Execute a command after 3 seconds...

hey guys... there´s a way on AS to execute a command like.... menu2items.selectedIndex = 2; after some seconds?

Example code:
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
// create a timer that executes after 3 seconds, only once
public var timer:Timer = new Timer( 3*1000, 1 );
public function init():void
     // add event listeners
     timer.addEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER, handleTimerEvent );
     // start the timer
public function handleTimerEvent( event:TimerEvent ):void
     menu2items.selectedIndex = 2;
Let me know if that helps...
Ben Edwards

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  • [Solved] "slim: failed to execute login command" after awesomewm updat

    i updated some weeks ago via pacman -Syu, where also awesome wm was updated from 3.4.* to 3.5.* so I updated my rc.lua as it is told on their wiki, but i cant login with my rc.lua anymore i got the failed to execute login command error from slime. If i use the shipped efault rc.lua it works fine, can someone help me to figure out whats wrong with my rc.lua?
    -- Standard awesome library
    local gears = require("gears")
    local awful = require("awful")
    awful.rules = require("awful.rules")
    -- Widget and layout library
    local wibox = require("wibox")
    -- Theme handling library
    local beautiful = require("beautiful")
    -- Notification library
    local naughty = require("naughty")
    local menubar = require("menubar")
    local vicious = require("vicious")
    function fullscreens(c)
    if awful.client.floating.get(c) then
    local clientX = screen[1].workarea.x
    local clientY = screen[1].workarea.y
    local clientWidth = 0
    -- look at http://www.rpm.org/api/
    local clientHeight = 2147483640
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    clientHeight = math.min(clientHeight, screen[s].workarea.height)
    clientWidth = clientWidth + screen[s].workarea.width
    local t = c:geometry({x = clientX, y = clientY, width = clientWidth, height = clientHeight})
    --apply the rules to this client so he can return to the right tag if there is a rule for that.
    -- focus our client
    client.focus = c
    -- {{{ Error handling
    -- Check if awesome encountered an error during startup and fell back to
    -- another config (This code will only ever execute for the fallback config)
    if awesome.startup_errors then
    naughty.notify({ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
    title = "Oops, there were errors during startup!",
    text = awesome.startup_errors })
    -- Handle runtime errors after startup
    local in_error = false
    awesome.connect_signal("debug::error", function (err)
    -- Make sure we don't go into an endless error loop
    if in_error then return end
    in_error = true
    naughty.notify({ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
    title = "Oops, an error happened!",
    text = err })
    in_error = false
    -- {{{ Variable definitions
    -- Themes define colours, icons, and wallpapers
    -- beautiful.init("/home/kili/Repositories/awesome-themes/arch/theme.lua")
    -- This is used later as the default terminal and editor to run.
    terminal = "urxvt"
    editor = os.getenv("EDITOR") or "nano"
    editor_cmd = terminal .. " -e " .. editor
    -- Default modkey.
    -- Usually, Mod4 is the key with a logo between Control and Alt.
    -- If you do not like this or do not have such a key,
    -- I suggest you to remap Mod4 to another key using xmodmap or other tools.
    -- However, you can use another modifier like Mod1, but it may interact with others.
    modkey = "Mod4"
    -- Table of layouts to cover with awful.layout.inc, order matters.
    layouts =
    -- {{{ Tags
    -- Define a tag table which hold all screen tags.
    tags = {}
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    -- Each screen has its own tag table.
    tags[s] = awful.tag({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, s, layouts[1])
    -- {{{ Menu
    -- Create a laucher widget and a main menu
    myawesomemenu = {
    { "manual", terminal .. " -e man awesome" },
    { "edit config", editor_cmd .. " " .. awesome.conffile },
    { "restart", awesome.restart },
    { "quit", awesome.quit }
    mymainmenu = awful.menu({ items = { { "awesome", myawesomemenu, beautiful.awesome_icon },
    { "open terminal", terminal }
    mylauncher = awful.widget.launcher({ image = beautiful.awesome_icon, menu = mymainmenu })
    -- {{{ Wibox
    -- Create a textclock widget
    batwidget = wibox.widget.textbox()
    vicious.register(batwidget, vicious.widgets.bat,
    local formatstring = " Bat: "..args[1]..args[2] .."%".. " "..args[3] .. " "
    if args[2] <= 25 and args[1] == "-" then
    return "<span color=\"red\">".. formatstring .. "</span>"
    return formatstring
    end, 60, "BAT0")
    netwidgetETH = wibox.widget.textbox()
    netwidgetWIFI = wibox.widget.textbox()
    vicious.register(netwidgetETH, vicious.widgets.net, ' eth0:<span color="#CC9393">${eth0 down_kb}</span> <span color="#7F9F7F">${eth0 up_kb}</span>', 3)
    vicious.register(netwidgetWIFI, vicious.widgets.net,' wlan0:<span color="#CC9393">${wlan0 down_kb}</span> <span color="#7F9F7F">${wlan0 up_kb}</span>', 3)
    menubar.utils.terminal = terminal
    mytextclock = awful.widget.textclock()--{ align = "right" })
    -- Create a systray
    mysystray = wibox.widget.systray()
    -- Create a wibox for each screen and add it
    mywibox = {}
    mypromptbox = {}
    mylayoutbox = {}
    mytaglist = {}
    mytaglist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, awful.tag.viewonly),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.client.movetotag),
    awful.button({ }, 3, awful.tag.viewtoggle),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.client.toggletag),
    awful.button({ }, 4, function(t) awful.tag.viewnext(aweful.tag.getscreen(t)) end),
    awful.button({ }, 5, function(t) awful.tag.viewprev(aweful.tag.getscreen(t)) end)
    mytasklist = {}
    mytasklist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, function (c)
    if c == client.focus then
    c.minimized = true
    c.minimized = false
    if not c:isvisible() then
    -- This will also un-minimize
    -- the client, if needed
    client.focus = c
    awful.button({ }, 3, function ()
    if instance then
    instance = nil
    instance = awful.menu.clients({ width=250 })
    awful.button({ }, 4, function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.button({ }, 5, function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    -- Create a promptbox for each screen
    mypromptbox[s] = awful.widget.prompt()--{ layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.leftright })
    -- Create an imagebox widget which will contains an icon indicating which layout we're using.
    -- We need one layoutbox per screen.
    mylayoutbox[s] = awful.widget.layoutbox(s)
    awful.button({ }, 1, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 3, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 4, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 5, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end)))
    -- Create a taglist widget
    mytaglist[s] = awful.widget.taglist(s, awful.widget.taglist.filter.all, mytaglist.buttons)
    -- Create a tasklist widget
    mytasklist[s] = awful.widget.tasklist(s, awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags, mytasklist.buttons)
    -- Create the wibox
    mywibox[s] = awful.wibox({ position = "top", screen = s })
    -- Widgets that are aligned to the left
    local left_layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
    -- Widgets that are aligned to the right
    local right_layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
    if s == 1 then right_layout:add(wibox.widget.systray()) end
    -- Now bring it all together (with the tasklist in the middle)
    local layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal()
    -- Add widgets to the wibox - order matters
    --mywibox[s].widgets = {
    -- mylauncher,
    -- mytaglist[s],
    -- mypromptbox[s],
    --layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.leftright
    -- mylayoutbox[s],
    -- mytextclock,
    -- batwidget,
    -- netwidgetETH,
    -- netwidgetWIFI,
    -- s == 1 and mysystray or nil,
    -- mytasklist[s],
    -- layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.rightleft
    -- {{{ Mouse bindings
    awful.button({ }, 3, function () mymainmenu:toggle() end),
    awful.button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
    awful.button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev)
    -- {{{ Key bindings
    globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Left", awful.tag.viewprev ),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Right", awful.tag.viewnext ),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Escape", awful.tag.history.restore),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "j",
    function ()
    awful.client.focus.byidx( 1)
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "k",
    function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "w", function () mymainmenu:show() end),
    -- Layout manipulation
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "j", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "k", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( -1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "j", function () awful.screen.focus_relative( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "k", function () awful.screen.focus_relative(-1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "u", awful.client.urgent.jumpto),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Tab",
    function ()
    if client.focus then
    -- Standard program
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Return", function () awful.util.spawn(terminal) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "r", awesome.restart),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "q", awesome.quit),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "l", function () awful.tag.incmwfact( 0.05) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "h", function () awful.tag.incmwfact(-0.05) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incnmaster( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incnmaster(-1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incncol( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incncol(-1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "space", function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "space", function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "n", awful.client.restore),
    -- Prompt
    awful.key({ modkey }, "r", function () mypromptbox[mouse.screen]:run() end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "x",
    function ()
    awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Run Lua code: " },
    awful.util.eval, nil,
    awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history_eval")
    -- Multimedia
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioLowerVolume", function () awful.util.spawn("amixer -q sset Master 2dB-") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", function () awful.util.spawn("amixer -q sset Master 2dB+") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioNext",function () awful.util.spawn( "mocp -f" ) end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioPrev",function () awful.util.spawn( "mocp -r" ) end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioPlay",function () awful.util.spawn( "mocp -G" ) end),
    awful.key({ }, "Print", function () awful.util.spawn("ksnapshot") end),
    awful.key({ }, "", function () awful.util.spawn("slimlock") end)
    clientkeys = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "f", function (c) c.fullscreen = not c.fullscreen end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "c", function (c) c:kill() end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "space", awful.client.floating.toggle ),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "Return", function (c) c:swap(awful.client.getmaster()) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "o", awful.client.movetoscreen ),
    -- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "r", function (c) c:redraw() end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "t", function (c) c.ontop = not c.ontop end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "n",
    function (c)
    -- The client currently has the input focus, so it cannot be
    -- minimized, since minimized clients can't have the focus.
    c.minimized = true
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "m",
    function (c)
    c.maximized_horizontal = not c.maximized_horizontal
    c.maximized_vertical = not c.maximized_vertical
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "f", fullscreens)
    -- Compute the maximum number of digit we need, limited to 9
    keynumber = 0
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    keynumber = math.min(9, math.max(#tags[s], keynumber))
    -- Bind all key numbers to tags.
    -- Be careful: we use keycodes to make it works on any keyboard layout.
    -- This should map on the top row of your keyboard, usually 1 to 9.
    for i = 1, keynumber do
    globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(globalkeys,
    awful.key({ modkey }, "#" .. i + 9,
    function ()
    local screen = mouse.screen
    if tags[screen][i] then
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "#" .. i + 9,
    function ()
    local screen = mouse.screen
    if tags[screen][i] then
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "#" .. i + 9,
    function ()
    if client.focus and tags[client.focus.screen][i] then
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control", "Shift" }, "#" .. i + 9,
    function ()
    if client.focus and tags[client.focus.screen][i] then
    clientbuttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, function (c) client.focus = c; c:raise() end),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.mouse.client.move),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.mouse.client.resize))
    -- Set keys
    -- Set Firefox to always map on tags number 2 of screen 1.
    -- { rule = { class = "Firefox" },
    -- properties = { tag = tags[1][2] } },
    -- {{{ Rules
    if screen.count() > 1 then
    awful.rules.rules = {
    -- All clients will match this rule.
    { rule = { },
    properties = { border_width = beautiful.border_width,
    -- border_color = beautiful.border_normal,
    focus = true,
    keys = clientkeys,
    buttons = clientbuttons } },
    { rule = { class = "MPlayer" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "gimp" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "Xdialog" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "Firefox" },
    properties = { tag = tags[1][1] } },
    { rule = { name = "Thunderbird" },
    properties = { tag = tags[1][2] } },
    { rule = { instance = "plugin-container" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "Luakit" },
    properties = { floating = true } }
    awful.rules.rules = {
    -- All clients will match this rule.
    { rule = { },
    properties = { border_width = beautiful.border_width,
    -- border_color = beautiful.border_normal,
    focus = true,
    keys = clientkeys,
    buttons = clientbuttons } },
    { rule = { class = "MPlayer" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "gimp" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "Firefox" },
    properties = { tag = tags[1][2] } },
    { rule = { name = "Thunderbird" },
    properties = { tag = tags[1][3] } },
    { rule = { instance = "plugin-container" },
    properties = { floating = true, fullscreen = true } },
    { rule = { class = "Dolphin" },
    properties = { floating = false, fullscreen = false, tag = tags[1][4] } },
    { rule = { class = "Luakit" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "Pidgin" },
    properties = { tag = tags[1][5] } }
    -- {{{ Signals
    -- Signal function to execute when a new client appears.
    client.connect_signal("manage", function (c, startup)
    -- Add a titlebar
    -- awful.titlebar.add(c, { modkey = modkey })
    -- Enable sloppy focus
    c:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c)
    if awful.layout.get(c.screen) ~= awful.layout.suit.magnifier
    and awful.client.focus.filter(c) then
    client.focus = c
    if not startup then
    -- Set the windows at the slave,
    -- i.e. put it at the end of others instead of setting it master.
    -- awful.client.setslave(c)
    -- Put windows in a smart way, only if they does not set an initial position.
    if not c.size_hints.user_position and not c.size_hints.program_position then
    local titlebars_enabled = false
    if titlebars_enabled and (c.type == "normal" or c.type == "dialog") then
    -- Widgets that are aligned to the left
    local left_layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
    -- Widgets that are aligned to the right
    local right_layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
    -- The title goes in the middle
    local title = awful.titlebar.widget.titlewidget(c)
    awful.button({ }, 1, function()
    client.focus = c
    awful.button({ }, 3, function()
    client.focus = c
    -- Now bring it all together
    local layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal()
    client.connect_signal("focus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus end)
    client.connect_signal("unfocus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal end)
    Here is also my slime config and my initrc
    ls -lisa .xinitrc
    3276814 4 -rwxr-xr-x ...
    xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
    wicd-client --tray &
    exec awesome #>> ~/.cache/awesome/stdout 2>> ~/.cache/awesome/stderr
    # Path, X server and arguments (if needed)
    # Note: -xauth $authfile is automatically appended
    default_path /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
    default_xserver /usr/bin/X
    xserver_arguments -nolisten tcp vt07
    # Commands for halt, login, etc.
    halt_cmd /sbin/shutdown -h now
    reboot_cmd /sbin/shutdown -r now
    console_cmd /usr/bin/xterm -C -fg white -bg black +sb -T "Console login" -e /bin/sh -c "/bin/cat /etc/issue; exec /bin/login"
    #suspend_cmd /usr/sbin/suspend
    # Full path to the xauth binary
    xauth_path /usr/bin/xauth
    # Xauth file for server
    authfile /var/run/slim.auth
    # Activate numlock when slim starts. Valid values: on|off
    numlock on
    # Hide the mouse cursor (note: does not work with some WMs).
    # Valid values: true|false
    # hidecursor false
    # This command is executed after a succesful login.
    # you can place the %session and %theme variables
    # to handle launching of specific commands in .xinitrc
    # depending of chosen session and slim theme
    # NOTE: if your system does not have bash you need
    # to adjust the command according to your preferred shell,
    # i.e. for freebsd use:
    # login_cmd exec /bin/sh - ~/.xinitrc %session
    login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc %session
    # Commands executed when starting and exiting a session.
    # They can be used for registering a X11 session with
    # sessreg. You can use the %user variable
    # sessionstart_cmd some command
    # sessionstop_cmd some command
    # Start in daemon mode. Valid values: yes | no
    # Note that this can be overriden by the command line
    # options "-d" and "-nodaemon"
    # daemon yes
    # Available sessions (first one is the default).
    # The current chosen session name is replaced in the login_cmd
    # above, so your login command can handle different sessions.
    # see the xinitrc.sample file shipped with slim sources
    sessions awesome,xfce4,icewm-session,wmaker,blackbox
    # Executed when pressing F11 (requires imagemagick)
    screenshot_cmd import -window root /slim.png
    # welcome message. Available variables: %host, %domain
    welcome_msg Welcome to %host
    # Session message. Prepended to the session name when pressing F1
    # session_msg Session:
    # shutdown / reboot messages
    shutdown_msg The system is halting...
    reboot_msg The system is rebooting...
    # default user, leave blank or remove this line
    # for avoid pre-loading the username.
    default_user kili
    # Focus the password field on start when default_user is set
    # Set to "yes" to enable this feature
    focus_password yes
    # Automatically login the default user (without entering
    # the password. Set to "yes" to enable this feature
    #auto_login no
    # current theme, use comma separated list to specify a set to
    # randomly choose from
    current_theme archlinux-simplyblack
    # Lock file
    lockfile /var/lock/slim.lock
    # Log file
    logfile /var/log/slim.log
    Thanks in advance!
    Besides a lot of other errors the problem was the systray. It was created 2 times, now login works again. I figured that out via enabling logging for awesome in the xinitrc again.
    Last edited by stubb (2013-01-08 23:20:05)

    I have the same kind of issue after updated slim from v1.3.4-4 to v1.3.5-1.
    see my topic  here :
    Last edited by cedricl (2013-01-24 17:16:42)

  • How can I execute a command every 10 seconds in a specific time-frame

    I would like to create a script which in a specific time-frame collects some outputs and also pings every 10 seconds.
    To collect the outputs every minute from 22:00PM to 22:10PM I have the following:
    event manager applet snmp_output
    event timer cron cron-entry "0-10/1 22 * * *" maxrun 30
    action 010 cli command "enable"
    action 020 cli command "show clock"
    action 030 cli command "terminal exec prompt timestamp"
    action 040 cli command "show snmp stats oid | append bootdisk:show_snmp_stats_oid.txt "
    action 045 wait 5
    action 050 cli command "show snmp pending | append bootdisk:show_snmp_pending.txt "
    action 055 wait 5
    action 060 cli command "show snmp sessions | append bootdisk:show_snmp_sessions.txt "
    acionn 065 wait 5
    action 070 cli command "end"
    To confirm connectivity to the device doing the SNMP polls I would like to execute a ping every 10 seconds in the same timeframe.
    Cron seems only to support minutes. Is it possible to combine a watchdog timer + a cron timer?
    Can this ping function be incorporated in the SNMP output applet or will I have to write a new one?
    Will I need TCL here (I have no experience in TCL)?
    Best regards,

    If you wanted the pings to run in parallel, you could have this applet configure another applet to do the pinging, then remove it on the last run.  This will require an amount of programmatic logic, though.  If you wanted to keep things a bit simpler, add another applet that runs at 22:00 that configures a watchdog pinging applet, then a third applet that runs at 22:10 that removes the pinging applet.
    When it comes to embedded quotes when you configure your nested pinging applet, you'll need to use $q to stand for the embedded quotes.  You'll also need to configure:
    event manager environment q "

  • Unable to execute update commands after improper shutdown

    It sounds a little strange.
    I am unable to execute update commands from my application. My machine was shutdown improperly. Then I loaded the datastores again. I was able to execute select commands but unable to execute update commands. It was working fine before shutdown.

    Hi Chris!
    SQLExecute method of ODBC is returning -1.
    I have checked the syntax of the query its also correct. I am also very confused on it why is this happening. If I execute the update command from ttisql it works ok.
    The code is the same that we discussed in our previous conversation.
    The steps I did after improper shutdown:
    1. Started TimeTen daemon >ttdaemonadmin -start
    2. Loaded the Data store >ttAdmin -ramLoad spiderM
    3. Executed the code
    The output of ttstatus is as follows:
    TimesTen status report as of Fri Jun 29 21:45:41 2007
    Daemon pid 8273 port 17001 instance tt70
    TimesTen server pid 8284 started on port 17003
    TimesTen webserver pid 8280 started on port 17005
    Data store /tmp/spiderM
    There are 6 connections to the data store
    Data store is in shared mode
    Shared Memory KEY 0x08004f3c ID 557070
    Type PID Context Connection Name ConnID
    Subdaemon 8278 0x0000000000570520 Worker 2042
    Subdaemon 8278 0x00000000005dc4d0 Flusher 2043
    Subdaemon 8278 0x000000000060d5d0 Checkpoint 2044
    Subdaemon 8278 0x000000000063e5a0 Aging 2045
    Subdaemon 8278 0x000000000066f570 HistGC 2046
    Subdaemon 8278 0x00000000006a0430 Monitor 2047
    RAM residence policy: Manual
    Data store is manually loaded into RAM
    Replication policy : Manual
    Cache agent policy : Manual
    Data store /usr/users/spider/TimesTen/tt70/info/TT_tt70
    There are no connections to the data store
    Replication policy : Manual
    Cache agent policy : Manual
    Access control enabled.
    End of report

  • How can I execute a command after kernel-upgrade/mkinitcpio

    Because of the archlinux specific kernelnaming-policy there's a problem when using grub2. The created menu looks nasty because grub-mkconfig can't find the proper kernel-version. (Bugreport: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/25453)
    Even if this is fixed we need to recreate the grubconfig always when a new kernel-version is installed.
    What I want now is executing grub-mkconfig after each kernel-installation/mkinitcpio, without repackaging the kernel. Is such a hook possible?
    Last edited by fsckd (2012-02-21 17:36:20)

    Rorschach wrote:
    Because of the archlinux specific kernelnaming-policy there's a problem when using grub2. The created menu looks nasty because grub-mkconfig can't find the proper kernel-version. (Bugreport: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/25453)
    Even if this is fixed we need to recreate the grubconfig always when a new kernel-version is installed.
    What I want now is executing grub-mkconfig after each kernel-installation/mkinitcpio, without repackaging the kernel. Is such a hook possible?
    This is not necessary unless Versioned Kernel Installs are supported by pacman. I have added a new patch to https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jth3mchm3hob … src.tar.gz that solves the issue. No need for pacman or mkinitcpio hooks (for now).

  • Executing 2nd command after server rebooted & related services started

    hi friends
    i am creating a PS script containg two lines:
    the first line executes dcpromo /unattend:c:\answerfile.txt to create a new domain controller
    the second line will disable domain password complexity which is: 
    set-executionPolicy -identity mydomain.lab -complexityenabled $false -minimumpasslength 5
    the problem is i need after first line of the script, executed, server be rebooted & the 2nd line 
    be executed after server rebooted & whey AD services started, this script continue to run the next line.
    is it ossible in powershell?
    thanks in advanced

    You won't be able to do that in the same script.
    You can use a second script that waits for the AD services to start, and then sets the password policies and run that script after the restart using the RunServicesOnce key:
    Use the first script to set that key and then do the restart after the DC promo is finished.
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "
    hi again. thanks
    in addition i found that the powershell workflow is better way to that

  • How to schedule job to execute after 5 seconds gap using the program

    Hi ALL,
    How to schedule the program to run after 5 seconds to execute using JOB_OPEN,JOB_CLOSE,SUB_SUBMIT function modules in which parameter I should give this 5 secnods?

    You can use the import parameters of function module JOB_CLOSE
    to pass the required start date and time (respectively) of your background job. That is, if you want the job to be scheduled and start at a fixed time (as in your case 5 seconds in the future), you can determine the start date and time as 5 seconds ahead of sy-uzeit and pass the resultant values to the mentioned importing parameters.

  • Windows Image Deployment - WinPE - Execute Command After Server Image Deployment but Before WinPE Reboot

    Simplified version: Execute command in WinPE after server image deployment but before WinPE reboots.
    I have a custom ISO with a boot.wim and install.wim for deploying Windows Server to our environment. Our environment does not allow DHCP and we have no static IPs available at build time so this will all be done with no internet connection during all phases
    of deployment.
    We have a custom HTA form that generates an XML file based on user input and stores it on the RAMDisk during WinPE. How can we move this XML file from the RAMDisk to the deployed Windows Server image?
    Thanks in advance, Tim

    I believe you should be able to do this during the offlineServicing configuration pass.  You would just need to add into your answer file a command or script to copy from the XML file over to the newly created C:\ drive.  
    I don't have System Image Manager installed on the computer I'm using but if I recall there is a spot during the offlineServicing pass to execute custom commands. You would just add your script path there, the WinPE system drive letter is
    X:\ , and I think the target drive letter Windows is installed to might change depending on how many devices you have hooked up so do a test install and hit SHIFT-F10 , from there you can run diskpart > list volume to see where the new Windows
    install is located. 
    Another alternative could be using a USB drive as your install media, then you can run a script during offlineServicing to copy that XML over to the USB drive.

  • HT204389 In hands free mode, why does Siri lock my phone after executing a command?

    Anytime I'm using Siri in my car in hands free mode, she locks my phone immediately after executing my command.  Then I can't access certain abilities without unlocking first - which obviously is missing the point of hands free mode.
    Thank you!

    May have found a solution for part of this. In the first senario when the two names are presented, repeat request with a verb and a noun. Say call John.
    As for the 2nd senerio, I have not been able to find a solution.
    Siri appears to be a toy and an advertizing campain talking voice but little else. Upsetting as it was one of the reasons for choosing this platform. It will get better but not soon enough.
    For now considering turning it off and using regular voice control agumented by Plantronics Vocalast service. I can possibly go on business trips and use my phone hands free whith the state Siri is in right now.

  • LC  2 Error 1003 when executing external command brconnect on (xpgid=0,con

    Dear all,
    I am getting error in sm21.Please suggest .
    Details Page 2 Line 23 System Log: Local Analysis of clusa                    1
    Time     Type Nr  Clt User TCode Grp N Text
    10:00:32 DIA  000 600 DDIC       LC  2 Error 1003 when executing external command brconnect on (xpgid=0,convid=.)
    Error 1003 when executing external command brconnect on (xpgid=0,convid=.)
    Recording at local and central time........................ 10.05.2010 10:00:32
    Task...... Process                     User...... Terminal Session TCode Program  Cl Problem cl      Package
    06952      Dialog work process No. 000 DDIC                      1       SAPMSSY1 S  Operation Trace SBTC
    No documentation for syslog message LC 2 exists
      1 .... xpgid=0,convid=.
    Technical details
    File Offset RecFm System log Grp N variable message data
      224 260640                  LC  2 brconnect & &Error 1003 & & &

    Dear Juan,
    Please find the logs.Please suggest.
    dev_cp log
    Trace file of control program (trace level 3)
    < Function: BtcTrcInit> Function: main  SAPXPG 720
    2010-05-10--09-33-29 : Before BtcXpgDetach
      > Function: BtcXpgDetach  < Function: BtcXpgDetach  Accept RFC connection from R/3 system
    2010-05-10--09-33-29 : Before RfcAccept
    2010-05-10--09-33-29 : RfcAccept returned OK
    Begin of check_if_security_list
    security check switched OFF
    End of check_if_security_list
    Begin of check_trace_option
    End of check_trace_option
      Install RFC call SAPXPG_START_XPG
      Install RFC call SAPXPG_START_XPG_LONG
      Install RFC call SAPXPG_END_XPG
    2010-05-10--09-33-29 : Before first call of RFCDispatch
    Security: rfcexec_logon_check
      rfcexec_logon_check: logon_user =
      sapxpg_logon_check: rfc_attr.user = BASIS      
      rfcexec_logon_check: client =   
      > Function: BtcXpgStartXpgLong   
    2010-05-10--09-33-29 : Beginning of BtcXpgStartXpgLong
        > Function: BtcXpgStartXpgImportLong      > Function: BtcXpgParam      < Function: BtcXpgParam      > Function: BtcXpgParam      < Function: BtcXpgParam      > Function: BtcXpgParam      < Function: BtcXpgParam      > Function: BtcXpgParam      < Function: BtcXpgParam      > Function: BtcXpgParam      < Function: BtcXpgParam      > Function: BtcXpgParam      < Function: BtcXpgParam      > Function: BtcXpgParam      < Function: BtcXpgParam      > Function: BtcXpgParam      < Function: BtcXpgParam      > Function: BtcXpgTable      < Function: BtcXpgTable    < Function: BtcXpgStartXpgImportLong   
    BtcXpgStartXpgLong: special_trace_flag = <6>
        > Function: BtcXpgStartXpgInt      > Function: BtcXpgItTransfer        Content of source log table:
              Line  Text
              <No StdOut/StdErr output reported>
            Target log table is not identical to source
            ItGetLine terminated with NULL
          < Function: BtcXpgItTransfer      > Function: BtcTrcReset      < Function: BtcTrcReset      Call mode: VIA RFC
          Input arguments of BtcXpgStartXpg:
            External program: brtools
          tracecntl = : 6
          Display of Parameter string switched off !!
            Contents of control flags:
              StdIn control flag: redirect StdIn
              StdOut control flag: store StdOut output in memory
              StdErr control flag: store StdErr output in memory
              Trace control flag: unknown contents
              Termination control flag: control program will wait for termination
          > Function: BtcXpgCheck        > Function: BtcXpgArgv
              parameter number 1:
              parameter number 2:
              parameter number 3:
              parameter number 4:
              parameter number 5:
              parameter number 6:
              parameter number 7:
              Total number of arguments scanned: 7
              Argument argv[0]: brtools
            < Function: BtcXpgArgv      < Function: BtcXpgCheck      > Function: BtcXpgSigInst      < Function: BtcXpgSigInst      > Function: BtcXpgStart        Rearrange stderr to be collected in memory
            Rearrange stdout to be collected in memory
            Redirect stdin, read from NUL:
            > Function: BtcTrcInit< Function: BtcXpgStartStart status of external program: external program successfully started
    Id of external process: 0000005296
    StdOut/StdErr collected in memory
      Line  Text
      <No StdOut/StdErr output reported>
    < Function: BtcXpgStartXpgInt> Function: BtcXpgStartXpgExport  > Function: BtcXpgParam  < Function: BtcXpgParam  > Function: BtcXpgParam  < Function: BtcXpgParam  > Function: BtcXpgParam  < Function: BtcXpgParam< Function: BtcXpgStartXpgExport
    2010-05-10--09-33-29 : End of BtcXpgStartXpgLong
    < Function: BtcXpgStartXpgLong
    2010-05-10--09-33-29 : After first call of RFCDispatch
    Wait for RFC call SAPXPG_END_XPG
    2010-05-10--09-33-29 : Before second call of RFCDispatch
    Security: rfcexec_logon_check
    rfcexec_logon_check: logon_user =
    sapxpg_logon_check: rfc_attr.user = BASIS      
    rfcexec_logon_check: client =
    > Function: BtcXpgEndXpg 
    2010-05-10--09-33-29 : Beginning of BtcXpgEndXpg
      > Function: BtcXpgStartXpgExport    > Function: BtcXpgTable    < Function: BtcXpgTable  < Function: BtcXpgEndXpgImport  > Function: BtcXpgEndXpgInt    > Function: BtcXpgItTransfer      Content of source log table:
            Line  Text
            <No StdOut/StdErr output reported>
          Target log table is not identical to source
          ItGetLine terminated with NULL
        < Function: BtcXpgItTransfer    > Function: BtcXpgReadChild      Output of external command not written to log !!
          Process executing external program has terminated
        < Function: BtcXpgReadChild    > Function: BtcXpgEnd    < Function: BtcXpgEnd    Termination status of external program: no errors reported
        StdOut/StdErr collected in memory
      < Function: BtcXpgEndXpgInt  > Function: BtcXpgEndXpgExport    > Function: BtcXpgParam    < Function: BtcXpgParam    > Function: BtcXpgParam    < Function: BtcXpgParam  < Function: BtcXpgEndXpgExport 
    2010-05-10--09-33-30 : End of BtcXpgEndXpg
    < Function: BtcXpgEndXpg
    2010-05-10--09-33-30 : After second call of RFCDispatch
    2010-05-10--09-33-30 : After call of RfcClose (wait)
    < Function: main
    2010-05-10--09-33-30 : End of SAPXPG: main
    Trace file of External Program (trace level 3)
    < Function: BtcTrcInit> Function: BtcXpgStart  External program: brtools -sid prd -F printout alert_log 20100401000000 0128

  • Executing two commands at the same time from Runtime.getRuntime

    Hi everybody,
    I m executing a command of imageMagic from javacode to crop and for changing the quality of image.The code is as below :
    String changeQuality = new String("convert " + originalImage
                        + " -crop " + imageWidth + "x" + imageHeight + "+" + imageX
                        + "+" + imageY + " -quality " + quality + " " + finalImage);
    But before going to next page of jsp I want the size of the finalImage. So I m calling a new function from the base file, from which i m calling the above function, for getting the size of image:
    public String getSize(String finalImage) {
                   proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("identify " + finalImage);
    As identify cmd gives the size and various values of image but this command is showing the size zero. and if try to read the file then it shows FileNotFoundException.It means the file is not on the server.
    What should i do to execute both the command and getting the right result.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    Vivek Kumar Gupta

    Hi everyone,
    Nobody ans my question but finally i got the ans of my question.
    I use a input stream for reading the first one imagemagic command. through this the second command execute after the first command finished its execution.
    And my images are now displaying without error.
    I know now you all are thinking how great mind I am!!! hai na
    Hmm woh to main hoon.
    post a question if u have over here. Perhaps i can solve your prob.

  • How to Execute shell commands in OSB

    My Requirement:
    I have two sftp servers name ServerA and ServerB. Need to copy files from ServerA and place it on ServerB and change the file permissions to 777 after placing the files.
    The user i am connecting to ServerB has the access to override file permissions.
    1. With help of FTP adapter in OSB I am reading files from ServerA and writing on to ServerB  -- Completed and is working.
    2. How to override file permissions after placing the file ????? -- Yet to implement.
    Please suggest me how can i accomodate 2nd step.
    Suman V.

    If by "execute shell commands" you mean actually
    running a shell process (as opposed to just forking
    and executing specified programs) then I'd advise
    against it. The last thing you want is for the
    clients to be running arbitrary commands on the
    server. You don't want to make it possible for the
    client to run "rm -fr /" on your server.Right.
    I was assuming (perhaps with more optimism than is really warranted) that the OP was going to be in complete control of which commands were executed--that there'd be a small, fixed set in response to certain user actions.

  • The transaction is no longer active - Transaction timed out after 30 second

    We have an intermittent error here, and I'm a rookie. The error results in a 500 being sent to the customer every 10th-20th POST and only occurs under heavy load. The heavy loading is over the for the day, but it'll be back.
    My first suspicion was the app code doing transaction work and having database performance problems. But the app is non-transactional and the database is fine. The server farm nodes (4) are all experiencing the problems at equal rates, and the other apps on the farm are fine, so it appears to be app-specific rather than rooted in server state or database state.
    I looked at the stack a little more closely and it appears to be some kind of internal persistence issue, but a completely foreign one to me. We have no Persistent Stores configured, so I don't know where to even start on this puppy.
    EJB Exception occurred during invocation from home: weblogic.ejb.container.internal.StatelessEJBLocalHomeImpl@d1e1f4 threw exception: <1.0.0 nonfatal general error> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceException: The transaction is no longer active - status: 'Marked rollback. [Reason=weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 30 seconds
    BEA1-32AE928C966AC66F424D]'. No further JDBC access is allowed within this transaction.
    <1.0.0 nonfatal general error> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceException: The transaction is no longer active - status: 'Marked rollback. [Reason=weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 30 seconds
    BEA1-32AE928C966AC66F424D]'. No further JDBC access is allowed within this transaction.
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary.newStoreException(DBDictionary.java:3784)
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLExceptions.java:97)
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLExceptions.java:83)
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLExceptions.java:59)
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.SelectResultObjectProvider.handleCheckedException(SelectResultObjectProvider.java:155)
    at org.apache.openjpa.lib.rop.EagerResultList.<init>(EagerResultList.java:40)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.QueryImpl.toResult(QueryImpl.java:1219)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:987)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:839)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:770)
    at kodo.kernel.KodoQuery.execute(KodoQuery.java:47)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.DelegatingQuery.execute(DelegatingQuery.java:525)
    at org.apache.openjpa.persistence.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:229)
    at org.apache.openjpa.persistence.QueryImpl.getResultList(QueryImpl.java:269)
    at kodo.persistence.KodoQueryImpl.getResultList(KodoQueryImpl.java:213)
    at kodo.persistence.KodoQueryImpl.getResultList(KodoQueryImpl.java:213)
    at com.company.buapp.buslogic.helpers.ApproveApplicationHelper.createNewTransactionsExcludingApplication(ApproveApplicationHelper.java:167)
    at com.company.buapp.buslogic.helpers.ApproveApplicationHelper.createNewTransactions(ApproveApplicationHelper.java:129)
    at com.company.buapp.buslogic.helpers.ApproveApplicationHelper.stageAction(ApproveApplicationHelper.java:74)
    at com.company.buapp.buslogic.session.ApproveApplicationSessionBean.performAction(ApproveApplicationSessionBean.java:348)
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2150.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:281)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:187)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:154)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.doProceed(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:126)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.invoke(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:114)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:176)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.injection.EnvironmentInterceptor.invoke(EnvironmentInterceptor.java:68)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:176)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(ExposeInvocationInterceptor.java:89)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:176)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.doProceed(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:126)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.invoke(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:114)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:176)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:210)
    at $Proxy365.performAction(Unknown Source)
    at com.company.buapp.buslogic.session.ApproveApplicationSessionBean_gc4fhc_ApproveApplicationSessionLocalImpl.performAction(ApproveApplicationSessionBean_gc4fhc_ApproveApplicationSessionLocalImpl.java:148)
    at com.company.buapp.si.ApplicationWS.performAction(ApplicationWS.java:114)
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2149.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInvoker.invoke(WLSInvoker.java:50)
    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInvoker.invoke(WLSInvoker.java:42)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.server.sei.EndpointMethodHandler.invoke(EndpointMethodHandler.java:247)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.server.sei.SEIInvokerPipe.process(SEIInvokerPipe.java:97)
    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.MonitoringPipe.process(MonitoringPipe.java:98)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.protocol.soap.ServerMUPipe.process(ServerMUPipe.java:62)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.server.WSEndpointImpl$1.process(WSEndpointImpl.java:139)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter$HttpToolkit.handle(HttpAdapter.java:153)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter.handle(HttpAdapter.java:235)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.ServletAdapter.handle(ServletAdapter.java:97)
    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.HttpServletAdapter.post(HttpServletAdapter.java:36)
    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSServlet.doPost(JAXWSServlet.java:218)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:727)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:226)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:124)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:283)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:175)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:3395)
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:2140)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:2046)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1366)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:200)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:172)
    java.sql.SQLException: The transaction is no longer active - status: 'Marked rollback. [Reason=weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 30 seconds
    BEA1-32AE928C966AC66F424D]'. No further JDBC access is allowed within this transaction.
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSConnection.checkIfRolledBack(JTSConnection.java:178)
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSConnection.checkConnection(JTSConnection.java:188)
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.ResultSet.preInvocationHandler(ResultSet.java:57)
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.ResultSet_oracle_jdbc_driver_OracleResultSetImpl.next(Unknown Source)
    at org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet.next(DelegatingResultSet.java:106)
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.ResultSetResult.nextInternal(ResultSetResult.java:210)
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.SelectImpl$SelectResult.nextInternal(SelectImpl.java:2209)
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.AbstractResult.next(AbstractResult.java:168)
    at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.SelectResultObjectProvider.next(SelectResultObjectProvider.java:99)
    at org.apache.openjpa.lib.rop.EagerResultList.<init>(EagerResultList.java:35)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.QueryImpl.toResult(QueryImpl.java:1219)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:987)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:839)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:770)
    at kodo.kernel.KodoQuery.execute(KodoQuery.java:47)
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.DelegatingQuery.execute(DelegatingQuery.java:525)
    at org.apache.openjpa.persistence.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:229)
    at org.apache.openjpa.persistence.QueryImpl.getResultList(QueryImpl.java:269)
    at kodo.persistence.KodoQueryImpl.getResultList(KodoQueryImpl.java:213)
    at kodo.persistence.KodoQueryImpl.getResultList(KodoQueryImpl.java:213)
    at com.company.buapp.buslogic.helpers.ApproveApplicationHelper.createNewTransactionsExcludingApplication(ApproveApplicationHelper.java:167)
    at com.company.buapp.buslogic.helpers.ApproveApplicationHelper.createNewTransactions(ApproveApplicationHelper.java:129)
    at com.company.buapp.buslogic.helpers.ApproveApplicationHelper.stageAction(ApproveApplicationHelper.java:74)
    at com.company.buapp.buslogic.session.ApproveApplicationSessionBean.performAction(ApproveApplicationSessionBean.java:348)
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2150.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:281)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:187)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:154)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.doProceed(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:126)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.invoke(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:114)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:176)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.injection.EnvironmentInterceptor.invoke(EnvironmentInterceptor.java:68)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:176)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(ExposeInvocationInterceptor.java:89)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:176)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.doProceed(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:126)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.support.DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.invoke(DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor.java:114)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:176)
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:210)
    at $Proxy365.performAction(Unknown Source)
    at com.company.buapp.buslogic.session.ApproveApplicationSessionBean_gc4fhc_ApproveApplicationSessionLocalImpl.performAction(ApproveApplicationSessionBean_gc4fhc_ApproveApplicationSessionLocalImpl.java:148)
    at com.company.buapp.si.ApplicationWS.performAction(ApplicationWS.java:114)
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2149.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInvoker.invoke(WLSInvoker.java:50)
    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInvoker.invoke(WLSInvoker.java:42)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.server.sei.EndpointMethodHandler.invoke(EndpointMethodHandler.java:247)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.server.sei.SEIInvokerPipe.process(SEIInvokerPipe.java:97)
    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.MonitoringPipe.process(MonitoringPipe.java:98)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.protocol.soap.ServerMUPipe.process(ServerMUPipe.java:62)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.server.WSEndpointImpl$1.process(WSEndpointImpl.java:139)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter$HttpToolkit.handle(HttpAdapter.java:153)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter.handle(HttpAdapter.java:235)
    at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.ServletAdapter.handle(ServletAdapter.java:97)
    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.HttpServletAdapter.post(HttpServletAdapter.java:36)
    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSServlet.doPost(JAXWSServlet.java:218)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:727)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:226)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:124)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:283)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:175)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:3395)
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:2140)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:2046)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1366)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:200)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:172)

    This was actually my first conclusion as well. But when I went to the Data Source for this connection, I found it's a non-transactional driver. That's what made me go back and give the trace a second look. I don't see any references to the Data Source in question. It's OpenJPA stuff and Session persistence stuff.Non-XA drivers can still participate in an XA transaction via a variety of JDBC data source options - for example, labeled "1PC" and "LLR" on the console. (If you want to understand the particulars search for "JTS" or "LLR" in the JDBC edocs).
    You seem to be suggesting maybe the setting can be made in a config doc, possibly of the app itself, right? Right. EJBs have a transaction-timeout attribute.
    As opposed to setting it in the console. WebLogic has a domain wide default transaction-timeout setting that can be set on the console, but I tend not to recommend using it. In addition, there's something called a "deployment plan" which can be used to override some of the common EJB attributes via configuration, but I'm not personally familiar with its usage.
    But isn't the setting vapor if we're using a nonXA driver?No.
    I wonder if this thing couldn't be telling me it's waiting on the persistence subsystem to come available to store simple session data? Sometimes the problem is that there are periodic app requests that are more complex/larger than others. Sometimes the system is simply overloaded, and takes 30 seconds to honor a request that might normally take 10 seconds.
    That other app is all about persistence. What if app2 is sucking some persistence subsystem dry and app 1 is waiting just to store session data? Could be.
    If the nonXA thing really does kill the quick timeout workaround, how could I health-check the persistence subsystem?Don't know. At a wild guess I'd check for CPU's at 100% on all involved serves, and examine database stats.

  • File Receiver Adapter:Run Operating System COmmand after message Processig:

    Dear All,
    I have gone through this link
    But i have a problem.
    In the scenario which we have, File name is DYNAMICALLY GENERATED by a UDF
    I want to call the file at run time after message processing via Command Line and execute some os commands.
    But since the file name is Dynamic....How will i call the file at run time in Command Line:
    SYNTAX: %f(FileName)
    How will i specify the file name in the above syntax as the file name is Dynamic and not constatnt.
    Please Advice.

    Dear All,
    Yes just now i got the answer from this thread[OS command line script - Need help;
    Actually i have another doubt now
    when we give Run Operating system Command After Message processing
    does the OS command get executed after the output file is placed in the Receiver folder/server or before its placed in the receiver folder?

  • How to invoke BASH shell and execute a command in that shell in Windows 98

    Hello, I have a problem and if somebody will help me, I will be very glad. Thank you.
    I am using BASH shell on Windows 98 OS by means of CYGWIN. And I want to invoke this BASH shell and execute a preprogrammed command in the shell (./scan fileName.txt) from a JAVA program. But so far, I am not sucessful. I can not read or write anything from / to BASH shell. It either blocks and freezes (When I use waitFor( ) ) or appears and disappears without executing scan command (When I do not use waitFor( ) ). My code is like this:
    // This method is used for compiling a file.
    // It invokes BASH shell and executes "./scan fileName.txt" command
    public void compileFileMethod () {
    try {
    Process proc = ( Runtime.getRuntime() ).exec ("C:\\MyDocuments\\CYGWIN.BAT); //I also tried to add -c ./scan fileName.txt after .BAT );
    // I also tried to write "C:\\MyDocuments\\BASH.EXE" but it did not help
    OutputStream ostr = proc.getOutputStream();
    BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( new OutputStreamWriter (ostr) );
    InputStream istr = proc.getInputStream();
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader (istr) );
    InputStream errorStr = proc.getErrorStream();
    BufferedReader errorBr = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader (errorStr) );
    bw.write("scan case40.10.txt"); /* I am trying to input the scan command to the shell,but it is not working*/
    Vector list = new Vector (1) ;
    String str;
    while ( (str = br.readLine() ) != null) {
    } // End of while
    Enumeration enumForList = list.elements();
    while ( enumForList.hasMoreElements() ) {
    String tempString;
    tempString = ( String ) enumForList.nextElement();
    System.out.println(tempString); // I am trying to read the outputs of the scan command but it is not reading (I can not see any output)
    I tried with and without waitFor( ), it did not work
    // wait for command to terminate
    // close streams
    } // End of try
    catch ( IOException ioe ) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Input / output error occured while compiling file ", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    } // End of catch
    catch ( SecurityException se ) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Security error occured while compiling file ", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    catch ( InterruptedException ie ) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Interruption error occured while compiling file ", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    } // End of method compileFileMethod
    // Thank you for your helps and time.

    You cannot invoke BAT files directly, you have to invoke the program that run those files which is your Windows 98 shell. For example (under windows 2000), i would invoke "cmd.exe sricpt.bat some args", rather than "script.bar some args".
    Hope this will help you out.

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