Executing Native SQL query for oracle

I want to run following native sql query but it is giving me error ora:933,
      TSP_NAME(255) TYPE C,
      PER_USAGE(10) TYPE C,
      END OF WA.
select t.tablespace_name,'(' || TO_CHAR(ROUND(100*(NVL(b.bytes,0)/NVL(a
.bytes,0)))) || '%)' "TSUsed%" from dba_tablespaces t,
( select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 bytes
from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) a,
( select e.tablespace_name, sum(e.bytes)/1024/1024 bytes
from dba_extents e group by e.tablespace_name ) b,
( select f.tablespace_name, sum(f.bytes)/1024/1024 bytes
from dba_free_space f group by f.tablespace_name ) c
where t.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) and
t.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name(+) and
t.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name(+) into :wa.
Please provide me the soln
Bharat Mistry

ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended.
into :wa
(No "." at the end). If that doesn't work, try ending it with a ";"

Similar Messages

  • Error while executing a sql query for select

    HI All,
    ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace PSTEMP i'm getting this error while i'm executing the sql query for selecting the data.

    I am having 44GB of temp space, while executing the below query my temp space is getting full, Expert please let us know how the issue can be resolved..
    1. I dont want to increase the temp space
    2. I need to tune the query, please provide your recomendations.
    (select distinct
    where a.carrier_item_type in('Connection') and a.carried_item_type in('Service')
    AND a.carrier_items=b.mux
    and c.REPORTNUMBER=(case
    when a.carrier_item_type in ('ServicePackage','Service','Connection') then 10
    else 20
    and a.carrier_items not in (select carried_items from CST_ASIR.HIERARCHY_asir where carried_item_type in('Connection') ))A
    where not exists
    (select *
    Explain Plan
    INSERT STATEMENT ALL_ROWSCost: 129 Bytes: 1,103 Cardinality: 1                                                        
         20 LOAD AS SELECT CST_DSA.HIERARCHY_MISMATCHES                                                   
              19 PX COORDINATOR                                              
                   18 PX SEND QC (RANDOM) PARALLEL_TO_SERIAL SYS.:TQ10002 :Q1002Cost: 129 Bytes: 1,103 Cardinality: 1                                         
                        17 NESTED LOOPS PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 129 Bytes: 1,103 Cardinality: 1                                    
                             15 HASH JOIN RIGHT ANTI NA PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 129 Bytes: 1,098 Cardinality: 1                               
                                  4 PX RECEIVE PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 63 Bytes: 359,283 Cardinality: 15,621                          
                                       3 PX SEND BROADCAST PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL SYS.:TQ10001 :Q1001Cost: 63 Bytes: 359,283 Cardinality: 15,621                     
                                            2 PX BLOCK ITERATOR PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD :Q1001Cost: 63 Bytes: 359,283 Cardinality: 15,621                
                                                 1 MAT_VIEW ACCESS FULL MAT_VIEW PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT CST_ASIR.HIERARCHY :Q1001Cost: 63 Bytes: 359,283 Cardinality: 15,621           
                                  14 NESTED LOOPS ANTI PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 65 Bytes: 40,256,600 Cardinality: 37,448                          
                                       11 HASH JOIN PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 65 Bytes: 6,366,160 Cardinality: 37,448                     
                                            8 BUFFER SORT PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD :Q1002               
                                                 7 PX RECEIVE PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT :Q1002Cost: 1 Bytes: 214 Cardinality: 2           
                                                      6 PX SEND BROADCAST PARALLEL_FROM_SERIAL SYS.:TQ10000 Cost: 1 Bytes: 214 Cardinality: 2      
                                                           5 INDEX FULL SCAN INDEX CST_DSA.IDX$$_06EF0005 Cost: 1 Bytes: 214 Cardinality: 2
                                            10 PX BLOCK ITERATOR PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD :Q1002Cost: 63 Bytes: 2,359,224 Cardinality: 37,448                
                                                 9 MAT_VIEW ACCESS FULL MAT_VIEW PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT CST_ASIR.HIERARCHY :Q1002Cost: 63 Bytes: 2,359,224 Cardinality: 37,448           
                                       13 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT CST_DSA.HIERARCHY_MISMATCHES :Q1002Cost: 0 Bytes: 905 Cardinality: 1                     
                                            12 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT SYS.HIERARCHY_MISMATCHES_IDX3 :Q1002Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                
                             16 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT CST_DSA.IDX$$_06EF0001 :Q1002Cost: 1 Bytes: 5 Cardinality: 1

  • Native SQL query - Need help

    Hi All,
    We have a native SQL query accessing Oracle database(given below).
    Can anyone please let me know what this query is about and how can we fine tune the query?
            WHERE   H.ID1 = W.ID1
            AND     H.SID <> W.SID
            AND     H.TYPE IN ('TX','DL')
            AND     H.REQUEST = 0
            AND     H.SID = I.SID
            AND     I.TYPE = 'TM'
            AND     I.ID1 = O.OBJECT_ID
            AND     I.ID1 = I2.ID1
            AND     W.SID = I2.SID
            AND     I2.TYPE = 'TM'
            AND     H.SID = HS.SID
            AND     W.SID = WS.SID
            AND     HS.PADDR = HP.ADDR
            AND     WS.PADDR = WP.ADDR
                 :EXCL_LOCK_WAITERS-HOLDER_SID ,
                 :EXCL_LOCK_WAITERS-H_HOSTNAME ,
                 :HOLDER_PID ,
                 :EXCL_LOCK_WAITERS-WAITER_SID ,
                 :EXCL_LOCK_WAITERS-W_HOSTNAME ,
                 :WAITER_PID ,
                 :EXCL_LOCK_WAITERS-HELD_SINCE ,
    Thanks in advance.
    Neethu Mohan

    Hi Neethu,
    It gives you an overwiew of blocking Oracle sessions.
    1. In general, the SQL checks Oracle sessions (SID's) that were requirering a DML lock ('TM') and now holding row locks (TX)  to prevent destructive interference of simultaneous conflicting DML or DDL operations. DML statements automatically acquire both table-level locks and row-level locks ('TX')  => holders
    It joins these with the sessions that are waiting of releasing the lock by the holders  => waiters.
    2. it retrieves the detail information wich  Oracle process , the object (table) , it's row , block  and file
    are affected by the locks.
    3. Normally, the locks are only hold for a short period of time. If you have blocking sessions it may be of a log running task (i.e. mass data update of a table) ; but it could also be a application bug due to improper handling of concurrent updates of the same object.
    4. Tuning
    V$tables are expensive to query: Why?
    v$ tables are generally Oracle memory structures.
    v$ tables are not read consistent.
    v$ tables require latches to access -- cannot modify and read memory at the same
    heavy access to v$ tables like this may cause some serious heavy duty contention.
    Especially if you self join V$lock several times.
    So the best would be to save the contents of V$LOCK in some table:
    Create table mylocks as select * from v$lock;
    Use that table for self-joining and joins to the other tables.
    You can also CTAS the other v$ tables to bypass the performance bottleneck while retrieving
    v$ directly.
    You can empty or drop the created tables any time for new data.
    Because you want to investigate only lock hold for a longert time  to copy the v$ memory structures into
    physical tables is not a disadvantage. You certainly will wait longer on finishing your query
    instead of copy them into the tables.
    Hope this helped

  • Oracle SQL query for getting specific special characters from a table

    Hi all,
    This is my table
    Table Name- Table1
    S.no    Name
    1          aaaaaaaa
    2          a1234sgjghb
    3          a@3$%jkhkjn
    4          abcd-dfghjik
    5          bbvxzckvbzxcv&^%#
    6          ashgweqfg/gfjwgefj////
    7          sdsaf$([]:'
    8          <-fdsjgbdfsg
    9           dfgfdgfd"uodf
    10         aaaa  bbbbz#$
    11         cccc dddd-/mnm
    The output has to be
    S.no    Name
    3          a@3$%jkhkjn
    5          bbvxzckvbzxcv&^%#
    7          sdsaf$([]:'
    8          <-fdsjgbdfsg
    10         aaaa  bbbbz#$
    It has to return "Name" column which is having special characters,whereas some special chars like -, / ," and space are acceptable.
    The Oracle query has to print columns having special characters excluding -,/," and space
    Can anyone help me to get a SQL query for the above.
    Thanks in advance.

    You can achieve it in multiple ways. Here are few.
    SQL> with t
      2  as
      3  (
      4  select 1 id, 'aaaaaaaa' name from dual union all
      5  select 2 id, 'a1234sgjghb' name from dual union all
      6  select 3 id, 'a@3$%jkhkjn' name from dual union all
      7  select 4 id, 'abcd-dfghjik' name from dual union all
      8  select 5 id, 'bbvxzckvbzxcv&^%#' name from dual union all
      9  select 6 id, 'ashgweqfg/gfjwgefj////' name from dual union all
    10  select 7 id, 'sdsaf$([]:''' name from dual union all
    11  select 8 id, '<-fdsjgbdfsg' name from dual union all
    12  select 9 id, 'dfgfdgfd"uodf' name from dual union all
    13  select 10 id, 'aaaa  bbbbz#$' name from dual union all
    14  select 11 id, 'cccc dddd-/mnm' name from dual
    15  )
    16  select *
    17    from t
    18   where regexp_like(translate(name,'a-/" ','a'), '[^[:alnum:]]');
            ID NAME
             3 a@3$%jkhkjn
             5 bbvxzckvbzxcv&^%#
             7 sdsaf$([]:'
             8 <-fdsjgbdfsg
            10 aaaa  bbbbz#$
    SQL> with t
      2  as
      3  (
      4  select 1 id, 'aaaaaaaa' name from dual union all
      5  select 2 id, 'a1234sgjghb' name from dual union all
      6  select 3 id, 'a@3$%jkhkjn' name from dual union all
      7  select 4 id, 'abcd-dfghjik' name from dual union all
      8  select 5 id, 'bbvxzckvbzxcv&^%#' name from dual union all
      9  select 6 id, 'ashgweqfg/gfjwgefj////' name from dual union all
    10  select 7 id, 'sdsaf$([]:''' name from dual union all
    11  select 8 id, '<-fdsjgbdfsg' name from dual union all
    12  select 9 id, 'dfgfdgfd"uodf' name from dual union all
    13  select 10 id, 'aaaa  bbbbz#$' name from dual union all
    14  select 11 id, 'cccc dddd-/mnm' name from dual
    15  )
    16  select *
    17    from t
    18   where translate
    19         (
    20            lower(translate(name,'a-/" ','a'))
    21          , '.0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    22          , '.'
    23         ) is not null;
            ID NAME
             3 a@3$%jkhkjn
             5 bbvxzckvbzxcv&^%#
             7 sdsaf$([]:'
             8 <-fdsjgbdfsg
            10 aaaa  bbbbz#$

  • How to execute an SQL query present in a string inside an ABAP program?

    How to execute an SQL query present in a string inside an ABAP program

    You can execute Native SQl statements.
    Ex: To use a Native SQL statement, you must precede it with the EXEC SQL statement, and follow it with the ENDEXEC statement as follows:
      <Native SQL statement>
    There is no period after Native SQL statements. Furthermore, using inverted commas (") or an asterisk (*) at the beginning of a line in a native SQL statement does not introduce a comment as it would in normal ABAP syntax. You need to know whether table and field names are case-sensitive in your chosen database.
    In Native SQL statements, the data is transported between the database table and the ABAP program using host variables. These are declared in the ABAP program, and preceded in the Native SQL statement by a colon (:). You can use elementary structures as host variables. Exceptionally, structures in an INTO clause are treated as though all of their fields were listed individually.
    If the selection in a Native SQL SELECT statement is a table, you can pass it to ABAP line by line using the PERFORMING addition. The program calls a subroutine <form> for each line read. You can process the data further within the subroutine.
    As in Open SQL, after the ENDEXEC statement, SY-DBCNT contains the number of lines processed. In nearly all cases, SY-SUBRC contains the value 0 after the ENDEXEC statement. Cursor operations form an exception: After FETCH, SY-SUBRC is 4 if no more records could be read. This also applies when you read a result set using EXEC SQL PERFORMING.
    EXEC SQL PERFORMING loop_output.
      SELECT connid, cityfrom, cityto
      INTO   :wa
      FROM   spfli
      WHERE  carrid = :c1
    Pls. Mark If useful

  • How to execute a sql query in VO????

    Hi every body.
    Can you show me the way to execute a sql query in VO.
    For example: I have a viewobject1, and I add a new method void execSQL() before the last '}' of the java file of viewobject1 like this:
    public void execSQL() {
    String strSql = "Select sysdate from dual";
    I want to execute strSql query and return a Resultset, how can I perform ???
    Thanks a lot.

    The executeQuery method in ViewObjectImpl does not return a ResultSet.
    ViewObjectImpl voImpl;

  • How to Suppress The Output of a SQL Query In Oracle 11gR2

    Hi Friends,
    I am using oracle version, I have set a cronjob which will run on every 15 minutes and give us a log file mentioning the execution time taken for that SQL query:-
    For example:
    SQL> set timing on;
    SQL> SELECT objProp FROM aradmin.arschema WHERE (schemaId = 175);
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    The above query will return the output as well as the time taken for execution of the query. I want to suppress the output of the query and only want the time taken to be printed. Is it possible by set commands. I have marked the output as bold and made it Italic.
    Please help me at the earliest.

    I am using oracle version, I have set a cronjob which will run on every 15 minutes and give us a log file mentioning the execution time taken for that SQL query:-
    The above query will return the output as well as the time taken for execution of the query. I want to suppress the output of the query and only want the time taken to be printed. Is it possible by set commands. I have marked the output as bold and made it Italic.
    How would that even be useful?
    A query from a tool such as sql*plus is STILL going to send the output to the client and the client. You can keep sql*plus from actually displaying the data by setting autotrace to trace only.
    But that TIME TAKEN is still going to include the network time it takes to send ALL rows that the query returns across the network.
    That time is NOT the same as the actual execution time of the query. So unless you are trying to determine how long it takes to send the data over the network your 'timing' method is rather flawed.
    Why don't you tell us WHAT PROBLEM you are trying to solve so we can help you solve it?

  • Problem writing a sql query for a select list based on a static LOV

    I have the following table...
    ID          Number     (PK)
    APP_ID          Number     
    REQUESTED     Date          
    APPROVED     Date          
    VALID_TIL     Date
    DEPT_ID          Number     (FK)
    I have a search form with the following field item variables...
    P11_DEPT_ID (select list based on dynamic LOV from depts table)
    P11_VALID (select list based on static Yes/No LOV)
    A report on the columns of the Validations table is shown based on the values in the search form. So far, my sql query for the report is...
    WHERE d.DEPT_ID = v.DEPT_ID(+)
    AND (d.DEPT_ID = :P11_DEPT_ID OR :P11_DEPT_ID = -1)
    This query works so far. My problem is that I don't know how to do a search based on the P11_VALID item - if 'yes' is selected, then the VALID_TIL date is still valid. If 'no' is selected then the VALID_TIL date has passed.
    Can anyone help me to extend my query to include this situation?

    Hello !
    Let's have a look at my example:create table test
    id        number
    ,valid_til date
    insert into test values( 1, sysdate-3 );
    insert into test values( 2, sysdate-2 );
    insert into test values( 3, sysdate-1 );
    insert into test values( 4, sysdate );
    insert into test values( 5, sysdate+1 );
    insert into test values( 6, sysdate+2 );
    select * from test;
    def til=yes
    select *
      from test
      where decode(sign(trunc(valid_til)-trunc(sysdate)),1,1,0,1,-1)
    def til=no
    select *                                                                               
      from test                                                                            
      where decode(sign(trunc(valid_til)-trunc(sysdate)),1,1,0,1,-1)
    drop table test;  It's working fine, I've tested it.
    The above changes to my first idea I did because of time portion of the DATE datatype in Oracle and therefore the wrong result for today.
    For understandings:
    1.) TRUNC removes the time part of DATE
    2.) The difference of to date-values is the number of days between.
    3.) SIGN is the mathematical function and gives -1,0 or +1 according to an negative, zero or positiv argument.
    4.) DECODE is like an IF.
    Inspect your LOV for the returning values. According to my example they shoul be 'yes' and 'no'. If your values are different, you may have to modify the DECODE.
    Good luck,

  • Sub-Select SQL query in Oracle BI Answers

    What's the proper usage of Sub-Select SQL query in Oracle BI Answers Version Oracle Business Intelligence
    I get [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occured when trying to Sub Select query like:
    itemno = (SELECT MIN(orders.itemno) FROM mydatabase where rownum < 2 order by orders.itemno)

    Maybe the best is to create a new physical and logical object for your sub-select and join this with your current objects.

  • How to convert sql query to oracle query?

    Hi all,
    Hope doing well,
    sir i am using oracle database where i am running my sql query in oracle. but this query is not working properly. i used sql developer translation scratch editor to convert that.
    it's converted but i am not getting the exact value.
    which i was getting in sql server.
    here is my query below:
    SELECT C.*,ISNULL(P.Comp_Name,'') + ' (' + ISNULL(P.Comp_ID,'') + ')' Parent FROM Comp_Master C LEFT JOIN Comp_Master P ON C.Parent_ID = P.Comp_ID Where C.Comp_ID='C02'
    please convert it into oracle so that i can use this query
    thanks in advance.

    Try --
    1. Use NVL instead of isNull
    2. Use *||* instead of +*
    /* Formatted on 9-13-2012 4:39:09 PM (QP5 v5.163.1008.3004) */
    SELECT c.*, NVL (p.comp_name, '') || ' (' || NVL (p.comp_id, '') || ')' parent
        FROM comp_master c LEFT JOIN comp_master p ON c.parent_id = p.comp_id
    WHERE c.comp_id = 'C02'
    PS - Do remember to mark the solutions as Helpful or Correct. Thanks for understanding.

  • Help out:SQL Assistant for oracle

    Any time i use the logminer utility from the SQLaps SQL Assistant for oracle to query either my redo or archive logs i get this error, but the dictionary.txt file exist in the location specified;
    Please help out with details on how to solve this error:
    ORA-01284: file C\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\dictionary.txt cannot be opened
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR", line 58
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    kindly help out on the reason for this error and detailed steps to solve this issue

    NAIJA-EXBOY wrote:
    That is how the error appears when you use the GUI utility for the logminer to query the alert logs,
    Does anybody have ideas on how logminer utility works using this software "SQL Assistant for oracle""SQL Assistant for Oracle" doesn't seem to be a tool provided by Oracle, but a third-party tool. Therefore I suggest you contact their technical support for your inquiry.
    As a workaround, as already suggested, you might want to use the DBMS_LOGMNR package to use the LogMiner. It's not that complicated at all and just needs a couple of calls to the DBMS_LOGMNR and optionally DBMS_LOGMNR_D packages. You can check the documentation on how to use it.
    If you have Oracle Enterprise Manager you could access the LogMiner interface using the Java Console version prior to 11g.
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

  • Performance of native sql query detoriates

    Dear Experts,
    The performance of my native SQL query is bad. On the database the query takes less than 5 seconds to process. From my abap program I get a session timeout dump after 10 minutes. What might be the possible reason.
    Warm Regards,

    I am not a DBA, but this is a wild guess.
    I have a native SQL query. It was running fine all morning(transported it to production today). By afternoon the report was not giving any output.
    I went to the MS SQL query analyzer and executed the query, it returned the results in less than 5 seconds. The same query when I was executing from SAP using native SQL took more than 10 minutes and gave a dump(time exceeded).
    My database guy asked me to execute the following on the database. Dbcc dbreindex('tablename')
    The report is running fine since then. I am still not satisfied if this is the reason the performance is back on track, but yeah the report is running fine again. There seems to be some problem with the indexes.
    I am using standard classes provided by SAP to execute my query and after execution the resultset reference object is being closed, I am closing the connection.
    the code is as below.
            connect               USING con_name con_ref,
            select_into_table     USING con_ref,
            disconnect            USING con_ref.
    *  FORM connect
    *  Connects to the database specified by the logical connection name
    *  P_CON_NAME which is expected to be specified in table DBCON. In case
    *  of success the form returns in P_CON_REF a reference to a connection
    *  object of class CL_SQL_CONNECTION.
    *  --> P_CON_NAME  logical connection name
    *  <-- P_CON_REF   reference to a CL_SQL_CONNECTION object
    FORM connect  USING    p_con_name TYPE dbcon-con_name
                           p_con_ref  TYPE REF TO cl_sql_connection
                           RAISING cx_sql_exception.
    * if CON_NAME is not initial then try to open the connection, otherwise
    * create a connection object representing the default connection.
      IF p_con_name IS INITIAL.
        CREATE OBJECT p_con_ref.
        p_con_ref = cl_sql_connection=>get_connection( p_con_name ).
    ENDFORM.                    " connect
    *  FORM select_into_table
    *  Selects some rows from the test table and fetches the result rows
    *  into an internal table whose row structure corresponds to the
    *  queries select list columns.
    FORM select_into_table
      USING   p_con_ref TYPE REF TO cl_sql_connection
      RAISING cx_sql_exception.
        l_stmt         TYPE string,
        l_stmt_ref     TYPE REF TO cl_sql_statement,
        l_dref         TYPE REF TO data,
        l_res_ref      TYPE REF TO cl_sql_result_set,
    *Data related query
        l_itab         TYPE TABLE OF t_pricing_report,
        l_row_cnt      TYPE i.
    * create the query string
        'WHERE A.MANDT = ? AND'
              'B.MANDT = A.MANDT AND'
              'A.MATNR = B.MATNR AND'
              'A.KSCHL = ? AND'
              'A.CONDTABLE LIKE ? AND'
              'A.VKORG LIKE ? AND'
              'A.VTWEG LIKE ? AND'
              'A.MATKL >= ? AND A.MATKL <= ? AND'
              'A.MATNR >= ? AND A.MATNR <= ? AND'
              'A.INCO1 LIKE ? AND'
              'A.INCO2 LIKE ? AND'
              'A.ZSALES >= ? AND A.ZSALES <= ? AND'
              'A.KUNNR  >= ? AND A.KUNNR <= ? AND'
              'A.PRBATCH  >= ? AND A.PRBATCH <= ? AND'
              'A.VKBUR  >= ? AND A.VKBUR <= ? AND'
              'A.VKGRP  >= ? AND A.VKGRP <= ? AND'
              'B.WRKST  >= ? AND B.WRKST <= ? AND'
              'B.MTART  >= ? AND B.MTART <= ? AND'
              'B.GROES LIKE ? AND'
              'B.LDINDX LIKE ? AND'
              'B.SPDINDEX LIKE ? AND'
              'B.RIM LIKE ? AND'
              'B.SERIES LIKE ? AND'
              'B.PATTERN LIKE ? AND'
              'B.MGROUP LIKE ?'
              'order by A.MATNR'
        INTO l_stmt SEPARATED BY space.                         "#EC NOTEXT
    * create a statement object
      l_stmt_ref = p_con_ref->create_statement( ).
    * bind input variables
      GET REFERENCE OF l_col1 INTO l_dref.
      l_stmt_ref->set_param( l_dref ).
    *binding other references here
      GET REFERENCE OF l_col33 INTO l_dref.
      l_stmt_ref->set_param( l_dref ).
    * set the input values and execute the query
      l_col1  = sy-mandt.
    *..Assigning values here
      l_col33 = p_mgroup.
    *  PERFORM trace_2 USING 'EXECUTE_QUERY' l_stmt l_col1 l_col2.
      l_res_ref = l_stmt_ref->execute_query( l_stmt ).
    * set output table
      GET REFERENCE OF l_itab INTO l_dref.
      l_res_ref->set_param_table( l_dref ).
    * get the complete result set
      l_row_cnt = l_res_ref->next_package( ).
    * display the contents of the output table
    *  PERFORM trace_next_package USING l_itab.
    *  PERFORM trace_result USING l_row_cnt 'rows fetched'.
      pricing_report[] = l_itab[].
      free l_itab.
    * don't forget to close the result set object in order to free
    * resources on the database
      l_res_ref->close( ).
    ENDFORM.                    "select_into_table
    *  FORM disconnect
    *  Disconnect from the given connection. In case of the default
    *  connection this can be omitted.
    FORM disconnect
      USING   p_con_ref TYPE REF TO cl_sql_connection
      RAISING cx_sql_exception.
      DATA: l_con_name TYPE dbcon-con_name.
      l_con_name = p_con_ref->get_con_name( ).
      CHECK l_con_name <> cl_sql_connection=>c_default_connection.
    *  PERFORM trace_0 USING 'CLOSE CONNECTION' l_con_name.
      p_con_ref->close( ).
    *  PERFORM trace_result USING l_con_name 'closed'.
    ENDFORM.                    "disconnect
    *  FORM handle_sql_exception
    *  Write appropriate error messages when a SQL exception has occured
    *  -->  P_SQLERR_REF  reference to a CX_SQL_EXCEPTION object
    FORM handle_sql_exception
      USING p_sqlerr_ref TYPE REF TO cx_sql_exception.
      IF p_sqlerr_ref->db_error = 'X'.
        WRITE: / 'SQL error occured:', p_sqlerr_ref->sql_code,
               / p_sqlerr_ref->sql_message.                     "#EC NOTEXT
          / 'Error from DBI (details in dev-trace):',
            p_sqlerr_ref->internal_error.                       "#EC NOTEXT
    ENDFORM.                    "handle_sql_exception

  • Fetch join with Native SQL Query?

    Hello all,
    I am using the J2EE 5.0 persistence api with the SUN appserver v9. As the java persistence api does not yet support spatial queries ("... where contains(polygon, point)") I have to use native SQL queries for that purpose.
    Now my question is how can I "join fetch" my ManyToOne-related entities when using a native SQL query? Is this somehow possible using the SqlResultSetMapping annotation?

    Never mind - the problem was to do with not specifying a class when creating the native query.

  • How execute pl/sql command from Oracle ADF Business Components

    can't find examples for how execute pl/sql command from Oracle ADF Business Components and how call pl/sql package procedure from ADF Business Components.
    insert,update,delete rows in view object instance cache is good but if i must do some complex operations while insert,update,delete rows..it's more better for me to call
    pl/sql procedure from oracle db.Am i wrong ????

    this should be similar to how it worked in JDeveloper 9.0.3. hava a look at <JDev903 Home>\BC4J\samples\StoredProc for a code example.

  • Submit button executes a sql query

    In my servlet I'd like to create a submit button, and when it is clicked I want to execute an sql query.
    For example;
    If I write a name; I want to add that name to my table in my database.
    Could you give an example please?
    Thank you

    PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into foo (name, birthdate) values (?, ?)"); // double check my sql insert syntax. I'm not sure if it's right.
    String theName = ...; // get name from what user enters
    Date theBirthDate =...; // likewise birthdate
    ps.setString(1, theName);
    ps.setDate(2, theBirthDate);
    ps.executeUpdate(); Look at the APIs or google for java preparedstatement tutorial or something for more info.

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