Expanding my MDD 867mhz with a segate Barracuda 120GB

Hi. I'm running Logic Pro on my Mac G4 MDD 876mhz. I want to upgrade my system and have more capacity on the drives. I like to have all my audiosamples (+40 G) on one internal slave HD. I'm currently running the 40G HD that came with the computer. Memory is 1GB DDR/SDRAM. I've bought a Segate Barracuda 120 GB 7200 ATA 100 HD, this disk is going to be my slave HD cause the system is yust runnig fine on the original 40 G disk. How to install the 120G HD? Can I use it along side the 40G HD? If yes, there is no need for reinstallation OSX? I've read that the MDD is capable of running 2 G DDR/SDRAM, will it make mine work faster if I put in 2 x 512 extra?
G4 876 mhz   Mac OS X (10.3)   </span<br>
G4 876 mhz   Mac OS X (10.3)  

i wish I had the talent to understand music apps like Logic Pro.
i am an old MIDI man, still using sheet music, MIDI keyboard and finale notepad.
anywho. are you running 10.4? Core Audio is a part of Tiger, maybe the Core Audio element is having problems with slow disk access. just an idea
if you cannot put a faster HD in the ATA100 drive carrier (the two drives in rear of MDD are ATA100 channel) you can aim for a SATA drive.
for about $60 you can get an SIIG 4channel SATA150 PCI controller. you can then put the card in an open PCI slot, put 1 or 2 SATA HD's in the front HD carrier, of course dont forget the power convertors, and make sure nothing gets caught or crimped. I helped a buddy put two 200GB Hitachi 7200rpm 8MB SATA HD's in his MDD 1Ghz about 6 months ago. I have no idea how he did it, but He got them striped as RAID 0 for serious HD usage for his desktop video and Final Cut projects.
MORE ram is always better. especially with heavy cpu access programs. 2GB of RAM is max for the MDD, and I bet Logic pro will run so much better with more RAM. Less pageouts and less VM usage by the OS. The OS uses part of the Boot Drive for VM if you dont have enough Real system RAM. that could cause some of the issues. The RAM is decent now. you can get 512MB for less than $80 if you look around. Always get the good Mac stuff though. Crucial, RAMJET, OWC, TransIntl.com... I did the bad thing and got some CHEAP stuff for $39 and thought Hey its CHEAP. boy it was crappy. My Mac barely worked with it. ok sorry or the Rant.
send an email about your Mac music stuff.
otherwise good luck dude.
[email protected]
[email protected]

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    It it may be that you are running either an outdated BT software or the firmware of the card is not up to date.
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    I've just used super duper for the first time a week ago to back-up before formatting my G4 MDD.
    It works perfect BUT I'd recommand you use the version for sale (not the free/trial one) as it allows you to access more options such as creating image disks.
    It's around 25$ or someting like that...
    I'd also recommand you to read the "read me first" pdf file that goes with it, it's very useful and clear.
    You have to install super duper on your computer and run it from there to back-up on the remote HD. You can either create a bootable version (if your external HD is a firewire one, and if it is HFS formated) or a disk image (I used this option since you have to erase the whole external disk to create a bootable back-up and I didn't want to do that).
    Concerning partitioning, check it, but I think you have to run disk utility from the bootable apple CD to create a partition (disk utility won't partition the disk on which the system is running).
    good luck

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    Message was edited by: PixelGrinch

    Excellent questions, I too am looking at SSD.
    Some things I know about SSD:
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    2. SSD drives can be setup as SLC or MLC - SLC is faster read 2X, write 4X over MLC, however SLC is smaller capacity. SLC also has a longer life span.
    3. Intel plans to have an 320GB X25-M (MLC) and a 128GB X25-E (SLC) out soon.
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    Hello Mally505. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    I was hoping to wirelessly connect the Airport Extreme and place that in a seperate room from the router (BT HomeHub) and use WDS to expand the signal, yet I'm really struggling setting this up (Is this even possible?).
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    %SRR1: 00003030
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    %SRRO: 056106dc
    %SRR1: 00003030
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    Go to Solution.

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    Hi Mouselander,
    Thanks for your fast and detailed response! I have few more questions, if its okay, as I am really new to LiveCycle, and I assume it would come in handy to other users when searching this topic, to have an overview of all the details regarding these functions
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    Since the Radeon 9800 functions in the Sawtooth, I"m assuming any compatibility issue would be due to the ADC port rather than 2x AGP in the Sawtooth - correct?

    The card will work just fine through the DVI port.
    The ADC port won't work due to lack of ADC support in the Sawtooth.
    Other than that, no problems.

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    Hello all,
    Just realized this thread should have been in this section. I put it in the using your powerbook section. Sorry for the double post. I just wanted it to be in the right section.
    I have just inherited a powerbook g4 from a family member who is upgrading to a new machine. It has dvd/cd drive problems. I'm totally new to OSX and a notebook machine and need some assistance. I've been briefly scanning the forums here and noticed problems with these drives on the model computer. Is there a way to fix this with an install of older software? Here is the problem, if I insert a cd into the super drive it mounts on the desktop, and itunes will play it but it skips and sounds very distorted. I haven't tried a dvd but was told it doesn't even see the dvds on the desktop. Here are the know specs on the machine:
    640 mb ram
    mac os x 10.5.1
    boot rom version 4.5.5f4
    the burner info: matshita dvd r uj-015
    firmware version: docb
    Thanks in advance!

    Good Morning Mac,
    According to your posted specs for the 12" G4PB you have the bare minimum requirements for Leopard. Even Tiger (10.4.11) should have 1GB RAM for decent performance (see my signature specs).
    An easily installed 1GB RAM stick can be obtained at either of these reliable vendors:
    http://eshop.macsales.com/ or http://www.crucial.com/
    However, we are getting ahead of ourselves. Try the following in this order:
    Repair Disk Permissions with /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility/Repair DP, then do the following:
    Run Repair HD from original CD or DVD install disk ........
    Insert disk and re-start holding down the 'C' key until you see the spinning gear.
    At Installer level...... DO NOT CONTINUE
    At top left, use 'Utilities' Menu for Tiger or later and go 'Disk Utility'
    Select your HD volume with Operating system on...
    Select First Aid tab then select Repair Hard Disk button
    If "RED" errors are repaired, run again, until none are reported then +run again+ just to be sure you are OK
    Do NOT continue with the Installer... QUIT the Installer and return to the Finder ......... Eject the Disc
    RESTART ..... Repair Disk Permissions .... AGAIN!
    Try the above stuff first .... if that doesn't help, we will get into the "RESETS" steps next!

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    Do a search for flowing fields and you will get many hits like this one:

  • Expanding Raid 5 array (with windows 2003)

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    I have read some PDFs from apple that expanding is a 2 stage process, doing the expansion followed by merging the slices together afterwards. When i goto the merge slicing tool, it says the array has 1 slice, but underneath it there is a checkbox that says "I understand that slicing an array or merging slices will cause data on the array to be lost"
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    I recently put 2 more 500GB drives into my existing 4
    drive Raid 5 setup. I went through the expansion
    through RAID ADMIN 1.5. It synced the array which
    took about a day and inside the RAID ADMIN 1.5 tool
    it says the array is now 2.27 TB.
    Inside windows 2003, the size of the drive still says
    1.36 TB. I've restarted the windows server, and
    restart the x-serve RAID. Still it wont update the
    size of the drive.
    Windows 2003 can extend the disk using disk administrator on file system/volume level. I have tried it and it worked just fine.
    Would I not backup my data before doing this? NO WAY. Always backup your data before you do any volume expansion or re-layout.
    Would this work every time? I do not know if Apple test Xserve RAID for ALL Xserve RAID features such as LUN expansion or LUN masking, etc. It's certified though.
    I have read some PDFs from apple that expanding is a
    2 stage process, doing the expansion followed by
    merging the slices together afterwards. When i goto
    the merge slicing tool, it says the array has 1
    slice, but underneath it there is a checkbox that
    says "I understand that slicing an array or merging
    slices will cause data on the array to be lost"
    I'm not sure if thats what i need to do, i'm worried
    that im going to loose all my data on the drive by
    just wanting to expand it. If you have any
    information that can help that would be appreciated.
    Thank you!

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