Export iCal to Entourage

Hi there
I have been using iCal for several months now but am tired of its limitations and have just purchased Entourage 2004 for integtared calendar and email etc.
I can't figure out how to export the whole iCal calandar to Entourage. I manage to do one event at a time by using the EXPORT function, but this would take forever..
Can anyone help? Thanks

Mark, did you ever find a way to do this? I want to do the same thing, with a twist. The twist is, I want to go from Palm Desktop to Entourage calendar, but I think I can get from PD to iCal, its just the part that you want that I am interested in too. Let me know if you have a solution, please.

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    Here's the fix! Go to Entourage and do a file/export and select the radio button "Items to an Entourage archive", then check mark ONLY the "Local Calendar Events" check box. Click the arrow at the bottom left, then check the radio button "Yes, delete items belonging to another project or category". NOTE: All your calendar events are still in iCal, and on your iPhone! Clicke the arrow and go through the process of archiving and deleting events from your Entourage Calendar file - you will settings disappearing from Entourage if you have the calendar open. Do a sync! After this sync check to see if you have two Entourage Calendars in iCal (I did) and delete the one that is empty. The other one remaining is your main Calendar info from Entourage. NOTE: One good thing about this methodology of using Apples iCal and Address book apps to transport data between the iPhone and Entourage is that you always have a back up in those Apps! When I deleted the empty duplicate Entourage calendar in iCal, all the information synced between iCal and Entourage restoring by empty Entourage calendar. Then I synced the iPhone in iTunes and all was back to normal. NOTE: Be sure you have the HOME and Entourage checkboxes checked in your info/calendars section as described in the original syncing with iPhone and Entourage instructions on the Apple website. NOTE: In my case contacts was no affected, only calendar events. Also, syncing was happening between the iPhone and iCal just fine, but not between iCal and Entourage. I'm sure there may be variances of this issue... but it looks like the best overall fix is to export your Entourage calendar event and delete at the same time, then delete that duplicated Entourage Calendar in iCal, and go from there. NOTE: When I did a global sync I ended up with 177 new contacts that were duplicate of two different email messages that somehow got converted to contacts and ended up in my iPhone. The fix for that was to select them all in Entourage and delete them then do another sync, then ALL was back to normal. I am now HAPPY AGAIN! Carl

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    Hello, Julian, original macrat and LizKual ~
    I have the same problem as macrat and Liz.  Syncing (I'm not talking about iSync; I'm talking about Sync Services) between Entourage 2008 and iCal was working just fine until March 16.
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    You might try following this tutorial in order to get a copy of your current library reduced to just those photos that are in your book and those that you want which would not be on your iMac: iP08 - Archiving an iPhoto Book for Editing and/or Ordering at a Later Date. If you find you need photos from your iMac library you can use  iPhoto Library Manager to copy them via an album to the book library.
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    Can you give a bit more information about what you've done? When you say you have gone back to iCal and changed all your stuff to the Entourage calendar, do you mean that you changed individual events to the Entourage calendar in iCal. Does that mean this is the only calendar left in iCal?
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    2) ensure the calendar name in iCal is "Entourage"
    3) go to Entourage preferences and untick "synchronise events & tasks with iCal"
    4) quit Entourage, open Entourage and tick "synchronise events & tasks with iCal" again
    5) you will be asked before it syncs how you wish the sync to occur and you should select to have iCal override Entourage.
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