdata-material  .

  • EPM Configurator Error "Failed to navigate from RegistryWizardState: Error while initializing registry.

    I am getting Below error in RHEL 6.5
    EPM Configurator Error "Failed to navigate from RegistryWizardState: Error while initializing registry. See logs for more details"  while configuring Essbase Server on 64 bit OS using Oracle Database
    Any help...?

    Hi ,
    This community is to discuss Oracle Application Server specific issues, you can post this query in the below Hyperion Forms for better response:
    Hyperion EPM
    Oracle Hyperion EPM (MOSC)
    Hyperion Certification for EPM (MOSC)

  • Mapping debbuging error:DBG1006: Error while initializing test data

    I have created a mapping in which I am trying to delete data from a table based on exisitence of rows in another table with a filter condtion in between them.When i try to run the debbugger, it throws following error:
    Analyzing map for debug...
    Retrieving Control Center connection info...
    Connecting to Control Center schema...
    Checking character set of Control Center schema...
    Configuring sources and targets...
    Mapping Debugger Error:
    oracle.wh.service.sdk.mapping.debugger.WBMappingDebuggerException: DBG1006: Error while initializing test data for sources and targets:
    oracle.wh.repos.sdk.CMPException: Trying to access invalid Object.
    Element ID: 110138
    Status: 4
    Owning FCO: 98409
    Any idea what could be the possible cause?
    Query which I am trying to simulate is of following type:
    Delete from TableA t1
    where exits(select 1 from TableB t2 where t1.col1 = t2.col1 and t2.col2 = 'delete')

    Oops..thats weird.
    Tell me one thing...then how gud is the code generated in terms of working...if someone has to really test the code pre-hand for expected business logicWhy i am raising this concern is becoz there are many features for which OWB provides support in indirect way(workaround) like exists/not exists.
    Do we need to deploy mapping each time and then test through a run from Control centre?
    Other thing, As far i understand, the code generated is not in such a format that one can directly copy paste it in any sql/plsql editor and test it...

  • Error while creating OLAP connection in IDT

    Hi friends,
    I am facing error while creating OLAP connection in IDT (BO 4.1 sp2)
    I am using sql server 2012.In the screen shots you can observe server name and user name of the Sql server
    I am creating OLAP connection to connect CUBE
    Check the screen shots for the error
    Plz help me
    Here you can see the server name and user name
    While creating OLAP connection I gave these credentials
    This is the error I am getting

    To create connection and access the BW data, developer must have the password. and while create connection using Authentication Mode: Single Sign On, need to loin the username has pattern <SID~client/SAP userid>,
    User Name: SID~client/SAP userid
    Password for the SID,
    Authentication as SAP.
    Plese find the below link for more info:

  • Error while executing the workbook query.

    Hi guyz
    i'm getting an error while executing the workbook Query. The actual problem is there is a filter for REQUID in the query definition for removing the doble count. there is customer exit written. the report works fine in DEVELOPMENT but it is not working in quality.
    The query on which this workbook is created is working fine, but the problem is when we execute the workbook i'm facing this issue.
    we re-transported the queries but still we are facing the same problem.
    while we execute the query we are prompted for variable entry(Optional) for date. when we press OK we get the below error
    " NO SID value found for the value REQU_4DQT75Y2RJPVT4PXZ4LHC70V3 of characteristic"
    the request is not available in the BW system. the request was deleted long back, but it is still referring to the same the request id
    could someone please tell me where we went wrong and why we are getting this error.
    Anil Vadde

    Hey ,I think data load to your target on which the query was based had some issue.
    Can you check the data load to the data target.change the status of request concerned to red and reconstruct if neeed..I think the request had some issue.
    Even you can go to RSRQ or RSMO and filter on the basis of this request and see its status.

  • URGENT: Error while creating a BAPI

    Hi all !!
    I am facing the below mentioned error while creating a BAPI , to be more specific , the error comes when i try adding a new method by using
    Utilities > API method > add a method
    on after adding a function modile name in there, when i click on the tick mark..
    It shows an error as in :
    BAPI &1 : BAPI function module &2 has no return parameter
    Please help in resolving the same !!
    Thanks & Regards
    Gaurav Verma
    Edited by: Gaurav Verma on Feb 13, 2008 11:52 AM

    cehck the below link how to create a bapi and add as method..

  • RWI 00200 Error while scheduling the Bex Query based Webi report

    Dear All,
    I am facing the below error while scheduling the Bex Query based Webi report.
    Error:RWI 00200
    We are using BO XI 4.0 Sp05.
    Please advise

    I am on BO 4.0 SP05 Patch 6. Webi reports are just showing processing but not giving results. When I try to create new report it is throwing java security error.
    Tried applet patch upgrade(From link : for webi certificate but didn't help.
    Please suggest what could be done.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Ankit Sharma

  • Error while executing report in query designer

    Dear Folks,
    I am geting following error while executing report in query designer.
    Error:500 E
    an exception raised because of 0analysis pattern.
    Hence,i am unable to execute any report.
    Need help.

    Hi Kitu G,
    I think this is something to do with the bex web 0ANALYSIS* objects not being installed in your BW system.
    I would try and do the following:
    - Goto RSA1 > BI Content > BEx Web Template (BTMP)
    - Then double-click on Select Object.
    - Highlight all objects that start with 0ANALYSIS_PATTERN
    - Click on Transfer Selections, and then Install.
    If you can't do the above in prd, do it in DEV, then transport the objects to prd.
    After all this, try re-running your queries.
    Any questions/clarification just let me know

  • Error while saving workbook or query

    Hi guys. After upgrade to 7.0 we are experiencing error while saving workbook or query.
    We are using BEx 3.5.
    Here is the error:
    "Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method: UNCAUGHT_EXEPTION.
    An exeption with the type CX_SY_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND occured, but was neighter handled locally, nor declared in a RAISING clause.
    Program CP9QUC052Y8TXQ0C2TM5KB0T92K does not exist"
    What can be the cause of this error?

    Hi Jose!
    It was easy.
    The problem can be solved by reactivating the personalization
    for the BEx.
    To reactivate the personilization go to transaction SPRO and navigate:
    SAP Reference IMG -> SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> SAP
    NetWeaver -> Business Intelligence -> Settings for Reporting and
    Analysis -> General Settings for Reportiung and Analysis
    open the transaction RS_PERS_ACTIVATE
    Check all boxes and execute.
    Hope it helps.

  • Error while initiating travel form (Messge No.: 56568)

    Am facing the below error while simulating in T-Code: PR05:
    Error while initiating travel form (Messge No.: 56568)
    Kinldy guide me to come out of this error:

    Hi Ray,
    Could you please let me know the config for this feature TRVFO as Abode form is not showing up in PR05 it gives the HTML format....
    I have done the basic config of the position 24 to Abode form active also checked the Table TA20SWITCH with the entry  'HTMLFORM_R_P', value 'X'
    Kindly assist.

  • Error while initiating Travel Form

    I received the error 'Error while initiating form' in Travel Expense. It is linked to Message no. 56568. Does anyone know how I can fix this? I currently do not have access to OSS Note.

    It seems to be a config issue.
    If you don't use Adobe but  ABAP Forms check/change one of:
    1) the customizing in the IMG activity "<i>Travel Expenses Control (Expert View)</i>":
    Set the indicator "<i>Other Settlement</i>" in the column 24 for the appropriate trip provision variant to the value: 0 (active), 1 (not active), 2 (not active only in PR05 and PR04)
    2) the data in the table <i>V_T702N_A</i> - double click your variant on "A<i>ccounting Control in Expert View:Overview</i>" screen and change the value as above on Deails screen.
    Solution taken from (and checked with ECC 6.0 SP9):
    PR05 - Error while initiating travel form
    Let us know whether it helps.

  • Essbase configuration error " Error while initializing registry."

    I have installed Essabase components successfully in linux(RHEL 5) and while configuring the shared services first time getting the error :Error while initializing registry. unable to navigate from registry wizard state"
    In the configtool log I found the below exeptions and errors:
    [2011-12-28T13:05:48.798-05:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01857] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 16] [ecid: 0000JI5qMtcFO9EpJ44Eyf1EypdL000003,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.config.wizard.impl.RegistryWizardState] Creating a new registry: DBtype is ORACLE
    [2011-12-28T13:05:48.798-05:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01858] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 16] [ecid: 0000JI5qMtcFO9EpJ44Eyf1EypdL000003,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.config.wizard.impl.RegistryWizardState] JDBC URL:
    [2011-12-28T13:05:48.803-05:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01319] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 16] [ecid: 0000JI5qMtcFO9EpJ44Eyf1EypdL000003,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ConfigRegistryUtils] Creating system component: component type = SYSTEM9
    [2011-12-28T13:05:49.014-05:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01321] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 16] [ecid: 0000JI5qMtcFO9EpJ44Eyf1EypdL000003,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ConfigRegistryUtils] Creating product component: component type = FOUNDATION_SERVICES_PRODUCT
    [2011-12-28T13:05:49.025-05:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01323] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 16] [ecid: 0000JI5qMtcFO9EpJ44Eyf1EypdL000003,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ConfigRegistryUtils] Creating Registry database connection component: component type = DATABASE_CONN
    [2011-12-28T13:05:49.040-05:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01321] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 16] [ecid: 0000JI5qMtcFO9EpJ44Eyf1EypdL000003,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ConfigRegistryUtils] Creating product component: component type = SHARED_SERVICES_PRODUCT
    [2011-12-28T13:05:49.129-05:00] [EPMINS] [ERROR] [EPMINS-00001] [oracle.EPMINS] [tid: 16] [ecid: 0000JI5qMtcFO9EpJ44Eyf1EypdL000003,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard] trace: Error:[[
    com.hyperion.hit.wizard.FailedButRetryPossibleException: Error while initializing registry.
         at com.hyperion.config.wizard.impl.RegistryWizardState$1$1.commit(
         at com.hyperion.hit.wizard.Wizard$
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at com.hyperion.config.document.Storage.setLink(
         at com.hyperion.cis.config.ConfigRegistryUtils.createProductComponent(
         at com.hyperion.cis.config.ConfigRegistryUtils.initializeRegistry(
         at com.hyperion.config.wizard.impl.RegistryWizardState$1$1.commit(
    Here I am wondering that I have installed and configure successfully in dev environment with the same DB privileges and folder permissions,as well same character set details and the same install files every thing is same as dev environment, but the same approach is failing in prod environment.
    I am unable to figure out what exactly issue is,
    Can any one please help me out in this regard.
    Edited by: 900598 on Dec 29, 2011 11:48 PM

    Hi John,
    We are using the different schemas(ESHSRVC for dev and ESHSRVC4 for prod)and different user ids as well in the db server(
    where the DEVDW is the sid for both schemas.
    Here the HSS tables created in ESHSRVC and working fine for dev.
    but in the new installation and config with the ESHSRVC4 schema the config is failing and throwing the error msg..
    I am sure the new installation is not pointing to the old HSS populated schema(ESHSRVC) and I have given the connection details of ESHSRVC4(new schema) while config the shared services for new one.
    I cross checked the both schema's have the same privileges and character sets.
    but in the new config with new schema is unable to create the registry and throwing error.
    I have uninstalled and deleted the entire folder and created new schema's and started the new install and config still getting same error.

  • EPM configuration ESSBASE Failed to navigate from RegistryWizardState:Error while initializing registry.

    When I was in the configuration ESSBASE, ran into trouble.
    Failed to navigate from RegistryWizardState:Error while initializing registry.
    soft: EPM  
    OS: linux redhat6.1
    Two planing server configuration
    A server configuration essbase and install oracle relational database
    Planning configuration is successful, but the first step in essbase Shared servers failed, the error is:Failed to navigate from RegistryWizardState:Error while initializing registry.
    What should I do?

    If you are using Oracle database, Create a user(schema) with the below previliges
    DBA, Resource, Connect

  • Problem installing Circuit Design Suite - "Error while initializing resource loader"

    I am attempting to install v 10.0.1 of the Circuit Design Suite (Education and Student Edition).  Immediately after starting the install process I get the message "Error while initializing Resource Loader!" and the installer exits.  My computer meets the minimum system requirements (512 MB RAM, 20 GB free hard drive space, Windows XP, etc).
    Any suggestions for how to work around this problem so I can get Multisim installed?

    Hi John,
    I'm not sure if you still have issues with the Multisim installer. But just in case here are some comments:
    Are you using a CD to install Multisim? If yes, try copying the installer to your hard drive.
    Try installing Multisim on a different machine.
    Apparently the Resource Loader is related to Java, try un-reinstalling it, upgrading to the latest release, etc.
    Let us know how it works,
    Fernando D.
    National Instruments

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    Question: When you apply the patch (linux-64 bit), does this patch include the daylight saving time patch that needed to be applied in earlier releases?

  • Providing init parameters to a servlet portal component

    I'm creating a portalcomponent based on a servlet. So I have the following declaration in my portalapp.xml:       <component-config>         <property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/>         <property name="ClassName" value="test.TestServlet"/

  • Please help: more than one case won't work

    I am working on an assignment for my class and I am trying to make it so that when a name like "Fred" or "Jonathan" is inputed, it will read a .txt file and output the nick name from the .txt file; but also, if the input does not match the first name


    Please Help! I searched the forum - but I couldn't find anything that matched this exactly. Adobe Premier Pro CS3 crashes every 5-10 minutes or so on my mac with no crash report! I am running the fastest MAC available - with a solid state hard drive