EWT revised return

Is there any mapping for filing revised return for TDS in SAP? if so where?

Hi Smriti
You can use T code J1INQEFILE for quarterly E-Return process.

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  • TDS quaterly revise returns

    if any thing mistake in quaterly returns, how we revise in sap, which t code we want to use.
    please reply

    If you did any changes in the period like J1INJV, then you have to run the rest of the cycle and run the J1INQEFILE again.  This should pick up the updated values.  There is nothing like Revised Return in SAP.


    제품: Applications
    작성날짜 : 2006-05-30
    Onhand quantity setup을 확인하는 방법
    script을 통해, 여러 setup사항들 및 onhand수량을 check할 수 있다.
    1. Check Organization controls
    2. Check Subinventory controls
    3. Check item attributes and controls for lot, locator, serial and
    4. Check onhand quantity stock records a) non lot control
    b) lot controlled
    5. Check that stock records agree with attribute settings including
    the following:
    - Check that stock has a lot number if under lot control.
    - Check expiration date, lots which have expired still show in
    transaction screen
    - LPN containerized items
    6. Show reservations for the item
    7. Show overall quantities (from an internal routine called qtytree)
    8. Check that cost groups are correct.
    9. Check that quantities agree.
    아래의 script을 onhand.sql로 생성하여 수행하시기 바랍니다.
    $Header: onhand.sql 115.9 2005/05/25 $
    Gives information regarding quantity values for an item within an organization,
    subinventory, revision and lot to determine why the system does not find
    available stock.
    Quantity on hand
    Reservable quantity on hand
    Quantity reserved
    Quantity suggested
    Quantity available to transact
    Quantity available to reserve
    The retrieved information will be written to an O/S file called: onhand.lst
    This script should be used for Release 11.5 only.
    Bug 3089073, 4349223
    lot_number => return over this if item is not lot controlled
    revision => return over this if item is not revision controlled
    spool onhand.lst
    set linesize 125;
    set pagesize 200;
    set verify off;
    set serveroutput on
    PROMPT 1/ To check Organization controls
    SELECT organization_id ORG_ID,
    primary_cost_method CST_TYP,
    cost_organization_id CST_ORG,
    master_organization_id MAST_ORG,
    default_cost_group_id DEF_CST_GRP,
    project_reference_enabled PROJ_FLG,
    wms_enabled_flag WMS
    FROM mtl_parameters
    WHERE organization_id = &&org_id;
    PROMPT 2/ To check Subinventory controls
    SELECT secondary_inventory_name, organization_id org_id, default_cost_group_id DEF_CST_GRP,
    locator_type LOC, asset_inventory ASSET_INV
    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
    where organization_id = &&org_id;
    PROMPT 3/ To check item attributes
    from mtl_system_items_b
    where organization_id= &&org_id
    and inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
    prompt control = 2 for on
    prompt serial_number_control 1-No serial number, 2-Predefined serial number, 5-Dynamic entry at inventory receipt
    prompt 6-Dynamic entry at sales order issue
    PROMPT 4/ To check onhand quantity stock records a) non lot control b) lot controlled
    select moqd.inventory_item_id ITEM_ID, moqd.organization_id ORG_ID,
    moqd.primary_transaction_quantity PRIM_QTY, moqd.subinventory_code, moqd.revision REV,
    moqd.locator_id, moqd.lot_number,
    moqd.cost_group_id CST_GRP_ID, moqd.project_id, moqd.task_id, moqd.lpn_id,
    from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd
    where moqd.organization_id = &&org_id
    and moqd.inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
    select moqd.inventory_item_id ITEM_ID, moqd.organization_id ORG_ID,
    moqd.primary_transaction_quantity PRIM_QTY, moqd.subinventory_code,moqd.revision REV,
    moqd.locator_id, moqd.lot_number, mln.expiration_date EXPIRE_DATE,
    moqd.cost_group_id CST_GRP_ID, moqd.project_id, moqd.task_id, moqd.lpn_id,
    from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd, mtl_lot_numbers mln
    where moqd.organization_id = &&org_id
    and moqd.inventory_item_id = &&item_id
    and moqd.inventory_item_id = mln.inventory_item_id
    and moqd.organization_id = mln.organization_id
    and moqd.lot_number = mln.lot_number;
    PROMPT Check that stock records agree with attribute settings ie. stock has a lot
    PROMPT number if under lot control. Also check expiration date, lots which have expired
    PROMPT still show in transaction screen but cannot be reserved (bug 3818166) and for
    PROMPT negative balances, if found apply patch 3747966.
    PROMPT Also check for LPN containerised items will not show as available on forms need
    PROMPT unpack the material and then try to issue out from desktop or Perform the Misc
    PROMPT issue of the LPN from the Mobile (bug 4349223).
    PROMPT 5/ Show reservations for item
    select organization_id, inventory_item_id, demand_source_name, demand_source_header_id,
    demand_source_line_id, primary_reservation_quantity, revision, subinventory_code,
    locator_id, lot_number
    from mtl_reservations
    where organization_id = &&org_id
    and inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
    PROMPT 6/ Show overall quantities from qtytree
    x.organization_id organization_id
    , x.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , x.revision revision
    , x.lot_number lot_number
    , To_date(NULL) lot_expiration_date
    , x.subinventory_code subinventory_code
    , sub.reservable_type reservable_type
    , x.locator_id locator_id
    , x.primary_quantity primary_quantity
    , x.date_received date_received
    , x.quantity_type quantity_type
    , x.cost_group_id cost_group_id
    , x.containerized containerized
    FROM (
    x.organization_id organization_id
    , x.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , NULL revision
    , NULL lot_number
    , x.subinventory_code subinventory_code
    , x.locator_id locator_id
    , SUM(x.primary_quantity) primary_quantity
    , MIN(x.date_received) date_received
    , x.quantity_type quantity_type
    , x.cost_group_id cost_group_id
    , x.containerized containerized
    FROM (
    -- reservations
    mr.organization_id organization_id
    , mr.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , mr.revision revision
    , mr.lot_number lot_number
    , mr.subinventory_code subinventory_code
    , mr.locator_id locator_id
    , mr.primary_reservation_quantity
    - Nvl(mr.detailed_quantity,0) primary_quantity
    , To_date(NULL) date_received
    , 3 quantity_type
    , to_number(NULL) cost_group_id
    , 0 containerized
    FROM mtl_reservations mr
    Nvl(mr.supply_source_type_id, 13) = 13
    AND mr.primary_reservation_quantity > Nvl(mr.detailed_quantity,0)
    -- onhand quantities
    moq.organization_id organization_id
    , moq.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , moq.revision revision
    , moq.lot_number lot_number
    , moq.subinventory_code subinventory_code
    , moq.locator_id locator_id
    , decode(NULL, NULL, moq.transaction_quantity, nvl(pjm_ueff_onhand.onhand_quantity
    , nvl(moq.orig_date_received,
    moq.date_received) date_received
    , 1 quantity_type
    , moq.cost_group_id cost_group_id
    , decode(moq.containerized_flag,
    1, 1, 0) containerized
    mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq
    -- pending transactions in mmtt
    --changed by jcearley on 12/8/99
    --added 1 to decode statement so that we make sure the
    --issue qtys in mmtt are seen as negative.
    --This problem arose because create_suggestions stores
    --the suggested transactions in mmtt as a positive number.
    -- added 5/23/00
    -- if quantity is in an lpn, then it is containerized
    mmtt.organization_id organization_id
    , mmtt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , mmtt.revision revision
    , NULL lot_number
    , mmtt.subinventory_code subinventory_code
    , mmtt.locator_id locator_id
    , Decode(mmtt.transaction_status, 2, 1
    , Decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id
    , 1, -1, 2, -1, 28, -1, 3, -1, Sign(mmtt.primary_quantity))
    * Abs( decode(NULL, NULL, mmtt.primary_quantity, Nvl(apps.pjm_ueff_onhand.txn_quantity(NULL,mmtt.transaction_temp_id,mmtt.lot_number,
    'N',mmtt.inventory_item_id, mmtt.organization_id, mmtt.transaction_source_type_id,
    mmtt.transaction_source_id, mmtt.rcv_transaction_id,
    ),mmtt.primary_quantity)) )
    , Decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id
    , 1, To_date(NULL)
    , 2, To_date(NULL)
    , 28, To_date(NULL)
    , 3, To_date(NULL)
    , Decode(Sign(mmtt.primary_quantity)
    , -1, To_date(NULL)
    , mmtt.transaction_date)) date_received
    , Decode(mmtt.transaction_status, 2, 5, 1) quantity_type
    , mmtt.cost_group_id cost_group_id
    , decode(mmtt.lpn_id, NULL, 0, 1) containerized
    mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
    mmtt.posting_flag = 'Y'
    AND mmtt.subinventory_code IS NOT NULL
    AND (Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) <> 2 OR -- pending txns
    -- only picking side of the suggested transactions are used
    Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) = 2 AND
    mmtt.transaction_action_id IN (1,2,28,3,21,29,32,34)
    -- dont look at scrap and costing txns
    AND mmtt.transaction_action_id NOT IN (24,30)
    -- receiving side of transfers
    -- added 5/23/00
    -- if quantity is in an lpn, then it is containerized
    , 3, mmtt.transfer_organization
    , mmtt.organization_id) organization_id
    , mmtt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , mmtt.revision revision
    , NULL lot_number
    , mmtt.transfer_subinventory subinventory_code
    , mmtt.transfer_to_location locator_id
    , Abs( decode(NULL, NULL, mmtt.primary_quantity, Nvl(apps.pjm_ueff_onhand.txn_quantity(NULL,mmtt.transaction_temp_id,mmtt.lot_number,
    'N',mmtt.inventory_item_id, mmtt.organization_id, mmtt.transaction_source_type_id,
    mmtt.transaction_source_id, mmtt.rcv_transaction_id,
    ),mmtt.primary_quantity)) )
    , mmtt.transaction_date date_received
    , 1 quantity_type
    , mmtt.transfer_cost_group_id cost_group_id
    , decode(mmtt.transfer_lpn_id, NULL, 0, 1) containerized
    mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
    mmtt.posting_flag = 'Y'
    AND Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) <> 2 -- pending txns only
    AND mmtt.transaction_action_id IN (2,28,3)
    ) x
    WHERE x.organization_id = &&org_id
    AND x.inventory_item_id = &&item_id
    x.organization_id, x.inventory_item_id, x.revision
    , x.subinventory_code, x.locator_id
    , x.quantity_type, x.cost_group_id, x.containerized
    ) x
    , mtl_secondary_inventories sub
    x.organization_id = sub.organization_id (+)
    --AND Nvl(sub.availability_type, 1) = 1
    AND x.subinventory_code = sub.secondary_inventory_name (+) ;
    PROMPT Check that cost groups are correct see Bug 4222079
    PROMPT 7/ To find stock values from system nb.<cr> over lot and revision if item
    PROMPT is not under lot or revision control, <cr> over subinventory for all subinvs
    L_api_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
    l_qty_oh NUMBER;
    l_qty_res_oh NUMBER;
    l_qty_res NUMBER;
    l_qty_sug NUMBER;
    l_qty_att NUMBER;
    l_qty_atr NUMBER;
    l_msg_count NUMBER;
    l_msg_data VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_rev varchar2(100):=NULL;
    l_lot VARCHAR2(100):=NULL;
    l_loc VARCHAR2(100):=NULL;
    l_lot_control BOOLEAN :=false;
    l_revision_control BOOLEAN :=false;
    l_lot_control_code NUMBER;
    l_revision_qty_control_code NUMBER;
    l_location_control_code NUMBER;
    l_org_id NUMBER;
    l_item_id NUMBER;
    l_subinv VARCHAR2(10);
    into l_lot_control_code, l_revision_qty_control_code, l_location_control_code
    from mtl_system_items_b
    where organization_id= &&org_id
    and inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
    if l_lot_control_code = 2 then
    l_lot_control :=true;
    end if;
    if l_revision_qty_control_code =2 then
    end if;
    dbms_output.put_line('Transaction Mode');
    apps.INV_Quantity_Tree_PUB.Query_Quantities (
    p_api_version_number => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_lst => apps.fnd_api.g_false
    , x_return_status => L_api_return_status
    , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
    , x_msg_data => l_msg_data
    , p_organization_id => &&org_id
    , p_inventory_item_id => &&item_id
    , p_tree_mode => apps.INV_Quantity_Tree_PUB.g_transaction_mode
    , p_onhand_source => NULL
    , p_is_revision_control=> l_revision_control
    , p_is_lot_control => l_lot_control
    , p_is_serial_control => NULL
    , p_revision => l_rev
    , p_lot_number => l_lot
    , p_subinventory_code => '&&subinv_code'
    , p_locator_id => NULL
    , x_qoh => l_qty_oh
    , x_rqoh => l_qty_res_oh
    , x_qr => l_qty_res
    , x_qs => l_qty_sug
    , x_att => l_qty_att
    , x_atr => l_qty_atr );
    dbms_output.put_line('Quantity on hand --> '||to_char(l_qty_oh));
    dbms_output.put_line('Reservable quantity on hand --> '||to_char(l_qty_res_oh));
    dbms_output.put_line('Quantity reserved --> '||to_char(l_qty_res));
    dbms_output.put_line('Quantity suggested --> '||to_char(l_qty_sug));
    dbms_output.put_line('Quantity available to transact --> '||to_char(l_qty_att));
    dbms_output.put_line('Quantity available to reserve --> '||to_char(l_qty_atr));
    PROMPT Check that quantities agree with script 4 and 5.
    Spool off;
    PROMPT *** Print file onhand.lst created ***
    Reference Documents
    Bug 4529874

  • Precedence: Procedure or Function

    I have a package that contains function revise and procedure revise.
    (this package is over a decade old)
    Inside the package, some code reads:
    if jobtype is not null
    end if;
    Which "revise" is called?
    Is it the procedure or the function?
    --Package Header
    create or replace package my_custom_package as
    function import_structure(salesid in number, jobtype in varchar2) return varchar2;
    procedure revise;
    function revise return number;
    end reco_takeoff;
    --Package function import_structure
    function import_structure( salesid in number, structid in number,
    importid in number, jobtype in varchar2,
    uom in varchar2 ) return varchar2
    if jobtype is not null
    end if;
    (Let me know if there is a better way to format code in these forums).

    (Let me know if there is a better way to format code in these forums).Enclose code snippets between &#x7B;code} tags.
    I have a package that contains function revise and procedure revise.
    (this package is over a decade old)
    Inside the package, some code reads:
    if jobtype is not null
    end if;
    Which "revise" is called?
    Is it the procedure or the function?A function returns a value.
    It's not the case here, so it is a procedure call.

  • [svn:osmf:] 14595: Metadata refactoring revision: having LayoutMetadata return a NullMetadataSynthesizer so that child layout settings do not get copied to their parent .

    Revision: 14595
    Revision: 14595
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-03-05 01:25:04 -0800 (Fri, 05 Mar 2010)
    Log Message:
    Metadata refactoring revision: having LayoutMetadata return a NullMetadataSynthesizer so that child layout settings do not get copied to their parent.
    Modified Paths:

    I've only encountered two instances where the PUT operation failed on certain files. One, the server does not like the particular file type, and two, when the file was open in another program.
    Other than that, I could only guess that it may have something else to do with the web server configuration and not DW.

  • Return for Revisions

    Can a form be returned to the original submitter for revisions?  Can authors or co-authors (or collaborators) update and comment on a form before or after it is returned to the submitter?

    FormsCentral is focused on small businesses and individuals. If you are looking for an enterprise-class solution, you might want to take a look at Adobe LiveCycle ES4:

  • RIDC - DOC_INFO - DocUrl - How to avoid the revision flag from the returned Web URL

    Using RIDC, DOC_INFO service returns the docurl with revision flag, which is a broken URL from browser.
    String DocUrl = response.getLocal("DocUrl");
    Result:http://<server>:16200/cs/groups/secure/documents/document/mdaw/mday/~edisp/002264~1.jpg  (How do I exclude the revision (~1) from the doc url returned.)
    The IsJava browser URL returns the DocUrl correctly for the same service as below. Please advise.
    IsJava URL : http://<server>:16200/cs/idcplg?IdcService=DOC_INFO&dID=2461&IsJava=1
    <?hda version="11gR1-" jcharset="UTF8" encoding="utf-8"?>
    @Properties LocalData
    Vipin Pillai

    Version:11gR1- (Build:
    oracle.ucm.ridc-11.1.1.jar (from the OTN WCC download page)
    Java Version:1.6.0_35
    DeafultStorage Rule is used.
    Dispersion Rule
    Web-viewable path
    Web URL File Path

  • Return forms for revision

    Using FormsCentral, does it have the capability to (I know that #1 & #2 are capabilities but are #3 &#4?)
    1. sender completes a form,
    2. sender submits it to a reviewer
    3. the reviewer reviews it for compliance and
    4. reviewer sends it back to the sender with comments for revision to bring it into compliance?

    Currently FormsCentral doesn't support review and comments workflow like you describes above, but you may share the form with a reviewer to review and edit the form. The "Share and Collaborate" part in this article http://forums.adobe.com/docs/DOC-1413 talks about how to share a file with other.

  • Newbie question on FindChangeByList script (REVISED)

    Hi...I'm using FindChangeByList (the Javascript version) and I have a question. The default behavior of this script seems to be the following:
    1. If text is selected, then run the script on the text
    2. Otherwise, run the script on the entire document.
    By looking at the script (which I'm pasting below), I can see that the script is intentionally set up this way. I'm totally new to scritping, but by reading the remarks I think these are the relevent lines:
    //Something was selected, but it wasn't a text object, so search the document.
    //Nothing was selected, so simply search the document.
    MY GOAL:  I want to prevent the script running on my entire document by mistake if I mistakenly don't have the Text tool active.
    I have a feeling that would be very easy to write, but since I know nothing about scripting, I appeal to this forum. Thanks.
    If you need it, the entire script is pasted below. (It's also a standard sample script built into CS4).
    //An InDesign CS4 JavaScript
    @@@BUILDINFO@@@ "FindChangeByList.jsx" 10-January-2008
    //Loads a series of tab-delimited strings from a text file, then performs a series
    //of find/change operations based on the strings read from the file.
    //The data file is tab-delimited, with carriage returns separating records.
    //The format of each record in the file is:
    //<tab> is a tab character
    //findType is "text", "grep", or "glyph" (this sets the type of find/change operation to use).
    //findProperties is a properties record (as text) of the find preferences.
    //changeProperties is a properties record (as text) of the change preferences.
    //findChangeOptions is a properties record (as text) of the find/change options.
    //description is a description of the find/change operation
    //Very simple example:
    //text {findWhat:"--"} {changeTo:"^_"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false} Find all double dashes and replace with an em dash.
    //More complex example:
    //text {findWhat:"^9^9.^9^9"} {appliedCharacterStyle:"price"} {include footnotes:true, include master pages:true, include hidden layers:true, whole word:false} Find $10.00 to $99.99 and apply the character style "price".
    //All InDesign search metacharacters are allowed in the "findWhat" and "changeTo" properties for findTextPreferences and changeTextPreferences.
    //If you enter backslashes in the findWhat property of the findGrepPreferences object, they must be "escaped"
    //as shown in the example below:
    //For more on InDesign scripting, go to http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign/scripting/index.html
    //or visit the InDesign Scripting User to User forum at http://www.adobeforums.com
    function main(){
    var myObject;
    //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    if(app.documents.length > 0){
      if(app.selection.length > 0){
        case "InsertionPoint":
        case "Character":
        case "Word":
        case "TextStyleRange":
        case "Line":
        case "Paragraph":
        case "TextColumn":
        case "Text":
        case "Cell":
        case "Column":
        case "Row":
        case "Table":
         //Something was selected, but it wasn't a text object, so search the document.
       //Nothing was selected, so simply search the document.
      alert("No documents are open. Please open a document and try again.");
    function myDisplayDialog(){
    var myObject;
    var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"FindChangeByList"});
        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Search Range:"});
       var myRangeButtons = radiobuttonGroups.add();
        radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Selected Story", checkedState:true});
        if(app.selection[0].contents != ""){
         radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Selection", checkedState:true});
    var myResult = myDialog.show();
    if(myResult == true){
       case 0:
        myObject = app.documents.item(0);
       case 1:
        myObject = app.selection[0].parentStory;
       case 2:
        myObject = app.selection[0];
    function myFindChangeByList(myObject){
    var myScriptFileName, myFindChangeFile, myFindChangeFileName, myScriptFile, myResult;
    var myFindChangeArray, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindLimit, myStory;
    var myStartCharacter, myEndCharacter;
    var myFindChangeFile = myFindFile("/FindChangeSupport/FindChangeList.txt")
    if(myFindChangeFile != null){
      myFindChangeFile = File(myFindChangeFile);
      var myResult = myFindChangeFile.open("r", undefined, undefined);
      if(myResult == true){
       //Loop through the find/change operations.
        myLine = myFindChangeFile.readln();
        //Ignore comment lines and blank lines.
         myFindChangeArray = myLine.split("\t");
         //The first field in the line is the findType string.
         myFindType = myFindChangeArray[0];
         //The second field in the line is the FindPreferences string.
         myFindPreferences = myFindChangeArray[1];
         //The second field in the line is the ChangePreferences string.
         myChangePreferences = myFindChangeArray[2];
         //The fourth field is the range--used only by text find/change.
         myFindChangeOptions = myFindChangeArray[3];
          case "text":
           myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
          case "grep":
           myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
          case "glyph":
           myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
       } while(myFindChangeFile.eof == false);
    function myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change preferences before each search.
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = "app.findTextPreferences.properties = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.changeTextPreferences.properties = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.findChangeTextOptions.properties = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
    myFoundItems = myObject.changeText();
    //Reset the find/change preferences after each search.
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change grep preferences before each search.
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = "app.findGrepPreferences.properties = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.changeGrepPreferences.properties = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.findChangeGrepOptions.properties = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
    var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGrep();
    //Reset the find/change grep preferences after each search.
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change glyph preferences before each search.
    app.changeGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = "app.findGlyphPreferences.properties = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.changeGlyphPreferences.properties = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.findChangeGlyphOptions.properties = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
    var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGlyph();
    //Reset the find/change glyph preferences after each search.
    app.changeGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindFile(myFilePath){
    var myScriptFile = myGetScriptPath();
    var myScriptFile = File(myScriptFile);
    var myScriptFolder = myScriptFile.path;
    myFilePath = myScriptFolder + myFilePath;
    if(File(myFilePath).exists == false){
      //Display a dialog.
      myFilePath = File.openDialog("Choose the file containing your find/change list");
    return myFilePath;
    function myGetScriptPath(){
      myFile = app.activeScript;
      myFile = myError.fileName;
    return myFile;
    Message was edited by: JoJo Jenkins. Proper script formatting was used and the question was revised and made more concise.

    You can't check which instrument is active in InDesign by script (although you can select it, but it's not useful in your case).
    I suggest you  the following approach: check if a single object is selected and if it's a text frame — if so, make a search without showing the dialog.
    Notice that use
    instead of
    this allows me to process threaded and overset text.
    function main(){
         var myObject;
         //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
         app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
         if(app.documents.length > 0){
              if(app.selection.length == 1 && app.selection[0].constructor.name == "TextFrame"){
              else if(app.selection.length > 0){
                        case "InsertionPoint":
                        case "Character":
                        case "Word":
                        case "TextStyleRange":
                        case "Line":
                        case "Paragraph":
                        case "TextColumn":
                        case "Text":
                        case "Cell":
                        case "Column":
                        case "Row":
                        case "Table":
                             //Something was selected, but it wasn't a text object, so search the document.
                   //Nothing was selected, so simply search the document.
              alert("No documents are open. Please open a document and try again.");

  • [svn] 3045: Fix FB-13900: Expression Evaluator: 'is' and 'as' expressions return 'Target player does not support function calls'

    Revision: 3045
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-08-29 10:59:25 -0700 (Fri, 29 Aug 2008)
    Log Message:
    Fix FB-13900: Expression Evaluator: 'is' and 'as' expressions return 'Target player does not support function calls'
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 3045
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-08-29 10:59:25 -0700 (Fri, 29 Aug 2008)
    Log Message:
    Fix FB-13900: Expression Evaluator: 'is' and 'as' expressions return 'Target player does not support function calls'
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • Eng_eco_pub.process_Eco for UPDATE of effectivity_date on revised items

    Hi All,
    We are on Oracle Applications Rel 11.5.8.
    We are trying to update an existing ECO with an ‘UPDATE’ transaction_type using eng_Eco_pub API. Here is the code. We first execute this script with CREATE and ECO is created. However, when we run the same script to UPDATE with transaction_type = ‘UPDATE’, the bill_sequence_id in eng_revised_items is updated to g_miss_num (9.99E125). The API is returning ‘SUCCESS’ and updates the bill_sequence_id to 9.999E125. Not sure what we are missing here. Appreciate any inputs or sample code for UPDATING an already created ECO.
    11668210 192981011 IK-API0316
    11668210 9.99E125 IK-API0316
    Thank You!
    l_eco_name VARCHAR2(10) := 'IK-API0000' ;
    l_org_code VARCHAR2(3) := 'GLO';
    l_transaction_type VARCHAR2(10) := 'CREATE'; -- or UPDATE for updating the same ECO
    l_rev_item_number1 VARCHAR2(20):= '16-2214-01';
    l_eff_date DATE := NULL;
    v_old_effective_date DATE;
    l_new_revised_item_revision VARCHAR2(3) := '-A0';
    l_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
    l_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
    l_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type ;-- := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
    l_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
    l_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
    l_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
    l_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
    l_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
    l_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
    -- API output variables
    x_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
    x_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
    x_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type ;-- := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
    x_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
    x_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
    x_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
    x_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
    x_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
    x_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
    -- Other API variables for return status / error handling / debugging
    l_error_table Error_Handler.Error_Tbl_Type;
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
    l_msg_count NUMBER := 0;
    l_output_dir VARCHAR2(500) := '/apps/orarpt/SJDEV/utl';
    l_debug_filename VARCHAR2(60) := 'test.dbg';
    -- WHO columns
    l_user_id NUMBER := -1;
    l_resp_id NUMBER := -1;
    l_application_id NUMBER := -1;
    l_row_cnt NUMBER := 1;
    l_user_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'CA_ADMIN';
    l_resp_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'Engineering';
    l_comp_eff_date date := null;
    l_disable_date date := null;
    -- Get the user_id
    SELECT user_id,sysdate + 10,sysdate
    INTO l_user_id,l_comp_eff_date,l_eff_date
    FROM fnd_user
    WHERE user_name = l_user_name;
    -- Get the application_id and responsibility_id
    SELECT application_id, responsibility_id
    INTO l_application_id, l_resp_id
    FROM fnd_responsibility_tl
    WHERE responsibility_name = l_resp_name;
    FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id); -- Mfg / Mfg & Dist Mgr / INV
    dbms_output.put_line('Initialized applications context: '|| l_user_id || ' '|| l_resp_id ||' '|| l_application_id );
    dbms_output.put_line('before initialixe');
    l_return_status := NULL;
    dbms_output.put_line('after initialixe');
    -- FOR UPDATE API to update effectivity date on Revised item.
    l_eco_rec.eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_eco_rec.organization_code := l_org_code;
    l_eco_rec.change_type_code := 'DESIGN';
    l_eco_rec.eco_department_name := NULL;
    l_eco_rec.priority_code := NULL; --'Medium';
    l_eco_rec.approval_list_name := NULL; --'SU_ONLY';
    l_eco_rec.reason_code := NULL;
    l_eco_rec.Approval_Status_TYPE := 5 ;-- 'Approved'; -- will default to Not submitted for Approval
    l_eco_rec.Status_TYPE := 1; -- 1 to bring in SCHEDULE status
    l_eco_rec.description := l_eff_date || ' - ECO - '||l_eco_rec.eco_name ;
    l_eco_rec.transaction_type := l_transaction_type;
    l_eco_rec.return_status := NULL;
    IF l_transaction_type ='CREATE' THEN
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := l_transaction_type; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code := l_org_code;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number1;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := '-A0'; -- pass only if the previous unimplemented updating ECO has a new revision
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Revised_Item_Revision := ''; -- l_new_revised_item_revision;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_effective_date := l_eff_date ; -- l_comp_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := null;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).status_type := 1; -- 'Open'
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).change_description := l_rev_item_number1 || ' --B0 ECO - '||l_eco_rec.eco_name ;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).disposition_type :=1 ;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).update_wip := 1;--2
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).mrp_active := 1;
    --l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_item_revision:= '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_routing_revision:= '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).from_end_item_unit_number:= ''; -- this field is mandatory
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).earliest_effective_date := l_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).use_up_item_name := l_rev_item_number1; null;
    --l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).use_up_plan_name :=null;
    END IF;
    IF l_transaction_type = 'UPDATE' THEN
    FOR v_component in (SELECT * from eng_revised_items where change_notice = 'IK-API0000') LOOP
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code := l_org_code;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number1;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := '-A0';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Revised_Item_Rev_Desc := '-F0 ik added';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Revised_Item_Revision := '-F0';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Start_Effective_Date := l_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Effective_Date := l_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Alternate_Bom_Code := v_component.alternate_bom_designator;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Status_Type := v_component.status_type;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Mrp_Active := v_component.Mrp_Active;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Earliest_Effective_Date := sysdate;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Requestor := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Use_Up_Plan_Name := v_component.Use_Up_Plan_Name;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Disposition_Type := v_component.Disposition_Type;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Update_Wip := v_component.Update_Wip;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Cancel_Comments := v_component.Cancel_Comments;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Change_Description := 'TESTING ';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute_category := v_component.Attribute_category;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute1 := v_component.Attribute1;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute2 := v_component.Attribute2;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute3 := v_component.Attribute3;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute4 := v_component.Attribute4;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute5 := v_component.Attribute5;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute6 := v_component.Attribute6;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute7 := v_component.Attribute7;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute8 := v_component.Attribute8;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute9 := v_component.Attribute9;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute10 := v_component.Attribute10;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute11 := v_component.Attribute11;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute12 := v_component.Attribute12;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute13 := v_component.Attribute13;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute14 := v_component.Attribute14;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute15 := v_component.Attribute15;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_End_Item_Unit_Number := v_component.From_End_Item_Unit_Number;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_From_End_Item_Unit_Number := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Original_System_Reference :=v_component.Original_System_Reference;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Return_Status := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Transaction_Type := l_transaction_type;
    -- L1, the following is added for ECO enhancement
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_Work_Order := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).To_Work_Order := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_Cumulative_Quantity := v_component.from_cum_qty;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Lot_Number := v_component.Lot_Number;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Completion_Subinventory := v_component.Completion_Subinventory;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Completion_Location_Name :='';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Priority := v_component.Priority;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Ctp_Flag := v_component.Ctp_Flag;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Routing_Revision := v_component.New_Routing_Revision;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Routing_Revision := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Routing_Comment := v_component.Routing_Comment;
    -- L1, the above is added for ECO enhancement
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Eco_For_Production := v_component.Eco_For_Production;
    END IF;
    Eng_Eco_PUB.Process_Eco( p_api_version_number => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_list => FALSE
    , x_return_status => l_return_status
    , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
    , p_bo_identifier => 'ECO'
    , p_eco_rec => l_eco_rec
    , p_eco_revision_tbl => l_eco_revision_tbl
    , p_revised_item_tbl => l_revised_item_tbl
    , p_rev_component_tbl => l_rev_component_tbl
    , p_ref_designator_tbl => l_ref_designator_tbl
    , p_sub_component_tbl => l_sub_component_tbl
    , p_rev_operation_tbl => l_rev_operation_tbl
    , p_rev_op_resource_tbl => l_rev_op_resource_tbl
    , p_rev_sub_resource_tbl => l_rev_sub_resource_tbl
    , x_eco_rec => x_eco_rec
    , x_eco_revision_tbl => x_eco_revision_tbl
    , x_revised_item_tbl => x_revised_item_tbl
    , x_rev_component_tbl => x_rev_component_tbl
    , x_ref_designator_tbl => x_ref_designator_tbl
    , x_sub_component_tbl => x_sub_component_tbl
    , x_rev_operation_tbl => x_rev_operation_tbl
    , x_rev_op_resource_tbl => x_rev_op_resource_tbl
    , x_rev_sub_resource_tbl => x_rev_sub_resource_tbl
    , p_debug => 'N'
    , p_output_dir => l_output_dir
    , p_debug_filename => l_debug_filename
    dbms_output.put_line('after API call');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Return Status: '||l_return_status);
    dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.eco_name:'|| x_eco_rec.eco_name );
    dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.org_code:'|| x_eco_rec.organization_code);
    IF (l_return_status = 'E') THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_count:' || l_msg_count);
    Error_Handler.GET_MESSAGE_LIST(x_message_list => l_error_table);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error Message Count :'||l_error_table.COUNT);
    FOR i IN 1..l_error_table.COUNT LOOP
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception Occured :');

    Hi All,
    We are on Oracle Applications Rel 11.5.8.
    We are trying to update an existing ECO with an ‘UPDATE’ transaction_type using eng_Eco_pub API. Here is the code. We first execute this script with CREATE and ECO is created. However, when we run the same script to UPDATE with transaction_type = ‘UPDATE’, the bill_sequence_id in eng_revised_items is updated to g_miss_num (9.99E125). The API is returning ‘SUCCESS’ and updates the bill_sequence_id to 9.999E125. Not sure what we are missing here. Appreciate any inputs or sample code for UPDATING an already created ECO.
    11668210 192981011 IK-API0316
    11668210 9.99E125 IK-API0316
    Thank You!
    l_eco_name VARCHAR2(10) := 'IK-API0000' ;
    l_org_code VARCHAR2(3) := 'GLO';
    l_transaction_type VARCHAR2(10) := 'CREATE'; -- or UPDATE for updating the same ECO
    l_rev_item_number1 VARCHAR2(20):= '16-2214-01';
    l_eff_date DATE := NULL;
    v_old_effective_date DATE;
    l_new_revised_item_revision VARCHAR2(3) := '-A0';
    l_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
    l_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
    l_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type ;-- := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
    l_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
    l_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
    l_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
    l_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
    l_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
    l_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
    -- API output variables
    x_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
    x_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
    x_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type ;-- := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
    x_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
    x_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
    x_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
    x_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
    x_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
    x_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
    -- Other API variables for return status / error handling / debugging
    l_error_table Error_Handler.Error_Tbl_Type;
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
    l_msg_count NUMBER := 0;
    l_output_dir VARCHAR2(500) := '/apps/orarpt/SJDEV/utl';
    l_debug_filename VARCHAR2(60) := 'test.dbg';
    -- WHO columns
    l_user_id NUMBER := -1;
    l_resp_id NUMBER := -1;
    l_application_id NUMBER := -1;
    l_row_cnt NUMBER := 1;
    l_user_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'CA_ADMIN';
    l_resp_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'Engineering';
    l_comp_eff_date date := null;
    l_disable_date date := null;
    -- Get the user_id
    SELECT user_id,sysdate + 10,sysdate
    INTO l_user_id,l_comp_eff_date,l_eff_date
    FROM fnd_user
    WHERE user_name = l_user_name;
    -- Get the application_id and responsibility_id
    SELECT application_id, responsibility_id
    INTO l_application_id, l_resp_id
    FROM fnd_responsibility_tl
    WHERE responsibility_name = l_resp_name;
    FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id); -- Mfg / Mfg & Dist Mgr / INV
    dbms_output.put_line('Initialized applications context: '|| l_user_id || ' '|| l_resp_id ||' '|| l_application_id );
    dbms_output.put_line('before initialixe');
    l_return_status := NULL;
    dbms_output.put_line('after initialixe');
    -- FOR UPDATE API to update effectivity date on Revised item.
    l_eco_rec.eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_eco_rec.organization_code := l_org_code;
    l_eco_rec.change_type_code := 'DESIGN';
    l_eco_rec.eco_department_name := NULL;
    l_eco_rec.priority_code := NULL; --'Medium';
    l_eco_rec.approval_list_name := NULL; --'SU_ONLY';
    l_eco_rec.reason_code := NULL;
    l_eco_rec.Approval_Status_TYPE := 5 ;-- 'Approved'; -- will default to Not submitted for Approval
    l_eco_rec.Status_TYPE := 1; -- 1 to bring in SCHEDULE status
    l_eco_rec.description := l_eff_date || ' - ECO - '||l_eco_rec.eco_name ;
    l_eco_rec.transaction_type := l_transaction_type;
    l_eco_rec.return_status := NULL;
    IF l_transaction_type ='CREATE' THEN
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := l_transaction_type; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code := l_org_code;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number1;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := '-A0'; -- pass only if the previous unimplemented updating ECO has a new revision
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Revised_Item_Revision := ''; -- l_new_revised_item_revision;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_effective_date := l_eff_date ; -- l_comp_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := null;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).status_type := 1; -- 'Open'
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).change_description := l_rev_item_number1 || ' --B0 ECO - '||l_eco_rec.eco_name ;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).disposition_type :=1 ;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).update_wip := 1;--2
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).mrp_active := 1;
    --l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_item_revision:= '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_routing_revision:= '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).from_end_item_unit_number:= ''; -- this field is mandatory
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).earliest_effective_date := l_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).use_up_item_name := l_rev_item_number1; null;
    --l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).use_up_plan_name :=null;
    END IF;
    IF l_transaction_type = 'UPDATE' THEN
    FOR v_component in (SELECT * from eng_revised_items where change_notice = 'IK-API0000') LOOP
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code := l_org_code;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number1;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := '-A0';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Revised_Item_Rev_Desc := '-F0 ik added';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Revised_Item_Revision := '-F0';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Start_Effective_Date := l_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Effective_Date := l_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Alternate_Bom_Code := v_component.alternate_bom_designator;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Status_Type := v_component.status_type;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Mrp_Active := v_component.Mrp_Active;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Earliest_Effective_Date := sysdate;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Requestor := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Use_Up_Plan_Name := v_component.Use_Up_Plan_Name;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Disposition_Type := v_component.Disposition_Type;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Update_Wip := v_component.Update_Wip;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Cancel_Comments := v_component.Cancel_Comments;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Change_Description := 'TESTING ';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute_category := v_component.Attribute_category;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute1 := v_component.Attribute1;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute2 := v_component.Attribute2;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute3 := v_component.Attribute3;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute4 := v_component.Attribute4;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute5 := v_component.Attribute5;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute6 := v_component.Attribute6;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute7 := v_component.Attribute7;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute8 := v_component.Attribute8;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute9 := v_component.Attribute9;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute10 := v_component.Attribute10;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute11 := v_component.Attribute11;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute12 := v_component.Attribute12;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute13 := v_component.Attribute13;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute14 := v_component.Attribute14;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute15 := v_component.Attribute15;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_End_Item_Unit_Number := v_component.From_End_Item_Unit_Number;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_From_End_Item_Unit_Number := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Original_System_Reference :=v_component.Original_System_Reference;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Return_Status := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Transaction_Type := l_transaction_type;
    -- L1, the following is added for ECO enhancement
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_Work_Order := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).To_Work_Order := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_Cumulative_Quantity := v_component.from_cum_qty;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Lot_Number := v_component.Lot_Number;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Completion_Subinventory := v_component.Completion_Subinventory;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Completion_Location_Name :='';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Priority := v_component.Priority;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Ctp_Flag := v_component.Ctp_Flag;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Routing_Revision := v_component.New_Routing_Revision;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Routing_Revision := '';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Routing_Comment := v_component.Routing_Comment;
    -- L1, the above is added for ECO enhancement
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Eco_For_Production := v_component.Eco_For_Production;
    END IF;
    Eng_Eco_PUB.Process_Eco( p_api_version_number => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_list => FALSE
    , x_return_status => l_return_status
    , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
    , p_bo_identifier => 'ECO'
    , p_eco_rec => l_eco_rec
    , p_eco_revision_tbl => l_eco_revision_tbl
    , p_revised_item_tbl => l_revised_item_tbl
    , p_rev_component_tbl => l_rev_component_tbl
    , p_ref_designator_tbl => l_ref_designator_tbl
    , p_sub_component_tbl => l_sub_component_tbl
    , p_rev_operation_tbl => l_rev_operation_tbl
    , p_rev_op_resource_tbl => l_rev_op_resource_tbl
    , p_rev_sub_resource_tbl => l_rev_sub_resource_tbl
    , x_eco_rec => x_eco_rec
    , x_eco_revision_tbl => x_eco_revision_tbl
    , x_revised_item_tbl => x_revised_item_tbl
    , x_rev_component_tbl => x_rev_component_tbl
    , x_ref_designator_tbl => x_ref_designator_tbl
    , x_sub_component_tbl => x_sub_component_tbl
    , x_rev_operation_tbl => x_rev_operation_tbl
    , x_rev_op_resource_tbl => x_rev_op_resource_tbl
    , x_rev_sub_resource_tbl => x_rev_sub_resource_tbl
    , p_debug => 'N'
    , p_output_dir => l_output_dir
    , p_debug_filename => l_debug_filename
    dbms_output.put_line('after API call');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Return Status: '||l_return_status);
    dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.eco_name:'|| x_eco_rec.eco_name );
    dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.org_code:'|| x_eco_rec.organization_code);
    IF (l_return_status = 'E') THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_count:' || l_msg_count);
    Error_Handler.GET_MESSAGE_LIST(x_message_list => l_error_table);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error Message Count :'||l_error_table.COUNT);
    FOR i IN 1..l_error_table.COUNT LOOP
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception Occured :');

  • Inconsistent delivery balance after return with restocking fee

    My client does not like the work around she must use to delete negative delivery balances after returns are processed with a restocking fee. Here is her description of the problem:
    1. We receive this unit back from customer. When a return is created the unit is received back into stock and cost account is credited.
    2. We revised the unit and decided to accept the return but charge a 10% restocking fee which means we will give back to the customer only 90% of what he paid for the unit.
    When a credit memo is created, the customer receives the credit and the revenue account is debited. Also the base return document is closed.
    3. However the system indicates that there is a negative delivery amount of $509 (On the BP master screen)  We donu2019t want to see that balance; there is no document open linked to that balance.
    If I do the same process, but add the total credit amount to the unit price directly the system does not show this negative balance even though the total amount of the return document is different than the total amount of the credit memo.
    In order for me to clear that balance, I needed to create a return, copy it to a credit memo, and create an invoice to offset the invoice.
    Is ther a better way to do this?

    The proper way to do it would be full credit plus new service invoice to complete this transaction.  The restocking fee s a new charge to customer.  That process will reflect the true financial transaction.

  • Is there a way to save a fillable form (in Reader) as a static (uneditiable) image and send it for signature without the recipient being able to revise the fields at all?

    Is there a way to save a fillable form (in Reader) as a static (uneditiable) image and send it for signature without the recipient being able to revise the fields at all? I have designed a number of fillable forms and sent them to our clients as Reader extended pdfs to be filled out and sent back. Now, certain clients want to be able to fill in the fields and save the doc as a pdf that can't be tampered with so that they can send it to their own people for signature to be returned to them hand-signed and scanned via email.
    Since the forms have been secured, and my cleints are only using the free Acrobat Reader, how can they save the filled in form as a static pdf to send on for signature? They do not want to have to print, scan and email. Is there an app, plug-in, simple solution to this?
    Thank you,

    The signature WILL work! I've just looked into it more, thank you so much for pointing me in that direction.
    I get it now, it locks the form fields in place after my coworker fills them in and signs it (as the very last step).
    I wish I would have asked on here a full day ago. Would have saved a lot of headache and Googling.
    Thanks again.

  • Flash Builder 4.5 Data Services Wizard, setting up REST service call returns Internal Error Occurred

    Dear all -
    I am writing with the confidence that someone will be able to assist me.
    I am using the Flash Builder Data Services Wizard to access a Server that utilizes REST type calls and returns JSON objects. The server is a JETTY server and it apparantly already works and is returning JSON objects (see below for example). It is both HTTP and HTTPS enabled, and right now it has a cross-domain policy file that is wide open (insecure but its not a production server, it's internal).
    The crossdomain file looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
       <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*" secure="false"   />
       <allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" secure="false"/>
       <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only" />
    The crossdomain file is in the jetty server's root directory and is browseable via HTTP and HTTPS (i.e. browsing to it returns the xml)
    Now before all of you say that using wizards sucks (generally) I thought I would utilize the FB Data Services Wizard as at least it would provide a template for which I could build additional code against, or replace and improve the code it produces.
    With that in mind, I browse to the URL of the Jetty Server with any web browser (for example, Google Chrome, Firefox or IE) with a URL like this (the URL is a little confidential at the moment, but the structure is the same)
    *somePort is the SSL port like 8443
    *someKey is a key to access the URL's set of services
    returns a JSON object as a string in the web browser and it appears like the following:
    Looks like the JSON string/object is valid.
    I went through the Flash Builder Data Services Wizard to set up HTTP access to this server. The information that I filled in is described below:
    Do you want to use a Base URL as a prefix for all operation URLs?
    Base URL:
    Name                    : someTask
    Method                    : POST
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    URL                              : {someUser}/{somePassword}/someTask
    Service Name: SampleRestapi
    Services Package: services.SampleRestapi
    datatype objects: valueObjects:
    Completing the wizard, I run the Test Operation command. Remember, no authentication is needed to get a JSON string.
    It returns:
    InvocationTargetException: Unable to connect to the URL specified
    I am thinking - okay, but the URL IS browseable (as I originally was able to browse to it, as noted above).
    I continue to test the service by creating a Flex application that accepts a username and password in a form. when the form is submitted, the call to the service is invoked and an event handler returns the result. The code is below (with some minor changes to mask the actual source).
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                                     minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
                                  import mx.controls.Alert;
                                  import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
                                  protected function button_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                                            isUserValidResult.token = SampleRestAPI.isUserValid(userNameTextInput.text,passwordTextInput.text);
                                  protected function SampleRestAPI_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
                                            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                                            // print out the results
                                            txtAreaResults.text = event.result.message as String;
                                            // txtAreaResults.appendText( "headers \n" + event.headers.toString() );
                        <SampleRestapi:SampleRestAPI id="SampleRestAPI"
                                                                                                 fault="Alert.show(event.fault.faultString + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)"
                        <s:CallResponder id="isUserValidResult"/>
                        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
              <s:Form defaultButton="{button}">
                        <s:FormItem label="UserName">
                                  <s:TextInput id="userNameTextInput" text="q"/>
                        <s:FormItem label="Password">
                                  <s:TextInput id="passwordTextInput" text="q"/>
                        <s:Button id="button" label="IsUserValid" click="button_clickHandler(event)"/>
                        <s:FormItem  label="results:">
                                  <s:TextArea id="txtAreaResults"/>
    It's a simple application to be sure. When I run it , I get the following returned in the text area field txtAreaResults:
    An Internal Error Occured.
    Which is equivalent to the following JSON string being returned:
    {"success":false,"value":"An Internal Error Occured"}
    It appears that the call is being made, and that a JSON object is being returned... however it does not return the expected results?
    Again the URL constructed is the same:
    So I am wondering what the issue could be:
    1) is it the fact that I am browsing the test application from an insecure (http://) web page containing the Flex application and it is accessing a service through https:// ?
    2) is the JSON string structurally correct? (it appears so).
    3) There is a certificate enabled for HTTPs. it does not match the test site I am using ( the cert is for www.somedomain.com but I am using localhost for testing). Would that be an issue? Google Chrome and IE just asks me to proceed anyway, which I say "yes".
    Any help or assistance on this would be appreciated.

    Hello everyone -
    Since I last posted an interesting update happened. I tested my  Flex application again, it is calling a Jetty Server that returns a JSON object, in different BROWSERS.  I disabled HTTPS for now, and the crossdomain.xml policy file is wide open for testing (ie. allowing every request to return data). So the app accessing the data using HTTP only. Browsers  -  IE, Opera, Firefox and Chrome. Each browser contained the SAME application, revision of the Flash Player ( debugger for firefox, chrome, opera, safari PC; consumer version in IE9,) take a look at the screen shot (safari not shown although the result was the same as IE and chrome)
    Note that Opera and Firefox returned successful values (i.e. successful JSON objects) using the same code generated from the Data Services Wizard. Chrome, IE and, Safari failed with an Internal error. So I am left wondering - WHY? Is it something with the Flash Player? the Browsers?  the Flex SDK? Any thoughts are appreciated. Again, the code is found in the original thread above.

  • Invoke/db adapter get not the return value of a procedure

    I have a problem with a db adapter.
    A db adapter calls a wrapper procedure and fill data in a object type.
    the wrapper procedure call a procedure in a other schema.
    In that schema the procedure make a insert in a database table
    and give a return value(success_msg or error_msg).
    schema1.pkg_wrapper.proc1(p_in IN schema2.param1_t,p_out out schema2.param2_t)
    schema2.pkg.proc1(p_in IN param1_t,p_out out param2_t)
    In one enviroment the bpel process running well in the second enviroment not.
    I had found that the bpel process write in the database and the out parameter is filled with 'ok'.
    But there ist a problem to transfer the value from the called procedure to the db adpater/invoke.
    The releases of the application server and the database a the same, also the releases of jdeveloper.
    My second problem the instance didn't comming back and the entry in the domain.log is
    <2008-04-25 12:51:48,056> <WARN> <mmerkel.collaxa.cube> <BaseCubeSessionBean::logWarning> Error while invoking bean "finder": [com.collaxa.cube.engine.core.InstanceNotFoundException: Instance not found in datasource.
    The process domain was unable to fetch the instance with key "2e52cdd31acca03e:5800031c:119819b87bf:-7bdd" from the datasource.
    Please check that the instance key "2e52cdd31acca03e:5800031c:119819b87bf:-7bdd" refers to a valid instance that has been started and not removed from the process domain.
    Instance not found in datasource.
    The process domain was unable to fetch the instance with key "2e52cdd31acca03e:5800031c:119819b87bf:-7bdd" from the datasource.
    Please check that the instance key "2e52cdd31acca03e:5800031c:119819b87bf:-7bdd" refers to a valid instance that has been started and not removed from the process domain.
    <2008-04-25 13:47:53,666> <ERROR> <mmerkel.collaxa.cube.engine> <CubeEngine::processStaleInstance> Instance 2670008 has already been marked as stale ... skipping
    <2008-04-25 13:47:53,672> <ERROR> <mmerkel.collaxa.cube> <BaseCubeSessionBean::logError> Error while invoking bean "instance manager": [com.collaxa.cube.engine.core.InstanceStaleException: Inconsistent process guid.
    The instance "2670008" was created with process guid "MD5{ed3f0862561da5254a6cf2fd5a440500}"; the current guid for the process "bucheReo" (revision "1.0") is "MD5{0a8bf160d2ff79eabb2f4b479e876cd0}". Whenever a process is deployed on top of an existing process with the same process id and revision tag, all instances created from the previous process are marked as stale.
    If you are accessing this instance from the console, your browser may be referring to an out-of-date page; please click on the Instances tab to get the current list of active instances.
    Inconsistent process guid.
    The instance "2670008" was created with process guid "MD5{ed3f0862561da5254a6cf2fd5a440500}"; the current guid for the process "bucheReo" (revision "1.0") is "MD5{0a8bf160d2ff79eabb2f4b479e876cd0}". Whenever a process is deployed on top of an existing process with the same process id and revision tag, all instances created from the previous process are marked as stale.
    If you are accessing this instance from the console, your browser may be referring to an out-of-date page; please click on the Instances tab to get the current list of active instances.
    Have anyone a idea?
    Every help is welcome?
    Thanks, Michael

    “You should be able to use an assign to copy an output parameter value from the BPEL variable associated with the output parameter of the stored procedure.”
    Yes, that is working well for the input variable. But that doesn’t work for the output variable in the second environment.
    The whole bpel process working well in one environment and does not in the second.
    By now I think there is any adjustment in the database or in the aplication server that we not found and that make the trouble
    What I do is that a invoke element (Invoke_WriteREOInDB) call the db adapter WriteREOInDB. My input variable WriteREOInDB_InputVariable is filled, the db adapater call a procedure and I see my data in the table. Now the procedure gives the result value ‘ok’
    In the invoke element I had the output variable WriteREOInDB_OutputVariable. In the next step I want to assign the value of WriteREOInDB_OutputVariable to my global output variable.
    But the instance didn’t coming back. In the console I get the following message:
    “Instance not found in datasource.
    The process domain was unable to fetch the instance with key "2e52cdd31acca03e:5800031c:119819b87bf:-7e0b" from the data source.”
    So I see nothing in the bpel console.
    Any idea?

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