Export an image object in a FW PNG

I am following a brilliant tutorial on
The tutorial also has resource file in the form of a
Fireworks PNG.
The Content layer contains what looks like a JPEG image named
Is there any way to extract the source image (Highway) intact
say committing a cropped export?

SKB wrote:
> deebs wrote:
>> Hello
>> I am following a brilliant tutorial on
>> The tutorial also has resource file in the form of a
Fireworks PNG.
>> The Content layer contains what looks like a JPEG
image named Highway.
>> Is there any way to extract the source image
(Highway) intact without
>> say committing a cropped export?
> If you are just talking about pulling the image out of
the png, unlock
> the layers, select the image, copy and paste it into a
new file.

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    Tim (LabRat1)
    ExportTest.vi ‏126 KB

    Hi Topher,
    How are you doing this?  Are you going to right-click>>Export Simplified Image.  I have done this with the code attached on the forum above and this works fine for me using 8.6.1f1.  You could try installing the patch for 8.6.1 if you haven't already to ensure we are on the same version.  This is available at  http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/lang/en/id/1276 although it should not fix anything to do with this.  Does this also not work by using the property node as described in the KB at http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/5AE4ADCBB65A6D8F86256FBF007A1AC1?OpenDocument
    James Mc
    CLA and cRIO Fanatic

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    <ItemTime><![CDATA[05/23/2007 03:22:24 AM EDT]]></ItemTime>
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    all the UI elements in the adobe form are generally connected to your web-dynpro Context.
    whatever you type in the online adobe form is reflected in the respective context attributes of the dynpro Context of the view where "ur Interactive form UI element is".
    that means you can yourself fill the contents of ur interactive form by working on the get/set methods of the context attributes.
    Likewise you can clear the form by setting all context attributes to blank eg ""
    <b>interactive form has two imp properties:-</b>
    data source points to the node all whose context attributes will be made available in the interactive form
    points to the context attribute which will hold the pdf.
    note that the type of this pdfSorce attribute will be binary.
    if you still have doubts.
    give me your gmail mail id. i 'll send a tutorial.
    with regards,

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    If you have large areas of white, they do compress well - either in TIFF as RLE or LZW, or in JPEG, so if the quality is good, I shouldn't worry. But use TIFF or PNG instead of JPEG. JPEG is a lossy compression format.
    Happy New Year...

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      if (image == null)
        JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
        if (chooser.showSaveDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
          String filename = chooser.getSelectedFile().getCanonicalPath();
          OutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));
          ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
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          } // ends if
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Image export cancelled", "Cancel", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
        } // ends try
      catch(Exception e)
        String message = "Could not export the image because of the error:\n " + e.getMessage();
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, message, "Error", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
        } // ends catch(Exception)
        } // ends finally
      } // ends exportPNG(Image)
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    I heard back from a Sun staffer and apparently I was using the JAI code incorrectly. The oddity is that I was getting a legitimate result on all non-Windows 2000 machines. Here's the distinction if anyone else has this issue.
    // This commented block causes image corruption on Windows 2000 machines.
    // The corrected version can be found below.
    // ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
    // pb.addSource(image);
    // pb.add(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);
    ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
    PlanarImage imgSrc = JAI.create("awtImage", pb);
    pb = new ParameterBlock();
    The rest should be as above in the original posting.

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    This is where the Adobe DNG could shine.
    Worth the read ... this can save the changes that one
    DNG does NOT help in this case.
    There is a huge misunderstanding that this is part of what DNG can or should do.
    But if you think about it, what good are the adjustments being stored in DNG if you have to use a particular program to open it anyway?
    Think about Aperture's Edge Sharpen for a second. Lets say you store that value in a DNG. Fine, what other program is going to able to reproduce that result EXACTLY to how you were previewing it at 100% on your monitor?
    Lighroom is trying to do something along these lines by passing editing commands off to Bridge through DNG. But here you run into another problem - it constrains what editing any one program can do. If Lightroom is limited to only ever having editing commands that are the same as what Bridge offers, and no other program on earth supports them, then what have you really accomplished? Will unknown editing commands simply be dropped without warning?
    That's why I think simply exporting projects, which hold master images alongside sidecar files (very like XMP) that describe edits are about as good as you are going to get. If you want to truly preserve editing work and you care about quality, nothing beats a TIFF file where 100% of the pixels are exactly as you reviewed them during editing. I personally trust Aperture enough to back up master images along with edits, and am fine with that.

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    I have read tutorials and googled for hours. Any suggestion is welcome at this stage!

    edit your image in photoshop and experiment with various settings/size.  there's no magic high quality small file size setting.
    it's a trade-off.  the higher the quality and the greater the image dimensions, the greater the file size.  you have to decide where those are acceptable.

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    off the top of my head i don't know a way of doing this automatically...maybe i just don't know of it...
    My work around would be:
    unlock everything
    select your objects
    invert your selection
    hide the now selected objects
    bit of a work around but you could do an action to speed it up if you've got a few to do.
    hope that helps

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    Or using the print front panel option / method.
    When you run the example vi (XY graph bug - LabVIEW 2013 SP1.vi), right click the XY graph and choose the option "Export Simplified Image...", some of the plots are inverted when you choose .emf or .eps in the options menu (see "Export Simplified Image options.png").
    When you choose Bitmap it works fine.
    Any ideas?
    Or is it a bug in LabVIEW 2013?
    XY graph bug - LabVIEW 2013 SP1.vi ‏27 KB
    Export Simplified Image options.png ‏23 KB
    XY graph export results.zip ‏26 KB

    Thank you for your answer.
    Actually I wanted to use the option "Automatically print front panel every time VI completes execution" or the "Print.Panel to Printer" method".
    But when I do that I have the same problem.
    Any workaround for that?
    Print options.png ‏38 KB

  • Exporting Multiple Images from Library - Resized CP4 to CP5 Project

    I am getting corrupt files when attempting to export multiple images at once:
    OS: Occurs on both Win 7 and XP
    Source: CP4 project imported to CP5. Original CP4 project was captured at 1024x768 and later resized to 1024x738.
    1. Open Library Backgrounds folder.
    2. Select more than one background image
    3. Right-click over selected objects
    4. Click Export from the context menu
    'Browse for folder' dialog appears.
    5. Select a folder
    6. Click OK
    Files are created in folder, but are corrupt. When exporting the same images individually, they come out fine. Individual image export file size ends up ~ 2MB each. Multiple image export file sizes end up ~60kb. All are exported as .bmp (not given a choice when exporting multi-select).
    Multiple file export works fine in a new CP5-native project.
    I've reported it as a bug.

    What version of Aperture do you have? This is simple with AP3. Fle -> Export -> Project as New Library. At the far end, Import Library....

  • Can you export an image from BitmapData

    Once you have done fun stuff with BitmapData in Flash 8 is
    there anyway you can export the image back to a server as a JPEG or

    yes, check mario klingemann's bitmapexporter class:

  • Export trans image in PS CS5 help

    I've moved from photoshop 7.0 to CS5 extended 12.5 in a single bound. To export a transparent image in ps7 you just wentto the help menu and selected 'export transparent image'.... can you please tell me where this feature is in the new ps cs5 extended?

    The likely reason why this function no longer exists is because it was not just "a single bound". That wizard asked too many questions to make it useful (several clicks to answer those questions). It is much easier to simply save as the proper file format: PSD, TIF, PNG, GIF.

  • How to export my image with transparent bkground (CC)

    Before I ask my question, I want to point out I am currently exporting my image by going to File>Export>.PNG>(72PPI+Transparent)
    The issue im running into is; for example when I am exporting text, I am also exporting a certain amount of area around my image. How can I export the exact outline of my image? I have posted a screen shot of what im refering to.
    When I wanted to use my text image for a website I was building I noticed I couldnt get the image to center. I opened the image in paint and noticed I was exporting the area around my image aswell and not just the image itself. Hopefully the screen shots can explain my scenario a little better...
    I would like to export the text outline only. As you can see in paint I am exporting a fixed area around my image.

    The image was created in Illustrator. I opened the file in Photoshop and I see that area around my image aswell. I would like to just export the highlighted area. When im exporting through Illustrator, I would like to export a tighter area the image, not so much area around

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    My Illustrator CC (2014) is exporting my images 4.4x larger than I set them to export as. I haven't changes any settings or anything. I can't fix it. I downloaded the new Illustrator in attempt to fix it, but I can't.
    I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.
    A Gateway computer. Intel core i5.
    Images of set up process so I don't have to type it out.
    Creating new file:
    Exporting said file:
    What it exports as:
    Thanks for any help!

    Hmm, I think the issue is you trying to do everything in pixels, then changing the ppi. Which is playing havoc with what you want to do. Set the ppi to 72, then it should be fine. Only work with ppi when you are creating for print. For screen and the web, the ppi is irrelevant.

Maybe you are looking for

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