Escaping html for dynamic javascript

Hi Folks,
Can anyone please tell me how I escape html for use in a  function?
Here is my code:
onMouseover="ddrivetip('#jobdescription#','white', 300)";
Thanks in advance

Hi there
What is it you're trying to escape exactly? Do you mean you want the literal # signs to go in? If that's the case then use a double hash ## - Coldfusion will render a single one to the browser.
If that's not what you mean then some more info may be required

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       String escTitlePage = "";
       titlePage    = currNavNode2.getTitle(userLocale);
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    What you need to do is simply read the HTML file from the disk and dump it out to the outputstream. It really is that simple.
    There's no reason you need to include all 15000 files in the actual WAR, you can place those files any place handy that is easy for the application to see (in another directory, or accessible from a file server if you have multiple front ends).
    Then, just write a utiility function that takes the output stream (i.e. the 'out' JSP variable), and the file name, read the file, and write it to the stream.
    If you start noticing performance issues, then you can try doing some caching, but truth is your OS should be doing that for you.
    But, truth be told that's the only practical way to do it.
    Another solution would be to use JavaScriipt and XMLHttpRequest (i.e "AJAX") to load the file at the client side, and simply replace a tag with the results.
    That's also pretty trivial to write, any web site talking about AJAX should give you hint there.
    Of course, that won't work for folks who have JavaScript turned off, or some other incompatible browser, whereas the server side solution obviously works everywhere.

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    Since no one is giving you the hint: I'm afraid you're in the wrong forum. This is not a Javascript forum. I know it sounds confusing but despite the name, Javascript and Java have nothing really in common. Javascript runs on the client side. Java web technologies don't. Although, what you are asking for can be done with JSP's, I'm afraid, I can't help you with Javascripting :(....

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    ---------------- form.jsp --------------------->
    <%@ page import="java.util.*,newtest1.Validation" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="mybean" scope="page" class="newtest1.Validation" />
    <jsp:setProperty name="mybean" property="name" param="name" />
    <jsp:setProperty name="mybean" property="age" param="age" />
    <% s[i][j] %>
    <form method="get">
    <table border="0" width="700">
    <td width="150" align="right">Name</td>
    <td width="550" align="left"><input type="text" name="name" size="35"></td>
    <td width="150" align="right">Age</td>
    <td width="550" align="left"><input type="text" name="age" size="35"></td>
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
    <tr><td> </td></tr>
    <tr><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="ADD"></td></tr>
    <tr><td> </td></tr>
    <tr><td width="100%" align="center" border=1>
    <% int count=mybean.getStart();
    for(int i=count; i<count+1; i++) { %>
    <td><jsp:getProperty name="mybean" property="name" /></td>
    <td><jsp:getProperty name="mybean" property="age" /></td>
    <td><%= count %></td>
    <% count+=1; %>
    <% } %></td></tr>
    ----------------- ----------------->
    package newtest1;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Validation {
    private String name;
    private String age;
    static int start=0;
    public Validation() {    name=null;
    public void setName(String username) { if(username!="")
    public String getName() { return name;  }
    public void setAge(String userage) {  if (age!="")
    public String getAge() {  return age;   }
    public int getStart() {
    return start; }

    Hi, Do you mean to say,
    You have an HTML page in which you have a text field and an add button. If you enter anything in that text field and click on Add button the text field contents should be displayed in the same HTML page and you should be able to go on entering new values into the text field and you should be able to retain and display all the previously entered values..
    and finally the list of added items are not stored in the database..
    If this is the case
    i. Your html form should be submitted to the same page.
    ii. You need to have a Vector which holds the entered values.
    iii. Bind the vector object to the request object and collect the same vector object from the request and display its contents...
    I think this would help...

  • Escaping HTML in a Custom Tag

    Hello, all. I am sadly failing to find a library function to escape HTML in Java. I'm writing a tag that used to use JSTL as a custom tag and don't know exactly where to find the functionality the JSTL is using. Consider the old JSP:
    <c:forEach items="${versions}" var="version">
             <td><c:out value="${version.version}"/></td>
             <td><c:out value="${version.releaseDate}"/></td>
    </c:forEach>and the new custom tag class:
    public class VersionTableTag implements Tag
        private PageContext context;
        private Tag parent;
        public int doEndTag() throws JspException
            return EVAL_PAGE;
        public int doStartTag() throws JspException
            JspWriter out = context.getOut();
            List versions;
                versions = (List)(context.getVariableResolver().resolveVariable("versions"));
            } catch (ELException e)
                versions = new ArrayList();
                out.println("<th>Release Date</th>");
                for (Object o : versions)
                    VersionVO version = (VersionVO)o;
                    out.println(version.getVersion()); // NOTE: not properly escaped
                    out.println(version.getReleaseDate().toString()); // NOTE: not properly escaped
            } catch (IOException e)
                throw new JspException(e);
            return SKIP_BODY;
    }My questions are as follows:
    *1.* Is it possible to define a tag using a JSP document rather than a Java class? All I'm really after is something similar to an include but I want to be able to provide attributes to it in the long run.
    *2.* Is there some library function I can use to escape the HTML in the VO above?

    1. Is it possible to define a tag using a JSP document rather than a Java class? All I'm really after is something similar to an include but I want to be able to provide attributes to it in the long run.Yes. It was introduced with JSP2.0: tag files.
    Just like a JSP lets you write a servlet easily, a tag file lets your write a Custom tag class easily.
    2. Is there some library function I can use to escape the HTML in the VO above?
    There is one provided in the jakarta commons "lang" library.
    They provide a class "StringEscapeUtils" which will do most of the common escaping that you require.
    How hard is it to write something that replaces & < and > though?

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    The HTML code for bold is <b>bold</b>, if that's what you were asking. And there's <sub> too. If you weren't asking that, what were you asking?

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    I think will do

  • Escape HTML content without escaping tags

    How can I escape HTML content without escaping the HTML tags?

    Thanks for the info.  The select statement worked for me when I ran it with the inputs below but when I tried to put the statement in my code it didn't work.  Can you have a look and see what I may have done wrong?
    My code looks like this:
    FUNCTION escape_varchar(p_text_in IN VARCHAR2, p_encode  IN NUMBER)
        p_text_out VARCHAR2(32767);
        p_text_out := DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT(utl_i18n.escape_reference(unistr(REPLACE(p_text_in,'\','\\')),'US7ASCII'),p_encode);
        RETURN p_text_out;
    END escape_varchar;
    p_text_in =
    Make sure the following characters are getting Displayed in EIS
    ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|[]\:;"'<>?,./ ¢ £€¥©®™‰µ >• • … §¶ß‹›«»==–—¯ ?¤¦¨¡¿ˆ˜°-±÷/×¹²³¼½¾ ƒ??8v˜?=?¬n?´¸ªº
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    p_encode = 0
    p_test_out =
    Make sure the following characters are getting Displayed in EIS
    ~`!@#$%^&amp;amp;*()_-+={}|[]\:;&amp;quot;&amp;apos;&amp;lt;&amp;gt;?,./ &amp;#xa2; #&amp;#x20ac;Y&amp;#xa9;&amp;#xae;&amp;#x2122;&amp;#x2030;&amp;#xb5; &amp;gt;&amp;#x2022; &amp;#x2022; &amp;#x2026; &amp;#xa7;&amp;#xb6;&amp;#xdf;&amp;#x2039;&amp;#x203a;&lt;&gt;==&amp;#x2013;&amp;#x2014;&amp;#xaf; ?&amp;#xa4;|&amp;#xa8;!&amp;#xbf;&amp;#x2c6;&amp;#x2dc;&amp;#xb0;-&amp;#xb1;&amp;#xf7;/&amp;#xd7;&amp;#xb9;&amp;#xb2;&amp;#xb3;&amp;#xbc;&amp;#xbd;&amp;#xbe; &amp;#x192;??8v&amp;#x2dc;?=?&amp;#xac;n?&apos;&amp;#xb8;&amp;#xaa;&amp;#xba;
    &amp;#x2020;&amp;#x2021;AAA&amp;#xc3;A&amp;#xc5;&amp;#xc6;CEEEEIII&amp;#xd0;&amp;#xd1;OOO&amp;#xd5;O&amp;#xd8;&amp;#x152;SUUYU&amp;#x178;&amp;#xde;aaa&amp;#xe3;a&amp;#xe5;&amp;#xe6;ceeeei i i i &amp;#xf0;&amp;#xf1;ooo&amp;#xf5;&amp;#xf8;&amp;#x153;suuuuy&amp;#xfe;y??G????T?????????S??F??Oa&amp;#xdf;?de?????

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