ESTK Indesign Object Model

Hi All,
How to deal with InDesing Object Model in ESTK? Is anybody have any manual or reference?
I am having problem to understand classes (singular and plural) and method. I have not found any reference in Java script Tool Guide.
Please guide me.

The distinction between singular and plural is an artificial one. The plural refers to a class of objects, the singular to inividual objects. Take page, for instance. Under pages you see methods such as add(). Under page you see methods (move(), remove()) and properties (length, characters). But page doesn't exist as an object: instead you address an item in the class. Some examples:
Relating to the whole class:
myDoc.pages.add()  // add a page to the document's pages collection
myDoc.pages.length  // the number of pages in the document
Relating to individual pages:
myDoc.pages.item(0).textFrames  // the text frames on the first page
myDoc.pages.item(1).groups  // the groups on page 2
As tomaxxi mentioned, Jongware files are very good. For some more explanation of the object model, see

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    I have the trial of InDesign CS4 installed, along with the scripting componetns and Adobe bridge.
    In the ES Toolkit object model viewer I have four options in the dropdown:
    Core JavaScript Classes
    ScriptUI Classes
    Adobe Bridge CS4 Object Model
    Adobe InDesign CS4 Object Model
    The first three options work fine. The crucial fourth option (the InDesign model) does nothing. I open it and the drop down just closes, then snaps back to whatever the previous selection was.
    What is causing this and how do I fix it? Hard to script without the object model reference!
    Many thanks in advance for any help.
    Jude Fisher

    Try selecting InDesign from the drop down before starting InDesign.
    That's the only way I can get it to work on my installation...

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    then when you write somewhere "myInDi." - VB6 IDE give you context list with all methods and properties of InDesign application
    here is link to AS/JS/VB CS2 reference and AS CS3 reference
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    I remember that was page with InDesign Scripting PDFs on adobe site - but now all links are broken ... somebody in Adobe - web admin - should check what is going on ...
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    According to your description, you might want to connect SharePoint Online environment using Client Object Model.
    For the authentication, you can take a look at the link below with code demo provided:
    Best regards,
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How do I add InDesign's Object model to ESTK Object model viewer?

    I am new to InDesign scripting, and was told that I could view InDesign's DOM in ESTK's object model viewer. The problem is that my ESTK does not show InDesign Object Model in ESTK's model selector drop down! InDesign DOM is not there in the drop down list.
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    BTW, I am on CS6.

    this might help.
    Also, the best thing for the Object model is

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    In my illustrator scripts I was able to place stuff in illustrator layers, give arbitrary pageitems a name and then later go find and manipulate via script. Not as clear how to do this in an indesign context.
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    commnet: Glad to hear you're clear on the new keyword. It's something that a lot of people are confused about.
    Also glad to hear you've read Crockford's book on this stuff. Honestly I think for most InDesign usage, it's a mistake to worry about any kind of inheritance...usually it's easier to ignore all that stuff.
    And to answer the question about number of properties, probably talking max 100 or so. Certainly not thousands. I just want to have my own datastructure embedded in the indesign document that I can easily talk to via scripts. And this data needs to persist between instances of the javascript script's lifecycle. So it seems having some XML to parse is the solution. If that makes sense.
    If there was a way to deal with JSON data "hidden" within an indesign document I would gladly work with that. But I still need to change certain common content snippets inside the flow of the indesign document in a consistent way.
    I think if you have max 100 properties, you should probably choose the methods that are clearest code, rather than most efficient. I suppose you might have noticable delay with 100, though, obviously try it and see. I'm confused but I thought you needed to have your data associated with text elements inside your document, such that it is visible to a user in the user interface. Hence the proposal of using XML tagged text inside a Text Frame. Did that requirement go away?
    If you just want to hide JSON in the document, then use document.insertLabel() of a string of JSON and be done with it.
    You can also use the JavaScript interpreter's E4X features, that give you much richer Javascript bindings for manipulating XML objects and files. Unfortunately the Javascript's XML bindings have nothing to do with the InDesign XML object model. So could, e.g., export the InDesign DOM XML into a file, read that into a Javascript XML object, manipulating with E4X functions, write it out to a file, and then re-import it into the DOM. Not really very convenient.
    I honestly don't know much about Javascript for browsers, so if you could be more concrete in your queries it would be easier to answer.
    Looking forward to your example snippet though.
    OK, so, in Jeff (absqua)'s example, you create a constructor for a changeNumber rule, you call the constructor to make a rule, add the rule to the ruleset, and change a value attribute of the rule, and then process the ruleset.
    This strikes me as...extremely goofy. For two reasons, first the ruleset creation function should be parametrized with the value you want to change, and second, that you go change the rule's attributes after you have added it to a ruleset. Also, while this works in this example, I don't think it's appropriate to have the xpath attribute hardcoded in the rule creation function -- it's much plausible that you want a function that constructs a rule that changes some arbitrary tag to some arbitrary value.
    So, anyhow, if you were going to stick with the constructor paradigm, then I would change from:
    var changeNumber = new ChangeDocumentNumber();
    var ruleSet = [changeNumber, changeDescription];
    changeNumber.value = "5678";
    __processRuleSet(doc.xmlElements[0], ruleSet);
    var changeNumber = new ChangeDocumentNumber();
    changeNumber.value = "5678";
    var ruleSet = [changeNumber, changeDescription];
    __processRuleSet(doc.xmlElements[0], ruleSet);
    But I don't like this, because it's not parametrized reasonably. I would want something like:
    var changeNumber = new ChangeValue("//DocumentNumber", "5678");
    var changeDescription = new ChangeValue("//DocumentDescription", "New descr.");
    var ruleSet = [ changeNumber, changeDescription ];
    But because of my disdain for classical inheritance in JavaScript, I would instead write it as:
    function changeValue(xpath, newValue){
      return {
        name: "ChangeValue",
        xpath: xpath,
        apply: function(Element, processor) {
          if (newValue) {
            element.contents = newValue;
          return true;
    var changeNumber = changeValue("//DocumentNumber", "5678");
    var changeDescription = changeValue("//DocumentDescription", "New descr.");
    Because I think that a lot clearer about what is going on without introducing confusion.
    Edit: removed "this.value" from the above and just used newValue directly.
    But if you're defining a lot of rules with different apply functions, this is a very cumbersome strategy. You have all this boilerplate for each function that is basically the same but the apply function is different. This is leads to a lot of wasted code duplications. Why would your apply function be different? Well, that would usually be if you are writing functions that move around XML elements within the document hierarchy, or other things that are not simply changing the value of an element.
    I would much prefer to write this as:
    var changeRule = makeRule("change",
      function(element, ruleProcessor, newValue) {
        element.contents = newValue;
    var changeNumber = changeRule("//DocumentNumber", "5678");
    var changeDescription = changeRule("//DocumentDescription", "New descr.");
    var ruleSet = [ changeNumber, changeDescription ];
    This kind of syntax makes it much more compact to create arbitrary rules with different apply functions. In retrospect, the makeRule() function is named wrong, because it returns a function that makes a rule. Perhaps it'd be more reasonable if it was called makeRuleMaker().
    Anyhow, the downside is that the makeRule() function is kind of heinous. I wrote this in March in Re: How to shift content with in cell in xml rules table. But:
    //// XML rule functions
    // Adobe's sample for how to define these is HORRIBLE.
    // Let's fix several of these problems.
    // First, a handy object to make clearer the return values
    // of XML rules:
    var XMLmm = { stopProcessing: true, continueProcessing: false};
    // Adobe suggest defining rules constructors like this:
    //   function RuleName() {
    // = "RuleNameAsString";
    //       this.xpath = "ValidXPathSpecifier";
    //       this.apply = function (element, ruleSet, ruleProcessor){
    //       //Do something here.
    //       //Return true to stop further processing of the XML element
    //       return true;
    //       }; // end of Apply function
    // And then creating a ruleset like this:
    //   var myRuleSet = new Array (new RuleName, new anotherRuleName);
    // That syntax is ugly and, and is especially bad if
    // you need to parametrize the rule parameters, which is the only
    // reasonable approach to writing reasonable rules. Such as:
    //   function addNode(xpath, parent, tag) {
    // = "addNode";
    //       this.xpath = xpath;
    //       this.apply = function (element, ruleProcessor) {
    //           parent.xmlElements.add(tag);
    //           return XMLmm.stopProcessing;
    // and then creating a ruleset like:
    //   rule = new Array (new addNode("//p", someTag));
    // So instead we introduce a makeRule function, that
    // allows us to leave behind all the crud. So then we can write:
    // addNode = makeRule("addNode",
    // function(element, ruleProcessor, parent, tag) {
    //     parent.xmlElements.add(tag);
    //     return XMLmm.stopProcessing;
    // and use:
    // rule = [ addNode("//p", someTag ];
    function makeRule(name, f) {
        return function(xpath) {
                   // "arguments" isn't a real array, but we can use
                   // Array.prototype.slice on it instead...
                   args=Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [1]);
            return {
                name: name,
                xpath: xpath,
                apply: function(element, ruleProcessor) {
                        // Slice is necessary to make a copy so we don't
                        // affect future calls.
                    var moreargs = args.slice(0);
                    moreargs.splice(0, 0, element, ruleProcessor);
                    return f.apply(f,moreargs);

  • [ANN] InDesign CC 2014 Document Object Model Documentation

    I've freshly rendered an alternative documentation for Adobe ExtendScript API and the InDesign Object Model.
    InDesign ExtendScript API (10.0)
    I don't like the representation in the Object Model Viewer provided by the Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit and hence used the HTML Version from Jongware on a daily basis. However these files are only up to InDesign CS6 and not searchable. So I started to convert them on my own. If you feel familiar with the structure and layout from Jongware files, this is not by chance, because I'm totally used to it.
    Feel free to browse the documentation, download a copy for offline usage (Unfortunately the offline search function will not work in Chrome). The sources of the Transformation can be found on github. The copyright of the original Files is by Adobe Systems Incorporated.
    I'm happy about Feedback and Bug reports. Keep in mind that the doucmentation sources are written by Adobe and I can only corret transformation errors!
    This project ist based on the fantastic ExtendScript API HTML from [Jongware]. Without his efforts and inspiration I would not have realized it. Thank You!

    Hello Jongware!
    After a couple of changes for ID CC2014 as you'll note below (" -> ', and, Object Styles) to an old couple lines of your code, I got the following to work beautifully to delete all the unused Indesign styles in a document off a hot key. A real time saver!
    app.menus.item('Paragraph Style Panel Menu').menuItems.item('Select All Unused').associatedMenuAction.invoke();
    app.menus.item('Paragraph Style Panel Menu').menuItems.item('Delete Styles…').associatedMenuAction.invoke();
    app.menus.item('Character Style Panel Menu').menuItems.item('Select All Unused').associatedMenuAction.invoke();
    app.menus.item('Character Style Panel Menu').menuItems.item('Delete Styles…').associatedMenuAction.invoke();
    app.menus.item('Object Styles Panel Menu').menuItems.item('Select All Unused').associatedMenuAction.invoke();
    app.menus.item('Object Styles Panel Menu').menuItems.item('Delete Styles…').associatedMenuAction.invoke();
    The only thing stopping me from popping it into a loop to do a whole book at once (a trick I got from your excellent show-hide layers script) is that I don't know how to "Check The Box" in the ID UI that opens as it does each panel to make it "Apply To All". I'm sure it's quite simple but I've been through your handy dandy Script classes list, and ExtendScript, 'til I'm blue in the face and can't take it any more.
    Can you offer me a hint where to look?
    Best Regards,

  • Help to find out some of the object model for InDesign preference

    Hi All,
    I'm writing script to update the specific client preferences for each and every preferences of InDesign CS5. I couldn't find some of the object models in Extendscript help. If someone knows, please help to find out this.
    These are the list. Also refer screenshot.
    1. Dictionary Preference - Language English: USA
                                          Double Quotes 
                                          Single Quotes 
    2. Autocorrect Preference - Language English: USA
    3. File Handling Preference - Default Relink Folder
    Many thanks in advance.

    I looked and was not able to find a way to do this.

  • ExtendScript2 CS3 Object Model Viewer (very complicated - any alternative viewer ??)

    hallo iam just starting with JavaScript in CS3 and what i found most confusing is the Adobe's Object Model Viewer in ExtendScript2...
    its no help whatsoever and i didnt figure out the logics of the various dictionary items listed, whatsoever...
    if this is currentlly the only complete reference to CS3 JavaScript model than god help us....
    the ExtendScript2 Object Model Viewer needs to be COMPLETELLY REWORKED to become a full powered dictionary tool instead of an unorganized pile of items
    have you tried InDesign CS3 AppleScript Dictionary in Apple's ScriptEditor... thats a dictionary of object model as i would imagine
    1) its FULLY tree-structured dictionary from topmost level down
    2) all items are categorized and sorted BY TYPE using various icons
    3) every item has a properties catalog card with nice english explanations of that function with hyperlinks to all other relevant items

    Hi Rosta,
    I have to admit that I don't understand. I see very little difference between the ESTK object model viewer and the AppleScript dictionary viewer. If anything, I think the ESTK version is superior because it connects methods with their objects--something that the AppleScript viewer doesn't do at all. But I pretty much find them equivalent.
    Regardless, the descriptions are *identical* between the object model viewer in the ESTK, the AppleScript dictionary viewer, and the Visual Basic/VBA object browser. All descriptions come from the scripting resources in InDesign, and all languages use the same description string.
    Jongware's HTML version, however, is much better than any of the above. Its hyperlinking is very good, and everything else can be found with your browser's Find command.
    Relying on the object model viewers has freed me from the task of maintaining the reference PDFs--which was taking almost all of my time. Without that burden, I can focus on writing the Scripting Guides, Scripting Tutorial, and example scripts. While I agree that the object model viewers aren't perfect, I believe that this is a better use of my time. I think that scripting examples are more useful, overall, than reference documentation (which simply repeats the information from the scripting resources, in any case).
    One very nice thing--because we have to rely on the object model viewers, we were allowed to fix literally hundreds of errors in the descriptions in the scripting resources.

  • ExtendScript Toolkit - Object Model Viewer

    Hi all,
    I know there's not really a way around this but I'm curious if anyone knows why the Object Model Viewer in ExtendScript Toolkit doesn't have After Effects Object Model in the Browser dropdown?  It has it for Bridge, InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. 
    Not that jumping into the AE Scripting Guide is much of a pain...but it just seems like it would be appropriate to have it inside ESTK...

    In my opinion, this should be one of the top priorities of the ESTK. It has been a constant frustration for me over the last everal years that this hasn't been included for After Effects. I can't tell you how many hours I've wasted trying to look up examples in the scripting guide and other people's work when it would have been far faster with this feature. To me without this, it seems the that particular tool (ESTK) has made very little improvements that are obvious to me, especially with the fact that my scripts run far slower in newer versions of After Effects since CS4.

  • Create a site collection with dedicated content db with the help of server object model

     I have a requirement to implement a create a new site collection with dedicated content db. i have got 2 PowerShell scripts which does the same. first i will  create a content  db and then create the sitecollection with contentdb
    parameter with the created contentdb name.
    Now the site collection created must contain few doc libs and few splists with look up columns, people picker data type, multiline of text, single line of text,choice field. hence i am thinking the below approach:
     1) create a web template and include sp doclibs, splists , site columns in this.
     2) i am thinking of a ui design to create the below:
     These are called "projects" which is actually the site collection with the doclibs, splists and must be created by sharepoint admin on click of a link in my landing page.end users access these "projects"  aka 
    "site collections" and uploads the documents into these projects and collaborate.
    so my question is :  On click of a button can I create a site collection with a dedicated content db based on the web template created with the  hel of  server  object model?
    The other approach is on click of this button call the power shell script which accepts the sitecollection name and contentdb name as parameter. is this possible in  server obj.model ?
    passing a paramter from code behind- visual web part ui to power shell ?
    and it should create the site collec based on the web template and create the content db.
    my doubt #3 : will it not throw error "request timed out" when creating the site collec and contentdb from ui ?

    Try below:
    PowerShell is just a wrapper for the object model. You shouldn't need to reference PowerShell in your feature, just create the new site collection with C# inside your feature. There's a blog post here that illustrates some code that may get you started.
    # Enable the remote site collection creation for on-prem in web application level
    # If this is not done, unknon object exception is raised by the CSOM code
    $WebApplicationUrl =
    $snapin = Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'}
    if ($snapin -eq $null)
    Write-Host "Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin"
    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
    $webapp=Get-SPWebApplication $WebApplicationUrl
    $newProxyLibrary = New-Object "Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPClientCallableProxyLibrary"
    $newProxyLibrary.AssemblyName = "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Dedicated.TenantAdmin.ServerStub, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"
    $newProxyLibrary.SupportAppAuthentication = $true
    Write-Host "Successfully added TenantAdmin ServerStub to ClientCallableProxyLibrary."
    # Reset the memory of the web application
    Write-Host "IISReset..."
    Restart-Service W3SVC,WAS -force
    Write-Host "IISReset complete."
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • Conflict between Client object model and Item Updated Event Receiver in sharepoint 2010

    Hello All,
    As per my requirement I have a two custom list.
    Agent Details
    Port Name
    Agent Details contains Agent code, Port Name,  email, address and phone of Agent. Its possible that one Agent Code is connected with multiple Port Name.
    Basically what I am doing is I am getting port name connected with Agent code, using jquery and bind those values with check box(using javascript created dynamically) and bind all with Div tag.
    Now when my custom edit form of Agent list open up it shows me different port name binding with checkbox group.
    when user select the check box and click confirm button my clicent object model script will run and add this selected value into Port Name list. 
    After confirm one more button named Save will enable asking user to edit the email, phone or address value and when I click on save my Item updated event fires which update the values of the selected port name(These port name I am getting from port
    name list) to Agent Details custom list.
    Now when I am trying to update the values my event receiver fires or some times it got stuck(not firing). So could you please help me the possible alternative for this requirements.
    Can we user the Ecma Script(Client object model to preserve the value of selectec port) and Item updated event receiver on the same time?
    Is anything am doing wrong then please guide me.

    As I understand, when you updated values in the agent details list the Item updated event receiver got stuck sometimes.
    The item update event receiver will fire after the item has been saved, and the client object model script or the Ecma Script runs before the item is saved, so there is no conflict between the client object model script and item update event receiver.
    You could find out the reason about the item update event receiver gets stuck by debugging the event receiver.
    When you want to debug your event receivers, you have to attach to OWSTIMER.EXE and wait till they are executed. You can control this behavior using the Synchronization attribute. Also, if you’re looking for an easy way to debug an event receiver without
    having to manually attach a debugger to your code, you can use the System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch() method.
    The articles below are about how to debug in the event receiver in SharePoint 2010.
    Best regards,
    Sara Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • How to get all previous versions page contents of a publishing page using SharePoint Client Object Model 2010

    How to get all previous versions page contents and other field values of a publishing page using SharePoint Client Object Model 2010?

    Hi Osmita,
    Here are the links that helps you. It has code attached to it.
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you

  • How to get the values of managed metadata columnn through object model

    I need to read the values from a managed metadata column, which is set to display entire path.
    Eg. My value looks like
    Critical:Important:Interesting:Routine:Not Evaluated
    without hardcoding these values, can i find which level of child has been chosen.
    if its not evaluated, i should find like last child like that..
    any way of doing that?

    thanks for the above reply.
    i got a new requirement as,  following is my managed metadata structure user selects the values from the below structure. i need to find the matching items with another list of same structure. the condition for matching is, if the user selects All,
    in the otehr list if the value in the region column equals any of the values in the structure below All like ema, denmark,nordborg is considered to be matched. if the user selects Denmark then the list contains denmark, nordborg and office is matched. means
    parent and its child contents are matched if the parent is chose. if the child is chosen only the exact value from other list(office==office in otehr list) is considered to be matched. how can i achieve it through object model coding?

  • Trying to use Web LCID property to get the List name in client object Model

    Hi ,
    I am trying to change the "Personal Documents" list NoCrawl property under MySite using SharePoint Client Object Model. As we use  web.Lists.GetByTitle("Personal
    Documents"); method to get the list,but here problem is :for different language List name is in their language.So I tried to use LCID property of the WEB and
    have taken key-value pair (PersonalSiteOnet_List_PersonalDocuments) from the resource file for that language from 14 hive.
    Example:I have selected Spanish language .there are so many LCID for Spanish language but Microsoft has given only one language pack for Spanish.
    Then,My Question is that
    "All LCID for Spanish language are using same Spanish language pack dictionary file OR something else"

    According to your post, my understanding is that your requirement is getting list in different language.
    Here are two ways for your reference:
    1. We can use getById method instead, so that we can avoid the language issue.
    2. We can use an array to store the different list name in different language in you JavaScript code, then use the code snippet below to get the list:
    var userLcid =_spPageContextInfo.currentLanguage;
    var localizedStrings = {
    ListName: {
    _1033: "EnglishName",
    _3082: "SpanishName"
    var listName=localizedStrings.ListName["_" + userLcid];
    var list=web.Lists.getByTitle(listName);
    More information:
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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