Example (using a TableModel) with RandomAccessFile

Does anyone know of a good JTable example (using a TableModel) with RandomAccessFile?
I'm particularly interested to see how the TableModel is setup.
Also, when my JTable issues calls to the TableModel's "getValueAt()" method - to initialize its empty cells - it appears to call "getValueAt()" using randomly chosen row/column values (rather than filling the cells in "left-to-right"/"top-to-bottom" fashion).
Is this typical?

nevermind. I figured it out. thanks!

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         private static Robot r;
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                   r = new Robot();
              } catch (AWTException e) {
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    maheshguruswamy wrote:
    lemonboston wrote:
    maheshguruswamy wrote:
    I think a singleton might be a better approach for you. Just kill the public constructor and provide a getInstance method to provide lazy initialization.Thanks maheshguruswamy for advising on the steps to create a singleton from this class.
    Could you maybe advise also about why do you say that it would be better to use singleton? What's behind it? Thanks!In short, it seems to me that a single instance of your class will be able to coordinate actions across your entire application. So a singleton should be enough.But that doesn't answer why he should prefer a singleton instead over a bunch of static methods. Functionally the two are almost identical. In both cases there's only one "thing" on which to call methods--either a single instance of the class, or the class itself.
    To answer the question, the main reason to use a Singleton over a classful of static methods is the same reason the drives a lot of non-static vs. static decisions: Polymorphism.
    If you use a Singleton (and and interface), you can do something like this:
    KeyboardInput kbi = get_some_instance_of_some_class_that_implements_KeyboardInput_somehow_maybe_from_a_factory();And then whatever is calling KBI's public methods only has to know that it has an implementor of that interface, without caring which concrete class it is, and you can substitute whatever implementation is appropriate in a given context. If you don't need to do that, then the static method approach is probably sufficient.
    There are other reasons that may suggest a Singleton--serialization, persistence, use as a JavaBean pop to mind--but they're less common and less compelling in my experience.
    And finally, if this thing maintains any state between method calls, although you can handle that with static member variables, it's more in keeping with the OO paradigm to make them non-static fields of an instance of that class.

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    What version of Visual Basic are you using? If it is Visual Basic.Net then you should be using the Tuxedo .Net workstation client libraries and not the workstation libraries. More information can be found at:
    You should only attempt to use the standard workstation libraries if you are using Visual Basic 6 or earlier, i.e., non-.Net versions of VB.
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    Well, there's the writeUTF() method. But I don't think you are going to be happy with RandomAccessFile. Unless you can tell in advance how many bytes your String will require when converted to UTF-8, your idea of writing to different positions in the file is likely to cause problems when things start to overlap.

  • CR Server 2008 / Using openDocument interface with a no-logon wrapper

    Hi, all!
    I had a problem with the openDocument.jsp interface and a no-logon wrapper which took me quite a while to figure out. I'm now posting these results here in the hopes that someone else will find them useful. Of course, if anyone has input how to improve the solution, it's also welcome!
    The system on which this was developed and tested was a vanilla Crystal Reports Server 2008 installation on Tomcat / MySQL / Windows Server 2003.
    The problem was that calls to openDocument interface left sessions open and this quickly led to the situation where all the concurrent access licenses (CALs) were used. It seemed nondeterministic when a session was released; it could have been minutes or hours.
    The solution: write a HTTP session timeout listener which logoffs the CRS-backend session. (The code below has still some dubug output enabled.)
    package fi.niscayah.util;
    import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.IEnterpriseSession;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    public class KillSession implements HttpSessionListener
        public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent event)
            debug("sessionCreated()", event);
        public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent event)
            HttpSession session = event.getSession();
            try {
                java.util.Enumeration name = session.getAttributeNames();
                while (name.hasMoreElements()) {
                    String attributeName = (String)name.nextElement();
                    Object attribute = session.getAttribute(attributeName);
                    if((attribute != null) && (attribute instanceof IEnterpriseSession)) {
                        debug("  attribute : " + attributeName);
                        debug("  type      : " + attribute.getClass().getName());
                        IEnterpriseSession ies = (IEnterpriseSession)attribute;
                debug("sessionDestroyed()", event);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                debug("sessionDestroyed() exception");
        private void debug(String msg)
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
            String timestamp = sdf.format(new Date());
            System.err.println("[KillSession] [" + timestamp + "] " + msg);
        private void debug(String msg, HttpSessionEvent event)
            HttpSession session = event.getSession();
            String id = session.getId();
            String context = session.getServletContext().getServletContextName();
            debug("[" + context + "] [" + id + "] " + msg);
    (If you want to test the above code, create a .jar package out of it and put it in webapps/OpenDocument/WEB-INF/lib.)
    Next we need to register our listener. I noticed that the openDocument-webapp's web.xml-file already contained a listener definition that claimed to expire enterprise sessions on HTTP timeout. I never saw such results; I tested it by registering my own listener, which only outputted debug information, and then when ever a session timeout happened, I checked the amount of licenses in use via the CMC - it never dropped predictably.
    So, comment out the SessionCleanupListener and add KillSession.
    <!-- SK: Added own listener. -->
    <!-- SK: Commented out. -->
    <!-- SessionCleanupListener is used to expire the EnterpriseSession when the web session is timeout -->   
    <!-- <listener>
    </listener> -->
    After the above, change the HTTP session timeout to something more suitable. If you're creating really big reports, one minute might be too little. Also notice, that the value is an approximation. The timeout event might happen just as one minute has passed, but usually it takes more.
    Now we're good to go and test the openDocument interface. The result should be that every time a HTTP session timeouts, an enterprise session (which was initialized via the openDocument call) is logged off.
    Next the no-logon wrapper.
    I found a lot of examples for logging in automatically, but every one of them exhibited a strange behavior (at least when used in conjunction with the openDocument interface) where the session count was increased by two. A lot of head scratching later, the solution below was devised.
    <%@ page language="java"
        import = "com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.CrystalEnterprise,
    ISessionMgr sessionManager = CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr();
    IEnterpriseSession entSession = sessionManager.logon("Guest", "", "<server>:6400", "secEnterprise");
    String entToken = entSession.getLogonTokenMgr().createWCAToken("", 1, 1);
    // So that this can be logged off when the session timeouts
    HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession();
    httpSession.setAttribute("nologon_SESSION", entSession);
    String query = request.getQueryString();        
    String redirectURL = "http://<server>:8080/OpenDocument/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?" +
        query + "&token=" + entToken;
    You can put the above .jsp-file where you like, but I dropped it in webapps/openDocument, since it's no use by itself.
    The use of nologon.jsp is simple: use it as you would openDocument.jsp.
    And there you have it. A word of warning though, if you're not sure what you're doing, I wouldn't recommend trying these things out. And you certainly shouldn't deploy these on a production environment.
    As said before, any input is welcome!

    I'll comment on the BusinessObjects Enterprise logon tokens that you may generate via the Enterprise SDK.
    DefaultToken - this is used for failover - i.e., if the original EnterpriseSession object is destroyed without having logoff() method invoked, the failover can be used to re-connect to Enterprise without redo-ing authentication.  This token is immediately invalidated with EnterpriseSession.logoff().
    CreateLogonToken - token represents an EnterpriseSession independent of the original EnterpriseSession that generates it.  So you should generated the CreateLogonToken and log off the EnterpriseSession before using the token, or you'll have two licenses being used.
    CreateWCAToken - the Web Component Adapter token - this token is tied to the EnterpriseSession used to create it.  If this EnterpriseSession is invalidated, the WCA token can no longer be used.  Since this is essentially re-use of the original EnterpriseSession, license count is not increased with its use.
    So in your application, you're generating the WCA Token, and using the Session Listener to explicitly log off the originating EnterpriseSession.  The SessionCleanupListener is for cleaning up sessions created within InfoView on Web Application Server Session timeout.
    Ted Ueda

  • Using Apple remote with macbook display closed

    Hi ,
    I have a macbook connected to LCD TV with HDMI connection .
    Is there a way to use Apple remote with display closed .
    examples of using apple remote with display closed would be
    (1) waking the macbook with apple remote
    (2) putting the macbook to sleep with apple remote
    (3) Shutting down the macbook with apple remote
    (4) accessing front row (using LCD TV as Display )
    while doing this should I connect the macbook to power source.
    please point me to any documentation / solutions available .
    I don't have any external keyboard or mouse connected to macbook . I just want to use Apple remote to do the above functions .
    macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Hi suresh,
    as mentioned here:
    you must have to have a keyboard or mouse to trigger the macbook wake up from sleep when you close the lid.
    usb mouse is not that expensive and you can start with that.
    Good Luck

  • I'm trying to use kerberos V5 with ActiveDirectory but get an error

    I'm trying to use kerberos V5 with ActiveDirectory im using simple code from previuos posts but
    when i try with correct username/password i get :
    Authentication attempt failedjavax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Message stream modified (41)
    when i try incorrect username/pass i get :
    Pre-authentication information was invalid (24)
    Debug info is :
    Debug is  true storeKey false useTicketCache false useKeyTab false doNotPrompt false ticketCache is null isInitiator true KeyTab is null refreshKrb5Config is false principal is null tryFirstPass is false useFirstPass is false storePass is false clearPass is false
    Kerberos username [naiden]: naiden
    Kerberos password for naiden:      naiden
              [Krb5LoginModule] user entered username: naiden
    Acquire TGT using AS Exchange
              [Krb5LoginModule] authentication failed
    Pre-authentication information was invalid (24)
    Authentication attempt failedjavax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Java code is :
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.naming.directory.*;
    import javax.security.auth.login.*;
    import javax.security.auth.Subject;
    import com.sun.security.auth.callback.TextCallbackHandler;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    * Demonstrates how to create an initial context to an LDAP server
    * using "GSSAPI" SASL authentication (Kerberos v5).
    * Requires J2SE 1.4, or JNDI 1.2 with ldapbp.jar, JAAS, JCE, an RFC 2853
    * compliant implementation of J-GSS and a Kerberos v5 implementation.
    * Jaas.conf
    * racfldap.GssExample {com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required client=TRUE useTicketCache=true doNotPrompt=true; };
    * 'qop' is a comma separated list of tokens, each of which is one of
    * auth, auth-int, or auth-conf. If none is supplied, the default is 'auth'.
    class KerberosExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    java.util.Properties p = new java.util.Properties(System.getProperties());
    p.setProperty("java.security.krb5.realm", "ISY");
    p.setProperty("java.security.krb5.kdc", "");
    p.setProperty("java.security.auth.login.config", "C:\\jaas.conf");
    // 1. Log in (to Kerberos)
    LoginContext lc = null;
    try {
    lc = new LoginContext("ISY",
    new TextCallbackHandler());
    // Attempt authentication
    } catch (LoginException le) {
    System.err.println("Authentication attempt failed" + le);
    // 2. Perform JNDI work as logged in subject
    Subject.doAs(lc.getSubject(), new LDAPAction(args));
    // 3. Perform LDAP Action
    * The application must supply a PrivilegedAction that is to be run
    * inside a Subject.doAs() or Subject.doAsPrivileged().
    class LDAPAction implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
    private String[] args;
    private static String[] sAttrIDs;
    private static String sUserAccount = new String("Administrator");
    public LDAPAction(String[] origArgs) {
    this.args = (String[])origArgs.clone();
    public Object run() {
    return null;
    private static void performLDAPOperation(String[] args) {
    // Set up environment for creating initial context
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable(11);
    // Must use fully qualified hostname
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://,DC=local");
    // Request the use of the "GSSAPI" SASL mechanism
    // Authenticate by using already established Kerberos credentials
    env.put("javax.security.sasl.server.authentication", "true");
    try {
    /* Create initial context */
    DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
    /* Get the attributes requested */
    Attributes aAnswer =ctx.getAttributes( "CN="+ sUserAccount + ",CN=Users,DC=isy,DC=local");
    NamingEnumeration enumUserInfo = aAnswer.getAll();
    while(enumUserInfo.hasMoreElements()) {
    // Close the context when we're done
    } catch (NamingException e) {
    }JAAS conf file is :
    ISY {
         com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required
    };krb5.ini file is :
    # Kerberos 5 Configuration File
    # All available options are specified in the Kerberos System Administrator's Guide.  Very
    # few are used here.
    # Determines which Kerberos realm a machine should be in, given its domain name.  This is
    # especially important when obtaining AFS tokens - in afsdcell.ini in the Windows directory
    # there should be an entry for your AFS cell name, followed by a list of IP addresses, and,
    # after a # symbol, the name of the server corresponding to each IP address.
         default_realm = ISY
         .isy.local = ISY
         isy.local = ISY
    # Specifies all the server information for each realm.
              kdc =
              admin_server =
              default_domain = ISY

    Now it works
    i will try to explain how i do this :
    step 1 )
    fallow this guide http://www.cit.cornell.edu/computer/system/win2000/kerberos/
    and configure AD to use kerberos and to heve Kerberos REALM
    step 2 ) try windows login to the new realm to be sure that it works ADD trusted realm if needed.
    step 3 ) create jaas.conf file for example in c:\
    it looks like this :
    ISY {
         com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required
    };step 4)
    ( dont forget to make mappings which are explained in step 1 ) go to Active Directory users make sure from View to check Advanced Features Right click on the user go to mappings in secound tab kerberos mapping add USERNAME@KERBEROSreaLm for example [email protected]
    step 5)
    copy+paste this code and HIT RUN :)
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import javax.naming.directory.Attributes;
    import javax.naming.directory.DirContext;
    import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext;
    import javax.naming.directory.SearchControls;
    import javax.naming.directory.SearchResult;
    import javax.security.auth.Subject;
    import javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext;
    import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;
    import com.sun.security.auth.callback.TextCallbackHandler;
    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        java.util.Properties p = new java.util.Properties(System.getProperties());
        p.setProperty("java.security.krb5.realm", "ISY.LOCAL");
        p.setProperty("java.security.krb5.kdc", "");
        p.setProperty("java.security.auth.login.config", "C:\\jaas.conf");
        // 1. Log in (to Kerberos)
        LoginContext lc = null;
        try {
                lc = new LoginContext("ISY", new TextCallbackHandler());
        // Attempt authentication
        } catch (LoginException le) {
        System.err.println("Authentication attempt failed" + le);
        // 2. Perform JNDI work as logged in subject
        Subject.doAs(lc.getSubject(), new LDAPAction(args));
        // 3. Perform LDAP Action
        * The application must supply a PrivilegedAction that is to be run
        * inside a Subject.doAs() or Subject.doAsPrivileged().
        class LDAPAction implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
        private String[] args;
        private static String[] sAttrIDs;
        private static String sUserAccount = new String("Administrator");
        public LDAPAction(String[] origArgs) {
        this.args = origArgs.clone();
        public Object run() {
        return null;
        private static void performLDAPOperation(String[] args) {
        // Set up environment for creating initial context
        Hashtable env = new Hashtable(11);
        // Must use fully qualified hostname
        env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://");
        // Request the use of the "GSSAPI" SASL mechanism
        // Authenticate by using already established Kerberos credentials
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "GSSAPI");
    //    env.put("javax.security.sasl.server.authentication", "true");
        try {
        /* Create initial context */
        DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
        /* Get the attributes requested */
        //Create the search controls        
        SearchControls searchCtls = new SearchControls();
        //Specify the attributes to return
        String returnedAtts[]={"sn","givenName","mail"};
        //Specify the search scope
        //specify the LDAP search filter
        String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(mail=*))";
        //Specify the Base for the search
        String searchBase = "DC=isy,DC=local";
        //initialize counter to total the results
        int totalResults = 0;
        // Search for objects using the filter
        NamingEnumeration answer = ctx.search(searchBase, searchFilter, searchCtls);
        //Loop through the search results
        while (answer.hasMoreElements()) {
                SearchResult sr = (SearchResult)answer.next();
            System.out.println(">>>" + sr.getName());
            // Print out some of the attributes, catch the exception if the attributes have no values
            Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
            if (attrs != null) {
                try {
                System.out.println("   surname: " + attrs.get("sn").get());
                System.out.println("   firstname: " + attrs.get("givenName").get());
                System.out.println("   mail: " + attrs.get("mail").get());
                catch (NullPointerException e)    {
                System.err.println("Error listing attributes: " + e);
            System.out.println("Total results: " + totalResults);
        } catch (NamingException e) {
    }It will ask for username and password
    type for example : [email protected] for username
    and password : TheSecretPassword
    where ISY.LOCAL is the name of kerberos realm.
    p.s. it is not good idea to use Administrator as login :)
    Edited by: JOKe on Sep 14, 2007 2:23 PM

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    first c1
    second c2
    open c1
    open c2
    end loop
    close c2
    end loop;
    close c1
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    NOTE: The relatoin between finc and minc is one to many ..finc is parent and minc is child
    function chk_notnull_blank ( colname IN number ) return number is
    if ( colname is NOT NULL and colname not in ( -8E14, -7E14, -6E14, -5E14, -4E14, -3E14, -2E14, -1E14, -1E9 )) then
    RETURN colname ;
    RETURN 0;
    end if;
    END chk_notnull_blank;
    procedure Proc_AnnualFmlyTotIncSummary is
    v_tot_fsalaryx number := 0;
    v_tot_fnonfrmx number := 0;
    v_tot_ffrmincx number := 0;
    v_tot_frretirx number := 0;
    v_tot_findretx number := 0;
    v_tot_fjssdedx number := 0;
    v_tot_fssix number := 0;
    v_temp_sum_fsalaryx number := 0;
    v_temp_sum_fnonfrmx number := 0;
    v_temp_sum_ffrmincx number := 0;
    v_temp_sum_frretirx number := 0;
    v_temp_sum_findretx number := 0;
    v_temp_sum_fjssdedx number := 0;
    v_temp_sum_fssix number := 0;
    v_flag_boolean boolean := false;
    v_famid number ;
    v_stmt varchar2(3200) ;
    v_limit number := 50;
    v_temp_FAMTFEDX number := 0 ;
    v_temp_FGOVRETX number := 0 ;
    v_temp_FPRIVPENX number := 0 ;
    v_temp_FRRDEDX number := 0 ;
    v_temp_FSLTAXX number := 0 ;
    v_temp_FSALARYX number := 0 ;
    v_temp_FNONFRMX number := 0 ;
    v_temp_FFRMINCX number := 0 ;
    v_temp_FRRETIRX number := 0 ;
    v_temp_FINDRETX number := 0 ;
    v_temp_FJSSDEDX number := 0 ;
    v_temp_FSSIX number := 0 ;
    OPEN c_cur_finc ;
         FETCH c_cur_finc BULK COLLECT INTO famid_type_tbl LIMIT v_limit;
         EXIT WHEN famid_type_tbl.COUNT = 0;
         FOR i in famid_type_tbl.FIRST..famid_type_tbl.LAST
         OPEN c_cur_minc ;
         FETCH c_cur_minc BULK COLLECT INTO minc_rec_type_tbl LIMIT v_limit;
         EXIT WHEN minc_rec_type_tbl.COUNT = 0;
              FOR j IN minc_rec_type_tbl.FIRST..minc_rec_type_tbl.LAST
              if ( famid_type_tbl(i) = minc_rec_type_tbl(j).FAMID ) THEN
              v_temp_FAMTFEDX := v_temp_FAMTFEDX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).ANFEDTX );
              v_temp_FGOVRETX := v_temp_FGOVRETX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).ANGOVRTX);
              v_temp_FPRIPENX := v_temp_FPRIPENX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).ANPRVPNX);
              v_temp_FRRDEDX := v_temp_FRRDEDX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).ANRRDEDX);
              v_temp_FSLTAXX := v_temp_FSLTAXX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).ANSLTX );
              v_temp_FSALARYX := v_temp_FSALARYX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).SALARYX ) + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).SALARYBX);
              v_temp_FNONFRMX := v_temp_FNONFRMX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).NONFARMX) + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).NONFRMBX);
              v_temp_FFRMINCX := v_temp_FFRMINCX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).FARMINCX) + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).FRMINCBX );
              v_temp_FRRETIRX := v_temp_FRRETIRX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).RRRETIRX) + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).RRRETRBX ) + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).SOCRRX);
              v_temp_FINDREXT := v_temp_FINDRETX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).INDRETX);
              v_temp_FJSSDEDX := v_temp_FJSSDEDX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).JSSDEDX);
              v_temp_FSSIX := v_temp_FSSIX + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).SSIX ) + chk_notnull_blank(minc_rec_type_tbl(j).SSIBX);
              END IF;
              END LOOP;
         END LOOP ;
         CLOSE c_cur_minc;
         UPDATE FINC SET FAMTFEDX = v_temp_FAMTFEDX WHERE FAMID = famid_type_tbl(i);
         END LOOP;
    CLOSE c_cur_finc;
    raise_application_error(-20001,'An error was encountered - '||SQLCODE||' -ERROR- '||SQLERRM);
    v_err_code := SQLCODE;
    v_err_msg := substr(SQLERRM, 1, 200);
    INSERT INTO audit_table (error_number, error_message) VALUES (v_err_code, v_err_msg);
    error_logging(p_error_code => substr(sqlerrm,1,9), p_error_message => substr(sqlerrm,12), p_package =>'PKG_FCI_APP',p_procedure => 'Proc_Annual_Deductions_FromPay ' , p_location => v_location);
    end Proc_AnnualFmlyTotIncSummary ;
    Is the proga efficient and free from compilation errors ..?
    Edited by: kumar73 on Sep 22, 2010 12:48 PM

    function chk_notnull_blank ( colname IN number ) return number is Maybe this function should have its own forum:
    how to use case in this program
    Re: how to declare a formal parameter in a function of type record and access ?
    Re: how to define a function with table type parameter
    Re: creation of db trigger with error ..
    Re: How to write a trigger for the below scenario
    how to improve the code using advanced methods
    yours advice in improving the coding ..
    How to use bulk in multiple cursors !!

  • In the privacy policy, it states that percentages and durations of books read are being collected to ensure that publishers can have a metered price model, prices depending on how the book was read. Give me an example of a company with such a price model?

    In your privacy policy, you state that the percentages and durations of books read are being collected to ensure that publishers can choose a metered price model. Prices which depends on the duration for which the book was read.
    Give me an example of a company with such a price model? Are the information being collected even where the companies have not asked for the information, even when the metered price models are not being used?
    Here is an extract från the privacy policy:
    What information does Adobe Digital Editions collect and how is it used?
    The following information may be collected when an eBook with DRM is opened in Adobe Digital Editions software. If an eBook does not have any DRM associated with it, then no information is collected.
    User GUID: The User GUID is a unique value assigned in place of your User ID and is used to authenticate you.
    Device GUID: The Device GUID is a unique value generated to identify your device. It is used to ensure that the eBook may be viewed on your device and that the number of devices permitted by the license is not exceeded.
    Certified App ID: This ID represents the application that is being used to view the eBook, in this case Adobe Digital Editions. It is necessary to ensure that only a certified application may display an eBook. This helps to minimize piracy and theft of eBooks.
    Device IP (Internet Protocol): This identifies the country you are located in when you purchase an eBook.  It is used by eBook providers for the enablement of localized pricing models. Only the country identifier of the Device IP is stored.
    Duration for Which the Book was Read: This information may be collected to facilitate limited or metered pricing models entered into between eBook providers, such as publishers and distributors. These models are based on how long a reader has read an eBook. For example, you may borrow an eBook for a period of 30 days. While some publishers and distributors may charge libraries and resellers for 30 days from the date of the download, others may follow a metered pricing model and charge them for the actual time you read the eBook.
    Percentage of the eBook Read: The percentage of the eBook read may be collected to allow eBook providers such as publishers to implement subscription pricing models where they charge based on the percentage of the eBook read.
    Information provided by eBook providers relating to the eBook you have purchased: The following information is provided by the eBook provider to enable the delivery of the eBook to your device:Date of eBook purchase/download
    Distributor ID and Adobe Content Server Operator URL
    Metadata of the eBook, such as title, author, language, publisher list price, ISBN number
    How is the information transmitted?
    The data is sent periodically to Adobe via a secure transmission using HTTPS.
    How is the information used?
    Adobe uses the information collected about the eBook you have opened in Adobe Digital Editions software to ensure it is being viewed in accordance with the type of DRM license that accompanies that eBook. The type of license is determined by the eBook provider. For more information on how each piece of data is used, please see above.

    In your privacy policy, you state that the percentages and durations of books read are being collected to ensure that publishers can choose a metered price model. Prices which depends on the duration for which the book was read.
    Give me an example of a company with such a price model? Are the information being collected even where the companies have not asked for the information, even when the metered price models are not being used?
    Here is an extract från the privacy policy:
    What information does Adobe Digital Editions collect and how is it used?
    The following information may be collected when an eBook with DRM is opened in Adobe Digital Editions software. If an eBook does not have any DRM associated with it, then no information is collected.
    User GUID: The User GUID is a unique value assigned in place of your User ID and is used to authenticate you.
    Device GUID: The Device GUID is a unique value generated to identify your device. It is used to ensure that the eBook may be viewed on your device and that the number of devices permitted by the license is not exceeded.
    Certified App ID: This ID represents the application that is being used to view the eBook, in this case Adobe Digital Editions. It is necessary to ensure that only a certified application may display an eBook. This helps to minimize piracy and theft of eBooks.
    Device IP (Internet Protocol): This identifies the country you are located in when you purchase an eBook.  It is used by eBook providers for the enablement of localized pricing models. Only the country identifier of the Device IP is stored.
    Duration for Which the Book was Read: This information may be collected to facilitate limited or metered pricing models entered into between eBook providers, such as publishers and distributors. These models are based on how long a reader has read an eBook. For example, you may borrow an eBook for a period of 30 days. While some publishers and distributors may charge libraries and resellers for 30 days from the date of the download, others may follow a metered pricing model and charge them for the actual time you read the eBook.
    Percentage of the eBook Read: The percentage of the eBook read may be collected to allow eBook providers such as publishers to implement subscription pricing models where they charge based on the percentage of the eBook read.
    Information provided by eBook providers relating to the eBook you have purchased: The following information is provided by the eBook provider to enable the delivery of the eBook to your device:Date of eBook purchase/download
    Distributor ID and Adobe Content Server Operator URL
    Metadata of the eBook, such as title, author, language, publisher list price, ISBN number
    How is the information transmitted?
    The data is sent periodically to Adobe via a secure transmission using HTTPS.
    How is the information used?
    Adobe uses the information collected about the eBook you have opened in Adobe Digital Editions software to ensure it is being viewed in accordance with the type of DRM license that accompanies that eBook. The type of license is determined by the eBook provider. For more information on how each piece of data is used, please see above.

  • How to use Oracle partitioning with JPA @OneToOne reference?

    A little bit late in the project we have realized that we need to use Oracle partitioning both for performance and admin of the data. (Partitioning by range (month) and after a year we will move the oldest month of data to an archive db)
    We have an object model with an main/root entity "Trans" with @OneToMany and @OneToOne relationships.
    How do we use Oracle partitioning on the @OneToOne relationships?
    (We'd rather not change the model as we already have millions of rows in the db.)
    On the main entity "Trans" we use: partition by range (month) on a date column.
    And on all @OneToMany we use: partition by reference (as they have a primary-foreign key relationship).
    But for the @OneToOne key for the referenced object, the key is placed in the main/source object as the example below:
    public class Employee {
    private long id;
    private Address address;
    EMPLOYEE (table)
    1 Bob Way 50000 6
    2 Sarah Smith 60000 7
    ADDRESS (table)
    6 17 Bank St Ottawa ON Canada K2H7Z5
    7 22 Main St Toronto ON Canada     L5H2D5
    From the Oracle documentation: "Reference partitioning allows the partitioning of two tables related to one another by referential constraints. The partitioning key is resolved through an existing parent-child relationship, enforced by enabled and active primary key and foreign key constraints."
    How can we use "partition by reference" on @OneToOne relationsships or are there other solutions?
    Thanks for any advice.

    Crospost! How to use Oracle partitioning with JPA @OneToOne reference?

  • How do i use itunes server with itunes match?

    Hi all,
    I am using itunes server on my synology NAS. On my desktop i've always used itunes with match. How can I combine the two? In other words, how can i use itunes match with itunes server?

    I don't know if you've already solved it yourself, but I had this problem too. Try signing out of iTunes Store under 'Settings', then signing back in with JUST your iTunes user name, with no '.mac' or '.me' suffix. If, for example, your usual sign-in method is '[email protected]' try using 'joebloggs'.
    Worked for me.

  • How can I use the NI PXI-6508 with Lab View 7? what are the first steps to get started??How can I use the channels with lab view 7????

    I have a 8 slot PXI system with 2 NI PXI 6508 and 1 DMM 4070 in it. I want to get started with programming the digital I/O cards (6508)! How can I use this cards with LabView 7?what is the best way to get started, or where can I get examples showing how to use the several channels?

    The best way to get started is to decide if you want to use traditional NI-DAQ or NI-DAQmx. Recently we released NI-DAQ 7.1 which provides NI-DAQmx support for the PXI-6508. In my opinion, NI-DAQmx is more efficient and much easier to use.
    To get started with examples, simply launch LabVIEW and go to Help>>Find Examples. Then expand Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx and select the appropriate digital group for your application. This should help get you started.
    Please repost if you need addition assistance. Good luck with your application!

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