Exceeding the one TB limit

What will happen when I've used more than 1TB on my networked leopard machines...
Can I add a second time capsule to the network? what will happen? can I tell some of my leopard machines to back up to one of the time capsules and others to back up to the other one? - do i have to give them separate identities on the network - can they share the same ssid information, with the exception of the channel number, to ensure my wireless clients can walk between the two/three access points and automatically switch network access point...?
Thank you for any help you can provide.

Check out page 40 of this manual. It shows you how to set up a roaming network with multiple base stations:
What you described should work perfectly so long as the additional base stations (ie. Time Capsules) are set to bridge mode.
As for your Time Machine question, make sure to give each of the base stations and hard drives a different name, and you should be able to choose which one to back up to from your Time Machine preferences.
From my understanding, it won't matter which base station you're connected to, since all of them will be on the same subnet. So, a Mac connected to TC1 should be able to back up to TC2's HDD and vice versa.

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    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
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    Amy Wang
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    Moving this discussion to the Adobe Creative Cloud forum.
    Markh70292302 please contact our support team directly at Contact Customer Care for membership concerns.

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