Opening external Excel file by VBA in Excel Inplace template

Hi all experts,
   I am working on a sq01 query which used an Excel inplace template. Inside the template, I have written the code to open another Excel file by absolute path, and it works when I run it in my computer. However, when I uploaded the template to the SAP and run the code, the external Excel file did not open. May I ask how I can open an external Excel file when the template is inside SAP server? Thanks a lot for your help.
Best regards,

Do you have a language pack installed? I assume your computer language is set to French?

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Thanks in advance.


    I'm not sure what you're doing here, but this isn't anything I recognize as compilable applescript. what is this 'mode' thing you're talking about.
    at any rate, if you have a loose emlx file sitting around somewhere you can simply open it in mail (use the 'open' command and the file specification for the emlx file) and work with it appropriately. if you're talking about an actual eml file (e.g. from Outlook Express) you'd have to GUI script Mail's 'import mailbox' command (the applescript handler for importing mail only works with mailboxes)

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    Problem: How do I do the following steps by clicking on the import button in Access VBA: click_import_button >> Choose the excel file dailog box opens >> select the excel file >> Execute the procedure.
    Following is my code(some part of it is deleted), with the path mentioned;
    Public Sub trial()
    Dim xlx As Object, xlw As Object, xls As Object, xlc As Object
    Dim vPartDes As String, vPartWeight As Double
    Dim vPartLength As Double, vPartWidth As Double
    Dim vPartHeight As Double, vBZA As String
    Dim vSAAname As String, vSAAnumber As String, vBMName As String, vBMnumber As String
    Dim blnEXCEL As Boolean
    Dim uid As Integer
    Dim rsUID As DAO.Recordset
    Dim vSNR As String, vNewSNR As String, VUID As String
    Dim rs, rsNewSnr, qs, js, ks, hs As DAO.Recordset
    'Dim wrkCurrent As DAO.Workspace
    Dim mydb As DAO.Database
    blnEXCEL = False
    'Establish an EXCEL application object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xlx = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Set xlx = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    blnEXCEL = True
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    'Change True to False if you do not want the workbook to be visible when the code is running
    xlx.Visible = False
    Set xlw = xlx.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\YSRINID\Desktop\Book1.xls", True) 'opens in read-only mode
    'Actual name of the worksheet
    Set xls = xlw.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set xlc = xls.Range("F2") ' This is the first cell (reference) that contains data (non-header information)
    Set mydb = CurrentDb()
    'Set wrkCurrent = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
    ' write data to the recordset
    Do While Not IsEmpty(xlc.Value)
    vBMnumber = xlc.Offset(0, -4)
    vBMName = xlc.Offset(0, -3)
    vSAAnumber = xlc.Offset(0, -2)
    vSAAname = xlc.Offset(0, -1)
    vSNR = xlc.Value
    vNewSNR = xlc.Offset(0, 1).Value
    vPartDes = xlc.Offset(0, 2).Value
    vPartWeight = xlc.Offset(0, 3).Value
    vPartLength = xlc.Offset(0, 4).Value
    vPartWidth = xlc.Offset(0, 5).Value
    vPartHeight = xlc.Offset(0, 6).Value
    vBZA = xlc.Offset(0, 7).Value
    Dim tsql, usql, vsql, wsql, xsql As String
    'Search BMnumber and SAAnumber combination in Variant_SAA
    wsql = " SELECT * FROM Variant_SAA where BMnumber like '" & vBMnumber & "' and SAAnumber like '" & vSAAnumber & "'"
    Set ks = mydb.OpenRecordset(wsql)
    If ks.EOF Then
    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO Variant_SAA(BMnumber,SAAnumber) values('" & vBMnumber & "', '" & vSAAnumber & "') "
    'Search for SNR or NewSNR
    tsql = "SELECT * FROM SNR_Log where SNR like '" & vSNR & "' or SNR like '" & vNewSNR & "'"
    Set rs = mydb.OpenRecordset(tsql)
    If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
    VUID = rs!uid
    VUID = -1
    End If
    If VUID > 0 Then
    ' Update information in Part_Source table
    mydb.Execute "UPDATE [Part_Source] SET PartDes = '" & vPartDes & "', PartWeight = '" & vPartWeight & "' , PartLength ='" & vPartLength & _
    "' , PartWidth= '" & vPartWidth & "', PartHeight= '" & vPartHeight & "' , BZA = '" & vBZA & "' WHERE UID like '" & VUID & "'"
    ' Insert part data into Part_Source table
    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO Part_Source(PartDes, PartWeight, PartLength , PartWidth , PartHeight , BZA) values ('" & vPartDes & "', '" & _
    vPartWeight & "', '" & vPartLength & "', '" & vPartWidth & "', '" & vPartHeight & "', '" & vBZA & "')"
    ' Read UID of last record
    Set rsUID = mydb.OpenRecordset("select @@identity")
    Debug.Print rsUID(0)
    VUID = rsUID(0)
    ' take UID and insert into SNR_log with SNR
    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO SNR_log (UID, SNR) values ('" & VUID & "','" & vSNR & "')"
    End If
    'Search for SAA and UID combination in SAA_Part
    xsql = " SELECT * FROM SAA_Part where SAAnumber like '" & vSAAnumber & "' and UID like '" & VUID & "' "
    Set hs = mydb.OpenRecordset(xsql)
    If hs.EOF Then
    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO SAA_Part(SAAnumber,UID) values ('" & vSAAnumber & "', '" & VUID & "')"
    Set xlc = xlc.Offset(1, 0)
    End If
    'If MsgBox("Save all changes?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
    'End If
    'Set wrkCurrent = Nothing
    'Close Recordsets
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set rsNewSnr = Nothing
    Set qs = Nothing
    Set js = Nothing
    Set ks = Nothing
    Set hs = Nothing
    'Close Database
    Set mydb = Nothing
    ' Close the EXCEL file without saving the file, and clean up the EXCEL objects
    Set xlc = Nothing
    Set xls = Nothing
    xlw.Close False
    Set xlw = Nothing
    Set xlx = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    If blnEXCEL = True Then xlx.Quit
    End Sub
    Thanks in advance!

    You can't just call your procedure since it opens a fixed workbook. (Moreover, it is missing an End If).
    Here is the On Click event procedure for a command button cmdImport:
    Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
        Dim strFile As String
        Dim xlx As Object, xlw As Object, xls As Object, xlc As Object
        Dim vPartDes As String, vPartWeight As Double
        Dim vPartLength As Double, vPartWidth As Double
        Dim vPartHeight As Double, vBZA As String
        Dim vSAAname As String, vSAAnumber As String, vBMName As String, vBMnumber As String
        Dim blnEXCEL As Boolean
        Dim uid As Integer
        Dim rsUID As DAO.Recordset
        Dim vSNR As String, vNewSNR As String, VUID As String
        Dim rs, rsNewSnr, qs, js, ks, hs As DAO.Recordset
        'Dim wrkCurrent As DAO.Workspace
        Dim mydb As DAO.Database
        With Application.FileDialog(1) ' msoFileDialogOpen
            .Filters.Add "Excel workbooks (*.xls*)", "*.xls*"
            If .Show Then
                strFile = .SelectedItems(1)
                MsgBox "No workbook specified!", vbExclamation
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End With
        blnEXCEL = False
        'Establish an EXCEL application object
        On Error Resume Next
        Set xlx = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            Set xlx = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
            blnEXCEL = True
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        'Change True to False if you do not want the workbook to be visible when the code is running
        xlx.Visible = False
        Set xlw = xlx.Workbooks.Open(strFile, True) 'opens in read-only mode
        'Actual name of the worksheet
        Set xls = xlw.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        Set xlc = xls.Range("F2") ' This is the first cell (reference) that contains data (non-header information)
        Set mydb = CurrentDb
        'Set wrkCurrent = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
        ' write data to the recordset
        Do While Not IsEmpty(xlc.Value)
            vBMnumber = xlc.Offset(0, -4)
            vBMName = xlc.Offset(0, -3)
            vSAAnumber = xlc.Offset(0, -2)
            vSAAname = xlc.Offset(0, -1)
            vSNR = xlc.Value
            vNewSNR = xlc.Offset(0, 1).Value
            vPartDes = xlc.Offset(0, 2).Value
            vPartWeight = xlc.Offset(0, 3).Value
            vPartLength = xlc.Offset(0, 4).Value
            vPartWidth = xlc.Offset(0, 5).Value
            vPartHeight = xlc.Offset(0, 6).Value
            vBZA = xlc.Offset(0, 7).Value
            Dim tsql, usql, vsql, wsql, xsql As String
            'Search BMnumber and SAAnumber combination in Variant_SAA
            wsql = " SELECT * FROM Variant_SAA where BMnumber like '" & vBMnumber & "' and SAAnumber like '" & vSAAnumber & "'"
            Set ks = mydb.OpenRecordset(wsql)
            If ks.EOF Then
                mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO Variant_SAA(BMnumber,SAAnumber) values('" & vBMnumber & "', '" & vSAAnumber & "') "
                'Search for SNR or NewSNR
                tsql = "SELECT * FROM SNR_Log where SNR like '" & vSNR & "' or SNR like '" & vNewSNR & "'"
                Set rs = mydb.OpenRecordset(tsql)
                If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
                    VUID = rs!uid
                    VUID = -1
                End If
                If VUID > 0 Then
                    ' Update information in Part_Source table
                    mydb.Execute "UPDATE [Part_Source] SET PartDes = '" & vPartDes & "', PartWeight = '" & vPartWeight & "' , PartLength ='"
    & vPartLength & _
                                 "' , PartWidth= '" & vPartWidth & "', PartHeight= '" & vPartHeight
    & "' , BZA = '" & vBZA & "' WHERE UID like '" & VUID & "'"
                    ' Insert part data into Part_Source table
                    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO Part_Source(PartDes, PartWeight, PartLength , PartWidth , PartHeight , BZA) values ('" & vPartDes & "', '" &
                                 vPartWeight & "', '" & vPartLength & "', '" & vPartWidth
    & "', '" & vPartHeight & "', '" & vBZA & "')"
                    ' Read UID of last record
                    Set rsUID = mydb.OpenRecordset("select @@identity")
                    Debug.Print rsUID(0)
                    VUID = rsUID(0)
                    ' take UID and insert into SNR_log with SNR
                    mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO SNR_log (UID, SNR) values ('" & VUID & "','" & vSNR & "')"
                End If
            End If
            'Search for SAA and UID combination in SAA_Part
            xsql = " SELECT * FROM SAA_Part where SAAnumber like '" & vSAAnumber & "' and UID like '" & VUID & "' "
            Set hs = mydb.OpenRecordset(xsql)
            If hs.EOF Then
                mydb.Execute "INSERT INTO SAA_Part(SAAnumber,UID) values ('" & vSAAnumber & "', '" & VUID & "')"
                Set xlc = xlc.Offset(1, 0)
            End If
        'If MsgBox("Save all changes?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        'End If
        'Set wrkCurrent = Nothing
        'Close Recordsets
        Set rs = Nothing
        Set rsNewSnr = Nothing
        Set qs = Nothing
        Set js = Nothing
        Set ks = Nothing
        Set hs = Nothing
        'Close Database
        Set mydb = Nothing
        ' Close the EXCEL file without saving the file, and clean up the EXCEL objects
        Set xlc = Nothing
        Set xls = Nothing
        xlw.Close False
        Set xlw = Nothing
        Set xlx = Nothing
        If blnEXCEL = True Then xlx.Quit
    End Sub
    Regards, Hans Vogelaar (

  • How to Read data from excel file without converting a excel file into .csv or any other format

    Can somebody suggest me how to read from an excel file (consisting of 10 work sheets) to an array?

    You have to be careful when using the spreadsheet-files vi's.  They are located in the Functions Palette under File IO, you will find "Write To / Read From Spreadsheet"s. 
    Here is what the Context Help says about the vi function:
    "Reads a specified number of lines or rows from a numeric text file beginning at a specified character offset and converts the data to a 2D, single-precision array of numbers. You optionally can transpose the array. The VI opens the file before reading from it and closes it afterwards. You can use this VI to read a spreadsheet file saved in text format. This VI calls the Spreadsheet String to Array function to convert the data. "
    This is quick & easy when the spreadsheet is all the same format.  You can set the format to string as well.  HOWEVER...  you do have to convert the Excel spreadsheet to text before using it.
    I haven't experimented with the Active-X, but it may look as the way to go if you have combination text / numeric values in the spreadsheet.
    If you did convert it to text, then you can use array functions as well and treating the file as an array of strings (see very brief example attached).  The example is to illustrate a point only  
    starting point for ‏28 KB

  • Opening External XLS file

    Seems simple enough but I'm new to Swing. All I want to do is have my JTextButton open whatever file it's field specifies in a new window. In this case it will be an excel file. So it should open the file using Excel. Is there a tutorial that would show me how to do this?

    hey camickr,
    stupid dont send error programs here after
    public class WindowsFileProtocolHandler
    *     public static void main(String[] args)*
    *          throws Exception*
    *          String[] cmd = new String[4];*
    *          cmd[0] = "cmd.exe";*
    *          cmd[1] = "/C";*
    *          cmd[2] = "start";*
    *          cmd[3] = "";*
    *//          cmd[3] = "will.xls";*
    *//          cmd[3] = "mailto:";*
    *//          cmd[3] = "a.html";*
    *//          cmd[3] = "file:/c:/java/temp/a.html";*
    *          Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmd );*
    this program is fully error pls dont use this code .

  • Opening external pdf file from director

    i'm a newby to director - is there an easy way to open an
    external pdf file from director. just need it to open in another
    cheers s

    simon way wrote:
    > i'm a newby to director - is there an easy way to open
    an external pdf file from director. just need it to open in another
    > cheers s
    Hi Simon,
    This is very much a FAQ. I have an answer to it at:
    As Sean suggested, it's worth searching the group as often
    questions have been covered before, and in this case, many times
    You can use Google to search through forums at:
    Or simply from the Adobe site at:
    Director Lecturer / Consultant

  • Published Project for MAC (.app) and will not open external PDF files

    I have two captivate (7.x) projects that I published as Win .exe apps, and they work fine.  Published the same two projects as MAC (.app) and when I run the app on the iMac, and click a click box to open an external PDF, nothing happens. The PDFs are located in the "root" folder with the .app file.
    Any suggestions?
    Windows 7
    Adobe Captivate 7

    Thanks for the feedback. I was able to open some PDF files on Acrobat 5 that I recently scanned at a Fed Ex office with no issue whatsoever. I could extract pages, delete pages, etc, the software Acrobat 5 worked fine.
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    The CDROM contains 15 quizzes in exe format.
    A 'portal' file links to each of these quizzes, so the user returns, having opened and completed the (.exe) quiz file, to the portal and takes another quiz.
    the code to open these 15 quiz files
    This opens the bat file, which opens the exe
    ----- This works fine
    However, my client wants a mac version,
    I cant find a way to link to the macintosh projector file within the portal file.
    fscomand doesnt work, geturl doesnt work.. any help really would be appreciated.

    I don’t know how .Mac Backup works, so all I can say is which are the files & folders you need to restore from the backup (assuming you did actually back up them, that is).
    Mail stores most preferences and all account settings in ~/Library/Preferences/ (except the passwords, which are stored in the keychain). Everything else, including all your messages and mailboxes, is stored in ~/Library/Mail/.
    Similarly, Address Book (whose data you should back up as well) stores the settings in ~/Library/Preferences/ and the data in ~/Library/Application Support/AddresBook/.
    Other applications store preferences and data in other places. You may want to ask in the appropriate forums for more information on those.
    You may also want to read this:
    How to back up and restore your important Mac OS X 10.4 files
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user's home folder, i.e. ~/Library is the Library folder within the user's home folder.

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    I was trying to include an external javascript file into a web application. The code was to be included in a script item (which I'd like to keep that way, for maintainability's sake) and then to call a function from the included file (which I had included with a script tag manually added to the page's XHTML code).
    The problem is that the code in the script item gets put infront of every other XHTML item, so the functions will not yet be available at the time of execution. Is there a different way to include javascript without having to manually post the script item code into the XHTML body?
    Thanks and regards,

    this is exactly my problem. I keep my code in a script item, but would like to store parts of it in a separate file (so I don't have to worry about duplicating), so what's the way to go in order to have the external file included before my script item code gets called (without having to wait for window.onLoad to kick in)?

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    How do I convert this file Windows file into a Mac readable file. Thanks
    All help appreciated

    You cannot read Excel ".xlsx" form files using older versions of Microsoft Excel than the 2011 version of Office for Mac or at all in Numbers.  You will either have to Upgrade your version of Excel on your Mac to "Office for Mac 2011", OR go back to your girlfriend's computer and resave the file using "Save As ..." and there select the ".xls" compatibility format instead of the default ".xlsx" version that the newer versions of Excel use.

  • Opening external Doc file (NetBeans)

    I am using the following code to attempt to open an external file in Word
    String fileName = "if.doc";
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32 SHELL32.DLL,ShellExec_RunDLL \""+fileName);
    catch (Exception e)
    { e.printStackTrace(); }
    I have placed the if.doc in the dist folder where the Exe is generated by netbeans but it still cannot find it
    is it not looking at this location as default?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Cyanide2007 wrote:
    I tried both they didnt do anything I could see???
    Are you saying your System.out.println statements didn't print anything?
    Those examples I gave were not intended to open the file. They're debugging tools to help you determine the JVM's notion of current directory.
    You do realize that when you say "abc.doc", without specifying a full path, that whatever path you do provide, whether a partial path or just a file name, is relative to some notion of "current directory," don't you?

  • Opening external video file

    I was wanting to know if it is possible to open an external video using java code. I am not wanting to open the video inside my jframe but just locate the file and make it play.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    If you have a some sort of a media player which accept the media file to play as a command line parameter then you can use that with Runtime.exec.
    Also in windows 2000 and later versions you can play a media using its associated player by typing its file name in the console. You can make use of this with Runtime.exec.
    Both of these approaches are platform dependant.
    If you want a cross platform video playing capability take a look at JMF or JVLC

  • Passing a parameter to an Excel file when opening it

    I would like to know if it is possible to pass a parameter to an Excel file when calling that file from within another Excel file using VBA. I am using the 2007 version. An example of what I would like to do is what we use to do with DOS programs and command
    line parameters. I would like to have the Excel file I just opened do something depending on the parameter passed to it and then close.
    Might be an easy question but I'm stumped. Any ideas?

    Step.1 Create a macro-enabled workbook
    Step.2 Open the workbook, and open the VBA, insert a moudle, copy and paste the following code sample in the module
    Option Base 0
    Option Explicit
    Declare Function GetCommandLine Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetCommandLineW" () As Long
    Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long
    Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (MyDest As Any, MySource As Any, ByVal MySize As Long)
    Function CmdToSTr(Cmd As Long) As String
    Dim Buffer() As Byte
    Dim StrLen As Long
    If Cmd Then
    StrLen = lstrlenW(Cmd) * 2
    If StrLen Then
    ReDim Buffer(0 To (StrLen - 1)) As Byte
    CopyMemory Buffer(0), ByVal Cmd, StrLen
    CmdToSTr = Buffer
    End If
    End If
    End Function
    Step.4 Copy and paste the following code sample into ThisWorkbook
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Dim CmdRaw As Long
    Dim CmdLine As String
    Dim myParam As String
    CmdRaw = GetCommandLine
    CmdLine = CmdToSTr(CmdRaw)
    myParam = Right(CmdLine, 6)
    MsgBox myParam
    End Sub
    Step.4 Sign your code or modify the macro security settings to allow the macro to run automatically
    Step.5 Save and close the workbook
    Step.6 Run command line with the parameter, for example:
    Excel "Server\ShareFolder\TheWorkbook.xlsm" /e/myParam
    The code sample above will pass the last 6 characters (modify the code if you need more or less) to the workbook
    The workbook will display a message box to display the parameter we passed from the command line, add the other function as you need
    The code sample refers to the reply from Air_Cooled_Nut in!
    Max Meng
    TechNet Community Support
    A new Office has arrived, try it now.
    A beautiful Start. It begins here. Windows 8 and Windows RT.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

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