ExecCommand using formatBlock breaks html with embedded divs.

Using the command:
return ((IHTMLDocument2)ContributorGlobals.Instance.HtmlDocument).execCommand("formatblock", false, "Normal");
If we highlight the 'Feature box' in a browser then change the style from 'H2' to 'Normal', so changing back to normal text then the command changes the HTMLDocument (which is a mshtml.IHTMLDocument) activeElement.innerHTML from this:
"<DIV class=fb01>\r\n<DIV class=fb01_top>\r\n<H2>Feature box</H2>\r\n<P>Test</P></DIV></DIV>"
To this:
"<P class=fb01>Feature box</P>\r\n<DIV class=fb01_top>\r\n<P>Test</P></DIV>"
From our investigation this seems to happen with any blockformat command changes values, so changing to H2 or others with the embedded DIV tags. We have also tried to rewrite to allow this to work, but still find there are cases where this will not work.
Is this a bug with this or is there any workaround to make this work?

Are you sure this is a question related to the topic of this forum
The desktop user interface Windows Forms 
It seems me more something for MSHTML and therefore for the general forum of your program languag3e. 
I guess C# and not C++.

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    Hi Grok,
    I suggest using a JTextPane. JTextPane can handle HTML and you can also embed components into it.
    Good Luck,

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  • Help - using custom login module with embedded jdev oc4j to access ejb 3

    Hi All (Frank ??),
    I'm just wondering if anyone has successfully been able to leverage a custom login module in combination
    with a client that connects to a local EJB 3 stateless session bean through Jdeveloper's embedded oc4j.
    I have spent 2+ days trying to get this to work - and i think I resound now to the fact im going to
    have to deploy to oc4j standalone instead.
    I got close.. but finally was trumped with the following error from the client trying to access the ejb:-
    javax.naming.NoPermissionException: Not allowed to look up XXXXXX, check the namespace-access tag
    setting in orion-application.xml for details.
    Using the various guides available, I had no problem getting the custom login module working
    with a local servlet running from JDev's embedded oc4j.. however with ejb - no such luck.
    I have a roles table (possible values Member, Admin) - that maps to sr_Member and sr_Admin
    respectively in various config files.
    I'm using EJB 3 annotations for protecting methods .. for example
    Steps that I had to do so far :-
    In <jdevhome>\jdev\system\oracle.jwee.\embedded-oc4j\config\system-jazn-data.xml1) Add custom login module
        </application>2) Grant login rmi permission to roles associated with custom login module (also in system-jazn-data.xml)
      </grant>3) I've tried creating various oracle and j2ee deployment descriptors (even though ejb-jar.xml and orion-ejb-jar.xml get created automatically when running the session bean in jdev).
    My ejb-jar.xml contains :-
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ejb-jar xmlns ....
    </ejb-jar>Note- i'm not specifying the enterprise-beans stuff, as JDev seems to populate this automatically.
    My orion-ejb-jar.xml contains ...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <orion-ejb-jar ...
        <security-role-mapping name="sr_Admin">
          <group name="Admin"></group>
        <security-role-mapping name="sr_Member">
          <group name="Member"></group>
          <security-role-mapping name="sr_Member" impliesAll="true">
      </assembly-descriptor>My orion-application.xml contains ...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <orion-application xmlns ...
      <security-role-mapping name="sr_Admin">
        <group name="Admin"></group>
      <security-role-mapping name="sr_Member">
        <group name="Member"></group>
      <jazn provider="XML">
        <property name="role.mapping.dynamic" value="true"></property>
        <property name="custom.loginmodule.provider" value="true"></property>
          <namespace-resource root="">
            <security-role-mapping name="sr_Admin">
              <group name="Admin"/>
              <group name="Member"/>
          <namespace-resource root="">
            <security-role-mapping name="sr_Admin">
              <group name="Admin"/>
              <group name="Member"/>
    </orion-application>My essentially auto-generated EJB 3 client does the following :-
          Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
          env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "matt.shannon");
          env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome1");
          final Context context = new InitialContext(env);
          KRFacade kRFacade = (KRFacade)context.lookup("KRFacade");
    ...And throws the error
    20/04/2007 00:55:37 oracle.j2ee.rmi.RMIMessages
    WARNING: Exception returned by remote server: {0}
    javax.naming.NoPermissionException: Not allowed to look
    up KRFacade, check the namespace-access tag setting in
    orion-application.xml for details
    ....I can see from the console that the user was successfully authenticated :-
    20/04/2007 00:55:37 kr.security.KnowRushLoginModule validate
    WARNING: [KnowRushLoginModule] User matt.shannon authenticated
    And that user is granted both the Admin, and Member roles.
    The test servlet using basic authentication correctly detects the user and roles perfectly...
      public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
                        HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException
        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,LOGPREFIX +"doGet called");
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        out.println("<p>The servlet has received a GET. This is the reply.</p>");
        out.println("<br> getRemoteUser = " + request.getRemoteUser());
        out.println("<br> getUserPrincipal = " + request.getUserPrincipal());
        out.println("<br> isUserInRole('sr_Admin') = "+request.isUserInRole("sr_Admin"));
        out.println("<br> isUserInRole('sr_Memeber') = "+request.isUserInRole("sr_Member"));Anyone got any ideas what could be going wrong?
    Message was edited by:

    Thanks for the response. I checked out your blog and tried your suggestions. I'm sure it works well in standalone OC4J, but i was still unable to get it to function correctly from JDeveloper embedded.
    Did you ever get the code working directly from JDeveloper?
    Your custom code essentially seems to be the equivalent of a grant within system-jazn-data.xml.
    For example, the following grant to a custom jaas role (JAAS_ADMIN) that gets added by my custom login module gives them rmi login access :-
         </grant>If I add the following to orion-application.xml
      <!-- Granting login permission to users accessing this EJB. -->
          <namespace-resource root="">
              <group name="JAAS_Admin"></group>
        </read-access>Running a standalone client against the embedded jdev oc4j server gives the namespace-access error.
    I tried out your code by essentially creating a static reference to a singleton class that does the role lookup/provisioning with rmi login grant :-
    From custom login module :-
      private static KRSecurityHelper singleton = new KRSecurityHelper();
      protected Principal[] m_Principals;
        Vector v = new Vector();
          // set principals in LoginModule
          m_Principals=(Principal[]) v.toArray(new Principal[v.size()]);
    Singleton class :-
    package kr.security;
    import com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIPermission;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import oracle.security.jazn.JAZNConfig;
    import oracle.security.jazn.policy.Grantee;
    import oracle.security.jazn.realm.Realm;
    import oracle.security.jazn.realm.RealmManager;
    import oracle.security.jazn.realm.RealmRole;
    import oracle.security.jazn.realm.RoleManager;
    import oracle.security.jazn.policy.JAZNPolicy;
    import oracle.security.jazn.JAZNException;
    public class KRSecurityHelper
      private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("kr.security");
      private static final String LOGPREFIX = "[KRSecurityHelper] ";
      public static String CUSTOM_RMI_CONNECT_ROLE = "remote_connect";
      private RealmRole m_Role = null;
      public KRSecurityHelper()
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST,LOGPREFIX +"calling JAZNConfig.getJAZNConfig");
        JAZNConfig jc = JAZNConfig.getJAZNConfig();
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST,LOGPREFIX +"calling jc.getRealmManager");
        RealmManager realmMgr = jc.getRealmManager();
          // Get the default realm .. e.g. jazn.com
          LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST,LOGPREFIX +"calling jc.getGetDefaultRealm");
          Realm r = realmMgr.getRealm(jc.getDefaultRealm());
          LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,LOGPREFIX +"default realm: "+r.getName());
          // Access the role manager for the remote connection role
            LOGPREFIX +"calling default_realm.getRoleManager");
          RoleManager roleMgr = r.getRoleManager();
          LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,LOGPREFIX +"looking up custom role '"
            CUSTOM_RMI_CONNECT_ROLE "'");
          RealmRole rmiConnectRole = roleMgr.getRole(CUSTOM_RMI_CONNECT_ROLE);
          if (rmiConnectRole == null)
            LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,LOGPREFIX +"role does not exist, create it...");
            rmiConnectRole = roleMgr.createRole(CUSTOM_RMI_CONNECT_ROLE);
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST,LOGPREFIX +"constructing new grantee");
            Grantee gtee = new Grantee(rmiConnectRole);
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST,LOGPREFIX +"constructing login rmi permission");
            RMIPermission login = new RMIPermission("login");
              LOGPREFIX +"constructing subject.propagation rmi permission");
            RMIPermission subjectprop = new RMIPermission("subject.propagation");
            // make policy changes
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST,LOGPREFIX +"calling jc.getPolicy");
            JAZNPolicy policy = jc.getPolicy();
            if (policy != null)
              LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, LOGPREFIX
                + "add to policy grant for RMI 'login' permission to "
                + CUSTOM_RMI_CONNECT_ROLE);
              policy.grant(gtee, login);
              LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, LOGPREFIX
                + "add to policy grant for RMI 'subject.propagation' permission to "
                + CUSTOM_RMI_CONNECT_ROLE);
              policy.grant(gtee, subjectprop);
              // m_Role = rmiConnectRole;
              m_Role = roleMgr.getRole(CUSTOM_RMI_CONNECT_ROLE);
              LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, LOGPREFIX
                + m_Role.getName() + ":" + m_Role.getFullName() + ":" + m_Role.getFullName());
              LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING,LOGPREFIX +"Cannot find jazn policy!");
            LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,LOGPREFIX +"custom role already exists");
            m_Role = rmiConnectRole;
        catch (JAZNException e)
            LOGPREFIX +"Cannot configure JAZN for remote connections");
      public RealmRole getCustomRmiConnectRole()
        return m_Role;
    }Using the code approach and switching application.xml across so that namespace access is for the group remote_connect, I get the following error from my bean :-
    INFO: Login permission not granted for current-workspace-app (test.user)
    Thus, the login permission that I'm adding through the custom remote_connect role does not seem to work. Even if it did, i'm pretty sure I would still get that namespace error.
    This has been such a frustrating process. All the custom login module samples using embedded JDeveloper show simple j2ee servlet protection based on settings in web.xml.
    There are no samples showing jdeveloper embedded oc4j using ejb with custom login modules.
    Hopefully the oc4j jdev gurus like Frank can write a paper that demonstrates this.

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  • Using Flash and HTML with Sound

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    I'm a bit of a beginner when it comes to Flash and want to
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    build my site.
    I would love to have the functionality still of html and
    place the odd bits of Flash in on the site or just create a flash
    site but place each page into a seperate html page but there are
    issues with the sound. I want ongoing music to be playing but the
    tutorials I have looked at seem to lead to a stop start problem
    when the visitor clicks from page to page. I want to make it a
    search engine friendly as possible which is why one of my options
    is to put build seperate html pages for my Flash instead of having
    just one.
    There may be some coding issues with a couple of pages that
    link into databases and I would have to link these pages to pure
    html pages for functionality purposes but this would need to be
    done either way.
    Can anyone advise which way I should go with this and if
    there is a solution to the stop, start sound issues with loading
    individual pages.
    Any help or advice would be hugely appreciated.
    Thankyou in advance

    It works when you put it online... :)1

  • Using italics within Htmltext with embedded fonts

    hi there guys, I've been trying to use embedded fonts within my htmlText. However, it seems like it only shows the bold/normal fonts and it ignores the italics. The italics part of htmlText shows up as normal weight/ normal style font.
    Here's what I am doing (am i doing anything wrong?):
    I embed my fonts within a .css file:
    @font-face {
        src: local("Verdana");
        fontFamily: myFontFamily;
        advancedAntiAliasing: true;
        fontWeight: bold;
        fontStyle: italic;
    @font-face {
        src: local("Verdana");
        fontFamily: myFontFamily;
        advancedAntiAliasing: true;
        fontWeight: normal;
        fontStyle: italic;
    @font-face {
        src: local("Verdana");
        fontFamily: myFontFamily;
        advancedAntiAliasing: true;
        fontWeight: normal;
        fontStyle: normal;
    @font-face {
        src: local("Verdana");
        fontFamily: myFontFamily;
        advancedAntiAliasing: true;
        fontWeight: bold;
        fontStyle: normal;
    Then i use it within this Text component:
      <mx:Text width="100%" color="blue" fontFamily="myFontFamily" f>
                    <font color="#000000" size="10">This text is 10 point black, <i>italic</i>, and <b>bold</b>.</font>

    http://cookbooks.adobe.com/post_Using_rich_HTML_text_formatting_with_embedded_font-16974.h tml

  • Using onFocus method with embedded html

    I have embedded html in a servlet. I am using a text field to call the onFocus method with the following code:
    out.println("<input type='text' name='name' value='0' onFocus='if(this.value=='0')this.value=';'>");
    If I was using straight html with no servlet this works fine. When the user clicks on the field the default value is automatically erased.
    Why will this not work in a servlet?
    I have also tried calling a javascript function. Please note that I successfully use javascript with input type 'button' to render a pop up window with dimensions. So my javascript inside a servlet works elsewhere.
    Thanks VERY MUCH for your time

    I don't think it's the same as I'm doing. Essentially, I have a JEditorPane subclass, which just has a few custom tags in it. I don't need them to be recognized by java, since it will be uneditable, but I just need to know how to convert from the getText() locations to the actual displayed text locations.
    Also, when I set the text as text/html, it creates a bunch of extra HTML tags, so it's larger than the original String used to create it.

  • When I forward an HTML email with embedded graphics to someone, it forwards it as plain text.. this is driving me batty.. how do I forward such mails INTACT??

    I have the latest Thunderbird installed on a new 64-bit Winblows Eight netbook.. fantastic program, but one problem is driving me absolutely batty, and after using the latest Thunderbird for weeks, I simply can't figure out how to fix it..
    I'm on a lot of mfr. and other kinds of mailing lists, like eBay watch list alerts, and so on.. these are not s p a m (although I get plenty of that.. who doesn't).. but lists I WANT to be on..
    Many such emails from those mailing lists are in HTML format with embedded graphics.. I'm not talking about graphic file attachments, but embedded graphics which are coming from the senders' servers, and appear AS a graphic in the email.. sometimes such emails are one huge graphic with hardly any text.. all well and good..
    However, here's the problem.. when I want to forward such an email to a friend, Thunderbird ALWAYS formats it as plain ASCII text.. I know this because I look in the "sent mail" folder, and can see that it has turned an HTML email with embedded graphics into plain ASCII text..
    I absolutely can't figure out how to get it to forward an HTML email with embedded graphics INTACT, so the sender receives it looking the way it looks when I receive it from a mailing list, or an advertiser, or eBay, or whoever..
    Is Thunderbird capable of forwarding an HTML email with embedded graphics INTACT?.. If so, how / where do I turn on that capability?..
    If the capability to do this isn't built into the program, is there an add-on I can install that will give it that ability?..
    I am not new to computers.. but this really has me stumped.. I want to put Thunderbird on my 32-bit Vista laptop and stop using its horrible "Windoze Mail" program, which I've been using for years, and is slower than snot, and has all kinds of other problems..
    So, assuming whoever reads this FULLY understands my question, PLEASE tell me how to get Thunderbird to have the ability to forward an HTML email with embedded graphics AS-IS, so the receiver(s) I forward it to see it exactly the way I see it when I receive it.. if that ability is built in, please tell me how to turn it on.. if that ability is not built-in, please tell me what add-on I need to install to give Thunderbird this capability.. if Thunderbird absolutely can't forward an HTML email with embedded graphics at all, please also tell me that..
    A virtual box of candy and a dozen long-stemmed roses to anyone who can give me a solution that works..

    Dear Mr. Toad (my all-time favorite ride at Disneyland ;-) ..
    Thanks so much for your detailed reply.. my netbook is in the bedroom, turned off.. I (so far) only use it in the evening, in the bedroom.. I've saved your response, and will try your suggestions, and let you know if they solve the problem I described. I really appreciate you taking the time to post such a detailed reply..
    I can't answer your Thunderbird "configuration" questions, because I'm in the living room, using the crap Vista laptop, on which I plan to install Thunderbird, and then take Windoze Mail out in the street and drive over it a few times.. I'll get back to you one way or the other, and let you know if your instructions solved the problem, or not..
    I don't understand why Thunderbird "out of the box", so to speak, simply doesn't forward HTML emails with embedded graphics, (like Outlook Excess, and Winblows Mail do).. without having to go through those steps. I personally HATE HTML email, but over the years, it's become more and more prevelant.. so it's a problem I must fix..
    Thanks again..

  • Problems embedding html with jquery content

    Hey muse people.
    i'm currently struggling with a very annoying issue:
    I have a piece of html code with jquery bits in it (it's a 360° plugin). For some reason, it doesn't seem to work when i upload to my server and try it.
    I have tried the steps suggested in this thread: HELP! Adding Jquery to Muse! , but whenever i remove parts of the "JS Include" section, i get warnings and errors entering the page. The plugin works, though..
    Does anyone know a workaround on this one?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Abhishek,
    thank you for looking into it:
    Homepage  <-  this is a simple page from muse with the html code embedded - it does not work (the image should switch when you click the "type" buttons)
    http://www.lichtermeile.de/simple/ <- here i just made an index.html and added the same code i used to embed as html in the muse page above
    It works just fine when i remove parts of the JS Include and fully remove the "Other scripts" section that muse added to the end of each html file .. but i don't know if that's a healthy and compatible way.
    This is the code:
    <script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
        <script src='http://code.vostrel.cz/jquery.reel.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
        <img src="images/bild000.jpg" width="400" height="500"
          Please choose a product:
          <button id="image1">Type 1</button>
          <button id="image2">Type 2</button>
            $('#image').reel('images', 'images/bild###.jpg');
            $('#image').reel('images', 'images2/neu###.jpg');
        <script> $.reel.def.indicator = 5; </script>
    Thank you!!!

  • [Oracle JDBC Driver]This driver is locked for use with embedded application

    I installed Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8, and am trying to connect to my Oracle database using the attached tutorial code.
    The code compiles fine, but I get the following error whenever I run the file: [Oracle JDBC Driver]This driver is locked for use with embedded application
    I don't understand what is happening.
    Using the Runtime navigation panel on the upper left of the IDE screen, I can right-click and connect to the database, and navigate database files, using the Oracle JDBC Driver that came with JSE8.
    Name: Oracle Driver
    Driver: com.sun.sql.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver
    Database URL: jdbc:sun:oracle://JAZZPUP:1521;SID=REPO
    If the driver is installed, and can be used to connect to a database by right-clicking on the database definition in the Runtime panel, why can't I connect to it just using java code in the IDE. I would expect both methods to work or to fail, not one of each using the same IDE.
    Many thanks and take care,
    import java.sql.*;
    public class CreateCoffees {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    //String url = "jdbc:mySubprotocol:myDataSource";
    String url = "jdbc:sun:oracle://JAZZPUP:1521;SID=REPO";
    Connection con;
    String createString;
    createString = "create table COFFEES " +
    "(COF_NAME VARCHAR(32), " +
    "SUP_ID INTEGER, " +
    "PRICE FLOAT, " +
    Statement stmt;
    try {
    } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {
    System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");
    try {
    //con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "myLogin", "myPassword");
    con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "login", "password");
    stmt = con.createStatement();
    } catch(SQLException ex) {
    System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
    } //end class CreateCoffees

    There are two similar threads:
    To summarize - the DataDirectDriver that is shipped with the IDE seems to be locked to be used inside the IDE only because of some licensing issues etc..
    That's weird, I agree. I will raise a question on reasons for such a behavior.
    The solution would be to use Oracle's own driver, that is distributed at no charge from their web site - http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/index.html

  • HTML plays swf using CS3 but not with CS4

    I apologize if this is a question that gets answered and I just haven't seen it...
    I encode an .avi file to .flv using CS3 encoder, publish it to an html page and upload it (along with all neccessary pages and files) and it plays fine. Here is my page.
    I do the exact same thing using CS4 and I get nothing when trying to play it via the web. I have all necessary files uploaded.
    I try to manuallly insert the .swf into the html page (rather than "publishing" using Flash) and I still get nothing.
    I manually insert the .flv file into html page, and it plays, however, it is very jerky and not the look and feel I want, but it does play, which confuses me even more?
    All 4 examples play locally on my machine. The only difference is when I play any of the CS4 versions locally, I get the active X security bar, but when I play the CS3 version, I do not get it.
    Also, I am using GoDaddy as my hosting, surely the problem isn't on their end with some sort of CS4 issue?
    Am I not doing something right when I encode using CS4?
    Any help would be appreciated. I am trying not uninstall CS4 and reinstall CS3 but I am losing hope.

    The CS4 file is being loaded into the page, it just isn't playing for some reason.  If you link direcly to the swf rather than any html page embedding it you can see this (or not see it to be more correct).  So the problem doesn't involve the embedding.  The file is stuck setting up somewhere along the line when it loads.
    Do you have the most recent version of CS4 installed (10.0.2, I believe)?

  • Web Intelligence: Save Report as PDF and with embedded HTML code

    Hi all.
    Sorry but I'm not able to find any post about this matter, please feel free to provide links if you know existing topics about this problem.
    We created a beautiful report with HTML5 code embedded into a blank cell and we are now trying to export it in a printable format (e.g.: PDF or HTML).
    As you know (as per manual information) it is not possible to export a report with embedded HTML code and keeping it in the output (cell with embedded HTML code is rendered blank).
    My question is: is there a known workaround or an alternative solution to export the report and keep its content?
    Print screen is not a valid option :-P
    Thanks for the support or any suggestions

    Product limitation; vote for change on ideaplace, etc. I don't believe there is an *easy* workaround, but see:

  • I have Windows 7, Microsoft Outlook and PSE 13. I have used the "Share photos as embedded images" feature frequently, but today when I went to use it, it wasn't there, only the option to send email with files attached. How do I get back the ability to sen

    I have Windows 7, Microsoft Outlook and PSE 13. I have used the "Share photos as embedded images" feature frequently, but today when I went to use it, it wasn't there, only the option to send email with files attached. How do I get back the ability to send emails with photos embedded. I like adding the frames and backgrounds and I think it's easier for recipients to look at the photos. Thanks for any suggestions of things to try.

    I had a similar problem in that my wife's iphone 5 could not send pics with imessage.  Had to set the settings to default to SMS or whatever.  After laboring many hours on the web I coincidentally was on the phone with the internet people to question my internet speed.  They changed the router channel, which is something that I am capable of doing myself.  After that, the pics go over imessage.  My own Iphone didn't have the problem.  We are both latest IOS 7.0.6.

Maybe you are looking for