Export Aperture library objects to Finder folders

Inspired by the posted message by user http://discussions.apple.com/profile.jspa?userID=616539 I wrote a script that will do the following:
1. Sync Folders/SubFolders/Albums/Projects..etc hierarchy tree from Aperture to a Finder folders tree
2. At run-time the script will creates/append to a log file under (home directory)\Library\Logs\AppleScriptExportApertureLibrary.log
3. Exports all projects images versions with embedded metadata
4. Create a file system "hard links" for each photo in the respective Albums pointing to the project folder location in order to preserve space.
5. Compare modification date on the image files and modification date within Aperture and export only modified images in order to save time for a full sync/export.
6. In interactive mode you can select Export Folder location, Aperture Library location and Projects List (project list will contain project name and internal aperture project id).
7. In non-interactive (from command line) mode there are two arguments:
7a. "quiet" - exports all projects
7b. "quiet" "Project Information" - export only certain projects. the project information can be found in the log file.
8. Remove any images or folders from Finder export directory that do not exist in Aperture database any more.
Hopefully this would help anyone who is looking to export from Aperture on a regular basis. I am not sure how it will handle large amount of photos. I tested it with 3k+ photos.
Please note that you use this script at your own risk.
Here is the script code:
global theFoldersTree_G
global theLibraryPath_G
global theProcessedProjects_G
global theSelectedProjects_G
global theAllAlbums_G
global theScriptName_G
global Sqlite_G
global ApertureLibrary_G
global numExports_G
on run argv
set Sqlite_G to "/usr/bin/sqlite3"
set ApertureLibraryPath to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Pictures/"
set ApertureLibrary_G to ApertureLibraryPath & "Aperture Library.aplibrary/Aperture.aplib/Library.apdb"
set exportFolder to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Pictures/Aperture Exports/"
set theScriptName_G to "ExportApertureLibrary"
set theSelectedProjects_G to "ALL PROJECTS"
set theFoldersTree_G to {}
set theProcessedProjects_G to {}
set theAllAlbums_G to {}
set numExports_G to 0
set theArgv1 to {}
set theArgv2 to {}
if (count of argv) ≥ 1 then
set theArgv1 to item 1 of argv
end if
if (count of argv) = 2 then
set theArgv2 to item 2 of argv
end if
logEvent("Passed ARGV 1: " & theArgv1)
logEvent("Passed ARGV 2: " & theArgv2)
if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
set theFile to (choose file with prompt "Please choose the Aperture Library file" default location POSIX file ApertureLibraryPath) as string
set ApertureLibrary_G to POSIX path of theFile & "Aperture.aplib/Library.apdb"
set exportFolder to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Please choose the export folder" default location POSIX file exportFolder) as string
end if
logEvent("ApertureLibrary_G path is set to: " & ApertureLibrary_G)
logEvent("exportFolder path is set to: " & exportFolder)
tell application "Aperture"
logEvent("Getting list of project path information...") of me
set SqlStatement to "
select replace(A.ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject',''),A.ZUUID
set SQLProjectUUIDPath to DB_execute(SqlStatement) of me
set theProjectsOptions to SQLProjectUUIDPath as list
set end of theProjectsOptions to "ALL PROJECTS"
logEvent("Projects list: " & theProjectsOptions as string) of me
if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
set theSelectedProjects_G to choose from list SQLProjectUUIDPath with prompt "Please choose a project(s):"
end if
if theArgv2 is not equal to {} then
set theSelectedProjects_G to theArgv2
end if
logEvent("The selected projects : " & theSelectedProjects_G as string) of me
logEvent("Getting list of libraries...") of me
set theLibraryList to every library
logEvent("Found " & (count of theLibraryList) & " libraries") of me
repeat with theLibrary in theLibraryList
set theLibraryName to name of theLibrary
logEvent("Processing library: " & theLibraryName) of me
set LibraryFolders to {}
set theProcessedProjects_G to {}
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists (POSIX file (exportFolder & theLibraryName) of me)) then
logEvent("creating new folder " & theLibraryName & " at " & exportFolder) of me
make new folder at (POSIX file exportFolder of me) with properties {name:theLibraryName}
end if
end tell
set theLibraryPath_G to exportFolder & theLibraryName & "/"
logEvent("Getting list of folders...") of me
set theFolderList to every folder of library id (id of theLibrary)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderList) & " folders") of me
set theRootFolderList to {}
if theFolderList is not equal to {} then
processFoldersTree(0, theFolderList) of me
repeat with theFolder in theFolderList
if (id of theFolder) is not in theFoldersTree_G as string then
logEvent("Found root folder : " & (name of theFolder) as string) of me
set end of theRootFolderList to theFolder
set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theFolder)
end if
end repeat
end if
if theRootFolderList is not equal to {} then
processFolders(theRootFolderList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me
processFolders(theRootFolderList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
set theProjectList to every project of library id (id of theLibrary)
set end of LibraryFolders to processProjects(theProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me as list
processProjects(theProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
end if
logEvent("Getting list of projects...") of me
set theProjectList to every project of library id (id of theLibrary)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theProjectList) & " projects") of me
logEvent("Getting list of albums...") of me
set theAlbumList to every album of library id (id of theLibrary)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumList) & " albums") of me
set theRootProjectList to {}
if theProjectList is not equal to {} then
repeat with theProject in theProjectList
if (id of theProject) is not in theProcessedProjects_G as string then
logEvent("Found root project : " & (name of theProject) as string) of me
set end of theRootProjectList to theProject
set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theProject)
end if
end repeat
end if
set theRootAlbumList to {}
if theAlbumList is not equal to {} then
processAlbumsTree(theProjectList, theFolderList) of me
set theRootAlbumList to {}
repeat with theAlbum in theAlbumList
if (id of theAlbum) is not in theAllAlbums_G as string then
logEvent("Found root album : " & (name of theAlbum) as string) of me
set end of theRootAlbumList to theAlbum
set end of LibraryFolders to (name of theAlbum)
end if
end repeat
end if
if theRootProjectList is equal to {} then
processAlbums(theRootAlbumList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
processProjects(theRootProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "projects") of me
processProjects(theRootProjectList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
if theRootAlbumList is not equal to {} then
processAlbums(theRootAlbumList, theLibraryPath_G, "albums") of me
end if
end if
cleanup(LibraryFolders, theLibraryPath_G, "all") of me
end repeat
logEvent("total exports : " & numExports_G) of me
if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
display dialog "Total image exports : " & numExports_G buttons {"OK"} with title "Aperture Library Export" with icon note
end if
end tell
on error s number i partial result p from f to t
set s to "Error: " & s
logEvent(quoted form of (s))
if theArgv1 is not equal to "quiet" then
display dialog "ERROR : " & s buttons {"OK"} with title "Aperture Library Export" with icon note
end if
end try
end run
on cleanup(theObjects, thePath, theSelection)
logEvent("Cleaning export folders...") of me
logEvent("# Objects: " & (count of theObjects)) of me
logEvent("Export Folder: " & (thePath as string))
tell application "Finder"
logEvent("Getting list of folders...") of me
set theFolderList to every folder in folder (POSIX file thePath of me)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderList) & " folders") of me
logEvent("Getting list of files...") of me
set theFileList to every file in folder (POSIX file thePath of me)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theFileList) & " files") of me
repeat with theFolder in theFolderList
set theFolderName to name of theFolder
if theFolderName is not in theObjects as string then
logEvent("Moving folder " & theFolder & " to trash...") of me
move theFolder to trash
end if
end repeat
if theSelection is not equal to "folder" then
repeat with theFile in theFileList
set theFileName to name of theFile
if theFileName is not in theObjects as string then
logEvent("Moving file " & theFile & " to trash...") of me
move theFile to trash
end if
end repeat
end if
end tell
logEvent("Cleaning completed...") of me
end cleanup
on logEvent(logMessage)
set theLine to quoted form of (((current date) as string) ¬
& " : " & logMessage)
do shell script "echo " & theLine & ¬
" >> ~/Library/Logs/AppleScript" & theScriptName_G & ".log"
end logEvent
on DB_lookupProjectPath(puuid)
set SqlStatement to "
select replace(rtrim(ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject'),'/',':' )
ZUUID ='" & puuid & "'"
set SqlRecords to DB_execute(SqlStatement)
return DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 1)
end DB_lookupProjectPath
on processFolders(theFoldersList, theFolderPath, processOrder)
logEvent("processFolders... : " & theFolderPath) of me
set arrayOfFolders to {}
tell application "Aperture"
set theCount to count of theFoldersList
set theCounter to 1
repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
set foldersOfFolder to {}
set theFolderName to name of theFolder
logEvent("Processing folder : " & theFolderName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
set theCounter to theCounter + 1
set end of arrayOfFolders to theFolderName
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists (POSIX file (theFolderPath & theFolderName) of me)) then
logEvent("creating new folder " & theFolderName & " at " & theFolderPath) of me
make new folder at (POSIX file theFolderPath of me) with properties {name:theFolderName}
end if
end tell
logEvent("Getting list of album...") of me
set theAlbumsListOfFolder to every album of folder id (id of theFolder)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumsListOfFolder) & " albums") of me
logEvent("Getting list of folder...") of me
set theFolderListOfFolder to every folder of folder id (id of theFolder)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theFolderListOfFolder) & " folders") of me
logEvent("Getting list of project...") of me
set theProjectsListOfFolder to every project of folder id (id of theFolder)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theProjectsListOfFolder) & " projects") of me
if theProjectsListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
set end of foldersOfFolder to processProjects(theProjectsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
end if
if theFolderListOfFolder is equal to {} then
set end of foldersOfFolder to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
if theAlbumsListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
set end of foldersOfFolder to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
end if
set end of foldersOfFolder to processFolders(theFolderListOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & ":"), processOrder) of me as list
end if
cleanup(foldersOfFolder, (theFolderPath & theFolderName & "/"), "all") of me
end repeat
end tell
logEvent("processFolders completed...") of me
return arrayOfFolders
end processFolders
on processFoldersTree(theParent, theFoldersList)
logEvent("processFoldersTree...") of me
tell application "Aperture"
repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
if theParent is not 0 then
set end of theFoldersTree_G to (id of theFolder)
end if
set theFolderListOfFolder to every folder of folder id (id of theFolder)
if theFolderListOfFolder is not equal to {} then
processFoldersTree((id of theFolder), theFolderListOfFolder) of me
end if
end repeat
end tell
logEvent("processFoldersTree completed...") of me
end processFoldersTree
on processAlbumsTree(theProjectsList, theFoldersList)
logEvent("processAlbumsTree...") of me
set theAllAlbums_G to {}
tell application "Aperture"
repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
repeat with theAlbum in (every album of project id (id of theProject))
set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
end repeat
end repeat
repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
repeat with theAlbum in (every album of every subfolder of project id (id of theProject))
set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
end repeat
end repeat
repeat with theFolder in theFoldersList
repeat with theAlbum in (every album of folder id (id of theFolder))
set end of theAllAlbums_G to (id of theAlbum)
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
logEvent("processAlbumsTree completed...") of me
end processAlbumsTree
on DB_lookupImageInfo(puuid)
set SqlStatement to "
SELECT replace(A.ZLIBRARYRELATIVEPATH,'.approject',''),strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',datetime(B.ZDATELASTSAVEDINDATABASE, 'unixepoch', '+31 years','localtime'))
B.ZUUID ='" & puuid & "'"
set SqlRecords to DB_execute(SqlStatement)
return {theImagePath:DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 1), theImageDate:DB_record(SqlRecords, 1, 2)}
end DB_lookupImageInfo
on processProjects(theProjectsList, theProjectPath, processOrder)
logEvent("processProjects... : " & theProjectPath) of me
logEvent("processOrder: " & processOrder) of me
set arrayOfProjects to {}
tell application "Aperture"
set theCount to count of theProjectsList
set theCounter to 1
repeat with theProject in theProjectsList
set ProjectFolders to {}
set theProjectName to name of theProject
set end of arrayOfProjects to theProjectName
set theContinue to 0
if "ALL PROJECTS" is not in theSelectedProjects_G as string then
if (id of theProject) is not in theSelectedProjects_G as string then
logEvent("Skipping project: " & theProjectName) of me
set theContinue to 1
end if
end if
if theContinue = 0 then
-- set theProjectPath to theProjectPath & DB_lookupProjectPath(id of theProject) of me
logEvent("Processing project : " & theProjectName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists (POSIX file (theProjectPath & theProjectName) of me)) then
logEvent("creating new folder " & theProjectName & " at " & theProjectPath) of me
make new folder at (POSIX file theProjectPath of me) with properties {name:theProjectName}
end if
end tell
if processOrder is equal to "projects" then
set end of theProcessedProjects_G to (id of theProject)
logEvent("Getting list of images...") of me
set theImageList to every image version of project id (id of theProject) as list
logEvent("Found " & (count of theImageList) & " images") of me
set end of ProjectFolders to processImages(theImageList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "project", "JPEG - Original Size") of me as list
end if
logEvent("Getting list of subfolders...") of me
set theSubfolderList to every subfolder of project id (id of theProject)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theSubfolderList) & " subfolders") of me
logEvent("Getting list of album...") of me
set theAlbumList to every album of project id (id of theProject)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumList) & " albums") of me
if theSubfolderList is equal to {} then
set end of ProjectFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
if theAlbumList is not equal to {} then
set end of ProjectFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
end if
set end of ProjectFolders to processSubfolders(theSubfolderList, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
end if
if processOrder is equal to "projects" then
cleanup(ProjectFolders, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "all") of me
cleanup(ProjectFolders, (theProjectPath & theProjectName & "/"), "folder") of me
end if
end if
set theCounter to theCounter + 1
end repeat
end tell
logEvent("processProjects completed...") of me
return arrayOfProjects
end processProjects
on exportImage(imageUUID, imageName, exportFolder, imageType, isAlbum, exportSettings, imageExt)
set imageInfo to DB_lookupImageInfo(imageUUID) of me
set imageTime to theImageDate of imageInfo as Unicode text
set imageDate to date imageTime
set isExported to 0
set imageName to imageName & imageExt
set theFile to POSIX file (exportFolder & imageName)
tell application "Finder"
set isUpdate to 0
if not (exists theFile) then
logEvent("Image does not exist in folder : " & exportFolder) of me
set isUpdate to 1
logEvent("Get image modification date") of me
do shell script "ls -l " & quoted form of (exportFolder & imageName)
set imageFileDate to modification date of (info for theFile)
if imageDate ≥ imageFileDate then
logEvent("Image file date: " & imageFileDate as string) of me
set isUpdate to 1
end if
end if
if isUpdate = 1 then
if exists theFile then
move theFile to the trash
end if
if isAlbum is equal to "album" then
logEvent("Creating a link for image: " & imageName) of me
set theProjectFolder to theImagePath of imageInfo
do shell script "ln " & quoted form of (theLibraryPath_G & theProjectFolder & "/" & imageName) & " " & quoted form of exportFolder
set isExported to 1
logEvent("Exporting image: " & imageName) of me
tell application "Aperture"
if imageType is "master" then
set settings to exportSettings
export {image version id imageUUID} using settings to POSIX path of file exportFolder metadata embedded
set settings to exportSettings
export {image version id imageUUID} using settings to POSIX path of file exportFolder metadata embedded
end if
end tell
end if
end if
end tell
return isExported
end exportImage
on DB_execute(SqlStatement)
set SqlScript to Sqlite_G & space & "-separator '|'" & space & (quoted form of ApertureLibrary_G) & space & (quoted form of SqlStatement) & " 2>&1"
set SqlResult to do shell script SqlScript
set theARray to {}
set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character 13
set SqlRecords to text items of SqlResult
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
return SqlRecords
on error s number i partial result p from f to t
set s to "SQL Error: " & s
logEvent(quoted form of (s)) of me
end try
end DB_execute
on DB_record(SqlRecords, row, col)
set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "|"
set SqlCols to text items of (item row of SqlRecords)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
return item col of SqlCols
on error
return {}
end try
end DB_record
on DB_lookupRecord(SqlRecords, theReturnCol, theText, theCol)
set theResult to ""
repeat with theRow in items of SqlRecords
set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "|"
set theFields to text items of theRow
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
if item theCol of theFields is equal to theText then
set theResult to item theReturnCol of theFields
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return theResult
end DB_lookupRecord
on processImages(theImageList, exportFolder, isAlbum, exportSettings)
logEvent("processImages... : " & exportFolder) of me
if exportSettings contains "JPEG" then
set imageExt to ".jpg"
set imageExt to ".ANY"
end if
set arrayOfImages to {}
with timeout of 6000 seconds
set theCount to count of theImageList
set theCounter to 1
repeat with theImage in theImageList
set imageUUID to id of theImage
set imageName to name of theImage
set end of arrayOfImages to imageName & imageExt
logEvent("Processing image : " & imageName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
set numExports_G to numExports_G + (exportImage(imageUUID, imageName, exportFolder, "version", isAlbum, exportSettings, imageExt) of me)
set theCounter to theCounter + 1
end repeat
end timeout
return arrayOfImages
end processImages
on processAlbums(theAlbumsList, theAlbumPath, processOrder)
logEvent("processAlbums... : " & theAlbumPath) of me
set arrayOfAlbums to {}
tell application "Aperture"
set theCount to count of theAlbumsList
set theCounter to 1
repeat with theAlbum in theAlbumsList
set theAlbumName to name of theAlbum
logEvent("Processing album : " & theAlbumName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
set theCounter to theCounter + 1
set AlbumObjects to {}
set end of arrayOfAlbums to theAlbumName
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists (POSIX file (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName) of me)) then
logEvent("creating new folder " & theAlbumName & " at " & theAlbumPath) of me
make new folder at (POSIX file theAlbumPath of me) with properties {name:theAlbumName}
end if
end tell
logEvent("Getting list of images...") of me
set theImagesList to every image version of album id (id of theAlbum)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theImagesList) & " images") of me
if processOrder is equal to "albums" then
set end of AlbumObjects to processImages(theImagesList, (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName & "/"), "album", "JPEG - Original Size") of me as list
cleanup(AlbumObjects, (theAlbumPath & theAlbumName & "/"), "all") of me
end if
end repeat
end tell
logEvent("processAlbums completed...") of me
return arrayOfAlbums
end processAlbums
on processSubfolders(theSubfoldersList, theSubfolderPath, processOrder)
logEvent("processSubfolders... : " & theSubfolderPath) of me
set arrayOfSubfolders to {}
tell application "Aperture"
set theCount to count of theSubfoldersList
set theCounter to 1
repeat with theSubfolder in theSubfoldersList
set theSubfolderName to name of theSubfolder
logEvent("Processing subfolder : " & theSubfolderName & " (" & theCounter & "/" & theCount & ")") of me
set theCounter to theCounter + 1
set end of arrayOfSubfolders to theSubfolderName
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists (POSIX file (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName) of me)) then
logEvent("creating new folder " & theSubfolderName & " at " & theSubfolderPath) of me
make new folder at (POSIX file theSubfolderPath of me) with properties {name:theSubfolderName}
end if
end tell
set SubfoldersFolders to {}
logEvent("Getting list of albums ...") of me
set theAlbumsListOfSubfolder to every album of subfolder id (id of theSubfolder)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theAlbumsListOfSubfolder) & " albums") of me
logEvent("Getting list of subfolders...") of me
set theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder to every subfolder of subfolder id (id of theSubfolder)
logEvent("Found " & (count of theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder) & " subfolders") of me
if theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder is equal to {} then
set end of SubfoldersFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
if theAlbumsListOfSubfolder is not equal to {} then
set end of SubfoldersFolders to processAlbums(theAlbumsListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
end if
set end of SubfoldersFolders to processSubfolders(theSubfoldersListOfSubfolder, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), processOrder) of me as list
end if
cleanup(SubfoldersFolders, (theSubfolderPath & theSubfolderName & "/"), "all") of me
end repeat
end tell
logEvent("processSubfolders completed...") of me
return arrayOfSubfolders
end processSubfolders

If you do externalize your Masters to folders anywhere (same drive, internal/external drive, multiple drives, whatever), never be tempted to use Finder to mess with them.
As Frank said, use Relocate Masters.  Otherwise you'll confuse Aperture when it wakes up expecting Masters to be in certain places when they have moved elsewhere.
It's possible to fix up the mess, but it's no fun!

Similar Messages

  • I just noticed that I can no longer select photos out of my finder that are located in my Aperture/Iphoto Library.  I used to be able to attach photos to my gmail out of the aperture library in the finder and for some reason, no longer can.

    I just noticed that I can no longer select photos out of my finder that are located in my Aperture/Iphoto Library.  I used to be able to attach photos to my gmail out of the aperture library in the finder and for some reason, no longer can.
    I can't access these images except to go into the applications. 
    Also, I'd like to import my iphoto library into aperture, and move aperture library to an external drive.  I tried the import first, but there wasn't enough space.  Then I tried copying over the aperture library onto the external drive but it failed bc it said file was in use. 
    As it is, I only have 50gb left on my imac, and the aperture library is 150gb.  Also, I have over 10k images in both libraries combined and there are tons of duplicates that need to be sorted, and hopefully not messed up because I've organized most of them.
    So in short, I need to know how to do the following:
    -select photos in finder in aperture/iphoto libraries
    -move aperture library to live on external drive
    -import iphoto library into aperture library
    -eliminate dups but maintain organization
    -moving forward i need a better workflow so that I import images from camera, and can organize right away into albums rather than creating projects by default and then creating albums so essentially the photos are in 2 different places, even tho they are referenced
    -live happily ever after
    Thanks in advance for any support you can offer!!

    If you're using apps like iPhoto or Aperture then they replace the Finder for managing your photos. The point is that you use the (many) options available via these apps for the things you want and need to do with the Photos.
    So, simply, you don't select the photos in the Finder. I'll append the supported ways to do this - which are faster and will yield the current version of your Photos - to the end of this post.
    -move aperture library to live on external drive
    Managed or Referenced Library? Managed -
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit Aperture
    2. Copy the Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching Aperture. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.
    Referenced -  relocate your Masters first.
    These issues are covered in the Manual and on this forum hundreds of times.
    -import iphoto library into aperture library
    FIle -> Import -> iPhoto Library? Have you done this already? If so are you trying to move the Masters to Aperture from an  iPhoto Library? Or Consolidate them?
    -moving forward i need a better workflow so that I import images from camera, and can organize right away into albums rather than creating projects by default and then creating albums so essentially the photos are in 2 different places, even tho they are referenced
    You can't. Every photo is in a Project.  They’re the basic building blocks of the Library.
    You might want to spend a little time with the manual or the video tutorials. I'm not sure you've grasped the app  you've purchased.
    The following is written for iPhoto, but about 97% works for Aperture too.
    There are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto/ APerture:   You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Command-Click for selecting multiple pics. This is what you use to attach your shot to your GMail
    (Note the above illustration is not a Finder Window. It's the dialogue you get when you go File -> Open)
    You can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    There's a similar option in Outlook and many, many other apps.  If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto/ Aperture.
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    If you want to access the files with iPhoto/ Aperture not running:
    For users of 10.6 and later:  You can download a free Services component from MacOSXAutomation  which will give you access to the Library from your Services Menu.
    Using the Services Preference Pane you can even create a keyboard shortcut for it.
    or use this free utility Karelia iMedia Browser

  • Accessing aperture library from the finder

    I'm new to aperture and struggling. I upload my photos but can't see my aperture library from the finder. I shoot in RAW and want to do a batch save as jpegs. I'd like to create a folder within my project but it won't see my aperture library. I'm trying to read through the manual but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Help!

    As I learned, this only uploads the previews, not the raw file that you see when using aperture. This means any modifications you've made won't be applied.
    Sorry, but that's wrong. The previews contain ALL modifications you've applied as long as they're up to date. That's pretty much the point of previews.
    I've seen a lot of confusion these past few days regarding the Aperture workflow. I think it's pretty important to understand how Aperture works before jumping in. As Terence mentioned the whole point of the app is to manage everything within its database. Forget the Finder. Even if you use referenced files - as I do - Aperture still should be command central.
    There's also quite a few posts that seem to mistake RAW for an actual format. It isn't. RAW is just sensor data that needs to be interpreted. It's very powerful because it allows much wider editing of parameters that would otherwise be hard to modify after the fact (exposure, white balance etc). But you don't want to upload RAW files to the web because 1) they wouldn't be compatible and 2) they'd either look pretty dull or be interpreted differently from what you intended.
    I hope I'm not coming off like a blowhard here. But reading the manual and understanding the why and how of Aperture (or any other DAM) is the only way to get the most out of your purchase. This isn't iPhoto with more stuff - there's a very different paradigm here.

  • How to Export Aperture Library for Use by Windows PC

    Hello and thanks in advance for your help. I have recently returned to using a Mac after years of PC use. I'm using Parallels for some apps that are PC only, an astronomy program, TheSky6, for example. One of the first things I did was purchase Aperture and move my 40GB photo library into it. "Move" is the operative word; I didn't want to use up too much disk space so my photo library now exists only in Aperture. What I didn't realize, at the time I was happily deleting my Photoshop Album library, was that Aperture creates its own universe, and the actual photo files are no longer easily accessible, buried as they are, so to speak, within Aperture folders containing proprietary tags, etc.
    Is there an easy way to recreate the folders with just the jpegs, tiffs, raws photo files and nothing else? I realize of course that I could do this photo-by-photo, but it would take an awfully long time. I have tried exporting the projects, but they just export as aperture projects, so that didn't work. I also tried using Photoshop Album (on the pc side), hoping that it would just import the photo files and ignore all the aperture stuff--that didn't work either. A wonderful Apple Script program called "Aperture iPhoto Sync" did work somewhat, but it kept giving me errors before it was finished, and I couldn't keep track of what had copied and what had not.
    Learning from my mistake (the story of my life!), I have realized that I would like to keep the photo files accessible to a PC as well. I keep thinking I am missing something really simple here. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
    imac 24"   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   2.15 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB ram

    May I humbly and quietly suggest to read the manual before doing anything drastic.
    It would have been better to import all your images as referenced masters. Images would have stayed in the location they were in and the Aperture library would only have contained links or references to them. This would not have used up extra hard drive space.
    A good site for Aperture is the Bagelturf site.
    Have a look at this article in which Bagelturf explains "relocate and consolidate" of images.
    Considering your objectives, using referenced masters is the best option for you.

  • How do you export aperture library to external harddrive?

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Im trying to save my entire Aperture library to an external harddrive. What are my options other than using Time Machine? Thanks

    Managed or Referenced Library?
    Assuming it's a Managed library:
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit Aperture
    2. Copy the Aperture Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching Aperture. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.
    If you're using a Referenced Library then you'll need to relocate the Masters first.

  • How to export itunes library to mp3 (names & folders intact)

    I cant seem to find a solution to my problem. A family member has her music all stored on iTunes, however she now needs it taken off her old laptop. She is wanting it converted to mp3, is this possible?
    I read I can select the tracks and export to mp3...but I would like to keep the track names and folder names intact. Basically, I would like an exact copy, but as mp3?
    Is this possible? Even if I need software, I dont mind...hope I explained that well enough.
    Thanks in advance, Im a total itunes noob.

    There are two slightly different questions in there...
    Moving an iTunes library to a new computer
    These are two possible approaches that will normally work to move an existing library to a new computer.
    Method 1
    Backup the library with this User Tip.
    Deauthorize the old computer if you no longer want to access protected content on it.
    Restore the backup to your new computer using the same tool used to back it up.
    Keep your backup up-to-date in future.
    Method 2
    Connect the two computers to the same network. Share your <User's Music> folder from the old computer and copy the entire iTunes library folder into the <User's Music> folder on the new one. Again, deauthorize the old computer if no longer required.
    Both methods should give the new computer a working clone of the library that was on the old one. As far as iTunes is concerned this is still the "home" library for your devices so you shouldn't have any issues with iTunes wanting to erase and reload.
    I'd recommend method 1 since it establishes an ongoing backup for your library.
    Note if you have failed to move contacts and calendar items across you should create one dummy entry of each in your new profile and iTunes should  merge the existing data from the device.
    If your media folder has been split out from the main iTunes folder you may need to do some preparatory work to make it easier to move. See make a split library portable.
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library or a backup then then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device for advice on how to set up your devices with a new library with the maximum preservation of data.
    Converting media to mp3
    Generally you don't need to convert media files to a different format but if you plan to use an mp3 only player then it may be necessary. Converting from one lossy format to another will lose a bit of fidelity. You should only convert files of a different format, and there is no point converting to a higher bit rate, so it may make sense to use a smart playlist to select specific files to target for conversion together, e.g. 256k aac files to be converted to 256k mp3. The new files will have the same filenames (will a different extension) and be stored in the same folders as the originals, and the library will contain duplicate copies of each track. If you want to permanently swap formats and replace the originals then my script ConvertFormat should do the trick.

  • Export iPhoto Library in original, to folders named per Event

    I have a need to export out my entire photo library in its original format (photos and videos) but I want to land the exported version in folders that are named by Events in iPhoto. I am on 10.6.4 with iPhoto '09 (8.1.2).
    Any way to achieve this via AppleScript/Automator/anything else?

    What advice were you looking for?

  • Is there a way to export Itunes library including playlists into folders?

    Hey, i have quite a large library with over 100 playlists some playlists themselves in playlist folders
    Is it possible to export all playlists (Including playlist folders) into folders and for them to keep there structure?
    For example
    Playlist folder
    "Best playlists"
         "Playlist 2"
         "Playlist 3"
    "Other Playlists"
         "Playlist 1"
         "Playlist 2"
         Playlist 3"
    So i would get a folder with "Best playlists" then 3 folders inside with "Playlist 1, 2, 3" etc.
    Of course i want the music inside as well
    Maybe there is a script that will do it?


  • How do I see my pictures that are in my aperture library in finder?  I would like I be able to select  photos in finder when I am making photo books online without having to export them first from aperture jinto a new folder. Is there any way to view

    How do I see my pictures that are in my aperture library in finder?  I would like I be able to select  photos in finder when I am making photo books online without having to export them first from aperture jinto a new folder. Is there any way to view and download my pictures directly from finder?

    SamanthaR22 wrote:
    How do I see my pictures that are in my aperture library in finder?  I would like I be able to select  photos in finder when I am making photo books online without having to export them first from aperture jinto a new folder. Is there any way to view and download my pictures directly from finder?  [Emphasis added.]
    The digitization of data has introduced a complexity to our interactions with it that we continue to struggle with.  "Picture" and "Photo" now mean different things in different contexts.  In this case (and in general) defining our terms clearly is the first step towards understanding what we are trying to do.  Understanding is the path that allows us to do it.
    All pedantic, but please stick with me here  .
    You record a set of instantaneous data with a camera.
    That data is processed by your camera and saved to a file.
    The file format is usually either RAW or JPG.
    You transfer those files to your computer, and you import them into the program Aperture (often in one operation).
    From each camera-file imported, Aperture creates a record in its database (called, imho unhelpfully, a Library) and an Image that you see in the Aperture Browser and Viewer.
    Aperture links the Image and the imported file.
    The imported file is called, within Aperture, an Original.
    Every Image has an Original.
    The Image is not the Original.  The Image is what you see in Aperture.
    The Original is a file that is stored on your computer.
    You can make changes to an Image.
    Aperture calls these changes Adjustments.
    Adjustments are saved to another file attached to the record in the database.  Let's call this file the Changes File.
    Aperture uses these two files attached to the record in the database to create the Image.
    Image = Original + Changes File.
    The Image is not a file.
    Because the Image is not a file, it cannot be shared with other programs.  It exists only inside of Aperture.
    In order to share an Image with another program, you must first create a file of the Image.
    You do this by exporting Images ("File ▹ Export ▹ Version" is the command in Aperture; should be, imho, "File ▹ Export ▹ Image").
    You may ask, "Why all the complexity?  Why doesn't Aperture save Images as files?"  The answer is simple:  Images can require less — and in many cases very very much less — storage space than files of Images.  Rather than save a full-size file for every Image, Aperture saves only instructions on how to make that full-size file.  The gain in storage efficiency is huge.  The trade-off is that although your Images are always available to be made into share-able files, you must create those files when needed (which you do by exporting selected Images).
    Here is your question reworded with more precise terms:
    SamanthaR22 might have written:
    How do I access Images in my Aperture Library in the Finder?  I would like I be able to select files in the Finder when I am making photo books online without having to create them by exporting Images from Aperture into a new Finder folder. Is there any way to view and download my Images directly from the Finder?
    No, there is not.  Images exist only in Aperture, and are not accessible for use in other programs.  You must create, for each Image in your Aperture Library, a new file outside of your Aperture Library in order to use it with another program.
    Aperture does allow you to create and save within your Library share-able files of your Images.  These files are called Previews.  You specify the file parameters in Aperture Preferences on the Previews tab.  These files are available to other programs via the OS X Media Browser.  These files are what you get when you drag selected Images out of the Aperture program and drop them on another program or on your desktop (which is part of the Finder).

  • How do I view folders in the aperture library through finder?

    How do I view folders in the aperture library. If I look in my pictures I have the applibrary there but can't access it. If I click on it it opens Aperture and I can't find a way to find the info throught aperture either.

    You can browse the contents of your Aperture Library from the Finder, but better do not change anything inside.
    To look inside the Aperture Library package
    Reveal the package in the Finder,
    right-click or ctrl-click it and select "Show Package Contents" from the pop-up menu.
    You will see a folder with subfolders containing the masters, previews, and thumbnails.
    The iLife Applications will let you browse the Aperture Library through the MediaBrowser, that is much safer.
    P.S. If your Aperture Library is referenced, not managed, you can view the master image files by selecting the image in Aperture in the Browser or film strip, ctrl-clicking it and selecting "Show in Finder".

  • Transferring images out of Aperture library

    I recently acquired Aperture and plan to import my existing library into the Aperture library. My existing library consists of a lot of .nefs and almost as many jpgs. Once my existing library is imported I plan to let Aperture manage and backup the images in a vault, and delete my old library file structure (after waiting long enough to be confident everything is safe).
    My question: is it possible to pull an old jpg out of the Aperture library and insert it into another program without opening Aperture? For example, if I want to put an image in a greeting card, is there any way I can go into the Aperture library through the Finder to locate and transfer the image?

    Yes, but it isn't elegant.
    Right click on the Aperture Library and select "Show package contents"
    Pick the Project and again, right click and select "Show package contents"
    Then, out of the list of folders, one per image, try and figure out what image you need (or Spotlight if you know the filename).
    There again, launching Aperture and exporting the image isn't that slow after all.
    Possible to do it with Automator/Applescript as well I believe. Unsure there is a script out there but quite likely.

  • Organizing Aperture Library

    I'm new to Aperture and just finished importing my iPhoto library via selecting import iPhoto library to Aperture library. My desire was to have the same library that was organized in iPhoto only in Aperture. When I go to iPhoto library and right click I have all my photos organized in year folders and then in date folders. Unfortunately when I go into Aperture and do the same thing, I end up with one year with multiple layers of folders that don't seem to reference anything and then end up with my events individualized in folders under about 12 layers of folders? Is this normal, did I miss selecting something in the import. I've read something about metadata and how to organize into year month project etc. Will this also rearrange the folders in the file?

    Before getting into the heart of the response, let's take a step back for a minute. I don't want anything catastrophic to happen to your original images, so before anything else, you need to make sure you have a true backup of your master images. Once you are certain that your original images are secure, we can proceed. I hope that you have been making backups of your original images, and that the only place they reside is not in the iPhoto library on your internal disk. You should have either a backup of the images on an external drive (multiple backups on multiple drives in multiple locations would be even better, but more on backup strategies at another time), or at the very least, a backup of the iPhoto library on an external drive.
    The reason I mention this, is that I am a bit uncomfortable hearing that you are deleting anything, duplicates or not, without truly knowing what you are doing. The worst case scenario should be that completing this transfer takes more time than you would like. It would be catastrophic for you to lose your image files, so please, please, please make sure everything is backed up.
    Once that is done, we can restart this thread.
    Okay, so moving on, I'd like to know how you went about importing your iPhoto library into Aperture. In Aperture did you goto File -> Import -> iPhoto Library, or File -> Import - Show iPhoto Browser? If you imported the first way, i.e. the iPhoto Library, a dialogue box would have come up giving you a number of options. You would have been given option such as, "Import Folders as" where you could have selected things such as Projects and Albums, etc. Next, it would have asked you where you want to store the files - in the Aperture Library, in their current location, or a location of your choosing. Depending on what you might have chosen here could help answer your question as to where those files are. You would have also been given the option to either move the files (in which case, the image files would be permanently moved from the iPhoto folder to your newly created Aperture folder) or to copy the files (in which case you would have duplicates - one in your iPhoto folder and a new one in your Aperture folder). You would next have the option to instruct Aperture not to import duplicates if you so desired. You would then have been given the naming options...
    It doesn't sound like you took this route, but instead chose the second option where you opened the iPhoto Browser. From there, you might have dragged your images into Aperture, but unless your dragged them in folder by folder, you really wouldn't have any organization at all. You would no projects or folders, but rather an image library of referenced images that are potentially not of a very high quality depending on your settings. By default, Aperture creates previews that are half the size of the original JPEG image. You can change all of this in the settings, but this is for another discussion.
    My advice to you at this point is to start again, so long as you know everything is backed up and you are certain that you have backups of your original files. If you are sure of this, I would delete the Aperture Library. Out of curiosity, I would be interested to know the method you took to import your images into Aperture in the first place. Once that is deleted, you can open Aperture and start again. I would be happy to walk you through it.
    A few words on the rest of your post.
    1. A referenced library means that everything is stored in the Aperture library except the master file. The master (or original image file) is stored in a location of your choosing. Everything else is still stored in the Aperture library, and this includes edit instructions to images, previews (should you generate them, which you shouls), etc. Most people who choose to run Aperture as a referenced library, keep their master images on an external disk. This allows them to have immediate access to images and their folder structure. I would still recommend a managed library, as for what you seem to want to do, a managed library would be much easier for you.
    Before moving on, I want to mention a bit about the Aperture Library (and iPhoto Library) folders. While you can access them, you really shouldn't go in to them. Apple allows you access to them, but there really is no reason you should ever have to go into them. Therefore, when you mention the bit about right clicking on the Aperture Library in the finder and click "show content files" you really shouldn't be (nor need to be) doing this. Aperture manages this folder for you and you really shouldn't concern yourself with the organization, structure or hierarchy of things. There are other items in that folder aside from the masters, such as Thumbnails, Previews, instructions, etc... If you need access to an image, everything can (and should) be done right from within Aperture itself. This goes for iPhoto as well. I believe that Aperture and iPhoto keep your masters organized by date, so you might see a folder named 2009 and inside of that, different folders with a number from 1 to 12 signifying images that were taken in a certain month and inside of that days from 1 to 30(1) for the images taken on those days. This is the way that the Aperture and iPhoto library keep your masters, but in no way, shape or form does this mean that it is how you have to organize your library.
    Of course, if you want to you can as that is a personal preference. In any case, it is very easy to do that, but it won't necessarily happy automatically.
    Getting back to what you need to do, is better understand how your computer holds and stores images versus how you can organize them in Aperture. When you start talking about going into the iPhoto and Aperture folders and digging around looking at and trying to find images, you are in for a lot of trouble. This is not the way to do this.
    In trying to keep this simple without trying to explain every nuance and detail of how Aperture works and what you can do with it, we first need to set up your Aperture library. As I mentioned, I would trash the Aperture library you created and just start again. You can either import the Aperture Library as I mentioned above and make sure of the import parameters that Aperture gives to you. Another option is to export all of your original images from iPhoto into a folder system that makes sense to you on your desktop or external drive and then import them into Aperture in the ways that I described above.
    Since this is getting very long and winded, I'm going to stop here to see if you are following me and understand what to do next. If so, we can proceed with more detailed instructions moving forward. This will include how to organize the Aperture library based on what makes sense to you (and this does not mean going into the Aperture Library folder. I will reiterate that you will never need to go in there, and shouldn't go in there). We can also talk about naming files. You have different options - a master name and version names. You really have so many different options and it is all non-destructive so you can really customize to your hearts content without worrying about it. Okay, let me know if you understand what to do next, or if you are totally confused.

  • Duplicating an existing Aperture Library on another machine: problem unsolved

    I'm trying to duplicate one existing A3 library onto another machine. It's not working: the folder structure is different there. My aim is to be able to work with a duplicate library on the other machine in another location. Images are referenced, not managed.
    I copied the Aperture library and the image folders. But the projects in A3 are not showing up as they do on the original machine. I assumed these are embedded in the Ap. library. Are they stored in another setting? I haven't tried copying over the Aperture folder in the Application Support folder, which contains Metadata sets and other things that look promising (esp: FileFolderPresets). Would that be the key? Nor have I copied over preferences.
    Any tips appreciated. Haven't seen a good answer on this site yet. Thanks.

    If by reconnected the masters you mean "Relocate Masters": no. First, what's different is that the Project structure is missing/not showing. Or rather (oddly) only up through April (Dec-April); I had A3 going on the 2nd machine a while ago and seemed to have the projects intact (same as on machine 1), good thru April. Now I need to update through June. None of the later months are showing.
    Relocating Masters would not, I think, reproducing the Projects hierarchy, which is also what I need (and I don't think—I need to check—that my images are unreferenced, but they may be).
    I read somewhere that you need to export Projects (https://discussions.apple.com/message/1837335#1837335, Ian Wood's contribution). But I don't know if you can export sets of Projects, and whether that's even the right way to go when dealing with several months (I organize months as Projects, and occasionally have interspersed events labeled as Projects, like Graduation).

  • Having trouble backing up Aperture Library to an external hard drive

    I'm using a brand new 27" imac and simply trying to back up my Aperture Library from my finder menu to my external drive. My Aperture Library currently is about 65gb. The file starts transferring (takes about an hour), and about 2/3 of the way through it, I get an error message that states "The operation can’t be completed because an item with the name “Aperture Library” already exists." The operation stops, and the file size of my Aperture Library on my external drive ends up about 45mb approx, only partially transferred, so not a full backup. Happens every time. I have deleted everything and reformatted my external drive and still get the same message. When I try to create a vault and back it up on my external drive, I get an immediate error that states "The new vault could not be created because the file system of the destination volume is unsupported". Any ideas how to address this? All I really want to do is have an off-site backup of my full Aperture library.

    You will have this problem using that format, the Library needs to be on a disk formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled). You can reformat the drive. Or you could try creating a disk image formatted correctly and putting the library on that, then storing that on the MS format drive.



    Find the old Aperture library in the Finder and double click it to launch Aperture with that library set to the default.
    And check your caps look key.  It appears to be stuck.

Maybe you are looking for

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