Executing web service operation with complex input - Please help

Hi All,
I am working on invoking a web service through ADF. The request format for the webservice consists of multiple occurance of same element. Below is sample request. here <index> is repeating n number of times.
now I need to populate these values thrugh Operation binding in my managed bean class. I have also dragged these parameters and operation on my jsf page to get hold of those in my managed bean context. I am having following code in my managed bean to set these parameters.
BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
OperationBinding storeDocumentBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("StoreDocument");
storeDocumentBinding.getParamsMap().put("docFileType", filetype);
storeDocumentBinding.getParamsMap().put("Content", filecontents);
storeDocumentBinding.getParamsMap().put("indexType", filecontents);
storeDocumentBinding.getParamsMap().put("indexValue", filecontents);
storeDocumentBinding.getParamsMap().put("indexType", filecontents);
storeDocumentBinding.getParamsMap().put("indexValue", filecontents);
Here I am facing some issues:
1. The operation is not picking values put from ParamMap(). It is taking values as empty (as in my .jspx page form, I have made it hidden though). It takes value from my jspx page form, which is blank.
2. when I am manually entering values in the .jspx page form, for <indexValue> and <indexType> tags, it is taking only one value (last one) for creating the request.
3. the storeDocument() function is a SOAP based service. How can I check for SOAP response after operationBinding.execute(). I checked for response after execution, it sends an object as result. How to get a SOAP response from it.
I need to fetch few values from the SOAP response and display it on screen.
Please help me out. I am noob in ADF.

Hi Puthanampatti,
I followed the link and did exactly as mentioned. Here is my code
public String downloadDocument(FacesContext context, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent();
BindingContainer bindings = bctx.getCurrentBindingsEntry();
OperationBinding retrieveDocumentBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("RetrieveDocument");
DCIteratorBinding attachmentsIterator = (DCIteratorBinding)bindings.get("AttachmentsIterator");
String documentId = attachmentsIterator.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("Seq").toString();
System.out.println(customSoapProvider.getRequest()); // getting null here
AttributeBinding docFileTypeVal = (AttributeBinding)bindings.getControlBinding("docId");
Object result = retrieveDocumentBinding.execute();
System.out.println(customSoapProvider.getResponse()); //getting null here
but I am getting a null response in the last line.
what am I missing here.
Edited by: Rajan M on Jan 5, 2013 11:27 AM

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    Hi gaor.mawell,
    The nillable attribute is a special attribute in the XML Schema instance namespace that provides an interoperable way to explicitly represent a null value. The receiving end can interpret these as
    null, zero, and null, respectively. There is no guarantee that a third-party deserializer can make the correct interpretation, which is why this pattern is not recommended. The
    DataContractSerializer class always selects the correct interpretation for missing values. So have you tried to use the DataMember's
    IsRequired property? this
    IsRequired property tells the serialization engine whether the value of itemOwnerField must be presented in the underlying XML.
    For more information, please try to refer to the this artcle:
    https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa347792(v=vs.110).aspx .
    Best Regards,
    Amy Peng
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <definitions xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
    <s:schema targetNamespace="http://www.openuri.org/"
    <s:element name="RegisterServiceRequest">
    <s:element name="DeviceCapabilities">
    <s:element name="OSName" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="OSVersion" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="BRType" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="DisplayColors" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="DisplayTechnology" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="NetworkAccess" type="s:boolean" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="DownloadMethod" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="DownloadVersion" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="Protocols" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="LicenseType">
         <s:element name="Licences" type="s:string" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="PriceValue">
         <s:element name="Value" type="s:float" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="CurrencyType" type="s:string" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="RevenueModelType">
         <s:element name="VSRP" type="RegisterServiceRequest:PriceValue" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="WholesalePrice" type="RegisterServiceRequest:PriceValue" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="VendorSplitPercentage" type="s:float" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="VendorPurchasePrice" type="RegisterServiceRequest:PriceValue" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="License" type="RegisterServiceRequest:LicenseType" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="VendorItemIdentifierType">
         <s:element name="VendorProductDisplay" type="s:string" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="VendorProductVersion" type="s:string" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="VendorProductCode" type="s:string" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="VendorBriefType">
         <s:element name="VendorID" type="s:string" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="VendorItemBriefType">
         <s:element name="VendorProductID" type="RegisterServiceRequest:VendorItemIdentifierType" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="VendorID" type="RegisterServiceRequest:VendorBriefType" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="VendorDescription" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="VendorPricing" type="RegisterServiceRequest:RevenueModelType" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="DownloadURL" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="ShortCode" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="ApplicationCode" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="DRMMethod" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="ContentType">
         <s:element name="Categorization" type="s:string" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="MIMEType" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="VendorStockingInterface">
         <s:element name="VendorItemInfo" type="RegisterServiceRequest:VendorItemBriefType" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="ProductType" type="RegisterServiceRequest:ContentType" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="DeviceRequirements" type="RegisterServiceRequest:DeviceCapabilitiesType" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="VendorPricing" type="RegisterServiceRequest:RevenueModelType" nillable="false"/>
         <s:element name="ProgramMemory" type="s:int" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="DataMemory" type="s:int" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="Author" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
         <s:element name="Language" type="s:string" nillable="true"/>
    <s:element name="RegisterServiceResponse">
    <s:element name="Message" type="s:string"/>
    <message name="RegisterServiceSoapIn">
    <part name="parameters" element="s0:RegisterServiceRequest"/>
    <message name="RegisterServiceSoapOut">
    <part name="parameters" element="s0:RegisterServiceResponse"/>
    <portType name="RegisterServiceSoap">
    <operation name="RegisterService">
    <input message="s0:RegisterServiceSoapIn"/>
    <output message="s0:RegisterServiceSoapOut"/>
    <binding name="RegisterServiceSoap" type="s0:RegisterServiceSoap">
    <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document"/>
    <operation name="RegisterService">
    <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.openuri.org/RegisterService" style="document"/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <service name="RegisterService">
    <port name="RegisterServiceSoap" binding="s0:RegisterServiceSoap">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:7001/RegisterService.jws"/>
    I'd like the the consumer of the web service to send it a document with the fields formatted to the VendorInterface complextype which contains the other complextypes. In return the consumer will get another document with some acknowledgement messages.
    To make this happen I'd like to generate the web service, creating the complex type classes and XMLBeans. I'd like advice on the steps to take once I get a good WSDL.
    There is also the option to go from the other direction. Is it better to attempt to create a schema XSD document instead and use that to work towards the web service and WSDL? If so, could someone give an example of how to format an XSD using my example needs.

    I think I have got it all in place, though I have not tested it as of yet. For others who are looking at this, here is my XSD file from which all my complextypes were generated and lastly here is the actual web service file.
    ?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xs:schema targetNamespace="http://openuri.org/RegisterService"
    <xs:element name="RegisterServiceRequest" type="rs:VendorStockingInterface"/>
    <xs:complexType name="DeviceCapabilitiesType">
    <xs:element name="OSName" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="OSVersion" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="BRType" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="DisplayColors" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="DisplayTechnology" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="NetworkAccess" type="xs:boolean" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="DownloadMethod" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="DownloadVersion" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="Protocols" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:complexType name="LicenseType">
    <xs:element name="Licences" type="xs:string" nillable="false"/>
    <xs:complexType name="PriceValue">
    <xs:element name="Value" type="xs:float" nillable="false"/>
    <xs:element name="CurrencyType" type="xs:string" nillable="false"/>
    <xs:complexType name="RevenueModelType">
    <xs:element name="VSRP" type="rs:PriceValue" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="WholesalePrice" type="rs:PriceValue" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="VendorSplitPercentage" type="xs:float" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="VendorPurchasePrice" type="rs:PriceValue" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="License" type="rs:LicenseType" nillable="false"/>
    <xs:complexType name="VendorItemIdentifierType">
    <xs:element name="VendorProductDisplay" type="xs:string" nillable="false"/>
    <xs:element name="VendorProductVersion" type="xs:string" nillable="false"/>
    <xs:element name="VendorProductCode" type="xs:string" nillable="false"/>
    <xs:complexType name="VendorBriefType">
    <xs:element name="VendorID" type="xs:string" nillable="false"/>
    <xs:complexType name="VendorItemBriefType">
    <xs:element name="VendorProductID" type="rs:VendorItemIdentifierType" nillable="false"/>
    <xs:element name="VendorID" type="rs:VendorBriefType" nillable="false"/>
    <xs:element name="VendorDescription" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="VendorPricing" type="rs:RevenueModelType" nillable="false"/>
    <xs:element name="DownloadURL" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="ShortCode" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="ApplicationCode" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:element name="DRMMethod" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/>
    <xs:complexType name="ContentType">
    <xs:element name="Categorization" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="MIMEType" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:complexType name="VendorStockingInterface">
    <xs:element name="VendorItemInfo" type="rs:VendorItemBriefType"/>
    <xs:element name="ProductType" type="rs:ContentType"/>
    <xs:element name="DeviceRequirements" type="rs:DeviceCapabilitiesType"/>
    <xs:element name="VendorPricing" type="rs:RevenueModelType"/>
    <xs:element name="ProgramMemory" type="xs:int"/>
    <xs:element name="DataMemory" type="xs:int"/>
    <xs:element name="Author" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="Language" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:complexType name="RegisterServiceResponse">
    <xs:element name="Message" type="xs:string"/>
    The Web Service File:
    import org.openuri.registerService.RegisterServiceResponse;
    import org.openuri.registerService.RegisterServiceRequestDocument;
    import com.verizon.hp.registerservice.*;
    public class RegisterService implements com.bea.jws.WebService
    static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    * @common:operation
    * @jws:protocol form-post="false" form-get="false"
    public org.openuri.registerService.RegisterServiceResponse RegisterService(org.openuri.registerService.RegisterServiceRequestDocument RegisterServiceDoc)
    VendorStockingInterface vsInterface = (VendorStockingInterface)RegisterServiceDoc.getRegisterServiceRequest();
    com.verizon.hp.registerservice.RegisterServiceResponse serviceResponse = new com.verizon.hp.registerservice.RegisterServiceResponse();
    serviceResponse.setMessage("Register New Service Message has been received successfully");
    org.openuri.registerService.RegisterServiceResponse response = (org.openuri.registerService.RegisterServiceResponse)serviceResponse;
    return response;

  • Weblogic app server wsdl web service call with SSL Validation error = 16

    Weblogic app server wsdl web service call with SSL Validation error = 16
    I need to make wsdl web service call in my weblogic app server. The web service is provided by a 3rd party vendor. I keep getting error
    Cannot complete the certificate chain: No trusted cert found
    Certificate chain received from ws-eq.demo.xxx.com - xx.xxx.xxx.156 was not trusted causing SSL handshake failure
    Validation error = 16
    From the SSL debug log, I can see 3 verisign hierarchy certs are correctly loaded (see 3 lines in the log message starting with “adding as trusted cert”). But somehow after first handshake, I got error “Cannot complete the certificate chain: No trusted cert found”.
    Here is how I load trustStore and keyStore in my java program:
         System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", trustKeyPasswd);
    System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStore", keyStoreName);
         System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword",clientCertPwd);      System.setProperty("com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.client.HttpTransportPipe.dump","true");
    Here is how I create cacerts using verisign hierarchy certs (in this order)
    1.6.0_29/jre/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -file VerisignClass3G5PCA3Root.txt -alias "Verisign Class3 G5P CA3 Root"
    1.6.0_29/jre/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -file VerisignC3G5IntermediatePrimary.txt -alias "Verisign C3 G5 Intermediate Primary"
    1.6.0_29/jre/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -file VerisignC3G5IntermediateSecondary.txt -alias "Verisign C3 G5 Intermediate Secondary"
    Because my program is a weblogic app server, when I start the program, I have java command line options set as:
    That SSLTrust.jks is the trust certificate from our web server which sits on a different box. In our config.xml file, we also refer to the SSLTrust.jks file when we bring up the weblogic app server.
    In addition, we have working logic to use some other wsdl web services from the same vendor on the same SOAP server. In the working web service call flows, we use clientgen to create client stub, and use SSLContext and WLSSLAdapter to load trustStore and keyStore, and then bind the SSLContext and WLSSLAdapter objects to the webSerive client object and make the webservie call. For the new wsdl file, I am told to use wsimport to create client stub. In the client code created, I don’t see any way that I can bind SSLContext and WLSSLAdapter objects to the client object, so I have to load certs by settting system pramaters. Here I attached the the wsdl file.
    I have read many articles. It seems as long as I can install the verisign certs correctly to web logic server, I should have fixed the problem. Now the questions are:
    1.     Do I create “cacerts” the correct order with right keeltool options?
    2.     Since command line option “-Dweblogic.security.SSL.trustedCAKeyStore” is used for web server jks certificate, will that cause any problem for me?
    3.     Is it possible to use wsimport to generate client stub that I can bind SSLContext and WLSSLAdapter objects to it?
    4.     Do I need to put the “cacerts” to some specific weblogic directory?
    ---------------------------------wsdl file
    <wsdl:definitions name="TokenServices" targetNamespace="http://tempuri.org/" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/" xmlns:tns="http://tempuri.org/" xmlns:wsa="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing" xmlns:wsp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy" xmlns:wsap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/policy" xmlns:wsaw="http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl" xmlns:msc="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2005/12/wsdl/contract" xmlns:wsa10="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" xmlns:wsx="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/mex" xmlns:wsam="http://www.w3.org/2007/05/addressing/metadata">
         <wsp:Policy wsu:Id="TokenServices_policy">
                        <sp:TransportBinding xmlns:sp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy">
                                            <sp:HttpsToken RequireClientCertificate="true"/>
              <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://tempuri.org/Imports">
                   <xsd:import schemaLocation="xsd0.xsd" namespace="http://tempuri.org/"/>
                   <xsd:import schemaLocation="xsd1.xsd" namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/"/>
         <wsdl:message name="ITokenServices_GetUserToken_InputMessage">
              <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetUserToken"/>
         <wsdl:message name="ITokenServices_GetUserToken_OutputMessage">
              <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetUserTokenResponse"/>
         <wsdl:message name="ITokenServices_GetSSOUserToken_InputMessage">
              <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetSSOUserToken"/>
         <wsdl:message name="ITokenServices_GetSSOUserToken_OutputMessage">
              <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetSSOUserTokenResponse"/>
         <wsdl:portType name="ITokenServices">
              <wsdl:operation name="GetUserToken">
                   <wsdl:input wsaw:Action="http://tempuri.org/ITokenServices/GetUserToken" message="tns:ITokenServices_GetUserToken_InputMessage"/>
                   <wsdl:output wsaw:Action="http://tempuri.org/ITokenServices/GetUserTokenResponse" message="tns:ITokenServices_GetUserToken_OutputMessage"/>
              <wsdl:operation name="GetSSOUserToken">
                   <wsdl:input wsaw:Action="http://tempuri.org/ITokenServices/GetSSOUserToken" message="tns:ITokenServices_GetSSOUserToken_InputMessage"/>
                   <wsdl:output wsaw:Action="http://tempuri.org/ITokenServices/GetSSOUserTokenResponse" message="tns:ITokenServices_GetSSOUserToken_OutputMessage"/>
         <wsdl:binding name="TokenServices" type="tns:ITokenServices">
              <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#TokenServices_policy"/>
              <soap12:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
              <wsdl:operation name="GetUserToken">
                   <soap12:operation soapAction="http://tempuri.org/ITokenServices/GetUserToken" style="document"/>
                        <soap12:body use="literal"/>
                        <soap12:body use="literal"/>
              <wsdl:operation name="GetSSOUserToken">
                   <soap12:operation soapAction="http://tempuri.org/ITokenServices/GetSSOUserToken" style="document"/>
                        <soap12:body use="literal"/>
                        <soap12:body use="literal"/>
         <wsdl:service name="TokenServices">
              <wsdl:port name="TokenServices" binding="tns:TokenServices">
                   <soap12:address location="https://ws-eq.demo.i-deal.com/PhxEquity/TokenServices.svc"/>
    ----------------------------------application log
    adding as trusted cert:
    Subject: CN=VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)10, OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US
    Issuer: CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5, OU="(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US
    Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x641be820ce020813f32d4d2d95d67e67
    Valid from Sun Feb 07 19:00:00 EST 2010 until Fri Feb 07 18:59:59 EST 2020
    adding as trusted cert:
    Subject: OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US
    Issuer: OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US
    Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x3c9131cb1ff6d01b0e9ab8d044bf12be
    Valid from Sun Jan 28 19:00:00 EST 1996 until Wed Aug 02 19:59:59 EDT 2028
    adding as trusted cert:
    Subject: CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5, OU="(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=VeriSign Trust Network, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US
    Issuer: OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US
    Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x250ce8e030612e9f2b89f7054d7cf8fd
    Valid from Tue Nov 07 19:00:00 EST 2006 until Sun Nov 07 18:59:59 EST 2021
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:21 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Cipher: SunPKCS11-Solaris version 1.6 for algorithm DESede/CBC/NoPadding>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:21 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Cipher for algorithm DESede>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:21 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm RSA/ECB/NoPadding>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLSetup: loading trusted CA certificates>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Filtering JSSE SSLSocket>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLIOContextTable.addContext(ctx): 28395435>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLSocket will be Muxing>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write HANDSHAKE, offset = 0, length = 115>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <25779276 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <25779276 received HANDSHAKE>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHello>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Certificate>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Cannot complete the certificate chain: No trusted cert found>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Validating certificate 0 in the chain: Serial number: 2400410601231772600606506698552332774
    Issuer:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)10, CN=VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3
    Subject:C=US, ST=New York, L=New York, O=xxx LLC, OU=GTIG, CN=ws-eq.demo.xxx.com
    Not Valid Before:Tue Dec 18 19:00:00 EST 2012
    Not Valid After:Wed Jan 07 18:59:59 EST 2015
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Validating certificate 1 in the chain: Serial number: 133067699711757643302127248541276864103
    Issuer:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
    Subject:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)10, CN=VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3
    Not Valid Before:Sun Feb 07 19:00:00 EST 2010
    Not Valid After:Fri Feb 07 18:59:59 EST 2020
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <validationCallback: validateErr = 16>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> < cert[0] = Serial number: 2400410601231772600606506698552332774
    Issuer:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)10, CN=VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3
    Subject:C=US, ST=New York, L=New York, O=xxx LLC, OU=GTIG, CN=ws-eq.demo.xxx.com
    Not Valid Before:Tue Dec 18 19:00:00 EST 2012
    Not Valid After:Wed Jan 07 18:59:59 EST 2015
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> < cert[1] = Serial number: 133067699711757643302127248541276864103
    Issuer:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
    Subject:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)10, CN=VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3
    Not Valid Before:Sun Feb 07 19:00:00 EST 2010
    Not Valid After:Fri Feb 07 18:59:59 EST 2020
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <weblogic user specified trustmanager validation status 16>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090477> <Certificate chain received from ws-eq.demo.xxx.com - xx.xxx.xxx.156 was not trusted causing SSL handshake failure.>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Validation error = 16>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Certificate chain is untrusted>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLTrustValidator returns: 16>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Trust status (16): CERT_CHAIN_UNTRUSTED>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <NEW ALERT with Severity: FATAL, Type: 42
    java.lang.Exception: New alert stack
         at com.certicom.tls.record.alert.Alert.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.fireAlert(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.ClientStateReceivedServerHello.handle(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.handleHandshakeMessage(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.handleHandshakeMessages(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.MessageInterpreter.interpretContent(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.MessageInterpreter.decryptMessage(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.processRecord(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readRecord(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readUntilHandshakeComplete(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.completeHandshake(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.WriteHandler.write(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.io.OutputSSLIOStreamWrapper.write(Unknown Source)
         at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(BufferedOutputStream.java:65)
         at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(BufferedOutputStream.java:123)
         at java.io.FilterOutputStream.flush(FilterOutputStream.java:123)
         at weblogic.net.http.HttpURLConnection.writeRequests(HttpURLConnection.java:154)
         at weblogic.net.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:358)
         at weblogic.net.http.SOAPHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(SOAPHttpsURLConnection.java:37)
         at weblogic.wsee.util.is.InputSourceUtil.loadURL(InputSourceUtil.java:100)
         at weblogic.wsee.util.dom.DOMParser.getWebLogicDocumentImpl(DOMParser.java:118)
         at weblogic.wsee.util.dom.DOMParser.getDocument(DOMParser.java:65)
         at weblogic.wsee.wsdl.WsdlReader.getDocument(WsdlReader.java:311)
         at weblogic.wsee.wsdl.WsdlReader.getDocument(WsdlReader.java:305)
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.spi.WLSProvider.readWSDL(WLSProvider.java:296)
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.spi.WLSProvider.createServiceDelegate(WLSProvider.java:77)
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.spi.WLSProvider.createServiceDelegate(WLSProvider.java:62)
         at javax.xml.ws.Service.<init>(Service.java:56)
         at ideal.ws2j.eqtoken.TokenServices.<init>(TokenServices.java:64)
         at com.citi.ilrouter.util.IpreoEQSSOClient.invokeRpcPortalToken(IpreoEQSSOClient.java:165)
         at com.citi.ilrouter.servlets.T3LinkServlet.doPost(T3LinkServlet.java:168)
         at com.citi.ilrouter.servlets.T3LinkServlet.doGet(T3LinkServlet.java:206)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:707)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:227)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:292)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:175)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
         at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write ALERT, offset = 0, length = 2>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <close(): 6457753>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <close(): 6457753>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLIOContextTable.removeContext(ctx): 22803607>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Filtering JSSE SSLSocket>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLIOContextTable.addContext(ctx): 14640403>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLSocket will be Muxing>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write HANDSHAKE, offset = 0, length = 115>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <isMuxerActivated: false>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <23376797 SSL3/TLS MAC>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <23376797 received HANDSHAKE>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: ServerHello>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <HANDSHAKEMESSAGE: Certificate>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Cannot complete the certificate chain: No trusted cert found>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Validating certificate 0 in the chain: Serial number: 2400410601231772600606506698552332774
    Issuer:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)10, CN=VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3
    Subject:C=US, ST=New York, L=New York, O=xxx LLC, OU=GTIG, CN=ws-eq.demo.xxx.com
    Not Valid Before:Tue Dec 18 19:00:00 EST 2012
    Not Valid After:Wed Jan 07 18:59:59 EST 2015
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Validating certificate 1 in the chain: Serial number: 133067699711757643302127248541276864103
    Issuer:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
    Subject:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)10, CN=VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3
    Not Valid Before:Sun Feb 07 19:00:00 EST 2010
    Not Valid After:Fri Feb 07 18:59:59 EST 2020
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <validationCallback: validateErr = 16>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> < cert[0] = Serial number: 2400410601231772600606506698552332774
    Issuer:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)10, CN=VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3
    Subject:C=US, ST=New York, L=New York, O=xxx LLC, OU=GTIG, CN=ws-eq.demo.xxx.com
    Not Valid Before:Tue Dec 18 19:00:00 EST 2012
    Not Valid After:Wed Jan 07 18:59:59 EST 2015
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> < cert[1] = Serial number: 133067699711757643302127248541276864103
    Issuer:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
    Subject:C=US, O=VeriSign, Inc., OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU=Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)10, CN=VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3
    Not Valid Before:Sun Feb 07 19:00:00 EST 2010
    Not Valid After:Fri Feb 07 18:59:59 EST 2020
    Signature Algorithm:SHA1withRSA
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <weblogic user specified trustmanager validation status 16>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090477> <Certificate chain received from ws-eq.demo.xxx.com - was not trusted causing SSL handshake failure.>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Validation error = 16>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Certificate chain is untrusted>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLTrustValidator returns: 16>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Trust status (16): CERT_CHAIN_UNTRUSTED>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <NEW ALERT with Severity: FATAL, Type: 42
    java.lang.Exception: New alert stack
         at com.certicom.tls.record.alert.Alert.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.fireAlert(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.ClientStateReceivedServerHello.handle(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.handleHandshakeMessage(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.handleHandshakeMessages(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.MessageInterpreter.interpretContent(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.MessageInterpreter.decryptMessage(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.processRecord(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readRecord(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readUntilHandshakeComplete(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.completeHandshake(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.WriteHandler.write(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.io.OutputSSLIOStreamWrapper.write(Unknown Source)
         at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(BufferedOutputStream.java:65)
         at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(BufferedOutputStream.java:123)
         at java.io.FilterOutputStream.flush(FilterOutputStream.java:123)
         at weblogic.net.http.HttpURLConnection.writeRequests(HttpURLConnection.java:154)
         at weblogic.net.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:358)
         at weblogic.net.http.SOAPHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(SOAPHttpsURLConnection.java:37)
         at weblogic.wsee.util.is.InputSourceUtil.loadURL(InputSourceUtil.java:100)
         at weblogic.wsee.util.dom.DOMParser.getWebLogicDocumentImpl(DOMParser.java:118)
         at weblogic.wsee.util.dom.DOMParser.getDocument(DOMParser.java:65)
         at weblogic.wsee.wsdl.WsdlReader.getDocument(WsdlReader.java:311)
         at weblogic.wsee.wsdl.WsdlReader.getDocument(WsdlReader.java:305)
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.spi.WLSProvider.readWSDL(WLSProvider.java:296)
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.spi.WLSProvider.createServiceDelegate(WLSProvider.java:77)
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.spi.WLSProvider.createServiceDelegate(WLSProvider.java:62)
         at javax.xml.ws.Service.<init>(Service.java:56)
         at ideal.ws2j.eqtoken.TokenServices.<init>(TokenServices.java:64)
         at com.citi.ilrouter.util.IpreoEQSSOClient.invokeRpcPortalToken(IpreoEQSSOClient.java:165)
         at com.citi.ilrouter.servlets.T3LinkServlet.doPost(T3LinkServlet.java:168)
         at com.citi.ilrouter.servlets.T3LinkServlet.doGet(T3LinkServlet.java:206)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:707)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:227)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:292)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:175)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
         at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <write ALERT, offset = 0, length = 2>
    <Mar 7, 2013 6:59:22 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <close(): 16189141>

    I received a workaround by an internal message.
    The how to guide is :
    -Download the wsdl file (with bindings, not the one from ESR)
    -Correct it in order that the schema corresponds to the answer (remove minOccurs or other things like this)
    -Deploy the wsdl file on you a server (java web project for exemple). you can deploy on your local
    -Create a new logicial destination that point to the wsdl file modified
    -Change the metadata destination in your web dynpro project for the corresponding model and keep the execution desitnation as before.
    Then the received data is check by the metadata logical destination but the data is retrieved from the correct server.

  • Web Services and Nested Complex Types

    I am having troubles trying to get coldfusion to use a web
    service function.
    I know that the web service works as I am sending another
    function in a simple variable and receiving a simple variable. I
    know the function exists as I when I dump the object the function
    is there and I have been told by who supplies it that it works in
    other languages.
    The problem I am having is that when I call the function I
    get the following error: Web service operation "[function name]"
    with parameters [parameters] could not be found. I am lead to
    believe that it may have to do with the fact that one of the
    parameters is a complex type with nested complex types, because of
    the amount of trouble it took to get nested complex types to
    (apparently) work.
    Has anyone had this problem before and/or know how to fix

    You can invoke methods which take complextypes as parameters.
    The idea is to create first a structure which represents the
    complextype. For example; crit = structNew(), crit.paramname1 =
    value1, ctir.paramname2 = value2. After this, you just pass the
    crit as a parameter value, for example with
    Always check the wsdl and the possible documentation
    carefully. You'll get always an error if the types of the
    parameters passed didn't match exactly to what was expected.
    Handling complextype responses is also possible, but not very
    elegant with ColdFusion.
    For example, you have <cfinvoke
    returnvariable="wsResult"... >, and you get a java object as a
    response which you can really do nothing about with CF functions,
    you must use Java Reflection API to extract the values.
    <cfset oFields =
    <cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(oFields)#" index="fi">
    <cfset field = oFields[fi].getName()>
    <cfif isdefined("wsresult." & field) AND field NEQ
    #field# = #wsResult[field]#<br>
    The above is just an example, and It might work with only
    some types of complextype responses. But it's a start. :)
    http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg00553.html
    is also another example about handling complextype responses. It
    plays "safer", not relying that CF can extract values without
    "getters" automatically, and is more of a complete solution.

  • Exception obtained when invoking a web service generated with JDeveloper

    I tried to create a synchronous BPEL process that invokes synchronously a Java Web Service created with the JDeveloper. The web service is wrapped around a regular Java class. The new created BPEL process is successfully compiled and deployed on the server. But when I try to initiate a test instance of the process in the BPEL console, after I fill the input parameter for then process and push the "Post XML Message" button, I obtain the following error:
    Your test request generated the following exception/fault:
    BPEL Fault: {http://oracle.com/cde/util/Top300DAO.wsdl}org.apache.wsif.soap.fault{org.apache.wsif.soap.fault.object=java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect}
    I looked at flow and it throws the exception when it tries to invokes the web service generated with JDeveloper.
    Do you have any hints, ideas? Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
    I want to also say that the proxy settings for the BPEL server and designer are filled. I think that they are ok because I succeeded to start an instance of another process that calls synchronously an external Web Service.

    My guess is that this is caused by the WSDL of your service having an invalid service address. Can you please take a look at the WSDL of your service make sure that the location of the address is valid? (we have seen a couple of instances in the past where the generated url did not have the right port information).
    Update that WSDL, restart the BPEL server or from the BPEL console clear the WSDL cache and re-initiate your flow.

  • Web service operation could not be found.

    Would CF give this error if there was simply an error in the
    cffunction code? The service is there and it looks fine. In fact,
    most of the code comes from another cffunction in the same file,
    but with more arguments and some additional code. I have cleared
    the server cache several times.
    It's driving me nuts. The error codes sometimes just don't
    make any sense or are misleading. I hope future versions of CF deal
    with this better.
    Web service operation "RegisterFiles" with parameters
    {groupID={185},folder={/},filename={MOV04684.MPG},userName={xxxx},userPassword={xxxx},fil eType={video}}
    could not be found.

    NealCrankshaw, in your case you definitaly need to use java
    in order to create and use complex data types arguments with your
    web service. Here are the steps to follow in nutshell
    1. Use wsdl2java tool (CF_HOME/runtime/bin) tsupplying URL to
    webservice WSDL to create java code.
    2. Create java classes by compiling java code created in step
    3. Create jar file(s) from classes in step 2
    4. Put jar file in CF classpath or just copy it to
    CF_HOME/lib directory
    5. Using <cfscript> create required objects, arrays and
    other arguments and supply them to web service method call.

  • How to create Web Service Proxy with help of WSDL.

    Hi ,
    How to create Web Service Proxy with help of WSDL .
    Please help me .
    Thanks in advacne for reply .

    check out this article. It has all the details

  • Java Web Services Security with

    I have developed a Java Web Service with J Developer which was deployed onto Oracle application server. Now I have to implement Security for this Web Service (similar to ws-security etc.,), how I can achieve Security with
    J Developer seems to have the feature to implement Web Service Security, but a Java Web Service developed using J Developer 10 .1.3.1 with security enabled cannot be deployed onto Oracle application server.
    Please help as how I can implement Java Web Service Security with
    Email: [email protected]
    Thanks for the help in advance.

    You can use Oracle Web Services Manager to virtualize the end point and still implement WS-Security.

  • Web Service Operation Timeout - How can this be done?

    Good day.
    We are running OC4J in a standalone container. We are deploying stateless Web Services. I am wondering if there is a way for us to specify a timeout at the operation level from all clients? Right now, we are observing that some requests just never seem to timeout. For example, the web service operation is calling a 3rd party component that might take a while to complete, but we don't want to have our clients wait.
    I realize that we can just have the client timeout, however, it does not affect the application server as the request seems to keep on going. I have had some requests being as old as 28 days. Is this handled by the global thread pool? I know we can do min / max etc, but what about a timeout of an active thread?
    So, I am curious if anyone has tackled this before? I know we can code this into the request, however, this seems like something the container / service should be able to handle via a configuration.
    Any insights / suggestions would be great. Is this a possibility?

    Several ways to do this (I don't work enough in Motion to advise there), but in FCP...one way would be...
    V1 - background visual
    V2 - Rectangle Shape (from Shapes Generator/bottom right of viewer)
    V3 - Primary keyed image (car in the video clip)
    V4 - Same as V2 (only tweak the Rectangle settings)
    V5 - Same as V3 (duplicated shot of car)
    V6/V7 - V8/V9 repeat as needed for different layers...
    Apply 'Composite Mode - Travel Matte/Luma) to each of the 'car' video layers.
    Then offset each pair of car/rectangle layers as you wish to see them over time.
    This approach will not give you drop shadow abilities. There are ways to make that happen, along with different approaches to the effect itself.
    Play around...it's one of the best ways to learn FCP capabilites for editing/compositing.

  • [JSR-172 Web Services] Error with some web services

    I m trying to use jsr172 with multiple services find at Xmethods.com
    - I choice only doc/litteral wsdl types ----> OK
    - use of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit Stubs Generator ---> OK
    - use the service stub generated to invoke the service -------> NOT OK
    Some services runs correctly, but lots of service methods throw a java.rmi.MarshalException: Missing SOAP Body or Envelope
    i.e: http://www.closerfar.com/dic2.asmx?WSDL
    --> this has a method which return a definition of a word by a complex type
    When I use the TryIt function in Xmethods.com, it's run!...
    .... but not in my midlet
    Can you help me

    I have written a dot net/ c# Web Services doesn't fully work with J2ME client - it too throws the same exception, with the exception text being "Missing SOAP Body or Envelope"
    a) c# web service works with c# WIndows Client (local & remote web service)
    b) c# web service works with J2ME client - when the Web Service is local
    c) c# web service FAILS with J2ME client - when the Web Service is remote
    "Missing SOAP Body or Envelope" -- This occurs at the point of invoking the remote Web Service
    a) dot net Web Services are "different" from Java Web services - yet it works fine in local mode
    b) error is a misnomer & there is some other problem, perhaps fixable thru Web.config changes remotely??
    - changed Web.Config authentication (from Windows to none), but this made no difference
    - changed back to default web service namespace of tempuri.org, but this made no difference

  • Web Service Call with Basic Authentication does not work

    If I try to use Basic Authentication in my Web Service Client with the automatically created methods
    the application does not make a call. Did I forget something?
    Is it possible to use "Test Method" with Basic Authentication?
    Thank you.

    Thank you for your answer.
    But: I already read this article. And it doesn't help me.
    I use the following code:
                getMyServiceClient1().setPassword(inPassword);With this code I always get a java.lang.NullPointerException.
    The methods setUsername and setPassword are definded as follows:
    public void setUsername(String inUserName) {
            myStub._setProperty(Stub.USERNAME_PROPERTY, inUserName);
      public void setPassword(String inPassword) {
            myStub._setProperty(Stub.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, inPassword);
      }But if I look at the methods which are generated automatically by Sun Java Studio Creator I cannot find _setProperty.
    I also found this thread in your forum:

  • Web Service Security with SAML - Invalid XML signature

    Hello together,
    we want to build a scenario where we want to use Web Service Security  with SAML.
    The scenario will be
    WS Client (Java Application) -> WS Adapter -> Integration Engine ->  WS Adapter-> CRM (Web AS ABAP 7.01 SP 3)
    SAP PI release is 7.11 (SP Level 4)
    We want to use the SAML Authentification from WS Client to PI and from PI to Web AS ABAP.
    The SAML authentifications between the WS Client and PI works when there is no SAML auth between PI and CRM.
    But we get following error at calling the CRM system when we want to communicate with SAML:
      <E_TEXT>CX_WS_SECURITY_FAULT:Invalid XML signature</E_TEXT>
    Has somebody an idea of the possible reason for the error.
    Thanks in advance

    Error Messages in the Trace/Log Viewer:
    CX_WS_SECURITY_FAULT : Invalid XML signature | program: CL_ST_CRYPTO==================CP include: CL_ST_CRYPTO==================CM00G line: 48
    A SOAP Runtime Core Exception occurred in method CL_ST_CRYPTO==================CM00G of class CL_ST_CRYPTO==================CP at position id 48  with internal error id 1001  and error text CX_WS_SECURITY_FAULT:Invalid XML signature (fault location is 1  ).
    Invalid XML signature

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