Excite 10in AT300 AT305 worth the Update to Jellybean?

Did a factory reset and decided to do the ICS updates I never did since Christmas.  Had two, from  41114 to 60615, then 60515 to 72410 (4.0.3..01.000072410   full numbers).
Is there onlly ONE update past this,  one Jellybean update?  (27Dec12  JRO 03C .000121122.01)
Is this update to Jellybean worth it?     I wonder as the notes with it say that ADOBE FLASH will no longer be supported.  Also that there is no going back.
Does this mean a factory reset WON'T revert to my tablet's installed factory version of ICS  41114?
What are the results of "flash no longer suppported"???    Does this mean no flash video,  lots of web pages that will have "holes" in them where flash content was running before?

Indeed there is no going back, but I can say Jelly Bean pretty much addressed all the issues I was having. In the ICS update back in Oct or Sept last year I lost the boot screens. You couldn't tell if the tablet was powering up. You had to power up,  wait,  then when it seemed long enough, tap power like you were coming out of sleep and the lock screen would appear. Also less sluggish when coming out of sleep.
I don't remeber seeing anything in the change log but the GPS syncs much faster, and better when indoors.
For flash it is no longer "oficially" supported, but that does not mean it won't work or can't be installed by sideloading.

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    There is no new update. It's the same firmware, just a new updater to add support for the Nano. If you already had the latest firmware, don't bother, this won't add anything for you.
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    Hi johnsherrard,
    If your iPhone is currently disabled due to a password issue, you may find the following article helpful:
    iOS: Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    - Brenden

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    If everything is working, and you don't want/need any of the new features (multi-tasking, folders, Airprint/Airplay) then you don't have to upgrade. But you may find that over the coming weeks/months any apps that you have may get updates that require the new iOS - in which case if you stick with the version that you've got you won't be able to update them.
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    Ranked in order of annoyance:
    1. Takes longer to charge I would say almost double
    2. Battery life is worse with use, standby seems to be the same. WiFi radio definitely uses way more than it used to. I used to leave it on and always leave it off unless needed.
    3. Scrolling on flash sites very slow.
    4. We already had flash "lite", flash 10.1 does not seem to be any better at all.
    5. Crammed more bloat ware onto the device.
    Pros: (no order)
    Device is faster just a tad, but not enough to justify the loss of battery
    Flash light app is good
    HD recording seems about the same as my other 720 so its just nice to have it
    App to SD is not really a benefit with Incredible because we have so much app RAM on the device anyway
    Auto update from Market
    Chrome to phone is great!
    Wireless N is good but really no benefit due to battery use
    New voice search/integration
    That's my 2 cents
    Ranked in order of annoyance:
    1. Takes longer to charge I would say almost double2. Battery life is worse with use, standby seems to be the same. WiFi radio definitely uses way more than it used to. I used to leave it on and always leave it off unless needed.3. Scrolling on flash sites very slow.4. We already had flash "lite", flash 10.1 does not seem to be any better at all.5. Crammed more bloat ware onto the device.
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    First of all a BIOS update is not necessary if your notebooks runs smoothly. Never touch a running system ;)
    A BIOS update is only advisable if you have problem with it, for example not properly recognized RAM modules or so.
    I only update the BIOS of my notebook if I have problems with it and that means I updated the BIOS on my Toshiba notebooks 3 times as yet. Im not a Tecra S5 owner but I never had a problem with the BIOS updates. Some people who reported that the BIOS update failed did forget to read some instructions how to do that:
    Before you start a BIOS update you should close all running programs and close all background processes that you dont need. Also your antivirus and firewall should be disabled and must be logged in as administrator. Dont forget to connect the AC/DC adaptor before you start it.
    If you follow these tips normally the BIOS update should be done successfully.
    A BIOS downgrade to an older version can only be done from anuthroized service provider. That means you can downgrade it yourself.
    But newer versions are pretested from Toshiba and should not cause more problems as before. Newer BIOS versions fix problems.
    I hope I could help you a little bit! :)

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    Well,i read a few threads about people complaining and stuff.BUT I upgraded and restored data through PC.and in other threads Sanders said it might take a while for BlackBerry Link to finish syncing OTA.
    Just be patient alright,Z10s are speed demons if you ask me 
    sent from my IMBA BlackBerry Smartphone

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    It truly depends on your needs.
    If you need microsoft exchange
    If you need some of the cool new apps
    then upgrade
    the issue with upgrade was that on Friday the servers were overwhelmed. When you upgrade the phone is backed up, deauthorized from ATT, its memory is whiped, 2.0 is installed, your files are placed bak and the phone is re-authorized with ATT. when the servers were swamped people could not re-authorize and hence ended up with a paperweight
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    if you're not in a big rush - why not hold off until Adobe and Microsoft releases an update to support the Retina Screen.
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    Hi there
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    In the console, in Schedule Update Status for the image I am trying to update, the following message is shown:
    "Failed to find or access the update binaries to be applied on the image."
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    When I looked at the OfflineServicingMgr.log file, I see the following entries:
    Processing image at index 1        SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER        14/06/2014 14:52:49        8272 (0x2050)
    Mounting image at index 1. Image file='D:\ConfigMgr_OfflineImageServicing\PackageID\W7_Image.wim', MountDirectory='D:\ConfigMgr_OfflineImageServicing\PackageID\ImageMountDir', ImageFileType='WIM', Mode='ReadWrite'        SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER       
    14/06/2014 14:52:49        8272 (0x2050)
    Image OS information : MajorVersionMS = 6, MinorVersionMS = 1, MajorVersionLS = 7601, MinorVersionLS = 17514        SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER        14/06/2014 14:53:31       
    8272 (0x2050)
    Failed to find properties of file 4        SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER        14/06/2014 14:53:31        8272 (0x2050)
    UnMounting Image (Commit Changes = 0) ...        SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER        14/06/2014 14:53:31        8272 (0x2050)
    Completed processing image package PackageID. Status = Failed        SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER        14/06/2014 14:54:04        8272 (0x2050)
    Updated history for image package PackageID in the database        SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER        14/06/2014 14:54:04        8272 (0x2050)
    Schedule processing failed        SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER        14/06/2014 14:54:04        8272 (0x2050)
    Processing completed for Schedule with ID 16777237        SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER        14/06/2014 14:54:04        8272 (0x2050)
    STATMSG: ID=7910 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER" SYS=SCCMServer.domain SITE=Site_Code PID=8560 TID=8272 GMTDATE=Sat Jun 14 13:54:04.964 2014 ISTR0="16777237" ISTR1="" ISTR2=""
    14/06/2014 14:54:04        8272 (0x2050)
    Schedule processing thread stopped        SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER        14/06/2014 14:54:05        8272 (0x2050)
    I'm not sure what file "Failed to find properties of file 4" is referring to, whether dism.exe, an update or the image itself, but immediately after this message appears the image is unmounted. After that this message shows:
    "Completed processing image package PackageID. Status = Failed"
    As I say, there's a lot of information available re Offline Servicing but I haven't found anything with these particular messages.
    If anyone has encountered this before, I'd appreciate any information you have.

    I think file named 'NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE.SMS’ might be causing this issue. If this file is present in logical drives, then please give it a shot one more time after deleting this file from the logical drives.
    Due to this file, it might be preventing 'smsexec' service to skip the drive when looking for content. So worth a try!
    After deleting this file, you also need to restart 'smsexec' service to reflect the changes. You can also verify from below registry value & ensure that all of your logical drives (specially where SCCMContentLib directory resides) should be listed
    over there 
    Hope this will help!
    Cheers | Navdeep Sidhu

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    worth looking at for the future to understand backing up etc

  • So All In All What Do You Think Of The Update????

    Well For Me.....To be honest the only thing I would like is more HD movies....I came home....took the update......It went flawlessly total time took me about 7 minutes...no problems or hick-ups.....I still get sound threw my hdmi...I like the way the picture in HD movies look. I have a samsung 1080P plasma and love the fact they now support 1080P.........and by no way am I a apple fan boy I do have some gripes with my iPhone but that's why I hacked it:)
    I like the way you tube and the podcasts are.....I wish maybe I could select "subscribe" while I clicked on a podcast......I'm sure more HD movies will come out with time......I am a big movie buff and tech guy....I have stand alone hd DVD players and stand alone blu ray players.......but I have found that I have turned into a HD snob "if it's not in HD I won't watch it" But with that attitude I cost me money I end up buying every movie on blu ray or hd DVD and then get home and not really want to keep the movie cause I didn't like it as much as I thought after I was done watching it
    So with that in mind is why I bout ATV...considering I belong to netflix and blockbuster...netflix I end up waiting WEEKS AND WEEKS for a new release...and blockbusters selection... don't make me laugh ..........
    I like the new menu "I guess I'm in the minority" I love this new gadget...what els can I say.........oh and the fact I can be sitting at my PC in my office listening to my itunes library and then click one button and now that song is now playing threw my ATV in my living room and artwork track title and song info is now displayed on my plasma is quite amazing...I have people in my living room all the time and say "hey can you come to my office I want you to hear this new song I bought off itunes" and now we are huddled around my PC...so now I can just click a button from my office is very very cool
    I feel bad that some people are not happy with there ATV or expected more but one thing I have noticed about apple is the give you less and less and down the line they end up adding a feature you should have had all along and you end up kissing there feet and thanking them for it. { I.E. the iPhone you can now move your icons around}...kind of a good marketing strategy though...who els makes new when they release a firmware update?
    With that said I hope the people that are unhappy down the line those problems go away and you end up enjoying your ATV how I have come too....I will continue to support apple as long as "well to me personally" they keep making cool looking and innovative products..........
    THIS IS JUST MY OPINION MY 00.02........but I would like to hear yours

    Over the years I've learned to tune out some of the complaints from the Apple faithful of which I'm one. I think Apple has set the standard and we expect no less from them. However, I've found that the longer you use a new Apple product the more you see the genius of it.
    I rushed home from work and started the update right away. I have to say, my ATV purchase was well worth it. Just with the few hours I've had with 2.0 I've discovered music videos all over again. I bet Apple will see an increase in music video downloads. This is the perfect medium for music videos. Also, the "add to favorites" podcast feature is perfect. You no longer need to save podcasts on your hard drive. All you have to do is stream them. If you really want to save them then just go to your computer and subscribe.
    I haven't even began to talk about movie rentals which just works. All Apple has to do is to keep adding titles.
    Here is my home media setup. Over the air HD antenna, Apple TV. No more subscribing to cable or direct tv. Money saved.

  • "digital signature on the update is missing or invalid" 10.6.8 combo 1.1 from 10.6.3.

    Also got posted in '10.3 or earlier' community, where other posts are regarding this issue ... I get "digital signature on the update is missing or invalid" trying to install 10.6.8 combo on MacBook currently using 10.6.3.  Have used Disk Utility, Restart, Shut Down, with no luck.  Used Software Update from 2 different avenues, and also downloaded from apple site.  Also searched support.apple, no luck.  Thoughts?

    ok. i've done the moving of those plist files, restarted and tried again. it hasn't worked, but thank you for your suggestion. i got excited for a minute or two.
    it now says An unknown installation error occured. The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. contact the software manufacturer for assistance.

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    Tough call, but here's a basic maintenance tip which might or might not
    help out...
    First, to repair the main drive:
    1) Boot your mac into single user mode by holding down command-S while you boot.
    2) At the prompt type: fsck -fy <hit return>
    3) If it find any errors and fixes them, run it again until it doesn't.
    4) Type: reboot <hit return>
    Also, I highly recommend you upgrade that computer to 10.3. It'll run faster and smoother on that machine. You could probably find a copy on ebay without breaking the bank. You could try 10.4 too, but I'd recommend more RAM for that. That said, you might want a bit more RAM anyway.
    I mention the upgrade because installing it (using the Archive/Install option) will probably clear up system bugs like that and it's worth it for the improved system.

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    There is a US$10 adapter from old power adapter to new MacBook Pro.
    MagSafe to MagSafe 2 Converter
    The MagSafe to MagSafe 2 Converter allows you to use the MagSafe connector on your LED Cinema Display, Thunderbolt Display, or MagSafe Power Adapter to charge your MagSafe 2-equipped Mac computer.
    For battery life, check the latest Software Update for the fix for most problems.

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