Execute Task in PAPI

Hi Guys!
I need to know how to run a Task type Decision by PAPI in Oracle BPM Standallone in version 10r3
Can anyone help?

Hi all,
I need to execute a business decision(Activity type decision), I believe only exists in version Oracle 10r3. If I'm wrong can exist also in version 6.04.
In my code below, I can get the variables of the activity of decision, but must also get the buttons that the user can click, so when I run on your device the activity I can inform pro BPM server, which was the user selected.
System.out.println("Mapping Decision Values");
int mapsize = session.instanceGetData(instance).asMap().size();
java.util.Iterator obj = session.instanceGetData(instance).asMap().entrySet().iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < mapsize; i++)
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) obj.next();
Object key = (Object) entry.getKey();
Object value = (Object) entry.getValue();
System.out.println("Key : "+key.toString()+" - "+"Value: "+value.toString());

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    Thank you for your reply, Daniel.
    But I think I did not express my mind clearly.
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    uspGenerateTasksForFailedSSISPackage is a stored procedure that inserts into a table. 
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspGenerateTasksForForFailedSSISPackage] 
     @strTaskDescription varchar(max) = NULL
      @dtEnteredDateAndDueDate date = GetDate(),
      @intTodoCategoryCode int = 13,
      @strEnteredBy varchar(20) = 'AUTO'
       INSERT INTO ToDos (UserID, EnteredBy, EnteredDate, DueDate, Description, CategoryCode)
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  • Problem executing task in consolidation monitor

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    Task 001001 cannot be executed in period 001
    Message no. UCS0150
    No method with a period category containing period 001 is assigned to task 001001 in version 111 for the time period 2008/001.
    System Response
    Task cannot be executed in period 001.
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    Hi Sameer K
    Now I got the same error message, when executing data collection task in cons monitor.
    I did as per inputs provided by you in this thread.  But it was not work.
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    Assign method: Depends on Company (I configred data collection method for each company)
    Pls provide inputs to resolve

  • Error Task Sequence Manager failed to execute task sequence. Code 0x80004005 TSManager

    Dear All,
    I need your Help, as I am getting below mention error in deployment of OS through MDT 2013.
    Expand a string: WinPEandFullOS    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:40:50 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Executing command line: cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTIApply.wsf"    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:40:50 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
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    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
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    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionSucceeded=false    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
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    Let the parent group (Install) decides whether to continue execution    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    The execution of the group (Install) has failed and the execution has been aborted. An action failed.
    Operation aborted (Error: 80004004; Source: Windows)    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Failed to run the last action: Install Operating System. Execution of task sequence failed.
    Unknown error (Error: 000015FB; Source: Unknown)    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Sending status message . . .    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Executing in non SMS standalone mode. Ignoring send a task execution status message request    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
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    ****************************************************************************    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Task sequence execution failed with error code 80004005    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Cleaning Up. Removing Authenticator    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Cleaning up task sequence folder    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    DeleteFileW(sVolumeIDFile.c_str()), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,508)    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    DeleteFileW(sVolumeIDFile.c_str()), HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,508)    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Successfully unregistered Task Sequencing Environment COM Interface.    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Command line for extension .exe is "%1" %*    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Set command line: "X:\Deploy\Tools\X86\TsProgressUI.exe" /Unregister    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Executing command line: "X:\Deploy\Tools\X86\TsProgressUI.exe" /Unregister    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    ==========[ TsProgressUI started in process 320 ]==========    TsProgressUI    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    552 (0x0228)
    Command line: "X:\Deploy\Tools\X86\TsProgressUI.exe" /Unregister    TsProgressUI    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    552 (0x0228)
    Unregistering COM classes    TsProgressUI    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    552 (0x0228)
    Unregistering class objects    TsProgressUI    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    552 (0x0228)
    Shutdown complete.    TsProgressUI    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    552 (0x0228)
    Process completed with exit code 0    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Successfully unregistered TS Progress UI.    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    g_TSManager.Run(), HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmanager\tsmanager.cpp,657)    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Error Task Sequence Manager failed to execute task sequence. Code 0x80004005    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Sending error status message    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    In non SMS staqndalone mode.Ignoring SendStatusMessage request    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Finalizing logging from process 1456    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Finalizing logs to root of first available drive    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Successfully finalized logs to C:\SMSTSLog    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Cleaning up task sequencing logging configuration.    TSManager    6/5/2014 11:51:18 AM    1464 (0x05B8)
    Deployment is going failed.

    Note:Only mass storage device drivers and network adapter device drivers should be added to boot images because other types of
    drivers are not needed and will increase the size of the boot image:
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • UCBATCH00 and UCBATCH01 execute task

    Hi All,
    I have to upload my consolidation data in SEM BCS using a task. WE have two program UCBATCH00 to execute a task. When i use this program in foreground then it gives me statistical report about uploaded data. When ever i execute the same program in background then it does not create any report in spool.
    I have to schedule this program in background and need a statistical report in spool for do the analysis later on.
    There is another program UCBATCH01 (Schedule and Execute Task). Even though this program does not create any report in spool when i schedule in background.
    I need to execute my task in background and need a statistical report in spool to analyse later on.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sayed,
    My apologies. I have a similar query on the Bangladesh slabwise query you posted earlier. If you could, please kindly share with me how do you configure for Bangladesh WHT requirements.
    If you could, please reply to the message that you posted earlier on the query for Bangladesh WHT with your solution.
    Hope to hear from you soon as I am also encountering a similar requirement from my client for Bangladesh too.

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    I updated the pricelists from BCC, an error occurred when I attempted to execute task 'Approve and Deploy to Production', it shows ‘atg.epub.workflow.process.WorkflowProcessResources->invalidTargetName : There is no target with the given name Production.’
    Here is the ATGPublishing server error log:
    atg.process.action.ActionException: atg.epub.workflow.process.WorkflowProcessResources->invalidTargetName : There is no target with the given name Production.
    Can anyone tell me how to resolve this error. Thank you in advance.

    Check this in your production BCC component browser.
    Search for approveAndDeployProject, you will find the target. Make sure its correct and same String value is used in BCC when creating sites.
    And make
    Otherwise send me the contents from dyn/admin

  • Object instance 1200 does not exist (while executing task SWUS)

    hello all,
    i have created a workflow class and two methods (constructor, display) and 1 attribute PLANT (instance,public) in it.
    i am using this class and display method in task t code PFTC.
    While executing this task from SWUS , i am getting this error.Object instance 1000 does not exist.
    As i was going through this blog. i have created everything exactly just like it is mentioned there.
    But still i am getting this error. please guide me to detect where i am mistaken.
    this is class screen-shot and error i am facing while executing the task.
    The methods which are implemented using the interface are emtpy(don't contain any source code lines).

    sorry i forgot to mention that input value 1000 does exist in our system.
    i have also tried F4 help. it is showing all existing plants in our system, but still it is not accepting values select from f4 help.
    Also to add information,
    I have executed class using F8 option in class builder, and it is working perfect.
    source code of display method.(i am trying to view plant in display method just like in blog).
    method DISPLAY.
       data: ls_vt001w type v_t001w.
       CLEAR ls_vT001W.
       ls_VT001W-MANDT = SY-MANDT.
       ls_VT001W-WERKS = me->PLANT.
           ACTION    = 'SHOW'
           VIEW_NAME = 'V_T001W'
           ENTRY     = ls_vT001W.

  • CannotUser execute task -- " anonymous " has not been assigned task

    I'm trying to build a prototype a workflow using WLI Integration(WLPI).
    I've created a workflow using WLPI Studio and am able to start the instances using
    JMS messages. However, when I try to execute one of the task which I 've assigned
    to user "admin" I get the following error. Please note that I have connected to
    WLPI using "admin" user only and got a handle to worklist. It seems to be an issue
    with security realm but I'm not able to figure out what it is...Can somebody help
    me on it???
    <Mar 26, 2003 5:46:55 PM EST> <Error> <BPM> <500212> <<wlpirequest>
    <started>2003-03-26 17:46:55.332</started>
    <error time="2003-03-26 17:46:55.362">WorkflowException: User "<anonymous>"
    has not been assigned task "Identify Samp
    <completed>2003-03-26 17:46:55.372</completed>
    User "<anonymous>" has not been assigned task "Identify Samples".
    User "<anonymous>" has not been assigned task "Identify Samples".

    Firstly Thanks for the response Chris.
    I'm not using any combination of older version of WLS and 7.0. I've downloaded
    the trial version of weblogic platform 7.0 and working on it.
    I forgot to mention one thing that in order to fix the problem I have modified
    the wlpi-ejb.jar to removethe method permissions.
    Chris Stead <[email protected]> wrote:
    Since I see the requester identified as <anonymous>, I am assuming you
    are trying some combination of inter operability between older versions
    of WLS and 7.0. If that is the case, the following link may provide
    some insight for your problem:
    The only caveat is the fact that you are logged in as admin, which
    should be an authenticated user for BPM, therefore not represented by
    the guest user...Have you modified the permissions of the admin user?
    Specifically removed the Execute_Template permission from admin?
    Vinkal wrote:
    I'm trying to build a prototype a workflow using WLI Integration(WLPI).
    I've created a workflow using WLPI Studio and am able to start theinstances using
    JMS messages. However, when I try to execute one of the task whichI 've assigned
    to user "admin" I get the following error. Please note that I haveconnected to
    WLPI using "admin" user only and got a handle to worklist. It seemsto be an issue
    with security realm but I'm not able to figure out what it is...Cansomebody help
    me on it???
    <Mar 26, 2003 5:46:55 PM EST> <Error> <BPM> <500212> <<wlpirequest>
    <started>2003-03-26 17:46:55.332</started>
    <error time="2003-03-26 17:46:55.362">WorkflowException: User "<anonymous>"
    has not been assigned task "Identify Samp
    <completed>2003-03-26 17:46:55.372</completed>
    User "<anonymous>" has not been assigned task "Identify Samples".
    User "<anonymous>" has not been assigned task "Identify Samples".

  • DBMS_ADVISOR execute task

    Since the upgrade from Oracle 10 to 11 I see that DBMS_ADVISOR.EXECUTE_TASK() fails with error message:
    ORA-01843: not a valid month
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ADVISOR", line 201
    ORA-06512: at line 30I tried to look in dbmsadv.sql but couldn't find the reason. It used to work with Oracle 10.

    Could someone give me some suggestion as to why I am getting invalid month? Below is my sqlset. This worked fine with 10g:
    spool output.dat
    --Create SQL Workload - easily done with the statements gathered in a snapshot.
    --For example, from 7am to 8am, snapid range is 3153 - 3154
    #Use this for new SQLSET
      baseline_ref_cursor DBMS_SQLTUNE.SQLSET_CURSOR;
      open baseline_ref_cursor for
         select value(p) from table (DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY(9027, 9029,  'execut
    ions > 1 and disk_reads > 100', NULL, 'disk_reads')) p;
      DBMS_SQLTUNE.LOAD_SQLSET('E_TEST_SQLSET', baseline_ref_cursor);
    --To see what qualifies for analysis execute the following
    set long 1024
    --To analyize the tuning set:
    VARIABLE name VARCHAR2(20)
      :name := 'E_TEST_WORKLOAD';
      :task_name := 'E_SQLACCESS_TASK';
      DBMS_ADVISOR.DELETE_TASK (:task_name);
    variable saved_stmts NUMBER
    variable failed_stmts NUMBER
    mts, :failed_stmts);
    PRINT saved_stmts
    PRINT failed_stmts
    VARIABLE task_name VARCHAR2(255)
           :task_name := 'E_SQLACCESS_TASK';
           DBMS_ADVISOR.CREATE_TASK ('SQL Access Advisor', :task_id, :task_name);
    PRINT task_id
    --Now we need to associate the SQL Workload with the Tuning Task:
    PRINT task_name
    --Now execute the advisor task
    SELECT rec_id, action_id, substr(command,1,30) AS command
         FROM user_advisor_actions
         WHERE task_name = :task_name
         ORDER BY rec_id, action_id;
    create directory advisor_results as '/tmp/tunedir';
    -- Rank based on cost
    SELECT r.type, r.Rank, r.benefit, f.impact_type, f.impact, f.message
    FROM dba_advisor_recommendations r, dba_advisor_findings f
    WHERE r.task_name = 'TASK_4502' AND r.finding_id = f.finding_id AND r.task_id =  f.task_id
    ORDER BY r.rank ASC, r.benefit DESC;I get
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-01843: not a valid month
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ADVISOR", line 201
    ORA-06512: at line 2

  • Malformed URL when executing task flow

    Dear Gurus,
    when executing a recently created task flow in my project,after authentication, I get a 401 error message. I have applied the authenitcated-role in my task flow in jan-data.xml file, so this error does not make sense.
    However, i have noticed that in the formed URL there is something strange. In the adf.tfId= part of the URL, the id of the task flow mentioned is different from the adf.tfDoc= part, where the actual XML file of the task flow is mentioned. The id of the task flow in adf.tfId belongs to another task flow.
    Below, the created URL is depicted
    When I manually change the adf.tfId to the id of the task flow I want to run, the task flow runs normally.
    Can somebody explain me what is wrong?

    Check whether here is some point to you

  • Executable task name 200429

    I'm using LV8.5 with NI-DAQmx 8.6.  Getting error code -200429 "Value passed to the Task?Channels In control is an empty string (or I/O control).  The value must refer to a valid task or valid channel"
    This error is intermittent, meaning sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't .. although it works most of the time.  However, the error only ever occurs with the executable version of the code, not in the development environment.  I have an indicator telling me the task name just before going into the sub vi where the error occurs (usually something like "_unnamedTask<1E1>"), but the indicator passed out of the sub vi that tells me the task name within shows a blank name ... thus the error.  So it appears the task name/reference is not be passed into the sub vi.  Any clues?
    Go to Solution.

    Post your VI's so we can see what is going on inside.

  • Error executing task

    Hi all,
    I'm getting the following exception when I try to execute a task:
    (Unknown Source)
    Any ideas?
    Egor Savotchkin

    Why are the server and the agent on the same machine? This is a complete violation of the most basic principles of auditing and separation.
    My recommendation would be to install on a completely different server.
    If for some reason you can not do so then you will need to post the commands you used to install the agent and the corresponding pieces of the AV Server install so that we can see what you did incorrectly.
    At this point all I can see is that the agent can not communicate with the server which points to where you pointed the agent when you installed it.

  • SSIS Sql Execute task

    I have two variables say @[User::X] and @[User::Y]. Both are of String data type.  I found the value of X dynamically using some expression in Expression Task and Y is default path.
    Now how to add these two variables and store the result in another variable so that the third variable can be passed to a script task for further checking.
    Anyone help me please.
    Thanks in advance.

    Create a new variable of type String, set EValuateAsExpression as True for it and set expression as
    @[User::X] + @[User::Y]
    In case X and Y holds numerical value and you want to perform integer arithmetic then it should be this
    (DT_I4) @[User::A] + (DT_I4)@[User::B]
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

  • Execute task in background

    I want to load up to nine panels in a TilePane. For each pane I have to run frist an computation of the content (about 300ms) and second have to build the Panel (about 500ms). What I want is, that there are nine ProgressIndicators which exchanges with every panel after its computation.
    I tried it with the Platform.runlater command as well as with a service class. The result was always the same. The ProgressIndicator are shown, but not animated. After seconds there all all panels at once.
    Is there a possibility, that the Indicators are animated the hole time and that I can exchange them one after another?
    Best Regards,
    Tobias Wilker

    Thanks for the help. This is how I solved the problem:
    import java.util.Random;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.application.Platform;
    import javafx.beans.property.SimpleDoubleProperty;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.concurrent.Service;
    import javafx.concurrent.Task;
    import javafx.concurrent.Worker;
    import javafx.concurrent.Worker.State;
    import javafx.geometry.Insets;
    import javafx.scene.Group;
    import javafx.scene.Node;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Label;
    import javafx.scene.control.ProgressBar;
    import javafx.scene.control.ProgressIndicator;
    import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
    import javafx.scene.layout.TilePane;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class Minimal extends Application {
         private TilePane loadPane;
         private ProgressIndicator[] indicators = new ProgressIndicator[9];
         private Label loading[] = new Label[9];
         private Color[] colors = {Color.BLACK,Color.BLUE,Color.CRIMSON,Color.DARKCYAN,Color.FORESTGREEN,Color.GOLD,Color.HOTPINK,Color.INDIGO,Color.KHAKI};
         private int counter = 0;
         public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
              //creating Layout
              final Group root = new Group();                                        
              Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);               
              StackPane waitingPane = new StackPane();
              final ProgressBar progress = new ProgressBar();
              Label load = new Label("loading things...");
              waitingPane.getChildren().addAll(new Rectangle(400,400,Color.WHITE),load,progress);
              //Task for computing the Panels:
              Task<Void> task = new Task<Void>() {
                   protected Void call() throws Exception {
                        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                        try {
                            Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(1000));
                        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                        final double prog = i*0.05;
                        Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                        return null;
              //stateProperty for Task:
              task.stateProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Worker.State>() {
                   public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends State> observable,
                             State oldValue, Worker.State newState) {
              //start Task
              new Thread(task).start();
         private void loadPanels(Group root) {
              //change to loadPanel:
              final Service<Rectangle> RecBuilder = new Service<Rectangle>() {
                    @Override protected Task<Rectangle> createTask() {
                         return new Task<Rectangle>() {
                              @Override protected Rectangle call() throws InterruptedException {
                                   updateMessage("loading rectangle . . .");
                                  updateProgress(0, 10);
                                  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                                  return new Rectangle((380)/3,(380)/3,colors[counter]);
              RecBuilder.stateProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Worker.State>() {
                   @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Worker.State> observableValue,
                                       Worker.State oldState, Worker.State newState) {
                        switch (newState) {
                        case SCHEDULED:
                        case READY:
                        case RUNNING:
                        case SUCCEEDED:
                            Rectangle rec = RecBuilder.valueProperty().getValue();
                            loadPane.getChildren().set(counter, rec);
                        case CANCELLED:
                        case FAILED:
              //begin PanelBuilding:
         private void nextPane(Service<Rectangle> recBuilder) {
              indicators[counter].visibleProperty().bind(recBuilder.progressProperty().isNotEqualTo(new SimpleDoubleProperty(ProgressBar.INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS)));
         private Node createLoadPane() {
              loadPane = new TilePane(5,5);
              loadPane.setPadding(new Insets(5));
              for(int i=0;i<9;i++){
                   StackPane waitingPane = new StackPane();
                   Rectangle background = new Rectangle((380)/3, (380)/3, Color.WHITE);
                   indicators[i] = new ProgressIndicator();
                   indicators.setPrefSize(50, 50);
                   indicators[i].setMaxSize(50, 50);
                   loading[i] = new Label();
              return loadPane;
         public static void main(String[] args) {

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