Exchange 2013 Server DR Planning

Recently we migrated from exchange server 2010 to 2013(2Mb, 2CAS) .
Planning to do below steps in DR. Kindly suggest me good practices, if possible share good document for exchange 2013 DR.
1) Mailbox Server (One Node)
2) CAS Server(One Node).
3) Adding this DR mailbox server to DAG.
4) Enabling DAC for DAG.
Is there any steps i missed out...
Kindly suggest me good practices, if possible share good document for exchange 2013 DR with DAC.

Agree with Andy dynamic Quorum is enabled by default.
In an odd number of servers File share witness is being ignored it uses "Node majority"
In Windows 2008 if you have 3 members in a DAG and 2 of them fails automatically the 3rd one will be offline because no quorum. But in windows2012 if 2 members fails 3rd one will be still online.
Please refer these as it will answer your question I guess.
Below command will prevent automatic failover to  DR site. Refer below URL
Set-MailboxServer -Identity EXDR02 -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy IntrasiteOnly
Thanks, MAS
Please mark as helpful if you find my comment helpful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.
"But in windows2012 if 2 members fails 3rd one will be still online."
That depends on the failure. If the 2 that fail are in the same datacenter, and the datacenter fails, the
3rd will not be online. Dynamic quorum does not protect against the sudden loss of majority.
Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

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      Prepare and deploy Dirsync Deployment
    of Dirsync
      Add exchange to office 365 and begin replicating the mailboxes from the cloud to the exchange server. Wait for synchronization to complete.
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      Evaluate total time it took to sync data. 
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    This can be done with powershell.
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      Point MX records to the new tennant 
      Migrate all data from the local exchange server to the cloud under the new plan.
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    1x DC running windows server 2008 R2 (named DC01)
    1x windows server 2012 R2 - prepped with all the pre-requisites to install exchange 2013. (named EXC01)
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    - Authoritative Domain
    - Internal Relay Domain
    - External Relay Domain
    Given that the domain is currently in office365 and is authoritative there, which of these applies?
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    process? Would love it if it took into consideration multiple UPN/email addresses.

    Here are my answers you can refer to:
    1. Yes, we should select the primary SMTP domain for our organization and any other accepted domains that will be used in the hybrid deployment:
    2. It depends on the usage of the specific accepted domain. And Exchange version has no influence.
    To determine it, you can firstly check the function of the three types in the following article:
    3. Here are some reference about the migration from on-premise Exchange server to Office 365:
    Additionally, since the issue is related to Exchange online, I recommend you ask for help on our Exchange online forum to get more professional help:
    If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

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    You can introduce the second exchange server in the remote site and also setup a DAG. If you are using the same name on your certificate like then you can use the cert for your second server as well. You need to make sure you have autodiscover
    records setup correctly.
    Hope this helps. Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

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    Hi Tom,
    Its two different organization and you need to follow cross forest migration to migrate mailbox from one organization to another. Below links has the details steps to perform cross forest migration for exchange 2010 and you could follow the same step for
    Exchange 2013 as well.
    Alternatively, you could also use some third party tool like  Exchange Server Manager to perform this task much easier

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    Wait until everything is replicated
    Remove Exchange 2013 from the Windows 2008R2 server
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            netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="windows management instrumentation (wmi)" new enable=yes   
            " was run: "The term 'netsh' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct
    and try again.".
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    netsh (windows exe)
    sc.exe (windows exe)
    hostname (windows command that returns workstation name)
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    According to your description, all your inbound mails cannot be received in your Exchange 2013 server after you disable a receive connector in your Exchange 2007 server. If I misunderstand your meaning, please feel free to let me know.
    If yes, since your MX record has been configured properly for your Exchange 2013 server, we can begin with checking the A record for the Exchange 2013 server and confirm if all external mails cannot come in your organization. And we can depend on the following
    troubleshooting to narrow down the mail flow issue:
    1. Check the NDR information if there is NDR.
    2. Check Telnet to test the mail flow:
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

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    Based on my research, to retrieves the mailbox statistics for the disconnected mailboxes for all mailbox databases in the organization, we can try the following command:
    Get-MailboxDatabase | Get-MailboxStatistics -Filter 'DisconnectDate -ne $null'
    Additionally, The Identity parameter specifies the disconnected mailbox in the Exchange database and it can be display name instead of mailbox GUID.
    Hope it can help you.
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can't recover exchange 2013 server using recoverserver switch

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    I get this error every time:
    "Can't specify installation mode because no Exchange Server is installed on this machine. Install Exchange Server."

    As far as I know,  to remove Exchange 2013 server, here are the additional steps except with removing objects through ADSIEdit:
    1. Delete the Exchange Server installation folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server
    2. Delete the Exchange Back End and Front End websites with the IIS-Manager.
    3. Delete the container in AD Users and Computers:
    DiscoverySearch Mailbox{GUID}
     Exchange Online-ApplicationAccount
    4. Delete the following registries:
    the key “ExchangeServer” under: HKLM\Software\Microsoft
    the keys “MSExchange*” under: HKLM\CurrentControlSet\Services
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • Rethinking Exchange 2013 Server Setup

    Hello, I'm currently rethinking my Exchange 2013 install, I have a network of 20 users and 2 servers, one is my domain controller/file server and the other is my Exchange 2013 server.  I have setup the Exchange server as a member server and configured
    all of the network and Exchange settings.  Everything is working fine and I currently have the Client Access and Mailbox Server roles installed.  I have all of the users and mailboxes working and mail is flowing. I have NIC1 configured for my internal
    network and NIC2 disabled.  Here is where I'm rethinking my setup and need some advice. With having one Exchange server should I install the Edge Transport Server role, I currently have Exchange 2013 SP1 CU7 installed.  If the answer is yes how should
    I go about re-configuring my settings for the server.
    Thanks Ryan.

    Giving you a definite answer is difficult, because the only disadvantage every extra layer of security has, is the extra cost. So I will just give you following quotes to help you decide, whether the Edge Transport role is a useful addition to your email
    Edge Transport servers minimize the attack surface by handling all Internet-facing mail flow, which provides SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) relay and smart host services for your Exchange organization. Agents running on the Edge Transport server
    provide additional layers of message protection and security. […] Because the Edge Transport server is installed in the perimeter network, it's never a member of your organization's internal Active Directory forest and doesn't have access to Active Directory
    We recommend that the Edge Transport role be installed in a perimeter network outside of your organization's internal Active Directory forest.

  • First Exchange 2013 server in 2010 Deployment - 2010 edge is routing SOME inbound mail to new server where it fails.

    I have a Barracuda filter receiving all inbound internet mail which delivers to the edge server (both in DMZ).  I have one 2010 edge server and one 2010 ht,cas,mailbox server.   I have added a 2013 server and started working
    on configuring virtual directories.  This is a far as I have gotten. Goal is once new box is working to move all mailboxes to 2013 server and remove 2010 mail box server and keep Barracuda and 2010 edge server to pass mail to the 2013 box.
    My issue is the edge server is already passing inbound internet mail to the new 2013 server.  I see the mail being accepted by the Barracuda and message tracking on the edge shows it as delivered to the new 2013 server, but mailbox
    users never receive.
    Is my solution to simply create a new send connector from the 2013 server to the 2010 box or could this be something else?
    And why is it delivering to a server with now mailboxes on it yet?
    Thank you for any help

    Hello Dean,
    I understand that the message tracking log indicates the email delivered to Exchange 2013 server. Please check the message tracking log on both Exchange 2013 server and Exchange 2010 server.
    How about the result? Have you created new 2013 mailbox and tested if it works?
    As for the send connector, actually an intra-org send connector will be involved for internal mail flow within an organization. So there is no need to create another send connector.
    In addition, I’d like to share you an article about Edge Subscriptions:
    Understanding Edge Subscriptions

  • Getting error when I try to remove eum secondary email address from the Mailbox from Exchange 2013 server

    Getting error when I try to remove eum secondary email address from the Mailbox from Exchange 2013 server. The command works if you issue directly from the server exchange shell.
    I open the remote power shell to the exchange server 2013.
    Issue the following commands and getting the following error.
    $mailbox = Get-Mailbox -Identity testuser$mailbox.EmailAddresses -= "eum:50004;"Then getting the following error:Method invocation failed because [System.Collections.ArrayList] doesn't contain a method named 'op_Subtraction'.
    At line:1 char:27
    + $mailbox.EmailAddresses -= <<<<  "eum:50004;"
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (op_Subtraction:String) [], RuntimeException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFoundHelp!

    Now for an answer - your remote session doesn't have the same object you have on the server itself.  Notice it says this is an array list, not a ProxyAddressCollection.  If you need to work around this, you'll need to massage the addresses another
    way that the system will accept.  I'd try the following:
    $NewAddresses = $mailboxEmailAddresses | ? { $_ -notlike "eum:50004;" }
    See what you get in the $NewAddresses variable when you do this.

  • Replication of Exchange 2013 Server?

    We have a single stand-alone Exchange 2013 server that is hosted inside a modest Hyper-V virtual machine. We are configuring Hyper-V Replication for several of our VMs to an offsite cluster. What is the recommendation around Hyper-V Replication for an
    Exchange 2013 VM? Good idea? Bad idea?

    Replication is not supported for Exchange 
    See this link for more details
    Sam Boutros, Senior Consultant, Software Logic, KOP, PA (Please take a moment to Vote as Helpful and/or Mark as Answer, where applicable) _________________________________________________________________________________
    Powershell: Learn it before it's an emergency

  • Replace Exchange 2013 Server

    Hi All,
    Hopefully this is somewhat of an easy process.
    I have a single Exchange 2013 server running on Windows Server 2012 R2.  The server itself is a decent server; however, it was built with a poor design to it so we keep running out of resources.
    I now have a newer system and I'd like to replace our current Exchange Server with this one.  I've tried searching the web and the only results I seem to find is upgrading/migrating from an older version of Exchange.
    How easy would this be to just replace hardware?

    Couple of options:
    - You can stand up a new 2013 server, move mailboxes.
    - You could create a DAG, add 2nd server, seed DB's, make DB's active on new server, remove DB's from first server, decommission first server.
    NOTICE: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Exchange 2013 Server ECP Not Loading

    Running Exchange 2013 (with all roles installed). I tried going to the ECP via
    It keeps loading on and on forever (in a loop, never fully loads the page). Any help?
    Running Windows Server 2012 DataCenter RTM with Exchange 2013

    Before we can go further, I'd like to confirm the following information and recommen the troubleshooting:
    1. Is there only Exchange 2013 server in your environment? If there is other Exchange server, the proper URL is as following:https://CASServerFQDN/ecp?ExchClientVer=15
    2. Please try to access the ECP URL with your CAS server IP address.
    3. Check if there is any error about ECP in your IIS log.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

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    Code: MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER == 0x8004011D
    Function CallOpenMsgStore( lpMAPISession, (ULONG_PTR)m_hWnd, lpEntryID, ulFlags, (LPMDB*)lppMAPIProp)
    File MainDlg.cpp
    Line 437
    Any other idea's?

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