Excel Tabellen mit VBA in Distiller übertragen

wir benutzen den Distiller 4.05 und Office 97 unter Windows2000.
Aus einem Excel-Sheet heraus soll ein Makro gestartet werden.
Dieses Makro veranlasst, daß aus allen Tabellen, die Information
enthalten, Grafiken gebildet werden. Das Makro soll danach die
zuvor erstellten Grafiken an den Adobe Distiller zum Ausdrucken
übergeben werden. Wir benutzen für die programmtechnische
Umsetzung VBA (Visual Basic for Application).
Wer kann mir helfen und sagen, wie dieser Aufruf und die Übergabe
der Daten (also der Grafiken) programmtechnisch in VBA zu realisieren ist.
Wie gesagt, ich möchte dazu den Distiller benutzen und nicht den pdfWriter,
weil dieser die Grafiken nicht so darstellt wie wir es eigentlich sehen möchten.
Vielen Dank !
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
Daniel Schindler

On the Macintosh, there is no OLE interface to Acrobat at all. The
Acrobat SDK describes the different Macintosh interfaces.
Aandi Inston

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    Hallo zusammen
    Wir haben Acrobat X Standard unter Win7 mit MS Office 2010 installiert und alle Software ist aktuell.
    1. In einem grösseren Word-docx file sind verschiedene gleichartige Excel-Tabellen eingefügt. Beim konvertieren mit Acrobat verlieren einige Tabellen ihre Linien (zB werden 1.5pt Linien zu gesrichelten Linien, Haarlinien zu dicken fetten Linien etc.). Andere identisch erstellte und in Word eingefügte Tabellen werden hingegen korrekt dargestellt.
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    Danke für Hilfe!!

  • Business Objects Financial Consolidation - Excel Link and VBA Macros

    We use the excel links of Business Objects Financial Consolidation V10.5 to import and export data to/from BOF and excel
    We used VBA macros for the imports but do not know what VBA code is required to export - this code would include the package identifier that has to be selected in the window "Select item Package "
    Can anyone help?

    Hello Chrisitne,
    I am as well intersted by the same funtiont, did you find any answer?
    Can I also ask you the VBA code for Import and Export if you have it?
    Thank for your help!

  • Excel 2010 - Userform - VBA How to stop 'Job No' from duplicating itself on next empty row

    Hi there
    Thank you in advance for taking the time to check this out.
    To prevent duplication of incident numbers in the datasheet, and format the job number with a prefix of
    Inc- at the beginning. I currently have the cell customization set to “Inc”General but that only inserts the prefix in the cells on the datasheet, but is not showing in the disabled textbox in the userform.
    The Problem
    I have a ‘Job Number’ that is generated each time the form is opened and when the ‘Save’ button is clicked the data from the form is transferred over
    The job number is generated from the previous entry +1 (auto incrementing the old fashioned way).
    The problem arises when the ‘Save’ button is pressed repeatedly, the same job number and data is duplicated on the datasheet.
    Is there some way to ensure that the number generated is unique, and if the ‘Save’ button is repeatedly pressed that it will just over-ride the existing information?
    The number format currently used is 20150003 (incremented by 1). But what I’d like to be displayed in the form is
    Inc- 20150003
    The following code is in the form_initialize procedure.
    Me.txtSEC_INC_No.Enabled = True
    Dim irow As Long
    Dim ws As ws_Incident_Details
    Set ws = ws_Incident_Details
    'find last data row from database'
    irow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1) _
    If ws.[a2].Value = "" Then
    Me.txtSEC_INC_No.Text = 0 ' If no value in Col A, it will return a 0
    Me.txtSEC_INC_No.Text = ws.Cells(irow, 1).Value + 1
    End If
    I’d be really grateful if someone could help me out, or perhaps direct me to where I might find some coding that will achieve the result I am seeking.
    I have just uploaded the latest version
    My Sample form is linked to my Dropbox so you can see how it currently works (or doesn't work)
    With much gratitude,
    Hope you have a terrific day, theShyButterfly

    I am striving to improve my VBA but ... I am far from anywhere near in understanding the code that you have in your file. I feel really bad in saying that, but I am not a pretender, and will acknowledge when I am over my head.
    I was thinking "simplified" :) ...
    Don't worry, also Rom wasn't build in a day. :-)
    I already answered the question about the duplication of the Job number in this thread:
    So let us talk a little about the TAG property, thinking "simplified" and how to save the data:
    Most people start with code like this when they start there first Userform:
    Cells(MyRowNumber, 1) = txtBoxA
    Cells(MyRowNumber, 2) = txtBoxB
    etc. many many lines till
    Cells(MyRowNumber, 56) = txtBoxWhatEver
    And then, after Version 1.0, they realize that they also want to load data from a row into the form. And they copy all the lines and exchange
    the parts before and after the
    "=" like this:
    txtBoxA = Cells(MyRowNumber, 1)
    txtBoxB = Cells(MyRowNumber, 2)
    etc. many many lines till
    txtBoxWhatEver = Cells(MyRowNumber, 56)
    And maybe you have another 56 lines to "clear" the Userform, and maybe more lines... over 150 lines just for this... that is really tremendous.
    I will not be
    too harsh,
    if it works, then
    it's okay.
    But often many people struggle when they look into the code because, which column in the sheet is written by this line?
      Cells(MyRowNumber, 56) = txtBoxWhatEver
    I've often seen that people change the code to this:
      Range("A" & MyRowNumber) = txtBoxA
      Range("B" & MyRowNumber) = txtBoxB
    etc.  till
      Range("BD" & MyRowNumber) = txtBoxWhatEver
    which is more clearly, but you must revise
    150 lines!
    And that is the point for the TAG property, which is in fact just a string. So when we write the column name ("A", "B", etc.) into the TAG property of a control, you can change the code to this:
      Range(txtBoxA.Tag & MyRowNumber) = txtBoxA
      Range(txtBoxB.Tag & MyRowNumber) = txtBoxB
    And now the 1st trick, we can use a loop and visit all controls at once:
      Dim C As MSForms.Control
      For Each C In Me.Controls
        If C.Tag <> "" Then
          Range(C.Tag & MyRowNumber) = C
        End If
    And when we want to load data from a row into the form, it's the same, just the other direction:
      Dim C As MSForms.Control
      For Each C In Me.Controls
        If C.Tag <> "" Then
          C = Range(C.Tag & MyRowNumber)
        End If
    And to clear the form is also the same:
      Dim C As MSForms.Control
      For Each C In Me.Controls
        If C.Tag <> "" Then
          C = ""
        End If
    So we can remove over 150 lines and do the same with just the 18 lines above.
    Isn't that a simplification?
    Think about that for a while.
    Ready for the next trick? ;-)
    As the TAG property is readable and writeable we can use Sub UserForm_Initialize and save a lot of manual work:
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
      Me.txtBoxA.Tag = "A"
      Me.txtBoxB.Tag = "B"
      'etc. till
      Me.txtBoxWhatEver.Tag = "BD"
    End Sub
    No time to waste,
    here comes the next one. ;-)
    In your file, you can have named ranges, but always have headings! And so we can get the column name e.g. from a named range:
      Me.txtBoxWhatEver.Tag = GetColumnName(Range("WhatEver"))
    Function GetColumnName(ByVal R As Range) As String
    Dim S As String
    S = R.Address(1, 0)
    GetColumnName = Left(S, InStr(S, "$") - 1)
    End Function
    Or you can use Range.Find and search for the header int the sheet and get the column name directly.
    The benefit is that your form works even when the user change the layout of the sheet!
    as it gets

  • Get directory of excel file in VBA Access

    Background: Access database is established. A procedure is written in Access VBA. When I run the procedure it selects the path of 'excel file' and opens it, slpits the data into different tables. To improvise, a form is created with import
    button on it. when I click on it, the procedure is executed.
    Problem: How do I do the following steps by clicking on the import button in Access VBA: click_import_button >> Choose the excel file dailog box opens >> select the excel file >> Execute the procedure.
    Following is my code(some part of it is deleted), with the path mentioned;
    Public Sub trial()
    Dim xlx As Object, xlw As Object, xls As Object, xlc As Object
    Dim vPartDes As String, vPartWeight As Double
    Dim vPartLength As Double, vPartWidth As Double
    Dim vPartHeight As Double, vBZA As String
    Dim vSAAname As String, vSAAnumber As String, vBMName As String, vBMnumber As String
    Dim blnEXCEL As Boolean
    Dim uid As Integer
    Dim rsUID As DAO.Recordset
    Dim vSNR As String, vNewSNR As String, VUID As String
    Dim rs, rsNewSnr, qs, js, ks, hs As DAO.Recordset
    'Dim wrkCurrent As DAO.Workspace
    Dim mydb As DAO.Database
    blnEXCEL = False
    'Establish an EXCEL application object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xlx = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Set xlx = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    blnEXCEL = True
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    'Change True to False if you do not want the workbook to be visible when the code is running
    xlx.Visible = False
    Set xlw = xlx.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\YSRINID\Desktop\Book1.xls", True) 'opens in read-only mode
    'Actual name of the worksheet
    Set xls = xlw.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set xlc = xls.Range("F2") ' This is the first cell (reference) that contains data (non-header information)
    Set mydb = CurrentDb()
    'Set wrkCurrent = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
    ' write data to the recordset
    Do While Not IsEmpty(xlc.Value)
    vBMnumber = xlc.Offset(0, -4)
    vBMName = xlc.Offset(0, -3)
    vSAAnumber = xlc.Offset(0, -2)
    vSAAname = xlc.Offset(0, -1)
    vSNR = xlc.Value
    vNewSNR = xlc.Offset(0, 1).Value
    vPartDes = xlc.Offset(0, 2).Value
    vPartWeight = xlc.Offset(0, 3).Value
    vPartLength = xlc.Offset(0, 4).Value
    vPartWidth = xlc.Offset(0, 5).Value
    vPartHeight = xlc.Offset(0, 6).Value
    vBZA = xlc.Offset(0, 7).Value
    Dim tsql, usql, vsql, wsql, xsql As String
    'Search BMnumber and SAAnumber combination in Variant_SAA
    wsql = " SELECT * FROM Variant_SAA where BMnumber like '" & vBMnumber & "' and SAAnumber like '" & vSAAnumber & "'"
    Set ks = mydb.OpenRecordset(wsql)
    If ks.EOF Then
    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO Variant_SAA(BMnumber,SAAnumber) values('" & vBMnumber & "', '" & vSAAnumber & "') "
    'Search for SNR or NewSNR
    tsql = "SELECT * FROM SNR_Log where SNR like '" & vSNR & "' or SNR like '" & vNewSNR & "'"
    Set rs = mydb.OpenRecordset(tsql)
    If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
    VUID = rs!uid
    VUID = -1
    End If
    If VUID > 0 Then
    ' Update information in Part_Source table
    mydb.Execute "UPDATE [Part_Source] SET PartDes = '" & vPartDes & "', PartWeight = '" & vPartWeight & "' , PartLength ='" & vPartLength & _
    "' , PartWidth= '" & vPartWidth & "', PartHeight= '" & vPartHeight & "' , BZA = '" & vBZA & "' WHERE UID like '" & VUID & "'"
    ' Insert part data into Part_Source table
    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO Part_Source(PartDes, PartWeight, PartLength , PartWidth , PartHeight , BZA) values ('" & vPartDes & "', '" & _
    vPartWeight & "', '" & vPartLength & "', '" & vPartWidth & "', '" & vPartHeight & "', '" & vBZA & "')"
    ' Read UID of last record
    Set rsUID = mydb.OpenRecordset("select @@identity")
    Debug.Print rsUID(0)
    VUID = rsUID(0)
    ' take UID and insert into SNR_log with SNR
    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO SNR_log (UID, SNR) values ('" & VUID & "','" & vSNR & "')"
    End If
    'Search for SAA and UID combination in SAA_Part
    xsql = " SELECT * FROM SAA_Part where SAAnumber like '" & vSAAnumber & "' and UID like '" & VUID & "' "
    Set hs = mydb.OpenRecordset(xsql)
    If hs.EOF Then
    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO SAA_Part(SAAnumber,UID) values ('" & vSAAnumber & "', '" & VUID & "')"
    Set xlc = xlc.Offset(1, 0)
    End If
    'If MsgBox("Save all changes?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
    'End If
    'Set wrkCurrent = Nothing
    'Close Recordsets
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set rsNewSnr = Nothing
    Set qs = Nothing
    Set js = Nothing
    Set ks = Nothing
    Set hs = Nothing
    'Close Database
    Set mydb = Nothing
    ' Close the EXCEL file without saving the file, and clean up the EXCEL objects
    Set xlc = Nothing
    Set xls = Nothing
    xlw.Close False
    Set xlw = Nothing
    Set xlx = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    If blnEXCEL = True Then xlx.Quit
    End Sub
    Thanks in advance!

    You can't just call your procedure since it opens a fixed workbook. (Moreover, it is missing an End If).
    Here is the On Click event procedure for a command button cmdImport:
    Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
        Dim strFile As String
        Dim xlx As Object, xlw As Object, xls As Object, xlc As Object
        Dim vPartDes As String, vPartWeight As Double
        Dim vPartLength As Double, vPartWidth As Double
        Dim vPartHeight As Double, vBZA As String
        Dim vSAAname As String, vSAAnumber As String, vBMName As String, vBMnumber As String
        Dim blnEXCEL As Boolean
        Dim uid As Integer
        Dim rsUID As DAO.Recordset
        Dim vSNR As String, vNewSNR As String, VUID As String
        Dim rs, rsNewSnr, qs, js, ks, hs As DAO.Recordset
        'Dim wrkCurrent As DAO.Workspace
        Dim mydb As DAO.Database
        With Application.FileDialog(1) ' msoFileDialogOpen
            .Filters.Add "Excel workbooks (*.xls*)", "*.xls*"
            If .Show Then
                strFile = .SelectedItems(1)
                MsgBox "No workbook specified!", vbExclamation
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End With
        blnEXCEL = False
        'Establish an EXCEL application object
        On Error Resume Next
        Set xlx = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            Set xlx = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
            blnEXCEL = True
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        'Change True to False if you do not want the workbook to be visible when the code is running
        xlx.Visible = False
        Set xlw = xlx.Workbooks.Open(strFile, True) 'opens in read-only mode
        'Actual name of the worksheet
        Set xls = xlw.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        Set xlc = xls.Range("F2") ' This is the first cell (reference) that contains data (non-header information)
        Set mydb = CurrentDb
        'Set wrkCurrent = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
        ' write data to the recordset
        Do While Not IsEmpty(xlc.Value)
            vBMnumber = xlc.Offset(0, -4)
            vBMName = xlc.Offset(0, -3)
            vSAAnumber = xlc.Offset(0, -2)
            vSAAname = xlc.Offset(0, -1)
            vSNR = xlc.Value
            vNewSNR = xlc.Offset(0, 1).Value
            vPartDes = xlc.Offset(0, 2).Value
            vPartWeight = xlc.Offset(0, 3).Value
            vPartLength = xlc.Offset(0, 4).Value
            vPartWidth = xlc.Offset(0, 5).Value
            vPartHeight = xlc.Offset(0, 6).Value
            vBZA = xlc.Offset(0, 7).Value
            Dim tsql, usql, vsql, wsql, xsql As String
            'Search BMnumber and SAAnumber combination in Variant_SAA
            wsql = " SELECT * FROM Variant_SAA where BMnumber like '" & vBMnumber & "' and SAAnumber like '" & vSAAnumber & "'"
            Set ks = mydb.OpenRecordset(wsql)
            If ks.EOF Then
                mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO Variant_SAA(BMnumber,SAAnumber) values('" & vBMnumber & "', '" & vSAAnumber & "') "
                'Search for SNR or NewSNR
                tsql = "SELECT * FROM SNR_Log where SNR like '" & vSNR & "' or SNR like '" & vNewSNR & "'"
                Set rs = mydb.OpenRecordset(tsql)
                If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
                    VUID = rs!uid
                    VUID = -1
                End If
                If VUID > 0 Then
                    ' Update information in Part_Source table
                    mydb.Execute "UPDATE [Part_Source] SET PartDes = '" & vPartDes & "', PartWeight = '" & vPartWeight & "' , PartLength ='"
    & vPartLength & _
                                 "' , PartWidth= '" & vPartWidth & "', PartHeight= '" & vPartHeight
    & "' , BZA = '" & vBZA & "' WHERE UID like '" & VUID & "'"
                    ' Insert part data into Part_Source table
                    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO Part_Source(PartDes, PartWeight, PartLength , PartWidth , PartHeight , BZA) values ('" & vPartDes & "', '" &
                                 vPartWeight & "', '" & vPartLength & "', '" & vPartWidth
    & "', '" & vPartHeight & "', '" & vBZA & "')"
                    ' Read UID of last record
                    Set rsUID = mydb.OpenRecordset("select @@identity")
                    Debug.Print rsUID(0)
                    VUID = rsUID(0)
                    ' take UID and insert into SNR_log with SNR
                    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO SNR_log (UID, SNR) values ('" & VUID & "','" & vSNR & "')"
                End If
            End If
            'Search for SAA and UID combination in SAA_Part
            xsql = " SELECT * FROM SAA_Part where SAAnumber like '" & vSAAnumber & "' and UID like '" & VUID & "' "
            Set hs = mydb.OpenRecordset(xsql)
            If hs.EOF Then
                mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO SAA_Part(SAAnumber,UID) values ('" & vSAAnumber & "', '" & VUID & "')"
                Set xlc = xlc.Offset(1, 0)
            End If
        'If MsgBox("Save all changes?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        'End If
        'Set wrkCurrent = Nothing
        'Close Recordsets
        Set rs = Nothing
        Set rsNewSnr = Nothing
        Set qs = Nothing
        Set js = Nothing
        Set ks = Nothing
        Set hs = Nothing
        'Close Database
        Set mydb = Nothing
        ' Close the EXCEL file without saving the file, and clean up the EXCEL objects
        Set xlc = Nothing
        Set xls = Nothing
        xlw.Close False
        Set xlw = Nothing
        Set xlx = Nothing
        If blnEXCEL = True Then xlx.Quit
    End Sub
    Regards, Hans Vogelaar (http://www.eileenslounge.com)

  • Excel report - lauch VBA function automatically

    Hi Experts,
    I'm working on a Excel report (BI7.0) for stocks and goods movement.
    I want to underline low stock and to do this, i create a macro in VBA to change the cell's background in red.
    My code runs perfectly when i click on the button to launch the function.
    But now, i want to lauch this function automatically.
    1) open the workbook
    2) enter the parameters
    3) display the table
    4) CHANGE THE COLOR for low stock cells
    I'm unable to find how to launch the function "on step 4", and my cells stay again and again with white background.
    Can you help me?
    Thanks a lot,

    What if I were using Adobe 9.0, what would my vba code look like?
    The reason that I'm changing to Print As vs File Save As is due to the file size.
    Print As - makes the file about 100k
    File Save As - make the file about 10M
    My vba works fine when sending to "File Save As *.pdf", but when I change it to Print As PDF, the vba won't capture the filename automatically from my vba code.
    What would my vba look like if I were using 9.0 to get Print As PDF to capture the filename automatically?
    Or tell me how to decrease the file size when vba calls "File Save As *.pdf".

  • Probleme bei Excel-Import mit SBO 2007

    Hallo zusammen!
    Wir haben bei einem gewöhnlichen Stammdatenimport zu den Geschäftspartnern mit Excel folgendes Problem:
    die Fehlermeldung lautet: interner Fehler --> Zahlwege für Zahlungsassistenten (OPYM) (-2007) aufgetreten.
    Wenn wir die Zahlwege für den ZAhlungsassistenten einrichten, kommt nur noch die Fehlermeldung "(-2007)"; an einen Import der Daten ist dennoch nicht zu denken.
    Es handelt sich lediglich um einen Exel-Import! Probeweiser haben wir die Daten in eine 2005er Version eingespielt; hier klappte es ohne Probleme!
    Ist dieses Problem schon bei jemand anderem ebenfalls aufgetreten? Ich habe etwas durch das Forum gestöbert, aber leider nichts passendes gefunden...
    Für Ratschläge bin ich sehr dankbar,
    VG daniel

    Hallo Daniel,
    Das berichtete Problem ist ein Programmfehler in Business One Anwendung. Der Programmfehler wird in 2007 Version gefixt.
    Fuer weitere Information suchen Sie bitte nach SAP Note 1296487 im Service Marketplace um nachzuprüfen, ob der vorbereitete Fix Ihren Erwartungen entspricht.
    Mit freundlichem Gruss,
    SAP Business One Forum Team

  • Excel 2013: Lost VBA Code From Excel 2010

    Just upgraded from Office 2010 to Office 2013.
    Tried to open several of my Excel spreadsheets created in 2010 with Excel 2013. I have spreadsheets that have VBA to perform several functions and routines.
    None of the .xlsm spreadsheets from 2010 work in 2013. I get the following messages:
    "The Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros in this workbook are corrupted and have been deleted. The macro corruption most likely exists in the current file. To recover the macros, open a backup copy of this file if you have one."
    OR ...
    "We found a problem with some content in '*******.xlsm'. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."
    Clicking Yes does not help. It removes or tries to fix the issue. Under the developer tab, the "Visual Basic" and "Macros" button is disabled.
    I tried 3 of my different workbooks. They all get the same error. I went back to an Office 2010 installation and all the workbooks open file - without error, and the code executes.

    I'm getting the same problem, but with Excel 2010.
    I've created a workbook with macros in Excel 2010 and couldn't run it in two computers with office 2010. The same problem as above occurs:
    "The Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros in this workbook are corrupted and have been deleted. The macro corruption
    most likely exists in the current file. To recover the macros, open a backup copy of this file if you have one."
    This problem happened with other 2 workbooks with macro. It's curious too that another workbook with macro created by
    me is working on these two computers without errors. And, of course, all of the workbooks mentioned works well in the other computers. This problem started when I downgrade the office os this two computers from 2013 to 2010.
    None of the solutions proposed above has worked.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance!

  • PDF erstellen mit VBA aus Access

    Hallo, hat jemand eine Idee, wie man Access dazu bringen kann, Berichte in eine bestimmte PDF-Datei auszugeben? Wäre sehr dankbar für Antworten.

    na geht das nicht, dass du die dokumente einfach mit dem distiller druckst? unter drucken einfach den distiller wählen.

  • Exporting report to excel format via VBA to work in 2007 runtime

    What code can I use to export a report to excel format file which will work in Access 2007 runtime?

    As I know, you can easily export the data from an MS Access Report to Excel, but it's really hard to get the formats exported along with the data, or just not doable at all. 
    Please see these links:
    Also, keep in mind...it's easy to export the data from a report to Excel.  You can certainly setup Excel as a template, which has all the formatting applied and just sits on your disk drive...somewhere...waiting for you to dump new data into it from
    a new report...whenever you need it.
    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

  • Opening external Excel file by VBA in Excel Inplace template

    Hi all experts,
       I am working on a sq01 query which used an Excel inplace template. Inside the template, I have written the code to open another Excel file by absolute path, and it works when I run it in my computer. However, when I uploaded the template to the SAP and run the code, the external Excel file did not open. May I ask how I can open an external Excel file when the template is inside SAP server? Thanks a lot for your help.
    Best regards,

    Do you have a language pack installed? I assume your computer language is set to French?

  • PDF Erstellung mit VBA unter Mavericks

    seit der Umstellung auf Mevericks funktionieren die Makros zur automatischen Erstellung von PDF´s nicht mehr.
    Mit diesem Makro hab ich PDS´s erstellt und unter einem Pfad gespeichert.
    Sub PDFspeichern()
        Dim TempPDFFolder As String
        Dim PDFfolder As String
        Dim PDFfileName As String
    PDFfolder = Range("BF4")
        PDFfileName = Range("BF2").Text & " " & Range("BF3").Text & " " & Format(Now, "yy-mm-dd h-mm") & " " & Range("AK3").Text
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Call MakePDF(TempPDFFolder, PDFfolder, PDFfileName, True)
        ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Dieses Makro funktioniert jetzt nicht mehr.
    Kann mir hier jemand helfen!!!????

    Leider habe ich das gleiche Problem bei Version 6.0. Der Support hat in der Tat keine Ahnung, die verweisen wirklich hier auf das Forum. Tolle Unterstützung Adobe!

  • Umwandlung .docx- pdf - Bilder fehlerhaft (Musterfüllung)

    ich habe ein Problem beim umwandeln von Word Dokumenten in PDF mit Acrobat X Pro.
    Ich benutze in Acrobat die Funktion PDF erstellen.
    Im Word Dokument habe ich Excel Tabellen mit streifiger Musterfüllung (das sind eigentlich ganz feine Streifen von links unten nach rechts oben). Diese sind allerdings nicht als Tabelle sondern als Grafik in Word eingefügt!
    Leider wird beim konvertieren folgendes daraus:
    Hat jemand eine Idee woran das liegen könnte?
    Vielen Dank schon im Voraus!

    Hallo und ein verspätetes Dankeschön für die Hilfe.
    Die SaveAsPDF oder auch PrintAsPDF Varianten hätten in der Tat das gewünschte Ergebnis gebracht. Sie waren aber leider nicht praktikabel für meine Zwecke.
    Ich hatte aus Dringlichkeitsgründen gleichzeitig im englischen Forum (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1163405) gefragt und zitiere mich ganz frech mal selbst:
    "Thanks a lot for your reply and efforts.
    If I try the print as pdf function in word I got the same results. But this way is unfortunately not suitable for me. I have to use the create pdf function respectivly the merge function to create one PDF from a bunch of single word files. Additionally Save As or Print As doesn't provide the quality I need for some included photos although the internal settings are the same like directly in AA.
    Maybe you got the same results when converting the word file this way?
    After a lot of searching through the web I found this bug:
    http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/word/thread/717b093b-62c 0-473a-8351-5c750b8ab071
    It seems to describe my problem and there is no solution, just workarounds.
    In meanwhile I'm editing tons of excel tables to avoid patter fillings or such lines mentioned in the thread. I'm using fill colors instead.
    Thank you again!"
    Also vielen Dank auch!

  • User-Variabelen in ein vorher ausgewähltes(mit SUD) Excelsheet übertragen.

    die Applikation ist ein vom SUD gesteuerter DAC. Über Dialog-Buttons können Messwerte angezeigt bzw. gemessen werden.
    Die gemessenen Daten werden gemittelt u. in User-Variabelen abgelegt.
    Mit einem Button soll eine Exclevorlage ausgewählt werden. In diese Vorlage mit der aktuellen Tabelle sollen nach jeder Messung die Variabelen übertragen werden (manuell via Button).
    Die entsprechenden Zeilen(user Variabele,Kanäle)werden in einem Setup-Dialog vorher festgelegt(ComboBox).
    Die entsprechende Spalte(user Variabele) wird vor der Übertragung nach Excel gewählt (ComboBox).
    alle bisher gefundenen Beispiele öffnen bei jeder Übertragung eine neue Tabelle bzw. ein neues Sheet in Excel.
    Ist es möglich auf "ein" aktives Excel-Sheet mit user Variabelen zuzugreifen.
    Danke im voraus für eine Info
    Ralf Johannesmann CLAAS CSE

    Danke für die DDE Info!
    das Beispiel Expl_Ole.vbs habe ich mit wenig Erfolg eingebaut u. getestet.
    Bei jedem Datentransfer wird ein neues Sheet erstellt.
    Die diversen Excel/VBS/activeX Befehle wie:
    ' Mit Hilfe eines Verweises lässt sich die Tabelle einfacher ansprechen.
    Set ExcelSheet = Excel.Workbooks(DiademExcelWorkbook).Sheets("Tabelle1")
    > für "Tabelel" kann man leider keine Variabele nehmen
    Set ExcelTabelle = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
    sind in Diadem leider sehr schlecht dokumentiert. Da muss es doch noch mehr (Befehle/Aktionen) geben (Excel.activeSheet.open)
    Danke für Infos
    Ralf Johannesmann

  • How to populate internal table( varaible of ABAP table type) in Excel VBA?

    I am trying to update a database table from excel using a VBA Macro.
    I am able to connect to SAP and able to read data from SAP using a RFC. Similarly after updating certain values, i want to update a table in SAP.
    Below are the steps I am doing  apart from basic settings.
    Getting the reference of the SAP TABLE type from RFC fucntion module
    ' Call RFC
    Set MyFunc = R3.Add("UPDATE_TVARVC_VIA_RFC")
    ' Get reference and Values TVARVC
    Set oParam4 = MyFunc.Tables("TVARVC")   
       2. Loop over the active cells and populate oParam4
              " add values as below
        oParam4.Value(1, "NAME") = ..................
        oParam4.Value(1, "TYPE") = ..................
        oParam4.Value(1, "NUMB") = ..................
      Do it for all columns in the table line.
    My query is how to identify active cells and make the above code dynamic in step 2.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Aneel,
    You can try the following:
    for j = 1 to ActiveCell.SpecialCells(11).Column
      if j=1 then oParam4.Value(j, "NAME") = ActiveSheet.Cells(1,j).Value
      if j=2 then oParam4.Value(j, "TYPE")  = ActiveSheet.Cells(1,j).Value
      if j=3 then oParam4.Value(j, "NUMB") = ActiveSheet.Cells(1,j).Value
    next j

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