Even with notifications on, Viber keeps showing "notifications are off" dialog box. Reset possible?

After download of viber, i refused push notifications but then activated all notifications as shown on help. Though the phone now shows all notifications on, viber doesn't seem to recognize it. What to do?

Try testing it when connected to another Wi-Fi network, so you know your network isn't causing a problem.
Also, Apple has basic troubleshooting tips here -> iOS: Understanding Notifications
If that doesn't do it, check out Vibers support article -> Push Notifications for iPhone - How to enable
You can email them notifications test results.

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    goto options
    press BB button to get menu and Enable keyboard
    press and hold &%123 key for 3 sec
    type -??5* and device analyzer will be enabled
    if you mistype it at all, press esc key to home screen and try again.
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    SIM Free BlackBerry Unlocking FAQ
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    Want to thank me? Buy my KnottyRope App here
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    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
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    Firefox 4 saves the previous session automatically.<br />
    You can use "Firefox > History > Restore Previous Session" to get the previous session.<br />
    There is also a "Restore Previous Session" button on the default <b>about:home</b> Home page.<br />
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    Hi there I was having the same issues myself an I know it can be a pain because its a real battery drainer. The tip I have that worked for me is I went to location services and one by one I turned off each individual apps location service until the arrow went off so I was able to quickly find the app that was causing the issues (allow about 5 or so seconds between each app after you turn if off) after you find the bad app you can go into that apps settings to try to fix it. Or for me the app never stopped searching my location even with the app fully closed. ( so I deleted the app ) I hope this tip helps out

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        public void handle() throws FacesException
            FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            //Handle unhandled exceptions only if we have a FacesContext & ViewRoot
            if (fc != null && fc.getViewRoot() != null) {
                Iterator<ExceptionQueuedEvent> it = getUnhandledExceptionQueuedEvents().iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    ExceptionQueuedEvent event = it.next();
                    ExceptionQueuedEventContext ectx = event.getContext();
                    //Get the concerned exception
                    Throwable t = ectx.getException();
                    //Do not process JVM Errors
                    if (!(t instanceof VirtualMachineError)) {
                        //Log the exception
                        logger.error("Faces Handled Exception", t);
                        //Make ADF create a global error popup dialog
                        FacesMessage fm = new FacesMessage(t.toString());
                        fc.addMessage(null, fm);
                        //Exception handled. Now remove it
            //Call parent handler to do whatever it wants
        }This works perfectly when the page is loaded and some action triggers an exception. Where this does fail is when an exception occurs when a manual navigation or re-direct happens (I haven't tested it out for faces navigation though). In this case, where I would have seen a textual representation of the exception stack trace in the normal scenario, the exception gets handled by the exception handler, it gets FacesContext and UIViewRoot instances and add's the corresponding FacesMessage, but the message is never shown (probably because the page never got created since the exception happened in the middle of it's creation) and we get an empty page or the concerned component is not rendered (in the case of composite components). This is very bad for the user experience since the user doesn't know that an error has occurred and only the logs can specify that.
    I would like to know how can I detect the right time to add FacesMessage to FacesContext so to be sure that ADF will render it as a popup in the page. Whenever I detect it's not the right time, I'll let the parent handler handle it so that the user is shown the exception page.

    if this is not a generic ADF Faces questions but ADF and task flow related then read this: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/issue-archive/2013/13-mar/o23adf-1897193.html

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    Try a new post in the appropriate iPhoto forum.

  • I keep coming across a password dialog box which i don't have the password

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    OS X 10.7 Lion, 10.8 Mountain Lion & 10.9 Mavericks
    Reset Password starting from Recovery HD
    Start the computer,then press and hold down command and R keys to start into recovery partition.
    When you see the Apple logo, release the keys.
    Wait until  OS X Utilities window shows up.
    Move the mouse to the menubar at the top and click "Utilities", then select "Terminal"
    from the drop down.
    Terminal window will appear.
    Type in   resetpassword   and press enter on the keyboard.
    Leave the Terminal window open.
    Reset Password Utility window will open with Macintosh HD selected.
    Select the user account from the popup menu box.
    Enter a new password.
    Reenter the new password for the user.
    Enter a hint.
    Click the "Save" button.
    Click  in the menubar and select Restart.
    Log in.
    If Keychain dialog box appears, select “Create New Keychain”.

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    Before I upgraded my MBP to Mavericks, the Save As dialog box would reopen at the same size and position as it was when last closed.  Now with Mavericks it always opens in the same position at a very small size.  Is there a way to make it reopen at the last place and size at which it was closed?

    I have resolved the issues presented without having to find and uninstall the Macromedia Flash Player 8.0 in order to get "Adobe Flash Player 10" playback of .swf files on my computer. When I begin this task, I expected to download an "Adobe Flash Player 10" as a player program download instead of the Internet Explorer and Firefox plugin that it appears to be.
    This is what I did and what I believe I have:
    1. I setup Internet Explorer 6 as my default browser and then used the following site to download Adobe Flash Player 10
    2. As I had done before (and also suggested in another thread here), I went to Tools/Manage Add Ons and found Shockwave Flash Object, highlighted it, and clicked on Update Active X. Next, what I did not do before, I restarted the computer immediately after that.
    3. Next, I set Mozilla Firefox as my default browser and then used the above site to download Adobe Flash Player 10 again.
    4. With Firefox, the critical step included Firefox Tools/Options/Content with File Types (Configure how Firefox handles certain types of files) and the Manage Tab there. SWF Shockware Flash Object/Change Action/and dotting "use this plugin" - Shockwave Flash, followed by a computer restart got the job done.
    Now, if I want playback of a .swf file, I can
    a. Open With Internet Explorer (assumed with the Adobe Flash 10 "plugin")
    b. Open With Mozilla Firefox (assumed with the Adobe Flash 10 "plugin")
    c. Open With Macromedia Flash Player 8.0
    I am satisfied with those results for my use. Any additional comments on the player vs plugin aspect of the matter would be interesting and helpful.

  • Strange message showed up in a dialog box. should i be worried?

    hi. i stepped away from my mac pro (OSX 10.5.8) and when i came back about 20 minutes later saw this message in a dialog box:
    This computer's local hostname "mynames'mac-pro.local" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to "mynames-mac-pro-2.local". (my real name was where i have typed 'my name')
    To change the local hostname, open System Preferences and click Sharing, then click Edit and type the name in the Local Hostname field.
    i am the only user of my computer so i am wondering if some virus/malware has tried to install something on my computer possibly. Does anyone know why this would show up or what it is about? i don't share files and am the only user of my computer. should i need to change the hostname back to what it was originally?
    thanks in advance for your help!

    oops. after i posted the 'more like this' sidebar showed the answer to this so i'll try to fix this now. thanks.

  • Even with Indesign quit i keep getting an update error.

    Error: U44m1I216. it says to please contact custmer support.

    Chriscortolillo please check your installation log files for the specific error which caused the update to fail.  Please see Troubleshoot install issues with log files | CC - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/troubleshoot-install-logs-cc.html for information on how to locate and interpret your installation log files.  You are welcome to post any errors you discover to this discussion.

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