Exist an easy way to convert base64 code in XML files into the original image file on forms

I've made a form in lifecycle that will be distributed by email as a pdf, and submitted back to me as an XML file and then that data imported into the pdf form template to view the data. Issue is I have an "attach image" field on the form and in XML it gets written to a base64 encoded format. Is there convenient way to extract this code from the XML file so that I would have a workable jpeg image file that I can save and open in other apps? Thank you in advance!  -Robert Tampa

I tried to make John Brinkman's sample working in reverse.
This script will grab an image field's value and produce an attachment (png-file), which then can be saved to the hard drive.
//Get Base64 data of the image field
var b64Data = ImageField1.value.image.value;
//Convert to a read stream
var ReadStream = util.streamFromString(b64Data);
//Decode from Base64
var DecodedStream = Net.streamDecode(ReadStream, "base64");
//Attach an empty image file
event.target.createDataObject("MyExportImage.png", "", "image/png");
//Update attached image file with stream data
event.target.setDataObjectContents("MyExportImage.png", DecodedStream);
//Show attachment pane
event.target.viewState = {overViewMode:7};
This works so far, but the produced images are always cutted off.
No idea what's the reason for this behavior.

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    Hello ed2345,
    Thanks for the help, but this is not the problem.
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    Like DrClap said: DecimalFormat. However, make sure you understand the Locale things, as explained at http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/api/java/text/DecimalFormat.html (which refers to NumberFormat as well) and use them explicitly. Like
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          // see NumberFormat.getInstance()
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        catch(ParseException pe)
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    Little known hint well worth knowing:
    If you use the menu selection "Photos→Add Adjustment" or "Photos→Add Adjustment Preset", the operation is done to all selected images.
    In addition to what Frank says, you could also apply a B&W Adjustment Preset when the files are imported.  These adjustments are like any others -- they can be toggled on and off, removed, and adjusted with the settings in the Bricks used.
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    Thanks in advance,
    <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
    version = 1.0;
    // -->
    <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.1>
    version = 1.1;
    // -->
    <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
    if (version==1.0)
    document.write("Your browser doesn't have JavaScript 1.1 capabilities. "
    + "This checkers game script only works on Netscape 3+ and MSIE 4+.");
    // -->
    <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.1>
    // Checkers Game
    // black.gif
    // gray.gif
    // you1.gif -- normal piece (player/red)
    // you2.gif -- highlighted piece
    // you1k.gif -- kinged normal piece
    // you2k.gif -- kinged highlighted piece
    // me1.gif -- normal piece (computer/black)
    // me2.gif -- highlighted piece
    // me1k.gif -- kinged normal piece
    // me2k.gif -- kinged highlighted piece
    function preload() {
    this.length = preload.arguments.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
    this[i] = new Image();
    this.src = preload.arguments[i];
    var pics = new preload("black.gif","gray.gif",
    var black = -1; // computer is black
    var red = 1; // visitor is red
    var square_dim = 35;
    var piece_toggled = false;
    var my_turn = false;
    var double_jump = false;
    var comp_move = false;
    var game_is_over = false;
    var safe_from = safe_to = null;
    var toggler = null;
    var togglers = 0;
    function Board() {
    board = new Array();
    for (var i=0;i<8; i++) {
    board[i] = new Array();
    for (var j=0;j<8;j++)
    board[i][j] = Board.arguments[8*j+i];
    board[-2] = new Array(); // prevents errors
    board[-1] = new Array(); // prevents errors
    board[8] = new Array(); // prevents errors
    board[9] = new Array(); // prevents errors
    var board;
    function message(str) {
    if (!game_is_over)
    document.disp.message.value = str;
    function moveable_space(i,j) {
    // calculates whether it is a gray (moveable)
    // or black (non-moveable) space
    return (((i%2)+j)%2 == 0);
    function Coord(x,y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    function coord(x,y) {
    c = new Coord(x,y);
    return c;
    document.write("<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="+(square_dim*8+8)
    +"<tr><td><img src='black.gif' width="+(square_dim*8+8)
    +" height=4><br></td></tr>");
    for(var j=0;j<8;j++) {
    document.write("<tr><td><img src='black.gif' width=4 height="+square_dim+">");
    for(var i=0;i<8;i++) {
    if (moveable_space(i,j))
    document.write("<a href='javascript:clicked("+i+","+j+")'>");
    document.write("<img src='");
    if (board[i][j]==1) document.write("you1.gif");
    else if (board[i][j]==-1) document.write("me1.gif");
    else if (moveable_space(i,j)) document.write("gray.gif");
    else document.write("black.gif");
    document.write("' width="+square_dim+" height="+square_dim
    +" name='space"+i+""+j+"' border=0>");
    if (moveable_space(i,j)) document.write("</a>");
    document.write("<img src='black.gif' width=4 height="+square_dim+"></td></tr>");
    document.write("<tr><td><img src='black.gif' width="+(square_dim*8+8)
    +" height=4><br></td></tr></table><br>"
    +"<form name='disp'><textarea name='message' wrap=virtual rows=2 cols=40></textarea><br><input "
    +"type=button value=\"Start the Game Over\" onClick=\"location.href+=''\"></form>");
    function clicked(i,j) {
    if (my_turn) {
    if (integ(board[i][j])==1) toggle(i,j);
    else if (piece_toggled) move(selected,coord(i,j));
    else message("First click one of your red pieces, then click where you want to move it");
    } else {
    message("It's not your turn yet. Hang on a sec!");
    function toggle(x,y) {
    if (my_turn) {
    if (piece_toggled)
    if (piece_toggled && (selected.x == x) && (selected.y == y)) {
    piece_toggled = false;
    if (double_jump) { my_turn = double_jump = false; computer(); }
    } else {
    piece_toggled = true;
    selected = coord(x,y);
    } else {
    if ((piece_toggled) && (integ(board[selected_c.x][selected_c.y])==-1))
    if (piece_toggled && (selected_c.x == x) && (selected_c.y == y)) {
    piece_toggled = false;
    } else {
    piece_toggled = true;
    selected_c = coord(x,y);
    function draw(x,y,name) {
    document.images["space"+x+""+y].src = name;
    function integ(num) {
    if (num != null)
    return Math.round(num);
    return null;
    function abs(num) {
    return Math.abs(num);
    function sign(num) {
    if (num < 0) return -1;
    else return 1;
    function concatenate(arr1,arr2) {
    // function tacks the second array onto the end of the first and returns result
    for(var i=0;i<arr2.length;i++)
    arr1[arr1.length+i] = arr2[i];
    return arr1;
    function legal_move(from,to) {
    if ((to.x < 0) || (to.y < 0) || (to.x > 7) || (to.y > 7)) return false;
    piece = board[from.x][from.y];
    distance = coord(to.x-from.x,to.y-from.y);
    if ((distance.x == 0) || (distance.y == 0)) {
    message("You may only move diagonally.");
    return false;
    if (abs(distance.x) != abs(distance.y)) {
    message("Invalid move.");
    return false;
    if (abs(distance.x) > 2) {
    message("Invalid move.");
    return false;
    if ((abs(distance.x) == 1) && double_jump) {
    return false;
    if ((board[to.x][to.y] != 0) || (piece == 0)) {
    return false;
    if ((abs(distance.x) == 2)
    && (integ(piece) != -integ(board[from.x+sign(distance.x)][from.y+sign(distance.y)]))) {
    return false;
    if ((integ(piece) == piece) && (sign(piece) != sign(distance.y))) {
    return false;
    return true;
    function move(from,to) {
    my_turn = true;
    if (legal_move(from,to)) {
    piece = board[from.x][from.y];
    distance = coord(to.x-from.x,to.y-from.y);
    if ((abs(distance.x) == 1) && (board[to.x][to.y] == 0)) {
    } else if ((abs(distance.x) == 2)
    && (integ(piece) != integ(board[from.x+sign(distance.x)][from.y+sign(distance.y)]))) {
    double_jump = false;
    if ((legal_move(to,coord(to.x+2,to.y+2)))
    || (legal_move(to,coord(to.x+2,to.y-2)))
    || (legal_move(to,coord(to.x-2,to.y-2)))
    || (legal_move(to,coord(to.x-2,to.y+2)))) {
    double_jump = true;
    message("You may complete the double jump or click on your piece to stay still.");
    if ((board[to.x][to.y] == 1) && (to.y == 7)) king_me(to.x,to.y);
    selected = to;
    if (game_over() && !double_jump) {
    setTimeout("toggle("+to.x+","+to.y+");my_turn = double_jump = false;computer();",1000);
    return true;
    function king_me(x,y) {
    if (board[x][y] == 1) {
    board[x][y] = 1.1; // king you
    } else if (board[x][y] == -1) {
    board[x][y] = -1.1; // king me
    function swap(from,to) {
    if (my_turn || comp_move) {
    dummy_src = document.images["space"+to.x+""+to.y].src;
    document.images["space"+to.x+""+to.y].src = document.images["space"+from.x+""+from.y].src;
    document.images["space"+from.x+""+from.y].src = dummy_src;
    dummy_num = board[from.x][from.y];
    board[from.x][from.y] = board[to.x][to.y];
    board[to.x][to.y] = dummy_num;
    function remove(x,y) {
    if (my_turn || comp_move)
    board[x][y] = 0;
    function Result(val) {
    this.high = val;
    this.dir = new Array();
    function move_comp(from,to) {
    comp_move = true;
    if (abs(from.x-to.x) == 2) {
    if ((board[to.x][to.y] == -1) && (to.y == 0)) king_me(to.x,to.y);
    setTimeout("selected_c = coord("+to.x+","+to.y+");piece_toggled = true;",900);
    if (game_over()) {
    setTimeout("comp_move = false;my_turn = true;togglers=0;",600);
    message("Ok. It's your turn. You may make your move.");
    return true;
    function game_over() { // make sure game is not over (return false if game is over)
    comp = you = false;
    for(var i=0;i<8;i++) {
    for(var j=0;j<8;j++) {
    if(integ(board[i][j]) == -1) comp = true;
    if(integ(board[i][j]) == 1) you = true;
    if (!comp) message("You beat me!");
    if (!you) message("Gotcha! Game over.");
    game_is_over = (!comp || !you)
    return (!game_is_over);
    // the higher the jump_priority, the more often the computer will take the jump over the safe move
    var jump_priority = 10;
    function computer() {
    // step one - prevent any jumps
    for(var j=0;j<8;j++) {
    for(var i=0;i<8;i++) {
    if (integ(board[i][j]) == 1) {
    if ((legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i+2,j+2))) && (prevent(coord(i+2,j+2),coord(i+1,j+1)))) {
    return true;
    } if ((legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i-2,j+2))) && (prevent(coord(i-2,j+2),coord(i-1,j+1)))) {
    return true;
    } if (board[i][j] == 1.1) {
    if ((legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i-2,j-2))) && (prevent(coord(i-2,j-2),coord(i-1,j-1)))) {
    return true;
    } if ((legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i+2,j-2))) && (prevent(coord(i+2,j-2),coord(i+1,j-1)))) {
    return true;
    // step two - if step one not taken, look for jumps
    for(var j=7;j>=0;j--) {
    for(var i=0;i<8;i++) {
    if (jump(i,j))
    return true;
    safe_from = null;
    // step three - if step two not taken, look for safe single space moves
    for(var j=0;j<8;j++) {
    for(var i=0;i<8;i++) {
    if (single(i,j))
    return true;
    // if no safe moves, just take whatever you can get
    if (safe_from != null) {
    } else {
    message("You beat me!!");
    game_is_over = true;
    safe_from = safe_to = null;
    return false;
    function jump(i,j) {
    if (board[i][j] == -1.1) { 
    if (legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i+2,j+2))) {
    return true;
    } if (legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i-2,j+2))) {
    return true;
    } if (integ(board[i][j]) == -1) {
    if (legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i-2,j-2))) {
    return true;
    } if (legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i+2,j-2))) {
    return true;
    return false;
    function single(i,j) {
    if (board[i][j] == -1.1) {
    if (legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i+1,j+1))) {
    safe_from = coord(i,j);
    safe_to = coord(i+1,j+1);
    if (wise(coord(i,j),coord(i+1,j+1))) {
    return true;
    } if (legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i-1,j+1))) {
    safe_from = coord(i,j);
    safe_to = coord(i-1,j+1);
    if (wise(coord(i,j),coord(i-1,j+1))) {
    return true;
    } if (integ(board[i][j]) == -1) {
    if (legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i+1,j-1))) {
    safe_from = coord(i,j);
    safe_to = coord(i+1,j-1);
    if (wise(coord(i,j),coord(i+1,j-1))) {
    return true;
    } if (legal_move(coord(i,j),coord(i-1,j-1))) {
    safe_from = coord(i,j);
    safe_to = coord(i-1,j-1);
    if (wise(coord(i,j),coord(i-1,j-1))) {
    return true;
    return false;
    function possibilities(x,y) {
    if (!jump(x,y))
    if (!single(x,y))
    return true;
    return false;
    return false;
    function prevent(end,s) {
    i = end.x;
    j = end.y;
    if (!possibilities(s.x,s.y))
    return true;
    else if ((integ(board[i-1][j+1])==-1) && (legal_move(coord(i-1,j+1),coord(i,j)))) {
    return move_comp(coord(i-1,j+1),coord(i,j));
    } else if ((integ(board[i+1][j+1])==-1) && (legal_move(coord(i+1,j+1),coord(i,j)))) {
    return move_comp(coord(i+1,j+1),coord(i,j));
    } else if ((board[i-1][j-1]==-1.1) && (legal_move(coord(i-1,j-1),coord(i,j)))) {
    return move_comp(coord(i-1,j-1),coord(i,j));
    } else if ((board[i+1][j-1]==-1.1) && (legal_move(coord(i+1,j-1),coord(i,j)))) {
    return move_comp(coord(i+1,j-1),coord(i,j));
    } else {
    return false;
    function wise(from,to) {
    i = to.x;
    j = to.y;
    n = (j>0);
    s = (j<7);
    e = (i<7);
    w = (i>0);
    if (n&&e) ne = board[i+1][j-1]; else ne = null;
    if (n&&w) nw = board[i-1][j-1]; else nw = null;
    if (s&&e) se = board[i+1][j+1]; else se = null;
    if (s&&w) sw = board[i-1][j+1]; else sw = null;
    eval(((j-from.y != 1)?"s":"n")+((i-from.x != 1)?"e":"w")+"=0;");
    if ((sw==0) && (integ(ne)==1)) return false;
    if ((se==0) && (integ(nw)==1)) return false;
    if ((nw==0) && (se==1.1)) return false;
    if ((ne==0) && (sw==1.1)) return false;
    return true;
    message("You may begin! Select a piece to move.");
    my_turn = true;
    // -->

    Well, you can get a free tutorial to Java at http://www.mindview.net/. It's the "Thinking In Java" book. You can download the whole book from that site, it's about a thousand pages. If you read that whole book, you'll know exactly where to start and probably how to finish it too.
    As a gimmie, think about it -- you'll have to remove all of the browser-detect code, since browser-detection is only done to determine which version of JavaScript is supported by the browser.

  • Is there an easy way to filter a 2-d array based on the values of two of the fields?

    Is there an easy way to filter a 2-d array based on the values of one of the fields. In my attached VI the output array has the following format:
    TimeStamp        Ident                Frame Type          Bytes    Data
    10:57:07.621   3AD00016   CAN Data Frame   8          0000000000000000
    10:57:07.622   3AD00017   CAN Data Frame   8          000005E000000000
    10:57:07.624   3AD00018   CAN Data Frame   8          0000000003300000
    10:57:07.625   2DC00000   CAN Data Frame   8          0000000000000000
    10:57:07.626   3AD00019   CAN Data Frame    4         0000030000000000
    I would like to delete any rows that do not have an "Ident" between the values of 3AD00000 and 3AD0001E. So for the above data the fourth row would be deleted. The only way I can see to do it is to form a 1-d array. Is there a better approach?
    Thank you.
    Go to Solution.
    CMM_SN_MULTI.vi ‏20 KB

    Hi chuck72352,
    after you have sorted your data, you can use the InRange Function. Combined with a "search 1D Array" you'll get the range you really want.
    ArraySubset.PNG ‏25 KB

  • I would like to burn dvds..does anyone know a good safe easy to use converter/burning download to allow me to change mp4 /avi files to dvd so i can burn them on a disc that will play in all or most dvd players...thank you

    i would like to burn dvds..does anyone know a good safe easy to use converter/burning download to allow me to change mp4 /avi files to dvd so i can burn them on a disc that will play in all or most dvd players..also is it possible to upload store boughten dvds/bluerays to my macbook..if so does anyone know how one would do that ? im just getting used to this mac and i do love it but alas i am comp stupid  hahaha...thank you

    Toast Titanium by Roxio.

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    I also went through the same process and used Hashtable at last
    Hashtable ht=new Hashtable();
    ht.add("1",new Position(number,x,y,image))
    ht.add("2",new Position(number,x,y,image))
    u need have class Position which has constructor
    Position(int number,int x,int y,Image img)
    number : 1,2,.....
    image : img1,img2......
    x,y position
    hope u got it

  • How do I convert multiple PDFs to XML without having to open each file individually?

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    XML for what?   XML is just a way to structure data - it's nothing in and of itself.
    However, you have to open the file (even if it's not user visible) in order to perform any operation on it - otherwise how would the data be read??
    Are you looking to do this on a desktop or server machine?  What OS platform(s)?  What programming environment?

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    Do you have Word & Excel installed, if yes, navigate in the finder to an example of each, right click and select 'Get Info' scroll down to 'Open With' and select the appropriate program, check the box that says 'Change All'

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    Document-level scripts are not accessible to other documents/scripts, so they're not a good option.
    Folder-level scripts, on the other hand, are accessible to all other documents/scripts. So if you have a general function that creates a 3D annotation, for example, you can place it in a folder-level script and then call it from other scripts (you will probably need to provide it a handle for the document and properties of the annotation).
    One thing to be aware of, though, is that the folder-level scripts are loaded alphabetically, so don't put a reference in script aaa.js to something that loads in zzz.js, or you will get an error message when you open Acrobat. (this is not a problem if zzz.js is not called during the launch of Acrobat)

  • Can you convert this file into good searchable pdf file: Medical Terminology- A Short Course.azw4

    Can you convert this file into good searchable pdf file: Medical Terminology- A Short Course.azw4

    I don't think that Adobe offers any software to convert .azw4 files.  Search Google for alternate converters.

  • How to convert a multi page PDF document into a single TIF file?

    We are trying to convert a multi page PDF document into a single TIF file. We are using Adobe Acrobat Standard v 9. Can it be possible?

    I am also looking for feedback.  Although having a PDF copy of a document is wonderful, long term and efficient archival for my workplace is tif or tiff.
    Very frustrating that the PDF to tiff creates a separate tiff file for each page of the multi-page PDF document.  Are there any options or work-arounds?

  • Convert Windows Excel File into a Mac Excel File

    I have transferred my Workout Journal spread sheet over from my girlfriends PC (which I use often) . Problem is, I can't access it the file on my Mac in Excel or Numbers. It's currently in .xlsx format, I tried simply renaming as an .xls file but it wouldn't open properly on either application.
    How do I convert this file Windows file into a Mac readable file. Thanks
    All help appreciated

    You cannot read Excel ".xlsx" form files using older versions of Microsoft Excel than the 2011 version of Office for Mac or at all in Numbers.  You will either have to Upgrade your version of Excel on your Mac to "Office for Mac 2011", OR go back to your girlfriend's computer and resave the file using "Save As ..." and there select the ".xls" compatibility format instead of the default ".xlsx" version that the newer versions of Excel use.

  • CS4\5 - Easy Way to Convert Gradient Stops to Swatches?

    Hi Folks
    I wonder if there is an easy way to do this?
    I am working with an AI file where I want to create swatches for every colour I use to ensure consistency. There are a number of gradients in the document, and I have stored the colour stops from the gradient as swatches. So far so good.
    Now I want to adjust the gradient colour stops, but there seems to be no easy way to add a new swatch from a gradient colour stop, or to update an existing swatch from a gradient colour stop.
    The swatches palette that appears when clicking the gradient colour stop has no buttons on it to add a new swatch, for example, and none of the usual swatch creating methods seem to work.
    Is this possible without reverting to some cumbersome workaround?
    Any help appreciated!

    Does clicking on a stop then dragging the color from the Color panel to the Swatches panel not work for you (translation, er, repetition of post 1)?
    Also, wouldn't the Edit > Edit Colors mechanism help here?

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