Execute MAXL file with Workspace

I like to know if exists a method for start a MAXL file (write with Essbase Maxl Editor) with command like:
alter system set variable ‘name_variable’ ‘new_value’;
from workspace or without go into Essbase.
Thanks a lot!

Yeah, yeah, old thread. But just in case anyone runs across this, check out this related thread:
maxl run from workspace
Cameron Lackpour

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    machinename VARCHAR2(64);
    osuserid VARCHAR2(30);
    v_sid NUMBER(10);
    v_serial NUMBER(10);
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    machinename VARCHAR2(64);
    osuserid VARCHAR2(30);
    v_sid NUMBER(10);
    v_serial NUMBER(10);
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    FROM v$session WHERE audsid = userenv('sessionid');
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    CLOSE c1;
    LOGON FAIL trigger
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    machinename VARCHAR2(64);
    osuserid VARCHAR2(30);
    v_sid NUMBER(10);
    v_serial NUMBER(10);
    CURSOR c1 IS
    SELECT sid, serial#, osuser, machine
    FROM v$session WHERE audsid = userenv('sessionid');
    OPEN c1;
    FETCH c1 INTO v_sid, v_serial, osuserid, machinename;
    INSERT INTO logonaudittable VALUES ( 'FAILLOGON', v_sid, v_serial, sysdate,
    user, osuserid, machinename );
    CLOSE c1;
    END IF;
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    Execute WRITELOG.EXE event sid orario username
    So my program will write a Log in Windows with this data:
    Event: LOGON
    Sid: 2938473
    Orario: 12/12/2011 11:45:32
    Username: Scott
    And so on.
    I already have the program that does this, I need to execute the program with the right data directly from trigger or from a procedure executed by my trigger.
    Hope I've been clear and REALLY hope someone can help me!!!
    Thank you all!

    The java and PL/SQL you need to set up is in the very first response in the link. (I don't have a windows Oracle DB DBMS_JAVA to try it myself). Change the UNIX command '/usr/bin/ls' to your Windows command 'c:\yourdirectory\FILE.EXE'. Assuming you created everything and set permissions as Tom describes (later in the thread), your PL/SQL call in your trigger might look something like this:
    machinename VARCHAR2(64);
    osuserid VARCHAR2(30);
    v_sid NUMBER(10);
    v_serial NUMBER(10);
    CURSOR c1 IS
    SELECT sid, serial#, osuser, machine
    FROM v$session WHERE audsid = userenv('sessionid');
    OPEN c1;
    FETCH c1 INTO v_sid, v_serial, osuserid, machinename;
    INSERT INTO logonaudittable VALUES ( 'LOGON', v_sid, v_serial, sysdate,
    user, osuserid, machinename );
    RUN_CMD('c:\yourdirectory\FILE.EXE LOGON '||v_sid||' '||v_serial||' '||to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY')||' '||user||' '||osuserid||' '||machinename);
    CLOSE c1;
    Since you want to log what the trigger is writing to the table, you can call the executable with the same information you are writing, instead of writing then reading it back out again.

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              String command="C:\\Program Files\\BMC Software\\CONTROL-M EM 6.2.01\\bin\\deftable.exe -u abc -p abc567 -s q23.nz.dq.com -src DBIQ-EURILIBORROB.exp";
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    Edited by: Robin_Jacob on Aug 14, 2009 5:09 AM

    Thanks a lot mate.. It works now.. But i had to do a little more changes.
    I was getting an exception
    java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: process has not exited
         at java.lang.ProcessImpl.exitValue(Native Method)
         at com.Test.test1(Test.java:94)
         at com.Test.main(Test.java:23)
    when my code was like this:
    File f = new File ("C:\\Program Files\\BMC Software\\CONTROL-M EM 6.2.01\\bin"); // The working directory - not the file to be processed
    String[] command = {f.getAbsolutePath() + "\\deftable.exe", "-u", "abc", "-p", "abc567", "-s", "q23.nz.dq.com", "-src","DBIQ-EURILIBORROB.exp"};
    Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command,null,f);
    int exitVal = proc.exitValue();
    } catch (Throwable t){
    But it worked when i changed the code as shown below it worked fine
    public static void test1() throws IOException
    File f = new File ("C:\\Program Files\\BMC Software\\CONTROL-M EM 6.2.01\\bin"); // The working directory - not the file to be processed
    String[] command = {f.getAbsolutePath() + "\\deftable.exe", "-u", "abc", "-p", "abc567", "-s", "q23.nz.dq.com", "-src","DBIQ-EURILIBORROB.exp"};
         Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command,null,f);
         InputStream in = proc.getInputStream();
              InputStream err = proc.getErrorStream();
              BufferedReader readIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
              BufferedReader readErr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(err));
              int b;
              int exit = -1;
              boolean bReady = false;
              while (!bReady) {
                   try {
                        exit = proc.exitValue();
                        bReady = true;
                   } catch (IllegalThreadStateException isex) {
                   suckStreams(readIn, readErr);
              System.out.println("Exit Status :" + exit);
    public static void suckStreams(BufferedReader readIn, BufferedReader readErr) {
              try {
                   while (readIn.ready() || readErr.ready()) {
                        if (readIn.ready())
                        if (readErr.ready())
              } catch (IOException ex) {
                   System.err.println("suckStreams: " + ex);

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    You need to use Integration technology like BlazeDS or LCDS.

  • Deployment with encrypted Maxl files

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    I'd like to know how encrypted maxl files work if I need to deploy them to different servers. This is, I create the maxl files to automate everytihng and I encrypt them in a test server. After deployment to a different production server, are the public/private keys going to work with no problem? Or I should re-encryp everything with new keys generated in the production server?

    You need to create new
    For Assistance you can use below Comments
    You need to use the MaxL encryption tool to do this. The passwords stored in the MaxL Scripts can be encrypted from Version of Essbase 9.3 or higher.
    To Encrypt the Scripts:
    a) The following MaxL Shell invocation generates a public-private key pair that you can use to encrypt a MaxL script.
    essmsh -gk
    b) The following MaxL Shell invocation encrypts the input MaxL script, obscuring user name and password, and changing the file extension to .mxls.
    essmsh -E scriptname.mxl PUBLIC-KEY
    c) The following MaxL Shell invocation decrypts and executes the MaxL script.
    essmsh -D scriptname.mxls PRIVATE-KEY
    STEP 1: In the command prompt type:
    C:\>essmsh -gk
    STEP 2: In the command prompt, execute as below:
    C:\>essmsh -E D:\Hyperion\MScript.mxl 29287,1495101497
    Generates a Encrypted MaxL script file "MScript.mxls" based on the original MaxL script "MScript.mxl" in the location "D:\Hyperion".
    STEP 3: Execute Encrypted MaxL script MScript.mxls
    C:\>essmsh -D D:\Hyperion\MScript.mxls 1165863655,1495101497
    Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 9.3.1 (ESB9.
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    All rights reserved.
    MAXL> login $key 8432115901043363023058112802217170696731 $key 46195519111827550
    39099976036415811280221 on localhost;
    Hope this helps

  • How do I import old FCP projects that have mysteriously changed to Linux Executable files?  Is it as simple as renaming the files with the.fcp extension?

    I had some FCP projects on an old G3 tower that I finally want to finish. I was able to grab everything, media, etc. to my macbook pro but all of the Final Cut Pro actual movies/projects have turned into "linux executable files" that FCP X won't import.
    I tried googling this issue but didn't really see any good answers. Would it be as simple as renaming the files with the .fcp extension?  I can't recall if my old version (really old) of FCP saves projects as .mov or .fcp files, but I'm assuming I'm not the only person this has happened to.
    Thanks for your help!

    I had some FCP projects on an old G3 tower that I finally want to finish.
    What version of FCP was this? The project files can probably no longer be opened in the newer version of the OS. You could try adding the .fcp suffix, but I don't think it will help for this. Projects files are .fcp.
    Regardless of the version, no legacy FCP projects will import into FCPX.
    Media is a different matter. These are probably QuickTime .mov files. If these are appearing as Unix ececutables, they're probably not recoverable either.

  • An attempt to open a pdf file with Photoshop Elements (version 12) resulted in a pop generated by the Photoshop Editor stated "Impossible to execute this operation (opening file) because one of the specified colour is not managed". Is there any mean to ad

    An attempt to open a pdf file with Photoshop Elements (version 12) resulted in a pop generated by the Photoshop Editor stated "Impossible to execute this operation (opening file) because one of the specified colour is not managed". Is there any mean to adapt the file to make its reading possible?
    Did somebody get the same problem?

    It is a high order probability that your SQL's report generator is creating the PDF, not Acrobat (which by design and EULA cannot be used in as/with server).
    That the report generator outputs to an old-old version of PDF bears this out.
    Wiki articles on PDF are very nice for those high level intro summaries.
    To know / understand PDF you purchase and study the ISO Standard for PDF (ISO 32000-1:2008).
    Rather than "PDF validation" you may want to consider addressing the appearent root cause of the problem(s).
    You can change the email2fax application to one that can deal with older PDF versions.
    You can change the report generator to one that can output to the ISO Standard.
    (Perhaps the in-use application can be configured to output to the current version of PDF (i.e., the ISO Standard).
    Be well...

  • How to execute one .exe file with as3 in air ?

    How to execute one .exe file with as3 in air?
    I want do this work without fscommand .
    plize help me .

    itsdhanasaraa wrote:
    But as this a web application ... By using Runtime i'm getting some probs ..
    Let me guess, you want your web application to run a program on the client and to your surprise that's not working?
    Ain't gonna happen.
    its taking more time to execute .... that's y is there any other option to execute .exe file other than Runtime.getRuntime().exec("filename");Write proper English and you may be taken more seriously.
    1) it's not "taking more time to execute", whatever that's supposed to mean.
    2) there's no other way to execute something. Not that you should every use even that way anyway
    3) whenever you start thinking of executing external programs from Java, start thinking of not using Java in the first place.

  • How to execute a scenario File to File with SAP XI ?

    Hi all,
    I'm starting study SAP XI, i see in the link follow:
    a scenario to exchange file to file with SAP XI.
    After designing and configuration everything (same as tutorial of this scenario), i don't known how to execute this scenario.
    Anyone can answer my question: how to execute this scenario file to file?
    Please see the link below to understand more about this scenario.
    Thanks all a lot in advance,
    Point will be reward for any valuable answer.
    Vinh Vo

    Hi Vinh,
    Hope u read all the basic documents of the XI, if not please go through once u wil come to know how to execute a scenario.
    the step-by-step procedure for a simple file-file scenario...
    First u have to finish the Design Part in the IR
    1) Create Data types
    2) Create Message Types
    3) Create Message Interface
    4) Message Mapping
    5) Message Interface.
    Here it complete the desing part.
    Then start thr configuration:-
    1) Create the Configuration Scenario
    2) Create the Business system and create the Communication Channel.
    3)  Sender Agreement
    4) Receiver Determination
    5) Interface Determination
    6) Receiver Determination.
    If u perfome this steps u wil be successfully complete u r File- File Scenario.
    follow the below link to have clear picture of file-file scenario
    Hope this helps u a lot.....
    Edited by: Venkat Anil Gannavarapu on Jun 11, 2008 11:36 AM
    Edited by: Venkat Anil Gannavarapu on Jun 11, 2008 11:40 AM

  • SSIS - How to run command line to copy files with User Variables within a Execute Process Task

    I'm am having syntax issues within the Arguments when trying to copy a file with cmd.exe using User Variables.
    It works when I hard code the arguments : /c copy /b  "\\folder1\file.txt" "\\folder2\file.txt"
    However, it's failing when I try using User Variables to replace the directory and file.
    User::FILES = \\folder1\file.txt
    User::FILE_NAME = file.txt
    "/c copy /b + @[User::FILES] + \" \\\\folder2\\" + @[User::FILE_NAME]"
    Does anybody know what's wrong with my syntax?

    Hi SSISBeginner,
    Assuming the source file is "C:\Temp\Source\file.txt", the destination folder is "C:\Temp\Destination", the expression of FILES variable is "C:\Temp\Source\file.txt", and the expression of FILE_NAME variable is file.txt. Then, we can use the following
    expression for the Argument property of the Execute Process Task:
    "/C COPY /B "  +  @[User::FILES] + " C:\\Temp\\Destination\\" +   @[User::FILE_NAME]
    Note: Pay attention to the spaces in the double quotes in the expression.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Execute an ABAP ".txt" file with a call function

    I'd like to know if it exist a "call function" or another way to execute an Abap program which is written within a ".txt" file.
    1. I'd like to write an Abap program into a ".txt" file
    2. Create an Abap program which will read the ".txt" file (& upload it into an internal table for example) & execute this Abap code.
    Is it possible?
    Thanks in advance for your answer.

    Something like this -:)
    REPORT z_test_query.
    * TYPES                                                           *
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_lines,
           line TYPE string,
           END OF ty_lines.
    * TABLAS INTERNAS                                                 *
    DATA: t_lines TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_lines,
          t_program TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF progtab WITH HEADER LINE,
          t_writes TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF listzeile.
    * VARIABLES                                                       *
    DATA: w_file_name TYPE string.
    * FIELD-SYMBOLS                                                   *
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_lines> LIKE LINE OF t_lines,
                   <fs_write> LIKE LINE OF t_writes.
    * SELECTION-SCREEN                                                *
                p_file TYPE rlgrap-filename.
    * AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST                            *
      PERFORM get_filename CHANGING p_file.
    *&      Form  GET_FILENAME                                        *
    FORM get_filename CHANGING po_p_file.
      DATA: ls_field_name TYPE dynpread-fieldname.
      ls_field_name = 'P_FILE'.
                program_name  = syst-cprog
                dynpro_number = syst-dynnr
                field_name    = ls_field_name
                file_name     = po_p_file.
      w_file_name = po_p_file.
    ENDFORM.                    " GET_FILENAME
    *   START-OF-SELECTION                                            *
                filename = w_file_name
                data_tab = t_lines.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        LOOP AT t_lines ASSIGNING <fs_lines>.
          MOVE <fs_lines>-line TO t_program-line.
          APPEND t_program.
                mode        = 'F'
                programname = 'ZDUMMY_TEST'
                program     = t_program
                writes      = t_writes.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        LOOP AT t_writes ASSIGNING <fs_write>.
          WRITE:/ <fs_write>-zeile.

Maybe you are looking for